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Post Girls Band Cry stuff here.
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Why do so many people draw Subaru acting as if she was older than Nina?
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Sorawo is apparently only interested in lesbian competitive intercourse between the two competing drummers and is not interested in the rest of MyGO and TogeToge doing each other.
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Love triangle for S2?
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Is this heresy or the one true faith?
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Hina: 一定要现在回复吗?
Nina: 那可是桃香姐!
Hina: ……
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With this finger I will...
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English translation of the twitter video by @Catowjeemson linked in the prior thread.
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Cute video. I like Tomo's reactions to everything lol.
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best ship in the show
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Nina=Muad Dib
Momoka= Princess Irulan?

Send all the Great Music Lables to Paradise?
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>So what are you saying?
>That I was wrong to have sex with everyone behind the others' backs?

>cheater (on shirt)
So she did everyone INCLUDING the bassist?
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It's 2024, there's not nearly as much stigma to fucking bassists as there used to be.
This is BS and you know it.
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With two of the band now on 'indefinite' hiatus, has TogeToge ended even before it began?
trust the plan

Anyone gonna buy this?
Don’t like that dudes way of drawing Momoka.
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Should I? It's just a novel.
There are illustrations in it.
I'll buy it then
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the fuck, the OG girl band ship had a bassist in it
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"Nice Boat"
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Let's hope for more doujin translations
>comparing mint choco ice cream to toothpaste
this artist doesn't brush their fucking teeth
Maybe jap tothpaste tastes different, ever thought of that?
my brother in christ if jap toothpaste tasted close to mint choco ice cream I'd be importing that shit, cost be damned
I had so many friends growing up that made fun of me for liking mint choco ice cream and said it tasted like toothpaste because they didn't like the taste of mint. I don't get it at all. Like what the hell kind of toothpaste are you guys using?
Ultra heresy
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when will we get justice for subaru?
Designated third wheel
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Best guess how Nina and Momoka would spill their drinks AND bang their heads together like this...
and then either Soobs or Rupa draw a heart around them afterward.
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>implied cock
Go away and stay away
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idk chief, the artist is just a bit of a nutcase
That artist is a weirdo. Like good for them I guess that they're making stuff, but what they make is something I'm not interested in at all.

I also really don't like the weird yandere eyes they give everyone.
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I would really like to know what the actual size and shape of Nina's breasts are. Do you suppose there is a encrypted drive somewhere in the studio that has those drawings? Or did they just not bother.
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Besides sticking her tongue out and the pinkie, has Nina copied any more mannerisms from Momoka?
Does her lesbianism count?
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I wish there were more fics to read through.
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My enthusiasm for this show faded pretty quick after the last episode aired and I went back to writing bandori fics. Sorry. I can only go where my muse takes me.
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Well, your muse sucks.
kek, you are not topping, momoka...
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Another day, another drawing.
Momoka saucing her buns.
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At this point, I almost want to commission her to do something. She made a post earlier today asking for art ideas.
Why did you guys recomend this show to me it's just a bunch of girls being cunts to each other and arguing. If I wanted to see that I could just go into the city on a saturday night... I'm 8 eps in and not a hint of yuri.
>it's just a bunch of girls being cunts to each other and arguing
Perfect fit for /u/.
>just a bunch of girls being cunts to each other and arguing
But enough about the board. Discuss GBC
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Tracksuit maids?
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This is the start of Nina's plan to get Momoka to wear ridiculous clothes.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Adidas has gone too far.
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Sixty, thats 60, pages.
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Better late than never, I guess!
Woah, NinaMomo honeymoon spin-off announcement soon. Can't wait.
Is it actually happening?
Will it revive subs drama?
What if it's just the same subs from Catchplay?

Either way, I'm excited for a rewatch.
imagine dubs drama
What is she doing
new interview by Hanada (the writer):

Kinda worried about and really hate the part at the end where, when asked about what she would want to include in a sequel, she says she wants to write a story where Nina is seduced by an "ikemen" and goes to his house, seemingly all for a setup to a joke where she ends up fighting him or something. (I hope I'm reading that part wrong my jap isn't great)
Rereading it is even worse actually. Makes it seem like they want to write a story in the sequel where Nina is seduced by a guy, goes to his house, is assaulted by him, and has to defend herself, and all of this is presented in somewhat comedic light.
Looks like this is actually potentially a big deal, the tweet about the interview on twitter has hundreds of responses from Japanese fans calling for the authors head over his "disgusting rape fantasies".
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I don't need to worry about this because it hasn't happened, it won't happen, it's not canon, and people are calling out the writer for being a moron.
However I'll wait for a proper translation to see the rest of the interview, I think I saw Rupa being mentioned a few times.
I'm more concerned about the bond between Momoka and Nina being compared to that of a dad and elder son.
I believe in 'death of the author' and all, but if he's in charge of writing for any kind of sequel, the confession being romantic and them actually being dating now could easily end up being proven wrong.
All it takes is an "I've never dated" line, or either of them showing romantic interest for anyone.
He said he thought of the group dynamic like a family, not that any pair's bond is like that.
Call me deluded but I think not making it Yuri would kill the licence.
Ive never seen much non Yuri art aside from solo stuff (not that I search them) unlike say Lycoris.

Also you can count on the japanese to rather kill a licenxe that have two girl say "we love each other"
>could easily end up being proven wrong
That's literally always the case for any headcanon you make about anything.
If you're afraid of being proven wrong with your shipping, only watch yuri manga adaptations, otherwise you'll have to count on the awareness of the creators to not contradict popular interpretations, even if they weren't intended.
And unless it's a love story, nip works rarely ever straight up confirm or deny anything romance-wise, so you can easily work around what could happen:
>I've never dated anyone
She meant she'd never dated anyone before.
>shows romantic interest for anyone
It's admiration.
>I'm not interested in anyone right now
She's keeping it a secret.
>I don't care about romance
She's in denial.
Yeah, sorry, but if I have to delude myself to that extent I'd rather just forget all about it, it was hard enough to muster the mental gymnastics necessary to justify the lack of a proper outcome for the confession.
>you'll have to count on the awareness of the creators to not contradict popular interpretations
Looks like they're being very aware as it is.
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>Nina is seduced by an "ikemen"
I think I've heard this song before
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A lot of people are drawing Nina with tentacles, why? Did any of the Toges said something or...?
just this

come on, it's not that hard to understand and it's also completely different than when something is actually denied outright, like what happened with Shudo (the "important" writer during Pokemon PM) who before dying literally denied any romantic intention in the anime (even denying interpretations) the funny thing is that it only applies to the season where he was in charge which is PM and not AG from then on.
Ikemen can refer to a female too. See >>4266251

Also, you don't usually "kokuhaku" to family members, do you?
I need more of these two like my life depends on it. I don't care what it is, fan art, fan fiction.

I just cannot stop thinking of Momoka's first time having been with Nana while she was still that doe-eyed kid.
I like that this pairing is fair game now.
Well I hate it
Is it? Yes, it ended with Nina understanding why Hina joined DD, but it's not like she tolerates her presence...
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NTA but hey, it might be the first step to some form of reconciliation between them at the very least
I for one welcome NinaHina simply because it opens up a path for MomoNana to exist
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Habda being back really is a blessing
Like hell it is.
>t. momoka
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I posted this >>4266534 but that doesn’t mean I want MomoNana, I just think they’re cute in a high school puppy love kind of way that you just reminisce on.

27mm hits so different and to such an intense degree, literally no other ship can top it imo
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>27mm hits so different and to such an intense degree, literally no other ship can top it imo
well it is the one that got the most developed canonically in the show, so no surprise here
now personally, anything canon will always be on top for me as well, so NinaMomo and RupaTomo are gonna be there no matter what, even if MomoNana has a spot in my heart just due to how well those 2 look together
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no idea why squid nina is being a thing rn but I love it
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God, I love this artist.
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chapter 4 of Debts is out:
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Its at this point Nina comes around the corner, sees this, assaults Nana before Momoka can stop her. Then Hina comes up from the other side and watches Momoka trying to pull Nina off Nana, while Nina kneels on Nana's chest remodeling her pretty face...
Imagine the cell phone footage.
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cmon what's with all the violence
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Its Rock?
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don't get rocks involved, it's dangerous
Who filmed her and released it? Nina? Soobs? Hina?
Someone out there please write a high school AU, I'm begging you.
I took this as being more focused on Nina's naivety and the joke of the judo throw not on displaying the darkness of sexual assault. If anything I saw the boldness as being having a boy approaching one of the girls something you absolutely could not do in love live, but even if we can be bold in gbc it only goes so far so of course she has to knock him out of something.

Him being an ikemen does not necessarily mean Nina is sexually interested, I see it more as her being absorbed admiring him as a musician, the ikemen face being something that amplifies it, being excited by the attention she is suddenly getting from such an admirable person. Somewhat comparable to Mine actually, she could still be admirable if she was ugly but being a pretty lady kinda helps? Especially in a scenario where you need that to be a facade that gets broken.

Regardless I don't think Nina having a normal interest in boys contradicts her swinging the other way into a lesbian relationship, if anything a bad encounter with a boy makes it look more like shes more compatible with girls.
That's a lot of words for complete bullshit.
Your explanation makes sense, but unfortunately it still sounds like cope.
I really don't understand people trying to say BUT THE JOKE IS THE JUDO THROW!!! Yeah, but what's the set up? Why does the set up necessitate Nina being sexually assaulted? You people are seriously such freaks sometimes. Have some goddamn morals for once.
File deleted.
I wonder if this is the ikemen mentioned. I thought it was weird that he just popped in, talked some shit like a cliche rival character, then fucked off and was never heard from or mentioned again. I figured maybe it was part of some dropped subplot.
Holy copium.
To everyone talking about "cope" and "copium"
So, what, is GBC het or what is your point?
Everyone's gonna end up looking pretty stupid when the ikemen turns out to be a handsome girl.
I'm not those anons, but I think it's silly to deny that the interview recontextualized the yuri tones in the series, and seeing people go "he totally meant a manly woman" or "the family roles and the character relationships are totally unrelated", etc..., I can see where they're coming from.
So, is the show het now because of some interview talking about shit that doesn't happen? Whatever he means about the family shit, it's not in the final product. Same with the vocalist scene. There are more people involved in the anime that just one main writer. Like what about LycoReco? Where the main writer wanted more yuri. Or Fate? Is Shirou now a woman because Nasu's first idea was an otome game with a female MC and male love interests? (thus why Arthur got genderswapped when he switched to male MC. He still wanted the straight MC x King Arthur romance, so male MC needed female Arthur, and thus the Artoria everyone knows was born)
I'll start panicking when any of this is in S2
>it's not in the final product
I'd argue the confession strangely lacking any romantic outcome is a pretty blatant sign of it, but I know I'd only provoke a slew of "they're totally dating off screen" responses, so I'll agree to wait for a sequel to draw conclusions.
So all subtext is now het and not yuri?
Glad you went mask-off. The confession even existing (you don't kokuhaku to a parent figure, no matter what yurihaters like you claim) means thpse ideas either got changed or he's indeed not talking about how the girls see each other
Anyways, Urobuchi also said Homura romantic love for Madoka is not sexual and that doesn't stop people from drawing MadoHomu smut. What matters is the contents of the final product, not interviews
>falseflagger defending the shitty writer
>tentacleshit not deleted
>pic with male not deleted
>not denying the yuri that is on the final product is falseflagging
Fuck off. GBC is yuri. Stop your hetshit delusions
I bet you'd love to see that scene with the vocalist dude in S2, hetshitter
>then fucked off and was never heard from or mentioned again
he's seen in the final episode in the club, before the concert starts so safe to say he became a fan
Nana with a fake mustache
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Smiles we failed to protect.
The family shit is just him talking about the dynamic when they are all on screen together it's also nothing. The only people having their world crushed are the ones delusional enough to think they were dating and fucking off screen since episode 8.
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well maybe Nana and co shouldn't have been greedy bitches for that idol money
>The only people having their world crushed are the ones delusional enough to think they were dating and fucking off screen since episode 8.
well duh, that's been going between them since episode 1
To be honest this whole rape thing really makes me feel like I suddenly switched world lines, do these people even watch anime? Japan takes sexually inappropriate stuff lightly all the time, you either detach from it or you are deviant that likes it. What about the dad trying to rape Ryoko in kill la kill and yet still being treated like a likeable character that gets plenty of screentime? Did that ruin the whole show for you?
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desu I don't think it's a good idea to try to get into the head of some SEAmonkey ESL whose yuri goggles are on so tight it's causing issues with blood flow to the brain so severe he considers any male character appearing in a show instantly making it not yuri
>whose yuri goggles are on so tight it's causing issues with blood flow to the brain so severe he considers any male character appearing in a show instantly making it not yuri
That's the very opposite of yuri goggles effects.
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that's just how tight they are man
the eyes no longer work
blood isn't reaching the brain
mans need to loosen it up a little and stop taking every little thing so seriously and enjoy what you got rather than looking for enemies and threats everywhere
It took me like a minute to realize that she isn't pulling a ballgag out of her mouth in that image.
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that happens later at night
anyways AiRin is a very nice pairing
It's common in anime sure, it's still stupid though and people have been complaining about that sort of shit for decades. That's irrelevant here though.

The major thing is that a scene like that just doesn't quite make sense in GBC. Even trying to bring up Subaru's joke over JAV stuff in their contract is a few tiers below using sexual assault as a gag.
I thought the issue was the implication that Nina was bi/straight? Since the translation provided here says she was "seduced" by a guy. If the hypothetical dude was a girl no one here would have a problem with the rape joke.
There's no indication that it is a guy other than the "ikemen" thing, which has notably been used by the cast to describe Momoka.
Ah ok
>pics with males still not deleted
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just like
stop giving a shit lmao
You nee-sans think we'll get some more fics next week once the show is on all those video sites?
One can only hope...
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Has anyone updated the DV yuri chart to include Ninamomo?
Any Nina x Hina fics focusing on their relationship before falling out?
I still think MomoNina's the best but I've been warming up to other Nina couples lately
There's literally only 3 NinaHina ship fics right now and then 5 that just have Nina and Hina but as friends based on tags.

Make your dreams come true, nee-san.
There isn't much to go off of in the official work so I understand why there isn't much of these
>Make your dreams come true, nee-san.
I have the terminal case of ESL but I'm thinking of doing one anyway
There are plenty of ESL fic writers that still write well. Find yourself someone who can beta read for you and you're as good as golden.

Besides, you're writing for yourself at the end of the day. If other people like it, well, that's just a nice bonus.
Subaru got done dirty.
hey we can always give her one of the side characters
I'm sure Nina's sister will fit nicely
I hear Rin is always available
Ai isn't gonna like it
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Just look at this Momoka!
Meanwhile, others portray Momoka as a pathetic womanchild cared for by her three year younger wife.
well are you surprised, considering how much Nina had to drag her ass to do fucking anything throughout the season?
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Will the real Momoka please stand up??
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she can be both depending on mood
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@Catowjeemson drew this watching The "interaction between Rina and Yuri at today's press conference" on Aug 9.
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Entire 20page dojin up on pixiv
Safe for work. Would post but- 20 pages and they are all PNGs that have to be shrunk to one third size to post here.
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Momoka picks up her kitty.
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The kiss they refused to broadcast
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@pingke_box drew the same incident.
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change Nina to blake....and maybe.
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Any news on the Nari book? Or that NinaMomo doujin?
>Any news on the Nari book?
couldnt get it, sold out asap on melonbooks
if you want to look at parts of it, people on twitter and the GBC discord are showing scans of it
>Or that NinaMomo doujin?
Very hard to narrow down which one you mean
Also I'll try to get the Nari book once there's more restock of it on melonbooks
The serious NinaMomo one.
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This one?
Btw but That’s a cute doujin. We need translation now.
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Another crossover.
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Why would Nina be pissed off about the beach?
Interesting if you like screen shots https://iserinina.com/
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Elemental 27mmk
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Is that the artist's OC or something?
according to tags it's Nana but in what fucking universe I don't know
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Reverse the ages? Would it change anything?
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Someone retaliated. Didn't like the white or Momoka in a dress.
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At least Momoka and Nina’s actually match each others, unlike the others.
Rina said she also believes red thread is a love song, Momoka wrote for Nina.
Its being claimed that Habsida did this in just 5 hrs, after seeing>>4272859
-which is official- and thinking it out of character that Momoka and Hina would even pose for this.
>Its being claimed that Habsida did this in just 5 hrs
she herself said she drew like possessed for 5 hours to make it, ignoring her entire queue of stuff she had lined up to draw already
Amazing. To get this done in this quality in 5 hours.
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yeah, about 1 hour per toge and then the whole image composition and whatnot AND the separate 5 images for each of them
on one hand it makes me feel shit about my own lack of art skill, on another it fucking gets me going to work on it
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Oh you're right, it's because of the flowers!
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Rupa: "I want to drink Tomo-chan's miso soup every day."
Momo: "Was that a proposal...?"
Nina: "It's possible that Rupa doesn't know what that means..."
Suba: "Hmm, I wonder..."
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Chi: "Okay."
Momo: "Did that mean that was OK...?"
Nina: "It's possible that Tomo-chan doesn't know what that means..."
Suba: "Hmm, I wonder..."

Amazing what people can do when the inspiration hits just right. I do like the fanart more than the official
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One of my cousins got married on the Dio De Los Muertos. The brides wedding dress was the color of Nina's hair here and the bridesmaids wore black sheath dresses but with different necklines and frills at the top. The wedding announcements came wrapped around a glow in the dark plastic skeleton doorknob hanger (just from the 99cent store) but they made cardboard coffins for each announcement wrapped Skelley.
Yes my cousin was in a metal band.
No it’s also their jewels and gloves. Looks like they’re getting married to each other.
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This was also pretty quick.
honestly I'm in awe at how quickly this artist can pull out pieces
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Nobody posted this yet?
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Tomo and Nina are both rather prudish. Do you think that they will ever soften enough to have sex with another couple in the room?
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ai sloppa
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Finished translating it into english.
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Someone who preferred the white dresses.
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How is she this strong?
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That's too thick for Tomo.
Hedgehogs can't swim.
Bumpkin strength like Mahiru from Revstar
Composer Momoka and Lady Nina by @habsida_hpy
Already at 300 pics damn.
And only on page 8.

m: You can tell just by looking at her that she has grown up beautifully.
Just eat good things, see good things, and imagine a wonderful life...
m: So, what song do you want me to write?
(It would be something like a love song to send to a gentleman you have a crush on.)
n: I...
Please compose a funeral march for my funeral.
m: Yes?
n: I'd like a song that feels like it's fucking the people who came to the funeral.

The girls band book by the character designer got uploaded
Should we make a new thread?
We should, and using a really spicy pic as the OP.
Spicy how? Sexy? Violent? Unpopular pairing??
Or something like>>4275497
Just something that shows nipples. We should take full advantage of being a red board.
Look who's talking.
An unpopular pairing could be fun.

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