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Game is finally coming to English
Post horsegirl yuri to celebrate
Don't know the previous thread. Sorry.
You could have looked in the archive, you know?
i never imagined there would be Tap POV french kiss mind break of Shakur, but here we are

Small album by one of the best yuri artists in the fandom (excuse the two BA pics, even if still yuri).. Suzuka and Dober compliment each other quite if I say so myself.
Is there anything gayer than holding tails?

Bringing back some peak archlesbianism, by way of Rudoshiri.
Is there any reason why Suzuka is shipped with Air Groove a lot? I know she beat her in a race once but seems kind of a flimsy reason.
Isn't that a man?
It's a redraw dum dum
...of a MAN
Wait until you find out that most umas are based on male horses
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So what's it doing here then?
Why wouldn't it be here?
So are there any real couples or is it just artists posting their two favorite horses together?
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The game is pretty self-insert-heavy so there's no real (canon) couple period (though you can choose to play as a female trainer). That said, the relationships between some of the characters are developed enough that yuri artists have plenty of material to build upon.
For the anime on top of my head the most yuri-ish episodes are S2E11 and S3E09
The anime has heavy subtext between some of the horsegirls despite the male trainer. Usually it's the rivals so Daiwa x Vodka, Special Week x Suzuka, Teio x McQueen, etc. I'd say S2 has the most satisfying subtext between the leads and best story overall.
It isn't yuri
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You have to consider that this started with the anime and the game took a while to come out, yuri became somewhat established in the people who watched the anime (with the only het of the trainer being with a female trainer)

You also have to consider how several couples themselves are established by the advice of real horses and somehow that carries over to the series, plus the anime was pretty obvious with the yuri, S1 was literally Spe taking her obsession with Suzuka so far, that they had to tell her to think about herself more (although in the end she was thinking about herself, but through what Suzuka would think of her)
How is it not yuri?
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in addition to having a Yaya makes yuri (technically) official.
Wtf was her problem?
She wanted the special pussy.
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I think obsession, the funny thing is how the two of them are similar in that sense (Spe can literally only think about Suzuka), the other funnier thing is that I see more people considering Grass a perverted stalker (which is canon by the way) than a genuine romantic interest.
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I like FujiOpe, they're both boyish but in different ways
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Yeah at this point in the anime she was fixating on Spe as her target to defeat in the Takarazuka Kinen (major G1 race that actually has entries voted in) and she was not to happy seeing Spe in this tiresome mmmuuuuhhSuzukaaa slump (a sentiment I absolutely shared each time I got to this part in season 1) while Grass was putting her everything into training for this race. It is funny though how much it came across as yandere-ish stalker vibes because I absolutely remember feeling that the first time I watched season 1 as well when it was airing. It's been said before but the game has a much stronger version of Spe's story that comes across as much more exciting and dramatic and has a much more bearable version of this time in Spe's career (but it's funny to compare Spe's G2 fail between the anime and game versions)
McQueen alone has three options: Gold Ship, Tokai Teio and Ikuno Dictus.
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Donna the needy one. Also, cute Machan.
Laisu is the perfect sof top.
Somebody is still living in 2016 when the OG trailer dropped.
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It's drawings are based off shitty men
post NSFW, rebel against the system
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No such thing
t. yakuza
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What's the lore behind TachyCafe?
well irl they are both from the same crop sired by Sunday Silence, and of course they raced during the same general time period
S3 of the anime would'veb een vastly better if Sweepy was around to bully Kitasan.
Dude sneaked in a tiny ethan winters on tachyon's shoulder, right next to the curly hair lock
Lmao how did you even notice that?
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kitasui moments would have been a big improvement probably (mostly just more appearances of sweepie)
>What are you doing!?
>Is this...not something you only do with a special partner?

>But McQueen, for me...You're my special partner, aren't you?
>(What are you saying?)
Tail hugs are so precious
Is this any yuri?
I remember starting to read it back in the day and dropping it early on, there's an annoying male trainer too.
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Groove fumbles her boss bitch persona around Suzuka and really lets her gay show. Especially apparent in last years summer event.

Damn, I had no idea Kawakami is into bad bitches.
yeah she had that adorable moment calling over suzuka where she was basically going
>omg hi suzuka!! come over here! ahem i mean what's up
when they were getting out onto the beach in their new swimsuits
Why was she looking at Royce like that?
honestly not sure, i thought it was a pedigree thing but if it is then it's less direct than royce being a sire/grandsire/damsire
Groove without Suzuka: Bad bitch
Groove with Suzuka: Down bad
All 3 Symbolis lend themselves extremely well to lesbianism.
The aura on this midget. Is she training Orfe for Sweepy?
They better not fuck up Verxina's story. The whole tweaking loser thing they've made her into got old super fast.
One does not simply say no to Curren.
i love this artist thirsting over CB consistently
A cool detail about this artist is that every uma gets her own lady trainer that simps for her.
Oddly nice cosplay.
Perfectly autistic for each other.
Not enough yuri with horse sized horse girls
If they're horse-sized , does that mean their lifespan is also capped at 40?
Yes but if they die they go to another gacha.
Damn, bitch be yapping in Korean!
>What she wanted to draw
>What she ended up drawing by the time she realised

>What was I drawing...

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