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Updates and Discussion for untranslated Yuri Manga. Enjoy Your Stay.

Yuri magazines
https://pastebin.com/fbRhpxwk (embed)

Non-yuri magazines with some yuri series
https://pastebin.com/CiU3N2Gu (embed)

Various raws
https://pastebin.com/M47jSchT (embed)

Web releases calendar

Buyfag thread: >>4260433

Previous thread: >>4250180
What are the best purchase sites to download RAWs from? Bookwalker's security makes it so most people can't rip from without screenshotting. Booklive keeps giving me an error when I type in my CC information. It also seems like alot of sites require a VPN anymore, because things like Kobo are restricted to Japanese IP addresses only.
Kobo isn't restricted to Japanese IPs, you may have to change your "Billing Adress" under "Payment options".
Aside from Kobo it's worthwhile to look into DMM and DLsite, check the other threads for details.
Having a VPN doesn't really hurt, aside from Bookwalker where you have to pay 10% tax with a Japanese IP but not with a foreign one.
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I'm not even registered, but Kobo's giving me this warning about having a non-Japanese IP.
It should just be a warning, nothing that actually prevents you from purchasing.
They likely assume that you'd set your billing address to the country you access the site from and you won't be able to purchase it while it is set to America.
Do you have your browser set to chinese font?
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I know the author's track record...but my gambling addiction is kicking in
It should just work without VPN with a Japanese address. In any case, if you're going to use Kobo, it's better to use the Rakuten storefront (both websites are linked), otherwise you'll miss the frequent sales and the discount coupons.

holy shit i've been scammed for all these years...
Rakuten doesn't support any of my payment options while I can purchase gift cards for Kobo with cash.
Have you tried entering a JP billing address?
For some time they did actually block foreign cards, but I wrote a message to support and they unlocked mine. I was already a regular customer for years though. This itself was years ago too, so no idea whether that restriction still kicks in sometimes or not.
>the discount coupons
I'm still mad they nerfed bulk purchase coupons, it used to be 20% for over 5k yen purchases (which covered the difference between Rakuten and Amazon prices and then some), now it's just 10%, and more sales are now coupon sales that don't stack with the bulk purchase coupons. Still the best storefront though, considering untouched epubs and easy-to-remove DRM.
I don't have a credit card.
Time to get emotionally invested in this <1% ship.
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>IDOLxIDOL story

Pretty sure we all knew it was going to be her.
(waiting warmly for this series to be gay again)
Probably in epilogue when the idol group retire. Ariasama would never allow potential romance drama to ruin her idol group.
Sayoko looks like a saint now compared to the hardcore pervert bitch.
Bulimia and tongue piercing seems like a bad combination.
">I'm the best singer bitches. But I don't feel like singing."
>"Bye faggots. Don't groom my little sis too hard."

Yuri is so based.
She is born to dance
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It’s okay, judging by her dating history Hina probably can’t get off if she isn’t being abused.
which one is this?
It's like the eupho anime without the things like the movie and shit, so anon is safe.
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What what?
Why did they age regress
Why not? Both characters had flashbacks to their younger days, even when they never met back then.
It's just a common visual gimmick you see in a lot of stuff, including anime openings and endings, just a way to contrast their most pure selfs with who they are now, basically it just looks cute.
>young Meguru
That child is a succubus.
I am pretty sure she is too young in this picture, like 6 or 7
I’ll just wait until it ends
Don’t want to get myself invested in anything by her
Isn't that appropriate for the age difference?
Meguru is 16 while Kasane is 26 and in that image Kasane is in high school.
Beautiful girlship on display here.
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Eri keeps on swallowing that yuripill
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I liked it
Will the pill save them...
Anyone wants a Sca-Di-esque yuri? https://bigcomics.jp/episodes/89e3fc5e40851
That was a fun little read, thanks for sharing
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It's so over.
>me and Tsumu
>Shuri and Ibuki
>Mimi and Ritsu
Cute canon couples. Also Sneed Aria.
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I want to know how Ricchan figured out that Ibuki is down bad for Mimi. That aside, her wanting the date was completely unrelated. The arm latching was likely trolling, however.
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How yuri will Sometime's new (guest) series be?
She's spent half of her life in girls dorms.Probably many of her idol group project got canceled after bad break ups.
Sometime's X
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Is YagaKimi comparison really necessary?
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>I wanna touch you. Then love begins.
That's sexual harassment.
Only if you are ugly
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new oneshot
post the link next time, it doesn't always show up in reverse image search.
i'm assuming it's from the editor's account? since he worked on both series
Didn't we got the first chapter and left is just super gay?
She just likes cute idols.
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Cute couple.
Kanon is legitimately autistic.
>this month's Asumi-chan
So this is the power of high-class prostitutes... Not bad...
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Hope it gets serialized

stalker x autist
autist is the one who proposes
I like it a lot.
Is there any tool I can use to archive these?
A pager
never seen this language before, how do i even use it
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It's a Lisp dialect intended for teaching.
The usage is listed in the github
[code]racket main.rkt furekoi 01 1 30[/code]
I had to install racket-pkgs for the draw module but that will depend on your OS.
Copy https://storia.takeshobo.co.jp/manga/furekoi/ and paste it with CTRL + V on Hakuneko. Just did it here.
>Yagakimi but Yuu initiated
I'm loving this one.
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The werewolf game manga is so underrated
The fake twin arc is very yuri and the victims got a happy ending
And now we have this spicy arc of resident smartass inviting the werewolf to fuck her
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... because she wants to know how the werewolf managed to fuck the previous victims who have different girls they love
Complete with violence that anons love
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Which one is that?
There's several entries into the 人狼ゲーム series.
The yuri one sponsored by a werewolf game shop
Link onegai
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Can somebody provide scans of the inner covers for Manga Time KR Comics?
No need to damage the actual books.
Houbunsha thinks this is a good solution.
They only do that for Kirara, the regular Manga Time releases split it up into two images.
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Magical CPR kiss in Sado Witch this month plus some blushing afterwards.
More like mana transfer.
Isn't that the same thing?
You have to use thebtongue to transfer mana
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>fake twin
so, no shimaidon?
well, wolf bodycout has increased
>Nurse room
Nice swimsuit spread, boring story. And now a new love rival? Deja vu.
Looks like Ayaka x Miki will fail and this arc is actually about Hijime and Momoka
>Kimi Hoe
The yuri is surprisingly subtext comparing to Lonely Girl. It's a mistake to run this along with Sasakoi - also music themed but very yuri.
>Bokura no Ai
Weird fetish.
Is this ending? Not sure how they can come back from this after the whore is exposed.
>Herami Sisters
Is this ending? Not sure how they can come back from this after the idol sister lets it affect her work.
>Dansou Kouji
I am so tired of male villains in these medieval fantasy.
Yuri Hime got an actual gay seiyuu this time for that column lol
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Studying so hard she had to wear glasses now, kek
>All those guest one-shots
The superhero one looks promising, yuri-wise
That was a flashback.

I'm sceptical about オシノタメ because オシ has always been an obstacle for actual developments.
I mean the kouhai, of course.
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See m*le in your yuri manga
>next arc
Yikes, more punching to do
Obligatory update on this shitty app so now the lasts chapters are behind a paywall unless you want to spend hours playing retarded games or doing retarded stuff. Fine, I'll drop 1€ later.
File deleted.
Rip Saeko's nice haircut. Time for job hunting. She's decided to help Miwa, we'll see if she changes her mind about her relationship with her.
WHO? Hayamin?
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Ah, fuck it. Why separate them, Hijiki? I hope at least it doesn't involve something absurd like Anemone is in Heat did and at least use best girl menhera idol Toki to break them apart.
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Can you not check the Yuri Hime magazine?
Anyway her two girl friends started dating and she got rejected by another girl.
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Fuck internalized osananajimism.
>pics with males not deleted
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Eri doing pic related is the highlight of the chapter.
Shit will be going down in the next chapters.

>resolution of main premise next
Ending soon?
it was a misunderstanding of childhood rejection though
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No shy this month: life is suffer...
No more updates for Comic Cune?
No more updates for anything. EPUB anon is missing. I also suggest you backup. Comic CUNE can be obtained from the usual places. I got it about 10 hours ago.
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Ah. WHY!
Goddamn Kasane is a grade A mongoloid. Meguru would get naked in front of her she still wouldn't understand what's happening. Full retard with the mentality of a 10 years old.
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yuri would gut punch asuka for being too close
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Are the mom and the secretary from かみねぐしまい fucking?
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This is progress.
No helping of my favorite toxic or wholesome yuri this month. Life truly is suffer.

Also I feel dumb for only now noticing their names make them a kouhaku pair.
Can someone explain the fairy guest series just ended in Kirara Carat?
What was their relationship? Why do they want to become a family? Why is she calling her mom?
>Chasing Spica guy has a new yuri manga in Kirara Carat
You can't make this up
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It's only a guest for now and this series has a different artist.
She's calling her mom to tell her she's going to live with another girl.
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found the polyglotwannabe
What weng wrong... It should have been in a magazine...
Has anybody here tried TOEIC?
Why does she have to mix the language books and art books?
TOEIC is mostly for Japanese
Gaijin ESL probably all use TOEFL
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I got 975 2 years ago, and 965 this year. It was really, really easy.
Some Japanese universities also use TOEFL afaik
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Hard to believe they are JKs.
They are way too mature at handling the kid and other interaction.
Mirai doesn't count as JK as long as we have no idea of her education status.
Sometimes rape is the only solution.
Kako is supposed to be a genius.
>important announcement for A Monster wants to eat me next issue
It is the anime, right?
The leaker said so.
It was already leaked, studio mother, had production issues and was delayed a year.
I hope people will finally stop using that retarded translation.
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>harem for ants
I can't believe I missed this yesterday thanks to yurinavi not updating. Did yurinavi disqualify this as yuri due to the Mc's past of sodomizing men? She literally has allergy to men after fucking her maid. This is absurd. It's definately yuri. Fantastic second chapter. I jumped off my chair at the ending.
The official translation is This Monster Wants to Eat Me, so it will be barely any different.
It's an accurate translation though
That's Watanare
No, it was confirmed by Sugoi to be Watatabe, he said he originally was going to reveal it last year
I think that anon is talking about the studio mother part.
I have to doubt you know Japanese if you think it's accurate. Even if you don't know Japanese, you should realize the sentence structure is extremely different.
Imagine a situation where Hinako would say "私を喰べたい、ひとでなし".
Now imagine a situation where she says "A Monster wants to eat me".
You keep bring this up in /u/ and /a/
You are the one who don't know Japanese well
Dunning–Kruger effect in action
Can you really not tell the difference?
What do you think the function of the 、in the original title is?
Are you the joker on /u/ that keeps making up the dumbest title translations and gets a laugh when they get established?
、is optional in Japanese
Learn the difference between たい and ほしい
Are you intentionally trying to miss the point?
Who is "私を喰べたい、ひとでなし" directed at? Would Hinako say such a thing?
Who is "A Monster wants to eat me" directed at? Would Hinako say such a thing?
That alone should already showcase the whole issue.
、being optional doesn't mean you just drop it in random points or use it to place the subject at the end.
It is not directed at anybody
I repeat
>Learn the difference between たい and ほしい
>Learn the difference between たい and ほしい
What would that matter here?
Nobody is saying that Hinako is explicitly asking to be eaten. The 私を喰べたい part isn't the problem, the issue is the role the ひとでなし plays in the sentence.
Propose your translated title so we can laugh at you then
Something that makes it clear it's getting addressed toward the ひとでなし.
"[you] want to eat me, [you] beast/monster/freak/inhumanoid"
A monster WHO wants to eat me
The comma helps reduce ambiguity.
私を喰べたいひとでなし could be a description of "The monster that wants to eat me".
Comma has no semantic meaning
It's here to add suspense for the horror theme
Obviously it's an enumeration.
Wrong tl
Correct tl
the only correct TL
died for half a month, sorry about that. should be able to upload not long after it comes out again next month. caught up on the few series i'm following
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Welcome back, EPUB anon. I just noticed you were back and got to read pic related (great read btw).
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PHEW, that was a close one!
what upscaler is this?
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I wanted to look up where this stock phrase came from. Didn't expect it to be so big that Wikipedia had the article translated to English.
New all-girl main cast manga by Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuk duo.
How often do chapters of 悪いが私は百合じゃない come out? I read it all last week and now I really miss it.
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I hate young people.
do you really know japanese if you can't flick it like a jk
The dreaded moment when plot finally happens but it probably means the manga is ending.
What am I reading. Is this a parody? Kids can't be that stupid nowadays.
Pretty sure they are time slippers
They want to use old phone buttons
They're ancient Japanese gods: Toyouke-hime, Amaterasu and Yamatohime-no-mikoto.
Potato, Tomato
Kids are incapable of proper teaching.
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>manga is in the coveted anthology booklets
>but it's somehow still ending in 1-2 months
Why would you do as a company?
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hmmm, weird.
Mother x daughter x mother oyakodon manga when.
Reminds me of Bunny's Quest that had its first two chapters printed in Yuri Hime a few months before it got axed. But at least that let me find out about it.
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Serialization when
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>female producer in Gakuen Idolmaster manga
What timeline are we in right now
which manga is?
Time to same goodbye to these little dorks. I guess they will live happily ever after.
Why don't you ever read the filename?
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She fucked around and found out.
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Much more wholesome and lighthearted than the title suggests
>Critical Hit!
Body count: laid a 100 girlfriends. Maybe more.
Is it just me or the Japanese in this is kinda weird? It reads like... JSL?
He is from Taiwan
I'm still not sure if this is just a me issue, but if it's indeed weird don't they have editors or somehitng
Oh no. Erika learned to tease. It's over, Komichi's done for.
>female producer in official Idolmaster manga
Miracles are real.
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Haven't seen this mentioned before:
Highschool girl with gas mask/Lonely Zombie Girl by Tokomiti
It was originally intended as a three parter but has been serialized.
It has the #百合・GL tag that only Omae Gotoki had so far.
Currently you can also get the three previous issues of Comic Ride where it was published in the usual places for free.
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Warning: break up ending
Why does the art style reminds me of another artist who loves angsty stuff? Forgot who it was, though.
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>next Flapper cover reaffirms the Fighting game Ladies anime adaptation
What are they waiting on? Some tie-in game? How did the Live Action TV deal with that?
My guess they wanted the live action to end to start production in the anime, it's very obvious they deluded themselves it would be some big hit, the only thing I remember from the LA is that it had some weird message at the ending.
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Which laws is she actually breaking?
is adultery still an actual crime in Japan? kek
Tobe went too far this time.
Grow woman banging a kid. Pretty sure Mitsuki should get vanned if found now.
Happy mother's day, mothafockah

Bravo, mira.
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Based Wingwomen
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I think she caught the gay.
>peak wholesome yuri gets goodies
My heart is full and my wallet is empty.
It's Yuri SM manga by mira. 4 volumes out so far. Ongoing.
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Based nauchi sensei. No lesbian is left behind.
I think the series is ending because the author doesn't want to continue it and not because it was unsuccessful.
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love rivals are on the same team now
Also Anon x Tsumu top cute
Mimi has two hands.
Suzu will win the Mimib owl.
And a mouth for Koyumi
Kirara Guest
>another food manga with random dokidoki between girls
>Don't know if it is love or like
Wholesome romcom. Needs serialization
>Japanese Dance dancer turns band girl
Kabedon already
It's by the author of Yurameki Lagoon so it probably has an advantage.
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New Sal Jiang series
◤ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄


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>four 描きおろし後日談s
My (terrible) prediction is that through a series of mishaps and cathartic admissions, the Ibuki/Ritsu team song will end up being a roundabout love song to Mimisuke, with Shiori just along for the ride.
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Do people here care about Oneshots/読み切り or are you only interested in serializations?
You can post them, at least help us keep track of what authors could potentially do yuri serializations next
Depends if they are cute
Here's the author, 森本淳士 (Morimoto Atsushi)
I am currently helplessly obsessed with one particularly insanely popular one-shot that NEEDS a continuation, so yes I would say that I care about them.
I do, but it's hard to know if it's worth a read with just a naked url like in>>4308044
You'd have to get the latest Comic Beam in one way or another.
Lovely absurdity to worry about the indirect kiss here.
>first chapter of a yuri series
>there's no yuri
Don't cry when it will be axed.
I can't get invested in them. You can't create a satisfying story with interesting characters in just a few pages. And the few ones that are actually good make you wish there would be more of that story, making it feels like it's just a waste of a promising story idea.

>I care about them
>NEEDS a continuation
So you want a serialization.
She is a witch and will fight other witches
With instagram posts?
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>So you want a serialization.
Fun fact: when the story first ran in Yuri Hime earlier this year, there was actually a typo where the last page said "To Be Continued" rather than "Fin", so initially I actually half-expected it to continue from the get go (only half-expected, since it was still listed in the table of contents as a one-shot).

But just because I want a one-shot to continue doesn't mean that I don't enjoy them. If this story never gets a serialization, I'll be upset, sure, but I'll still love it.
(I feel like this is a sentiment not too dissimilar to how one feels when stories that DO get a serialization ends.)
Would you use X instead?
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Sometimes a short story is better than something dragged out to fill one or more volumes.
A lot of oneshots that get serialized end up disappointing.

A reader used by a big portion of the sites just updated, now most of my download scripts are broken.
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This might be moving faster than I thought.
Kanon will be so broken when Saki gets her 25+yr girlfriend
You mean gigaviewer/coreview getting rid of /episode/2550689798345958546.json ? The same json is still right there in the html.
That’s the only recent change I noticed.
You're nearly there, Kanon. Come on, you can do it!
I'm too pessimistic about this series. I'm betting on Kanon reflecting on >>4309104 with a "oh yeah, that time Saki looked at me like that. Golly gee, I wonder what that was all about? So peculiar, that Saki" and we'll be stuck in that mud for another volume.
It is on volume 8. Surely it is not much longer until they fuck, right...
It doesn't help that it isn't even tagged as yuri
The fuck is going on with the yuri tag on Comic Walker? They keep tagging het series with it, it's already the third time I open a series under the yuri tag and it's literally hetshit.
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Next chapter will have Kanon too busy enamored with Saki in her new hairstyle that she'll forget about trying to figure out what Rinne meant when she said Saki was holding her feelings back and that Saki acts like a blushing buffoon too just like her.
It's such a weird decision when most of the series is just Saki being angst about it
Some uploaders are retarded, though without knowing the series you are talking about it's impossible to tell if they are not just yuri series with hetshit at the start
The 花言葉 for ブルースター that was interrupted was 幸福な愛
I'm not paying 600 yen just to read a oneshot.
You pay 836 yen a month to get a whole bunch of different magazines.
If I'm not paying 600 I'm not paying 836 lol.
not to mention the lack of yuri in the catalouge
How much more yuri do you want?
I thought this is just the usual of /u/ being melodramatic about bisluts and impure characters that touched a man before, but the current #1 is genuinely just standard isekai harem where the girls sometimes rub their breasts together. Hilarious.
Maybe something happens later in the novel? I doubt whatever wageslave sets these tags does more than copy paste from other sources, but then again, it’s Japan. The poor sod might genuinely have speed read through his twenty second manga volume after a 12 hour work day and only remembered isekai and breasts rubbing together.
No, they are trying to fuck male MC from the go, to note this does not have the tag on pixiv, so it's just a dumb mistake.
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the only reliable yuri tag
I wouldn't call that reliable either.
They just note that the creator called it yuri, which effectively means jack shit.
Not even sure if they don't just base it on tags such as those on KadoComi.
I'm pretty sure it's based on whether a series has female to female romantic elements.
Does the work you cited contain none?
Wouldn't that also include series with romantic elements where one of the characters is not female?
If there was supposed to be romance in jiraikei, it wasn't worth mentioning.
Now look at Watanugi, which isn't tagged as yuri on KadoComi, doesn't have a 百合公認 stamp, but has a Shizuku and Kokona in a physical relationship.
I am pretty sure this is on purpose, they want the ecchi audience and the yuri tag will likely make them think it's a romance series.
There's various H series tagged as yuri in addition to the NL harem and TS series.
There's no logic involved. Somebody just though they'd add yuri to the tags or even simply misclicked.
No, in this specific case there is, even on pixiv Kurou only tags watanugi as yuri when the girls are kissing.
Any average seasonal cute girls show has more Yuri than the jiraikei android. I'd argue it goes out of its way to make it as little Yuri as is possible for two female characters who spend all their time together and barely interact with men - by having her be her sister.

You see, that's the being melodramatic about bisluts part. A girl wanting to fuck a dude does not mean she can't also want to fuck a girl. Or that there will never be a different character who does for that matter.
Again, unlikely, but not impossible.
Not sure what relevance pixiv has here, that's your gob standard light novel adaptation. Personal opinions of the mangaka don't exactly matter a whole lot.
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I am just saying the tags are inconsistent, it's likely comic walker just making the mistake of choosing the wrong tag rather than misunderstading the series contents. I am not sure what you are trying to say or if you are just trying to rationalize why would someone misstag it as yuri in those (definitely non yuri) circumstances, looking at the first 4 chapters I definitely wouldn't call them bisexuals either and neither I believe any other character attracted to a girl would have more than a few panels in some random chapter, tags are meant to help readers find the content they want, not to describe random irrelevant elements inside the series. the people searching for the yuri tag are not going to read a isekai with a male protagonist with FFM dynamics.
If mistagging has been increasing lately as has been reported here (not sure if that’s true, I rarely look at tags) it would point to a new employee misunderstanding the yuri tag rather than, I don’t know, the new employee having Parkinson’s and constantly clicking on the wrong tags. But in that case you’d expect some of the Isekais to be tagged as for example Shoujo too.
>I definitely wouldn't call them bisexuals
Me neither, but I can see how someone who knows nothing whatsoever about yuri could get that idea, they are pretty touchy feely with each other—as these kinds of joined-at-the-hip combined characters almost always are.

And there’s still that remote 1% chance that the tag refers to something later in the novel that isn’t adapted yet. Who knows, maybe they actually fuck each other like in Fureai. Probably a cope though.
Mistakes are going to happen, I am not even sure it's even comic walker that manages the tags and not some editor or the author who is doing the uploads, so people who aren't as used with the system are more likely to make mistakes like this. I don't really think it matters if there is later content, it's just disingenuous to tag something like this yuri.
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You consider this kissing?
I wonder why he decided to tag this one yuri but not all the (non solo) others.
Does anyone know where to get tamen de gushi (by tanjiu) raws in HD? baozimh has it but it's awful quality. I know it's unfinished.
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Looks like merryhachi can still cook after all
missed this because it's not on yurinavi...
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Where’s the YH mega folder? Anyone got a link?
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No december issue yet?
you're at least 3 minutes early sis
Come back in an hour.
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Yuri-Hime 2024 December is now available in the Mega folder.
Chapter 16 ZenKowa summary. The reason Kokoro climbed in bed with Kurumi last chapter was to inspect her for marks left by Naoi. Kokoro seemingly messaged Kurumi's mother behind her back again. Kokoro creeped out Akane over acting psycho over Kurumi the previous night. Kokoro basically assaults Kurumi and seems to be trying to physically force herself on her to get her to go back to the way she was.

Kurumi tries to call Naoi's cell phone for help. But Naoi stupidly left it in the love hotel living space with Kudou while Naoi was cleaning up the shower room from Kudou's bullying session. Kudou of course answers the phone and merely tells Kurumi that's Naoi's in the shower and that she could pass on a message. Kudou's trying to sew discord on purpose.The call hangs up, with Naoi walking back into the living space, not realizing what just happened. And is creeped out questioning why Kudou picked a love hotel room with a hearts theme. Meanwhile, Kurumi is obviously very shaken. Kokoro tries to convince Kurumi that Naoi is just a bad person and that, unlike Naoi, Kokoro will only have eyes for her. Cliffhanger ending of how Kurumi will respond.

Honestly, Kurumi going along with Kokoro again is redundant, so even if Kurumi's pissed at Naoi over this, she'll likely reject Kokoro too since Kokoro's acting nuts and just attacked her.
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Weird how MC is always completely flat unless she is in colors.
Why are these girls so fucking crazy
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ily please dump me is getting a short serialization(?)
Who corrupted Usui Shio?
Awwww, Naraku no Hanazono's ending is so awwwwww. It was a good read.
Manga Time Original and Tonari no Figure Genkeishi.
I want this manga on my shelf but it's probably illegal in my shithole.
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>handholding with your enemy in bed
When did Shy become Bold?
Ooooh boy, Iko's not gonna like this.
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>UsoNatsu already ending with only 4 chapters
Why, though?

Kokoro did nothing wrong.

The sister's part was terrible but all's going nice for the mains.

I can't believe there is people who really thinks Megumi isn't Nadeshiko's girlfriend.

>Himawari getting seriously flustered because of Yui
>Kyouko nibbling Ayano's cheek

>that 3P with Jun in Android
It should've happened for real.

Is it going for the Gamma's route? Making the sisters end up with different girls after the whole series has been about them?

>Inkya girl
Is it just me or the art got worse? They have ridiculously large shoulders in various panels.
And it's already removing the teacher after she had no development at all with the gyaru? Wtf? Is it ending?
Uso Natsuo is a prequel to a visual novel and this run is just to promote it.
>UsoNatsu already ending with only 4 chapters
>Why, though?

It was only to establish Kaoru's relationship with the teacher to help promote the What IF Drama CD that's being crowdfunded. It's called Parallel Palette.
>Is it going for the Gamma's route? Making the sisters end up with different girls after the whole series has been about them?
I don't think they will end with different girls, but who knows what will happen inbetween, this author is kinda of a loose cannon so it may actually involve some NTR arcs or even some really fucked ending.

>Is it just me or the art got worse? They have ridiculously large shoulders in various panels. And it's already removing the teacher after she had no development at all with the gyaru? Wtf? Is it ending?
The art has always been inconsistent, in one of the early chapters they had a gigantic iphone the size of someone's head, though it's kinda charming this way, I just think the author is finishing unpopular plot lines.
>>Inkya girl
>Is it just me or the art got worse?
too busy with the cafe
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On the verge of dropping this.
>tfw >>4308734

I am going to cry.
I wonder how many chapters it's getting
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Poor gf-chan.
Did you do this, Anonymous?!
It's always the quite ones
NOOOOOO why masturbating exist in my precious Usui Shio mango
Are the past Yuri hime issues in the folder and which magazine does the Wataten series belong in? I am also looking for the MTK and MTK specials.
When do all the magazines get released? Are there specific timeframes and dates that I need to be aware of?
Fuyuki getting pissed is hot.
Weekly, Semi-monthly and monthly magazines normally have a fixed release date. Bimonthly and quaterly can be a bit more flexible.
Check Japanese Wikipedia for any specific magazine.
If the normal release day falls on a weekend it will for most part be moved forward to the Friday.
One exception is if there's an extra holiday in the week, the release will happen on Saturday.
For instance Manga Time Kirara Max normally comes out on the 19th. Since last Monday was a holiday (スポーツの日), the magazine is still released tomorrow.
Dengeki Daiohg also tends to get moved back to the next Monday instead of forward.
Check the back of the previous issue for specific dates or aberrations. Sometimes the website will also have info.

The digital release will happen at midnight Japanese time, which corresponds to 1500 UTC. Japan does not employ daylight saving time so if you're in Europe or America you'll see the time remove forward one hour when DST ends.
Based Fuyuki
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How much more spoon feeding do you need? Try reading the op and doing some basic research.
Furekoi also isn't on yurinavi calendar for some reason

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this little shit
Read the fucking OP, it's there for a reason.

So in the end you did get a serialization.
What issue was it in anyway? I need to read it again.
Is this good for FuyuEri?
is the latest Onee-sama to Kyojin chapter ripped yet?
Yes, I will take full credit for this it was all me.
But in all seriousness, I'm glad this means I don't have to finish that fan doujin for the story that I'd been working on.

It's also of course free to read here:
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stray cat status : adopted
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I wish I could get mad like that.
>it's fucking nothing
Amazing, thanks author-san.
Both are now aware Kyou fucked the little bitch, so unless Eri goes full retard, he's out of the equation. Now, what is senpai going to do, and will Eri stop being oblivious to her feelings?
What difference does it make for Eri? She never loved him, if she can't be together with her there is no reason for her not to be with him since she knows very well she wouldn't love another guy anyway (maybe another girl though).
Our favorite quarterly yuri updates on 10/31!
I unironically hope it's a chapter where nothing happens again and we continue getting fluffy SoL.
Speaking of which, a new YH pack has been uploaded.
What was the problem with 2022/8?
>mimi used the grow potion
Sheena will get raped lol
I just got home from work.
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Onee-sama to Kyojin 22

>Hinako's "Black Lily Society" (Sarena Group) has carved out a piece of isekai Mexico to create a home for isekaijin
>Elis puts on a good Onee-sama impression which falls apart as soon as Carla shows up
>Carla's Three Servants of the Demon King have taken a liking to Elis, gifting her trees and purring
>isekaijin don't show up chronologically; the new arrival Tsurugi was 16 when she was isekai'd in 1990
>as such she predates the cynical escapism isekai trend and wants to go home
>although she doesn't mention anything of the sort, Wendy's cynicism indicates she's still stung by Junko's betrayal
>Elis and Carla are in a (cold?) succession war
>Carla has an empathic link with her 3 servants, which she uses to combat Elis
>Tsurugi comes from an age predating the popularization of the terms "yuri" and "tsundere", but thanks to her cheat "Clear Mind" and experience at a Catholic girls' school, she recognizes the situation
>They're totally flirting with each other
It's not like they're going to fully read it at the customs, and even then, the plot is tamer than, say, Lolita, which isn't banned anywhere. As long as it doesn't have naked lolis graphically banging it's not illegal.
is this the slowest regularly updating yuri?
Thank you.
I only asked because I didn’t know. I forget stuff easily.
Sorry, anon.
thank you as usual
you are the best
>Tsurugi comes from an age predating the popularization of the terms "yuri" and "tsundere", but thanks to her cheat "Clear Mind" and experience at a Catholic girls' school, she recognizes the situation
Boomer JK
that double jumpscare
Asked this question in the translation thread though I would ask here too but how do you rip the raws? The link posted in the translation thread is outdated?
which site?
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With Kobo and Kindle use Calibre and Obok/DeDRM.
For DMM and DLsite check the previous thread.
For online reader sites use Hakuneko or check Greasyfork.
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Cuck idol
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My oshi
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Things like
>does this thing linked to me contain something
>what magazine is something serialized in
Are not simply a matter of remembering and forgetting. They are trivial to check for yourself.
Something that may not be as obvious is what magazine issues a series ran in which is useful if you want to catch up to a series and need to know from witch issue to start when you're done with the volumes or if you want to compare the volume and magazine versions. This also something that's not universal but depends on the specific publisher and label. The main places to check are the table of content, the afterword and the legal information in the back.
For instance in case of Keiyaku Shimai you'll see that it ran in Comic Cune in the February, April, July, August, September and October issues.
At this point I'll also add a reminder that the nominal month of an issue is typically ahead of the month it is released in. Magazines released early in the month are one month ahead while those late in the month are two months ahead. e.g. Yuri Hime or Manga Time Kirara Max already have the December issues out even though it's still October.
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Amaterasu Gohan is semi-yearly.
I have dementia. Are semifriends 出張 a new chapter?
Yes. Most 出張掲載 is just reprinting the first chapters of a web series to promote a new volume but between sister magazines it's more common to have original content, typically out of order (番外編).
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More guest issues but not serialization
(yet), if you like it it's a good time to voice your opinion on social media
I thought she was an autist.. she is actually a little devil? Autism was just an act.
I don't blame kirara, this just isn't very good, I wish the author would have judt wrote a regular magical girl story with yuri
Asking sometime to do a regular anything is like trying to convince Miss Frizz to take you on an ordinary school trip.
Former general was pretty good, I blame Kirara's editors.

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