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Previous: >>4255448
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I often forget that 3H just has German proper nouns in the original Japanese script where most of the localized script just uses English, e.g. Schwarzadlerwehr vs Black Eagle Strike Force, until you start seeing random ass German words when Jap artists try their best to translate for the international internet.
why do they look so dead
Commissioner autism.
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>Weren't people saying the exact same thing before Engage was announced?

I doubt anybody had any serious information. Remember the first Engage leaks came out of the Chinese? And that got muddled by faggots insisting Gust was involved somehow.
Hell remember how it turned out all those insiders never had any real "inside" information they just had access to video game publishers, e.g. Nintendo's, youtube accounts and web backends so they could see what trailers or promo screenshots Nintendo was uploading? And then the second Google fixed that and Nintendo stopped updating their website's product pages super fucking early, the "insiders" stopped being inside?

This is people just playing the long odds.
>Nintendo remade every other pokemon generation so BW must be soon
>Nintendo remade FE1 through 3, FE4 must be next, look how much screentime Sigurd got in Engage
>the 3D Mario team is working on a Donkey Kong game
>Retro is making Star Fox Grand Prix
>Ocarina of Time remake soon
>Halo will be announced for PS5 at E3

Leaker culture is a blight.
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thousand yard stare while face to face
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>heart tattoos with each other's initials
Hypnosis kink I guess
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Real and accurate
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we back.
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we're so squidding back
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Look at our lesbian queens
Somebody tell Big Man he needs to see a dermatologist for his psoriasis before the big event.
>Shiver gets a tattoo and wears even less clothing than usual to get Frye's attention
>Marina shows up in that
This reminds me of YGO GX Season 2 when everyone gets drafted into the evil light cult.
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I bet Pearl will bring Marina to a climax if you know what I mean.
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>they stapled female Robin's head onto male Robin's body
>Felix of all characters got the Levin Sword
>Bernadetta continues trend of 3H CYL characters just being them in a master class which you figured they'd save for a rainy day

Kinda wondering if IS was expecting an Engage sweep as much as everybody else was back in winter.
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How to we stop the choco menace from stealing our innocent vanilla cephalopods?
Shiver isn't innocent.
She knows what she did
oreo cookie.
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Shiver is Japanese-coded
blacked tbqh
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Sample pages:
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Lots of new Geeta/Rika doujins at pokecomiket this time around.
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>Senpai is sleeping!!
>This...is a chance to take a picture of her sleeping face!!
>Now if you'll excuse me...


>Huh...I fell asleep...
>Goodbye, see you again sometime
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It feels like there has been a huge uptick in Pokemon MC yuri compared to before S/M.
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Maybe because there have been important female characters you interact more prominently with since Lillie and they stopped toning down the romantic vibes in some of their dialogue when speaking with the feMC like they did with Shauna and Lillie herself.

As for the anime, it feels somewhat deliberate as they could easily have romantic undertones between Liko and Roy but there are none while there are frequent scenes of Liko and Dot blushing at each other.
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Still one of my favorite scenes in the show so far though the very best one is the climax of Friede and Cap's first meeting.
I've never watched new Pokemon, is Dot designed after a Cherrim? Does she have a Sunny Day form?
There was also the Juliana/Nemona MV. And Carmine just seems to have that flavor of misunderstood abrasiveness that himejoshis love.
Yes and yes.
oh I thought she was a Toxapex for some reason
You mean Anna?
This is the face of a lesbian
Basically this.
What the fuck did you really have for the first three gens? We didn't even have a female player option until Crystal.
Diamond/Pearl gave us the legendary Cynthia/Dawn pairing. Subsequent games had their pairings but it's really Sun/Moon where yuri really solidified its weight and we see those dividends pay off with subsequent pokemon generations.

I hope Pokemon Z-A lets us be the fastest thread in the catalog for a while, so much new fanart we're hitting bump limit in 1-2 days, just like past Pokemon games(and FE Three Houses) did at the height of their power.
For as old as Cynthia/Dawn is, it actually only has a fraction of the content later popular pokemon pairings had on Pixiv.
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Green manga getting weird
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Yuri power is a polynomial that accounts for Minkowski spacetime
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>yuri aquarium date

>yuri Nintendo museum date
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Those two girls using the giant wiimote together? This too is yuri.
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Shiver sure hates the number 18 for some reason
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>Liko as the top
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How does she attract so many older onee-sans
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Pokespe Nemona slowly breaking through the autism shell is super cute.
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It's because 7 8 9.
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Nice to see some Riju yuri. It's usually Urbosa which I'm not as big a fan of
Riju and Zelda need to make babies together for the sake of the kingdom...
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Oni get everything they want by force.
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Just challenge her to a pokemon battle
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Fire Miku with a lady on each arm on the CD jacket.
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>almost all fanart depicts Dot as the top
>in actuality she panics and hides behind Liko who has to take charge
Hopefully more artists start fixing or at least varying their interpretations.
Only towards others, not towards Liko anymore. Liko is too girly and airheaded to be anything but a sub and every artist knows it, Dot is just a bit tistic.
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Hey girls, shameless self promotion time. I played Fire Emblem Three Houses again after years and it inspired me to write a little Rhea/Edelgard fic. I'm pretty rusty but I think it turned out well.


I'm considering writing an E-rated part 3, should I? And if so, any ideas or suggestions?
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Poor girl just wanted to peep some tummy and sideboob.
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I'm just now seeing this one, so thank you.
New splatoons song featuring everybody. https://youtu.be/k2N9rVrIb6s

Marinas section is about how gay she is like usual
>my hearts like a satellite orbiting wherever you are
Fuck you. Cynthia is a sticc stop giving her cow tits and hips
This double standard will always amuse me, complaining about a body type because it's not canon (read: because it's not to your liking) but not the part about the character in question being in a non-canon relationship.
I also want to complain about Cynthia being the top we know she's the bottom
that's crazy, have you ever tried going to /m/ and telling them robots aren't real when they gripe about something unrelated?
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>That's crass
>The hell you pickin' a fight for?

>You're showing off too much skin
>Well duh, I just took a bath

>Not like it matters, you can't see anything anyway
>What if someone were to pull it off like this?
>Hey! Quit pulling it!
Thumbnail made me think Agent 8 was stealing Pearl for a second.
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at least one artist still remembers Anna today.
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fe4 did the same thing lol
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This flatness is way too erotic.
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>Carmine, you're getiing crumbs on me

>What the hell are you doing!?
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what is this dynamic called
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When you overcrank the dere on your classic-type tsunderes.
Juliana's hands are tied up, it's a continuation of >>4284410, this Carmine is a bit cuckoo in the head.
What's the age difference between these two anyway
4 pokeyears
Nobody knows.
Kieran is 14, and Carmine is still in school, so she's most certainly 16-17. Kieran is the same height as Juliana so she's probably meant to be 14 as well.
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I want an Itou Hachi doujin about them
Juliana is too old for that
You think Edelgard has multiples of her cape or you think the imperial maids just get the odd whiff whenever she walks by and realize they're gonna have to soak that bitch in vinegar and lemon juice to get the sex smells out again
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>Just now, were you staring at me?
>Yeah! Carmine is always cute

>Ah...! Of course! I mean, it's getting hot in here isn't it? I need a drink
>Is that a Sinistcha?!
Yuri on Ice, but with actual lesbians this time.
Looking cute but also wow Fjorm looks like she's 14.
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There is no non-homosexual explanation for how much handholding Callie and Marie are doing in Grand Fest art.
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There is no non-homosexual or non-incestuous explanation for anything Callie and do
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That one Fjorm yuri artist must be happy
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Liko can't get off if Dot isn't wearing the costume.
Bitches love nidorina.
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