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Webtoon / Webcomic thread

Continued from
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Does anyone know where I can get the raws without going through Naver's shit site?
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Rangrarii's new short series
"I Adore you, Teacher"
6 chapters
I wish she teamed up with some decent writer for some new GL series and just provided art.
Eh if she was doing longer series ATM I would agree since it got tedious for 40+ chapters but for shorter smut stories like the last one and this one I like her writing. Yuri NTR and menhera aren't especially interesting as a story points but they are hot.
>"It's available in english too, here's the link!"
Okay but maybe put it on a website that is also available in english next time.

I guess maybe they have a language-swapping toggle somewhere but they sure didn't make it easy to find if so.
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Good end.
I wonder if she will ever try to play a bit different dynamic in some next work.
Tbh I would not say that this one has bad writing or anything, it was good for what it was.
Rangrarii is a hero of this genre and needs to be protected, rewarded financially and worshipped.
She clearly found a audience for her and is doing well, it's really annoying how people keep going "her writing is so bad omg" every work she does get experts in literature analyzing it for some reason when it's really not that different than the usual works that are around.
Illicit uncensored on patron damn
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I really hope they go for it. Lesbian hannibal lecter mother incest is just unsurpassed kino.
>Illicit uncensored on patron damn
All webtoons have their 18+ scenes on patreon.
Webtoon site doesn't allow more spicy content especially of gay variety so usually the chapters get either take down or need to be censored as hell.
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I do enjoy seeing the creative ways artists come up or get away with on webtoon. They are being extremely naughty. In the white panels.
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I forgot to add one on the previous list.

>Dragon's Mercenary
Dragon lady has the hots for her Knight guide
>Chapter 6: p4 Chapter 6: p4
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I don't understand. What do you mean?
How is this anyway
I want to give Ticcy a chance since their Diana x Akko art weree absolutely amazing
Slow as fuck, one page per week, art is nice and dragon lady is seriously just a blushing mess around Corvo the Knight. Not much to tell because they are on a journey and they haven't come really far yet. I recommend it just for the uselessbian.
She has? I doubt her moving to some shitty self-publishing website was because she is doing so well. And the woman cannot write to save her life. No idea why she has so many simps.
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I'm never gonna get tired of these Chinese lesbian celebrities stories.
Came across Dark Mermaid on Webtoon this morning. Enjoyable read and updates every Monday.

such as? source?
Looks like master of fox bead art
Dangerous Lover story.
Where can I get (preferably download) raws of WDTFS in high quality? Or a scanlation as long as it's HQ.
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You have to love Webtoons stories.
I wish they accepted the more risque stuff or just give stories R adult category than forcing authors for this shit.
Half of GL stories either are censored as hell, have their chapters removed or cut out in nonsense and most authors post uncensored stuff on their Patreon instead.
Just finished reading I Love Amy
What a ride. Easily one of the best romances I've ever read. Is there a place that has all the specials? Mangadex only has 6
>>4286991 (me)
>Mangadex only has 6
Can't have 18+ content on an app because parents are way too retarded to watch their kids.
Just create extra 18+ section with additional login credentials to confirm your age and voila it's doable like on many other comic app sites.
Google play and apple store are the ones making the rules. No one is going to develop an app that won't be on those stores in north america.
But they even censor normal girl x girl kissing with flowers nowadays and that's not an adult content for NA.
Honestly should be given out as babbus first yuri

It's probably better than bloom into you in that regard desu
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Also where's chapter 57?
Still behind an ad watch. Get used to it. I had one chapter still "hidden" after 4 others already went out of the ad system. You can watch the ad on the app (hopefully) and unlock the chapter. If you don't want that just update it once per day and it will eventually show up.
They ad system is usually timed to end on a set date. That older chapters have longer ads running on them after a new one has been posted shouldn't be the norm. I have no idea how the author can mess that up.
i have an adblocker
How is the adblocker working on the webtoon app? What kind of dark magic are you using?
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I am ONCE AGAIN lamenting the lack of news on Night of Shadow...
Daily reminder that Ssamba is dead.
should i read fluttering feeling
57 should be available to you now, sis.
Yes, it's cute. But remember: there's no end, just fanfics. It's our yuri berserk.
Color me surprised Webtoons site will soon introduce now age rating to the series system, going from all ages, teen, young adult and mature, so it means no forced censorship for mature works as yuri goes, but readers will need to have over 18+ years old confirmed in their accounts to view them so no free picking either like it was now.
I can now just imagine how much works gonna go now with explict stuff there.
Shame they won't get back LGBT genre in their site though.
>but readers will need to have over 18+ years old confirmed in their accounts
Meaning what, a pointless question saying Yes boss, i am 18?
post 59!!
As law goes then yes, you will be able to view categories according to the age you present in your account while registering, it is you who is lying and it isn't their liability anymore to check.
Or they gonna lock 18+ category under paywall and you will need to use your card to confirm your age anyway to view the chapters as default action, meaning no free chapters in that category.
I would assume only PG content gonna be left visible to all viewers and all other age up categories gonna be locked and availible only to Webtoon account holders, while 18+ only to confirmed users who have a credit/debit card to confirm their age.
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I wish I could, sis. I wish I could.
please remove all your adblockers for me
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I started reading Drunken My Boss and it's pretty good so far.
The sex scenes are kind unnecessary though.
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>Unnecessary sex scenes
>The sex scenes are kind unnecessary though.
>I'm gonna read 18+ webtoon GL work
>I'm gonna complain about it having sex scenes
Anon be real.
Is "not so shoujo love story" korean or american? It's on webtoon and there's some Asian stuff here and there but the author seems to speak perfect English... Also all the jokes and references seem overly exaggerated for something asian but it's too likeable to be American. Idk really weird
Not American because we don't hold burgers in the wrapper while we eat them. We unwrap them and use the wrapper as a plate for the burg and fries.
I think they're SEA of some sort, I don't know for sure though.
I prefer romance, not toilet sex
This series is good, but considering the author even had to censor a naked image on Bili and had to kill the love interest in the other series because "muh evil villain can't have good end", I can tell you no fucking way it can go the incest route.

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