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Superstar S3 coming this October and Bocchigasaki movie next month
Previous thread: >>4230664
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>Superstar S3
Kill me
>Bocchigasaki movie
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>Bocchigasaki movie
Why did put Superstar S3 as the OP when the Niji movie will release before it?
Why did you call it "Bocchigasaki" when it has nothing to do with "Bocchi" and nobody is calling it that?
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>>Why did put Superstar S3 as the OP when the Niji movie will release before it?

because the Superstars still believe (wrongly) that this series is better than Niji, when reality has never stopped hitting SS at every opportunity.

I don't know if it's because of the silly complaint about the character designs in the movie.
>Why did put Superstar S3 as the OP when the Niji movie will release before it?
Not that anon, but 99% of people here will watch Superstar S3 long before they get the chance to see the Niji movie.
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Fuck off. Kerorira was a mistake
I am disappointed in the missed Yuri potential of OG love live and half the plot that was cut , Honoka was training most of her life so she could be a miko with ELI and then the school is at risk for closing so she uses her training to become a school Idol.
>Nope. But that piece of shit is known for hating big breasts. You can see how he butchered bocchi
>I guarantee you, you will not be able to recognise Emma, kanata or even ayumu. We'll have 12 Nicos instead, just great.
>green text
I couldn't see it as anything but a good thing to be honest, most of the Niji designs feel so bulky, though it's partly because of the ugly costumes.
What ugly costumes?
For fucking real? The nijis are FINE as they are! If you want washboards, just look at Kasumi and Rina! No need to drag the other girls down to that level
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No, that was just a schizo post by the resident schizo.
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Thoughts on Hasu?
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I've watched the first 3 episodes on youtube.
Bog standard gacha game story. Yuri-wise better than Superstar (obviously) but nothing to write home about compared to Niji or Sunshine.
The 3D models especially the eyes are creepy. Don't understand the vtuber gimmick.
Just the first 3 episodes took like 3 hours. I'm not watching 20+ hours more of that.
Sometimes I wonder if people (especially in this fandom) are actually looking at the official material or are just taking elements that suit them and even superficial information and deriving the entire fan material based on that.
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nta but everything she said is true
The models are just off. Either they only move one after another, as if they are robots that are switched on and off separately or they fidget around like they are on crack. Like why don't they ever lower their arms? It looks so stiff and retarded
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This makes me so fucking angry
What's this?
That's some manly raibu
Niji’s artstyle didn’t get enough content sadly. SIFAS Nijis started with the old LL artstyle and now this movie is in kerorira’s…
The movie will bomb so hard. Nobody will watch it
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My love for Niji far outweighs my sadness about the artstyle change so I’ll definitely still grab the bluray when it comes out
You have serious eye, or brain problems if you think that those two images are the same.
you have brain rot for taking that picture seriously
But I'm not? The two other posts that I quoted are the ones taking it seriously.
Yes you are, why else would you get mad at others for not seeing it the way you do?
If being "mad" counts as taking it seriously then >>4278308 is taking it seriously too since by their own words it made them "so fucking angry".

Hell I'm just doing the same thing as >>4278575 : pointing out that some people are taking that picture seriously because they're "mad".
You shouldn't!
Where did I imply that they’re the same?
Which one were you?
The "This makes me so fucking angry" one or the more reasonable one?
Fucking hell anon, this flew miles over your head.
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>hey little girl, wanna /ll/?
>Love Live...?
>Yeah, sure.
Do third-years really?
She keeps a voodoo doll of her?
She can create shadow clones of herself wtf?!
Emma and one of the local characters
Emma and Lanzhu
YuuPomu, ShioLan, RinaAi (back)
(forgot pic)
Dunno what she's doing here
KanaShizu, a classic
Dunno what she's doing here too
Girl on the right was one of the old SIF N girls?
Signing an autograph
Steak eating contest?
Candy making?
It honestly looks great, it also complements the characters quite well too, I like how Niji's anime material doesn't feel unnecessary, it's like this series could continue indefinitely.
Ayumu has done unspeakable things to that doll.
Rina's new holographic technology.
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Director confirmed that the featured songs of the movie will be solos.

The PV showed Ayumu's, Shizuku's, Kanata's, Emma's, and Lanzhu's.
Maybe Kasumi's won't be in this one.
How is Setsuna's new seiyuu? are there people still cope about losing the original Setsuna?
I didn't even know the original one stepped down.
>All forms of EDS can result in fatal outcomes for some patients.
Please refrain from posting something like this again. I honestly feel sick when this shit gets so much attention here
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He's just jealous that Niji is the best thing that could have happened to this franchise, not only in generating fan content (which is literally the only thing other generations can offer) but it is a genuinely good series, Idol and yuri anime that is consistent with the characters.
Cry more about it.
Dumb bitches, I posted that comment precisely BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT NIJIGASAKI YOU DUMB CUNTS
To be honest this is looking way better than any of the older love live movies.
The new york one especially looks way cruddier in comparison
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Karin getting a double washi washi soon
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New Magazine is out
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post a trio gayer than this one
protip you cant
Replace Karin with Chiduko
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Happy Birthday Rurino
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But I love your cruddy.
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based mods
Ships ranking on Pixiv
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Most impression posts about the movie using the official hashtag are avoiding giving detailed spoilers and are only posting generic praise atm, but from a shipping standpoint apparently YuAyu(water is wet) and Kanashizu are impressive in the movie.
shame that they avoided drawing another EmmaKarin, YuPomu, and KuuKaa fanarts
seeing how that artist easily gets butthurt is almost a miracle that he keeps drawing at all
I watched it. Twice actually (second time in 4DX)
It was the best Love Live movie, both yuri-wise and in general.
Hell it was probably the best anime movie I've ever watched. I think that most anime movies are meh though so don't trust my judgement on that.

There's actually one (or maybe two?) more ship but it's 100% spoiler territory.
The YuuPomu-related stuff was also quite spoilerly in a way.
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>Kanashizu are impressive in the movie
And so LL keeps up the tradition of mixing and matching pairings instead of being consistent, which only results in making them all look like close friendships.
I wish we got more Re:Stage instead.
Watch more anime then.
>which only results in making them all look like close friendships.
but outside of the official ships, they all ARE close friends
i think only μ's who has closer interpersonal friendships than them, but in exchange of less overall yuriness
Typical approach of throwing new pairings at the wall to see what sticks, it's a vicious cycle that ends in 'everyone x everyone', which translates to 'no one x no one'; but they got their shipper money and publicity so it's cool.
Many such cases.
What the fuck do you have against KanaShizu?
Like what?
I recommend Digimon Our War Game, cuz that's cool as shit.
But is it yuri?
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KanaShizu is good. This pics goes very hard, probably one of my favourite LL fanart of all time
Is Love Live?
The problem is that this is Niji, the way the characters and relationships are handled is completely different than the main line (which does it with the ass) I would need to see the movie to judge correctly, I don't trust some people's judgment.

>but outside of the official ships, they all ARE close friends

I blame the "main line" and its terrible tendency to portray basic friendship, that's why characters can so easily be separated into school years or units at worst, then you realize how few friendships actually exist.

Niji is supposed to be the consistent series and not the classist shippingfest that the rest of the franchise is, the anger is somewhat justified.

The real problem is confusing real shiptease with character interactions, the Starlight Revue movie has one of the stupidest misinterpretations of a rival relationship I have ever seen in my life.

yes, any problem?
Talking about crack but hot ships.
they're like the 2nd main ship for kuukaa fans, though
>then you realize how few friendships actually exist.
Kanata and Shizuku are close even since before the club was broken up, albeit Shizuku's dearest one is still Kasumi and Kanata has a stronger relationship with Emma
>Kanata has a stronger relationship with Emma
nice try but no, emma and karin are for each other
>yes, any problem?
Well, that's the wrong answer.
Don't reply to the ESL retard. His use of the term main line should be a dead giveaway.
Kasumi x Shizuku
Kanata x Emma
Karin x Setsuna
It should have been like this from the beginning.
Emma's gf is Karin, but she and Kanata are closer than Kanata and Shizuku
this is why i think that outside the ships, Niji girls are still close friends
same like Rina and Kasumi, when Rina's special person is still Ai and Kasumi's is Shizuku
or Kasumi and Yu, when Yu ultimately values Ayumu the highest of the 12 her fellow club members
As probably the only person here who has watched the movie, I can assure you that there is a story-related reason for the KanaShizu thing.
And it's not like there's no ShizuKasu either. This is a bit of a spoiler so beware but there is a scene where Kasumi gets annoyed/jealous at Shizuku feeding Kanata (the reason for that is a spoiler).
However, Kasumi was for the most part busy with her own subplot, which is also yuri-related in a way that I think /u/ would really like.
Emma too has her own yuri-related subplot, and Ayumu too (with Yuu obviously) but I won't spoil the details.

Now that I think about it, the entire movie has 4-5 story threads and almost all of them are yuri-related.
Two of them are respectively the second and third best yuri LL has ever put out, only below the season 1 YuuPomu drama.
>no LanShio
I hate it!
frankly that's a good way to explain things and you could start there, which just shows how really good Niji is in general and that they keep that way.

Now the problem will be people who will deliberately omit Kasumi or any relevance she has for "that moment" I'm not exaggerating with the Revue movie and the stupid way the "fans" interpreted a scene where the intention was quite clear.
But the YuuPomu drama was, well, drama and thus hot garbage!
No it was the best written story in the franchise and I can't believe I have to say this in /u/ of all places.
You should go back
Drama is always dogshit, anon. Really telling how this place has fallen if this is your crown jewel you don't want to get dirtied
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There is a big difference between drama and melodrama, there is nothing wrong with having drama in a series, melodrama on the other hand is always stupid because no one acts like normal or coherent people.
Happy Birthday Kotori
>...Why didn't you come wake me up?


>Didn't you say you didn't have any particular plans for today?

>Yeah, but...
And now explain why YuuPomu drama wasn't melodrama
because it was resolved in a decent and quick way by the two of them, if this was the main line it would have taken half the season.
>main line
Kill yourself
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So it's a nothing burger then
Feels good knowing NickMack are undefeatable.
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No -you- explain why you think it's melodrama.

By this anon's >>4288378 definition, melodrama is drama where the characters are not acting normal/coherent.
There's nothing of that sort in the YuuPomu drama or anywhere in the Niji anime.

You know where melodrama does exist?
All of the other 6 Love Live anime seasons. The ones written by the absolute fucking hack Hanada who can't write normal human beings to save his life.
>You know where melodrama does exist?
>All of the other 6 Love Live anime seasons
Name three examples. You cannot even name two
-the silly drama that arose when Honoka fainted and wanted to destroy the club.
-Kotori and the whole studying abroad thing, only for her to not want to go herself and making the whole thing unnecessarily complicated.
-any attempt at serious drama with Nico or Yoshiko.
-in sunshine having the group not formed for almost the season for reasons that don't make much sense.
-Sunshine's attempts to be super serious just don't work with the format of that season full of nonsense.
-any drama related to Kanon after episode 2, none were handled coherently.
-nonsense about the year hierarchies in SS and how the original group was superior to the new ones and that the only solution was that only the first 5 were Idols and that the new 4 were in the way.
-anything related to the Chinese (non) arch.
-Any attempt in any series to shut down the school and try to stop it, SS being the worst in that sense as it was treated like just another episode.
-any attempt to pretend that relationships between girls, outside of popular couples or units, are more important than they really are.
-any attempt to pretend that Sumire is more important than fanservice, especially when Kanon was actively going to hit her.
-anything related to the differences in specialties and uniforms at school in SS, which in the end was irrelevant.

In the end it's worse when you realize that many of the conflicts are poorly resolved or directly ignored afterwards, the closest to something well handled would be all the drama of You being left aside, but that was ruined and gave way to You as a character in S2.
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nta tldr?
3 days have passed, stop pretending.
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have they posted any Hasu fanarts?
Nope, only NozoEli and a bit of KarinEmma.
>You're so cute.
Still the best pairing for me
Happy Birthday Riko
Ships ranking on Pixiv
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but she posted just one Liella fanart
Happy Birthday Ruby
new thread when
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