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Magenta x Sulfur Edition

Previous thread: >>4259335
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>Good Girl
>Nemo is also going to be a Good Girl.

So we do have certain pairings

>Bear Team

>Cat Team

>Doggie Team

Bunny Haruka
Cow Sayo
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I get that communal bathing is culturally normal in Japan
But hugging your naked friends in the bath?
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[Mahoako New Release Sample] 19 pages sample
A book about bullying Sulfa and Leopard-chan (they got what they deserved)
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>Alice taunting Magenta with vibrators
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>bottom left panel
Pls I hope this isn't Baiser NTRing Berserga.
>Baiser NTRing Berserga
What could possibly go wrong?
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Everyone is here!
Shame they didn't break the pattern and dressed her as a shark
>Kaoruko isn't a cat
>Utena isn't a mole
>Kiwi isn't a gremlin
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>Alice isn't naked
None of them are naked.
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Genuinely what happened to the author?
drawing mecha details gave him a severe flu
He's being nursed back to health by Korisu.
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Alice should always be naked.
This is the most skin we've seen from her in official merch
Magenta, back away from the loli
Alice is too young to show that much of midriff
I just realized we can’t see her bellybutton. Magenta on suicide watch
Doesn’t the BD booklet where she’s naked with visible nipples (that didn’t make it to the show itself) count as official merch?
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He was actually akira toriyama all along.
Still too much
He went to Luxembourg.
Never go to Luxembourg.
Whatever was he doing in Luxembourg anyway? Does the manga have a huge fanbase there?
I think he was invited by the French publisher, close enough.
why doesn't this manga have any incest ships
Magenta is fucking her sisters on the side whenever she isn't prowling at the park or fighting Alice
maybe Magia Cyan is Momo's sister
how could i forget about the Molestin' Magenta herself
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What a nice girl with motherly instincts
Platty, I feel obligated to throw money at you for your community service
We need twin magical girls. Or maybe a magical mother daughter pair.
If an image of Utena visibly flustered and wiping her forehead existed, this is where I would post it
I'm realizing now that Alice didn't get the same puffy shorts as Kaoruko despite being the same bear species. Would've been nice if they did merch with the same animals paired together, oh well
I was going to include a Korisu off to the side similar to the original manga panel but instead making an ‘unf’ expression (got lazy)
You are a. Funny little artist. Keep up the good work I like the silly style you use in your works
I love how the best fanartists for this series are /u/ natives.
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They compliment each other.
>A Azul's mind
my autism won't allow me to ignore this
Would Magenta allow Alice to play with her sisters?
This is why Kiwi/Utena is the real ship
>being completely devoted to someone who doesn’t feel the same way so much that it destroys your own personality
Yeah, they’re the epitome of a great relationship
It hasn't destroyed her personality, it's helped give her direction in her life while still being the same person and bettered her people skills. Plus Utena does feel similar feelings to Kiwi even if she's not all the way there yet.
Don't feed the trolls/Momo.
the ? in Kiwi's brain is ways to insult Kaoruko
>>being completely devoted to someone who doesn’t feel the same way

You're the kind of person who says Madoka doesn't love Homura
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>mad because I’m right
Yeah, I'm honestly surprised nobody here has called Kiwi a simp or a pick me girl yet.
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That's why Kiwi and Kaoruko are built for each other. Psycho pickme girls belong to be with edgy submissive grunge girl.
>belong to be with
*deserve to be with
my brain short circuited
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>That's why Kiwi and Utena are built for each other.
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You're onto something here
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>Still zero couples merch
>Even the ""official"" pairings get ignored
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Utena has two hands.

One to wear a wedding ring and the other to hold a leash.
Kiwi should start getting used to responding to ‘pet’
"Pet", formerly known as "Sayo" is Utena's dog and Kiwi knows better than to respond to her begging.
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And they are both for Kiwi.
I would kill for a Magenta/Alice lolidom doujin. Literally kill.
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I even think she is luring her into her little circle.
What does Nemo see in her
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Truly, we may never know
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Need more Kaoruko bullying.
Either direction.
Kaoruko is a brat in need of correction.
I haven't read or watched this series, why do all the characters have their tits out?
I know the actual answer is because the author is horny and knows the audience is horny too but is there an in universe explanation?
Like in The Demon Girl Next Door, Shamiko's magic form shows off her skin because succubi gain more power the more exposed they are, is there anything like that in this?
The MC has an initially repressed sadistic side so her outfit as a villain is the first element that reflects that. Other villains are exhibitionists so they get appropriate outfits, note that not all of them are and get more modest outfits such as the loli. The magical girls have perfectly appropriate regular outfits. Then everyone starts getting powered-up forms that reflect their development, and for some of them including the magical girls this involves embracing the lewdness they're constantly inflicting and/or being subjected to.
So basically in universe horny.
Thank you.
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Well, for starters, she's her first friend and was the only one she had for many years, so at some point some feelings would have to start to surface. It's a shame that her friend still has the idea of wanting to be an idol.
Yea but only being an idol to Nemo
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But only by Kiwi.
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Ononaka made a tweet today. It's just about an audio mixing mistake in one of the BDs, but it's nice to see signs of life.
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This artist is pretty based, thanks for sharing sis, I hadn't seen them before
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why did he have to die sisters...
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baiser would never do buttplug play...
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They hated her because she told them the truth.
I just hope that fanartists start putting their merch up on pixiv with international shipping options so I can buy things that look like they actually care about the characters.
He literally tweeted yesterday. If that’s not a sign of life I don’t know what is
Overall I like the manga more than the anime due to many different factors, but I can’t help but appreciate the anime for reminding me of a simpler time. I do enjoy the whole cast of the manga, but trying to make everyone part of the main cast does feel sort of tiring at this point. It’s sort of nice remembering the times of 3v3, but it’s 3v3v3+1 at this point in the manga. I like Roboko but I wouldn’t mind if she goes back to her home planet at the end of her arc.
I feel you, but I am a little more lenient with the author right now, considering we don't know what he plans to do in this next arc. The Shiochans get culled, offscreened, or sidelined. They know both Enormeeta and Tres Magia identities, BUT Vena also knows Lord's identity. All the author would need to do is have Vena threaten to come after the Shiochans in order to discover Tres Magia's identities thus forcing the Shiochans to go into hiding or sacrificing themselves to stop Vena. Easy peasy solution. Roboko, on the other hand, is could make or break the Manga. One theory suggests that she is just there to give Korisu's VA an actual job to do. If that's the case, then I assume she's just going to be a mouthbox and a protector for Alice. That's acceptable. What wouldn't be acceptable is if the author wasted months' worth of chapters trying to develop Roboko when the human characters all need it more. This Manga is about magical girls at the end of the day, and Roboko is a robot. Wasting time ith her would doom this Manga and I don't think the Author is that stupid. Especially since we had this huge hiatus for him to think about the story.
>One theory suggests that she is just there to give Korisu's VA an actual job to do.
Seriously, who came up with this bullshit theory?
>One theory suggests that she is just there to give Korisu's VA an actual job to do
whoever said that needs to get their brain checked
Is it really a bullshit theory, though? Getting paid to do small moans while all the other actors have to do big lines with emotion packed into them seems kind of ridiculous. Roboko gives her an actual job to do.
Anon unless you're a time traveler from the future that confirms Roboko in s2 it's not likely.
It's clearly for S3 and beyond, retard. If the VA sticks with the show, then she should be able to get more lines like the rest of the cast. Author probably didn't consider Alice having a VA because he didn't think Mahoako would get an animal. Now that Mahoako has one, he probably felt it was necessary to have some way for Alice to communicate besides grunts. Roboko was probably the solution.
While them having the same VA makes logical sense I don't feel there's any real indication that was something that was planned out already, like I don't think the author did that specifically for that reason. It has too much root in past events, it was basically foreshadowed too far ahead. I called it the moment Kiwi gave Alice the damn robot model for god's sake.
it could also be that she's there to expand on alice. not to be her own character, but a combo with alice, a 2 in 1, to allow alice to get more character development in ways a mute character can't do on her own.
>when s2 isn't even confirmed
The other anons are right.
God, you are such a negative Nancy. Do you go on a date with your girlfriend and then think their won't be any more dates??? Do you eat an ice cream bar and then think you can't wish for more ice cream? Do you think having a good dream once will mean you will be doomed to have nightmares for the rest of your life? Stop being such a C U C K and think hopefully for more than once in your life.
literally insane to think the mangaka is making decisions based off of anime shit years in advance. it's not even negative to think otherwise... the manga can stand on it's own as a piece of art to be appreciated, not everything has to revolve around the anime you psycho.
The fuck are you talking about? You were the one clearly saying their would be no S3. You're being a total doomfag.
>it's not even negative to think otherwise
this. >>4277278 is suffering from toxic levels of false positivity, it's clouding his mind and makes him unable to see reality.
I'm not even the one who said that. And anyways, the anon just said it's not confirmed. Making decisions for your manga based off of unconfirmed (note: doesn't say there will NEVER be a s3) ideas is not something that would typically happen. And calling anyone who isn't 100% positive about everything a doomfag makes you look retarded.
Are you okay?
It's just a Sayokek thinking their girl doesn't know her place and thinking she can rise above the position of pet
Most anime cap off at 1 season total, especially those handed off to a no-name filler studio like Asahi Productions. Expecting anything more is just detached from the reality of the subpar cashgrab adaptation we got.
The only authors that can be safe in the knowledge of any number of sequel seasons are popular Shonen Jump authors. And MahoAko ain't exactly My Hero Academia popular.
I've seen plenty of really mediocre garbage get sequels (Tokyo Ghoul anyone?) but it's always funny to see people use Shonen Jack as a metric of quality while ignoring what happened with series like Toriko or Orient, also ignoring that publishers also pay for sequels or even an anime, like what happened with The World God Only Knows anime.

Also stop pretending that MahoAko isn't a good anime or doesn't have any merit to be popular, it's the logic that something has to be het/harem or have a male MC (preferably a loser) to be good or successful, MahoAKo literally faces like 3 or more of those in the same season.
I don't think we need more seasons personally, I was satisfied by one.
>subpar cashgrab adaptation
There was obvious passion put into it. More than can be said about 99% of anime, even those with bigger budgets.

>MahoAko ain't exactly My Hero Academia popular.
This is the crazy high bar you have to set because it beat a lot of other popular shows including Frieren.
Speak for yourself
Thank you for saying what we’re all thinking
If you don't want four seasons and a movie you're not a real Mahoako fan.
I want 100 more chapters of the manga and a collector edition omnibus
>Getting paid to do small moans while all the other actors have to do big lines with emotion packed into them seems kind of ridiculous
Literally Akari KIto (Nezuko) in Kimetsu no Yaiba. There's precedent
They got Lelouch to voice the assistant in Jintai who only says "time paradogs" one time.
Ikue Ohtani spent 25 years doing infinite variations of 'Pika Pika'. They only gave her a real role now, on top of her still voicing a Pikachu.
Shonen Jump isn't a metric of quality. Quality is not what gets sequels. If it were we'd not have 3 seasons of arifureta or 7 seasons of mha. POPULARITY is what gets sequels, and Jump is without question the most popular manga brand both domestically and internationally. That's why only the popular authors in that magazine can be safe in the expectation of sequels.

MahoAko could have been a good anime. It could have been a great anime. The source material is incredible and has a lot of room for showing off. But what we got was not it. Poor animation, inconsistent voice acting, waifubait marketing, constant broken designs, and mediocre filler alongside the key staff mostly being newbies in their roles and production being handled by a studio that largely does not function as a main production studio makes it hard to see this as anything less than seasonal filler. Were it a het show no one would pretend otherwise, because there are dozens of het works given to filler studios and dismissed for the exact same reasons. Even the fans of many works like this lament the poor adaptations they got for works that are frankly better than what MahoAko delivered.
The marketing team just polished this turd so well it tricked half this board into thinking peak passion is when you turn a PV for a half-complete episode into an otoMAD and create a game that any half-competent web dev student could put together in an afternoon with one of the 500 tutorials online.
Megumi Hayashibara in Cromartie voiced Maeda's mum, who only ever speaks in barely-audible grunts.
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>Doomposter was a butthurt hetfag
So these two are all over each other and it's cute and romantic, but when Haruka helps her little princess to build a sand castle send the cops asap.
>Even the fans of many works like this lament the poor adaptations they got for works that are frankly better than what MahoAko delivered.
is that why the 100 girlfriend crap was outsold by mahoako by like ten times?
What's her new role?
Do we know if she got paid the same as the other VAs?
The world's smuggest brat.
Sorry sis, you're alone on this one. I would like a second season, but sadly I can only just dream.
I don't really understand how a fan of the manga would look at the anime and think it's irredeemable. It's not perfect, but it adapts the manga in a respectful manner and even fixes some things from it. I still like the manga more, a lot more than the anime, but I think the anime did well by the manga and outperformed its expectations.
Also fuck inconsistent, Utena's VA was kino, can't believe how well she did with how new she is.
By having standards beyond "the anime exists." The art in the manga is really fucking good. The way perspective is used in a lot of panels is great, the deep blacks that define the manga's style are used exceptionally, and a lot of the panels frankly convey motion better than the anime itself.
Meanwhile, you put the show next to any actually decent looking anime and the issues are immediately apparent. Even next to other Yuri like Wataten, FlipFlap, YuriKuma, etc. MahoAko regularly looks worse than these shows' worst moments, and this isn't comparing it to strong productions outside of the yuri space.
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Just for this whole discussion alone, I want Roboko to have a different VA than Korisu.

>Roboko AI voiced
That would be the cherry on top. The butthurt this would generate could be legendary. I can just imagine the ripple this would cause beyond some weeb cave or japan. I don't like the idea but I'm eager for the fall out.
Synthetic voices predate AI by decades.
Voiced by Miku.
Pets get the actual reciprocated (SM) love.
To be fair I have no idea what the fuck is going on in the fights in the manga, even after reading it all before the anime started. The anime seriously helped it a lot.
Personally I don't want a S2 because they would adapt the "crack pairings" chapter. That chapter did serious damage to these threads, with so many posts pretending Momo is posting here it makes me sick. I don't want to see the anime only audience get to that, the community is happier without that chapter adapted.
ok Momo
I find action just tends to work better for action. More SoL moments I feel are just as good drawn or animated but more action oriented scenes are better to see in motion since the focus tends to be on the motion
That reminds me of several cases in other series, like in the Nanoha Vivid manga with the fight between Ein and the golem girl, in the manga it was a bit awkward, but in the anime it was really good and fluid.

I've watched a ton of shows, and I mean a ton (my list goes over 1900), several with different levels of production for different genres, and MahoAko still looks superior to the vast majority of what I've seen (Several are action series that literally fight to look good and fail.)
Now compare MahoAko to other ecchi like Chained Slave, or Tales of Wedding Rings
Compare it to modern yuri like Sasakoi. Even the YuriKuma comparison feels dishonest. That show looks worse than MahoAko
Also I'll take uncensored mediocrity by people who understand the appeal of MahoAko over some sakugamasters like Mappa's Idaten Deities team or KyoAni or even JC Staff being too cowardly and censoring shit
For some reason, good animators and directors are fucking censors
I’ve preferred the fights in the manga so far. It’s only when they do the big group fights where I can’t just follow them
The voice performances in the anime justify the existence of the anime alone.
Honestly, who cares that it looks a bit cheap at times, this is essentially smut, we should be lucky it's getting any animated adaptation. Fucking snobs
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>I want this to be a room that " shrinks until honest with each other''
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Surprised no one has posted about the latest collab. I think this makes it the fourth one? There was the café one when the anime aired, one I don't remember the details of, the Tokyo Tower one, and now this one. With all this, plus the BD revenue and announced figures, they would really have to hate money if they didn't greenlight a season 2.
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They've had like ten of these between collabs and pop-up stores with new artwork. More than one every month.
It’s because they look kind of bad
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Its nice that you can get MataNemo art on twitter almost daily
where the gay?
She is probably looking at a picture of Haruka.
The ears stay on during sex
This is real low-end cheap-ass excuse for merch.
>still no couples merch
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Wedding photo
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>MichikoxRanda doujin before a UteKiwi one
it keeps happening!
Tbf they are woefully undeserved, it's nice that one artist is turbo autistic about them
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UteKiwi doesn't need doujin because the main manga is UteKiwi
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There has been a UtenaKiwi doujin since the anime aired. And a few with UtenaKiwi covers at comiket 104, though I couldn't check the contents yet.
to be fair, MichiRanda has chances to blow up if a S2 ever happens, Michiko has both mommy gf and gay disaster energy and Randa... well, she just looks like the average girl you'd find in late 10's on social media
Not to mention dommy mommy aesthetic that japanese women have a thing for. The straight hair with a handsome figure. Her constantly rocking slacks+button ups would solidify it. She's gonna do numbers
Oh for sure

It's more of a shame that the manga really hasn't done more with them yet due to the haitus
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Nobody likes UteKiwi.
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It's sadly the most boring pairing in the series. Quite literally, nothing is ever allowed to happen with it, and aside from one bellybutton makeout session, it hasn't even been mentioned since Leopard's La Verita, which was genuinely over three years ago now.
Every other pairing has some kind of spice going on, be it weird fetish shit or the simple fact that other pairings are allowed to go further (like LocoLeber, or MichiRanda). You could argue the pairing is plot-focused, but the growth of the cast's size and the lack of progression in this subplot has put it on the backburner for years.
People joke that Azul gets no chapters anymore, but in the time size Leopard's La Verita (and basically her last form of development, if you want to call it that), Azul has had like two chapters fighting Baiser. And for those two, they flirt when they fight.
Kiwi needs something to do. She's been basically the same since the end of her intro chapter.
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These look so awkward that I could believe they're from the anime character designer.
They are, Ononaka only drew >>4278951
Why's Utena staring at Kaoruko's cute tiny ass? UteKiwi sisters...
I mean akward or not, the anime style is pretty easy to recognize. More so if you compare to Ononaka. No one who has seen both anime and manga should be unable to differentiate the anime style from Ononaka's style
Utena's ideal girl.
Their body shapes look rather realistic despite the anime faces, maybe that's what you find awkward. I love it though.
so freaking based
they look like monkees
They don't even play their own instruments?
I think anon means they hang out with the banana splits.
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Nobody will understand my happiness for the latest merch depiction of those two in that couple design. I wish I could buy it. It's adorable.
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>Still ZERO progress on the mutual love front
y-yeah haha
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For the love of goddess could someone please behead the j*nny?
loli is still moddable despite how retarded it is. Though technically that should apply to everyone but Michiko and not just Alice
Please give us the lenient janny back. The one that used to allow loli threads on the board.
Loli's a body type. Alice and loli Lord are the only ones that apply. The rules say nothing about ages
Thus, why you can post for example yuri hentai of your average anime high schooler. Or Valkyrie Drive, despite Mirei being 15 or Mamori being 16
Even /a/, which isn't even a red board allows screencaps of every moment (including the nudity scenes) of MahoAko despite the ages. Same for any other ecchi (not hentai) anime or manga
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>Alice and loli Lord are the only ones that apply
And Sulfur!
I think the problem wasn't the loli content, but that technically the images weren't yuri, even if it was just harmless at worst (character comparison) I've seen several images get deleted for only having 1 girl in it.
I guess they made one of those "not yuri" schizos into a mod.
Now I want to see Kaoruko trembling in fear before how tall Madoka is compared to her
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An-shim, is that your harem?
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Kaoroku's heaven
All 3 are Kiwi btw.
And then Kaoruko woke up getting tako'd
Just checking in, artist still dying or not?
He’s silent but has already said he’s recovering. Could be that he’s just busy with working on the next chapter.
>Kaoruko is 144cm
Get Haruka to IMAGINE
This. It's basically "first out the gate, last to get developed" syndrome. In any anime/manga where multiple pairings are possible the one that gets a lot of development in the first volumes ends up getting kneecapped in the later issues. Basically, my theory is that most authors anticipate the series ending at a certain number of chapters, but then it gets super popular and they realize that the earlier rate of progression would lead to marriage by the midway point. So earlier flirting gets cut to a minimum and the pairing gets sidelined or even reduced to a gag pairing so the series can continue drawing in new readers with alternative pairings.

The ultimate example of this is Re:zero (het pairing, please don't stone me) Rem and Subaru. Rem gets put into a coma because she got too much development front loaded to her. She had to get disappeared to keep relationship development fresh.
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>age: 14 y/o
a little late for Kaoruko
>Rem gets put into a coma because she got too much development front loaded to her
that is extremely funny writing
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20 credits have been added to your red light district app account.
God, I want a new chapter so fucking bad.
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surely it's this month!
2 more weeks. Sayostacies are in control.
>made in abyss officially updates more often than mahoako
lolis won
They're the two pillars of Takeshobo now. Once Ononaka is back up and running, the two perverted ojii-sans will usher in a new golden age.
Maybe mangaka-san was working on them while he was sick
The "illness" is a misdirect from production work on season 2.
Trust the plan.
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Happy birthday, Sayo.
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We're never getting a slow burn Sayo/Utena romance where they each figure out the other's identity, but keep it secret so they can be lovers in civilian life.

Fuck this gay earth. Kiwi a shit.
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that's just that one fanfiction that was being posted here
>dog mask
No furry allowed.
I would post some of the actual furry here as a response to this but I don't want another vacation
Pup play isn't furry you uncultured swine

Same, cant believe the jannies didnt like Azul's multiple breasts
That is literally in the show
Sales and popularity are nice things to have but they are not what decides sequels either. It is decided by suits, meaning nepotism, personal interests and speculation ultimately outweigh any real metric. If a producer takes an interest in it or thinks he can make money out of it, then there will be another season regardless of success. If not, then it doesn't matter how popular it is, how much it sold, how much merch there is, or how many collabs it gets, there won't be another season.
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I hope Cyan is a Jirai Kei and her weapon landmines.
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>Moms get out of the bed, Haruka's sisters are coming soon
Overlaps with Kiwi. We need a handsome girl.
I'm now imagining Utena and Momo being pissed off by an ikemen Cyan and teaming up to break her. Either that or its an Ao-kun situation where she looks like an ikemen but ends up being a complete girlfailure.
Replace the substring "'s" with " and her" and this becomes accurate.
Mom and her get out of the bed, Haruka' and her and heri and herter and her are coming and heroon
check the first string (enclosed in double quotes) again
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Is there really not even one place with the Coolmic translation uploaded? They're still releasing pages.
with the what
I'm not sure why you'd want it, coolmic's TL is abhorrent MTL.
Roboko feels like a Stand more than a standalone character tbdesu. Also a way to do fuckmachine play or involve Korisu in stuff without sexualizing the loli.

I also like the three way dance we've currently got, and find Shio-chan/Lord/Hanako rehabilitating into a proper sparkly with the help of Utena a cool storyline. It also helps affirm that Utena is a good girl who really loves the essence of magical girls, instead of just being obsessed with and horny for them.
I would kill for reference sheets in the manga style, did the guidebook have that?
I want it because of the abhorrent MTL. Being the first official English source and spelling the group as Enormeeta from MTL did irreparable damage.
>Roboko feels like a Stand more than a standalone character
We don't know for sure since she's only been in a single chapter before.
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Man, that right Utena has such a sultry expression.
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>Utena is a good girl
The fact Utena's sadism comes from an aesthetic-erotic fixation on the heroic struggle, rather than the girls in-and-of-themselves, is honestly much deeper, and more romantic, than it has any right to be. It's such a small detail but the way it grounds everything else is fantastic.

She's not just obsessive and horny, she's a capital-R Romantic. A true hero of justice and defender of beauty!
i like how gentle this looks even though they're in uniform
This fat assed cashier wagie needs to do intense clamslamming with her mindbroken gf
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KiwiTena? Crackship.
Do you have Alzheimer’s
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Look at this cute BDSM Alice.
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The live event will happen in the middle of this pop-up shop being open so some people are wondering if they'll announce S2 and add merch for it when that happens.
She's the selfinsert.
Wait a minute this isn't video games.
t. Momo and Haruka
Holy cuntblocker, who invented the newest member of the j-legion?
I understand soloshit loli porn being deleted, but so much as commenting on Alice is enough for a ban? literally 1984
do you have any doodle requests, my thread frienderinos?
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Yeah, the solo pic was unnecessary and I'd be fine with it being deleted but the rest was just dumb fun. What's next? Are the jayjay's putting Haruka actually behind bars? Will Momo get a restraining order? Should we put Alice in a Burqa now? Sheesh.
Would you kindly give us some Korisu content to welcome our new overlord, please? Preferably something spicy.
How about: FULLY CLOTHED Korisu leading NAKED Haruka (on all four) on a leash around?
Alice in a Burqa
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I can always go for some more of that UteSayo age gap AU content
Modern jannies don't understand board culture.
Haruka's sisters lolidomming Momo
Utena x Korisu's mom
Alice walking Azul on a leash like a dog to help out her moms.
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I love you so much, nee-san. This is amazing. Thank you. Absolutely astonishing. And even more than I expected.

>the nipple cover
Now nobody can say it's too explicit. Good thinking, very smart.
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Is that comic you're making on this getting close to presentable?
Randa spanking Micchan while she makes a face of total ecstasy
I wuv you Plattie.
Imagine something like this but with Kaoruko walking in on their 'playtime'.
Kaoruko would love getting gentle dommed by Alice.
>pretends to be disgusted by Alice
>ends up enjoying herself while Haruka watches
oh yeah. It’s all coming together
Momo and Haruka's telegram group.
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For some reason it keeps getting deleted and remade.
I think it's jannies overcorrecting and overreacting over anything that might spark controversy (like the lolicon debate). Instead of deleting only the posts that are actually breaking the rules, they nuke all the posts involved in an attempt to force the fighting to stop
I've seen it before. Mods/jannies just deleting "both sides" to put conflict to an end instead of picking sides. Probably afraid that anything less will be seen as them "picking a side" and being used to keep the conflict going "see mods/jannies agree with me". So to avoid threads being derailed by conflict that is barely even on-topic, they delete everything
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>just starting the manga
Enjoy it, anon. The waiting room is eternal.
I like her lime slice earrings.
Don't forget to check out the chapters for the anime eps. The art is rly good, and the anime changes enough with the canon that it's better to just start from the beginning.

Plus it lets you savor the manga longer. You'll need it since its not coming back for a while.
Seems to me like a case of Paris Syndrome, the poor bastard.
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What's this, a picture for mascots?
based spic making a fic about these two
>New chapter never
>Season 2 never
Why even live?
So Live event will happen in october 5th (saturday).
Can't moon rune on the online ticket website. Apparently it costs ¥4,400~

>The fact Utena's sadism comes from an aesthetic-erotic fixation on the heroic struggle,
She loves nothing more than to see a magical girl unlock some hidden power and triumph over immeasurable odds.
Thus, to enable the girls she adores to reach new heights, she has made herself the crucible in which they will be refined.
That's why she's -Magia- Basier, and none of the other girls are Magia whatever. She is a magical girl on the side of Justice.
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I love this goofy little mole so much it's unreal.

>destroys the yuri S2 curse
Sasuga, Baiser-sama!
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Who is this person and why should I believe them?
He's THE anime leaker. He also just leaked the Watanare anime.
It was pretty obvious that the author "was sick" while working on storyboarding and production for S2
Leaked basically almost every maintext adaptation that aired last year and this one
It's not like he had to put the manga on hiatus before S1 aired, but at least there's a chance the hiatus has been taking this long due to additional work.
>S2 will be directed by the author
>it's going to be the Akira of our generation
After all the collabs and merch I won't accept for the lewd scenes to be any less than that Cream Lemon yuri scene quality
Eh. As they are they are still easily the top tier from the last few years. Uncensored ecchi is like a repellent to any good staffs. I dunno why
I'm just ready for S2 of MahoAko to beat S2 of Slave and Wedding Rings, like it did for S1 (and Passione's other het ecchi besides Slave S2: Nukitashi). Of course, I could be proven wrong and I'd be super happy if MahoAko pulled another Symphogear and after a more modest S1, it starts to look much better thanks to the first season suceeding beyond expectations
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Holy shit it's actually happening.
>destroys the yuri S2 curse
Finally a real yuri anime s2 which isn't CGDCT.
Not only that, it's most likely opening with hotel sex in the first or second episode.
Speaking of Symphogear, they got Maria to voice Lord, would it be too much of a miscast to have Tsubasa voice Randa?
She was in Cross Ange, so she shouldn't be above "trashy" fanservice shows like this
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I hope they draw Baiser's hair and eyes correctly this time.
>"was in"
You say that like she was a side character, and she wasn't playing Ange herself, who gets raped by a woman in like the first episode.
Based. She definitely got the worst treatment in the anime in terms of how they changed her design.
It takes a lot of budget to have fluff
Very nice, hopefully they switch to a better studio too.
>destroys the yuri S2 curse
Technically it says "sequel project", it could be a movie or OVA for all we know at this point.
YES! We won. Hopefully they got the message and will censor this show even less this time.
i doubt they'll go showing borderline porn in cinemas.
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It was even worse, because the statue had her hair correct. And the statue was for ordering the BDs.
>and will censor this show even less this time.
How much was actually censored? Wasn't it just the moans?
The anime even added in lewder stuff like nipples. What could they "add" to "uncensor" it further? Sulfur getting friendlier with female tentacles using her butt?
Because design changes aren't intentional. So merch and stuff are gonna stick closer to the source because they can. But the anime is always gonna be tweaked to an style the staff can work with. The only way to keep desings 100% faithful is if you make a literal voiced slideshow of the colored manga panels.All anime tweak designs in some way. Trying too hard to remain faithful is how you get shitshows like Record of Ragnarok anime.
Then, there's cases where the anime designs end up becoming iconic and when new staff tries to go closer to the source, people get mad (DxD S4)
Either way, promo images and merch that doesn't need animation can stick closer to the source style
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Amazing news. What ever is happening right now fills me with strength.
Nothing. Anon is imagining things.
That specific figure looks very close to Baiser's early manga design, she doesn't even look like that in the current manga. Figures made later reflect her anime design more closely.
We are this close to a official Momo or Randa figure. Think about that.
The instant they announce a Magenta and Alice figure my bank account is going to groan.

You mean a Magenta and Alice dual figure? There's already a solo Magenta figure announced. Nothing yet for Alice but I'm sure she'll get one soon.
That would be a dream come true. But yeah, I meant solo. And thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot the almost nude Magenta one because the announcement was 2 months ago and no preorder date has been set yet.
I suppose the live event may be a good place to announce new figures and show updates for the already announced ones, like an unpainted prototype for Leopard's.
Hoping they add extra content to dungeon arc
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Even that doesn't look like the anime. In the anime, her hair is basically a ball. It's lame. She almost always seems to lack her swirls near the bottom, instead they look like lazily-ripped paper receipts.
It gets better as the show goes on, but only whenever she doesn't need to move.
We can only hope. If the live event came with english subs I would buy one ticket in an instant but I can't even navigate the website. However, technically speaking and that is just a fantasy:
If someone accidentally joins the live event and records the stuff would there be a kind onee-san that can translate that stuff?
Like monster girls at the bottom of the pit instead of generic slime?
Becaiuse details are harder to animate. How can't you get this? There's a reason those fighting shows with super muscly characters (Baki, Kengan, Record of Ragnarok) use CGI or are slideshows and lack proper animation. Being faithful to the muscles is super hard to move. Same with hair. The only ones that seem to do detailed hairs instead of simplifying it are GoHands (and they still butcher a lot to adapt to their insane style, so I prefer current MahoAko anime designs to what GoHands would do)
Hey wouldn't it be funny if it's a movie and they try to race through all of shio-chans in under 2 hours?
Wouldn't you just laff?
The purpose of a movie'd be to give the manga time to put out new chapters and not catch up. So I don't see why they'd rush. Also, given how the anime was careful with not rushing in S1 (to the point the main pacing complaint was the oppossite: pacing too slow. People wanted the Azul mindbreak sooner, for example), I doubt they'd suddenly rush or change their approach after S1 worked so well
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Because it's not a "detail." Literally just take the tufts and make them bigger. Her hair varies in shape so much over the show, even when she's a still-image.
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I hope they add some bush when they're naked
Are you the pancensor schizo?
Genuinely asking:
If MahoAko was PG-13 and the cast was older, do you think the franchise would be more or less successful
No, please no, tell me it's not real.
Just remove the hotel and the crack shipping chapter and you can easily.
If season 2 happens there will be a lot of anime-original Azul/Baiser scenes
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>cast was older
I don't think it would make a hugely noticeable difference either way. The sort of people who complain about that sort of thing would probably still continue to not watch it
Dead in the water. Absolutely no chance.
>aged up
Doesn't matter.
If you replace the lewding with "I want to fight them to make them stronger" battle shounen? Maybe. The character design and chemistry is still strong but it wouldn't be as popular here.
They need to. It's ridiculous how 14 year old girls don't have pubes. Except for Kaoruko, she's not reached puberty.
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Sugoi leaked them at the same time so you either believe in both or in neither.

Renako is inevitable.
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Magical girls have a reputation to uphold.
i'm not asking for them to peek out here, just some vague shadows or descriptions. You know, done tastefully
When was the last time a non-hentai anime showed bushes?. Like I know Gunbuster. But in general ecchi doesn't seem to show that and I wonder if it's some regulation like the thing about how as long as dick and pussy aren't on-screen, anime can be ecchi and air as a TV anime on AT-X (and other channels with the appropiate censorship). But showing genitals needs to be mosaic'd and restricted to hentai OVAs. It's just strange that there's not a single ecchi with pubes and at that point, you have to wonder if it's because they aren't allowed to rather than creators not wanting to do it
We're getting het PG-13 version that follows >>4289293's logic this fall (Acro Trip). So if you want to see how popular it is, we'll have answers
>aged up MahoAko
The complaints would shift to "why are these grown adults acting like children" as seen in lots of recent anime with adults like Senpai wa Uzai, Kaijuu 8, Uzaki and others. People love to repeat that aging up works but then bitch about unrealism when the perosnalities don't match what these people expect of adults
So turns out age matters and authors go for underage for a reason
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>shoujo magical girl
>no name author
>no name studio
>no big toy franchise to push
Going to absolutely tank regardless of content. There’s a reason that market has developed the way it has.
Hear me out: MahoAko Online will revitalize the stale mmo genre.
MahoAko gacha, with all kind of Mahou Shoujos and Villainess pandering all possible fetishes.

You know you need it.
>be sulfur
>have magenta gf, magenta was purified, all is well
>be over at her house for the first time
>"well, my parents and sisters are out, sooo..."
>OMFG, imminent sexy time?
>she goes over to her closet and grabs something
>walks back, she does this
>Magenta wants to roleplay as the loli
>MahoAko gacha with male selfinsert MC
>franchise dies soon after
many such cases
M*les literally don't exist in the MahoAko universe.
I could be the little new Mahou Shoujo/Villainess/new pet who trains Mahou Shoujos/Villainess.

You know it could work.
Victory for Sulfur, but at what cost?
stop posting, Nemo
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did we ever get that hatesex doujin?
Imagine they make an official hentai OVA and sell it.
The player would be a new Mascot with Vena and Vatz acting like angle/devil on their shoulder.
That would be cool af, and quite easy to draw.
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It's been released but never posted anywhere
I imagine kiwi's first few times are timid and lady like but get more feral the more time goes by
Name 5 examples if it's so common.
Yuri doujins (that aren't extreme fetish shit) are so unpopular on hentai hosting sites. I guess pirates aren't the kind of people who like yuri.
Uhh... Jackie Chan?
It's not Jackie Chan!
Lapis Re;Light will always make me mad after how the anime was surprisingly good and gay.
That was a multimedia franchise so it was like that by design, it wasn't forced on an existing IP.
>Yuri doujins (that aren't the best and most ineresting kind) are so unpopular
What did anon mean by this?
While it was planned from the start the anime came out first and then they blindsided the fans with self insert idol raising simulator #47
Not even close, I was starting to feel bad on how long I'm taking for this one commission so whenever I have free time to draw I've been working on that instead. My school semester started but it's not so intense so I'm hoping to still work on my hobby art in the meantime...
I don't think I saw that one when I made my comiket order, whats the title?
huh always thought you were a sayotenafag
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NTA but why can't you just enjoy both? Kiwi and Utena is obviously where the story is gonna go, but that just makes UtenaSayo free real estate for fanfiction.
there was no disrespect here, just an observation
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>Kiwi and Utena is obviously where the story is gonna go
Girl's Frontline
Kantai Collection
Your reading comprehension is embarrassingly low.
Blue Reflection Sun
A valid example for once.
Blue Reflection
Valkyrie Drive
Valkyrie Drive is also a case of a multimedia franchise where each installment aimed for a different audience. Quite telling that the Siren manga got rid of the dude.
>Valkyrie Drive is also a case of a multimedia franchise where each installment aimed for a different audience
no it was based around girls making out so the other can turn into a weapon but suits are retarded and thought adding hetshit or males would be a good idea
It was still all planned at the same time.
kantai collection had a male self insert from the start, the admiral who directs the ship girls.
Not even male.
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i guess you can pretend to be female, but kantai was a waifu collector from the start.
Not the point.
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you don't even know what you're talking about, do you? if you did, you'd actually say something meaningful and explain your position instead of dismissive one liners, trying to mask an angry "reeee males!" rage behind it.
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If you'd actually bother to read the reply chain and understand what the discussion is about, you wouldn't be writing retarded shit like this.
The point was to name franchises that suddenly had a gacha with a male MC thrusted in them. The retard who named Girls Frontline, Kancolle, and Idolmaster, completely missed the point because not only do those three not fit the description at all, the former two don't have male MCs at all, and then you went and doubled on the faggotry with your pedantic "ackshually it's a waifu collector game".
Get a fucking clue already.
Kiwi being that close to Alice is kind of erotic
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azul canonically has big breasts because kiwi said she's a titty monster. Therefore canonically she also has veiny puffy innie nipples
I could see this panel being evergreen once S2 airs
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I compared the size of the chest based on the collarbone.
Shut up Magenta.
doesn't matter, by the virtue of the admiral being the player's self insert and majority of the players being men, there is a canon male protagonist in kantai collection. that's all i was saying before you tried to gaslight me into thinking it was about something else.
>another anon that only hangs out in the mahoako and incest thread
Fuck, by 10 seconds.
>by the virtue of the admiral being the player's self insert and majority of the players being men, there is a canon male protagonist in kantai collection
Awful misunderstanding of what the word "canon" means. If something is not directly stated or hinted within a story, then it's by definition not canonical. Your conclusion of the admiral being "canonically" male relies entirely on external information not directly connected to the narrative as well as an appeal to majority.
probably just a concern poster from /a/
Also, he still doesn't get that this is about inserting male MCs where there were none. KC's game is what started it, so even if the MC was confirmed male it doesn't fit what was being asked (which is something that starts with female MCs and yuri focus and then gets ruined by a later entry having a male MC and going het harem route. like Blue Reflection. Starts with girls and then the gacha inserted a male harem MC)
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>deleted again
Why do jannies hate our girl platty?
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The fact there isn't more art of Baiser and magical girl Utena is criminal
Selfcest is criminal.
Selfcest is no different from masturbation, just with extra steps
Selfcest is no different than fucking your twin.
Which is based.
Baiser can probably pull off such a trick with her wax clones...
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Full doujin
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Good stuff.
Gen Z chan?
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>To catch a predator
Cute ship. Sad we don't see it more often.
Finally completed my brilliant idea for a Matama diaper fic, in case there's literally a single other person here who that would appeal to.
The writing is pretty awkward because I'm used to writing blank slate OC not established characters, but I loved the idea too much to not get it out in some way.
Sorry in advance.
Nobody enjoys a bit of babyplay as much as I do, but...
>first tag is scat
you should have led with that
Actually did originally and then changed my mind for some reason
Randa should do some babyplay with Michiko. She already looks like the average ABDL girl.
>mfw there are more Matama/Korisu fics on AO3 than Haruka/Korisu
>Looking through MahoAko fics
>there's M/M ones
I'm not allowed to post the fanart of the GB'd cast.
But there is potential.
Either genderbending or people headcanoning the girls into trans men
Same amount actually, the one with haruka/korisu is hidden to guests though
Dont think its a primary focus though
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They're all crossovers.
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>mfw anon has no face
Tbf, the ship tags were kind of not working properly last time I checked. Not sure how they are now.
Pre-orders are up for english BDs
Am I reading this correctly? That is like 39,99 for all 13 episodes? I paid almost double the amount for the original and with just 4 episodes. Not that I am complaining because I wanted to support the franchise as best I could but how much will the mangaka or the studio get with just 39,99?
It's not really a western thing to pay over 100 dollars for a BD, but it is a Japanese thing since that's mainly what drives anime production. For US it's like an extra thing that would be nice for fans to have, so they're not going to give you the extra goodies that came with the JP BDs because they're not expecting a ton of people to buy it. The US BD doesn't even have 3 disks and it's all bundled together, not in a special box or sleeve or anything.
Loco Pedo
Somehow I'm more disgusted at the fic below yours
>people actually putting hetshit into the fandom tag
that's the kind of thing that should be kept to oneself and berated when they aren't kept in check
JP BDs are usually either collectors items or sold to stores, so their prices are more inflated than smth like the west, where its just common home media. The other side of that tho is that JP BDs often have cool shit attached that may not make it over in the cheaper BDs we get.

BDs haven't been the predominant source of income in the industry for a while now (~6-7 years ago give or take?). W/ the exception of Idols or other otaku-centric stuff which has remained stagnant, everything else has been on the decline in favor of the convenience of streaming, w/ covid in particular helping push this shift hard.
>Mad Fart
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These two should hatesex more
That kiwi face got me
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Now make them kiss.
Camping chapter when?
I guess there really will never be an english dub
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Please, tell me more about your problems.
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Pretty sure Europeans already bought their own releases.
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Imagine if someone picked this up for a dub and airing like Madoka Magica got.
Woulda been funny as fuck.
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Yeah, we germans got that one. But I don't want it. I want my japanese dub and english sub. So I am going to unnecessarily complain about it because I feel sad that I can't buy the one thing I want.
I bought the Japanese BDs. I'd rather have moonrunes and no subs than a box written in kraut speak.
>even the Germans got a couple of goodies
why is ours lame as fuck
From the creators of 'high-impact sexual violence' comes 'ULTRA GUSHING VERSION'
Fuck it, just made a order.
Good anon funding S3.
>no english dub
>no american physical copy
Why are Americans scared of Mahoako more than school shooting?
because violence is just fiction but sex is bad
>no american physical copy
Granted not that fancy, but it's on pre-order and releases December 3rd. Box says it has the uncensored audio and such. Only Jap dub with English sub. Not knowing the industry I get the feeling it did good enough on their streaming service to earn a physical print but not good enough for a English dub.

I'm just glad it wasn't touched by Nextflix, them fucks have a no physical release policy.
Sentai is a burger company irc
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The Magenta figure is up for preorder.
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They should sell these in-universe
Now I want a Mahoako diorama...
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>No sauce.
Nee-san, why are you such a tease?

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This one has:
[Set Contents]
Main figure
"Blushing" face part
[AmiAmi Exclusive Bonus]
A2 clear poster

Just put in my preorder for that.
MahoAko but it's a Bayonettalike video game
I'm underwhelmed. I was expecting to see a cast off, where you can change from frilly costumes to her semi-naked form...

But it's not like that at all...
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Well, there will definitely be Magenta figures with her regular magical girl outfit.
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i dunno, this pic suggests it is a cast off, except you go from pasties to nude tits. frilly costumes would be much harder to put on.
Wearing such a thing on a playground? Sasuga Magia Magenta...
What character is most likely to become a furry.
My money is on Michiko because it would be funny.
Watch it be Cyan's thing.
I doubt it. She's all about being magical girl Dom. A furry would be outside of the character she is trying to play. Her autism over what a magical girl should and shouldn't be would probably stop her from ever putting on a fursuit.
Now, I think she would be more inclined to do this. She's already shown very animalistic tendencies and also wants to try new things. She is trying to impress Baiser, so I imagine she may consider the fursuit could possibly work.
This one is a 50/50. Alice is a child, but she's also somewhat aware of the sexual content that enormeeta does. If she doesn't know what furries actually do, she may put on a fursuit thinking fun playtime ahead. If she is aware of what furries actually do, then she will be massively disgusted by it. I could see her doing it for fun, but I could also see her not doing it too.
Definitely a hard no. Loco is an exhibitionist. The fursuit would get removed every fight. Loco also wants to be an idol, so I assume furry culture isn't for her.
Idk here. Leber's more of a voyeur and Loco's lover more than anything. She only goes along with the lewd stuff because of Loco. If Loco isn't into it, Leber probably wouldn't engage either.
Hard yes. She's too pure to understand the furry culture so she would get into it for either fun or to combat Enormeeta.
Hard no. Anything Lewd is off the table for her. Furries are definitely something she would hate.
50/50. Azul's an M so she might become a furry if it had a bdsm appeal, but I don't see her sticking with it outside of bdsm.
Hard yes. She would definitely know about all the subcultures and totally have a suit.Of course, everyone else would be disgusted by it.
>Mich and Randa
Mich loves spanking while Randa wants a mean Dom. IDK here, but Randa might do it if Mich likes it.
IDK here, too. She would make a good furry since her acting skills are superb, BUT would she want too? She is a mystery...
You know, you don't need to wear a fursuit or anything like that to be a furry, you just need to schlick to Lola Bunny.
If that's the case, then I think only Momo could be a furry then. The rest either have HUMAN girlfriends or have been relying on bdsm for self pleasure. I don't think any of them besides Momo are depraved enough to schlick to furries.
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>Kiwi's form is called Leopard
>Leopard's other form is literally just a magical cloud creating paws, ears and a tail
>her La Veritá still has the ears and tail
Idk, sis, I got nothing. Drawing a total blank here.
I don't think magical girls as a concept are exclusive with fur suits. Given some of the shit that Baiser has pulled, I can see her stuffing one of the Tres Magica into a fursuit that she's smacked with her magic.

Plus if Leopold gets into the concept, and her thing is cat themed, I can see Baiser playing along.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEYUlMymIIQ Soul
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What happens first
Season 2 or the next chapter?
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>Azul boobie jiggles
>Utena with inconsistent hair color
>Magenta already half naked and clothes all over Enormeeta
My sides left the universe. This is beautiful.
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