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Thread to post and discuss untranslated yuri manga.

Yuri magazines

Non-yuri magazines with some yuri series

Various raws

Web releases calendar

Buyfag thread >>4260433

Previous thread >>4250180
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What was her goal?
it's just a fling to her... sad
What is she trying to say?
OP doesn't know how to use the catalog edition
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All from a fanbox
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>should we fuck now?
>haha I'm just kidding
Aren’t they following that silly rule so they’ll be hugging like crazy but no sex
Hand in panties according to what the author posted one month ago.
Both still have issues, we'll see how it's handled.
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I find infuriating how they're back to this as soon as they broke up with their girlfriends after they insisted so much they were just friends and nothing would happen between them when Tamaki found Saeko at Miwa's place.
They only care about sex, it's what they were flanderized to
It's been months since Miwa broke up, same for Saeko.
She still had feelings for Miwa, it was in the face of the reader most of the time and the author even took a chapter to explain it. It's also obvious Miwa has been in love for a while with Saeko.
Everything seems logical to me, they always were far more than friends, so I see no issue if they're going back together.

Nice comprehension skills.
>they always were far more than friends
My problem is they lied to poor Tamaki about this.
>don't worry we're just friends, we were together but there's nothing but friendship between us now
And Tamaki was also kind enough to believe Miwa.
Not that it's their fault. It's only the author fault for forcing this comeback. Miwa and Saeko were doing fine with Tamaki and Yuria before the author started creating all kind of made up problems just to separate them. Miwa and Saeko already went through this. They may be attracted to each other but they're not the right person for each other, they said it themselves and that arc lasted a while and was convincing enough. And now we're back to this.
>poor Tamaki
She's the one who completely messed up Miwa by forcing her to have sex. It's not entirely her fault she can't stand sex, but she always was kind of manipulative towards Miwa, and they were absolutely not on the same tune except for the firsts weeks they were together.
Yuria was also far too egocentric for Saeko, and was often saying she lived better without her. None of the couples were doing fine.
Sae and Miwa learned from their mistakes, about themselves and what they want from a relationship and grew far closer than before while they were going out with the other two. So, logical outcome.
>She's the one who completely messed up Miwa by forcing her to have sex
It's the first time I've heard this point of view. It's always been Miwa that forced Tamaki to have sex by making her feel guilty for being unable to answer to her sexual drive. That one time Tamaki "forced" Miwa into it was just because she thought Miwa was restraining herself but she actually wanted to do it like always, and in fact she got wet.
>Yuria was also far too egocentric for Saeko, and was often saying she lived better without her
This is what I was referring with "made up problems". Yuria suddenly saying she wants to stay alone is something that came up only in the later part of their relationship, because the author wanted an excuse to separate them.
Again, both couples were doing fine. They had their problems like any couple but they were talking with each other and working to resolve them.
The parts with Saeko and Yuria having their special thing they called sex, the concert when Tamaki went to kiss Miwa. They were happy together.
>That one time Tamaki "forced" Miwa into it was just because she thought Miwa was restraining herself
No, she did it out of spite and because she was fed up with her attitude. She knew Miwa wanted it while perfectly knowing Tamaki hated sex, and that she started to hate herself for it. Miwa even said she was trying to stop physically being attracted to Tamaki. So she did it to hurt her, she knew Miwa wouldn't say no. She didn't expect the outcome would be a broken Miwa and a break-up.
>the concert when Tamaki went to kiss Miwa
Yeah, and everything started to completely fall appart right after that. Both were expecting something different from their relationship.
And Sae always had her share of problems with Yuria, but I agree with you, the break-up was kind of sudden.
eta 2 hours
There's also Inari no kekkon after seven months.
I thought there was Yuri Hime too but it's released on Saturday?
YH is 26 hours from now
Anon, it comes out tomorrow.
Which is one hour from now, look at which thread you're at.
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It comes out on the 17th.
sis, trace back the reply chain again... I was talking about 付き合ってあげてもいいかな
and I correctly timed YH >>4273019
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It's out. Manga One is cuntblocking me so I need to wait two days for the viz release.
I hope tamiful will now always local save before putting it on drive.
>there's nothing on the site
What a fraud.
Same for Inaru no kekkon.
Yeah, the site updates one month in a half later; everything is on the blocked app.
What do you mean with blocked?
They are blocking payments from Latin America. Fuck Japan!
>forcing people to download an app when there's a site
>forcing people to read manga on a phone
This nonsense needs to end.
I didn't even have to pay real money for the chapter.
Isn't the payment handled by Google/Apple? I've got my payment address set to Japan and haven't had any problems with manga apps.
The worst part is the censorship that comes with it.
Personally I can't stand the release model of releasing bite sized chunks spread over a month and therefore stick to magazines and volumes.
Requiring an app isn't that bad with a tablet, provided they didn't fuck up the tablet support.
I can't download the app from Europe. Even with a vpn set to Japan.
It's also not on the ios app for some reason
Set your country to Japan.
And here I thought you meant actual blocking. (Last I played around with it MangaOne actually was one of the few apps that do ban you if you get too silly with their API)

Just get it from apkpure or something.
Downloaded the app from somewhere else, Google fucking blocked any way to change countries no matter what account I did use because I dared to step foot in another country earlier this year.

About the chapter, I knew it. The last page was spoiled by the author last month; still nice to see a confirmation. Now what will happen with Saeko?
Finally the arc of Miwa humiliating herself for Saeko has finally arrived, she will finally stop being a stupid bottom.
Maybe Saeko will teach her the way of the switch if she doesn't run away from her. Couldn't do it the first time with her, and certainly couldn't do it with Tamaki.
Better she learn how to eat that puppy
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at this rate they aren't going to become gfs within 5 years
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You know, the point of this move is to say "my girlfriend" so the other party understands she's taken and desist. But in this way it only looks like she's picking a fight.
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comfy room
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What kind of slut dates a red retangle?
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apparently even 1 pixel of m** here gets your file deleted
as it should be
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Does this make Naoi a prostitute or a dominatrix?
Rightfully so
mag is dropping soon, what's the first series you're waiting to check out
or do you always read from the start?
I want to read ZenKowa and find out what Kudou will do now that we know she's Naoi's "client".
The skirt thing
UsoNatsu spinoff
The announcement of WataYuri's and semelparous' return.
Good luck. I hope good news awaits...
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Yuri-Hime 2024 October is now available in the Mega folder.
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ZenKowa volume 3 really ended on a dark note. Kudou found Naoi again and guilt tripped her and bribed her into taking up her role as dom again. Meanwhile, an unstable Kokoro broke into Kurumi's house while she was asleep, presumably molested her while she was sleeping since her see her climbing over a sleeping Kurumi in one panel, and then acts like she's a housewife when Kurumi wakes up and wonders who the hell left food by her bedside.
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>this thread
Wait, so Miwa and Saeko is actually the endgame? I thought the point of that manga is that not all main couple gets a happy ending.
I's good. I always felt like they gave up way to easily the first time, barely even tried.
Their first break-up was literally because Saeko couldn't deal being in love with Miwa, while it was the first relationship of the latter and she didn't know where she was standing and how to manage the whole thing. Plus no communication at all.
This time they're trying to do things right.
I don't know if Kudou is intended as a comedic character, but I laughed watching her desperately crave for Naoi to step on her thoroughly. The maiden in love, Kurumi, making plans for a happy cohabitation with Naoi is adorable. Kokoro on the last page just lacks a knife in her hand for sheer suspense.
Kudou is just a pathetic character. Though I doubt Kurumi will find what Naoi agreed to funny. It's basically cheating, even if Naoi's not going along with it because she wants to. I have to wonder if it's to push Kurumi and Naoi together into their own BDSM relationship, because with Kudou, Naoi's not enjoying it. I really hope it doesn't do cuck shit like having Kurumi ask to watch them to learn.
They've been telegraphed as the endgame from the very beginning. It only became more obvious when the author kept introducing reasons for Saeko and Miwa to break up with their new girlfriends.
You can always wait for a week or two and just read it free on ura sunday.
NTR got out of control before the magic even began. Poor princess has been cucked.
UsoNatsu manga looks like an extended adaptation of the YouTube audio drama prequel that came out 1 year before the VN itself.
Looks like they want it to serve as a starting point for manga readers.
Anon, it's only 12 volumes in, it's too soon to say who the endgame is. They may get together again, then break up again, then get together again, then...

>YouTube audio drama prequel
Was that ゾク on page 45 sexual?

What a great chapter for Oomuro-ke and Yuru Yuri was also good with that SakuHima.

Good MCs, good momm- friend, good sister, shitty parents.

More explicit shimai yuri is always welcome but I still think it came out of nowhere (and it will go nowhere, making it pointless). A good chapter anyway.

Nanase keeps being the worst girlfriend Yuni could ever have. Still wasting time with literally anything instead of caring about her girlfriend. When the series started I thought the author had to take some time to show Yuni and Nanase together, to show how they started dating, why they like each other, why they are together despite everything but to this day the author didn't do it and we are left without knowing why would Yuni want to stay with such a bad girlfriend when she is craving for another girl's attention. It seriously makes no sense for Yuni to stay with Nanase, obviously it is the gimmick of the manga so they can't break up but like I said, the author should've made some effort to show them as a proper couple but everytime they are together... something goes wwrong (because of Nanase). Meawhile every scene between Yuni and Fuuko is a damn masterpiece.

I know nothing about the game but I liked it. The art is great. The teacher was realistic at the beginning but then it went immediately into full manga character. First she fully explained what she's doing is a crime and then she goes straight for it. Nice.
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I don't remember, is the sister together with the guy she's dancing with? If she is this chapter was absolute shit. If you want to make a character het then do it (without giving it too much screentime) but stop giving it a gay backstory to show how hetshit won over yuri. I hate when this shit happens.

>Osoto gohan ends next month
And just before of that, in the last page of the second to last chapter
>I have to tell her about my feelings
What feelings? Is she hungry? Nothing but food happened in three volumes. We could've had outdoor yuri, what a waste.

>Watashi ga sekai wo sukuu riyuu
Very good, they should make a series of these Yuri Cure. Or the author should go to write the next series of PreCure.

>let's go to the same college
>let's live together
>accepting money to do what the other girl says
>licking legs
Mmm... It reminds me something.
How did Kokoro get in the house anyway? What are their faces saying in the last page?
>no chapter next month
This can't be legal.

>Haruhana Aya's one-shot next month
Give her a series already.
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Yuama's next series?
I think it's just s twitter short
Which of them has cancer?
Both, the twist is that they are hiding their fatal disease from each other
I mean, they literally got together because Yuni thought Nanase's haircut was cool. There was never anything deeper behind it.
>licking legs
That was a flashback. But yes, Naoi's a moron for getting talked into this paid bullying due to bribery and guilt tripping. Though the author purposely set up the expensive move in together plan just so Naoi would be desperate enough to listen to Kudou to begin with.

>How did Kokoro get in the house anyway? What are their faces saying in the last page?
She likely climbed the gate and climbed in through a window. It's possible she broke in if the house was locked up. Kurumi is creeped out while Kokoro has gone insane and is deep into denial.

I wonder if this is where the whole "one mistake can ruin your life" lesson will come in. It's also hinted that Kokoro may have raped Kurumi in her sleep since she climbed on top of her, did something to Kurumi with her hand, and then Kurumi mentioned waking up super sweaty.

I hate to say this, but I think Kokoro might assault Kurumi if she tries rejecting her here and if Kurumi panics, she might end up severely injuring or even killing Kokoro. At which point Kurumi might have to call Naoi, and then to preserve their future together, they hide Kokoro's body or make it look like a random act of violence in a different location.
Would be funny if Kokoro threatens suicide like Kurumi's mother and Kurumi says she doesn't care thinking she is just bluffing like her mom but she isn't lol
Also a possibility. Likely the reason for all the Kokoro is like Kurumi's mom moments in previous chapters. Plus it's a kitchen, so there's knives. Might be part of why Kuwabara had Kurumi's mom run off, to convince Kurumi that people who threaten suicide are fakers. Of course, Kokoro doesn't realize any of this, so assumes Kurumi tells her to off herself while meaning it.
This is a delicious meal, anon. You must eat it. Yandere kino is back in the menu. Nice boat ending confirmed. Sasuga kuwabara sensei.
>came out of nowhere
Miki has been crazy about her sister from the start. Hell she basically acts the same way towards her that Hima does towards Yori (did you forget about the cosplay cafe?).
>1 hour long
We eating good.
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I understand if one is too lazy to work, but refusing to draw your series and drawing doujinshi instead, why? Do they bring in more money than an official serialized series? You don't like your own series? The editor is messing up with your story forcing you to write things you don't want? Did she make one of the character a prostitute because she wanted to draw sex like in the doujinshi but the editor doesn't let her despite YH having no problem with sex series?
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She moves from futa and Blue Archive to Love Live now?
>Do they bring in more money than an official serialized series?
This of course depends how big are your volume sales and how bif is your doujin audience. But doujins bring you more immediate money, while with serializations you will live of royaltis and the scraps publisher pays you per page draw.
They have to print doujinshi by themselves though, I can't believe they're making more with that than with a job where they are paid for every page they draw.
Yuri Hime is weird. It keeps advertising in-magazine that yandere series along with Kimishinu and gal isekai for Ichijinsha Plus despite it has not been updated for a year while the latter two get regular updates.
The author is obviously just chasing whatever makes him money.
YH probably pays less the 5k yen per page.
Because those are all the series under the YH imprint.
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Project Yuriforming got a serialization, so we now have 2 yuri series in MAX.
Reminds me of the gal x vampire one
inb4 sometime's also get serialization
How yuri is their new series?
I hope so
Hopefully he has a new editor this time
Whoa... Now you've done it, Kuzu chan... I understand the NTR was getting out of hand but you've crossed the line to a... point of no return. RIP.
Any zenkowa tweets for the chapter this month?
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Kokoro didn't do it.
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Is there one without translations?
thank you anon
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Oh, Amazon is finally putting this out this month. I bought my copy on DMM but I can't even rip it.. Damn.
I don't get it...
Onee-sama to Kyojin 21

Sorry for the delay, I'm not at home, so I had to remote in.
How do I rip from ganma or mangaone? Is there a client or github which allows me to input my cookie string from my account or something?
thank you as usual
>input my cookie string
If it's the app only chapters, probably not. You'll need to mod the android client.
You can rip ganma app only titles by capturing the app trafic
This should work for the mangaone app too
tyvm it works, but while I can change the res in the request for ganma, I only get low res images for mangaone. any ideas maybe? or is mangone a bitch using low res images
afaik the platform just have shitty res. If you have seen high res images served anywhere try capturing on that device.
Aria sure changed. Ichika is as cute as ever though.
I feel like the summer vacation is just a way to get rid of Kokoro's and the teacher's characters before the second semester starts. No way will they be coming back after the stunts they pulled. Going on a date with a student and breaking and entering into the MC's house and possibly molesting her as she sleeps.
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I think I've figured out what Kurumi's character arc is going to be.
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Whenever Kuwabara thinks up what would be a creative yuri story, at least 3 people have to die, so that makes Kuwabara a murderer.
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Nice. Hopefully it won't end at volume 4.
I refuse to believe these screenshots are real. Why would someone spend time and effort digging up some unknown mangaka's 8 year old tweets? It's a pain to even find tweets from last week with how shitty the site is.
Type in: from:@username since:YYYY-01-01 until:YYYY-12-31 into search.

This lets you quick access years for a specific user's posts. People do it to find foreshadowing or plots/character types the mangaka has an interest in.
Kurumi goes on a murder spree. Her victims will be Kokoro, Isanuma, and at least one more person. Kokoro's death will be ruled a suicide due to her seeming previous depression. While the teacher will be blamed for Isanuma's murder. The ending is Kurumi jumping off a cliff into the ocean while saying goodbye to Naoi. Time skip to Naoi being married to Kudou while Azuma ended up with Mine.
The dopamine you get by archiving, categorizing, and most importantly posting them.
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I'm guessing Kudou's teeth are indicating she'll be drinking blood at some point.
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Basically, Kuwabara likes yuri stories that just end suddenly and that don't explain what happens in the end.
These belong in the yuri general thread
You can't even access the site without an account any more.
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Wrong kanji?
the ones with furigana
Shame that nobody has picked this up yet. Not saying /u/ should do it since it isn't yuri thus far, but it looks like a fun series.
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What about last boss?
it looks pretty appealing to work on, but where would one get good quality raws of gene-x? everywhere i can find has awful quality
It's released at x1600 so it will be the same across all the vendors.
Try Webry instead since that's x2048. Or wait for the volumes.
Why post this in the yuri raw thread?
Because someone posted what will likely become the main pair which I think is fair since we've been told it will have yuri elements even though it's not as focused on it as Vampeerz. Once the outline of the story becomes clearer, I'd like to read it.
So why do you need others to pick it up?
I can't read moon runes very well.
You expect us to read it for you or why are you in this thread?
Kirara Foward is getting shittier
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I'm sure she'll find a way to cope that one into totally normal friends stuff too.
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If Yuzu keeps coping her advances as normal friend behavior they might f***k before their feelings get properly resolved
Alright I'm gonna read the LN, where do I start if I want to read this scene?
And you said for years Yuzu would never have sex
Last chapter of volume 3.
tysm anon
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Is Aiko too gay?
Yuzu can't handle it anymore. But, yea, baiting intensified.
Fellow Comic Fuz subscribers, we all get 60 silver coins per month. How about we band together and get up to date with mira's yuri sm, since the OP was kind enough to make it the OP picture? We need 180 silver coins and I have my 60 ones to spare. Anyone with me?
Any news about Anemone is in heat?
They are in a spat
Nagisa just shouted at Mashiro
They are not going to school together tomorrow!!
Yes, I believe we can expect NTR.
What kind of news are you expecting?
It's not ending for better or worse and it doesn't look like it will get animated.
>she doesn't know
Eh more likely the kouhai will find out their relationship and help them reconcile.
I hope the anime will keep their Lovecraftian patterned skirts
They could really break up and the manga timeskips 10 years forward so that Nagisa meets a bedridden short haired Mashiro in her hospital as a leading doctor who will save her. It would make all the sickness foreshadowing pay off.
>Black Knight
We got to be familiar with the maids but there is really nothing yuri about them.
>Helpless Saint and Powerless Princess
Very beautiful spread kiss scene. Glad they will be heading out because it is getting stale in the capital.
>Real World isekai
The main conflict here of MC and heroine experiencing time differently in the game is actually very interesting in terms of romance. And we are finally getting introduced to more characters from the cover.
>Banquet of Salvia
Het confession on page one, fucking dropped lol. Weird to have it so late. It usually happens at start of a series.
So she is a classic Japanese prostitute scamming simps but specializing in lesbianism? Even tricked the women to try buying her out like they do to males.
>Same Sex Marriage
Same sex marriage legalized by Diet. I thought Yuri Hime usually try to avoid political shit? I feel uneasy by it because in reality it will most likely happen in tandem with rearming and impending war with China.
>Galan Princess
Things keep getting more interesting. We are finally getting into the ongoing conspiracy of traveling merchants destroying towns, and looks like it is ancient.
>Magic Lady and Dansou Princess
Wow another antagonistic prince brother. Where have I seen this before? Do yuri authors have a hate thing with their brothers?
>"Yuribait "Columns
Looks like this month Revue Starlight movie and Girls Band Cry have been deconfirmed as REAL yuri.
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>it will most likely happen in tandem with rearming and impending war with China.
How does that work?
Constitution hard-coded pacifism and the definition of marriage, so they are saving it for good boy points and bundling them together for changing when time is right. There is no practical need to do it otherwise, because civil union is a thing in Japan now.
I hope we're all ready for 5 volumes of misunderstandings.
saki loves her. now stop doomposting and touch some grass.
Saki thinks she loves her, she is just confused, but Saki actually belongs to old women.
https://mega.nz/folder/WDBmCIbA#fMA4Xh98FLW3jCLRUiKOjw the amayo no tsuki folder is now empty. Or did it just change place?
Where can I find the raws of anemone?
The one in heat? Use the Various Raws link from the OP: https://rentry co/some-manga-epub-raws
Newest chapter is in the latest issue of Kirara Forward.
If you want the chapters after that, get the chapter versions for somewhat better quality.
Sis probably got salty over the inside jokes.
This is the latest : 24 part 2. Fluffy kissing doesn't look like S&M to me. We've been tricked by mira. Sasuga.
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She fucking killed her.
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Sorry if off-topic, but I reverse searched a image from here and what the fuck is this site that I found https://www.ticklingforum.com/threads/huge-anime-tickle-thread.243738/page-161
why, in 2024, there is a forum still active and it's about tickling out of all things?
>why, in 2024, there is a forum still active
You are currently posting on an active forum in 2024.
They noticed mira's tickling spree on that forum and even posted 24 raws there.
tickling is a pretty big SM fetish
To download Saeko and Miwa, we can just use HakuNeko and even the clipboard thingy still worked. Nice. But to download Watanare, I had to use Tachiyomi, download the Nico Seiga extension, use Tachiyomi webmode to login and then be able to download.... To download stuff from Comic Fuz like Mira's SM, I need to use Tampermonkey to innstall Comic Fuz Download Script (worked with Firefox Android). I tried to use Alex`s Raw Downloader https://raws.alexeliot.dev/ cookie string thingy to download advance comic days chapters but that didn`t work for Amayo no Tsuki (maybe that`s why the mega was deleted?)... Any other insight the usual raw reader should know about downloading chapters?
for amayo you can use this
i hate the amayo readers here
That worked on Firefox Android. Thanks, anon. Don't hate too much though. It's nice to have some... bad internal jokes, I guess.
"It's getting late, anon. Why don't you stay the night? I'm sure my daughter won't hear us if we are not too loud..."
Anyone know if recent chapters of 1x1/2 by Taiyaki have been uploaded anywhere?
No and Taiyaki is not doing yuri anymore and cannot be trusted with yuri either.
Yea I dropped her fanbox when she started drawing that tranny. And now she’s doing futashit apparently which vindicates my decision even more.
Hakuneko can download MangaOne? Or is it just the late web rip.
Better just ask if you have problems with a specific manga/site/app. Unless it’s Boowalker or something, it should be doable. As for comfort, something like Hakuneko + comga/kavita should already be pretty close to the maximum level of comfort you can get. If Hakuneko works well enough that is, but most sites are fairly easy to rip with some basic python knowledge anyway, little needed beyond stalking the chrome dev tools networking tab. Needless to say, if a Tachiyomi extension exists, translating that into a Hakuneko extension should be fairly trivial. Embrace your autism.
source pls
>Het confession on page one, fucking dropped lol. Weird to have it so late. It usually happens at start of a series.
Imagine dropping something at the first actually gay chapter because this triggers your autism.

Tateyama Keita’s yuri smut series in comic ExE.
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Anyone got these books to share? I understand we got other 上嶋ハルキ books around and niconico published a couple of chapters at https://sp.manga.nicovideo.jp/comic/54934 but I never managed to find a digital copy of them at all.
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New food comedy in daioh Ji next month from the Chimidoro Icecream guy
Looks like student-teacher
Not an author you should trust until you see the actual work
What did they do?
It's just another hentai artist, as long they can draw ecchi they don't really care about what.
Hentai artists are based and she has 2 accounts on X - this is the yuri one.
I am not arguing hentai artists shouldn't do yuri, I am saying you shouldn't assume their works are going to necessarily be yuri, this is his SFW twitter account, not his yuri account.
At least the maid cafe series on CUNE ended with a yurish ending.
It ended? I thought it was doing very well.
Meanwhile in Naisho no ofutari-sama the classic confession and start dating END...
Naisho no Ofutarisama also ended with a yurish way... That new smut yuri manga should keep us pleased though.
It probably was doing well for CUNE standards, I suspect the author just wanted a short serialization to have one in her curriculum so she can try pitching for other magazines.

This one ended in a yuri way I would say.
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Is Meguru really that much mentally ill? Is there a cure?
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I meant this Meguru... Shy's MC is just a yuri daydreamer...
>Posting males
What's Shynako's end game? Will Shiraishi cure Ayame's internalized homophobia?
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I think Ayame's getting closer to finally realizing her feelings for Shiraishi are romantic at this point. Either in this chapter or the next.
Shiori's manga has just made 4 years of serialization. Do we have anything good to say to her? Or do we just want her to put Hinako out of her misery already?
I still can't believe they made fox yaya best girl.
She is only planning to eat granny Hinako...
I can feel the trauma and angst already. Woe is me, I had a sexy tutor.
Promising start.
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Wait a minute, this isn't her toothbrush.
Someone please help this creature, she's barely functional at this point.
It's all her little sister's fault.
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Kirara Carat is getting more yuri!
scaredy cat yanki guest series ended with them 2 started dating
nurse's room underwear guest series gets serialization.
Tsundere.... Or actually yandere?
Both are tsunderes
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They've already strayed far from the infirmary.
Strip rock paper scissor club sounds like her thing
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reuse character design?
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Is anyone following Sugar Girl Drip?
I need help finding the version without the atrocious censoring
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I say Kirari has two moms.
Kuma shock!
Where's the Yuri, Teren, and why is everything so slow and predictable? Isn't the point of a manga having a separate writer a better story?
No, it just means Teren does not know how to draw
Predictable? I don't know what it even wants to tell right now. It's unpredictable by being aimless and meandering.
Yuri tag added to the website.
Right now just this and Genkai OL.
I resent my beloved Fuuko's de-toxification.
Talk about limited premise.
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huh, new guest series on carat from the taiwanese duo new spica chapter when
Spica managak is Chinese?!
no. can't you read?
Taiwanese are not Chinese.
That's like saying Egyptian aren't African
Retard, you wouldn't call an American British.
Egypt is in Africa, Taiwan is not in China and has historically not been part of China. Taiwanese people have their own identity and don't want to be associated with Chinese just because they speak a similar language.
> saying Egyptian aren't African
The equivalent to that would be claiming Taiwanese not Asian.
I don't give a fuck, it's only a matter of time when China will take Taiwan over.
i accept your concession
People from the Republic of China are not chinese?
The country is called Taiwan. KMT murderers are no longer in power.
Don't forget the Ming Dynasty remnants
WASP is termed for a reason
It's not legally recognized by even your own country.
>went to a new Chinese restaurant in town
>Taiwanese dishes are called Taiwanese in the menu

Uuuh, and I thought two girls eating at another table looked cute together.
The country is officially called Republic of China and the official language is chinese. They're chinese. I don't even know why this could make someone butthurt.
Yall should stop yapping off topic shit
> official language is chinese
Chinese is a language family not a language you dimwit
The language FAMILY is called Sino-Tibetan. Chinese is not a language family.
And the official language in Taiwan is not “Chinese”
Sorry, was just trying to figure out if Orihi Chihiro is Chinese. I thought he was Japanese since Chasing Spica was about Japanese high schools.
Oh yes, that salvages your evident stupidity in not knowing what a language family is. Both the RoC and PRoC use Standard Chinese as official language.
No one would ever complain about someone saying that they speak german in germany. Just take the L and let it go nee-san.
To the republic of china, to be precise.
No, ROC belongs to PRC.
The language is called 國語 or 華語.
fucking chinks shitting up the thread
You KNEW what you were doing when you referred to them as Chinese.
She knew she was making a factually correct statement?
Someone from the government-mandated Black Myth Wukong shilling squad on /v/ accidentally misclicked on /u/.
No, I didn't know there was a retarded off-topic schizo shitposter in yuri raw manga thread. I thought they were quarantined in the yuri general thread.
I wonder if this was why Yuri Hime didn't give a shit about what he is doing instead of drawing Spica, since he is a gaijin.
ETA six months until Miman gets called a gaijin.
Yuri Hime printed her mental illness announcement in the magazine though
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There's a lot of Taiwanese working in the Japanese manga industry. Some of them work from Taiwan, others live in Japan.
It's not really a big deal.
Worst part is that the people being butthurt are not even from there.
Are you a KMT shill, angry that you couldn't stop gay marriage?
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Assuming both authors are 18-34yo there's a 97.44% chance you offended at least one of them though?
Boy, I sure wish this thread was about yuri.
Like I said, not even from there.
nice doxxing attempt
Calling Taiwanese Chinese doesn't imply Taiwan is part of China, you fuckwit. It's like saying people of NK and SK are both Koreans.
The reason that anon used the term Chinese instead of Taiwanese is because the distinction is not important in this context. They only wanted to confirm that the author is a gaijin.
>shilling squad
Fuck off those aren't real
I blame this on the OP for using Taiwanese instead of Chinese to begin with, it's a charged separatist term.
Like every american my opinion is that all asians looks the same and are all part of the same country so your discussion is pointless
>wow, so many new posts, what manga did cause such a ruckus
>it's actually a Taiwan/china proxy war
Taiwan number one, filthy chinkshitters.
>They only wanted to confirm that the author is a gaijin.
How is that even implied? Taiwan has long cultural ties to Japan and used to be part of the country. There's plenty of Japanese citizens and people of Japanese descent living in Taiwan.
Of course she runs away. You'd better move your ass and chase after her, Miwa.
You can say the exact same thing about Skorea, next you're to claim webgookshit is Japanese too.
Is there a Kankoku version of Poca Poca Taiwan?
Webgookshit is published on webgooksites in Korean.
Spica is published in a Japanese yuri magazine, in Japanese. Frankly, all of his works are published in Japanese. For all we know, he's just a Japanese guy living in Taiwan.
But even if he isn't, it doesn't really matter. His works are nothing like manwha/manhua/manwhatever.
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Can't you just say that the series starts on the 6th on KadoComi?
My bad I thought it was in the image
coward again, it was for the same reason it didn't work before, this woman doesn't learn!
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>noooooo I'm in love with her, better break up before she falls in love with me too
Nearly three years later
>noooooo I'm still in love with her and she now loves me too better fucking run away again
I understand where she comes from, but staying until now with Miwa and getting intimate with her again only to freak out right when things become really serious. For fuck' sake.
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This has that gigolette manga vibe
hmmm, looks interesting? Though I don't know the author - is this his 1st yuri manga?
>3 long hair girls
Yuri is Healing
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The writer compiled a doujinshi anthology.
The artist had multiple works in Yurihime and Flapper.
What this
The Princess Returns from Death and Decides to Create a Yuri Harem to Survive
Yep, I'm hooked, just like that.
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Is this scanned anywhere? Can't seem to find it anywhere.
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Kirara says their succubus one in MAX is yuri.
Hauntingly beautiful chapter. Lots of irrelevant stuff happend recently, glad it returned to its core meat (heh) again.

Imagine an Eldritch horror confesses its love to you and that's how your drop all your autism on the poor thing.
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What did she mean by this?

what do you not get
Read the filename.
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Why would you need an extra page that continues the cover insides and place it in the front? Normally I read that part in the end and the digital version also includes it in the back.
Getting there, getting there. Also appreciated this chapter talking about something other than table tennis. An average school should consist of more than two girls and their table tennis table.

Comic Valkyrie doesn't want us reading the end of JK to Hitozuma, but Yakiniku Teishoku is still pulling out more yuri.
>Comic Valkyrie doesn't want us reading the end of JK to Hitozuma
Do you know what happens at the end? Also, Ive been wondering why JK to Hitozuma hasnt been updated since May
Even the VPNs I usually had working to get past Amazon`s geoblocking are stopping me from getting to 咲き乱れるは百合の花 上 (ブレインコミックス). Anyone got a workaround to that? Tunnelbear, GOVPN, Tsukuba`s Softether VPN, everything is failing me. https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%92%B2%E3%81%8D%E4%B9%B1%E3%82%8C%E3%82%8B%E3%81%AF%E7%99%BE%E5%90%88%E3%81%AE%E8%8A%B1-%E4%B8%8A-%E3%83%96%E3%83%AC%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B3%E3%83%9F%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9-%E3%83%81%E3%83%81%E3%83%85%E3%82%AD/dp/4815576033
Of course we know what happens at the end: what Yakiniku Teishoku always does - an orgy.
Protip: add a space before you copy an URL.
Additionally, for Amazon links you don't need the product name.
After that it actually works without a VPN.
You're not geoblocked based on IP, it's that this item have no sellers that ship overseas. Change your delivery address to JP and it will work.
Not that anon but
>it works
No, like anon said it doesn't, even with a VPN, even with a japanese address as default. The only thing I can think about is they're blocking Visa and MasterCard users and you aren't one.

I've lost any hope, it sucks but I can only suggest you to use a proxy service.
This is a topic for the buyfag thread anyway.
>>4283932 >>4283924
With the amount of info you're providing we aren't going to do better than guessing so
All I can say is that it works for me with a jp address and with a visa card.
I use Mastercard.
It went from 申し訳ございません。入力されたウェブアドレスは当社サイトの有効なページではないか、お客様の所在地からは表示されない可能性があります。 to asking whether I'm 18+ and showing the page.
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I don't know what kind of info you think I own. I said I'm only guessing because I don't know what amazon is doing. But for sure:
>every R18 link is showed as picrelated even if it's a perfectly working link like >>4283928
>it's not about the IP address because even with a VPN nothing changes
>it's not about the delivery address because I have set a japanese address as default and nothing changes
I could only think about the credit card but now you say it works for you so it's not even that so I don't know what to think. But this shit is going on for months since Visa and Mastercard started to block a bunch of japanese sites. Before of that it simply showed the "Are you 18? Yes/No" page and then it brought you to the product page when you pressed yes. Now they're completely hidding them.
Jokes on me, with all that info I'm still not gonna do better than guessing.
After googling that error message in Japanese it seems like it's relatively common in Japan too and none of the blogpost and tweet managed to pinpoint the cause.
I've seen some suggested fixes including using the app or deleting the cookies.
Ah so it ends with the mother and daughter being with her friend daughter
> she's just like me fr fr, a bipolar nutcase

Not sure what Rinon's deal is though. Her idol trauma makes her puke at the mere thought of her parents being intimate?l
Someone here was speculating the reason she is feeling bad on the stomach so much is because she is pregnant, to note the author said this isn't a yuri manga more than once on twitter, even though it's tagged like this on CW
After they tagged this as yuri, I really wouldn't trust the,
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That doesn’t make much sense, it’s clearly something psychological and also something her parents (who so far seem decently normal) apparently don’t think is a big deal.
>to note the author said this isn't a yuri manga more than once on twitter
It’s also worth noting that most of Japan thinks there is a significant difference between 百合 and “contains gay girls”. (And so does /u/ for that matter, albeit in a completely different direction)
I don't really know, I don't really like to argue about what makes sense or not because manga logic is often twisted for the narrative, while idk about pregnancy, the whole thing with the father already has a creepy tone already. It's fine to have abuses about theme, Gardens of Geneha does it in a respectful way even though it's the worse case scenarios possible.
>talking about het fantasies
>literally linking hetshit
anyone have raws of この恋を星には願わない? dlraw has some low quality ones which I will try to come to terms with and read, but asking here just in case.
thanks. I thought searching on zlib and anna's archive had me covered but apparently not.
takes up to 2 months for new libgen uploads to be indexed into anna's archive.
Your first consideration should be buying it.
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Yandere Miyagi
I shouldn't have read きたない君がいちばんかわいい on this beautiful day...
Now you're sad you'll never have a love like Hina's?
Hina literally gave up her life to try to save her mentally ill girlfriend. Of course, she also became a rapist and a kidnapper in the process. Greatest love story ever told by the purest form of love. Too bad we didn't really get a isekai doujinshi sequel.
File deleted.
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What a convenient ability for when you get in the mood.
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Funny, some new schizo yuri.
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One day she'll turn Konoha's arm into leaves when it no longer counts as living.
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Is this yuri?
No, the twist is that it's all in her head.
That's the author's self insert.
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is this yuri?
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As expected of Kyou, he's having a typical male moment.
Wow, who would have thought he's actually a piece of shit. So Eri is a yaya in denial and a cuck on top of it.
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Making the character who takes a plush bird to school to receive further life advice from it look this reasonable has to count for something.
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That was fun.
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confidence inspiring words(probably)
She is so lucky
Looks real to me
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rare yuri pantsu
surprisingly wholesome
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Sorry bro, I don't speak chink.
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>go in the manga raws thread
>aaagh I can't read it
Chink translation is not raw though
What does that have to do with the page?
Last week chapter. Next one is at the end of the month.

This site is now so retarded I can't tell apart anymore trolls from legit challenged fucktards.
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What a slutty zombie.
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This girl is going to die at this rate.
>Comic Valkyrie
Gonna keep flipping through the trashy magical girl court one in the future because it could end up having lesbian sex in it as a tribute to the genre...
Half of the new guest series seem to be about yuri romance too lol...
what happened to Kirara (no subtitle)?
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One of mainline Kirara's yuri series looks to be ending (the studying one), so they need to replace it.
3 or 4 of the main kirara are likely ending within next volume
Mousou Academism and Kimi wa Akuma demo seem like the next ones to go.
Kimosuki also feels like it's coming to an end.
Torimingu is probably on its last volume but it has more chapters left.
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Yuri confirmed.
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Does betock have another Kirara series coming up?
At least gigolette banged just women. This princess has orgies with multiple dudes on the regular.
Not anymore, she is too busy worrying about getting murdered
I'm worried more for the janitor lady.
Breaking: local gyaru about as proficient in Japanese as half this thread.

Also, why are the uncomfortable parts of this smut manga always so painfully realistic? Down to minor details like Sayoko's constant uber cringe boomer chat messages.
Go out more, you have no idea how real people are anymore
What is this from?
I'm uncomfortable about males in this chapter and the fact Meari is even considering them now that Sayoko can't give her much attention.
No anon, she isn’t considering that guy, she’s just too polite to say no and felt deeply uncomfortable the entire time. And you are by extension supposed to feel uncomfortable because she does.
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I know this is a store bonus, so it's not technically canon, but this feels an order of magnitude more intimate than your typical yuri fanservice. Perhaps another good sign for some kind of future yuri development?
Mangaka is probably more into traps than yuri nothing wrong with that
Just don't get our hope up
Is 奈落の花園 going to end? I noticed the volume is finally listed but as 上.
The series has been running for so long that I'd expect the 下 to follow a month or two later.
Makes sense, it has a pretty limited premise.
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No sign of Nanao to rescue poor Asumi chan...
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Yuri-Hime 2024 November is now available in the Mega folder.
i don't think the sasakoi incest arc is quite over, but i hope it'll end soon
it was never going to amount to anything
It seems to me that the both is to parallel Miki and Aki with both of them forcing themselves to be with someone they don't love yet, Aki is happy with it, Miki is not, there won't be any incest route though, though we may get some ugly breakout this time.
Why do you use the name "コミック百合姫 2024年11月号.epub" instead of "コミック百合姫2024年11月号.epub"?
That space after 姫 shouldn't exist.
It's just a lead-in to Momoka x Hajime
Nanase's starting to lose it. Getting violent with Yuki and ruining her hair pin. It's possible her brusing Yuni's arm some chapters ago might've actually been hinting at something.

Cuck rage
Here's all the series listed for Next Month's release in October.

My Favorite Is The Villainess
Destroy It All and Love Me in Hell!
Please Make Me Happy In The Real World Too, Okay?
Does It Count If Your First Time Is With An Android?
Wanna Skip School in the Infirmary?
My Girlfriend's Not Here Today
Our Love Is Disgusting
The Skirt Sings at the Landing
Even the Introverted Gals Wanna Get Out There!
The Yandere Little Sister and the Menhera Big Sister
Salvia's Bouquet
In the Gardens of Gehenna (It's ending).
The Desperate Maiden Wants to Make the Black Knight Fall in Love with Her
Whispering You a Love Song
Engagement of the Hated Witch Lady and the Cross-dressing Prince
The Oomuro Family
Koharu and Minato
An Angel Descended Upon Me
UsoNatsu ~The Summer Romance Bloomed From A Lie~ -Squall-
>can't break the teeth of Fuuko, lashes out on Yuki
It begins. And Yuni really got her psycho lover. I hope she'll enjoy the physical abuse incoming.
Lol, since Yuni also attacked Yuki, maybe they will just bond over beating her instead
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>Yuni and Nanase beating up Yuki
>Nanase and Fuuko beating up Yuni
That would be a nice ending.
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>"get out Nanase"
Maybe it's finally time for it to happen, but then it's a worrying matter how long a series about cheating will last if the couple breaks up.
>taking it out on Yuki
And some people still defeneds Nanase.
The mama thing is very retarded anyway.

Is it still a prequel or did it reach the game's story and now there will be a future for the couple?

>het mom gets involved
>het coworker gets involved
Please, no.

Everywhing was going fine and then toys out of fucking nowhere. Mental illness. Imagine paying more to let the prostitute do less work. Just stay at home masturbating.
Nanao travelling through the whole Japan to save Asumi and the readers from this chapter would have been a way better plot.

>Osoto gohan
>neighbour end
What the fuck? How can you write something so bad after Yurimeguri turned out to be so good after a simple CGDCT beginning?

>Inkya gal is starting to miss deadlines too
Oh you don't worry about this, once a cheater alwayw a cheater, the author can write about the many times Yuni will cheat on Fuuko then
Nanase's accidentally injured Yuni twice, it's only a matter of time until that becomes on purpose. We're seeing a normal girl turn into a domestic abuser due to stress.
UsoNatsu is still a prequel. It's only giving more backstory, since the VN didn't elaborate on things much.
As if Yuni will have the energy to get out if bed.
You're doing this on purpose, right?
It's the official abbreviation of the series in Japanese, キミ吠え.
>You're doing this on purpose, right?
You're doing this on purpose, right?
>neighbour end
Try looking at the last pages again.
It could lead up to the upcoming if scenario voice drama
Sure, but all other series are listed with their full names in English.
>Our Love Is Disgusting
JKs are dangerous...
YuruYuri isn't English either and UsoNatsu is partly Japanese.
People really need to stick to the Japanese names instead of making their own translations or completely making up shit like "The Yandere Little Sister and the Menhera Big Sister".
Why is Yandere Meruko chan still being advertised? The series has 0 volumes out and gets like 1 chapter a year... What is the author doing anyway? Too busy drawing porn with the Spica author?
It's all the online titles they have lol
This is Yuri Hime, why would they behave like the producers of a big het brand that can't explicitly confirm anything gay and need to leave some crumbs of deniability for hettards?
I don't blame them for trying to push some subtext CGDCT and try to bank on it, but even stuff like Yuru Yuri and Wataten have thrown a bone from time to time.
It's a sign of solidarity.
I really appreciate Azuki. She's a weirdo, she knows she's a weirdo, but she just wants to be left alone. Probably posts on 4chan too.
The ultimate 4chan dream of getting resocialised by an outgoing JK who is somehow even weirder than you. Wait a second, this is just lesbian NHK e youkoso, isn't it.
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Merryhachi series
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I can sense the end to the status quo coming. I hope the series doesn't end with it though...
The author now has a poly angle to work with, which he has been hinting for a while
The picture quality took a nosedive.
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Comic FUZ has a campaign where every day the past 5 year worth of issues are available for free, today it's Max. Unlike the ones in the archive, these go up to 2019年3月号.
Did anybody manage to grab Kirara yesterday?
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Anyone know if the fanbox chapters of 特別な中途半端 are posted anywhere?
On Fanbox?
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Thanks for reminding us 10 years apart is a bit too much, Hijiki sensei.
There used to be a mega with the chapters in 4chan but it's no longer maintained. Your best way around is using Pixiv toolkit chrome extension and grabbing it yourself on Pixiv. Although you should actually support authors like this and Ano Koro no Aoi Hoshi one on their fanboxes if you expect a future for their series you know.
Love has no boundary and shit
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Japanese lesson
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It's something.
The gap between being able to read this just fine but having to draw 藍 into google translate to figure out how to read the name is the most frustrating thing about learning Japanese.
Normally the names have a pronunciation help once per chapter or there's a character introduction on the side bar that includes it. Forward somehow doesn't include either and you have to either look it up in other sources or check the character's introduction.
As long as you recognize it's a name it's normally enough.
This is a little secret but it doesn't matter since I don't remember the names of 90% of fictional characters anyway.
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And then they write the character's family name instead of the usually used personal name or vice versa.
The worst is if you don't realize something is a name and you desperately try to figure out what the hell it means.
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Was it deleted? I'm not seeing it any more.
Both folders are still there from 2017-01 to 2024-10. Probably some folder got renamed. Use the rentry link.
The Rentry link is
>Both folders are still there from 2017-01 to 2024-10
Where's 2024-11?
The anon who posts that uses a different link https://mega.nz/folder/RAkghISa#Z43kuqN10OPPDBGdMH6OUw
>咲き乱れるは百合の花 is gone somehow now. Did they cancel the digital release? Amazon still sells the individual COMIC GEE chapters and Tae chan to Jimiko chan 3 is still around though. It seems I cannot get to read 咲き乱れるは百合の花 's epilogue on volume 2 after all...
Where they marked as 修正版 before?
Did anything happen to the epub person?
Cune isn't getting updated either.
Cune is up to date though?
Didn't he said he was dropping most non yuri stuff a while ago?
It's not. It's up to last month's issue.
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Oh sorry it literally comes out today. Give them some time.
There's a trap in that image.
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No biggie. Hop in for at least another of 10 volumes of Meguru and Kasane misunderstanding their feelings.

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