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Game, Light Novel, and Drama CD translations:

Ryukyu Sword Wind Record light novel written by Aoi Akashiro (the same author who wrote NoWaYu):
>On a certain day, in August 2017, Asahina Hokuto, third year middle school student of the Heijou Institute, and Inami Suu, first year middle school student of Renpu Girls' School, land at Naha Airport. They are here to participate in an operational test of the newly developed Storm Armor, produced through the collaborative efforts of both the Sword Administration Bureau and United States military. On that same day, another toji arrives in Okinawa: Tsubakuro Yume, sixth year elementary school student of Ayanokouji Martial Arts School. The girls have no knowledge of and share no connection with each other. For now. This story, is Toji no Miko's first novelization!

Nagori Kachou:
>Half a year has passed since the 'Great Year-End Disaster'. One day, in early summer, Hiyori and Kanami are tasked with a special mission. Without being briefed on its details, they find waiting at their destination the former elite guard, currently the special defense team, Shidou Maki and Konohana Suzuka.

Kotei Rakuen:
>While she is conducting a solo investigation into an aradama, contact is lost with Ellen. Upon hearing the news from the General Countermeasures Director, Sana, Kaoru immediately moves to go on the search, but--

TojiTomo card art collection: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xzsyl7_X792Yqyg6hSnu5va-bh6j6xdk?usp=sharing
Concept art: https://pastebin.com/ZfMDJHdC
Translated fanart and (some) TojiTomo 4-koma: https://mega.nz/file/n75mhZCB#El86ga4blqFhKcChrawrBNCrFC6rbpW2SdPbm31odB4

Previous thread: >>3862830
I saw this on my feed and thought that I had to share it.
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I saw that I had a pinned thread fall off the board but I couldn't remember what it was, must've been the old toji thread.
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Ensuring the next generation of mikos.
aradama hoodie is back in stock
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This is always nice to see.
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Does anyone have any archived game data around? Progress has been made on decrypting the images in the game -- but there's a few Support cards that have artwork missing. Most of it is from the collabs (Nanoha, Railgun, Star Ocean), with one being the last card with Kanami & Mihono. Example of decrypted card attached.
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day of todgers
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Tojis live forever!
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It's such a happy sight.
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happy birthday

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