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Next GUDAGUDA PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE9vKlBQu1o

Previous Thread: >>4249890

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798859425403
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550912964490223353
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

Riyo Special: https://youtu.be/98s0s3VWwho

Memory of Grand Order: https://youtu.be/WsqeLqJPKUM
>Finally got Summer!Eresh (doubling down as Space!Eresh)
>Lip finally got a swimsuit
>BB Dubai, totally not Kazuradrop
>OC3 will run for 2 months, which may mean that September and October will have no other Events
>Shimosa manga finally reached *that* scene
>EXTRA Record will come out sometime in 2025
I wonder how important they'll make Eresh in OC3.
>Previous Thread: >>4249890
>All those costumes we will never get
Goddamn Lasagna
Only kind of related, but does anyone want me to put up a caster waver in supports for utility, or are xy supports looked down upon around here?
>xy supports
ffs just say male.
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Melusine's artist including toxic Yuri in their artbook, what amazing news to wake up to https://x.com/jq0_wo/status/1827323186045972675?
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Nice Utena references in the first page.
Best ship
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Gudako is right there. Are artists not allowed to draw outright yuri with Gudako and one of her servants?

Wouldn't we find out during her banner? Would they really have all her ascension be of BB just to say jk it's not her later? Also wouldn't it be a bit confusing to people who missed the summer event to play the next main story and see elements of said summer appear?
Yeah, what >>4277749 said. But also put an asterisk, like "m*le", so we know you're saying a bad word.
On a serious note, I don't care about Waver supports, but if you have a Merlin with either Chaldea Teatime or 2030, I would highly appreciate it.

Can't say I like "toxic Yuri", or Aurora, but I'll be happy for those who like it.

>Gudako is right there. Are artists not allowed to draw outright yuri with Gudako and one of her servants?
I'm increasingly believing this to be the case...

>Wouldn't we find out during her banner? Would they really have all her ascension be of BB just to say jk it's not her later?
They can always just lock her Ascensions like they did for Douman and Oberon's 3rd Ascensions. . . tho that by itself would basically confirm everyone's doubts.

>Also wouldn't it be a bit confusing to people who missed the summer event to play the next main story and see elements of said summer appear?
OC3, much like SE.RA.PH and Ooku, is a [Main Story] disguised as an [Event], i.e. it'll run for a limited time (albeit very long) and be most likely optional, not required for OC4. Although it'll also most likely be added to the [Main Interludes] later (or right after the Event period ends). Plus, that's probably the reason why Summer Dubai will run for one and a half months, from August 14 all the way to October 2.
All that said, if OC3 does get made into a Main Interlude, who knows what they'll do about the summer connection.
>Melusine in that sexy sheer slip
>Aurora pulling her up by her mask
While I definitely think Melu deserves much, MUCH better than the world-destroying narcissist, that's still fuckin' hot.
Locking an ascension of an event servant, especially a summer servant, feels messed up to me. We have to grind in the event so much to level these characters up.
>Another comic in the anthology has Melusine meet Melusines from Genshin Impact and Shin Megami Tensei, at least
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Do they do the same dumb gimmick of "our Ciel" like they did with Arc? I really hope not. They they aren't brave enough to just pair them with Gudako, why go through the trouble of making one of the ascensions supposedly like her? Not only that but you stress that only that ascension likes her, and even weirder none of this is reflected in any of the in game dialogue (at least from what I've seen). Were they afraid of a Semiramis situation happening? Ever since Semiramis has become one of the more forgettable servants. I guess they thought Arc might suffer the same fate and created a bs work around that no one liked.
The start with, she's not THE Ciel. She's SPACE Ciel, as others have speculated she's native to the Servantverse. What we know is that she does multiple jobs as a Bounty Hunter, Teacher/Instructor, and an Idol (reflected on all three ascensions).

She seems to have some knowledge on Tsukihime events but the self-aware, meta nature of the Servantverse keeps it vague for comedy purposes.
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No, she's actually the real Ciel from Tsukihime, her fifth profile explains that after her final fight with Arc she got burned down to the atomic level, somehow endend up in Servantverse and became a space idol that saved the world.
It just describes if Remake Ciel in the Servant Universe as a premise so it really depends on how you interpret it. It could be her from the Remake VN actually transported there, or it could just be that Eggplant just copy-pasted her story to the Servantverse without much change. So she may have fought Space Arc at some point.

Again, this is a Servant Universe. It is the one setting where all the meta jokes are plausible.
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>her final fight with Arc
I'd like to see that. Given her nature, that might as well have been in the far far far future. Especially since Aoko implies the Servantverse is largely just that.
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So they created a Space version of a character at least 30% of FGO players don't know. You make one half of the fandom confused why this random character has a summer version, and the other half is pissed that this isn't even the true version of the character they know. I feel like they did it right with Shiki, Chloe, and Illya. Introduce them in their own event/story where there's some elements of their canon, but it's written in a way where FGO players don't need to know who they are to like them. Now it feels like they're putting nostalgia first and reasons why they're here second. If the rumor of Arc being in the next main story is true, then why didn't they just make her the anniversary servant this year and run her banner with the new story.
I don't know where you're pulling these statistics sis. Ciel was quite well liked on announcement and release, owing to her status as a fan favorite and the unique meta she provides.

Right now, the only heat Lasagna is getting is from the open-ended cliffhanger nature of the Summer Event, which was more of Eggplant's decision.
I was generalizing. Many players, like myself, have no idea who she is. I can throw that back at you. Just because she's a "fan favorite" doesn't mean she's a favorite of all the fans. Seems I'm not the only one generalizing here. Also please don't bring up meta in FGO. There's no real meta in this game. People have talked about this to dearh but the game is just no spam and gaining crit stars.
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Finally found an image of Gudako with someone other than Eresh from this summer event. Unfortunately I'm not sure if the art reflects any actual feelings in game like with Eresh.
Speaking of summer how does everyone feel about us going back to the moon stuff and potentially getting another Sakura 5 member? Is everyone happy? Or do you think they milked this enough and it's a bit too late for more Sakura 5 content. I'm somewhat in the middle. For completion sake I'm happy for more Sakura content (and that we finally got summer Lip), but from a story standpoint I can't say I'm excited to go back to all the moon stuff. The game this is based on has to be over a decade old at this point. We should've had all the Sakura 5 by now and it does feel like they're milking it a bit just to extend out content. How does everyone else feel about the summer story going back to CCC/Extra world after so long away from it?
Better late than never imo.

Plus we are getting the Extra Remake soon, and with that comes the possibility of a CCC expansion to it, so you can't really say that it's a "totally irrelevant decade old game."
Some people have a hard time accepting that a) FGO serves also the purpose of being a 'best of' for Type Moon stuff and where ideas that can't realistically be used anywhere else can be put into the story (ORT) and b) a lot of the 'I don't know this character' can be solved by just playing the original game the character hails from. Not playing them and then going all 'why should I care?' feels very much like what someone would call a 'you problem' to that given person.
Oh fuck, you don't get cost limit upgrades after reaching 108?
Not sure. But I can tell you that at the current max rank, 160, the cost cap is 114.
CCC would be a whole new game, it's not an expansion.
Some people can't realize that people are a fan of one game and not all of them. That the dumb idea of "just play the original game" shouldn't be used as an excuse for the writers inability to properly introduce a new character to the game. In short fuck you and get off your high horse asshole
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Different Anon here. I'm gonna be honest with you and say I don't give a fuck about that. This is the /u/ board, so all I care about is the /u/ potential of a character. Since all these characters outside of Eresh, the Consort Yu simp, and maybe Lip aren't really /u/ relevant I don't give a damn about them personally. Ciel being a super het character puts her in the instant burn group with Arc, Artemis, Bryn, and all the other super het characters. I won't say it's because I don't know them or not. I don't care for them simply because they have 0 yuri potential.

This isn't /vg/ so how about we post yuri images instead of just talking about the game huh? Here's an image of one of the most forgotten servants that is super gay for Gudako
Neat, thank you, I guess it'll come at some level interval
the persona 3 remake is getting fes/answer/aigis as an expansion next month
by consort yu simp do you mean the new 3 star chinese girl that just came out?
>by consort yu simp do you mean the new 3 star chinese girl that just came out?
Yeah Xu Fu, who also just got a 4-Star Swimsuit Version in JP. I'm presuming you're a new player on NA? In which case if you weren't already aware, we'll be getting that content in 2 years time.
>literally has a husband and child
Way to shoot your own argument in the foot.
Well, clearly it doesn't apply to the vast majority of FGO players then, considering how many people open their wallets for the likes of Ciel and Arcueid. Vote with your wallet works the other way, too.
>Tell me you didn't read her bond lines without telling me
Nice job making yourself look like a retard anon. Double when calling my opinion an argument. Seems someone skips a few English classes.
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CCC is a whole long story. Longer than the original. Answer is a short epilogue
It’s not the same at all
Just out of curiosity, do you have a servant you like just by virtue of personality and not with how shippable the Servant is with Gudako?
To do the first step here, mine is Jing Ke. I have her 2000/2000 10/10/10 (same with appends) and I'm currently working on bringing her to level 120.
Is Space Eresh that tall?

Yes of course. I love all of Gudako's daughters. I don't ship any of them with Gudako
I mean, yeah, but it can always happen.

>There's a Melusine in SMT
>And she's a lamia (kinda)
I did not expect that.

While I couldn't care less if Ciel is here or not (more SCs to save, after I get Nikitich), or any of those nostalgia-bait Servants, really.
>Now it feels like they're putting nostalgia first and reasons why they're here second.
I do agree with this, making a "Collab Event" to introduce the character to players that may not know them is the best way to do it.
After all, the Riyo anime even makes a joke about it with Gudako saying that she doesn't want to play FGO if she needs to have knowledge of previous titles for it.

Can't say for sure, but I heard Teno have some interesting MyRoom lines.

I'm fine with going to the moon.
And about getting another Sakura 5, I take every opportunity to complain about having part of a group of characters, but not the rest of them, and the Sakura 5 are obviously included. . . that said, like I said in the previous thread, if BB Dubai is Kazuradrop having absorbed BB, I'll be too worried about BB to care about Kazuradrop, so I'd say I'm conflicted.

According to VNDB, Extra is 27 hours long, while CCC is 54 hours, so literally double (if those times are to be trusted).

>Is Space Eresh that tall?
No. According to her profile, she's 159cm, so the same height, or 1cm shorter than Gudako.
But then again, fanartists rarely care about official height (which I'm inclined to say they're right for it).

>Yes of course. I love all of Gudako's daughters. I don't ship any of them with Gudako
You are truly an example to be followed.

Thank you~
Forgot to mention
>If the rumor of Arc being in the next main story is true
She shows up in the OC3 trailer:
>why didn't they just make her the anniversary servant this year and run her banner with the new story.
Same reason why Castoria was introduced a year before her actual story debut.
Like it or not, Arcueid makes the most sense of any 'collab' servant in universe because she's one of those people that exist in every universe. The whole 'different levels of mystic' between Fate and Tsukihime universes don't apply to her as a True Ancestor. Or, you know, being the literal Type Moon to ORT's Type Mercury.
Besides, she was already in Fate/Extra as an actual part of the story.
What does any of this have to do with me saying why didn't they just wait to release her?
Because M O N E Y, like everything in this game.
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Turns out I was right, they did lock her 3rd Ascension.

According to comments, BB Dubai really is just BB (apparently from another timeline?), her 2nd Ascension is pic related, BB Cosmos, and now we wait to see if her 3rd Ascension will be Kazuradrop or what.
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Only Sakura that matters is Melty for me. Summer BB is good, but none of them are into Gudako like Melty is
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What if I dye my hair purple and are into (you)?
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It seems that Teno basically created a marriage proposal for Gudako to sign. That's gonna make Morgan angry
Apparently BB Dubai is a "Bad Future" BB, while BB Cosmos is "Our BB" coming back from an attempt at banishing her, in the context of the story.

So logically, it seems like the 3rd Ascension will be some fusion of the two?

As for Kazuradrop, she really was "BB Lily", and her goal is to want to join Chaldea, so hopefully we'll see her pop up in a banner of her own soon. Either immediately following BB's, or shortly after this is all over.
A sister of taste.
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BB Dubai is from an alternate timeline where Chaldea doesn't exist and Earth was never bleached. Humanity is gone in the year 3017 for whatever reason.

As for "our" BB she actually comes barging in at the start profusely apologizing for being a week late on hosting the summer event. When she notices BB Dubai she (jokingly) asks if she is her Alter before BB Dubai yeets her out of the solar system. She was seemingly written out of the story, instead she uses her Self-Modification to become BB Cosmos to return and help Chaldea.

Kazuradrop right now is serving as BB Dubai's henchwoman. She has however expressed a desire to usurp her when she is alone with Chaldea. I am willing to bet that the locked 3rd Ascension is just her when she "eats" BB Dubai.

Also Passionlip is dead. As in actually dead as BB Dubai just deletes her from the Throne out of spite. I'd be more upset if they hadn't just given her a swimsuit so I'm confident it won't stick.
I've honestly been wondering why anyone even cares for BB when she's just a shitty offshoot from Extra Sakura (who only gives a fuck about Hakunon, like OG Sakura only cares about Shirou).
>Also Passionlip is dead. As in actually dead as BB Dubai just deletes her from the Throne out of spite. I'd be more upset if they hadn't just given her a swimsuit so I'm confident it won't stick.
Alter Egos (especially the Sakura five) don't properly exist anyway, so coming back isn't as much of a big deal as 'real' classes. That said, BB being 'so OP' is honestly the most annoying aspect about her entire character. Bitch is a computer virus gone wrong, not fucking Alaya.
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Because Chaldea BB cares a lot about Gudako. Just say you don't ship BB with Gudako.

What I don't understand is why are here talking about gameplay and story without adding any yuri elements to their posts. If you're just purely gonna talk about gameplay go to /vg/
>What I don't understand is why are here talking about gameplay and story without adding any yuri elements to their posts.
I'm not. I think you're confusing me about some other anon

>If you're just purely gonna talk about gameplay go to /vg/
Hah, you sound exactly like that anon from the game thread.

Also BB is a shit character, no matter which game she's in. But I guess that's fine as long as she like (you) for some. Pretend it's all about 'Gudako', though, and that you aren’t a waifufag in the proverbial closet.
You need to vet your image gallery sis
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Different anon here but aren't we talking about the Fate franchise? You must be some kind of delusional to play any fate game and say you aren't a waifufag in any capacity. I'm guessing you're the later.
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I like BB. She's cute and funny. If that makes me a waifufag so be it. I wouldn't be playing FGO if I wasn't.
I'd rather some people here just be honest and say they only like certain servants because they're pandering to their inner waifufag (like Eresh) and not because 'she's into Gudako' like Gudako's an actual character.
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Shut up closer. Get a life
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Oh look, useless hostility, it's been a while.

>Melt is the only Sakuraface I still don't have
Feels bad...

Is that her Bond CE?

>That's gonna make Morgan angry
I wonder about that. She didn't seen to care when Melusine mentioned also being Gudako's lover (girlfriend).

That's quite interesting. I'll be looking forward to what that 3rd Ascension will be.
But personally, I hope 3rd Ascension is still BB and we get another banner with Kazuradrop later, after all, this Event will run of 2 MONTHS, so plenty of time to have another banner.

>where Chaldea doesn't exist and Earth was never bleached.
Hm... . . . even if the bleaching never happens, what about Goetia's incineration?

Can't really say, she cute, and she still tries to protect Gudako even if her methods aren't the best. I guess she's just oddly charming to me, even while being kind of a pest.

Never went to /vg/, but I bet that if I went to a FGO thread there, I would see
1) A lot of images that I would rather not;
2) Everyone or almost everyone refering to the protagonist as "gudao";
3) People just being overall annoying.
So I would never go there. Plus, talking about story (or even gameplay) was never discouraged, much less prohibited, and while I always post an image with my posts to be more "board related" even if said image was already posted hundreds of times, no one is forced to do the same.

Also, speaking of images I'd rather not see, don't you think it's kinda rich of you to demand that people post yuri and only talk about yuri while posting a futa image?
is she tenochtilan or tenochtitlan?
What did you think of cyber seraph and the other(?) bb events contained in fgo? Or at least, How did it make you feel between yourself and the girls?
Can't say anything detailed since I have crap memory, but I did like SE.RA.PH and ServaFes, but didn't care too much about the Grail Front, mainly because I just don't care about them in general. Other than these 3, I don't really remember any other Event where she's relevant, or even shows up.

>How did it make you feel between yourself and the girls?
I fail to understand what you mean.
Oh yeah, dumb me, the image I used is reference to her showing up in the end of Imaginary Scramble, tho it was pretty minor so not really relevant I guess.
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>Is that her Bond CE?
Google is your friend anon. Look it up
I suppose that I meant, did you feel a connection or attraction to say, BB
What's with your obsession with BB and people liking her?
I'm a different poster, I was just curious because it's on topic
Careful. You're implying someone could be a waifufag towards her and it's not actually her 'connection with Gudako' people care about (as if said connection wouldn't then also apply to Gudao)
...and I forgot to login in FGO again. Actually I might just quit playing this fucking game, I don't even have any spare time left for these shits. So playing FGO at the same time is going to be as fun as swallowing down 14 sleeping pills.
Though I guess it's time to finally... play CCC before Record comes out with my favourite Hakunon x Nero route. Not sure if this shit is even worth doing low level.
Also posting futashit. Mods? Where the fuck are the jannies when you need them. Get the fuck out of my sight.
No one gives a shit what you do anon. Go blow yourself and then die.
>waifufag crybaby still here to be a crybaby
You really don't have a life do you? Ot is your whole existence just to try to bring down others? Either way you're pathetic
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Didn't ask desu
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Neither did any of us ask your bs take.
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Oh look what just arrived today~ (pic related)

Nah, I'm good. I only asked because it was posted, but normally I avoid seeing Bond CE until I get them myself, thus, guess I'll find out if I ever get it.

That's a difficult question... I'll be honest with you Anon: Personally, I don't think I ever felt any particular connection or attraction to any character ever, sure, I like characters in stories more than I'll ever like a real person, but even that is quite shallow... I may go on about how much I love Ashtoreth, Kama, BB, the fairies, the daughters, the Lovecraftians or the Alters, but at the end of the day that "love" is just "like more than the rest", because if I truly loved(?) any particular Servant, I probably would have been able to save at least a pity's worth of SQs at any point of my 7 years playing this game instead of throwing a little bit of SQs at every other banner.

Well, if the game is just a chore to you at this point, quitting it might be for the best.
Tho if you do, try to contact the devs and ask them if you can transfer your SQs to me first.

>is going to be as fun as swallowing down 14 sleeping pills
Sounds pretty fun to me. Except for some exceptions.
Why the fuck is Volume 7 sold out everywhere...
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I've been severely out of the loop. More lesbians is always good.
I'm glad the vas are still active. Maybe Starlit Marmalade 3? Typemoon? Finish the story.
how do I achieve this combo?
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The princess carry animation is so damn cute.
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Well... it *IS* the one with Summer!Kama's design, so I imagine the demand for that one was way greater.

Ah yes, thank you, this fanart will be my new treasure.
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God I wish I could give you everything I have too. And no, swallowing down 14 sleeping pills basically means death or a fucking coma...
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Gudako with best Rin and best Sakura
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And here she is with best Saber
Suit Gudako actually looks really good with suit Vitch.
The second part has been translated lately
thank you, I wasn't sure if it was one of those fan edits, looks very precure 1 and 2
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Guess BB Dubai isn't the first, there was a precedent for locking Ascension of an Event Servant, with Sen no Rikyu in the current Event.

Beaultiful. Thank you for posting.
Also, is Gudako storing SQs on Konyaya's tails? Is that her safe?

I appreciate your willingness sis. And yeah, I'm aware of the implication, but while I don't mind dying, a coma would indeed be a problem.

It almost feels like an insult to refer to Castoria, Eresh and Kama as Saber, Rin and Sakura. . . imho
Let's be real. They probably wouldn't be as popular. Incidentally, it's exactly that which makes me not like them. Their designs have Shirou' stench all over them
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They are saberface, rinface, and sakuraface. That's been a meme for a long time in FGO. I'm not saying Eresh is actually Rin. That's like trying to correct someone that the Sakura 5 aren't really Sakura.

I feel bad for you for not liking Kama
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Yeah, probably, I guess, we do live in a bad timeline after all.

I was merely a random thought, I wasn't and am not, trying to enforce anything. It's just that I hate every character of F/sn, and as such, tend to purposefully forget about their connections.

Also, I lost access to twitter, so I'll be counting on you to post new fanarts of that artist.
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>I was merely a random thought
It* was.
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What a sad life you live. By that logic why like any of the servants, since in real life many of them were married. Why like Jalter when the she looks like Jeanne too right? Again sad.
I think it's pretty valid to dislike characters that remind someone of the three main love interests of straight eroge on /u/. The whole 'different personalities' is a pretty cheap excuse. They are like Arcueid and Ciel to me: I don't care. And I'm pretty sure the married women club is also pretty disliked on here.
I hard disagree. Disliking someone simply because they look like someone with a completely separate personality and story from them makes no sense to me. By that logic again you must dislike Jalter, Morgan, and many others. Atalante is shipteased with Achilles. Do you dislike her too? Do you dislike Kirara as well? Sake with Nero and Tamamo? I'm not saying you have to like them but your reasoning is pretty shallow. It comes across as you looking for a reason to dislike them. Protea being hated just because she looks like someone that dated Shirou is kinda messed up.
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Like do you dislike Medusa and all her versions as well?
Different anon, but Protea at least has a completely different va (same with Passionlip and Melt) so they're easier to differentiate from Sakura at least somewhat. The only thing tying them to her is the haircolor (even the eyes are different from Sakura). So there's that.
But you said looks not sound like. So you kinda are just looking for reasons. Just say you just don't like certain characters. Don't mention contrived reasons like. The person's body they're using likes a character named Shirou from another timeline. You also skipped over the rest of my post post I see. Anyway I'll just leave it there.
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Oh sorry I missed the different anon part.
Don't worry. Mind you, I'm also not too fond of Kama, but that is purely from having dropped more than pity amount on her in the past and not having gotten her (that was before we even had pity). That soured her as a character to me quite a bit. But to also not be a negative nancy: my favs are the GudaGuda crew.
I just get bond level 10 to Tamamo Cat
I think she is the only Tamamo who make good combo to Gudako since other Tamamo are too intimidant
By this logic I wonder how you can like FGO at all, since it's derived from that straight eroge you hate so much.
Well, no specific posts to reply to today, so I'm just going to declare:
Disliking/hating a character by association is valid, understandable even, and doing so is very human.
(not board related, but that's the reason I absolutely refuse to roll for Muramasa despite liking him. Maybe it's just the artstyle, but for me it's very easy to dissociate Ishtar from Rin, Kama and BB from Sakura, or in Castoria's case the personality, but I can't look at Muramasa's "face" and not get slighly angry . . . am I being contradictory? Oh well, that's also human)

PS: In case the parties of the discussion didn't intend to just continue it tomorrow, please don't use this post to start it again, thank you.
Do you like original castoria or tonelico more? I still have trouble remembering which is which, with the morgan memories stuff and the second replacing the first, and then there's some kind of summer morgan and berserker
How can you give your opinion and then say don't talk about it? Make sense anon. Either say your piece to add to a continuing discussion or don't anything at all. They dislike these characters because they look like characters from a het game. By that logic why like half of these characters? You gotta dislike Medusa, Medea, Jeanne, Jalter, and many more as well. Hell Nito has a husband irl. By their logic they should dislike her as well. Again I never said they don't have to like them just that their reasoning seemed petty to me.
anyone have that yuri art of medusa rider from probably mo kireinamo? not the rin ones but with hakuno or whoever
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First you'll have to tell me what you mean with "original Castoria", because I don't remember there being more than one.
. . .
Or is the confusion the fact that Tonelico uses Castoria's portrait (with some differences) during LB6?

>How can you give your opinion and then say don't talk about it? Make sense anon.
My thought was that further discussion on this topic would just go in circles, but yeah, you're totally right, that was a nonsensical action, sorry about that.
Now about the topic, if I had to speculate the difference, I would probably say "experience". Assuming that Anon played or at least watched F/sn, experiencing the hetfest would be more impactful than the knowledge that the person a Servant is based on was married, specially if the Servant doesn't mention it at all like Nito (and unlike Tomoe), and as such, if Anon never experienced Apocrypha, then they would have "no reason" to dislike Jannu.
This is probably a flimsy reasoning, but I guess it at least makes some sense.

I wonder if they meet in the Event. I can only imagine how happy XX will be when she's finally reunited with Ecchan.

As always, thank you.
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>super het
.....anon, pls. They've been yuribaiting Arc x Ciel since the original Tsukihime, and they've only gotten more explicit over time
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If FGO is any indication, then Ciel and Arc are gonna be like Luvia and Rin way after Shiki has gonna bit it.
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There's only one character that works in both the yuri and het sense that that's Cleo. With how she treats Nito, and her relationship with Gudako, there's no way she's 100% straight.
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Oh shit, while currently it's just the other one in the NPC battles (and thus I'd feel weird linking the demo videos here), I feel like that's almost 100% certain that we're getting playable Hakunon.
Basically a fancier Jason who can summon the entire EXTELLA roster. But yes, M!Hakuno it is confirmed MoonCancer Servant but no one here cares about that. F!Hakuno better be another Ascension/Costume or I will riot.
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Absolutely, with today's update and atlas's datamining it's basically confirmed we're getting Hakunon as the welfare. It's probably going to be like Mecha-Eli where you can choose which Hakuno you want.
Yeah. And while I wouldn't let something as insignificant as mere gameplay prevent me from rolling Hakunon when she arrives, her kit actually looks like it's going to be wild, anti solemn defense on the NP, choosable anti trait attack bonus with battery and stars per turn, a rainbow buff with extra bonuses for each card type, and what I guess at skill level 10 is going to be a 0 cooldown card shuffle and star battery that costs np gauge, which opens the door for some crazy shenanigans. For one idea, if a boss has NP resist, she could just spam that skill until she has a mostly buster brave chain, and the buster effect is increasing crit damage before attack, which synergizes nicely.
Well Hakunon is in the story, so no reason not to.
Happy Gudako!
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I am so sick of all the Extella wanking FGO is doing. I'm not playing FGO for Extella but for Gudako and her story. Dedicating story time for another master and one of Gudako's servants is so dumb. It's the very reason people complained about the Apoc Assassin woman and many others.

Rip to the connection Gudako was having with Melt, Lip, BB, and Tama. Now that'll all be thrown out the window in favor of Hakuno. Great way to make Gudako feel more like a throwaway MC is her own game devs.
More like Hakuno is now part of the harem. I wonder how Extra fans are actually feeling about that.
Besides, Hakuno doesn't really have much of a relationship with Melt and Lip.
Be prepared next year when during Valentines. I can already see a cringe scene of Nero and Tama being mad at Gudako being able to give MHakuno chocolate. Not looking forward to seeing that.
Like anyone here won't be getting chocolate from F!Hakuno. That said, I also don't really give a shit about Nero and Tamamo, so I'm not really one to talk to about this potential scenario.
Am I the only one upset that Hakunon is so cheerful? There goes my genki x kuudere headcanon with these two
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She doesn't seem that cheerful to me. She's mostly calm and composed in her appearances in the event's story.
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Curse my inability to read.

>It's probably going to be like Mecha-Eli where you can choose which Hakuno you want.
That's certainly the best option. That way, I won't need to endure hakuno's summoning, leveling and Ascension lines before finally being able to exchange him for Hakunon (since Costumes normally need Max Level to Unlock).

She deserves all the happiness.

Personally, I can't be sick of it yet since it's still in the future, but like I said in the previous thread, if I have 1 worry, it's the possibility of people debating whether the EXTRA Servants, mainly Nero and Tamamo, love Gudako or Hakunon, which I can see being very annoying.
>I wonder how Extra fans are actually feeling about that.
This is what worries me.

Oh shit.
Let us lament together.
(tho I'll hope that there'll be enough fanarts to make me grow to like the idea of cheerful Hakunon . . . which is doubtful, but maybe when her Servant version gets released)
>love Gudako or Hakunon
Ask the fans of every other fate franchise already in the game.
Gudako x Hakunon fanfic
>That's certainly the best option.
It's also the most likely option given they've not only done it twice (mecha-Liz and the summer Valks) but also because welfare servants have never had different ascensions before.
Bazett x female self insert doujins
>I wonder how Extra fans are actually feeling about that.
Wouldn't call myself a fan but I don't take FGO seriously.
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I mean, it would actually be expected that the Nero/Tamamo &c that Hakunon summoned would be the ones from the Moon Cell, with a completely different set of memories than the ones that Gudako summons. In fact, it's quite possible that if you can only pick between Hakuno and Hakunon, that all the Chaldean servants remember a parallel timeline where they were with the opposite sex version of whichever Extra MC gets summoned, which would avoid any lingering attachments.

Hakunon has actually always been kind of a goofball, going all the way back to her dialogue choices in Extra, it's just that at that point she was a goofball that keeps a more serious face on externally. Her first line in F/GO is her using her old Francis Xavier joke. And as there were more and more games, she got more and expressive.

Personally, I absolutely adore Extra, and all I feel is hype.
I'm a fan and don't take the entire franchise seriously. The best way to go about it in my opinion
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I'm honestly surprised anyone still feels hyped with FGO. The game is so updated and boring imo. I guess never underestimate the power of nostalgia
Hakuno? Literally me.
Gudako? Literally me.
BB? For both of literally me.
Simple as.
What can I say, I still enjoy the story, I like seeing different Fate characters interact, the yuri artwork is still great. Maybe it means I have simple tastes, but I'm just going to enjoy what I enjoy.
Same. The gameplay has basically reached its apex and stagnanted, but story is still good. Definitely better than the vast majority of gacha games out there.
You saw that too?
Take a gander at her Pixiv. It's even better.
An example to follow.
I mention EXTRA in particular because in the early days of the game, people used to discuss a lot about Nero and Tamamo saying that "they belong to Hakunon only", but personally, I never saw anyone else saying anything similar for any other Servant.

Should I read it if I have (almost) 0 knowledge of EXTRA?

Despite being so recent, I still managed to forget that the Summer Valkyries were "Choice Welfares" and thought it was just the Costume Dress variations...

>Personally, I absolutely adore Extra, and all I feel is hype.
I'm glad for you sis. I hope it'll be as good as you hope it'll be.

>The best way to go about it in my opinion
You're most likely right.

You sure "updated" is the word you wanted to use?
I'm guessing you meant "outdated".

Anon, I...

Same2. This game may annoy me every now and then, but I also enjoy the story and (most of the) characters.
I even don't mind the gameplay desu, I enjoy puzzling through and trying to make my own looping compositions. Right now I'm trying to max Nero Bride's bond and have Castoria's maxed already, so whenever I'm going to Arts loop, I try to make Nero + Castoria + some other plugsuit support work, instead of just reaching for double Castoria. Works surprisingly well in a lot of cases, including some where I'd actually take advantage of Bride's NP to clear single enemy waves and dodge the usual refund penalty that brings.
I was under the idea that aesc/tonelico is morganartoriacaster the first, and "our" castoria is the second, after the first "failed", became fae morgan, and was replaced by new castoria? but I do mean glasses and witch hat aesc/tonelico by "tonelico" that's supposed to be the first one right, chronologically, but not what we got through summons first?
I just beat final singularity, how much slogging through lostbelts will I have to do to be able to grind out fhakuno and those double magical girls in one character?
Unfortunately it looks like to unlock Archetype Inception, you need to clear the Ordeal Call Prologue, and that requires clearing all the lostbelts.

For Azumi no Isora, there's kind of good news and bad news. They're a limited servant, so you can only get them when their banner is up, but because of that they're not really tied to story progression. However, to ascend their skills,
to 10, you do need materials that are at the earliest unlocked in LB5, and for their append skills some of the mats are only in OC3. Maybe you can get around that with pure prisms? Not actually sure on that though.
Thank you very much
Aesc/Tonelico is Morgan. Hence why the third ascension is summer Morgan. She's basically Morgan Lily and Summer wrapped in one
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So this is the /u/ thread, nice
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Type Moon stuff used to be worthy of genuine interest until Sony/Aniplex took over TM somewhere after the FZ adaptation. It and pretty much everything after(almost all anime, games including FGO) have been made on Sony's money. Only Prisma Illya still retains the spirit of the old and independent Type Moon.
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Yeah I meant outdated. Sent that on my phone and autocorrect changed it
I'd argue the story has also been very stagnant. If not in creativity definitely in structure. All stories basically like this
1. Rayshift to new location
2. Either the rayshift went wrong and you lost contact with Chaldea. Or the rayshift went wrong and you got separated with your servant
3. Meet people in the singularity while trying to reestablish connection with Chaldea/find missing servant
4. Meet a powerful enemy monster/servant that you battle
5. Ex Machina save from a new ally that helps for the rest of the story
6. Meet and lose to main enemy servant while talking about how powerful they are
7. Retreat after losing.
8. Regain contact with Chaldea/find missing servant
9. Beat main villain 2/3 times, where they get stronger each fight.
10. Say goodbye to everyone after fixing singularity.

Each story since the start has followed the same template. That's not to say all the stories are bad, but the formula has become too copy/paste.
No. It absolutely hasn't. Sounds more like a big case of nostalgia to me.
Lol. Lmao, even. I bet you wouldn't say that if it didn't have loli lesbian make out in it.
And when the formula is even remotely changed there's also a huge amount of bitching. Like rolling the summer event into main story. Sounds like 'damned if you do. Damned if you don't' to me.
>loli lesbian make out
Genuinely the only reason anybody gives a shit about Prisma Illya.

The reason people bitch about that is because they are making a part of the main story limited for no reason other than FOMO=$$$.
Its weird ever since I stopped playing the game I like Gudako shipping more thant when I was playing
What hasn't? If you don't like TM, no one forces you to be in a TM thread.
Your sarcasm's unnecessary. This is a yuri board, loli lesbians making out is a very strong argument here. Moreover, Priya has great characters and story.
I'd argue the issue with that is the fact that summer events aren't permanent. So if you miss the event you miss some context to the next main story. I'm not gonna bitch but I will say it's a dumb idea. I'd also argue that isn't changing to the formula just splitting it up into 2 parts.

I think the only time the formula really changed was the murder mystery story with Stheno
Personally I feel fanart Gudako justice better than the game. Plus being able to visualize Gudako with someone is better than just seeing a pov shot. I sometimes wish the game itself did more to make Guda feel more involved. I loved the Molay Halloween event, because of how involved Gudako was. Same with Shimousa and SERAPH. I would be nice if future events/stories focused more on her. As much shit the EoR stories get they do a great job highlighting Gudako and her relationships with her servants.
Actually, going off what I see, the time limit is only temporary, after a few months Celeb Summer Experience will become a Main Interlude, and Archetype Inception will be permanent, with progress carried over.
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>>4289986 (spoilers, won't use the tag)
First of all, excuse the editing skills (or lack thereof).
Now, expanding on what the other Anon said:
Morgan is Tonelico ("Tonelico" is the name her adoptive mother gave her, and the name she goes by for the 3600 years she spend protecting Britain from the calamities);
Morgan/Tonelico and Castoria are not the same, they just look the same;
Both Morgan and Castoria are "Fairies of Paradise", tasked to forge Excalibur and make the faries repent, hence why they had the same appearance;
Morgan is the first "Fairy of Paradise", but since she abandoned her duty, Castoria (the second "Fairy of Paradise") was born to finally fullfil it.
. . .
This explanation feels a little redundant, but I hope it helps.

As for the question:
If it's between Morgan/Tonelico's "Rain Witch" appearance against her "Savior" one, I suppose I like the Savior more.
Side Note: I never complained about it before, but since the opportunity is here, I really don't like how Tonelico's 1st and 2nd Ascensions have the same attack animations... 1st Ascention Tonelico is the most mage looking Caster since fucking Medea, and yet she uses a bunch of physical attacks that are more suited to her 2nd Ascension... which probably influences in me liking the 2nd Ascension more.

And where are you from friend?

Thank you for the confirmation. It's funny how autocorrect still messes with people to this day.

You right.
Like I said before, I still enjoy the story to varying degrees, but it's true that the template is always the same.
If you want to post some ideas of how to change things up so I can never put in the fan game I'll never make, be my guest.

And the curse of "Gudako isn't a proper protagonist" strikes again.

>As much shit the EoR stories get
Isn't it only Agartha that gets shat on? Deservedly so.

Now that's an image I haven't seem in years.

Sounds quite possible.
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>And where are you from friend?
I dropped in from /alter/, I was lookin' for more Type-Moon threads to hang out in
It's pretty slow around here nowadays, but do enjoy your stay.
Thank you
Thats is indeed true too
And Gudako idoes have a pretty cute design that help
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Is it just me or does this look more like a Gudako x Hakunon fanart than a Gudako x Lip one? I know Hakunon is supposed to be more of a wingwoman here, but the way they blush and look at each other is really cute.
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Took you long enough internet.
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>Only Prisma Illya still retains the spirit of the old and independent Type Moon.
Prisma hasn't been good in years between the endless hiatuses, bogged down and messy as fuck plot, fuck awful and utterly uninteresting pity bait villains, Miyu's Shirou hijacking nearly the entire narrative, and constant FGO clapbait references.
Prisma's just as tarnished by neo-nu-TM as everything else that's been released after FGO came out or was released before FGO but has yet to finish and is currently an ongoing work, like for example El Melloi or Strange Fake, has been.
All the BB with Gudako and FemHakuno art from the past few days has been my lifeblood.
I really can't wait for the 3rd Ascension to have even another variation of them together.
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I'm certain yuri artists have either moved on or are set with drawing Gudako with just Eresh this summer.
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It's still leagues better than TM's output and, importantly, gayer. The manga hasn't forgotten how to be brilliant.
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What's everyone's thoughts on Gudako x Arc? I'm personally not a big fan of it. As much as the game tries to push the ship it just doesn't connect with me. Do people here like the ship or is it a no as well?
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>All the BB with Gudako
I want that blood, may I ask you kindly to post more?

Thank you.

That a considerable amount of artists moved on over the years is evident. . . and sad.

My opinion is the same from when she was first released, they made a "version for Gudako", but made her basically an empty puppet, thus, I don't care about her, and didn't waste a single SQ or ticket on her banner.

>As much as the game tries to push the ship
Is the game trying to push her with Gudako now?
Either way, unless they pull a Ushi and update her MyRoom lines to be more affectionate after the event (or make her relationship with Gudako in this story as good as Melt's in SE.RA.PH), then I doubt they'll make me regret not trying to get her (a.k.a. I doubt my opinion will change).
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I was talking more about the Valentine scene with her. It's pretty much just the other two Arcs trying to get Gudako's Arc to confess. It's a pretty forced scene that didn't do anything for me. https://youtu.be/AX6cQA5CTQM?si=L_07UZmwHi0kPRpc
The most recent Ordeal Call was the first actual in-story appearance of Arc and can basically be summed up as a lunch date with Ritsuka. Arc basically comes off as a sheltered princess having no idea how to order from a menu so Ritsuka helps her out. In the end, Arc orders the equivalent of a Happy Meal to get the free toy which was somewhat amusing.

I do believe that >>4292931 is a fanart interpretation of it.
Which is actually a pretty good idea for how to depict their relationship. Since it's a vastly different dynamic than Arc has with Shiki. Definitely better than just copy and paste the dynamic like they did with Nero and Tamamo for example.
That said, I also don't put too much stock into how much a servant is into Gudako to like them. If I click with a character then I click with them (see Jing Ke for example) and if I don't I don't (see Melusine).
I sometimes feel like I must be the only one in existence who can't stand B.B. Whenever she shows up in any capacity, the game wanks her as super OP like some villainous mary sue and the flanderized 'senpai~' schtick gets annoying real fast. At least Melt, Passionlip and Kingprotea have something different going for them other than 'quirky Sakura'.
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>That said, I also don't put too much stock into how much a servant is into Gudako to like them
No one asked if you did or didn't anon. Also couldn't you argue that even if it's different from her relationship with Shiki a princess type is just a copy/paste of many of Gudako's servants? I feel like many of the Emperor or Queen servants could just be switched with Arc and have the same reaction.

Is that where the Gudako meme faces come from? Wasn't Mash there too? At least that's what I saw in a screenshot.
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>Is that where the Gudako meme faces come from?
If you mean stuff like pic related, then yes. Mash was there but she was watching them from a distance
Not really, because Arc is passive actor whereas with the other emperor/empress/princess characters it's Gudako who is passive towards them. See Nero for example, or Morgan.
Ah this one?
Yep, that one and all the other new Gudako expressions are from the scene with Arc
Gudakobis passive towards everyone. No matter how passive Arc might be Gudako is still way more passive. The only passive servant we need is Mash.
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After seeing the scene I think calling it a date is a bit of a stretch.
Oh, that. Usually I don't watch Valentine scenes of Servants I don't have, but since I already had no interest in getting her, I did make an exception, and yeah, that much wasn't enough to make me care...
And considering that this was the fanart that spawned from that scene:
I guess artists didn't care either...

That certainly sounds cute, but still don't think it'll be enough.

>I do believe that (link) is a fanart interpretation of it.
It sure is, many (if not most) of Echo's FGO fanarts are references to what is currently happening.

>That said, I also don't put too much stock into how much a servant is into Gudako to like them.
Normally I don't need a Servant to like Gudako to like them (i.e. Tomoe. . . or Johanna, someone I didn't really want to like, but I did, and I doubt she'll be very into Gudako when she comes out), but in Ascension 3 Arc's case, it kinda felt required, can't really explain.

I can assure you you're not the only one to not like BB, however, I also can't say I'm on the same boat.
That said, I have a bad memory, as you all know, but isn't it more BB "wanking herself" as super OP rather than the game doing it? I specially like how her usual behavior crumbled when interacting with Yang.

Finally one of Gudako with Anki Eresh. Many thanks.

Cute. Aside from that and >>4288810, is there more? If so, post them.
Sorry for the solo image.
Long haired Gudako my beloved.
I personally hate it. Arc should've been Arc and left it at that like with all other collab characters.
Arc is just so thoroughly connected to Shiki that I cannot see her getting paired with any other single person ever no matter who.
Like this >>4293065 scene is practically lifted-up from the Tsukihime manga.
Like, I know FGO loves to create not-clones of the various franchise heroines for them to be for (you) so people can have their cake and eat it too but there's something that rubs me horribly wrong of it also being done with Arc. Maybe it's because nearly all of those are just other people wearing Rin or Sakura face as costumes or just straight-up different people who just look the same like nearly all the Saberfaces. Maybe it's because she's not a Fate character but a Tsukihime one. I don't know. It just doesn't work for me at all. Even the 3rd Asc is still THE Arc when you get to it.
It's just wrong.
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>are just other people wearing Rin or Sakura face as costumes or just straight-up different people who just look the same
I'd argue Ishtar is just Rin with a bit more silly (you know like Hollow Ataraxia or UBW epilogue Rin) so it's not entirely the case of different people.
>That said, I have a bad memory, as you all know, but isn't it more BB "wanking herself" as super OP rather than the game doing it?
Tell that to Passionlip just being casually deleted in OB3 by B.B.
B.B. is literally the worst Sakuraface by a mile because it always just ends up being a slap on a wrist for her.
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I'd argue that all the Sakura 5 are just quirky Sakura. The only one you could argue is maybe Melt, but she hasn't had any development since Seraph. Lip is just sweet and naive Sakura with ridiculously huge boobs that cause her issues. Protea is just giant Sakura that has some yandere tendencies to her and is too big for own good. Melt is just tsundere arrogant Sakura that acts mean but actually cares for the people around her. It's very similar to the Rinfaces (Eresh is just tsundere girl failure Rin and Ishtar is greedy gir failure Rin). I'd argue the only Sakura that's beyond just being quirky im FGO is Kama, though this is me being slightly bias.
Kama is Dark Sakura leaning into her lewdity. Also Melt, Lip and Protea all three have different VAs from Sakura, that gives them a bit more identity compared to B.B, who really is just Sakura's VA being quirky.
I wouldn't say having a different VA makes them any less quirky than BB. If anything I'd argue BB has more character than Lip. I think all the Sakura 5 members we have right now are all underdeveloped and are just one note characters. Lip has big boobs, Protea is a giant, and Melt is a Godiva. I still like them but I won't say they are any less quirky than BB is
It still helps differentiate them from Sakura because you don't hear the same voice from her as in Fate/Stay Night. Voice is one of the main things one associates with a person (unless one is severely autistic. Which is fair given the website we are one.) I'm only surprised we haven't had actual Extra Sakura show up yet to have a Sakura!Sakura for her to voice.
That's because BB's from CCC and CCC's over the top in general.
With BB Nasu fixed many problems in FSN's Sakura route. CCC has a super focused story with nothing unnecessary where BB plays a well defined and written role.
>I'd argue that all the Sakura 5 are just quirky Sakura.
The Sakura Five are literally specific aspects of Sakura split into their own being. Them being quirky and exaggerated and over the top is the whole point of them.
BB herself, at the end of the day, is just Sakura too, she's just Mooncell flavored from being a digital being.
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I mean, deleting someone one created shouldn't be all that hard.
Also, I obviously don't know EXTRA lore, so I can be wrong, but doesn't being on the moon gives BB some huge advantages? Something something, Moon Cell, something somethig, cheats, something something?
In essence, could she delete someone she didn't create, as easily as she did Lip?
Would there be a point to having actual Sakura show up? They can't pull an Arc since we have the Sakurafaces so it'd just be Sakura showing up.
For me BB isn't the issue. The issue comes with how repetitive and overused the whole evil AI thing is with her. We has Seraph, her Summer event, the event with Jinako, and now this one. We've done this too many times already. They really need another story to tell with her. Kinda like how we see other sides of Kama and Kiara in the game I wish we saw something like that with BB. Even worse is the fact that this is only happening because they needed a reason to bring Hakuno into FGO as a servant. I feel like that was their main goal, and they just figured making BB the villain again would be easiest.
I can definitively agree on how it's gotten a tad repetitive. OC3 is perhaps the closest BB has been the "main heroine" of a chapter, not just a helper or secondary character, and even so that's still mixed with her still being the villain and her only being the "main heroine" only started on the second chapter.
Even on Seraph there was another BB being a villain even if it was not the BB that helped us out.
That BB barely appears on normal events does not help the matter either. I actually think she's one of the Servants with the fewest appearances in total in FGO.
Extra!Sakura =/= actual Sakura, though. Same how Extra!Shinji isn't Stay Night Shinji

Maybe in CCC, but in FGO she has outstayed her welcome with how repetitive her entire shit has become. Whenever she shows up, you can be sure she's pulling the strings one way or another. Other servants can at least boast they had a tad different roles through their entire stay as part of the cast.
She also hogged two summer events as antagonist by now
BB shouldn't be in FGO, her existence outside of Mooncell and CCC doesn't make sense.
Does the Mooncell even exist beyond Extraverse?
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Massive Golden Boobies.
Who cares about B(ig).B(oobs). The actual star is here
Hakuno is a F2P Gold Servant. You get to choose which one is available for the FP Gacha while the other (the inferior one) will be available on an event in the future.
Pretty stacked for a FP gacha servant (though I guess so was Habetrot in the arts looping department).
I'm already looking forward to next year's valentine's event. Whose harem protag power will be stronger? Or will they colide and create a harem singularity that draws everyone in?
Hoping and praying for the latter, Hakunon x Gudako x their respective harems is great.
Sounds like one massive orgy, but sure, why the hell not?
I wish she had more to do during this OC. But playing second fiddle to male Hakuno is par for the course for her, I suppose.
Blame Nasu and his yurihate.
I'm honestly surprised that he let Hakunon do anything through this thing and it was not just Male Hakuno only all the way through.
>when she's the one that gets to be with BB and flirt with her while male Hakuno gets 0 romance scenes (beyond teasing that both him and Chaldea BB remember CCC but they pretend they don't because they gotta focus on the threats)
Don't bother. Anons here love to imply Nasu hates women when he actually prefers to write them.
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That hat looks really stupid. Did they hide her extra ascension because of the dumb hat?
I'm not. Here comes the old discourse of "Tamamo/Nero don't like Gudako that way" that we had years ago. I hope neither show up, but let's be honest they will. Hakuno is only here to advertise her game after all. Can't do that without them interacting with said servants in FGO.
You should be more afraid that Gil shows up in her Valentine's scene, considering how weirdly in tune she is with him in his attack animation (as in they both laugh while he GoB's the enemy).

The hat is clearly a reference to the whole Princess Kaguya story (and annoys me because it just means we won't be getting Kaguya servant). But yeah, nothing in it that deserve making a story fuss about like they did with, say, Oberon or others of that ilk.
>Characters talking about another game
This is where FGO fell off for me. The moment it became more of a you need ro be in the know to get it game is when I checked out. It's fun fun needing to do homework to understand things. I never played the Extra games so now I feel like I'm being left out on why Hakuno even matters as a character and to BB. I miss when we has characters like Shiki and Reines, where they appeared and had their own story in FGO. If you knew them cool, bit the game never demanded you to know them or their character history from their own franchise. FGO Eresh is playing backseat to characters from another game.
I think you're blowing things a bit out of proportion to one or two lines that imply CCC, which isn't that much different to Jinako referencing that she knows Karna or Hakunon saying that she's Nero's master in her own world during Draco's event. The references aren't that deep.
Well couldn't you also say why is Hakuno here? Them and Kadoc being their kills Gudako's importance. There goes the whole "last master" thing. At least Consort Yu (as much as I hate her) is a servant. Hakuno being seen as more of a master to Gudako's servants than Gudako make no sense. Hakuno being there in general makes no sense to me. Couldn't they very easily did the same thing they did to Shirou, Sakura, and Rin and just made Hakuno a servant that's using her body? Hell I'd even argue Sieg was handled better in his inclusion to FGO. Also the fact that the CCC story is canon makes even less sense to me. It just makes things confusing and a jumbled mess.
I'm allowed to hate what I hate.
I don't think Nasu hates women, but there's a reason why 98% of Extra or FGO things are MaleMC and you can count with one hand the amount of times the FemaleMC is given top billing or given preference be it on official products or marketing despite the thing and whole point of Literally Me SI MC is being supposedly and allegedly neutral. And no, it's not just "because FGO primarily for the male audience" when have plenty of polls and surveys showing there's a sizable female population on this game.
And when Nasu goes out of his way to write different lines for both Gudas during certain moments on the events he writes, often romantic in nature, Male Guda always get proper romantic pandering lines while Female Guda just gets haha we're just pals just chums nothing gay here at all no matter what or some other thing happening but never the romantic happening, or have Nasu written Servants like Knock, who as a Medbface gets special treatment and care from Nasu, who's got a bunch of romantic crap going but only when Male Guda is chosen, I cannot blame anyone for thinking that at best Nasu doesn't give a shit about yuri and at worst hates it and goes out of his way to deny it whenever he can.
And I'm allowed to tell you that you're acting hyper autistic
Nasu is also not the sole decision maker at Type Moon or FGO specifically. He wasn't the one that decided Gudao get the animes or most mangas. That's on Aniplex. One can argue Nasu carries this entire thing on his back with his writing, but even he gets occasionally overruled (which is how we got Shirou in the first place over Ayaka, because he got told the story with her as the progat wouldn't sell at the time). Now I can't speak for his stance on yuri specifically, only that he has no qualms about making chicks bi, but also doesn't go out of his way to do so. Case in point with Cnoc. Yeah she has stuff with male Guda only, but she's also based on the biggest cockslut in the entire Fate franchise. So, in a way, it's at least consistent.
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>The capital of the moon and BB belong to ME!
"Sorry, no can do. But you can join my harem."
The prodigy senpai is here!
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>hat is clearly a reference to the whole Princess Kaguya story
The hat is still dumb looking to me.

Anyway here's some cute Gudako x Castoria for everyone
So Hakuno is the enemy now? I'm uninstalling FGO. This game sucks now.
Wow a Type-Moon deepcut in the FGO thread? Miracles.
Just an uppity member of the Gudako harem. She'll know her place soon. Seriously, there better be a bunch of Gudako/Hakunon art or I'll be very cross.
Everyone's getting their panties in a twist that Hakunon will take away screen-time or main characterness from a literal cardboard cutout who was never interesting, meanwhile I just absolutely despise FGO's disgusting tendency to turn existing characters, masters and and normal side-characters into Servants. It's done so casually for fanservice with zero actual thought about the implications. Being a Servant is not a good thing. Being a slave to both Alaya and random Masters in Grail Wars is shitty. They literally had to introduce Command Seals into the Grail War system because Servants would 90% of the time not obey or work with masters and rather kill them in many cases.
Even worse when Servants are used as Counter-Guardians and forced to clean up the worst messes for Alaya.
I don't care that a lot of Servants in FGO are just from potential what-ifs. By making them real you already mark them down in history one way or another and they will become part of the Throne of Heroes.

And here we just get poor Prisma Illya and Miyu involved in this shit. As if they aren't going through enough shit as is.
We have Hakunon become a Servant too? Nobody sees how demeaning it is to turn the protagonist Master from another spin-off into a literal subordinate? Sure they may make jokes and Hakunon has more influence blah blah, but when it comes down to it this is still just a power move in lazy FGO favoritism. You won't see Guda appear as a Servant in Extella Link Plus Exceed Triple.
At the absolute minimum Hakuno should only appear as an allied Master or advisor. Treat her as a goddamn equal.

You know when Arcueid became a "Servant" in Extra, it was made very clear that she isn't actually a Servant and literally fucks off not caring at all about all the drama, because that's not her problem. She is just naturally powerful enough to keep up with Servants and didn't need to actually become one. That was halfway clever. FGO can't must even that.

It always sucked.
Looks more like Morgan being based to me
>You won't see Guda appear as a Servant in Extella Link Plus Exceed Triple.
Oh, definitely. They'd need to actually unkill Extella for that. But I think it's realistic Gudako will appear in whatever other Fate gacha that will replace FGO down the line if it becomes as popular as FGO. Heck, one of the Fujimaru's might even show up in other Fate material, given that Pepe got namedropped in the recent El-Melloi book.
I'm sure that after Extra Record and the next three spin-offs Nasu will find time to actually finish Extella 2. If only he wasn't wasted on this shitty gacha, maybe he could start writing for real games.
Then again, he just had to write a Tsukihime remake the size of two Tsukihimes which then became a two-parter.
Remake and gacha hell have completely dried up any orginality left in Type-Moon a long time ago.

That being said, Extra Record at the very least is trying to do something with Extra instead of either just giving the PSP game a graphics update or turning it into some shitty cash-in. No wonder it took 6 years.
The one good thing is that the event emphasized the two Hakunos being quite different.
I'm sure Nasu would love to sink his teeth into Extra (I mean, the current FGO event is absolutely Extra Wank) but Takeuchi probably won't let him. Remember that Nasu wanted a Summer Lip for years now and Takeuchi blocked that notion every time.
No but it can always be retconned I guess.
CCC did that 13 years ago.

Takeuchi and his Saberfaces can screw themselves. TM was never good because of its art, but because of the writing. Takeuchi could always be replaced, Nasu not so much. Is he jealous that Wada is the core artist for the Extraverse stuff?

Just let Nasu finish a thing already. Velber, aliens and space exploration are so much more interesting than repeating the same three ideas.
I want a CCC remake with voiced Hakuno and modern graphics.
Well, Hakuno is a literal NPC so her being in a video game makes sense.
Realistically they could just spin up some shit how the Brunestud's are the guardians of the Mooncell. And now I have this image of system admin Arc in my head.
>Takeuchi could always be replaced
I mean. He runs TM. He's the boss. Hard to get rid of him.
>Takeuchi could always be replaced
I wish he was. The only times his servants look good are when they're drawn by other artists.
Tough luck. It's a miracle that we are getting a (seemingly) decent Extra remake. CCC is a game you simply cannot replicate in this era. It's an anomaly that isn't fit for current Type-Moon, let alone a general audience. A game that leans into sexual themes so heavily to make an actual point, that isn't just an excuse, is rare. Not to mention the extremely self-referential nonsense that exceeds even FGO in places.
Extra and CCC were just niche enough in a time where TM was still just hardcore enough that it got away with it. These days a game like this would attract the Nikke audience of brainless horndogs and freaks who just see tits and ass and stop their brain functions at that.

I see it the exact opposite way. Execs are replacable. It's the creatives who are the lifeblood.

Long noodle arms. Saberface. Facial cancer (veins). All the memes about TM's art come from this guy.
Whenever someone brings up how a CCC remake will look like need look no further to Kiara's animation update NP. That's how you can expect Heaven's Hole to look like in a remake, not the planet fucking from the original.
The obscenity of the Heaven's Hole animation was its point. Kiara at that point has been reborn as a goddess of carnal desires and pleasure and she is actually metaphorically screwing the Earth and all of humanity to end them for her rapture.
As trite and absurd as it sounds, this crass and disgusting image had meaning to its plot and themes.

FGO sanitizes, generalizes, flanderizes and flips between themes relentlessly. BB's entire point is lost in FGO and Kiara is a shadow of her former self too.

I know I sound like a fucking snob and a total autist, but there was something poetic about the finale of the CCC route and how Kiara, an embodiment of carnal desire, incapable of actually understanding people and only able to use them for her own gratification, was defeated by the self-sacrificial love of those she absorbed and used.
Andersen said it best. In the entire universe the only person Kiara could not defeat was Hakuno Kishinami. She was the one enemy Kiara should not have faced.

That beauty is entirely lost when she is a fucking villain of the week in some Seraph related event in a gacha.
To be fair, you can blame things like CERO and the changing times more than anything else. They straight-up said they wouldn't be able to remake CCC for those reasons.
Not that I'm defending FGO's flanderization and sanitization of things though, just saying it's not the only factor and perhaps not even the primary one.
Ngl anon but that all sounds stupid. Kiara is a dumb character and I'm glad I never played CCC, because that all sounds dumb.
Just for us to finally get Summer Lip, but thanks to all the Extraverse wanking we couldn't really enjoy it. Same with finally us finally getting Summer Eresh
Go fuck yourself loser. It's an opinion on a game you little bitch
Hell no. Haknunon should only appear once and we move on. Again you create the problem of with too many cooks in the kitchen none become special. The sole special thing about Gudako is she's the last Master. What would having Hakunon be her advisor add? What would having her around add at all? The whole point of the story is only Gudako can do this. They already ruined that with Kadoc so we dont need Hakunon doing the same as well. That's a terrible idea.
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>What would having Hakunon be her advisor add?
Better her than fucking Kadoc. That we're saddled with his emo ass since Traum is the biggest insult.
It sounds exactly like the typical poetic stuff Nasu likes to write. It's like Gilgamesh losing to Shirou. And I agree with that anon that a censored CCC would lose some of its meaning. Same with how the all ages version of F/SN loses out some of the more sinister underlying parts of the HF route by having no sex in it (the other routes, in comparison, had the sex more thrown in). There's a reason the movie version of HF kept that shit in it. It's part of Sakura's character arc.
Clearly, Nasu would rather just write Extra stuff when it comes to Fate. Hmm, wonder if, if they every make another Extella, he'll find a way to shoehorn Morgan and Oberon into it. He seems to gave really enjoyed writing them.
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Yeah he sucks but at least he's part of the FGO world. What would be the point of taking Hakuno, bringing them to FGO, and then giving them an advisor rule? Not only would that make them stay way longer than they need to, because they'd now be integrated into all future stories, but they'd also be far less qualified to handle a singularity than Guda is to give advice. Hakuno would've been best mentioned but never shown. We damn sure didn't need to waste a OC story on BB's feelings for Hakuno. Has the game given up advancing Guda's story? How does any of this BB crap play into the endgame of FGO?
Nah it just sounds stupid. A woman became a giant to literally fuck earth. That hentai logic level of dumb. I won't insult you for liking it but I'll question Nasu for thinking that is good writing.
No idea. And I honestly don't care, since I don't particularly care about BB. I'll judge the entire thing when I play it on NA. Until then I'm gonna keep an open mind. With how every other Fate main character made it into the game (as yes I count Ishtar/Eresh and co among those) this is hardly anything out of the ordinary.
She actually became a, well, sex Bhodisathva. She was raised in a freaky sex buddhist cult, which is probably not an unrealistic idea with all the weird cults they do have in Japan.
>My relationship with Master? It's like we're rivals, best friends, and siblings, I guess? I could speak my true feelings, but I'm keeping quiet because it might cause trouble for everyone else.
I think it's less to do with his writing and more to do with players have gotten so conditioned to absurd bs he writes that we no longer question things. This is a franchise where Arthur is a short gluttonous female, Nero is a short busty female, the Virgin Goddess Artemis is a yandere for a bear Orion, the Virgin Saint Jeanne is a cliche maiden in love with a bland cardboard guy, Wu Zetian is a loli, and Elizabeth Bathory is a dragon. If they added Watson into the game and turned him into a busty milf no one would bat an eye. That's just Fate for you.
>raised in a sex cult = becoming a sex god that wants to whole world in her hole
So pretty much hentai logic.
>That hentai logic level of dumb.
>So pretty much hentai logic.
What franchise do you think this is?
Let's see if the studio was called after BB for a reason.
I'm not getting you're point here. If you're the same anon I was talking to you'd know if not read the previous responses before commenting
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I know Protea is big but this feels ridiculously exaggerated. There's no possible way she'd be able to hear Gudako, and no possible way Gudako would be able to understand her unless they both yell everything at each other. Giant Altera was much more responsible. Gudako looks smaller than her pinky. The image comes across more comical than sweet.
I mean you are right about CCC, but not about HF. The sex was completely unnecessary and the movies only put it big in because the director is an idiot who thought that would make it more mature.
The blood-sucking in the all-ages version was completely fine. Taking life essence is the point, not to be a slut. Unlike Kiara, where being a slut was part of the point.
You sound like a retard who intentionally tries to pick a fight. I doubt you even give a shit.

Do you not understand what the word "metaphorically" means or something? Nobody said she is LITERALLY fucking earth. The entire point is that she doing a ritual which sends all of humanity into a frenzy of base desires and she absorbs all of their pleasure as a divine being. She is not actually fucking anyone, it's a conceptual thing.
But conceptual story-telling is far above your pay-grade I can tell.
Anon, I mean an advisor for the one event she is in. By making her a Servant you actually force her to stick around in some way. You are literally contradicting yourself.
Actually her bhuddist sect was normal. In fact one of their main rules was that two women shouldn't have sex. Kiara herself is the one who turned it into a sex cult, broke all the rules and destroyed that branch. Afterwards she became a cyber-terrorist who kept killing people with their desire for her on a fundamental level.
Nasu wanted to repeat what he did with giant Altera in Extella probably.
Anon, Fate started as a hentai game. And Extra as well as CCC came out when they just barely started to move away into only doing non-hentai games. So yes, it's hentai logic, because they were doing hentai. Hence also why there's a scene where Rin/Rani are fucking your chosen servant in Extra.
That's actually the size she has in Foxtail. She big enough there to simply swallow Shinji in a single gulp.
So what, she kills Shinji because he was gonna force her to suck his blood instead of raping her like he's done for years?
What has that to do with anything? What Shinji did is alluded to in the all ages version too, you know? That is part of her fucked up backstory, but what I'm talking about is the h-scenes with Shirou, which had no actual purpose. It operated on the same logic as the other two routes' sex scenes. They just exist to fill the quota. Everything mana transfer or life essence related is 100% not reliant on sex. While tantric rituals are indeed a real occult thing in some cultures, ultimately the Realta Nua version of F/SN showed how absolutely easily replacable all of that shit was.

Sakura sucks blood in HF to take essence and to stabilize. To keep her sanity. It actually makes more sense when she uses Medusa to hunt prey this way, as that is something Rider already does on her own.
I'll say it again, the movies are fucking stupid for bringing this shit back just to say they are so mature and can get away with it in movies.

And yeah, in a way it will be unfortunate when that plot point is erasee from the Extra remake. No way will they do something as risque as that again, which does lower the explicit yuri from the game. One of the very rare moments where Tamamo acts gay completely independant of her master too. But who knows, maybe the rest will make up for it.
Either way, CCC cannot work without these themes, but F/SN and Extra definitely can.
She was supposed to be no smaller than 30 meters tall before fgo made her 5 meters so she can fit on screen
Of all the protagonists that appear in the game as servants, Hakunon is the only one (well sans Archer, but different case) that actually makes sense since she already IS a Saint Graph to begin with.
What I don't get is that some people here act like FGO's BB should somehow be different or exclusive to Gudako. Hello? BB can only exist because of Hakuno! The entire point of her existence is that she wanted to save Hakuno. There is no BB without Hakuno.
And FGO has never omitted that. FGO's BB has the same backstory as the original BB, except she got separated from Hakuno and in her name swore to protect humanity. They made up some bullshit about how it's been so many centuries that she forgot Hakuno, but we all know that was only done to give her less immediate baggage and lazily transfer her "senpai" quirk from Hakunon to Guda. In reality an AI would not forget.

I didn't bother to keep up with every BB appearance in FGO, but ultimately anything happening between Hakuno and BB makes perfect sense. These are two characters completely linked to each other. She is the only Alter Ego who should remember.

For comparison it's like saying Emiya should not remember Kiritsugu, Rin or Sakura. That makes no sense, because they are part of his backstory before he even became a heroic spirit.
I scoff at the way they treat Tamamo, because she is also an extraordinary case who should have kept her damn promise to Hakuno to always wait for her, but at least Tamamo can exist without the events of Extra.
>this feels ridiculously exaggerated
Have you seen the Grand Carnival OP?
>but at least Tamamo can exist without the events of Extra.
That's something some Extra fans seem to forget. Tamamo is a servant in Extra, but she as a being exists outside of it. Same with Nero. So a Tamamo that's 'for' either Hakuno or Gudako is vastly more possible than a BB that exists solely for Gudako. She's only in FGO because one of the Demon Pillars was being retarded, opened a connection between FGO!Kiara and Extra!Kiara and then had the latter invade FGOverse via the Mooncell.
I have an easier solution: magic
A great deal of Guda self-inserters for some reason are extremely brain damaged and self-insert harder than all other gacha self-inserters combined and get extremely butthurt at the slightest perceived grievance or hint of "NTR" real or imagined.
Remembers those meltdowns when Redline came out and Okitafags were whining about how they were getting NTR'ed by the MC of that and that Okita was only for Guda?
To this day I don't understand how exactly or what in specific FGO did to get so many people to be like that.
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>Okita was only for Guda?
Speaking as someone who definitely has their self-insert Servant preferences, self-insertfags should go die.
This is why gacha are cancer. This is literally just waifufaggism. That shit shouldn't exist on /u/ and that's why people deride these ""Type-Moon"" threads. I used to not believe people who claimed this thread is full of waifufags, but every time I come here it's proven true.

Extra also has its issues and Hakuno is still a self-insert to a degree, but it's never as bad there. I can genuinely ship Hakuno and Nero or Tamamo or Sakura. There are actual quirks, traits and chemistries to explore. Hakuno actually acts differently with different servants in ways that show a real personality. I have never felt a sliver of that from any Gudako pairing, not even her and Mashu, which is literally the most "canon" ship you could get. There is a reason most of FGO circumvents or ignores the cardboard protagonist. I can literally taste Nasu's contempt for the Gudas.
It's garbage anyway with a shitty male protag. But if anything what they should defend is the NobuKita ship, not Okita and Guda...
Okita clearly is for Nobu, exactly. They were for each other before FGO or Redline were even thought of.
Hakunon's FGO profile reads pretty much what I expect a Gudako profile to read. She isn't that much better. In fact, her now canon character is pretty much what one expects Gudako to be, too. She's the more 'weird' one compared to her male counterpart.
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I don't really care what slander they commit in FGO. If you actually play Extra/CCC/Extella you don't need a profile to tell you what she is like.

I like my sometimes sarcastic, sometimes clueless overly second-guessing weirdo who can go from serious philosophy to shouting for fluffy tail on a dime. Hakunon who beats the crap out Emiya with chairs, Hakunon who handchops her fox wife until she gets double brain damage, Hakunon who will climb a giantess and remark how she is a great historic explorer. The same Hakunon who will call Leo a bro for lending her money and then curse his ass to hell and swear revenge when he records her being embarrassed by Rani.

I have only ever played male Hakuno once, so I don't have that much insight on his differences, but he also gets a lot of weird dialogue options. He seems to be generally even more of a tsukkomi than Hakunon.

In comparison there is nothing I can even say about Gudako that isn't from extraneous media like the 4komas or the manga spin-offs. In the actual game all she has is a role and some Servants with actual personalities who do their absolute best to pretend they are interacting with a person that is interesting.
>I like my sometimes sarcastic, sometimes clueless overly second-guessing weirdo who can go from serious philosophy to shouting for fluffy tail on a dime.
So like Gudako, who somehow carries chocolate and onions around in Shinjuku? The literal only difference is the inner monologue. Stop acting like Hakuno is something special. The dialogue choices from FGO deliver the same options you can have with our dear Extra protag.
Oh yeah, totally. Having some food with you is such a strong personality trait.
>the literal only difference is the inner monologue
So the thing that we derive 90% of a protagonists insights, personality and depth from? Not to mention Guda has no backstory, no real goals of her own and is not even in more than half the content of her game. Can you imagine playing a story focused JRPG where you play more than 50% of it with only side-characters? Who are more interesting than anything that happens with the main character?
I'm sure there are some examples of that, but in those cases the protagonist is most likely not that popular.

I'm not saying Hakunon is special, I'm saying she is an actual character. That's like the bare minimum. And as usual FGO doesnt reach the bare minimum in most things.
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Hot damn, glad you folks are/were having fun.

At this point I feel like I'm playing "devil's advocate" now, but being an "evil AI", the "last boss", a "pain in the ass" and such things is just her nature, she says as much herself, and live up to her words. Also, twisted as it may have been, her evil shenanigans in ServaFes were made with Gudako in her heart. Also also, 4 incidents in the span of 9 years seems fairly reasonable for someone who doesn't show up otherwise.
All that said, I do agree that having BB being honest and on our side from the get go for once would be nice.

I'm still glad she's here nonetheless.

Isn't the Mooncell that cube thing? If if shows up in the background here and there, then it exists, no?

Naisu. So she finally decided to become a Moon Rabbit, huh.

I do.
But Hakunon is also beautiful.
Tho I'm mad right now, and will be mad 2 years from now because of the final fight with the Hakunos, where hakuno commands the female Servants and Hakunon commands the male ones.

>she is an actual character
She is as much of a character as Sieg is, and you can huff as much copium as you want it won't change that fact.
>all this fighting
Just ship whoever you want. What is this? The FF VII fandom?
>Or will they colide and create a harem singularity that draws everyone in?
That might really be the end of the world.

So it's hakuno for action and Hakunon for affection? Seems like a good exchange to me.

>Here comes the old discourse of "Tamamo/Nero don't like Gudako that way" that we had years ago.
Like I've been dreading for 2~3 threads now.
But we'll see.

>it just means we won't be getting Kaguya
I don't think the hat is enough reason to not get her.
But at the same time, while I would want to say "never say never", I do also think Kaguya was always highly unlikely.

Link me the artist.
Unless it's twitter only, which then nevermind.

>there better be a bunch of Gudako/Hakunon art or I'll be very cross.
I'm also hoping for that.

Many people expect Guda(ko) to become a Servant eventually.

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Meanwhile, I see no Morgan in that image, so I'm slightly confused.

>Summer Lip
I can't believe the level of bullying this was...

>Just for us to finally get Summer Lip
About that...

This is probably just technicality, but LB1 did basically show that Kadoc can't replace Gudako. Even if he's a better mage, and """"better"""" or """"more experienced"""" Master, he can't do what she does, because whatever it may be, she has something he lacks.


He'll be a necromancer.

I don't know Anon, looks pretty cute to me.
Now if it's sweet I'll have to read the dialogue around it before deciding.

Guess it isn't surprising that such thing happened. Glad I didn't see it.

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Not to get into this FGO vs EXTRA discussion, but I sure would appreciate if we had some Gudako monologues, or better yet, get her on the screen and be part of the dialogue, instead of 1~2 dialogue options per cutscene.


This could have been just 2 posts, but I had to separate more because 4chan's system thought they were spam... what's the point for the 2000 character limit now then?
Sure if that makes you happy. I assume though that you didn't actually play any Extraverse games.

Nobody has been fighting over ships though. Mostly about lore and bad writing.
Kiara being a slut was just to make readers aroused. There's no such thing a "the point is x character is a slut". The writer made them that not the story needed them to be.
Oh go fuck yourself loser. Boo hoo I hate something you like. Go cry about it bitch
Let's be real, Hakunon being in the game, and the resulting debate of Nero/Tamamo loving her or Gudako more is absolutely rooted in shipping.
Can you not read anon? Where did I say make her a servant?

I can almost hear this kid crying behind his cryboard. Fate fans take this franchise way too seriously. It's pathetic at times.
No one ever said she couldn't like Hakuno. People are mad at FGO bringing that up every 5 minutes with her or Nero. This isn't FGO Extra. This is FGO. All the extra crap has taken up enough of FGO to the point that this might as well become a pseudo Extra game. Leave all the shit for the Extra games
See this is why I wanted this games separate. You have delusional faggots like this talking like they know shit. Get out of your own ass asshole.
Media illiteracy at 100% at all times, huh? Yes anon, everything that was ever written was done so because "the writer needed them to be like that". You're so smart.
But let's pretend for a second you were a lot smarter than you already are, maybe you could take the next step and go beyond the basics. If we accept that writers write things in a way they have to be, you will find that more often than not it serves a point.
Well fuckface, the theme of CCC is love and identity. Every facette of the game explores these two themes. And love does encompass lust as well. However, the entire idea behind Kiara is that she cannot love other people at all. She can only take. Yes, she gives pleasure to others, but she only does so to please herself. Her entire cult revolves around everyone being attracted to her unearthly beauty, but being unable to ever obtain what they actually want, her heart. She gives her body freely, but she does never "belong" to anyone, which causes them to commit suicide in despair. This sex cult is actually a death cult.

And while you can only see a woman shoving the earth up her vagina, because you have never played the game and have no context whatsoever, people who actually know what they are talking about can see that some crass and stupid things serve a purpose. Kiara isn't actually arousing to a normal player, she is portrayed as inhuman. Dirty and obscene and disgusting. Beautiful on the outside, but so rotten. And it all comes back to the fact that she doesn't care about or understand others. Her idea of a bhodisvata that helps humanity find enlightenment only through her, not through their own journey is a twisted form of her sect's teachings.

Meanwhile BB and the Alter Egos spawned from love and self-sacrifice inside Kiara actively hold her back in the fight and weaken her. She can't win, because the power she stole was ultimately anti-thetical to her.

Oh but sure, it might just be for making people horny. Retard.
Here's her Bond 5 line
>Chaldea is a nice place. It has dependable bosses, a respectable Master, and enjoyable peers. I'm very glad you summoned me and we can fight together. When this battle is over, it's my turn. I'll invite you to SE.RA.PH one day. Look forward to it.
It's not that you hate, it's that you hate so ineptly that is it embarrassing.

>you care about the thing you play, therefore you are crying kid
Or maybe you are a bumbling dull retard. I know which is more likely the more you comment.
>my favorite generic self insert MC is better than your favorite generic self insert MC because I say so
Seriously anon get a life.
I wish FGO kept its gambling addict fingers off Extra too. But unfortunately idiots like you throw money at this travesty, so it will keep on churning out content in increasingly more desperate ways and take from much better series until it dies.
This debate hasn't even come up in this thread, so no.

You spend several dozens comments shitting yourself in anger on a FGO thread on 4chan, so please don't give me this second-hand embarrassment "get a life" shit.
"Boo hoo. Pls love Extra. Pls love Hakunon. She's better than Gudako I swear"
>reaches as far up his ass as he possible can to turn himself into a muppet
That's about what I thought you would do.
Keep crying. You just keep sounding dumber.
So that's what this is all about. You're just a sad little bitch butthurt that your Hakunon waifu is now in FGO. That's even more pathetic
It's honestly impressive how bad you are at both reading comprehension and trolling. This is just too painful to engage with. I will drop you like your parents did when you were an infant. See you never.
Watch out the anon that hates FGO might lose it if Guda even so much as sets a single foot into the Extra games.
>I'm the butthurt one but you're acting childish not me
Ah there it is the classic defense of all assholes.
The devs can do(or not do) whatever they want because they know you won't stop playing no matter how much you complain. FGO prints money, they don't care.
I personally wouldn't mind seeing Guda being a secret cameo boss fight on Extra Remake because that would mean that Guda would finally take a fucking proper L.
I'm so tired of all the she's the most real most normal most average human bean of them all after all the crap the fucker has accomplished.
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Funnily enough I did stop playing months ago. I'm mainly here because I like the fanart. I do open the game just to here Mordred's voiceless from time to time though
Guda takes Ls constantly in their own game. Part of the story is finding out how to beat an enemy after they handed Guda a big L. Arjuna Alter is a prime example of this.
I'm already quaking
Yeah, because of some contrivance or asspull not giving her the Bad Ending she should've getting on those cases. Guda always comes out ahead at the end of the day no matter what.
I hate to say the meme phrase, but, no death = doesn't count.
Only Kiara of all people, funnily enough considering the current discussion about Extra, has given Guda a complete and total L, actual death, and has actually WON, completely definitively and utterly.
Just to get undone by literal time travel but hey that kinda adds to my point.
And actually nevermind my point about Guda Cameo Boss on Extra because unlike here who was Peak Hakuno and two Hakunos at that too that Guda fought I really really doubt it would be Peak Guda that'd be fought on that hypothetical situation. It would probably be Part 1 Guda or something and then still get wanked as the hardest fight Hakuno had harder than Twice, Arc and Shiki all combined somehow. They wouldn't be able to help themselves.
To be fair, Shiki was harder than Arc in Extra, so the powerlevel stuff is out of the window. Also Hakunon would also still be bottom feeder tier by then, not Ruler of SE.RA.PH and all. And even then, who honestly cares? People should lighten up and just take it as the fanservice as it's meant. Must be nice to work at TM, because they probably just like all characters and hence like them appearing all over the place. I bet they'd be stoked to hear of the Arcueid cameo in a Vampire: the Masquerade game, too.
I mean it is well known that Nasu plays the canon fast and loose and will completely retcon shit on the spot just because he thinks something is cool. That is not the guy who cares about powerlevels.
He's like Toriyama in that way.
What are you talking about? Molay utterly embarrassed Gudako by not only beating her but taking her body and leaving her in a pumpkin doll. This are fantasy games where the hero wins. That's like complaining why does any hero in anime beat the stronger villain. They do it because they are the good guy.
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Not that Anon, but I am absolutely jumping in joy that we can finally have Hakunon as a servant in FGO. Since we can constantly have more Extra games to get more of her here is wonderful IMO. Also this will increase her visibility to the FGO fanbase so she can have more art and hopefully a lot more yuri art. She will be level 120 for fucking sure!
I'd rather people play the damn Extra remake and make fanart of that than for her in FGO. As if we didn't have enough het shipping on the Extra side, I really do NOT need male Guda x Hakunon art. Disgusting.
>Thanks for everything thus far. I was here to help, but I ended up being helped more. I suppose you're more experienced than me by now. But when it comes to journeying through the wastelands, I'm still a long ways ahead. So? How far can you go? There's no road ahead, but that's not a problem. Just keep walking and you'll eventually find your destination.

Finally someone actually acknowledging that Gudako is experienced. Both are actually way more experienced than any other Master in the franchise (as Shirou, Sakura, Rin and co all have only a single grail war under their belt)
Ohh, I agree 100% that people should play the Extra games, remake or the original. But since many won't still play that, we have her in at least one more easily accessible game, I'm at least happy with that.
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Illya has the most experience in actually beating the shit out of Servants herself though. She has probably killed more Servant level enemies with a stick than anyone else in history.
Why does her lines sound so generic? She's a collab servantbbut her lines feel so throwaway. They couldn't add in any tongue and cheek jokes about how they both have it rough or how close they got after OC3. All they could think of was motivational pep talks? These sound like filler servant lines.
But as we already established, she is a Servant instead of an equal, she is dumbed down to her most basic traits, because FGO flanderizes characters and she is paired up with male Servants because the devs are lazy. And because they chose to integrate both male and female Hakuno simultaneously she can run into the issue of playing second fiddle or not be seen as the sole protagonist, the way you would experience it if you played Extra etc.
I mean good that they let her hang out with BB and all, but that's not gonna be the status quo.
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I disagree. To an extent. Toriyama perfectly understood and respected his characters powerlevels. Even through the Super era with all its awfulness all the battles and who won them and who lost them make perfect sense from a powerlevels perspective.
TM killer in regards of powerlevels is and has always been conceptual stuff which have always bypassed raw powerlevels, which is one of the reasons why TM powerlevel discussions are always so terrible.
The core problem with FGO powerlevels, besides the powercreep and serial escalation, with Guda at least, is how vaguely and ill defined Guda's skillset is. To this day the dynamics of how everything works are uncertain. Sometimes it's actual Servants. Sometimes it's Shadow Servants. Sometimes the Shadow Servants are 1% of the real Servant powerlevel. Sometimes they're 99.9% of the real Servant powerlevel. Sometimes she can just use SSS-tier Servants who can drain pro-mages in five seconds like nothing. Sometimes she can't even manage to get the NP going. Sometimes she can do all that only with Chaldea support. Sometimes she can do all that while abandoned in the middle of nowhere without even Mashu there to cockblock. All this while being such a shitter she cannot even cast basic reinforcement without a Mystic Code and even that takes everything out of her. All while also commanding the Servants, and keeping up with the supernatural speeds of everything, with more skill than Ash and Pikachu at their peak powerlevel and plot armor shit writing. Also we're still supposed to be believe she's still the most average and normal human being in existence.
And this is another issue. Sometimes they actually acknowledge this, during the Draco event Hakuno actually went "I'm throwing this shit your way since no one has dealt with as many Beasts as you, peace out". But sometimes people still underestimate her and treat her like a shitter despite knowing what she's done.
Guda's writing is completely schizophrenic.
Do you even play the game? You sound like you hate FGO so I doubt it. So of you don't play what's the point of complaining? To piss off the people that are enjoying it?
Tell me what I got wrong and maybe I will indulge your stupid deflections.
Not even close. 17 coming back and being as strong as he was after last being seen being on par with Piccolo is ridiculous. FGO is way better at powerlevel management than DBZ or Super. The only issue with FGO is why doesn't Gidako just bring her most powerful servants with her more often, and even that's explained away in some stories.
It's almost like Nasu didn't want to write a self-insert protag and just makes them do whatever the fuck he actually would have written into a plot with different characters and circumstances every arc. But because he is forced to somehow make it about a character he clearly never cared about, said character fulfills whatever role is currently needed. OP or weak, smart or dumb, experienced or rookie.
You got nothing wrong because that's your opinion. I don't agree with it and it sounds like an opinion based off bias hate, but it's an opinion none the less.

Also you ignoring the question of is you play the game tells me everything I need to know.
Ah so you just don't know what you are talking about. Everything I said happened in the current event. Whoops.
So basically every other Nasu character. How many Fate games has anyone said "my favorite character is the MC". Outside of maybe Shirou the MC has always been the weakest part of every Fate story. From Guda, to Sieg, to Hakuno. None of them are very interesting and it's the servants and world that keep people interested.
No you formed your opinion based on the current event. Again do you even play the game or just get pissy because Hakunon is a servant now?
I don't think here are any people who consider Shirou their favorite in F/SN or F/HA even when they don't hate his guts. Too bad for all the F/Z fags that F/Z has no game. I bet they would call Kiritsugu their fav.

But the protagonist doesn't have to be your favorite character for the writer to still care about them. I can tell Nasu cares about Shirou and Hakuno (And I guess the guy who wrote Apocrypha likes Sieg way too much and wants to buttfuck him considering the bullshit he wrote). I feel none of that for Guda. And say what you want, but Nasu's characters tend to be consistent enough for you to get what their fucking powers are and what they are like usually.
>everything said was true
>but that doesn't matter because it annoys me
OK let's me honest. Nasu cares for Shirou. Everyone else is just the second kid. FGO and Extra only exist because of money. He doesn't care about them as much as you believe he does.
Says the guy that hates FGO just because they made Hakunon a servant.

Says the guy that complained about flanderizing her when all he thinks her character consists of is her being sarcastic, clueless, and at times philosophical.
Man are you still crying? Jesus Christ do you not have a life at all?
I think you are vastly underestimating Nasu's investment into the Extraverse. He has said many times he loves that universe and has endless ideas for it. The tech focus and the space shit is what he wants to write about.
Extra and CCC are not some shoehorned for cashflow works. He pumps out his best shit in those games and pushed the PSP to the limit for his vision. Extella is absurdly good for a fucking Musou game. The only game in that series that is a cash-in is Link and guess what? Nasu didn't write most of it and was barely involved.

Of course FGO also has some good moments, because Nasu is burning through all his backup manuscripts for content drip, but that's neither here nor there.
You could be right that Nasu doesn't really care about protagonists anymore and just wants more lore and variety. I could see that. But in Extra and CCC he really made Hakuno integral and fleshed out and explored them front and back in interesting ways. And I will never believe he didn't care.
No, you are the one who insists on that with absolutely no basis. Unlike my claims which are based on what is actually happening in the game you allegedly play. I guess being an EOP means you can't even follow up to date content though.
>you mentioned a couple of traits, so that means that's all Hakuno is
That's such a dumb deflection that I actually think you might be that retard I droped. Guess I will do it again. Bye bitch.
>A competent Master excels at foreseeing paper and responding with scissors. I'm really good at foreseeing. How about you? Are you the type to beat them before they get their turn or the type to capitalize on the enemy's shortcomings? No, "the type to shut down the application" is not a valid answer! That strains SE.RA.PH's processing!
I think you're overestimating. The Extra games of have been all over the place in both gameplay and story. It's got no real identity and you can tell Nasu doesn't know what he's doing with it. He even randomly dumped Artoria and Jannu in the games to try to get it to sell.
>Outside of maybe Shirou the MC has always been the weakest part of every Fate story.
Samurai Remnants protag is actually bonkers strong all things considered
OK yeah you're clearly a troll. You making no sense.
Yeah, you are talking out of your ass. Extra and CCC are mirror images that complete each other and Extella is just an extension into a new direction, because, as I just said, the other two games are pretty definitive.
>popular characters appear in Musou game, so it's a crutch somehow
That's some dumbshit reasoning.
Nobody was talking about power levels.
Actually I'll humor you. I'm gonna skip the first post because it seems your brain shut down for a bit and you just said whatever. On the second half you try to complain about flanderization but you yourself can't even give more than 3 traits to Hakuno. How can you complain about her not being a self insert and being written wrong while also not being able to fully describe her character yourself outside of 3 traits. Why's that? Because she's also a self insert. Just like Gudako. Just like Shirou. Just like pretty much every other Fate MC. Get off your high horse and accept that these characters can be written however the writer wants them to be. You don't have to like it but don't be a bitch about it.
>I hate FGO so I'm right. You criticize Extra so you're wrong
Wow this is so insecure it hurts.
Jesus Christ. And here I thought people would actually be happy that Hakuno made the jump to 'proper' character with dialogue and all and are now hoping that one das Gudako will get the same. I guess I'm just too much of an optimist.
>you can only give 3 traits to Hakuno
Why, Mr. Fake Reasonable Fuckface, do you assume that just because I didn't write an essay about a character that I think a quick summary of said character is all there is to said character? Why did me mentioning a bunch of fun and interesting dynamics she has with different characters not evoke the obvious in your autism addled mind... that I think there is depth to her beyond the superficial shit you are trying to peddle now?
You are such a dumbass, you think Shirou is a self-insert when his most defining trait is that most players HATE him because he ius NOT relatable, because he is way too distinct. If Shirou is a self-insert than every protagonist who ever existed is one. At that point your entire concept of fiction just falls apart. I guess you mixed up first person point of view with self-insert.
Why would Extra fans be happy about this shit? How could you possibly have believed that? Next year we get an actual Extra remake. That's what people would be looking forward to, not some forced and badly conceptualized flanderized cameo.
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Why don't you go to /vg/. Clearly you don't belong here and will have more fun talking about the game there. Here we talk about and enjoy yuri. Yes we discuss the games, but that's not the focus here. You don't like the main game that's talked about here so clearly this thread isn't for you. And based on the comments you are getting no one wants you here either. You'd be doing yourself and everyone else a favor and just leave.
>that these characters can be written however the writer wants them to be
Oh you are this moron >>4295555
No wonder you talk like your mind is a mental wasteland.
I already made fun of you for that stupid non-point once. Why did you come back for seconds?
>Why, Mr. Fake Reasonable Fuckface, do you assume that just because I didn't write an essay about a character that I think a quick summary of said character is all there is to said character?
Because you write essays for everything else. You wrote an essay just about why you wouldn't write an essay for a character you supposedly love.
You never gave me firsts. You have just been talking out your ass like some retard and wanking Extra in all your posts.
>make a Type-Moon thread
>actually it should only be about FGO and if you don't like that it's not on-topic
Oh what a surprise. This wouldn't be related to the fact that nearly everyone posting here are waifufags and not actual yuri fans, would it? Kind of hypocritical to tell me to fuck off because I care about lore when all you care about are waifus.
My god please go away. You're so annoying now. Seriously just go to /vg/

Can someone please create a new thread to get rid of this guy. I just want to talk about yuri not here this anon complain about the same thing constantly. It's not even funny anymore
I never said it was supposed to be about FGO. Don't twist my words man. That's cheap. Again just go to /vg/. You'll have more fun there.
>considera me tearing apart his points in a post way under character limit an essay
>Not responding to said points either
Not as funny.
>Still not capable of understanding that writing a novel and character analyses in a short post doesn't mean that this was the extend of what's there
I'm a Fate fan in general, so the more crossover the better for me. So yeah, I'm honestly over the moon here.
Nah what's pathetic is you having nothing else to do except come from /a/ to troll /u/ fans.

This is definitely bullshit someone from /a/ would say to try and convince people they like yuri
Stop lying. You dont give a shit about yuri. You're just a waifufag. I've actually been talking about yuri a lot. I care about it way more than most of you I'd wager.
I'm not going to any place that is full of manchildren like you. Waifufags disgust me.
You said that if someone doesn't like FGO they shouldnt even be in this thread, which makes pretty clear that this was always just the FGO thread. And maybe you should get some backlash for that.
That's the thing that anon seems to not understand. TM is a company and the first thing they care about is money. They know fans would enjoy these crossovers and they sell really well. So it's a win for everyone. I'm not sure why people like that guy are losing it simply because fans get to see someone they like in a game they enjoy.
I mean you can be a fan of the franchise and still want separate narratives. Especially when the crossovers sucks so bad, like in this cass. It's just a cynical cash grab. It would be different if they made a new game specifically for this crossover and scenario, you know?
OK yeah you're just trolling. The moment you put words in someone's mouth that's a dead give away. I'm done.
Says the biggest manbaby here
Sorry, it's not putting words in your mouth. I just know who frequents these threads.

Only second to you.
It's the main game talked about here and all you're doing is hating it and the people that like it. You're not posting Extra yuri fanart. You're not saying how you prefer Extra. You're just calling FGO shit and throwing hate. One or two posts sure but that's all you're doing. I'll leave it there since I already know you'll just spin this back at me and use it to try and troll me.
So you admit you are a man baby then. Then go to /vg/ with the other man children. Hell I'll go with you
>You're not posting Extra yuri fanart
I did though.
>You're not saying how you prefer Extra
I did though.

Maybe you didn't notice that early on I was quite civil and talked about these things openly. Until the actual shitposters came and tried to bait me and then I shat right back.
I think my issues with FGO and the event and the integration of Hakuno are all more than valid. I explained why too. Unfortunately for you disliking FGO is very easy and even easier to support.

You know some people actually responded normally and had a back and forth with me that didn't reek of desperation. Maybe try to find the real problem people and whine at them.
You first.
Someone stated they thought the Kiara stuff was dumb and you lost your mind over it. That's what happened and you know it
Someone made a dismissive bait comment that you can apply to anything. That idiot didn't actually care. He just wanted to get people mad. You can tell because when he got some actual insights shared with him he doubled down and used other troll lines to make it worse on purpose.
No one here likes you. You can play the victim all you want bit it's definitely you that's the issue

Shush don't tell him the truth. It'll destroy his victim facade. And definitely don't point out how he bashed FGO players and people here by saying we're not yuri fans but waifugags just because people like FGO. You can't reason with crazy anon.
Some people here literally admitted that they hate how waifufaggy FGO players in these threads are. You can pretend that you are somehow unaware of this all you want, but nobody is buying it.
Nononono anon don't try to weasel your way out of this. You wrote posts like >>4280958, >>4295681, and >>4295673
Like >>4295697 said you never cared about being civil. You started bashing people calling them "waifufags" way before talking about Extra's story.
>Some people
Bitch it's just you doing that. Each posts legit reeks of your same bullshit. "Gudako sucks. You're all waifufags". Mother fucker that's you
Those aren't even all my posts. This is like a comedy of errors.
Also I stopped being civil when the retards did.
I would know better that people replied to me. Unlike you I'm not schizophrenic and don't reply to myself.
Come on anon stop lying.
Touch grass kid
Quite ironic coming from an actual liar. Too bad, I'm telling the truth. Why would you even think I would say BB is shit in all games she appears in when I praise CCC so much? Try to make sense.
I've said enough I'm just going to ignore that annoying anon and move on with posting yuri. Not sure what fun a person gets bothering people like that but I'm not gonna entertain it anymore.
I told you already that's second-hand embarrassment line coming from some loser on 4chan who got mad that someone disgagreed with him.
Whatever man like I said I can't be bothered with you anymore. Have fun arguing with the other anon
What could I possibly have gotten mad about from you? You never said anything smart or mean enough to hurt my feelings.
You came at me with lies and accusations and a lot of hot air and now you act grumpy because you failed so badly. Good riddance.
Why are you trying to impersonate me now? That's some clown shit.
Sure kid. Enjoy your victory lap if that makes you feel better. Just know that like everything else it's just in your own mind
This has to be one of the lamest comebacks ever. I can see you pumping your fist in the air after typing this thinking this sounded really smart
You literally replied to the wrong anon and now you are trying to act smart? Sheesh that's sad.
Man likes Extra so much he thinks he's the real life Sakura 5. You and that person are the same person dude
I guess so, but I'm not that kind of fan. And I think getting condescending one way or another about it is childish.

>Especially when the crossovers sucks so bad, like in this cass.

I haven't read the story yet, so I'm not going to judge its quality.

>It's just a cynical cash grab.
Everything's a cynical cashgrab if you believe it is. Meanwhile for someone else it's the greatest addition ever.
So schizo you actually think someone was arguing with themselves? That's a new low.
What?? Your brain ok anon?
It's quite ironic that anon complains about cynical stuff when they're the most cynical person in this thread.
Nah, it is very obvious when FGO is just plunderind and cannibilizing other TM content to stay alive. It has never been a creative decision made out of passion. It's fanservice for cynical money reasons. Just because some people keep falling for it doesn't mean that's not what it is.

FGO has completely self-contained arcs that are actually decent. Every time it steals from other series it makes those parts of the franchise worse. This is a very recognizable pattern.
This post you made quote the wrong anon. >>4295712 And you are now trying to pretend that anon and I are the same. It's pretty schizo, not gonna lie.
I wonder if this guy doesn't like FGO
You ok anon? Is your brain broken pr something?
It's never about the if. It's about the why.
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Someone doesn't understand sarcasm.
Is your brain ok? I think it stopped working. See a doctor about that.
I think you didn't understand the point.
Are you OK anon? Is your brain alright?
I understood your point. Your point is your giving a reason why you hate FGO. My comment was me being sarcastic because you've been saying that same point so many times now and no one gives a fuck about it. I agree with that guy in that to some it's a cool thing and fuck the haters that want to ruin the fun for others.
I disagree, but I can see you've made up your mind. So I'll ask you to refrain from spoiling other people's fun even if you yourself don't like the discussion.
That's nice, I wonder if they'll ever go through with it.
While I would rather then being on the same side like in here, someone did brought up a Gudako boss fight, and for some reason, I picture Gudako not using a single gold Servant, which is a little funny.

I would love to comply to your request. However:
1- Since /u/ is a slow board, I wait until Page 10 to do it; and
2- If I did it now, we would be under the risk of this discussion just transfering to there anyways, so I'd rather the ones taking part on it to be done while we are still here, so we can start the next thread fresh.
. . .
Then again, it may have finally ended, since the last few posts were a bunch of one liners, but we'll see.
If we can get a Fate x Star Rail crossover can we have these two meet one day.
Gudako boss fight might replace the Shiki one in Extra. Then again, they might use Extra Record an excuse to finally update the relevant servant's animations (I mean they have new animations in Hakuno's attacks) and Shiki could potentially fall under that. Stranger things happened.
In a hypothetical scenario who would be Gudako's servant if she did appear in a Extra game? Kama and Eresh are probably out. I could see Jalter or Salter working solely because they are both popular and have a good connection with Gudako. Shishou also being a good option.
Mordred. That way they could make a parallel of how there's two masters with a red Saber. Also would be a Servant that isn't yet represented in Extra. And then there's Mash, of course, with whom they could make a thing out of her being a class that 'doesn't exists in the Mooncell' since Extra precedes a lot of the newer Extra classes.
Sisters, Hakunon's lines for her Bride and her Wife are so cute, I can't-

Wait, why are you guys fighting?
>BB Dubai
Why is she blushing?
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Super rare Gudako and Mini DaVinci!
Thank you!

You too, thank you.

Honestly a little surprised to see Protea Alter getting some love, what a pleasant surprise.
Want more normal Protea tho.
From what I've seen she plays a big role in the latest story. I do question why didn't they make her a new servant and not just a Protea skin
>From what I've seen she plays a big role in the latest story.
Watch the trailer, there's at least a kaiju Protea (alter) x Protea fight.

>I do question why didn't they make her a new servant and not just a Protea skin
I question that since the moment she was revealed, because of all the LB7 alters, she's the weirdest, as in, her personality doesn't match at all Protea's animations, so it feels extra wrong...
Who knows what the fuck the devs are thinking sometimes...
I must mention yet again that in LB7 we get 4 alter: Nito, Eresh, Protea and Beni-enma, which,
Nitocris Alter = Entirely new Servant
Eresh Alter = Costume Dress
Protea Alter = Costume Dress
Beni Alter = Boss only
like, what the fuck, the unfairness is off-charts.
From what I have seen a big reason why fanart of Gudako and ProteAlter is gaining some love is because ProteAlter appreciates the fact that Gudako sees her as her own person and not just Protea. Makes it kinda weird to just then make her a skin for Protea.

Anyway here's some Morgan rizzing up Gudako
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Oh, so it's the bad kind of irony...

. . .
Have I gone mad?
First >>4294931 talking about Morgan while replying to an image of Gudako with Castoria, and now you (who may or may not be the same person) talking like you're posting a Morgan related image, while posting a Mordred one instead... what's happening? Am I missing something?
Sorry I meant Mordred. I've written Morgan name so many times my tablet auto corrected Mordred's name to her mom's when i misspelled it. I guess that also exposes what my favorite Fate ship is huh
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Here's a new idea, cheerful Hakunon and simp Gudako
Kiara say this to Nero
But she is celibated
Remember that she kiss Hakunon
Didn't she rape Gudako in her bad end Valentine scene
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Gudako x Hakunon getting more art makes me happy
>See a new Hakunon and BB picture
>It also includes Male Hakuno on the picture
I hate it!
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