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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.
*The SEA tour!

Previous: >>4273499
This is actually a good OP though.
Watch as it gets deleted in the next 3 hours.
>shows East Asia countries
American education.
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Love this trend so much. Hope it's got staying power.
I don't know why we're randomly not allowed to have a P.A. Works thread all of a sudden, but fine.
What's happening here?
Why are lesbians so mean.
Probably a complicated mix of emotions on Masaki's part between affection towards Live and the realization she wants to be out in the spotlight with her instead of being stuck in the shadows to avoid bringing Live and the others down with the controversy that follows her.
Is it because the old thread is still up?
oh no!
Masakichi has become a vampire slayer and her slayer senses have set on Livuuuuu!
I tried reading Love Letter of the Marching Puppy since it's complete and I remember peple shilling it before but it's just not really clicking

What is this NATION trend going on in twitter again?
>What is this NATION trend going on in twitter again?
Japanese and Korean girls complained that men in their countries were too meek. Someone replied that JP and SK girls should date each other instead, and it went viral.
The original tweet was from a date of a Korean and Japanese girl in real life.
>Japan and Korea just found out that lesbians exist in their countries
Took them long enough.
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your dream anime is made but you have this on hang on your wall for as long as you live
I would do it if the picture had more aesthetic yuri hentai on it.
You don't get more "aesthetic yuri hentai" than two clits kissing in close-up of pussies.
They look overly puffy and swollen like they're seriously infected.
Sure, just like every Ogino Jun character
What are the chances that somewhere down the line we get a new serialization about a Japanese x Korea couple out of all this?
>new serialization about a Japanese x Korea couple
By Manio please.
>girls run away because their racist families want to split them apart
>end up in SK where the Japanese girl gets to experience all the things her gf told her about earlier in the story
>have sex in a hotel before jumping out the window to their deaths, hand in hand
Another absolute banger by Manio.
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why is she breathing on fabric
Lo no, the real reason for viral was a Japanese girl describing a date with a Korean girl and someone drew a picture of it
That pic is the reason
Where is the post? I want to read it.
Sad that you can't buy this anywhere
But there’s three women
The post about the korean girl putting her jacket over her lap was one of the responses that people quoted and made art for, but there was also a post directly asking yuri artists to make koreanxjapanese yuri which a lot of people responded to. All of which originated from the exchange of someone complaining about korean and japanese men, with another poster suggesting jp and kr women should just date eachother.
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I like the aesthetics of this pairing but I don't know if I wanna watch the anime. Anyone feel what I'm saying?
The manga's always there. Or is it just a lack of interest in starting a whole ass series for a pairing that's part of the ensemble cast?
If it helps, there's almost nothing but scraps for them in the anime. I shipped the elf with the catgirl more than with Falin. Also the western art for this show is trash.
>Or is it just a lack of interest in starting a whole ass series for a pairing that's part of the ensemble cast?
Yes, but you are right manga is there so maybe I should gauge my interest by reading first.

That's a bummer, but I don't agree with the last part.
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I'm honestly pretty happy that this whole Japan x Korea yuri thing exploded on X, it has generated such a huge amount of fanart in such a short time, and also, probably helped a few women irl to open up to the idea of dating other women.
I'm just a bit conflicted that this all started simply because Korean and Japanese men are such toxic pieces of shit but oh well
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which one of you guys was this?
is this thread going to last more than a day this time?
It's probably only gunna get worse over the next few decades. It's nice the roots are forming now I'd say.
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I'm not a fan of tatoo's, but this is a pretty good use of body canvas space.
Why is she pulling her own hair?
Did people really bully that artist into deleting all of their yuri pictures?
People are not bullying artist, they are bullying a man who made artist delete all of their pictures.
If that artist is Manio then yes, I bullied her. I'll do it again too!
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We've had enough clones of Adachi and Shimamura, time for these designs to take over the genre.
>We've had enough clones of Adachi and Shimamura
not nearly enough
Ordered, now announce yagakimi s2.
>short pink
>long black
Nothing new either.
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Just finished watching Hyakko. Aside from the few scenes dedicated to the boys, it was very enjoyable. Plenty of ships (even a kiss on the lips at the end), the token gay pervert (bi this time, but still), and a really likable cast. It even had a scene where the outcast became more popular by putting on glasses instead of taking glasses off, which was nice.

All in all i would give it a solid 8/10, and award it our prestigious Y/u/ri seal of approval, congratulations Hyakko. Shame about the manga cancellation though
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How ironic, anon. I was just reminded of this series after going through old folders.
Genuinely glad you enjoyed it. I watched the show while it aired and vaguely remember following the manga a bit before the anime. Honestly remember very little about it other than the fact that I thought it was shit, Yurishii had a role, and Aya Hirano was crazy miscast (probably goes for more of the cast than that, actually), but that's just my opinion.
Oh, I also remember how the author got trolled on Twitter after chimping out over why his manga couldn't be as popular as K-On. Good times.
Anyhow like I said, genuinely glad you enjoyed it. Maybe I won't hate it as much if I rewatched it.
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It lives
Both Street Fighter VI and Tekken 8 came out since the announcement...
Imagine this winding up another Sasakoi.
Is it even yuri anymore?
please be real
please be real
please be real
About time, it already had a live action adaptation
I tried reading this series because I thought it would be about lesbians playing fighting games.
It was not.
It was more about fighting games that happen to be played by lesbians, there's a difference and I dropped it after 3 volumes.
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Is this gay?
Author has been missed, they live this world, right?
i heard they were also pretty upset the anime didnt do too well either.

I still really enjoyed it though, but i went in blind with zero expectations. The only things i didnt like were the scenes that focused on the few male characters, especially the one who had a crush on torako (although i liked the teacher).
I enjoy these types of series where the cast slowly gets fleshed out till almost the classroom has had their time in the spotlight and the entire class is able to bounce off eachothers personality/quirk. like a Watamote, Joshimuda, akebi, paniponidash, sorry but im not into yuri, etc.

Havent read the manga yet, but i hope its more of the same, and doesnt pull a watamote where they start focusing too much on the male side characters
Why does hating men is such a big part of being a lesbian? Male homosexuals don't seem to have a similar hatred of women.
Back to school.
Is there a substitute (synonym?) for the translation of the words "man" and "boy" when used in a "casual" sense (e.g., "oh man")

sorry if this is pedantic, but only, and only sometimes i'd rather wish not using them, otherwise i'm cool with it for the most part.
falls into the category of couples that are less important or prominent than fans might harshly pretend they are.

>>Yes, but you are right manga is there so maybe I should gauge my interest by reading first.
The second problem and what could be read in the thread that the series had (which mysteriously died not long ago) is that the manga ends without anything relevant between them, the fans seemed proud of that, so this series had the excuse of being "excellent" and that's why it was good that this was mediocre subtext at best.
>Male homosexuals don't seem to have a similar hatred of women.
I don't remember when I watched this anime, but I still wonder why they made the perverted girl Bi, when she only shows interest in men once and the rest of the time she only shows lust for girls and it worked pretty well for her.

>Aya Hirano was crazy miscast
Frankly, I don't think the same, she did a good job, besides being the time where she still mattered, the problem is that the Hype train (Suzumiya Haruhi) destroyed her possibilities and even those of Minoru Shiraishi, of having been able to go further.

I had no problem with the boys, they did their job of being there, the funny and sad thing at the same time, is that the anime ended before what seemed like a plot for the main character (it seemed like family problems) if the "crazy" episode is indicative of what could have been.
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It goes too heavy on the fighting game autism and not nearly on the characters.
She draws the prettiest eyes.
Sorry virgin, they don't hate you because they don't want to have sex with you, they hate you because you are a misogynistic trash who never baths.
>Male homosexuals don't seem to have a similar hatred of women.
This is how I know you’re just a straight guy who’s never encountered any gay people in your life.
You are also another incel retard who never leaves his room going over gay stereotypes
Hating shitty men is a big part of being a woman in SK and Japan, because they're so shitty.
They have women-only subway cars for reasons other than Yuri manga setting
Shitty people are just shitty people. I've never known any homosexuals of either persuasion to hate the opposite sex. Maybe you should get better friends.
It's getting there in the last chapters, but it's not worth the wait to be honest.

If sugoi is saying it's definitely real, though sometimes plans change or issues arise.
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Its still going (and evolving). I don't think I even remember a yuri meme ever blowing up for so long.
And another one 4chan doesn't let me post.
>Male homosexuals don't seem to have a similar hatred of women.
My experience with /fit/ makes me think otherwise.
Did Bocchi the Rock ever get as popular as K-On was back in the day?
Anime is far more popular those days than in K-On days, though with the yuri community Bocchi is far more popular.
anon please, I think hating all kinds of straight people is based. Just because you saw a gay guy on a reality show say he loves his straight girl friend doesn't mean they like you irl.
Do you hate medicine if you drop out of your medical career and go for business instead? Sometimes you just need to know something isn't for you to discover yourself.
Ah so you really are retarded
May it last forever, and may authors/artists on both countries be paying attention.
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Someone please check on Okuma!
She's streaming in 18 hours. She gets to live until then.
>anime didn't reach this part
何 the FUCK
>I think hating all kinds of straight people is based
Tranny take.
Just use a different interjection?
Gee whiz...
It involves multiple countries so that's got more attention. What I love is the comments that Yuri really does heal the world
Minami-ke S2 was stricken from collective memory for that reason too.
Never was even subtext though
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Please don't tell me that you think playing Haruhi is what destroyed Aya Hirano's career...
It's the ESL Sakifag, did you expect him not to be a blabbering retard?
Those are career moves that may look logical from a money perspective, you get notoriety and you try for bigger audiences, but most niche audiences are not as likely to follow you just because they liked your previous work, so I don't think most authors or publishers understand they are basically starting again and unfortunately most yuri authors only have experience writing romance so Nakatani Nio writing a sci fi story was very risky move. Meanwhile Koruse could easily write a shonen manga after Garan no Hime.

Yuri is a growing market, the market Nakatani Nio left in 2019 is very different from today, which is bigger but also far more competitive, if she plans to return she won't have an easy time either, I'm sure she is still a well know name, but people just have too much to choose nowadays, I think her old magazine is actually publishing a new yuri manga next issue.

Not a single one of them do this though, well at least the ones who are not desperate hentai artists who don't deserve to be mentioned scrapping the bottom of the barrel for any money, even Nakatani Nio didn't really abandon yuri since she worked with Iruma on the Sayaka novels during her serialization.
>even Nakatani Nio didn't really abandon yuri since she worked with Iruma on the Sayaka novels during her serialization.
She also drew the cover for someone else's yuri novel.
Who is the most powerful and pure yuri author anyway?
One who has never done anything other than yuri, who has never drawn a man, who love lesbians more than life, who would rather die than do something besides yuri?
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Please provide a link to some of your works so that I may judge you.
Conclusion, every yuri author needs a name that starts with M.
I am website illiterate and only go to like 5 sites so I don't click on any links that I don't recognize, so I will not be clicking that either due to extreme paranoia. I apologize.
I am also extremely paranoid and I will not be posting my work due to a couple of schizos that started to stalk me from another board.
It's dolphin yuri porn.
Mochi au Lait
So she didn't and it's just delusions from genre cultists who can't like anything else
I don't want yuri authors to write het. I want them to write whatever they want without insane retards acting like this is intentional malicious betrayal
Now answer my question about Urobuchi. Is him writing Madoka an evil betrayal of his original fans who liked his earlier het VNs?
Thunderbolt Fantasy is also very different from Madoka. Should be a "betrayal". Yet, it's still successful enough to get several seasons and movies, so it would seem most of his fans don't feel betrayed
>unfortunately most yuri authors only have experience writing romance so Nakatani Nio writing a sci fi story was very risky move
They can integrate it into what at first seemed like a perfectly mundane modern day SoL yuri romance. Think Adashima.
Iruma had experience with around 15 novels before Adashima and some of those were pure sci fi.
Funny you should say that I was just reading the one about the video rental store (remember those? I miss them) and there is actually a dude in that one.
Other than that, I think you may be right.
Well duh, Sorry but I'm not into yuri starts with the MC wanting to use a love potion on her male teacher, though it ends up hilariously backfiring and making him gay for another teacher.
>It's dolphin yuri porn.

Tina is a female dolphin by the way.
Haven't read that one. Classic /u/ recommending things they KNOW don't fit my specific qualifications!
It's more a case of her "getting carried away" and a little bit of the Hype machine, but in the end it was all her fault, although sometimes I wonder if the character of Lock (Bang Dream) is slightly based on her with wanting to "fuck" with an entire band and all that.
>wanting to "fuck" with an entire band
Except the bassist.
Most of his Saya no Uta fans don't care about Madoka, whose fans don't care about Thunderbolt Fantasy, whose fans don't care about Kamen Rider Gaim
His Madoka fans would, however, care if Walpurgisnacht Rising had, or ended in, het. Would the Madoka fanbase be "deranged cultists" then?
>what if <thing that didn't happen?> what would you do then?

What an absolutely pointless argumentative style
That's just an universal constant making itself manifest.
>Most of his Saya no Uta fans don't care about Madoka, whose fans don't care about Thunderbolt Fantasy, whose fans don't care about Kamen Rider Gaim
Source: your ass
>what if Madoka goes het
That is different than making a different het story. It's like someone writing 400 chapters of het harem and then going yuri. Shitting an stablished story and going for a shitty route is different than going from said story to making a different one
Authors shouldn't be forced to repeat whatever story got them a fanbase first. Otherwise, you're saying Madoka shouldn't exist and Uro should've kept making het instead
NTA but it's just common sense, there is nothing in common in those fanbases.
>Those are career moves that may look logical from a money perspective
Where, choosing a market it's marketing 101. Artists need to read at least some business books if they want to treat their art like a business.
NTA but writers=/=artists. Say whatever you want about professional writers but they tend to be more competent storytellers than mangaka so you can't compare a competent writer with years of experience with a mangaka with just one successful story
Okay then. What if Nakatani Nio wrote a manga featuring a shota as MC?

>Authors shouldn't be forced to repeat whatever story got them a fanbase first
You act as if yuri itself was limited to one story.
>Where, choosing a market it's marketing 101. Artists need to read at least some business books if they want to treat their art like a business.
I only meant in the sense you would make more money in a bigger market, this is all they were looking for.
Manga aren't mass produced goods, you can't follow the "bigger market means bigger income" approach with manga unless you want to write shonenshit but I never saw a yuri mangaka trying to write shonenshit before.
With all this Nikkan yuri going around, I'd expect Korean exchange student yuri featuring a tall Korean girl
Common sense to the deranged. Following a writer across several genres instead of limiting yourself to a single genre is normal
Stop thinking your deranged “I only watch/read yuri” mindset is normal. What’s normal is having an open mind and being willing to watch/read different genres
Good for her for doing what she wants instead of limiting herself to the demands of a limited group of retards
Your demands also mean denying Madoka and saying Uro should’ve kept making het. Think carefully about what you want
I am pretty sure manga fits the definition of mass produced, but regardless of course you are right, but see yourself in the eyes of an young author who only wants to make big.

>Common sense to the deranged. Following a writer across several genres instead of limiting yourself to a single genre is normal
>Stop thinking your deranged “I only watch/read yuri” mindset is normal. What’s normal is having an open mind and being willing to watch/read different genres
This is how the market works in a nutshell, your preaching like a lunatic using buzzwords is doing nothing for your nonsense that ignores what a dedicated market is to begin with, sorry anon but most yuri consumers are not interested in buying your shitty obscure sci fi manga because it's done by a yuri author, the only works that really overlap with a lot of audiences are the ultra popular and even so only with a small part of dedicated audiences.
>Following a writer across several genres instead of limiting yourself to a single genre is normal
NTA but isn't the opposite true? I don't think fantasy fans will die to read a sci-fi novel from George RR Martin.
>Following a writer across several genres instead of limiting yourself to a single genre is normal
No, that's not how it works. I'm not going to watch Last Action Hero because I liked Predator.

>being willing to watch/read different genres
If they're yuri, or at the very least not het, yes. You come to the yuri board and tell people to watch/read non-yuri shit or else they're "deranged", "cultists" or "retards".

>most yuri consumers are not interested in buying your shitty obscure sci fi manga because it's done by a yuri author
Unless it has, or is, yuri on top of the sci fi.
You people only think this because /u/‘s a circlejer for deranged lunatics like you
>Why does hating men is such a big part of being a woman?
A riddle for the ages. Maybe a walk through the park in the middle of the night may refresh my memories why that is.
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You mean /u/ likes to read or watch yuri?
>/u/ is dedicated niche for enjoyers of a niche genre
The IQ of a redditor
I’m not asking people here to read het. I’m asking them to stop thinking everyone must read/watch a single genre
It’s fine if you people want to only watch/read yuri. But don’t project these rules to others, and don’t start seething and hating authors when they do something else. Let them do what they want. Fircing them to stay in yuri if they don’t want to will only give you shit soulless yuri, which is only good to brainless retards who think every single yuri is 10/10
You people have no reading comprehension. Liking yuri doesn’t mean you have to hate everything else and act like this “I only like yuri and if an author dares switch to making het, they’re satan” is a normal mindset for most humans
>Too dumb to understand shitposting or common hyperboles in a niche board
Sure anon, continue to sperg about something no one gives a shit because you won't sleep otherwise, just try to not say any more ignorant shit about fandoms and embarass yourself.
>everyone must read/watch a single genre
Nobody here watches a single genre. There's sci fi yuri, drama yuri, comedy yuri, historical yuri, fantasy yuri, tragedy yuri, etc.

>Let them do what they want
And let them lose a captive audience. If they can make their own choices, we should be able to say it was a poor choice.

>brainless retards who think every single yuri is 10/10
Nobody thinks this. It is, however, better than things that aren't yuri, SOVL or not.

You're seriously starting to sound like someone that thinks authors should be above criticism. Like a cultist. or a deranged lunatic.

It does mean that, given the choice between yuri and something else, you'd pick yuri. And if given the choice between something else and nothing, you'd pick nothing.
Uh oh we have a deranged lunatic here
Since when did Fragtime end in het?
>anon thinks 4chan X o the archive don't exist
Let me remind you then. This argument is about yuri mangaka "betraying" yuri if they write het after their yuri series. With stellar statements such as it's a one way street once an author made that switch. If you don't think like that, you are clearly not the deranged cultist in question, so why do you feel the need to defend that claim?
Because no one gives a shit about shitposting, we can get around it and talk like normal people, you instead is giving exactly what he wants by sperging like a schizo.
You are not normal. Nobody even claimed Madoka should go het or anything like that.
I'm not normal either. I like Teren's writing.
has iruma ever write a non-yuri after the switch?
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I'm not normal either. I like Kanoko.
Kanoko and Shiho are the most popular YH characters.
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>my 2 favorite characters
I guess I was a normie all along...
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I'm not normal either. I like Eri.
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Nio-chan was fighting for age gap yuri before it was cool
Speak for your fucking self, I'll venerate Homura, who did nothing wrong, and Gunha-dono in the same breath.
In a hypothetical world where liking Eri isn't normal, have you considered loving amy instead?
I can't read korean.
Poly incest yuri
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>Anon likes Kanoko!
>He does not!
>Anon likes Shiho!
>He does not!
>Anon likes Eri
Is that a cupless bra? What a little harlot...
If anyone but Bibi loved Amy, she'll murder all 15 of us
>The cutest one is nicknamed Uggo
Is this sibling banter?
Where the fuck is part 3?
My favorite original yuri hentai, it's surprisingly heartwarming. Part 3 when?
The afterword does mention interest in making more, so I'm definitely hoping for it to manifest at some point.
No. Since Adashima started, he's done that, Regarding Saeki Sayaka, My First Love's Kiss and now that female teacher X JK novel.
i hope kyoukano wins
Is it true the author of oregairu is working on yuri now?
iirc he did the scenario for Unicord in D4DJ, that counts too right?
He worked on the anime adaptation of MagiRevo
Whos writing doggos stories?
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KyouKano won the global award like KimiTsuzu did last year.
I postponed reading their story after I learned that girl's not doing coke... It's just sugar... What a wasted potential...
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koinega reprint
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I'd post on game general but it stinks there right now. I'm trying to see and gather ideas something:
>Game/s you enjoyed
>Couple dynamic/s you like
overall a disaster
More Yuri needs chibi dancing panels
Halo. If you made a classic era (2001-2009) Halo clone but with lesbians you'd be a hero.
I love the quiet and ice cold efficient killer tomboy who melts into goo when she's with her girly girlfriend who likes to gossip and send her gf emails talking about nothing much during her missions, like how 6O likes to gossip with 2B in Nier Automata.
End the game with a timed escape sequence too.
>Game/s you enjoyed
Baldur's Gate 3
Cyberpunk 2077
Mass Effect series
Assassin's Creed (Odyssey and Valhalla)
The Tomb Raider reboot series
I assume the games would have to have some yuri relevance (Binding of Isaac probably won't make much sense here)

>Couple dynamic/s you like
Enemies to lovers (more they hate each other the better)
Mental illness
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>Game/s you enjoyed
Not a whole lot of non-VN yuri games outside of crackships. I really liked blue reflection games we dont talk about the gacha, as im a big fan of JRPGs, and also i just started playing hatworld
>Couple dynamic/s you like
Chuuni x tard wrangler
retard x star student (Diakko from LWA specifically)
kuudere x asshole
>right now
There's been a schizo parked in there acting like he owns the thread for a year.
Wouldn't the "yuri ideas" thread be more suited for that?
>Games you enjoy
All sorts of RTS and RPG. Especially those focused on exploring "dungeons" and collecting loot and riches.

>Couple dynamics
Genki dumbass/"regular girl" + refined lady (especially if the refined lady is secretly a total freak utterly obsessed with her)
Spoiled/bratty imouto and indulging onee-sama (may or may not be literally sisters)
Competitive girls in a love/hate relationship

But I actually love most variations of bright and genki + dark and refined.
So just like every thread here
That's the one who is obsessed with crossboarders. He's the reason I stopped visiting general thread.
The western games schizo who also defends the G and T alphabet?
At least posts in this general get deleted, usually.
Yep, that's the one.
Not the ones that should get deleted, especially the image spam.
I do think it's a good series, I just wish the author wasn't so biased.
>Next Manga Awards 2024 also bestowed the "Global Special Prize" to English and Chinese editions of manga series. My Girlfriend's Not Here Today by Kiyoko Iwami won in the English category.
in what way
Like 95% of the artwork is MC with Eri
You wanted more of the male?
Definitely a bit more than that. Wouldn't be surprised if he was also the concern troll who usually shows up here and elsewhere.

That's a different one, very different posting styles and views.
Are you really so retarded you don't realise we're talking about you?
Cortana is already a perfect foil for the dry stoic badass. Give me lesbian Halo 4 for that delicious delicious angst but make lesbian Halo 5 not complete dogshit. Commit to the idea of Master Dyke going OFP and instead of the whole Created bullshit withhold saving lesbian Cortana to the end.
And since you brought it up 9S is the "wife" in the relationship anyways so it still works if she's female.
Obviously I wanted MC with her girlfriend, but author already has made her a designed loser with no chance and barely bother to have her in artwork.
Is this rape?
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Wow! You have awful opinions!
You play Halo 4 and think 9S is a better wife than 6O is? Gross!
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>like how 6O likes to gossip with 2B in Nier Automat
Another reason why the first half (third?) of that game is infinitely better than the rest.
It's okay when Japan does it.
Earth laws don't apply to gayliens.
Descending into madness in the face of mortality is the ultimate conflict, be it yuri or otherwise. There's a reason why Homura is the ultimate dyke.
Stop being incorrect, Anon, the character development doesn't kick in until the latter 3rd and even then 2B gets the short end of the stick. A2 x Anemone is the true yuri ship anyways.
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Taitoru purisu, i cant open saucenao at this moment
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Gameplaywise? More or less any genre except shooters, sports, racings and open-world-survival-zombie-craft cancer.

-In need of care + gloomy caregiver (bonus points if the protected one has a dark side to her)
- Aggressive outcast + timid outcast (bonus points if the aggressive one is a nerd)
- Manipulative bitch + Desperate for attention
- Possesive genius + the girl who doesn't really want to have relationship with her, but too bound to leave
- Villain + her most loyal underling
- Mother + Mom and their adopted gay tomboy
honestly why is the male even there, he's in zero illustations, barely a character, not even a good stepping stone
you could do the same story without him nothing would change
Do you live under a rock? It's the best (actively updated) Kirara 4koma.
Yeah but if you're gonna sit there and tell me Halo 4 told that kind of story well, you're fucking crazy.
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I only read realistic lesbian stories with violence and age gap
A Japanese reader made an interesting observation about the names in ZenKowa. Basically the people who had ill-will toward Kurumi (Kurumi-included) all have a kanji in their surname relating to water. Yoshizawa (Kurumi), Naoi, Shimoda (Kokoro), Horie/Hotta (teacher), Isanuma.

Mine, Azuma, Mori (Akane), and Kudou are not included. So, it could be hinting that these characters genuinely don't dislike Kurumi on a personal level. Mine does it for some reason relating to Isanuma, so it not an issue with Kurumi herself.

So, the reader questioned if Kurumi was going to get severely injured at some point relating to water. I wonder if she goes into depression at some point and tries to drown herself.


峰 東 森 工藤
He is honestly there to justify why they didn't got together, if Eri thought homosexuality was an option before she would never got together with another girl and neither would MC.
You think Eri is in denial for real?
>>Game/s you enjoyed
Tactical RPGs

>>Couple dynamic/s you like
Big family of lesbian couples into swinging.
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Why do Bocchi threads keep getting deleted?
The Forerunner stuff was largely mishandled and the Didact was a pretty shit villain but the part of the story I'm referring to absolutely was well done.
My ass.
Both of them are out of character and act stupid because they wanted to force a pseudo romance that never existed before.
But this is getting severely off topic so I'll stop here and just call you a retard one last time.
You retard.
Because dipshits keep putting futa in it.
There's no excuse, you're either doing it on purpose or you're not paying attention to the tags when you download the image.
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Not that guy but how are we supposed to know if you saved it from somewhere else without any tags?
>they wanted to force a pseudo romance that never existed before
That's just half of /u/.
Follow your gut.
Rather than denial, Eri convinced herself this was the right thing to do and made a delusion in her head you would only see on class S bullshit, if Fuyuki got together with a guy she would have accepted it, because she would hold Fuyuki to the same standard she does with herself, though reality would eventually crush her delusion, but she can't help herself when Fuyuki is with another girl, she immediately realized it's her replacement and her role in Fuyuki's life is going to end at this rate.
I am pretty sure it's one of the retards playing catalog manager trying to nuke the thread so they can create their own one, they have been doing it for a while, every time you see a thread getting too much shitposts or too much suspicious pictures it's made with this intention.

NTA but 95% of time you can tell by the thumbnail alone, certain poses are very telling.
That makes absolutely no sense. First, why would an entire thread be deleted because of a single futa pic? Wouldn't just that pic be deleted?
Second, three threads were made and deleted, and two of them had no pics before being deleted. So why don't you check your facts before talking out of your ass like this?
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Atelier is yuri. Keep seething.
The het ones, or the even more het ones?
Probably because the OP posted that image and got banned, killing the thread as a result.
Secondly, we already have a Bocchi thread so why do we need another?
Thirdly, shove it up your ass.
They fucking included the confession. What a fucking masterpiece.
>got to the "it's called jealousy" scene but without the bath scene
Eh, I'll take it.
Did Okuma die?
>Probably because the OP posted that image and got banned, killing the thread as a result.
Then why did the other two threads with no pictures get deleted, brainiac? Also, getting banned doesn't delete the posts you made.

>Secondly, we already have a Bocchi thread so why do we need another?
Because it reached image limit, Einstein.

>Thirdly, shove it up your ass.
Blow me.
Watching it now, no spoilers please.
How old is this woman? Why does she sound like a hyper 17 years old?
I remember playing Iris and shipping the butch redheaded knight girl with the skinny brown-haired girl with the claws who turned into an angel later on or whatever, maybe she was a robot because they had a bath scene together and the skinny girl was checking out the knight girl's body. That was the only game I played.
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Woman? She's clearly a fried bunny.
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She also gifted portraits to Umika and Yuu's actresses with their characters.
Honestly don't know why you got so mad in the first place, suck my clit.
May you stub your toe and your favorite video game franchise get cancelled.
I hope you run out of shampoo in the middle of your next shower before you're finished washing yourself.
>Also, getting banned doesn't delete the posts you made.
They can choose to either delete the specific post that was against the rules, or all the posts in that IP, even across other boards.
The fuck is that?
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I didn't realize the voice of the alien was her.
>"Roushi won't die"
>nothing happened yet
>"Help me"

No news about the BDs yet. They better include the making of every single odekopathy scene with no cuts.
Also volume 5 when?
Now, for the negative side of things.
The official twitter reached only 5000 followers. And this doesn't only include people interested in HoshiKuzu but also idolfags that are there only for the AKB girls. It's crazy low, AKB sure fell hard.
I can see they let Ookuma stream the actual episodes because it was failing hard in terms of views. But even then the free streamed episodes didn't reach 5000 views most of the times (but the chat went super fast in the most important moments).
As for the goods, they're doing the usual anime/idol waifufagshit.
This obviously isn't made for HoshiKuzu fans when they're releasing photos of idols that appeared for two seconds in 10 episodes. I can only see four "picture board" (?) worth something (two hugs, two hand-holding, one odekopathy). Why the hell aren't they selling a big ass poster of UmiYuu's odekopathy? How can they miss the point so hard?
AyaHiro seems to have been more successful. The official twitter has 90k followers, though it was the official twitter of a yaoi series before switching to AyaHiro so most of those followers came from that. It also ranked high in a "what's the drama you're into now" ranking. It seems it was also internationally licensed on some unknown streaming service for gay series. But they ignored HoshiTele and that's insulting.
And now, what is there to watch next season? Do not say Chaser game W 2.
Thanks for being considerate and spoiler-tagging that sick filth.
Because UmiMata is the otp.
>>Next Manga Awards 2024 also bestowed the "Global Special Prize" to English and Chinese editions of manga series. My Girlfriend's Not Here Today by Kiyoko Iwami won in the English category.
I feel this should be noticed more.
That's great. Now Ichijinsha management simply has no choice but to launch English simulpub for Yurihime.
This is the second year in a row the western vote carries a YH title.
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One of the few things I ever wanted from the universe was a show where Sakura Ayane played a super gay lesbian ever since I played Flowers and Vtuber Legend gave me that so I'm happy. The casting director probably thought they were going with a safe choice in an experienced seiyuu but it feeds my insane theory that seiyuu who are very good at yuri roles are secretly gay. I'm waiting patiently for when Itou Miku comes out of the closet.
>I'm waiting patiently for when Itou Miku comes out of the closet.
Don't hold your breath
I hope the flamer on PomPom's channel is the girl from Kanata's school with the crush on Megu and she's trying to break them up so she can get wheelchair pussy on the rebound.
It's going to be Megu herself for DRAMA
Nice, hope it get an anime soon.
Is the hag vampire going to take the goth loli home as a concubine?
I clapped when Masaki said "It's Mayonaka Punchin' time!" and mayopan'd all over her.
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You're late, it's already out.
dont steal my crackship
I hope the anime gets an anime original ending. The manga being artificially prolonged was the worst thing that happened to it.
voice changer
100% no
>can we discuss this
You answered your own question when you posted a picture with a male in it.
Just report the troll
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If you're in SEA, opentrolley is having a sitewide sales for 3 days. You can buy the English version of /u/'s favorite manga and LN such as Kyoukano, Bocchi the Rock, Onee-sama and Giant, NTR Trap, Adashima, Kimitsuzu and Watanare for 15% off(25% if you're in Singapore)!
Bocchi would never.
>~500k VND per volume
I'd love to support the yuriconomy, but yeah, no, thanks, I'd just buy my yuri locally instead.
Akebi 78
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Sasakoi delayed even further
>10-month delay for the last two episodes, 13 counting the original release schedule for the anime as a whole
I hope Ichijinsha learns a lesson from this.
>4th BD to be released in 2025
Episode 11 and 12 to be released in 2025 and/or in streaming first?
It says they will still be broadcast on TV at some currently undecided point.
can't they put this production out of it's misery already
Reading Watanare V5
The start is as funny as ever, rena and satsuki always got the best interactions desu
What lesson do you expect them to learn? It's either hiring a small studio and getting your adaptation in 2 or 3 years, or hiring a bigger studio waiting 3 or 4 years in line for something that may get delayed because of bigger projects.

And shit is getting worse now that studios are being bought and westeners are paying big bucks to make anime versions of their bullshit.

They have contracts to fullfil.
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>Author still shipping Hinako with Chanel...
hey, if the animation for those turns out alright, I would be happy they delayed it.
What if TV no longer exists at that point? The VR gets beamed directly into our heads?
They won't have money for that, we'll only receive a static image of the main character of the show, Shiho.
Im sorry my sista's, but i just cant do it.... I cant finish an entire season of moe CGDCT.... theyre all so boring, and nothing develops...
I don't think this is uncommon desu, most of those works were literally 4koma that follow the classic joke structure, they were never meant to be animated, it's probably better for you to read the manga which is supposed to be a short feel good reading.
The heads of the studio should have to go before the Diet and apologize with a dogeza while some old guy berates them for playing with the hearts of innocent yuri lovers everywhere.
>You can’t tell a person no when they invite you to do something.
Renako sure learned her lesson from middle school huh? Also do girls really bully girls for that?

Also what the heck is Satsuki playing? I don't get her at all
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Kek, I actually forgot that Renako asked Mai and Ajisai out in public. It actually trended but the idea of Mai, the model dating two girls at once and it happening in public was so bizarre that people didn't even think it is real
In what sense would you say it is being artificially prolonged? The last volume did slow down the pace quite a bit, but we also got a lot of content that made the cast feel more well-rounded as characters. For example, seeing the home lives of both Yuni and Fuuko added a lot to understanding how they tick.
Yuni going back to Fuuko by the end of the volume? Considering everything up until that point, it was only a question of when, not if.
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Please pay your respects, we will always remember how insanely gay she was
>is having the time of her life with the adaptation
>meanwhile Eku is drinking the pain away over her's
It's not fair!
>In what sense would you say it is being artificially prolonged?
The pace in which everything was revealed made it definitely feel like it was supposed to reach a climax and then the anime was decided on.
The manga since that chapter hasn't been able to rebuild the tension/drama from that and it doesn't seem like it will. The cheating is out and yeah Yuni will go back to Fuuko because she obviously always was going to. There doesn't seem much of a point to continue after all the cards were laid out and now its just waiting for Yuni to realise she likes Fuuko more and have the guts to break up.
I don't dislike the manga suddenly, but it definitely nosedived after the decision chapter.
Didn't know Eku was a Her's fan.
>Renako realized that people see her like the Shoujo manga MC from her supposed rival
Okay this was funny
Isn't this how it usually goes? Mangaka has a solid idea that's good for as long as they have a strong sense of how it should go. Problem is that if it gets too popular, they're pushed to extend it. Then they start running out of ideas how to keep it going organically. So, it ends up either becoming a slog, repetitive, or just nonsensical.
I think Eku will be fine with how much better it sells than Hoshikuzu
Anons, this is every cheating manga ever, every chapter is the same thing since chapter 1, it's what people want to read.
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Why don't they start making CGDCG anime
>Isn't this how it usually goes?
Its definitely common, but in this case I found it particularly notable because it was pretty tightly paced up until that point.
I don't read that many "cheating manga", so I can't say. Obviously a lot of romance manga are like that though.
I do think if they had intended to pad it out from the start, they should have kept the secret a bit longer while exploring Fuuko and Yuni's backstory and developing the characters.
Would Asumi-san fit into this?
It should be the flagship
>“I just love situations where 158 cm, 15-year-old Ajisai-san sometimes goes back to her true self, acts all shy, pretends to be a little girl, and asks me to dote on her as her oneechan!”
Rate this fetish
Finished ch1. Maybe it is because I haven't read the series for a long time or something, I found it a lot more funny now. Will continue later

Also Mai is like super weak to getting attacked back kek, just a few physical touches and she was down
vol.5 is the best of the bunch IMO or 2nd best depending of who you like more.
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I need translation for this artist's new series asap
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wake up, /u/
The answer is all of them, right?
"/u/" sure "love" "yuri", huh?
Since her last short manga was het, I am not sure we should care unless she starts doing yuri again.
wasnt she coerced into making yuri in the first place?
I don't think Manio is so dumb she didn't realize she would have to draw yuri in yuri hime anon
"/u/" "sure" "love" "yuri", "huh"?
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Does this author have a fetish for just abandoning their stories halfway through or something?
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Locodol of all the things is getting a spic dub. At this rate a dub for Sasameki Koto and Candy Boy is a matter of time.

I wish they would dub more recent series though, the dream is citrus and Valkyrie Drive
didnt they announce a season 2 for locodol like a decade ago, but nothing came of it?
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>People didn’t just go around buying juice for schoolgirls without wanting anything in return.
After the gleefully naivete of Adashima, where Shimamura not only didn't demand anything from Adachi in return for all the snacks she bought for her, but didn't even remind her that she owed her a favor, Iruma had moved on to hard realism.
is there rly incest later?
Manio is strangely happy on twitter. The Kitakawa anime is surely coming.
She'd never be happy about all the work that goes into planning an adaptation. See tkmiz complaining about shimeji.
I hope it ends up worse than Sasakoi.
Sone authors would just completely leave everything to the studio. Manio is surely someone like that.
Sexiled sucks.
The manga is pretty cool, it would be a great one season anime, thanks for bringing it up.
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I wanted to like it but it's really poorly written and boring.
It's just a common fantasy narrative, it's either your thing or not.
>it's either your thing or not.
The same can be said of literally anything.
I read all of Akebi in one day. Very sweet, Akebi is growing into a pure maiden. I didn't expect so many side couples.
>What is Machikado Mazoku
>What is Hoshikuzu Telepath
>What is Gakkou Gurashi
>What is Gakkou Gurashi
What is yuri
Baby please hurt me.
Is that the one with the boring maid love interest?
No and Milkit is not boring
subtext doesn't exist. It's all maintext. Authors confirm the relationship in interviews. Don't ask me to provide sources, that's media illiterate troll behavior. Just trust me, media literacy says so.
Anon doesn't understand "show, not tell"! The girls need to say they're in a relationship, or else they aren't, regardless of all the relationship things they did throughout the series!
It's like seeing a tree, but since the tree doesn't say it's a tree, there's no tree! It's treeson!
it's what people WANT know
the character looking at the camera saying "I am homosexual" is progressive and qweerXD
suffering for 10 volumes is so outdated
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Which side couple's your favorite?
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We NEED more clit kissing.
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Western publishers know exactly what readers want. They need the word “lesbian” to be used at least once, otherwise they will not even consider the work as yuri. Respect to such publishers, and wish for fan translators to get up to the level set by professionals as soon as possible.
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What did they mean by this?
eveything in the published translation sounds better
Fan translation is a chore to read.
Props for Yen press in this case.
You should still learn japanese.
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The published translation is editorializing left and right while the fan translation is accurately reproducing the Japanese, even if it's a bit stilted
>a bit
Especially sounds better a word that is not in the original text and is hardly implied there.
>hardly implied there.
you can't tell from the excerpt posted here, need more context to rule that out
the word lesbian is a step too far
still she doesnt want to sound gay
I wish people in general understood theres no a single "correct" translation
you can translate text a bilion times
that what people do with classic writings
okay yen press translator.
Where is PA thread?
>10 volumes
the manga go full yuri yet?
It already ended, never went there, they separated at the end, the only thing we knew is that blonde probably was gay.
What is this from?
It was always yuri.
This might interest some of you
tail sex is involved
still not playing
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What's the name of the series that has a girl who is going out with her friend's mom? It's age gap. Has sex scenes and the art is nice. It's not an oneshot. The girl has a mole.
Help me, please. I can't remember the name.
Hitozuma to jk or housewifexjk
>Hitozuma to jk
>accurately reproducing the Japanese
That should not ever be the goal of a good translation.
>accurately reproducing the Japanese,
If you care about that you should learn Japanese period.
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It will be easier to reach an understanding with a classmate if one makes her read aloud the right manga. But it's not certain.
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>anons on /u/ arguing about what constitutes a good translation
I'm not doing it, not again. In a game against retards, the only winning move is to not play.
Is it true there's incest later?
i hope so
Why did Shimamura start skipping class in the first place?
so people dont make fun of her for being barefoot
You mean relationship things like kissing, flirting, and declaring their love for each other? Anons normally don't complain about those, it sounds a bit like you're conflating "show vs tell" with "subtext vs maintext".
And long eyelashes. Please don't forget the long eyelashes, that's what it's all about.
when your pov girl notices another women's long eyelashes it's basically confirmed maintext.
I've been told I have long eyelashes before by my mom.
Go live the dream
How about
>She has eyelashes that aren’t particularly long but are still longer than mine
I had three different girls tell me I have long eyelashes. Were they flirting?
I Had Three Different Girls Tell Me I Have Long Eyelashes, There's No Way They're Flirting! Or maybe they were?!
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Her fondness for cheesy things/ dumb jokes has increased a lot.
What manga are those?
failed princess
>praising a made up translation
As expected by retarded EOPs.
One true pairing is still Neru x Pen-Pen. Hinako just had a pretty big influence on Neru's life, but otherwise they are just senpai and kouhai. Also somehow late Asobi Asobase was gayer than Outsiders Paradise
Sounds like yuricope to me
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>that blonde probably was gay.
>probably was gay.
Remember Taiyaki
Serious question. Why does the title of Kashikaze's new manga have a comma at the end? As if there's going to be a big plot twist in a while, after which the full title will be revealed.
Relationship things like an anon claiming the creator confirmed yuri in an interview and never providing sources. Daring to question it marks you as media iliterate. You gtta accept that it's maintext
And in the work itself too.
>But your title say "Howling Song for Husky Girl,"
>Oh, they got this all screwed up.
>So it's not "Howling Song for Husky Girl,"
>Howling Song? for Husky Girl!
That's the thing. Relationship things like the same super friends shit from every subtext. And chickening out from showing the confession. You gotta believe it totally happened off-screen. Yup. An off-screen confession after 5 whole seasons. Super romantic. How can any famous maintext like YagaKimi compete with this? Perfect yuri writing. On-screen confessions are lame. Who needs them?
the fuck are you even talking about
It seems he is complaining about symphogear ending, while I agree it's underwhelming at same time it's still better than not even getting this and the work ending never even hinting their relationship will change.

But it is what it is, it's not a romance series, so it's pointless to put it up to romance standards when not even My Hero Academia has the courage to give the protagonist a relationship with an 8 years long timeskip
>comparing a romance series with a non-romance series and complaining that the non-romance series doesn't have as much romance as the romance series
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A poster at Kyoto Station. Yuri propaganda.
I hope the rest of the poster isn't utterly trash that should never be associated with lesbians or yuri
You can have more than 0 romance. If you're gonna bring up HeroAca's shit ending then that shows how ridiculous it is to claim Sympho is clear maintext (this magic interview confirming yuri never being provided also reeks of delusions) instead of subtext
Action shows can be maintext, perfectly.. Look at WfM.
Also, the "it's not a romance show" can be applied to many subtexts, like GBC and Jellyfish even. GBC and Jelly confirmed maintext. Everything non-het confirmed maintext. Who needs any romance or anything? It's not romance genre, so confessions and anything else is unneeded. It's maintext because I say so and all staffs confirmed it in interviews. Don't ask for evidence, that's against media literacy
I am not sure what you are talking about, but Symphogear is subtext, I don't know about any interview, but content from interviews giving better context to scenes don't change the nature of those scenes, they are still something the reader is meant to interpret and reach a conclusion.

GBC had a explicit confession but it didn't show whether the status quo between the characters changed in a explicit way, Jellyfish was similar with a character showing romantic affection in a explicit way the series not changing their status quo, they portray romantic feelings in a explicit way but not actual romance between girls.
Majima lost.
You agree with me then.
I was complaining about delusional weirdos who claim Sympho is maintext when I used it as an example of subtext in the games thread
Yes. So?. Lyco is still subtext. But subtext =/= het
Jusy because I don't think Sympho is maintext and think that it's still subtext (and that vocal clear confessions instead of what Sympho did are important. Also interviews that no one proves exist mean nothing) it doesn't mean I'm the crazy retard trying to push het crackships as canon
You have to understand some people on this board (burgers) have a really hard time understanding what is maintext or subtext due to not having a proper education, it's not really their fault, society failed them.
I've read or caught up on all the existing yuri harem series. Recommend me something I can goggle and pretend is a yuri harem.
Judging by the cut-off text on the side it looks like some kind of counseling resource for teens dealing with issues of puberty etc.
Actually hell the QR code in anon's pic works and takes you to the site:
Yeah, it's trash, hope someone rips the rest away and leaves only the girls.
Recommend manga with surprise Yuri or side Yuri? I'm learning that I love these types the most.
How long are you willing to wait for surprise yuri?
>Mahoako author: ill with an unspecified disease, no word from him, series on hiatus
>Machikado Mazoku author: ill with a chronic disease, no word from her, series on hiatus
>Hoshizuku Telepath author: dead from heart attack after watching the live action
Why must you take them so young, o Death?
Joou Sama
95% of "diseases" are just contract or money issues, the time for contract renewal is coming, the series is doing better than ever, author is not happy with scraps anymore, very few cases like Ito are legit.
>Miman: suicidal since no one likes Kanoko despite how pushed she is
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Everyone loves Kanoko, she even made a thank you sign for you anon
I wish I was that sign.
Sumika, pls.
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Store clerks are always smart and correct.
>scientific railgun
>Hey what is trending on the internet? let's put some posters
My favorite yuri Evangelion
>here's why Japan's opinion on yuri doesn't matter

Nice try.
>>scientific railgun
Their opinion is
>This is a popular yuri ship on the internet and we can make money with it
Sorry if you don't understand how business operates
Everything in this picture? Yuri.
>it's not real yuri because it just isn't okay
Is the male harem MC from Raildex female?
There is no 'MC of Raildex'. I don't understand why people always conflate the two here, I didn't even know Index existed when I first watched through Railgun
So Mikasa getting wet for him every time he shows up in railgun wasn't enough of a hint for you?
So Kuroko getting wet for Mikasa every time she shows up in railgun wasn't enough of a hint for you?
>anon with suspicious knowledge of het shows tries to insist a spinoff proves the main show can never be yuri

Change the channel I've seen this one before
pure fucking copium. Wish people had a modicum of respect for proper yuri
Gag lesbian being a pervert for gags while the het was taken seriously was enough of a hint, yes.

This happens in the spinoff. The male character appears in Railgun, and every time he does Mikoto just melts over him.
Unless you're referring to Railgun as a het series, in which case I agree.
Starting with idiot store clerks that put hetshit where it doesn't belong.
>Sorry but I'm not into yuri starts with MC melting over her male teacher
Guess it isn't yuri, according to you.
Tomoyo also loves Sakura, Sakura CC is not a yuri series, period.

So you never read or watched railgun

MC isn't the main heroine of another guy harem
For G, there's
For your activism nonsense, you have
Anything that isn't L (and B women, but a lot are hated here because B means hetshit stuff not a lot of people want to see instead of just yuri) doesn't belong here, Go to the right boards, please
you sound like those people who are homophobic but still watch lesbian porn. big yikes
Kuroko doesn't get the role of being Misaka's hero while she's a damsel in distress in 2 arcs of Railgun itself (The Accel arc in S, and when the old scientist fuck turns Misaka into a monster in T)
Touma gets too much spotlight even in Railgun.
Your yikes can be universe sized, but this board is for yuri, and your shit is off-topic. I'd say the same if anons tried to talk about some generic het isekai here or about real life sports or cars or anything else that already has it's own board and isn't related to yuri
I mean it's one thing to want to stay on topic, but using activism as a slur is a pretty big red flag not gonna lie
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Girls, don't fight. There is nothing wrong with a variety of opinions on the same matter.
Maybe activists shouldn’t claim delusional men are women. Activists believe shit like Onimai is yuri
But if you know that there's surprise yuri in it, is it really a surprise anymore?
Kabocha is correct. Kuwabara is wrong and retarded.
Now, lets see Manio's opinion...
Manio said she doesn't read yuri, but she read Koharu to Minato and the fat yuri manga. It's impossible to deduce what she considers yuri or not yuri.
An unexpected opinion from based platonic yuri enjoyer.
>fat yuri
Which one is that?
Koharu and Minato probably tickles her grooming desire, although the genders are not right for her.
>the genders are not right for her
This is retarded. If the genders are not right for someone, they wouldn't have read it.
based domestic yuri enjoyer
It's less important in fiction. Kinda like how straight women can get off to lesbian porn.

>Yuuki wakes up to find herself wearing a maid's uniform in a strange manor. After wandering into the dining room, she comes across five other girls, each in the exact same outfit. Soon, the girls learn that the manor is brimming with lethal weapons and an array of deadly traps…and that they can only escape by playing the most gruesome of games. As the terrifying truth sets in, each girl's face goes pale—except Yuuki's. Why? Because this isn't her first go-round. That's right—Yuuki is a professional death game player who lives off the prize money she collects from winning brutal killing competitions, and she's not about to let this chance pass her by.

Don't see any important male characters mentioned so how shippy are the girls?
Keep this garbage on >>>/a/.
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Is this yuri?
Keep this here.
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>""""Squid Game"""" ripoff
>main character is named "幽鬼"
>chuuni snowflake character design complete with heterochromia, no less
I cringed, erased my memory of it, traveled through time, rediscovered it, and cringed all over again.
Season 4 when?
That's pretty sweet.
Even the security camera?
Probably not.
Ave Mujica will taking inspiration from murder mystery stories...
isn't that some sort of group game, board game like stuff?
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Looks like it's worth checking out.
but is it gay though?
Looks >>4282799 like yes
Reminder that Madoka itself is a ripoff of a battle royale/death game Kamen Rider: Ryuuki
>murder mystery
>Mikami Teren is currently writing Black Black Lotus
Teren confirmed to co-write Ave Mujica.
He's practicing for the final arc of Watanare where Renako will be murdered by one of her harem members.
The kino Kaho yandere arc...
more like one of them will murder Renako
All of them will do it
Was this the movie where the blonde girl was the ghost of the MC's own grandmother? Not surprising that Kuwabara sees yuri in it, since there was that oneshot Kuwabara wrote about the half-sisters that ended up together. Honestly, I'm expecting Naoi's sister to appear eventually and be a total siscon.
>Manio said she doesn't read yuri
It shows.
I miss Lapis and Dianas manga.
Six what?
Six bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves.
Especially the security camera!
Sounds like something an extremely homosexual individual would say.
We don't talk about this one anymore
What happened?
They are not translating it anymore so we have nothing to talk about duuuuuuuuuuh
Got licensed?
We're talking about it right now.
Ghost Ogre & Winter Cherries are battle buddies.
Ash Blossom & Spooky Dogwood are a kitsune tempting a nun into sin.
Ghost Belle & Moonlit Chill are a lovers separated by social class.
She's a dog, dog.
Why is this fag >>4282821 so obsessed with that series anyway?
Cos, this much seething is abnormal, this is like 8th time I saw him posting the exact same post in a while
Dunno, also he has been doing that for years actually, so he is probably just some insane schizo with some insane grudge about it
Ritual posters like this are like the most schizos shitposters around, virgin road for example got a similar schizo iirc
From random Tumblr review of the second LN volume:
>This volume is pretty much more of the same. It didn’t really do anything that I was hoping it would, like introducing recurring characters aside from Yuuki or a main plot. Both of these seem like they are happening, but by the end of the volume, it’s revealed that neither of them have. I feel like there are a few characters who could have potential, but end up getting wasted by the narrative and it’s structure.
The MC has a few pervy thoughts about girls but that's all what you can expect without a rushed adaptation.
ppl talk shit about watanere and how do we relationship all the time, they never read either
This type of edgy plot shouldn´t be serious
it will be better it was another Jahy chan comedy type
Same about Madoka. Imagine being so serious and edgy when ripping off a show for little kids (Kamen Rider Ryuuki)
>Watanarefag likes trash smut convulated drama
No surprise here
Guess you are just a fan of bad writing, both works that are carried by art alone and would work better as illustrations with no context
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Jahy, or Jashin?
yes, this ogre snake one
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Kanata girflriend can walk a little now
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Hidamari sketch is ogre, btw
Did the show get better?
No, and don't reply to Mugino.
>if someone dares like and watch a show I hate they're "insert personal boogeyman here"
Retard. What if I said you're the majimaschizo and only hate the show because there isn't a man you can ship with the girls?
Yes, and ignore majimaschizo's reply. He's seething because there's no man he can ship with the girls
Why is it always some 'schizo'? Does any other mental illness have representation on /u/?
what is the western or at least non-japanese equivalent of yurihime
Autism is included into default settings here
>low resoultion streaming screencap
>broken english
How fucking new are you to not recognise Mugino posts on sight?
Lesbian Caligula (suscription-only, only by invitation).
How fucking angry are you that someone likes a show you don't to be calling names?. The show isn't het and has decent subtext, so I say it belongs here and even if you're right, there's no rule preventing this "Mugino" person from coming here to post about the show or others from replying
It'd be a different thing if it was trying to pass obvious het as yuri, like some weirdos tried to do with 2.5 Seduction earlier in the season, but that's not what's going on here
All you're doing is publicly displaying how ignorant you are of /u/'s history. Lurk through the archives more before whiteknighting Mugino of all people.
It's been good from the start.
All you’re doing is be an schizo brcause someone likes a show
Not wasting my time on archives for a retard like you
/u/ history is super irrelevant anyways. Liking yuri is better. So this person you call Mugino belongs more than you do
At least he didn’t post het ships like you do, majimatard
The board would be better without the retard who complains about muginowho no one but him ever gave a shit because and without the retard who keeps crying majimafag all the time.

btw since you both are low IQ, I am talking about you two, begone.
1) Majimafag is an actual problem because he's a hetshitter shipping yuri characters with men
2) I was only calling the Cheer hater Majimafag to see if I could get through his thick skull by making him the target of such slander. Making him see how insane it is to invoke these names over differences of opinions
Ushing his own tactics against him.
I looked through the archive on anon's behalf and from what I can see Mugino was a Paraguayan namefag who was active here from 2013-2018. I can't really tell what their gimmick was beyond ESLposting and lots of screencaps like >>4282989 already said
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Yes, although it was always good.
You should consider youself lucky to not know about the times when Mugino posted his retarded bullshit every fucking day. Thankfully now he only posts a handful of times per year.
Kinda sounds like they're living rent free to me. You know you've got it bad when you're hung up on some namefag from 8 years ago.
I've been here for over a decade now and I still don't know who the fuck this person is.
I doubt you could kill a tank with only 6 bullets.
And don't give me some BS that a tank isn't alive. Death is a concept that can refer to something ceasing to function, my Nintendo 64 is dead because it won't boot up anymore, as an example.
It was nobody, some random anon this one loser is obsessed with who probably posted better shit than he does, which is nothing.
You couldn't have posted a more obvious lie. Mugino was responsible for half of the shitposting in the generals (the other half was SHiN).
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All-girl-cast original anime by Go Hands "Momentary Lily": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epsxyWR5psk
This looks like a lot of things, but yuri isn't one of them.
>shipping yuri characters with men
What yuri characters?
Your mom.
Takina and Chisato
Yuri is literally in the name.
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Was this talked about
Anon, I...
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Good news!

Yuri Comic Galette, Her Kiss ~ Infectionous Lust, and No One Lurks Beneath the Snow all hit their kickstarter goals and most of their stretch goals

A win for Yuri this month!
I was at the US premiere in July, this is definitely not yuri
tf is a 脅され系ラブコメディ
>Insecure paranoic
>Happy schizophrenic
Two mental states of yurifag.
*Modern* yuri.
Lol, what turbo autist made this?
My thoughts exactly.
It's like the two guys on a bus meme, only sometimes both perspectives are felt by the same person.
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Does this look comfy or not?
If you love each other it's the most comfy you can ever be.
No cause that's not Akira.
you never had a comedic moment in life where you're blackmailed?
Not with this fucking chair
>""""Squid Game"""" ripoff
Did you hear about Kaiji?
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What is yo/u/r favorite hairstyle for "princely" characters? I need so ideas.
Olympic gold medal for lesbian thirst.
Boyish short hair.
is this yuri?
>one girl is completely smitten
>the other dreams of comfy DV
I will never understand why they thought this ugly character design and art style was okay, the girls look like cheap prostitutes.
>the girls look like cheap prostitutes.
They're idols
good. japan needs more cheap prostitute yuri
what about the main couple(?)
To make you seethe
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Maeda stocks rising a tiny little bit
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Twitter is kinda telling me to degrade even more and start watching Thai dramas. Talk me out of it.
Their language is sus
Mugino would spam random shows claiming they were yuri, in addition to his posts being unintelligible garbage. He's not a troll but a genuine single-digit IQ subhuman.
The worst part however, is that mods used to actively defend him and ban people just for complaoning about him and demand them to clean up his low-quality shitposts.
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Imouto can fixed a hetslug like Tokage
Second worst girlfriend. First being Komachi.
>breaking her future gf horns
what's her plan?
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Source? I am trying to curate a yuri twitter timeline.
Huh? Wait a minute... Are they implying they got married?
>inb4 silly sis, married couple wears their wedding rings on the left ring finger
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Whoops forgot pic
Yes. The rings are an edit by the scanlator.
lol she can't anyway
>The summer you were there

Does it have a good ending? Just to be prepared in advance
Good as in good quality? Yes.
I don't want to spoil anything but it ends with a girl asking another in marriage, sometimes things just work out
This is workplace sexual harassment.
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Imagine going back in time and showing the fans of Sakura Trick that this is what Kirara would look like in 10 years.
How het is this thing?
Thai GL stuff is literally dominating every single other 3dpd producing country ever.
Did that girl from Magia Record get isekai'd into whatever this is?
Did something actually gay happen in Null Meta or it's at "we're like sisters" stage.
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She got really jealous when another girl kissed her "friend".
it's good
Same anon, a question

I didn't infer any suicidal intentions from shizuku's monologues, is that what she planned to do after disposing off the novel?
Ever heard of Dazai?
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> Gal to Iinchou ga Guuzen Saikai suru Hanashi

Does this go anywhere yuri-wise?
As het as it is yuri, aka there's zero romance anywhere. But these two are fun to watch for now.
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Is tkmiz cooking again?
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When news is promised by the author of a work with near-zero chance of anime adaptation, you don't even know what good things to expect. Finder Goshi no Ano Ko live action maybe?
The volumes are getting printed.
Seconds before a bad alien destroys the Earth and kills everyone.
Good as in good quality? No.
Can you screencap it?
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Nice selection
>90% is Yuri Hime.
>Idol x Idol Story
Nice. Right next to Kitakawa, too.
I Finished KimiTsuzu, and I'm not sure if "Good ending in my mind" should count as good ending". I'd love a spinoff where maybe she ends up with Ruri.

anyway, what can I read to heal this wound now?
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We know there are top lesbians and bottom lesbians,
but could there also be side (by side) lesbians?
No, only top, bottom, and charm lesbians have been discovered thus far.
No but there are midlane, jungle, and support lesbians.
Progress is fast before the deadline
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What about behind lesbians?
>Opening her pussy for "someone"
It's Kuroneko
This pic is 100% not yuri
Kimi ga Shinu Made Koi wo Shitai
This one is very wholesome.
So, in case this has the luck of getting animated
How many episodes will need to cover to the end?
Misaki was such a clit to poor Sakura growing up that I'm beginning to question Live's taste in women. Also Sakura was literally knocked unconscious by Misaki's buddies. And is Tokage x Ichiko a thing?
>my dear lass
The young lass wanting to eat the hag's juicy peach. Why is it so lewd?
Nine volumes can be comfortably covered in two cours.
Ichiko likes Live, she was swooning at the idea of Live being in love with her in the first episode and she often gets annoyed when Live melts over Masaki or in this case, her little sister.
Ok, gonna try it, i like the design of the dragongirl.
>Is [onee-loli pairing] a thing?
The answer is always yes.
You could easily trim it to just one and it arguably would be better, also give it an anime original ending but Komachi still wins
Also the animation should be terrible, most Satsuki scenes should be cut to focus on Seo and prez, and the last two episodes should be delayed a year.
>most Satsuki scenes should be cut to focus on Seo and prez,
So exactly like the manga
And then after he dies the series will continue to focus on him.
>or about real life sports
even the switched image?
>or cars
you cunts probably drive a subaru, or if you're a eurodyke, anything from volkswagen group
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Have you watched their show?
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We're all sensei's girlfriends... We've made it
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The current episodes are currently pretty wholesome.
jealous mimi best mimi
Well *chapters but they are actually pretty cute.

Also the mangaka has pretty long fingers.
>You can see her two hands
>Yet this is a photo showing her two hands while takes a photo of herself taking a photo
I see, makes absolute sense
i think she's referring to fuuko and yuni, they are her gfs.
No, she is talking about her supporters and her many many girlfriends she has around japan, enough to win her any award
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It's her editor or someone taking a photo of her.

This is the photo she took. I don't know why someone took a photo of her taking a photo but whatever.
Do you have a photo of someone taking a photo of her taking a photo as evidence for your claim?
same nail
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Miho can and will annoy Akira for a long time
Will she try to go for oyakodon?
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Go hug your girlfriend, /u/.
>hag fugging a girl that's the same age as her daughter
That's so immoral
Don't seem so, probably making Akira call her "mom" or another annoying things you can do if you're dating your friends' mommy

Akira's mom is the target here, Miho planned it for long time
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Proper adults should tell smug brats to fuck off.
She's not a proper adult, and so are you
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I am America and so can you.
Editor lady is 100% right.
/u/ would love it.
Funny enough this is basically the author next manga in a nutshell, some gay girls, some ugly guys who have no interest in them.
Will it rid itself of the man in the title?
Is oshibudo yuri then? I haven’t read it but I loved her yuri oneshots.
It's hard to deny that there are some yuri feelings here and there, but it also moves slower than at a snail's pace. Don't read it if you're expecting any sort of progress.
Watch the anime.
The idol is love with MC, there is no ambiguity about it, but it's very onesided.
>Is oshibudo yuri
The MCs are in love with each other, though one is secretly and one is in denial.
Unfortunately the situation has pretty much stayed the same since the beginning, but it's worth watching/reading cause their interactions are so precious.
There's also side couples that are more or less overt.
I'm flattered but I belong to Hijiki now and forever.
Manio is gonna announce something on the 6th. It's the Kitakawa anime for sure.
Live and Misaki are really falling in love hard. It's so precious. I hope they give Yuki a girl too, maybe it's the Mother already.
Her last work was not yuri, no reason to believe this one will be.
Sounds good enough. I'll read it.
I'd recommend starting from the anime, it's an unusually good adaptation, I'd say it surpasses the manga.
As long as you know what you're getting into and set your expectations correctly, go for it. It's not a bad manga at all.
I ship them
Koguma got a new Cub, I see.
Watanare v5 ch2
Kaho is still a good friend that helps and gives Renako stress free interactions.
Ajisai got jelly (after realizing Renako's standard are all wreck thanks to Mai) and attempted to be bold like Mai in her first date, it was both super cute and awkward
Random Hanatori back story was funny, also she won the usual lewd bath scene of the volume for some reason

Also Renako suprisingly managed to have a whole talk with a boy lol. The popular sport guy friend (naturally has a girlfriend) that kaho called to help them out with her and Renako's secret basketball training wasn't suprised that Renako was already seeing someone. It is always funny to be reminded that the girls are complete normies with appropriate social crowd around unlike a lot of other series
>Also Renako suprisingly managed to have a whole talk with a boy lol. The popular sport guy friend (naturally has a girlfriend) that kaho called to help them out
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I'm betting that "Mother" turns out to be a loli, because the demon king is always a loli anymore. I wish Yuki had more screentime because casting Hikasa Yoko and only giving her a dozen lines seems like such a waste.
Yuki isn't Yoko Hikasa, she's Ai Kayano i.e. Sayaka from Bloom Into You. Really rare for her to get new roles nowadays after she hurt the chinks' feefees. Next episode is about her.
I need more toxic yuri... please... recommend something
Is that it?
>she hurt the chinks' feefees
What did she do?
Made a twitter post about visiting a shrine...except the shrine was to commemorate a general who was accused of doing war crimes in China or something.
She once visited a shrine that commemorates Japanese soldiers who died in the Sino-Japanese war.
Ah I see. That'll hurt them for sure. Koreans are also very sensitive about anything that reminds them of what the Japs were doing back then. Did she at least apologize?
Yasukuni Shrine is a memorial to all who died serving Japan and commemorates 2.5 million names. Of those about 1k are war criminals and there's some typical historical whitewashing. But it's a big shrine in the middle of Tokyo and on the whole serves the same purpose as any other. She mentioned visiting it on the way to work and called it a nice place. This got clickbaited like crazy in China and she was cancelled so hard she lost all her momentum as a seiyuu. She did apologize and said she had no idea the place had that kind of controversy. Really just a crazy misfortunate moment. People go there all the time and it's no big deal unless you're a politician.
Damn, I'm getting my seiyuu hags confused. She's also the adult baby in Vtuber Legend so maybe that's part of her court-ordered punishment. I guess I was thinking of the JK that Awa-chan crushes on, she's voiced by Hikasa Yoko who also has very little screentime.
I think her role in Mayonaka Punch is large enough, especially if Yuki becomes more prominent in the last three episodes. She even has a solo version of the OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FXlwp68Bcw

I'd like nothing more than for her to start getting roles again because I really like her voice. Also a good reason for Yagakimi and Adashima to get second seasons since she voices the yaya in both.
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I stumbled onto this while going through my folder just now and went to check on what they're up to and they haven't posted on twitter (@kawai_roh
) for over 2 years now.
Does anybody know what happened?
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Kissless virgin here.
How does this work? Does breath really matter when it's mouth to mouth?
You should stay virg forever
What do you call 2 lesbians in Alaska?
>coming of age story
It's hetshit
What do you call an Irish lesbian?
You react similarly every time there is "coming of age" in the synopsis. If you are persistent enough, your prediction is bound to come true someday.
>Gunma Prefecture
I see the local authorities have decided to make a serious investment in promotion of the entrusted to them land.
It's going to be exactly like every single magical idol thing, a shitty series which can't decide what really is and without any status quo change for the whole series. Some anons will call it yuribait, others will act like it's the gayest thing they have ever seen, next season it will be forgotten like it never happened because there was nothing of value.
Looks yuri to me.
And every time I'm right
What you say is what happens with mainstream trash, with some idiots trying to sneak in from time to time because they have lust for those girls.

what really happens is people being idiots or complaining about stupid things even if the anime is genuinely good or takes yuri more seriously than you might expect, then you realize the complaints are from people who either don't even watch the damn thing in the first place or simply don't understand what they're watching.
I mean, I'm not exactly filled with confidence that this is going to be amazing. On the yuri front I'm sure it'll be vaguely gay without any serious het interference, but unless there's some big (School, Slice of Life)-style fakeout, it looks exactly like some meandering PA Works seishun story with bonus idol music shilling. I'm not really seeing a clear hook.

Maybe I'm just going crazy from the continued lack of any big exciting female-lead action or adventure originals announced after Metallic Rouge and Shuumatsu Train were such nothing stories. It's been too long since WfM.
Yuri about a girl who meets another girl and begins an age of coming story.
That reminds me that there was an anime that tried to promote Gunma too, I haven't seen it because they say it's horrible and it did a terrible job promoting Gunma, I couldn't attest to how bad it was even though it was 3 minutes long per episode.
>shuumatsu train
>nothing story
The problem is your taste. Also, there's this
>maebatchi bitchisu
There's a reason all discussion died down after a couple of weeks. Show was way too zany for its own good. It wanted to be an Ikuhara story so badly, and even Ikuhara himself can barely make Ikuhara stories work.

I've never been able to get into Precure ever since the original series; even with some Symphogear staff, that one looks like it's going to be the same kind of tone and demo. I have Apocalypse Hotel in the corner of my eye, but that'll have to wait until there's more information than just a title and a picture of the lead.
>I've never been able to get into Precure ever since the original series
Precurelikes are never going to scratch the same itch that a Witch From Mercury or a Princess Principal or a Yuyuyu or a Symphogear or a Toji no Miko can. Sorry, anon.
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I take it you have high hopes for the 3 remaining episodes of Narenare.
Precure is gayer which is what matters.
None of the site/accounts I check mentioned it so I've found out only today but before of the third movie Baby Walküre got a drama this season which is nice. Something to wach after AyaHiro and HoshiTele.
>uploading a video with 2/3 of the image cropped out
Mental illness.
>huuuuuuuuuur not enough discussion so show bad
Train was a great and creative show. People just have shit taste. If discussion = quality, is the shonen jump shit that fills social media the best thing ever?. Was Darling in the Franxx good because it had a lof of "discussion"? Is Mushoku Tensei good because it manages to cause endless discourse?
Also, the comparison to Ikuhara is retarded and super forced. Not every surreal/weird show is "trying to be Ikuhara". Besides: Revue Starlight is super beloved here and that was actually someone who worked with Ikuhara "trying to be Ikuhara". If you keep nitpicking like this, then of course you'll never have more that you like. It's your own fault
Maho might be one of the gayest action mahou shoujo ever and Mirai Days has a lot of potential
>Princess Principal
If I used your discourse argument against you, these shows'd also be bad because dead discussions. At least PriPri had something during the TV show, but it died and the movies are coming out with barely anyone caring
Yuuki Yuuna is the same. S1 had some discourse, but then quickly died and became niche show. Lots of complaints like "Madoka clone" and disabilty activists disliking how the disablities were handled (mostly that they managed to convince the Shinjuu to give the girls back what they lost). You can't use the "discourse dead" argument as proof Train was bad and then use other "discourse dead" shows as example of good. You contradict yourself
>into Precure ever since the original series

the problem is that you weren't talking about series like precure, but about the precure series itself, which is completely different and probably not even a thing since the only thing there is for magical girls are, Megukas (meaning yuri and the good ones), magical girls in Otaku time that are more generic than the bad seasons of precure (Matoi, Twin angel, Komugi-chan and even something like Ultimate girl) and probably parodies that in the end are in the same category as the previous 2.

>Witch From Mercury
>Princess Principal
>Toji no Miko
>Yuyuyu or Symphogear
The comparison only makes sense for the last 2 (which are megukas) the first 3 are handled and function differently, not even the yuri level is the same because they are also handled completely differently.
sorry fag, I don't bother with subtext trash
He's (almost) back
Have fun with ugly shows that remain unfinished forever and skip moments from the main couple (inclidng their first kiss). Also, it's all teen dramas. No action, no variation. Only like 5 exceptions: Othersie Picnic, WataOshi, Shokei Shojo, MagiRevo, Witch from Mercury
"If people talk about it, it must be good" does not follow from "good shows get people to talk about them" - which also wasn't the point, it was an observation leading into the point. Shuumatsu Train spent so much energy trying to be "creative" that it forget to build a compelling world where things happened for reasons beyond "hey, wouldn't it be CRAZY if..." or characters that aren't cardboard cutouts with a few assigned traits printed on them. The very ending was kind of interesting, but not to the extent I can care about it overall.

But I think more to the point, you need to develop a thicker skin or take more autism pills or something, and avoid devolving into debatebro "prove you have a valid reason to dislike it!" rants and insults because somebody mentioned incidentally they didn't enjoy your favorite show. Nobody is taking your right to enjoy it away.

What comparison? What are you talking about? They're all female-lead action/adventure originals with somewhat adult/YA audiences that take their worlds somewhat seriously, which at least for me means they scratch similar itches which Precure absolutely doesn't. They don't need to be exactly the same genre tropes for that to be true.
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> it forget to build a compelling world where things happened for reasons beyond "hey, wouldn't it be CRAZY if..." or characters that aren't cardboard cutouts with a few assigned traits printed on them.
All wrong. I mean, consistency is overrated. 7G allowing them so many creative scenarios and ideas is what made the show so good. And the characters were developed as ncessary. Not every show needs super deep casts
>and avoid devolving into debatebro
You're doing the same. I could say you need to take some anti-derepssion pills and stop going negative nancy doomer "all is shit. I can't enjoy anything now" and judge all Precure when you haven't watched past the main show.
>They're all female-lead action/adventure originals with somewhat adult/YA audiences that take their worlds somewhat seriously
I wish they also took the yuri as serious as Precure does.
Sorry seething fag, I am too busy reading manga/LN instead eating scraps
So what is happening is the following, currently I am helping this retarded girl who used to hang around with my ex, recently she got this girlfriend and they can't stop using drugs, they keep walking around the whole town like retards, talking in another language which makes absolute no sense (spanish? idk) and shooting things with imaginary guns, my good friend Migiwa tried to help by bringing them to the Drug Scrubbing Labs, but when they got to the rehab they got even more insane and act like they are all alone there. I am honestly getting tired of this bullshit, last week I got complaints because the two retards keep running after the cats saying they were ninjas, please someone help me I can't take this shit anymore, fucking Sorawo keeps saying I am plant and she even tried watering me, I wish I could take them to a picnic on the otherside of the world, some shitty place like Ukraine and leave them there.
Oh no anons, you didn't see two girlfriends kissing and instead you got a whole arc about two other girls who are far more interesting, how terrible.
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I like where it's going.
Good for you, Still boring shit. Maybe maintext should be as fun as the "scraps"
Sasakoi's still a teen drama and everyone is boring as shit. At least give me the kisses. If it's about interesting: Subtext characters are more fun and interesting. I don't care about generic school drama shit. I only put up with it for explicit romance. If you skip it, you ruin the entire show
There's female bear in the middle.
>There is like one type of GL in manga/LN
Perfect proof that this schizo only read imaginary "maintext"
Me reading fun and interesting horde of Maintext LN/manga > your endless copes
So yeah good for me
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Speaking of Precure, what's a good one to start?
Despite never watching any of them I have quite a lot of images of pic-related saved. Is that a good one?
I can't really think of another way to explain this but I'd rather avoid one that has an MC that's too genki. In Love Live terms I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd rather see a Kanon over a Chika, if that makes any sense.
I like Smile Precure the best, but it was the first Precure I watched so maybe I'm biased. Heart Catch, Doki Doki and Hirogaru Sky are also good.
There's not a single maintext that is as fun as subtext anime. To begin with, LN/Manga are inherently boring mediums
Any decent manga/LN that isn't some drama garbage? And has some cool action and shit?
>continue proving that he doesn't even read yuri
Lmao what a "fan" of yuri
Nigga, you are not even a yurifag at this point, kindly kys
Mahoutsukai is the best as yuri goes though.
Explicit yuri will always be better and fun than your subtext craps no matter how much you keep coping
I'd read it if it was fun
Why should liking yuri mean liking boring teen dramas? No better than het. Replacing boys with girls won't make your HS shit less generic and boring
I like yuri, when it isn't HS nonsense dramas. Maybe maintext authors should learn from subtext anime that you can have yuri and giant robots, yuri and magic and a lot of other things beyond "HS drama". When I lurk here, all that people talk about is HS dramashit like Watanare or Watayuri. When have people talked about some maintext action LN or manga?
>continue proving further that he doesn't even read a single yuri manga much less have any knowledge about them
>yuri drama has drama instead of action and giant robots and magic
Imagine my shock!
Please neck yourself.
So why is this schizo even pretending there is only one type of yuri manga? Or we don't talk about others
Kisses and love confessions aren't enough to save boring anime. Where's my maintext equivalent to henshin hero show like Symphogear with cool well animated transformations? Maintext equivalent to sci-fi magic girl like Nanoha? . At least WFM gave me maintext giant robots. And MagiRevo and Exectuioner maintext with magic and fantasy
Where's my maintext equivalent to girls with guns (like Noir, El Cazador. Canaan and Lyco)?
All subtext would be better if it was maintext, indeed. But maintext lacks the variety and fun of subtext. So I see no reason to limit myself to maintext only because kisses and confessions
Kys non yurifag, also both series you just named are talked about because they are far better, fun and interesting than your favorite subtext trash
>continues refusing to prove me wrong instead of giving me some examples
Why is yuri drama the only kind of maintext? Why no more maintext mecha? Maintext action?
If maintext needs to be drama and can't be anything else, subtext is better
Because all you talk about is HS drama/comedy shit like Sasakoi, Watanare, Watayuri, YagaKimi, AdaShima. Never any action or antything else
Holy shit it really is a non yuri fag who never read any yuri
>e far better, fun and interesting than your favorite subtext trash
If they were, they wouldn't put me to sleep. How are they better?
Why does being a yurifag mean not being able to criticise or dislike anything? Why must I like bottom of the barrel boring shit that puts me to sleep to be a yurifag?
Do you think people need to read all 9000 isekaishit LNs to criticise isekaishit?. I'd read if it was something I knew won't put me to sleep
You're fucking mental.
First you say that "replacing boys with girls won't make your HS shit less generic and boring" (>>4284964) but at the same time that's EXACTLY what you want to happen, only this time to other (worse) genres, like mecha shit and action slop.
It's obvious that drama is gonna be the focus of something that's mainly about romance (i.e yuri), you're just obtuse.
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I have my preferences. Sorry for being bored by drama. But HS drama is the peak of shit slop to me and not even maintext yuri manages to make it entertaining. Meanwhile I have a blast with shows like Lyco, Nanoha, Symphogear. Why should I go to shit that bores me? Why can't yuri be fun or have some variety?.
>i-is that yuri romance drama in yuri romance series
>ahhhhhh I am going insane
>melodramatic anime teen with no cool fights or anything
Boring and generic. Doesn't make me want to watch new episodes or read the manga. Makes me sleep
She ded
He clearly doesn't like girls actually loving girls, just see he much he pretends other yuri series doesn't exist constantly kek
If subtext can have variety why not maintext?
You're proving I'm right that maintext is samey, generic and I have no reason to abandon subtext and limit myself to maintext
You think you're insultimg me, but all you're doing is saying maintext can't be anything else but the same boring drama
kek shonen brainrot is real
The only thing proven so far is you not reading a single famous yuri series
The image I have in my head of him is just some dude that's into shonen shit that wants to have "waifu" characters as MCs.
If I didn't like girls actually loving girls I wouldn't say my favourite subtext shows would be better as maintesxt
"other yuri series" like what?. Also, according to >>4284979
For maintext romance you need a focus on drama, so how can "other yuri" that don't focus on drama exist?
Does that mean they're wrong and maintext doesn't need to be drama and can have variety and exist alongside other genres instead of just being generic teenagers in modern normal JP highschool all the time?
HXH is coming back anon, you can read more homosexuality than any yuri manga will ever deliver there.
I don't know who's trolling who.
This is like someone shitting on isekaishit and going "you don't read isekai". Again, why would I want to read that which puts me to sleep?
Stop saying "you don't read anything" like that proves anything
As always this discussion has no meaning unless you name what you like. Which I will use to mock you for your shitty tastes.
It's pretty clear that he doesn't even read yuri much less like them, if he is a yurifag he would have read like so many fucking series of what he supposedly like already
And that's wrong. All I want is variety. Anything that isn't normal teens in modern normal JP highschool
Also my image of you is a HS romancefag who wants only "waifus" as characters, but otherwise the same shit
Isekai sounds like it'd be right up your alley to be honest, plenty of magic and action. Not many giant robots tho.
>no reply
He knows he reads garbage
I already gave some examples in a previous post: Symphogear, Nanoha, Girls with guns from Beetrain, Canaan, LycoReco. I can add more: MagiRevo, Granbelm, Witch from Mercury, Kannazuki no Miko, WataOshi, Madoka, Yuuki Yuuna, Revue Starlight
It proves plenty about yourself already lmao
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I always thought she did a good job in the Urasekai Picnic anime, too. The show itself was trash but she really nailed Toriko's combination of being both bubbly and slightly naive. But K-on was a big part of my yuri awakening so I've always had a thing for Hikasa Yoko. GGO2 is airing sometime soon so that's something to look forward to, I guess.
So does being a yurifag mean having ominiscience and knowing what I want is out there somewhere?
All I see when I seek maintext is the kind of shit that looks boring as fuck. Why waste my time?
Too bad about the generic MCs. And the same problem I criticise in maintext yuri: samey shit with no variation. You watch/read even one, you have watched and read almost all of them
He admitted to not even reading a single yuri series
Replied here >>4285002
Sorry for not having superspeed
Proves I don't waste my time. Is that somehow bad?
That's the thing, he doesn't read shit, it's all stuff that has been adapted.
Makes sense that he doesn't like drama, you can tell he has no attention span when all he can consume is anime with action. Lost cause.
HS dramashit LNs aren't high art. Stop being so pretentious. You also consume slop
So, shit. Good to know.
>all that good anime
Now I feel old. When did anime became shit?
GGO isn't yuri. Don't know why you felt the need to mention it here.
And somehow less shit than your LNs and manga.
If something puts me to sleep, it's garbage. I don't go to entertainment seeking to sleep. I seek fun. For me boring = bad
inb4 it happens
His end goal is to devolve the thread into arguing what is and isn't yuri from that list.
>he didn't post any recent anime
He's afraid
>somehow less shit than your LNs and manga
No, they're not. You picked the very bottom of the barrel.
Surely a human can't be this retarded? You have to be like fucking blind and deaf to not just stumbled into them considering how many are around these days
To be fair, it and LL Superstar are the closest we have next season. It's the driest season ever
But you're right. Fall 2024 is literally empty.
Backlog season, then.
Nah, it's obvious he wants to shitpost about how much he hated maintext yuri, including unironic posts about how it is totally like isekai lol

Or Just see how much he post about his hatred of it (like in nearly all of his posts) while pretending other types doesn't exist or hard to find
And your shit is still somewhow below said bottom
How recent do you want?
From this year, I enjoyed: MahoAko, Girls Band Cry, Jellyfish (this was the worst, admiteddly. A dissapointment). Sasakoi before it went to shit,Seiyuu Radio, Shuumatsu Train, HaraNare, Shy, Mayonaka Punch, Vtuber Legend
Recent enough for you?
Guess I'm blind and deaf. Somehow I don't see any maintext that isn't same shit
I mean all you people say is "of course it needs drama" or otherwise give no examples. I see no reason why I'm wrong.
Only mahoako is good in that list. Must be sad to be an animeonly, wasting your time watching garbage.
All of them manage to entertain me. So how am I wasting my time if I enjoy and have fun?
Because it's garbage according to some retard I don't know? Why should I care?
And why should we care about what you think/like? Keep it to yourself.
Cringe, it's like going to a shoujo thread and start talking about how it's not Naruto.
>somehow below said bottom
Your list says otherwise.
You don't even read any how would you even know lmao
The difference is subtext and everything on my list is still on-topic here, unlike Naruto in a shoujo thread
This thread also accepts subtext, not only maintext
My list entertains me isntead of putting me to sleep
You thought you have good taste but it results you didn't have a choice to watch something better lmao
Again: Why read what bores me? Why waste my time? I can tell from the title and synopsis if something will bore me
Who cares about good taste or your idea of better?
All I care is not being bored
>I totally like non HS yuri
> I just somehow avoided all other non hs yuri in existence, trust me
You sound like those people that fall asleep if there's no explosions for two seconds.
Valid point. You can not care, stop replying to me and let me keep being an ignorant idiot. I'm just replying to people who care enough to keep replying to me
If it exists, I don't know it. Then again, I mostly hate LN and manga, so I've no reason to seek what to read
Where's the explosions in Sasakoi, Seiyuu Radio or Girls Band Cry?
What a clown
I mean at that point isekai is better
If you think isekai is better than anything isntead of being the very bottom of quality, are you qualified to speak of taste?
How is it any better?. Unless you just hate me and want to say all I like is utter shit because you hate me, which is valid
Just R and I the obvious attention whoring troll already
You are missing the main point here, so let me spell to you: You are fucking cringe, this board is not for you to sperg about your emotional development issues against romance series.
I might be an idiot with shit taste and utterly ignorant, that's a valid view. But I'm honest. No trolling here
Your list proves you watch garbage not better than isekaishit but it's ok you have no choices
Would you read a yuri manga set in an all boys school, it’s a love story between the school nurse and a crossdressing student.
Imagine caring about cringe. All anime fans are cringe. Anyone dedicated enough to come here is cringe.
>not better than isekaishit
C'mon. That's an exaggeration. I mean, there's maintext in there like Sasakoi. Do you admit youre dramashit is isekaishit-tier then? And maintesxt isn't a seal of quality?.
>No U
You heard it here, folks
All the maintext dramas you defend are no better than isekaishit
Sorry dude it's true. You thought you were better than those people but your list is really bad. No wonder people are mocking you.
Might be bad, but not isekaishit tier
At least admit you speak out of hate instead of trying to be an authority, and I don't necessarily see myself as better
Wataoshi of all things
Ignoring the new local schizo around, how is Shuukura going now? I bowed out around 180-200 from frustration and Miyagi's shits

Asking because I am considering going back after Hitokiri girl
Rip animeonly anon. How is he going to survive the drought?
Backlog, rewatches or maybe I can stop being lazy and get into LNs and manga
Another shoow I enjoyed. Because it's on my list, apparently it's isekaishit tier
Maybe I'll watch YagaKimi during the dry season to reduce it's quality to isekaishit as well
Oh, the series main twist is so bad I am not even sure it's good enough to be isekaishitier
What is your favourite yuri?. Maybe I'll read it to reduce it's quality.
Jesus christ, attention whoring is still going on
The second part of Wataoshi
>Where's my maintext equivalent to girls with guns
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It's right here.
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Lesbians need big guns for protecting their girlfriends.
>No wonder people are mocking you.
Who? your imaginary friends?

The complaints against Isekai are not unfounded, they have stuck to the same elements with variations that make things worse, because they are basically harem series or tasteless het romances at best, at the end of the day they are a menu of waifus for idiots who may not even really know those series.

Even Citrus is superior to that garbage and unlike many people, I have seen several of that shit, that is why I know that yuri, even in its weakest form, is superior.

No, you are right and that other anon is wrong, anyone who belittles yuri is never right (look at ANN for example)
What about up, down, and strange lesbians?
Nigga just stop, your schizo does not even read yuri
He will just post muh boring x 10 because he totally read synopsis or something
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>Fall 2024 is literally empty.
basically yes, I discovered it horrified this week when I put together my schedule for that season, I had never seen so many bad options, (that includes shitty sequels that I'm not interested in) that Superstar S3 is above like 90% of the season, it's simply depressing, I could even swear that Im@s SC S2 will also be superior to the rest too.

The advantage is that Pokemon, Shadowverse (please don't end this season) and a little bit of Precure will make everything more bearable, it's a shame that Yugioh sucks now.
So I am not allowed to have opinion? I must consume boring shit?. That said, I did like the Koukaku no Pandora anime and have found translations for the manga. So I can read that
Still won't abandon subtext, though
El Cazador is maintext though
It's literally Ghost ib Shell but yuri.
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They can still fuck it up if they have Dot shut herself back in her room on the ship which will almost certainly be back up and running at the end of this cour. I trust they won't though.
But what's the title though?
Pandora in the Crimson Shell. It's a prequel to Ghost in the Shell.
It's a masterpiece.
Goes to show how the separation can get pretty meaningless. Another one that I've seen people correct me on is Symphogear. Lots of people cojunt the ending as making it obvious HibiMiku want to confess and so it's maintext (and there might or might not have been an interview confirming the ending of XV was a HibiMiku confession)
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>oh boy, a hundred posts, surely this time they've announced a watanare a-
The Watanare live action will be even more forbidden media than OneeSho.
Dot's character development is nice and it's all thanks to Liko, even before starting school, Dot was already quite active, especially all the chemistry she has with Liko, it was even a nice detail when Liko was trapped with the mouse family, Dot was there to help (including physical effort)
Yeah, but compared to now where she's forced to be with Liko and Roy in every episode, it would be a big downgrade if she only joined on foot part of the time and was back to support from her room the rest of the time. I hope she keeps tagging along whenever they touch down in a new place, they can still show her doing her thing in her room in episodes set on the airship.
Is Cait going to cheat on Vi?
Symphogear is not maintext, if you saying the words "it's obvious" then its inherently subtext.
I myself believe it's subtext. But that belief seems controversial
It's not a belief, it does not fit any existing definition of maintext, if you need to make an argument instead of just pointing out a dialogue then it's subtext.
Are you forgetting the multiple kiss scenes in Noir?
True. But some dude still argued with me for hours over how it's maintext and think it's subtext means I'm "media illiterate" (to me that only confitrmed that only obnoxious weirdos use the term "media literacy")
I've a shit memory, so very likely. Been like a year or more since I watched it
It seems clear to me you were discussing with someone who isn't "media illiterate" just illiterate.
This looks interesting.
He was right.
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yuri sherlock teren
Can't believe someone this insane exists
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It turns out the Manio announcement IS related to Kitakawa, but not anime.
Don't forget to buy to support her neet lifestyle.
Fuck gacha, DieDieDieDieDieDie
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>young lass invites hag lass to eat at her place
>eat her pussy instead of the food she's preparing
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Buying the limited edition with bonus everyone will have the option to break the triangle the way they want.
how will you break it anon?
Put Aya horizontally across and glue her on Erika and Koto's laps.
They are already separated, there is nothing to break.
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And that easy woman Koto can go back to dating with the whole town.
A new girl to join Azusa's harem!
I hope you're also on the Hirose x Takamine camp.
>Aya is going to die from all STDs she got from Koto
It's China, so better to eat puss rather than bat soup/dog soup/other extremely weird dish they have.
I'm on the "delete her ugly mole" camp.
you're an ugly mole, her mole is moe
Terrible taste
this is /u/, where people think Ahoge is cute and good.
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ahoge yuri is the purest form of love
Suletta's ahoge is fake, it only sticks up when she wears the headband.
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>literally all it would take to fix Hime
>have to wait another 20 volumes before it happens
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Okay, but how do we fix Kanoko? Sumika can't seem to figure it out.
Well the only thing that worked so far was rape
How long is this plot point gonna drag on for. It was dumb to start with. It got interesting with the rape though
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>How long is the plot gonna drag on for
Until the end of the story? Kanoko is the MC after all, it begins and ends with her.
Sumika deserves better.
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Like who? Nene? I think what she did was way worse than anything Kanoko has done (so far at least).
>find really nice yuri art on twitter
>go check out what else the artist has in store
>apart from that one yuri image it's pages and pages of yaoi
Why is this so common?
Hell, I've found two artists that fit that bill recently but instead of regular yaoi all they draw is fucking Sonic x Shadow, and no, they aren't even western artists, one of them is nip and the other is korean.
Someone better than both of them.
She's an angel and she deserves the world.
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Sumika wields a different weapon.
Most japanese artists are women and most women are into yaoi
Yeah, I get that, just find it odd how disproportionate it is.
You don't really see it the other way around (yuri artist drawing one piece of yaoi art all of a sudden and then never again), or it's not that common at least.
If you actually look up a lot of yuri artists old artwork you usually find some yaoi, recently people looked into Yuama's pixiv and she used to draw Deku X Bakugou lol.
>She's an angel and she deserves the world.
That's Kanoko too
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>Cursed yuri images
Itou8 and Nakatani Nio started with BL stuff I believe. Like not just random artwork but full on doujinshi.
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Is this what would've happened if Sumika had let Kanoko "rape" her that one night?
Nene at least has the ovaries to apologies and turn over a new leaf, Kanoko is stewing in her same crock of shit.
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This how you make a funeral of a yuri girl
I visited Tokyo recently.
I went to one of those animate stores. There were endless rows and rows of "BL". No Yuri section in sight.
I went to a big manga store in Akihabara about two years ago and one thing that really surprised me was how filled it was with young women. And like you said, there was a whole floor dedicated to BL
I went to Kyoto a few years back. Was too busy running from Godzilla to check for yuri.
I went to Poland recently. There were endless rows and rows of "potatoes". No yuri section in sight.
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>What's the most you've ever lost on a jan-ken-pon?
>posting shota
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This is a yuri image. Like other yuri images, it doesn't care about your personal feelings on what yuri is.
If she drew more images of two girls, instead of pin-ups no one would question it in the first place.
She kinda cared because when people complained about the ambiguity of the POV in the first Shino and Ren ASMR, the next one was strictly from the POV of one of them.
People complained about the PoV being an actual third person. If she cared, she would have just done the same without that. Like most yuri ASMR does btw.
In reality she doubled down on the self-insert option by making the other one completly silent this time.
I am not sure you understand what ASMR is
This is a weird attempt to deflect, when most of the tracks in the first Shino to Ren ASMR were from a "outside" perspective without a third person being involved just fine. Sounds more like you don't know what kinds of ASMR there are.
The feeling of being there is part of the experience, it's why it was literally a "girl" listening and interacting with them, but this just made people complain aside from the identity of the third person not being clear enough about it being creepy and also NTR, this is why it changed to be literally one of them on the second one.
Are there /u/ authors that stream their work? Or drawing in general.
>The feeling of being there is part of the experience
Maybe to you that is important, but thats just your personal taste not somehow intrinsic to ASMR. There are lots of ASMR that don't do that, again, that very ASMR itself did that for most of the tracks. The Asumi-chan ASMR also didn't do that, for that matter.
ASMR is fundamentally just about the stimulation through the audio experience.
Sorry, the best I can tell you that yes there are yuri artists who do that. But I couldn't give you any names. I occassionally see people tweeting about how they're going to stream, but usually not conveniently over youtube.
Some arez some don't, the company that made the ASMR for Chigusa only does stuff like this.
I don't know why these mental gymnastics are necessary when lesbian self-insert fiction is literally what she does with her art too. This isn't a "can't be helped" situation, its her preference.
it also doesn't need excusing, but its not her caring and changing things to accomodate people. The other ASMR sold well enough that she realised people didn't actually mind, so she went the next logical step with the next one.
>hand on hip
They are banging, oh course
Manio did that a few times.
Yukiko or whatever her name streams making a few pages of her manga I think
Tomoki Izumi (Mieruko-chan) often streams the inking process.
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Who know where these characters are from?
The pevious ASMR was 50% off one week after it was released
NTA but her twitter illustrations were originally just meant to promote her hentai fanbox, she probably thought she would grab more people with only one girl in each picture.
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Wait, Eku x Yuama was a thing? Business yuri among yuri artists?
>Yuama is the Renako of yuri artists
Doesn't she has a cool, deep voice? I remember Manio called Yuama ('s Vtuber avatar) sexy/
Repent, sinners. Yuniko said on twitter that it was about time to put into shape a story about cute girls in swimsuits stranded on a deserted island that she's been working on for about 10 years.
Pretty sure this was done before
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Not in swinsuits.
NTA but it was pretty obvious that there was a second girl in those illustrations. I think that she enjoys self-inserting herself in those scenarios and the fanbox thing is just so she can monetize her own fantasies.
its so impossible to consider a woman might be horny and liking self you must conjure a male overloard ordering her to do it
So she is the cutest artist around and a total push over to the point that she can't say no to cute girls most of the time? Essentially a good girl shoujo mc, the type that gets bullied and teased a lot?
I don't think she believes (part of) her audience are self inserters, just people who like illustrations of hot girls.
Nah, that is not the one living rent free in anons head unfortunately
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Something weird going on with this one. A while back, I skimmed the WN when the thread brought it up and concluded that it was super-duper het - MC is in love with a boy called Mikasa Kurumaru pretty much from the first page and spends a paragraph talking about how hot he is whenever his name appears. The blonde who the anime PVs are pitching as a deuteragonist seemed like barely a side character compared to him, at least from the parts I skimmed. Her name wasn't even mentioned in the epilogue.

Thing is, he seems to literally not exist in the anime cast, and instead there's twin brothers Asuka and Kyou Kurumaru, neither of whom get a very high billing in what's been shown so far. Probably doesn't mean anything considering how 110% heterosexual the MC was in the WN version, but it's a weird change and I thought I'd flag it up so people don't take what I posted from skimming it a few threads back as total confirmed gospel.
Two male characters to serve as love interests for the two MCs. It was over then, it's even more over now.
NTA and my idea was that the original male love interest got turned into twins for a het love triangle with MC
Anyways still hetshit, still worthless
Dry season really invites the weirdest copes. People can't stay away from anime for 3 months, they can't go to their backlogs or focus on games, VNs, LNs and manga. They need to talk about something currently airing. and the lack of it means they need to cope some of the off-topic shows turn out yuri by some miracle
But I very much can focus on my backlogs? I still got so many LN to read like watanare 6, seiyuu radio but actually gay this time, newest hikikomari, virgin road 2nd part, Making Magic 6,7, 8, MagiRevo latests, otherside 9, Ubaware 1 2 3 etc
>he seems to literally not exist in the anime cast
It's not unusual for the love interest to be revealed last.
>The pevious ASMR was 50% off one week after it was released
From my experience with DLsite ASMR thats pretty normal. Its comparatively expensive to begin with.
Not one week later after release.
This is Watayuri.
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>Watayuri minus the yuri
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uh oh
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Vigne is okay now
It's not rape if it's with a friend.
More than half (51.1%) of female victims of rape reported being raped by an intimate partner and 40.8% by an acquaintance.
I can't believe there's canon yurisex in gabriel dropout
Technically Vigne dropout is an what if where Vigne is the lazy one
We are not interested in statitics about men raping women
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Oh, I thought Vigne Dropout was referring to this doujin: https://e-hentai.org/g/1300390/98816ed3cc/ and got excited thinking there was a sequel
whoever is posting this tell me the sauce, at least
No, this is a doujin by the author himself.
Oh wait, that's just the usual girly man, thought it was yuri because of the yuri shitposting later in one of the threads.
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There is some kind of yuri prostitution meme/joke thingy? going on yuri side of chink land.
>Nothing Ever Happens: the Manga
she made her cum...
That's Beautiful Place (nothing homosexual ever happens)
Let's all love yuri.
>CGDCT is hard for anon to understand
No, fuck off.
I love HoshiTele, Machikado Mazoku, Matazoro and many other sols. Because guess what? Things change, characters grow, something happening in their lives, they are not static pictures. Gabriel on the other hand operates differently. Every fucking cursed arc author is throwing a bait that something might happen, and every fucking time it ends in return to status quo.
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Exercise is important in any activity.
Alpha lesbians on the left.
The only difference is that those have a main plot like sending Yuu back or defeating the evil magical girl, otherwise their relationships have the same status quo from the start, in GD they just get older and are now in the final year.
And on the right. And on the middle.
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Leftmost and the two with sunglasses are in a threesome, rightmost and the girl with the ball are too shy for public displays.
Yup, so Mari-senpai was looking at Megumi intently, not because she wanted to roll her in a wheelchair closer to herself, but because she wanted to roll her away from Kanata and leave her somewhere.
>losing the Kanatabowl to a cripple
I'd be mad too
It's nice they showed one of the cheerleaders uses a wheelchair actually.
im so fucking tired of straighties so called "yuri fans" who jsut want to read about males
only good stories to them must be about males, grooming, comphet, cheating, males
it's gross
they consider lesbian relationships only a fetish, its always a second thought
I want to read about WOMEN, I want stories with LESBIANS
Based Manio hater
Based Kodama Naoko hater.
Your disregard for proper punctuation and spelling is much grosser.
Please use the proper term, "hetfag"
what are the percentages of himejoshis and himedanshis on here? Like, what's the majority on this board? I'm trying to do something.
There are no girls on 4chan.
Back in 2016 it was 60% males, 40% females.
100% Female, under 12
It's 50/50.
I just finished Mai no Mushigurashi. It was so enjoyable up to that extra out of nowhere with Mai remembering she was assaulted by a dude. Goddamn it, this author is a retard.
Such betrayal found in this week's episode of VTuber Legend!
I fucking love being a purityfag.
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I love lesbians!
You love dicks!
You must be 18 or older to post here.
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So, this is the power of mommy fetish
I'm 29 years old and I love lesbians, I'm a loud, proud, purityfag and if you got a problem with that, you like dicks.
NTA, but how is it bad to have yuri stories not focusing on the relationship between a male and a girl?
>I'm 29 years old
Not mentally, since your mindset is that of a teenager desperate to fit in and prove they are a "true fan" to a community of internet strangers.
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>Very curious substance on her hand
>Check the author other works with those characters
>All futa
Yep, as expected from the image spammer.
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>>Very curious substance on her hand
I think you're the image spammer yourself. You seem to know exactly which image is futa or het in every round of image spam. You probably have the same mental illness as the guy who always ramble about the king of aidor/u/(which is actually himself) and asking people to report him because he wants to announce his existence.
Yes, it's very very hard to see a girl with sperm in her hand and guess it's probably futa. Retard.
First of all, nobody even looks at these images except yourself. Secondly, after checking it, that looks pussy juice so only the image spammer(you) would know it's actually semen from a futa.
No, you don't look at them and this is your problem not mine, your ignorance does not excuse the posting of non yuri content, otherwise we would only have non yuri content because you are very ignorant as you can't even tell how semen looks like even though you probably see it more than anyone on this site.
Nah I caught you red handed as the image spammer so now you're frantically looking for whatever excuses you can find to deflect. Stop spamming your het and futa images, dumbass.
As long you agree those shouldn't be posted I don't care about whatever you say, will continue reporting those whether you like it or not.
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i am watching Aoi Hana, it feels a bit light compared to something like Sasameki.
what did you guys think of it?
A waste of time, like any other yuri anime.
>Aoi Hana

One of these things is not like the other
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This but unironically.
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Stop posting men, you fucking troglodyte. We've been telling you for years since you started your retarded spamming and you keep doing it, you're nothing but an attention whore troll that would be banned into oblivion if only we had a competent moderation. Kill yourself.
I wasn't being ironic.
hey guys i need some darker yuri manga recs, ive read alot of the popular ones and would just like some more, if you have any dark non yuri but female lead stuff id love to see them aswell
By the popular ones I assume you mean Happy Sugar Life, Kitakawa, A Monster Wants To Eat me, or Murcielago.
Similar ones would be Yoarashi no Warau, Mahou Shoujo Site, Mahou Shoujo Spec Ops Asuka Omae Gotoki, Giant Onee-sama, Koroshiya Yametai, Kodoku no Kochou, or Himenospia.

>dark non yuri but female lead
Ijimekaeshi Calendrier, Wakusei Planet.

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