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which bocchi is the most gay
why are they looking at the camera
Why are you looking at them?
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IkuJika is so hot. DFC x DFC and loli x loli are the hottest pairings in yuri.
it was involuntary
>Nijika-chan, I love you
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Bocchi just entered the room
It's here.
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There is a problem with the stage production. The entire first week of performances has been cancelled.
Because that artist mainly draws hetshit
I guess that closet was harder to build than they thought.
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Kita's new song Milky Way is another gay love song.
Whose milky? Bocchi's or Ryo's?
She appears to call Bocchi her satellite, asks her if she loves her and would hold her close, and says that she felt empty until she joined the band with her.
No wonder it's mid
>implying ikuyo isn't the orbiter
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Official art drawn by the Sakura Trick author. 2 weeks left until Kita sings Won(*3*)Chu Kiss Me.
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Hate this artist cuz of their weird obsession in making girls trans and also the fact they draw het those same characters on their patreon
>making girls trans
Just nuPok*mon characters, nobody cares about nuP*k*m*n.
>they draw het those same characters on their patreon
I don't understand the obsession with drawing girls getting fucked by random faceless men. Two of my lesbian non-trans friends also like hentai depicting that. And I can hardly find an NSFW artist who hasn't drawn girls getting fucked by faceless men. I guess porn is rotting everyone's brains.
This post is a catastrophic trainwreck.
>30 year old woman squeezing a 16 year old's boobs
Any legal repercussions?
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>sadistic femdom Hiroi
>clumsy pillow princess Hiroi
Which one's the canon one?
16 is legal so no.

However is alcohol affecting her on that particular day. 90% fun, lethargic drunk, 10% mean drunk.
These two are my favourites.
Those two are pedophiles.
And that's a good thing!
Ryo is a delicate flower.
Yeah, a rafflesia.
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Kiss line
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Here you go:
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Bocchi's gonna hit on teenage girls now.
What do you think Bocchi is?
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a dyke
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Nijika: top
Ryo: bottom
Bocchi: power bottom
Kita: SA perpetrator
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Oh my god, that's me! Is this where I should be posting the BTR lewds I draw?
Yes that would be nice. We have a number of artists posting their stuff here. Just don't forget to write your username on your drawing because incels around here don't care about reposting art without any credits.
What do you think SauceNao is for?
It doesn't always work. Not all images are indexed to the search engine. Doesn't work 95% of the time for images that are only hosted on twitter or anywhere other than the boorus and pixiv.
Bless them for it.
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Would Ryo cheat on Nijika with groupies?
Too lazy for that. She'd only want to be someone who already knows her pillow princess needs without being told.
Upon reading these words I was enlightened.
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Is this how Bocchi grew up to be so gay?
It runs in the family obviously.
Notice how Bocchi's boobs are bigger than her mum's.
You can tell by the way Futari behaves. She possesses Michiyo, while she treats her father and sister same as the dog. I suspect Michiyo still nurses Futari at night.
>I suspect Michiyo still nurses Futari at night.
And fingers her all the while.
Michiyo probably thinks Bocchi turned out 'weird' because she didn't stay this close to her. Quite possibly Michiyo was working and went back to work as soon as her maternity leave ran out, but then when they gave it a second try with Futari, then she became a stay at home mom. Bocchi got formula and daycare and had to learn to eat and potty train at the earliest possible moment while Futari just got to do what she wanted.

Woah, once you type it out in words it all seems too obvious. Too much stress put on Hitori too early by having to have a skill mastered by a deadline because parents time off or benefits ended by X day and there was no plan B.

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