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Previous thread: >>4193579
One Piece thread: >>4188727
Chainsaw Man thread: >>4085971
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I think she is Hagakure Toru.
How did they get in that situation?
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Tooru tied them up.
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okay there's no way she has a clit piercing at like age 16
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>distant future where technology is more advanced and literally everyone has superpowers
>but a clit piercing is just too much
well it's not like it's some dystopian far future where kids are considered adults from a young age or anything, the gang still lives with their parents as the story starts. I'm just saying like
>well it's not like it's some dystopian far future where kids are considered adults from a young age or anything
yeah, it's not like kids are being sent to fight dangerous criminals because the adults can't handle them on their own
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Ochako doesn't have enough bite marks.
Himiko doesn't want to bleed her out.
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Is there anything /u/ worthy in Ruri dragon?
There's an interesting relationship developing between the MC and an initially antagonistic girl, but I wouldn't exactly say it has romantic undertones.
It's a nice enough manga as long as you're okay with putting your "if I squint this could maybe have some potential" goggles on real tight.
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manga would have been objectively better if the main character was female...

Hinatas acting around Naruko would have made more sense
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>manga would have been objectively better if the main character was female...
to be fair, here on /u/ that can be said about 99% of all manga
Kishimoto prefers to focus more on male characters and themes like yaoi rather than yuri, which is why the protagonist in his manga is a male character. Despite this, Naruto's popularity has grown so much that even yuri fans have found ways to include it in their interests.
Naruko is used more as a yaoi trap rather than for yuri, unlike typical gender-bender yuri manga.
But in that case Sasuke would have also need to be female since that's whom Naruto has 99% of the story's sexual tension.
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Not enough with the rival yuri.
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