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Continued from >>4279348
Translation Thread >>4258504
Buythread >>4260433
RAW Thread >>4272312

https://mangadex.org/chapter/0f01d5e2-57c4-4ffc-94f8-744bc39ad513 (Pinky Candy Kiss ch11)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/b5d32ebd-a4f8-4f66-849d-bfd0da683145 (Ex-Girlfriend Became My Boss ch7)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/4f67f7de-9976-4dcf-8743-8bddc864cdc7 (Like, Share & Subscribe ch60)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/478eb439-c8d5-4ef7-a2bd-04e4f9a532f1 (One-Sided ch59)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/9a5c6ee0-6208-4970-bf31-369e9b803911 (Harumi-chan ch10)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/b7a719cf-2123-445e-b7d4-bda611d16ea8 (My Food Looks Very Cute ch151)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/4fbee950-1aae-4a23-b606-efb091d6d140 (Miyaji Mikuji ch151)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/e3eab231-76b2-4a63-96f7-8e40678cb440 (AdaShima Anthology ch8)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/d5ed244d-07a4-4ae3-acc0-959879385eb5 (Bunnie's Quest ch15, pic related)
https://amawashigroup.wordpress.com/2024/09/17/part-76-ill-be-fine-even-if-i-dont-get-to-see-sendai-san-iv/ (Shuukura novel ch76)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/889e949f-ed78-48bf-b131-8803a41e29f8 (Miss Wolf and Her Fox Sister ch35)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/7cccf4f7-d044-48be-b7c1-3808a6848020 (Jellyfish ch4)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/a010f912-bdec-4a20-a4b7-4f9708784baf (Vtuber Legend ch5)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/4896a84a-d619-4974-a4d4-cb7414f6d654 (Dangerous Lover ch3)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/6d9b9ad2-3dca-4d91-9a8c-d0954f8972f2 (Blessing in Disguise)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/b0d07189-d27f-41c4-a016-5d0eb79e94f0 (Like, Share & Subscribe ch59)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/d8f9371b-3705-4587-801a-c7ed6dcbe680 (Unforgettable Witch vol3 extras)
https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/welcome_to_the_cookery_research (Sasakoi Anthology ch7)
Tsubame Tip-Off ch42

Her Mountain, Her Ocean ch50

Psycho Lesbian Senpai Sold 1000 Copies Memorial Lesbian Brothel Experience Report
Great! A new thread just in time for YH releases.

Are the new chapters on hold until the anthologies are completed?
>Psycho Lesbian Senpai Sold 1000 Copies Memorial Lesbian Brothel Experience Report
>if she sold 1k, she'd use the profits to hire a lesbian escort
I like stories of forward thinking brave entrepreneurs with objectives accomplishing those objectives.

>sold 30k
So she hired 30 escorts, I presume?
New main chapter has already been cleaned, so expect that soonish.
>Psycho Lesbian Senpai Sold 1000 Copies Memorial Lesbian Brothel Experience Report
A lot of those fan uploaded translations on DLSite are just sad. Like that one has a single sale of the English version, and it was apparently only bought to upload it to panda.
>Psycho Lesbian Senpai Sold 1000 Copies Memorial Lesbian Brothel Experience Report
This is just the happy time line of "my lesbian experience with lonliness"

>it's directly referenced

Truly the bravest dyke
>(Sasakoi Anthology ch7)
Wake me up when the sasakoi anthology has more kaori x mari
If i wanted to see yori and hima i'd go read the real manga
You still wont see YoriHima in the main manga though
finally a thread that doesn't take a minute to load
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Same. For me it will try to load for one minute then will get this error, so I had to beg Google for a new thread.
Skill issue, my phone takes like 10 seconds to load the whole thread.
Gooks and burgers win again.
YWN have a decent app.
What do you mean? I’m using iphone
That's the problem.
Haru no Regista ch3.2
This manga also needs you to buy it when it comes out. We need sports yuri to survive.
Story About Calling A Classmate Into A Remote, Dim, Classroom And What Happened Then pt.77
>What Happened Then
Everything felt unbelievably good.
Pillow princess Haru x maximum energy Satsuki.
The Princess of Sylph ch18/19 + extras
I thought this one ended?
The serialization has ended but the story is being continued on Fanbox. The watermarks are to encourage readers to support the author.
Interesting to see the scene from both their pov. They are so immature, they wanted the same thing, to see each other. Being physical is the best way they manage to process the emotions.
you should have used the picture from the wanted sign
I was wondering why was this axed but then I read the chapters and remembered why.
Kneel to the most popular new yuri manga of the past few years.
Osoi zo, noighd-chan.
I've said it a bunch, but that kind of dumb harem series is exactly what yuri needs if it wants to attract new readers.
>yuri needs to become the generic slop that hetshit is in order to appeal to the hetfag crowd
I'd rather the yuri scene remain small
This is just popular under a period, several yuri titles have showed here already
I Won't Say It, I Can't Say It, I Don't Want to Say It
What other series are in need of saving. What do we feed twitter kiddos next.
Haven't read it yet but I already know it's great.
Haven't read it yet but I already know it's shit.
Kimi no Tame no Curtain Call and Aizawa-san, presumably.
Probably a better question for something like the Buythread or RAWs thread, but in general, the ones with digital-only serializations tend to face the hardest hurdles.
I meant to post in the general, but I am phoneposting I couldnt delete the one here. Sorry sis.
What does RAW stand for? I thought it was just raw as in unprocessed.
Recently Acquired Waste
WWE RAW, where ONLY THE WORTHY yuri manga get to remain! Watch the GHOST SLAM where AIZAWA-SAN fights GHOST BEHIND THE GYARU to see WHICH GHOST IS THE SPOOKIEST! Only 49.99!
My Girlfriend's Not Here Today ch.27
there goes the neighborhood
Yaya(ish) uprising soon.
Okay, this time we go 3k.
Nah KyouKano's fans aren't as unhinged as ShuuKura x AdaShima fans.
>Is that what a 'mama' does?
If you're Taiyaki, yes. Also kissing, licking and biting a bruise doesn't sound like proper medicinal actions.

>the school nurse is actually present
What a twi-
>she has to leave
Sonohana Mai complaining about the nurse.jpg
Theres literally nothing to say about this chapter.
I wasn't sure about where the manga was going after vol 5, but I'm starting to get optimistic.
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Nanase is about to crash out, and I will be there for it, no matter what.
The weak should fear the strong
Jesus, she didn't get hit that hard
>cuck rage
pfftt hahahahahahahahahahahaahhaaha
nanase is so pathetic, just break up already.
>Psycho Lesbian Senpai Sold 1000 Copies Memorial Lesbian Brothel Experience Report
Good for her, good for her
>Psycho Lesbian Senpai Sold 1000 Copies Memorial Lesbian Brothel Experience Report
I have a feeling that the author might be a lesbian, what do you think. /u/?
So why is nanase suddenly so attached to her cheating girlfriend when she paid her zero attention before? Is it like when a kid has a toy they don't really play with but suddenly want it when another kid takes it?
Volume 6 and I'm finally seeing some glimpses of genuine madness. For the previous 5 volumes it was like they were playing madness. There is still no urge to sympathize with the characters and try to figure out their motivations, though.
We really would've hit 3000 if another thread wasn't made
>figure out their motivations
There's not much to figure out
Yuni is a lonely gullible pushover, Nanase is a weak willed paranoid idiot and Fuuko has NTR trauma.
>Sorry but lesbians don't exist.
>posting that crap on /u/
It's like posting on /a/ that anime doesn't exist.
Physically abusive Nanase, let's gooo.
Hopefully she starts beating the shit out of Yuni, that would be fun.
You are now qualified to write a best selling harem LN
the moment that happens it's over though, Yuni will just break up and the manga ends
Actually Yuni is such a weak piece of shit that she'll probably take it and do nothing and probably think "at least she's looking at me now"
God I love this bitch
Are you sulking, Nanase?
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Nanase is too ugly to woo Yuni with DV
>Beige underwear
ew gross, that's just useless lesbian wear
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Arachnid author is working on it
so, this what if killing bites is
Making Progress on Yuri Before the Deadline ch20-2

One-Sided ch60
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Nanase broke her Dorito, without it she is just a regular NPC
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The Creation of Kokoro.
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Few panels are more powerful than this one.
So if none of the three retards wants to back off, does this mean we are heading towards a poly ending? won't specify if polyamory or poly murder
They can all bond over bullying Yuki
It looks like its less-gay Yuricam. I'm not seeing it yet.
You're absolutely delusional if you think new readers attracted by that manga are also going to get into regular yuri
It's not less gay since the premise of pushing a hetslut into lesbianism is the same, it's just done in a more humoruous fantastical way.
NTA but everyone starts somewhere, even Mai Hime which was a het harem was the starting point for some people.
>Lazy angel Miyagi and Devilish Sendai ch 107
Forced meme
She's gotten proactive when she thought Yuni might leave her, like when she stormed off during the festival. So yeah, she doesn't care but doesn't want to lose her either.
You sound like you're sulking.
>people still siding with the cheaters
why? nanase always get shit on for no reason when she is at least trying to be a good girlfriend what's the others excuse? >they are hotter
is not valid.
Nanase has been a shit girlfriend from chapter 1. She's sharing indirect kisses with other girls, locking arms with other girls, calling other girls by their first name, told Yuni to fuck off on her own in the MIDDLE OF A DATE. Before Yuni did anything that can be considered cheating.
You have to repaste the face over and over like the Kircheis meme.
That's just her being busy with others stuff, is she not allowed to made up her mistakes now? Yuni keep treating her like garbage when she is the one that cheated.
Cause it's painfully obvious that the non-cheaters are mismatched and the cheaters are endgame, of course I'm going to root for the yuri couple that the manga is about.
The only reason Yuni and Nanase are still together is that the manga would end if they weren't.
She gets shit on for being a terrible girlfriend. I honestly cannot understand why would anyone sympathize with her, she literally did everything wrong.
>She's sharing indirect kisses with other girls, locking arms with other girls, calling other girls by their first name
All while treating Yuni as a stranger in public because if she does as much as look her in the eyes someone will definitely 100% guarateed figure out they're dating.

Yuni is a piece of shit who can't speak up or say no and Fuuko is a predator taking advantage of it, but Nanase was a shit girlfriend and i doubt he cares even a little about Yuni
Break up is coming, followed by Yuni's slow descent into Fuuko madness arc! On the sides, Nanase also becomes a violent delinquent and forms a gang!
>Yuni and Nanase break up
>Yuki sees a chance and start dating Nanase
>gets royally ignored because muh club
>can't be friendly at school anymore because "they will find out"
>"oh so this is why she cheated huh, i get it now"
>Nanase dumped again
it would be kino
No, Kino will be when Fuuko fucks Yuki too
when someone says she needs to stay in the closet at all costs but gets a haircut like that I can't take her seriously
She asked the hairdresser what type of haircut would suit her better, she also spent 2 hours talking about how the girl she loved left her for a guy
Did you not read the manga? Everything in my post happened during a date that was planned by Yuni and Nanase for just the two of them (Hell, Nanase even ended up dragging the rest of her volleyball team with her). There's no "other stuff" to be busy with.
>even nanase is starting to become a shit person now
Welp, looks like the author is killing her own manga by turning every single MCs into horrible people. How is the sales of this series in Japan? Any chance to get axed soon?
Did you? This shit is old, move on from it.
I mean it's really none of the other girl bussiness, she should just shut up.
What are you even talking about? The entire point of the manga is that it's a NTR story where everyone involved is a piece of shit one way or another and all of them are the bad guys, as opposed to the typical NTR story where the person being ntr'd is innocent and did nothing wrong.
Nanase did nothing wrong.
They are 16 years old.
It's selling well and will 100% get an anime next year.
>All this drama because this cute gyaru clocked Nanase as a dyke
Please read the manga.
She look like a volleyball player
Loser NanaseFag
>why isnt the [emotional teenage lesbian with bad experiences character] acting like [me the super logical and reasonable adult male]
every single fucking time
Nanase's hair is legit gorgeous and I'm tired of weird fetish posters acting like it's horrible. Like that's the kind of hair models have in real life.
She even carries the balls with her!
Nahh it's ugly, she was way better without it.
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>one chapter on the 'dex
Also something about the art and the expressions reminds me of Killing Bites
even [emotional teenage lesbian with bad experiences character] should have enough common sense to realize why your girlfriend doesn't like it when you ruin a date or forget your anniversary
That ugly haircut really ruined everything for Nanase
I don't think a haircut that completely covers one of your eyes is good for the depth preception required to properly play volleyball
Nanase has always been a good person, she's just about to hit her limit now. And this is not a good move from the mangaka.
Isn't she the ace of her club? She just that good.
thats not what happened with the date lol
Google hairpins.
imagine how good she'd be with depth perception
I'm surprised there hasn't been a Gundam joke with all this talk of being someone's mother.
Blame her shit friend that obvious want to fuck her and want to ruin her relationship too, if Yuni wasn't a cheathing bitch this yaya would be the one getting hate in the manga for the way she act with someone else girlfriend.
This manga just feels like it's going through the motions. I don't like any of the characters and you know exactly how it's going to end so you're just waiting for the author to finally decide it's time.
>acting like a jealous frind is frowned upon unless the other person is a shitbag? What is this double standard?
Gee who could've guessed
A good person would have a good haircut
Nanase is clearly not a good person
I wish Nanase had Yugi's from Yugioh haircut
MAD Nanacuuck
Nanase has always been a shitty girlfriend to Yuni
I think Nanase should date a nice and loyal girl like Renako
Someone really got mad and reported me for replying with a joke to this joke-ish question. It's like getting mad at someone for saying sorry but I'm not into yuri. What a bitch.
I think Fuuko should pay Yuni at least 5000 once week to see her behind Nanase's back
You should've posted stuff like Onimai reaction images instead. Now that won't be deleted.
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Fuuko is lesbian Stacy
Ew, her back snapped in half. Fuukofags will defend this.
What even is Fuuko's hair color?
>Yuki is the one character who doesn't look like a pinup model
yeah she's not getting any pussy at all.
None of the characters have consistent hair colors, I just assume she's blonde
blonde but will most likely be pink if it's animated.
It runs on the JoJo logic of whatever's coolest in that particular scene.
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Yuki is ugly
I just assume blonde/black/brown for Fuuko/Yuni/Nanase, and everything else is as artistic decision for covers and promo art.
How is she the main character of this manga? She’s so shitty and horrible.
>a manga about horrible people has a horrible person as the protagonist
how could this happen
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Actually, Yuki is cute. The only ugly character in this manga is Nanase.
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Nanase is not ugly, Yuni can’t even leave her for good because Nanase looks good and is popular unlike nerdy Fuuko.
Wataten ch124
It depends I guess, Nanase fell in love with Yuni because she's the only one who complimented her otherwise ugly haircut, so maybe it's only Yuni who thinks she's hot
The manga lens makes everyone look gorgeous but I think Yuki is supposed to be canonically on the ugly side and Fuuko is a plain nerd, even though she's drawn like a supermodel
I always figured Nanase was more gray
>So much Yuni and Fuuko
>1 picture of Nanase
Yuni and Fuuko look great together. Not only that, they feel like much more a couple when they're together. Yuni and Nanase just look like acquaintances
Fuuko is in a school full of pretty people, Nanase is capturing the princely jock niche.
They are so good together, it's a shame the ending will most likely be shit with the two not getting together or yuni cheating again for no reason.
Its always so weird seeing how much the moms appreciate Mya-nee
Because god forbid they talk to each other for longer than 3 seconds and someone sees it and instantly realize they're lesbians
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>Yuni and Nanase just look like acquaintances
Keikaku doori.
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I thought shuukura fans where the worst but I see there always someone worse, ntr fags should hang in hell.
Im sure somewhere out there in this big world there's a shuukura ntrfag who wants someone to steal Sendai from Miyagi probably
>ntr fags should bang in hell
Fixed that for you, sis.
I don't know about that but I know there a lot of Adashima fans that want Tarumi to steal Adachi.
>steal Adachi
Why, when stealing shimamura from adachi would cause 100 times more psychological damage? Ntrfags can't even do ntr right
I would definitely steal Sendai-san from Miyagi if I could.

Tarumi doesn’t care about Adachi. Shimamura is confirmed the actual main character in Adashima, Iruma mentioned it in one of the author’s notes at the end. So it makes sense that almost all characters revolved around Shimamura.
Would Adachi tolerate cheating if it means Shimamura will still stay with her?
Adashima fans hate shimamura more than they hate Adachi.
Why would Adashima fans hates Adachi and Shimamura???
No, the only thing that she literally can't tolerate is others sharing her time with Shimamura.
>the adashima fans are here
quick hide the thread before they fill it with 1000 off topic replies again
But if the only choices are letting Shimamura cheat or letting Shimamura go, Adachi will definitely choose the former.
She would choose to kill herself, if not kill others first, Adachi is totally a doormat but she made her bottomline very clear to Shimamura and it's involve shimamura being devoted only to herself.
>Nanase broke her Dorito
Seriously tho, what even is this? A part of a triforce?
Her hairclip, you can literally see it in the previous page
It's funny to compare her current art with 10 years ago.
her decadriver
Don't really have the set up for poly
Art, page composition and storytelling, really shows how much she improved in that time. It's really cool to see the first works of an author and comparing with the latest
Oops. I had the "No limit" option selected on mangadex and her head got cut out.
Are you sure about that now?
Nanase perved out over Fuuko's feet while thinking they were Yuni's, the physical attraction is there. Fuuko would put up with Nanase joining them in the bedroom once a month in between volleyball practice and beating Yuki.
You need more than physical attraction for that stuff anon
This is how this author always draw her girls
>how much she improved in that time.
That's given with how much practice she had. At one point she drew 5 regular series at the same time (It's down to 4 now). I didn't know she was so prolific.
>le male gaze boogeyman
All of Fuuko's advances are extremely seductive and sexual because she knows that's what Yuni is lacking, sex is at the forefront of the story
Not for this kind of manga
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Their previous series looks markedly different
Yes. NTR is quite literally a porn fetish.
Still pissed that it was axed. Why didn't /u/ save this one?
It had a good ending at least, iirc. Been a while though
Nah, it was really rushed. She clearly had a lot of plans for the series, it just didn't go through unfortunately.
As opposed to a non-porn fetish?
Too busy morning Pocha Crime.
Assuming you meant pocha climb
We got to see the marriage in the sequel doujins so I'm happy but man that one really had potential for a long SoL. Doomed by being in the wrong magazine, as per usual
Satou-san is a PJK ch1
I'm always happy to see a new kirara
That is in fact a very old Kirara
Fed Up Office Lady ch16
>not a prostitution manga
The art yes, the fanservice style not, it's just what the author likes to draw.
You should have posted this bait in the other thread.
Seems clearrly less gay since Yurica never got with any guys unlike this protag
This is kinda funny. Hope there's more chapters despite the credits page
Considering it's one of the few poly books out there I would love to know how that was gonna naturally occur when it basically happens in the last couple of pages
Yes, after snatching up Yuni Fuuko will seduce Yuki too.
thanks for the warning, moe slop doesn't even get a look from me
More like since Yuni feels guilty, she won't break up as she feels she "deserves it" for cheating on Nanase.
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It's not your grandma's Kirara any more.
the smell of poly lays thick on this one
It seems that the author, at the 4th hundred chapters, started to feel the waters for a little NTR subplot. In one of the last chapters, Sendai-san's student tries to ask her out. Sendai-san stands strong, but that's for now, who knows what will happen if Miyagi doesn't become any nicer?
Thank fuck it's back.
that would be cheating, not NTR. These days people can't tell the difference anymore
>Publication: 2017, Completed
So no yuri/GL confirmed then?
It's light subtext at best, the ending is what you expect it to be, wouldn't bother posting this one desu
Oh wait I'm blind and didn't notice blister beetle san himself was on the team.
She had sex with another girl, there's a small possibility of her being a lesbiab.

Or could it be paid roommmates?
Now I can shower
There's four EN salves now! Only 25% pirate rate!
so much shit on porn sites is tagged NTR when it's just "woman in canon relationship fucking with her partner nowhere in sight"
A Love Yet to Bloom ch20
Tell me more is it kikyo chan? why is she still working for her when she already passed the HS exam?
What is the endgame here? We know Yuni and Fuuko will eventually have a "bad end" since they are shit people but what will happen to them? The Kitakawa girls died for their sins even though they didn't harm anybody and were only bitches to each other. Fuuko and Yuni's affair affected other people (Nanase, Yuki, etc) so they deserved a much worse ending.
Meaning they deserve each other.
They didn't die for their sins, they died to be together in the beach isekai.
>Something Yet to Happen ch20
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This manga consistently helps me accomplish my monthly plan of smiling like an idiot.
seek help for your tiktok brain
My Yuri Started With Slavery ch2-1

Trump Game (Cardcaptor Sakura, SakuTomo)
>Cardcaptor Sakura, SakuTomo
Its been 20 years
>My Yuri Started With Slavery ch2-1
I can't believe it's not Citrus!
I can't believe Giggled is now starting to post /pol/shit here. How the mighty has fallen...
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Kikyo-chan successfully enrolls in high school, asks Sendai-sensei to continue being her tutor, she agrees. Miyagi continues to be jealous of Kikyo, not mentioning her name on principle and referring to her only as “that girl”. When Sendai and Miyagi accidentally meet Kikyo during their outing, Miyagi throws a silent tantrum. One day Kikyo asks Sendai if she wants to go out with her in free time, Sendai turns her down with the excuse that university students are very busy even during vacations.
TIL giggled anon, is there a gaggled anon
Thanks That kid is obviously after Sendai-san, I mean why would a HS freshman get a tutor? She's not taking any exams. Miyagi was right about not trusting people around Sendai-san
Uh huh, also this will be the author's last work since she will get basically expelled from the industry after this. You fucking you know what retards.
Anon, just because characters do bad things doesn't mean they'll get a bad ending. At its core the series is a jab at how teenagers overdramatize things.
>We know Yuni and Fuuko will eventually have a "bad end"
This is unlikely every since we got the Fuuko backstory. She has been portrayed in a lot more positive way lately.
At the moment I'd say Nanase is the one who will have the bad end, she'll probably turn into a stalker or some shit and lose her friends, probably kicked out of the club as well.
> expelled from the industry
YH favoritism towards Kodama says otherwise.
people who enjoy ntr never give the cheaters characters bad ending, maybe yuni will end up alone with Fuuko getting bored of her and finding a new toy but Fuuko will not have a retarded bad end.
What will be the moral of the story if the victim is the one who’ll get the bad ending?

Fuuko is the cause of all these shits. She will not be getting away with it.
>What will be the moral of the story if the victim is the one who’ll get the bad ending?
Victim is a label you can apply to Fuuko due to her upbringing and mistreatment at the hands of her family. Nanase is also now guilty of attacking Yuki. Characters don't stick to a single label. Characters can either grow or spiral out of control. Nanase seems to be spiralling. And you can't blame Fuuko for Nanase being too prideful to dump Yuni and instead deteriorate into being a shitty person herself.
Bisluts =/= het ending
Fuuko is the author favorite, she is 100% getting away with it.
Story About Sighing Deeply After I Kissed My Classmate.
Execs and editor’s will still win. And these people always find a way for a story to make sense: you do bad things, karma awaits you. I refused to believe Manio actually wanted to kill her MCs.
you can just read a story for the story and not for the morals it teaches you know. Not everything needs a "and the bad guys lost and everyone lived happily ever after"
> Victim is a label you can apply to Fuuko
More like “playing victim”

Fuuko is still the root cause of whatever is happening to Nanase now.
Why 2.1? What about the chapter on Comic Walker says that this is part 1?
lets be honest for a sec, fuuko is everyone’s favorite
Except she did. It was planned from the start.
Least favorite maybe
The root cause it Nanase being so weak-willed she fell for the first slut who complimented her awful haircut, Fuuko is the fertilizer
Nanase she just bail and let the two vixens sort out their awful relationship by themselves
Lol, editors don't give a shit as long the audience is happy.
> you do bad things, karma awaits you
Never read Dakara Safe, did you?
Nah, Fucko is the villain but Yuni is worse.
>finds out your gf is cheating on you
>doesn't break up right here
>instead goes "I-I'll be a better gf now plx don't leave me"
>Is not a better gf and is still getting cucked
Nanase has no one than blame but herself.
Being rewarded with an even hotter girl to molest is a form of karma
Sendai-san is next level useless
Also funny how they never question being gay.
Of course they're not gay. They're not even friends. They're basically strangers.
>gf isn't paying attention to you
>doesn't break up right there
>instead cheat on her
They were girlfriends in name only
I think this question stop making sense when Sendai was enjoying licking another girl's feet
It seems we've started to forget.
More like they forgot
>haha ill show that bitch and order her around
>offers a drink
>offers dinner
>walks her to the front door of building
>fingers her to orgasm
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Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa ch.22
After Episode 147 (Sailor Moon, MakoAmi)

Wakarasero! Namaikitsune-sama ch24

One-Sided ch61

Like, Share & Subscribe ch61

MajiGawa! ch2
Alcohol and Ogre-girls ch45
By the way, sometime tagged this series as yuri on his pixiv
>shuukura fan has been here
>how can you tell?
>150 unread posts
>150 unread posts
Try to read them then, 90% is all about kyoukano
noighd status? I know he's here.
He dropped by earlier this week to post >>4293946 so yeah, he's here
Is the het arc finished? I stopped reading after they decided to focus on the male bartender and the idol.
nope, it still going.
Even if it's MTL

I'm glad some one is picking this back up
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Calling upon the yuri gods once more, what sacrifices must I offer for this one?
Wakarasero! Namaikitsune-sama ch24
>ending next month
it was really nice it could have 20 more chapters no more brat oneloli
Dumping Aizawa on /a/.
Call me when he dumps a ghost sex chapter
there's ghost sex in aizawa san?
>MajiGawa! ch2
What does it mean for this to be a "guest serialization"? Is it going to continue in a different magazine?
They are a series of 3 chapters which may or not be picked for serialization
I See You, Aizawa-san ch20
File deleted.
I can't believe Onee-sama and Giant just ended its serialization with a rushed timeskip...
Why didn't /u/ and /a/ save this one...
Maybe it's not too late to rally the twitter kids...
Does that look like a fake page?
I blame noighd
With AI these days, you never know.
It's just some schizo ritual that only /a/isekai fags believe it
Bokura no Ai wa Kimochi Warui ch.3
It's not ending but that arc preview sent the jp readers into conniptions thinking it was. Author and publisher had to go into damage control mode to assure people it was continuing.
Niji is definitely Azuki's sister, right? This is just going to be both of them knowing each other's sisters without knowing they're their sisters
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What requirement was written at the very bottom arrow will remain a mystery forever…
Can't believe this is by Usui Shio, most of the girls, so far, are far away from her usual asexual MCs
>Niji is definitely Azuki's sister, right?
Where do you get that from?
lol, read the chapter. You'll love it.
Their dynamic in bed is going to be quite something.
Usui Shio keeps getting better.
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So, the focus on the phone here seems to be on purpose, it was very unnatural for her to do it anyway, is she taking panty shots or something?

Her other serialization is also very gay, my guess is that her editors told her she better stick with a more romantic approach if she wants to make a career out of it.
Only one of her pairs were asexual, and that was half of the point of the manga
That was peak, this is becoming my favorite ongoing YH serialization.
This proved the theory that adding mental illnesses make yuri manga better.
call it a hunch but 1.) they look similar 2.) she "guessed" her age 3.) she's crazy
NTA but the girls from the marriage series were bordeline asexual before the last 2 chapters, I think anon was talking more about behaviour than their actual sexuality.
That's just because one of them thought the other one wasn't gay.
>Psycho Lesbian Senpai Sold 1000 Copies Memorial Lesbian Brothel Experience Report
>has lesbian sex
>wants to draw futa
The final enemy of yuri, sex havers
You must admit that Manio really revolutionized the yuri industry.
>no sex bad
Really now? Please shut the fuck up. All her series are different and good.
Her two previous serializations are almost identical in tropes and while I don't think any chapter besides the last one of doughnuts was bad, though none was good either because her character interactions were all too vanilla even for a subtext kirara CGDCT
The hints dropping are massive, must be.
I need the anime
I'm actually really disappointed in her. There's already enough over the top mental illness sexual degeneracy yuri out there, and seeing her go from her previous works to this leaves a sour taste.
There will be when Okiku-san makes a cameo.
>There's already enough over the top mental illness sexual degeneracy yuri
No there isn't.
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This world wouldn't survive if Kuzushiro started a menhera yuri serialization.
How is this one over the top?
When Kuzushiro beats around the bush, it quickly becomes annoying. But when she faces the yuri head on and goes with it, it's pretty great. This old oneshot with lesser art is way more engaging then whatever she's doing atm.
Urasekai Picnic ch.73
Moon on a Rainy Night is good though?
By “beats around the bush” anon probably means “they didn't fuck in ch.1”.
Her other new serialization has been pretty chaste so far, let her broaden her writing scope.
that's our designated kuzushiro hater
It basically means whether it gets serialized or not will depend on reader feedback, just like how Chimidoro Ice-cream and Convenient Semi-Friend got theirs.
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I like Moon on the Rainy Night, but I wish it'd spend more time addressing Saki's sexuality. It spends a lot of chapters on Kanon's disability, which is fair enough. It is pretty debilitating, especially for a teenager who used to be into music and has parents with music-centered careers. But Saki's discomfort with living in a society where romantic relationships are expected to be strictly heterosexual is touched in the sign language chapter and then basically never again. Maybe it got better in the newer chapters though, I don't follow the raws.
Onee-sama and Giant vol5 extras & new arc prologue
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>that print on the sweatshirt
Sorawo literally asking for this and then having the nerve to call Toriko a pervy blonde. Have a little awareness of the signals you're giving off, girl!
Wasn't there also something with a hair stylist?
Yeah, but it was more of a "don't fall for a straight girl, dumbass" kind of talk.
wait lmao was that shirt in the novel? haven't read it in a while so i forgot
Yeah lets add mafia elements cause why not.
Something hot
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>was that shirt in the novel?
No, it wasn't. Apparently, the mangaka is depicting Sorawo's nerdy style with these clothes with silly prints.
Wow, she's literally me.
Nope. I have more of a love/hate thing going on with her body of work.
I do like sex in my yuri manga but it doesn't have to be that. Anything that makes me squeal and/or smile like an idiot is good. Moon stopped doing that many chapters ago.
For Urasekai, I originally came for the yuri but stayed for Kozakura-san. She's just that great
>must look at 3D bodies for reference, can't get inspired by 2D artwork and considers it impure to look at it if it's not her 3D waifu anyway
She's the logical opposite of the average anime waifufag.
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>Moon stopped doing that many chapters ago
Anon-san no baka…
Too one-sided.
Out of pure curiosity do you hate Miyagi?
We are not doing this again.
「It’s only been about a week since then. You should really learn how to endure it a bit more.」
Stop posting men and literal hetshit, you absolute waste of oxygen.

What's your retarded excuse for the latest chapters?
Too mutual.
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Too gay
I love her. Why?
>latest chapters
I dropped the manga a while ago, anon. In fact reading the above oneshot reminded me that Kuzushiro occasionally gives me what I want hence the post, but Moon is disappointing.
It gets me everytime.
clean shaven, clearly
She's depicted holding a phone in the first color page. There must be tons of creepshots of Remu in there.
I was thinking that the mafia arc in Erico was pretty good, but the mafia arc here looked even cooler. Looking forward to it.
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>But Saki's discomfort with living in a society where romantic relationships are expected to be strictly heterosexual is touched in the sign language chapter and then basically never again
That's just the norm for yuri. The fact that issue was even touched upon is already more than the majority of series out there. Besides, the manga is fairly serious as it is. Adding more could risk readers thinking it as too preachy
>putting the towel in the water is a taboo
I hope those censoring bastards are hearing.
This manga truly fell off. I was expecting something like UraPi where the yuri stayed in the back burner and focus on the world building, but this just isn't it. The world building is daft, the humor is god awful, the side characters are mostly uninteresting. Usually I would be fine with a side het couple in this kind of unfocused yuri story, if it's done right, like Omae Gotoki. But here, the het is so shoehorned in that I actually found it kind of malicious in intent.
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Or a NTR one
Why are JKs like this
>All four girls are perverts
This is great. I also like their character designs too. This manga is going places.
The main issue is that there isn't particulary anywhere in Saki's life where this issue could be touched upon anymore, she was butthurt the woman she was in love with was in a relationship with a guy all along, but all said and done she was her music teacher and didn't really have a relationship with Saki, meanwhile Kanon clearly isn't going to go after guys and even told her this, so it's not like there is any reason for her to be angst because of the heteronormative anymore, especially when her relationship with Kanon is also not really changing from her perspective, so she isn't feeling rejected either.
Not sure what you are talking about, author introduced the guy a spart of the main cast, which I have no issue with since he has only been used to make the girls jealous and more angst about their feelings, he is just tying him to previously plots and characters he already utilized.

I like this manga style, it's very shonenish but with some actual romance rather than onesided love and mcdonalds endings.
You are blind if you can't see that the author is pairing him with Aju.
thats the hottest yuri ntr ever
"I Wanna Touch You" Then Love Begins ch1
>Sorawo thinks what happened to her isn't anything noteworthy
Being a runaway child hiding from a mysterious and dangerous cult might be noteworthy, I'd say.
In an interview Manio said she always planned for at least one to die and for awhile toyed with the idea of letting one live in misery afterward. So no, that was not an exec or editor decision. Just Manio being Manio when she finally settled on the idea of killing them both off.
>no description on the manga page
god why are uploaders so lazy
We need more Manios in this world.
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>timeskip, Hinako is now the capo of a mafia organization
>what if Nanami falls in love with Yuu before Yuu even talks to her and just quietly stalks her?
>what if Yuu shows top energy right from the start?
>what if Yagakimi but good
>Adding more
I don't agree that this would be "adding more". The entire premise of the manga is that both girls don't fit into the society, Kanon because of her physical disability and Saki because she's gay. But Kanon's everyday struggles get explored, and Saki's sexuality isn't. In a way, that makes sense, because being deaf affects someone 24/7, but still.

The source of the conflict could be external, even something basic like Saki overhearing somebody saying "ew dykes amirite" on TV or from classmates could work.
My Yuri Begins with Sexual Harassment?
>and Saki's sexuality isn't.
People take that part for granted because you know, it is a yuri manga. We all know what the endgame is.
>3 chapters
But the last page of the first chapter says "a two part guest serialization" and the second chapter ends with a " to be continued" so did they already decide for the full serialization?
Aggro yuu!
My fav manga about "being homo in our society is suffering" everyone here hates it.
Please talk about her fluffy hair
I am talking about characters who matter, I don't care if he gets together with an irrelevant character that showed up a long time ago.
Horrible decision for Nio Nakatani to stop doing yuri. She's losing at her own game now.
It'd be more tolerable if both him and Aju stopped appearing, but they keep doing so, and every time they do Aju melts over him.
The issue with this argument is that this is japanese society, they are already teached to not mix their private lives with the public one, no one will ever know Saki is gay unless she tells them or someone caughts her with another girl, both things which are of course not happening and by the time it happens she probably won't be at school anymore.

Kanon however cannot hide the fact she is getting deaf.
I don't really care either way desu, as long he does not become the main character I don't mind a few arcs about him.
Which manga are you talking about?

I don't see what being openly gay has to do with anything. She can have gay angst without coming out to everyone she knows.
Because in the examples provided it doesn't really affect her too much if she hears some random mean commentary on TV or from someone who she will likely never see again after graduating. And also she isn't living in some rural japanese village, there are positive portrayals and discussion of homosexuality in japan too
>And also she isn't living in some rural japanese village, there are positive portrayals and discussion of homosexuality in japan too
Literally what does this have to do with the manga? She's not a real character; if she's not shown to experience positive discussion of homosexuality, then it hasn't happened. And from her inner monologues and the questions she asked the dyke stylist, she's pretty clearly written to not experience a whole lot of positive attitude towards homosexuality.
So Toriko leaves her girlfriend alone with the girl she'd discovered her in bed with to go and sit on a vibrator.
>later that night, senpai schlicked furiously
Again, I am talking in context of the examples provided, which I don't see as enough to justify an arc about Saki being angst about her homosexuality. The series always portrayed Saki as not being worried about being homosexual but about the fact person she likes may not be, which is what the stylist chapter was all about.
He certainly got main character amounts of screentime.
Not really, he showed up in an arc that was mostly about his sister, he didn't show up for the main fight and just now he is getting some actual characterization rather than being ambiguous about how he feels about the girls, it's probably on purpose the author is making sure to the readers he really has no romantic interest in them.
Good thing I dropped this shit, almost bought raws to support the authors back then, and glad I didn't. No one is interested in males and het in a yuri manga.
>Bokura no Ai wa Kimochi Warui ch.3
Already see that the ending will be mc making a doll of herself for the other freak.
>Urasekai Picnic ch.73
Toriko is really a work of art, Sorawo is so lucky.
So Meguru is Azuki's sister, right?
>Azuki's sister
*Yakou's. Sorry I'm retarded
I have to say that Azuki looks smelly.
She kinda looks like Utena.
I get the feeling Lapis will be the type to bite, probably as a way of marking her property as much as anything related to the actual sex at hand.
>Toriko is really a work of art, Sorawo is so lucky.
She's a big sweetheart, and she has the patience of a saint to be able to deal with her abrasive autist GF
Lapis will bottom.
Toriko can be just as autistic. It's one of the things Sorawo notices about her in the LN.
Well it's also depicted in the brief flashback to her middle school days and alluded to in whole hairdresser thing. But you're right, apart from us being teased with it, it's it hasn't been directly addressed and worked through. But it kind of works in this slow manga because right now it's hanging in the background like a spectre. I like that the manga has spend 95% of the time building up the main characters' friendship.

You have to read between the lines a bit but Saki worrying about her sexuality has played a pretty large part in making her personality. A big part of the story is that Saki's deathly afraid of Kanon finding out that she's deceiving her and is actually not her platonic BFF but is in love with her. While in actual fact Saki's so self loathing that she doesn't see that she is truly Kanon's friend but just ALSO loves her romantically and that she's not actually being awful to Kanon.

It still went there but in a more abstract way, see above. It's not going direct at it yet. Well, I say yet but the latest Eng chapter has Saki's biggest and most serious gay panic yet right on the last page.

I agree that it
What does that say?
>Sorawo thinks what happened to her isn't anything noteworthy
That's kind of the point with the whole red person shit, which is starting about now IIRC. She is very, very wrong and damn lucky she has Toriko with her now.
For some reason I keep skimming every chapter to see if it's gotten any better, and it never has yet.
Something like "why do I keep thinking about Saki all day every day".
According to the author, mafia = yakuza = student council.
Yes, but it's more infrequent and less intrusive than Sorawo's autism. From my perspective I can't help but think that Toriko put up with a lot of shit from Sorawo, but also got a lot in return like genuine care and companionship with a strangle compatible person. Soraw on the other hand received a lot from Toriko and only had to put up with stuff that was mostly her own fault, Toriko hasn't ever been unfair to her IIRC.
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A Face You Shouldn't Show ch.8
The story is all told by Sorawo's monologues though, so of course it's easier to put her under scrutinity
Orange manga ch12.3

Been a while since I've seen this one.
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Cringe, ey?
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Io's great sub power was spread around the world and attracted many predatory OLs and JKs.
Kiyota-san Wants to Be Defiled ch15
Io is gonna owe Misa so much sex for handling the psycho agent for her.
Best manga is in the area!
>Saki's deathly afraid of Kanon finding out that she's deceiving her and is actually not her platonic BFF but is in love with her. While in actual fact Saki's so self loathing that she doesn't see that she is truly Kanon's friend but just ALSO loves her romantically and that she's not actually being awful to Kanon.
I always thought she's afraid of Kanon finding out her romantic feelings because she doesn't know how Kanon would react. Things went badly for Saki when her old friend found out she had a crush on her. Telling your straight friend you love her could definitely ruin your relationship. I understand her concerns, Kanon has shown no sign of being gay
Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa ch23

One-Sided ch62

Hana ni Arashi ch159

Kanojo ga Onii-chan ni Nattara ch24
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>Kanojo ga Onii-chan ni Nattara ch24
These two definitely fucked on xmas
>Kanon has shown no sign of being gay
Not that Saki has seen, apart from some extremely intimate and loving moments they've had which could be either romantic or platonic. Therein lies part of the problem, Saki thinks Kanon is straight. Although Kanon doesn't even realize she's gay or at least Sakisexual, I honestly see her supposed interest in men as her thinking along the lines of what's 'normal'. Kanon never actually had a romantic awakening, as far as we know, because she's always had her hearing shit to deal with and generally hasn't been interested. So when she thinks about it or anyone asks her thinking automatically runs along the line of 'well I'm a woman and women like men because that's normal, so I like men'. Honestly, unless I am retarded and reading this wrong and all of that is bullshit, this is the worst part of the writing. I don't think anyone would be like this, it's contrived but then a lot of manga have something contrived about them.

>I always thought she's afraid of Kanon finding out her romantic feelings
I don't think Saki has ever actually considered Kanon would react positively, Saki just assumes that Kanon would react badly to the hurt that Saki is convinced would come from Kanon finding out she loves her. Poor Saki, being a kind soul, hates herself over what she sees as betraying their friendship and risking hurt to Kanon with her selfish feelings. And Kanon's dumb little sister unknowingly reinforced and magnified this fear.
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Wait, did it end?
If only it was the actual yuri series that get saved.
Be-con is litterally too good for us

"I did student council for a semester, I'm totally qualified to run a multi-facited organization that likely spans a nation"
I would love a yuri manga about a student council being a mafia family shaking down club for protection fees.
Yeah, the author announced this would be the last chapter a while back. Though it was obviously over when there was a long break right after the first volume came out and then the author suddenly started a new serialization on the side.
The composition feels a bit stiff but it's cute, will follow this one
wild lesbian spotted in the bottom panel
I don't think i've ever hated a fictional woman so much before
OL Vtuber to Oshi JK-chan ch12
Draw the rest of the tree you lazy bum
Why would you hate a cutie like Io?!
No anon, evil women are for loving, come to our side.
Evil women are one thing, but I can't stand this kind of stalker superior who thinks they own their protegee.
Though this could be easily solved as "um I am the extremely popular model, my manager got physical with me over having friends, threatened to end my career and barges into my apartment at night uninvited while I'm sleeping, please fire her" but Io is too submissive for that. Guess Misa will do it for her
Twinstar Cyclone Runaway ch12
>"Huh? Wait, am I gay?"
Congrats Terra you did it
This is one of the best yuri I ever read, I will shill out some money for the author later, and more people should do the same so it doesn't get cancelled, truly unique setting and story.
>interesting sci-fi setting that is not afraid to explain things without going too autistic about details
>interesting characters and their relationship
I like this.
I think this qualifies as science fantasy or technofantasy, since it's completely detached from real science. The universal fish material and the decompa abilities can't really be explained with speculative science. But that's just me being a pedantic fuck on a yuri board
>Poor Saki, being a kind soul, hates herself over what she sees as betraying their friendship and risking hurt to Kanon with her selfish feelings
I don't think this is the case. It's more that she's traumatized by her past event of her friend finding out her romantic feelings. That and the general feeling that you're loving someone who's straight which happened with the piano teacher and maybe with her old friend (I don't remember if she had a crush on her friend or her friend just simply found out she's gay)
NTA but he is also right, Saki fears both the reaction of a straight girl knowing she's in love AND the reaction of Kanon who might think she's only sticking with her for ulterior motives. Trauma from her past and trauma drilled into her by Kanon's sister
Because she likes you you tiny cute retard.
Anon, this is as close to hard sci-fi as you're gonna get from a modern manga.
>hard sci-fi
It's way closer to fantasy than it is to science fiction.
Also go read erio and the electric doll.
Garan no Hime is 'harder' sci-fi than Twinstar.
>It's way closer to fantasy than it is to science fiction.
No, not really. Otherwise you could say the same of just about any sci-fi manga.
With its blob monsters? Not a chance.
I don't think you know what scifi is, or what hard scifi is. There is absolutely nothing in twinstar that is based on the laws of physics or in any semblance of real science.
Decompas use mind powers to manipulate a net that completely ignores conservation of mass to capture space fish made out of a homogeneous material that can somehow be turned into infrastructure, clothing, technology and food, if you think that's science fiction then you should read more.
This is a common discussion in sci-fi communities, what originally differentiated sci-fi from fantasy is that the former basically expanded on science which was seen as plausible at the time while the other just made up concepts that would be impossible otherwise, of course this line was murked when sci-fi expanded itself to more complex sciences and introduced concepts like monsters and aliens.

Hard sci fi is not a word for more realistic sci fi, just more autistic, that tries to create an internal logic for how things work regardless if it really makes sense or not, anyone who knows Gundam understands this as it's basically the difference between "real robots" and "super robots".
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>the lord of the rings is hard sci fi
>There is absolutely nothing in twinstar that is based on the laws of physics or in any semblance of real science.
And the same can be said of most sci-fi stories, making this a moot point.
Fushigi na Neko no Machi Meltier
Stories like this will just never get old
The distinction between science fiction and fantasy has nothing to do with scientific basis; it's thematic. Leaving aesthetics aside, fantasy has a narrative based around traditional virtues and morality. It exists in fairytales and fables to to propagate ideas born in the past and communicate them to future generations.
Science fiction is exploratory in the role of technological evolution and its impact on the nature of humanity, society, and attempting to navigate emergent ethical dilemmas.

Now in the context of Twinstar Cyclone Runaway, it's loosely implied the regressive social culture is the product of the fantastical fishing industry, but such social issues tend to be more familiar in recent history rather than treading new ground. It falls in line with a lot of Japanese media using scifi more for the aesthetic while keeping the moral conflicts more classical in nature.
Anon, this whole series is just a parallel with current japanese society and having literal fisherman which is historically an area where woman always suffered a lot of misogyny couldn't be more on the face
How did I not know about this one before? This is amazing.
>I like this.
I fear the axe coming soon knowing our luck.
But noighd isn't scanning this one.
This is a novel adaptation, it should fully adapt it.
I'm giving it lots of credit for at least nodding to a bunch of stuff in the background (e.g., the spin gravity changes in different bits of the station; delta v is the critical thing for manoeuvering in space). That plus the overall quality of it means I'm more than happy to grant it its premises and occasional needless ridiculousness (e.g., no way are the clans going to waste so much delta v on rendezvousing and then separating on a regular schedule).
>MajiGawa! ch2
It's actually a pretty cool gimmick in combat, I shouldn't have doubted in sometime
The Guy She Was Interested In ch102
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What did she mean bu "you people"?
She meant Sorawo and Toriko.
white background in this day and age? Just use some 3D models and trace it or something
>without going too autistic about details
I see you didn't read the novels.

The series was born in the yuri SF anthology Asterism ni hanataba wo. And it's not even the most fantasy story in it, I still have nightmares about the insect-woman.

Thank god the romance is finally progressing
And it's still boring.
I wasn't sure Chizuru would ever figure it out.
Wasn't the school Hinako's from kinda shady to begin with?
They were apparently running a schoolgirl prostitution/hostess thing, so more than shady.
Misa is such a good person I almost forgot she assaulted a sleeping girl.
My Secret Girlfriend

Long-Awaited Feelings ch66.5

Warning! Beware of the Dog ch14.5 & 16.5
>My Secret Girlfriend
Where is Fuuko when you need her
Hinako didn't know and she tried to stop it when she did. All she got for her efforts was a train to the face. She wasn't as powerful as she thought.
Then again, she didn't have a giant goddess, a demon king, an ancient robot and a cyborg elf at the time. Who's the cat person, though?
You mean when she commited murder and suicide? Yeah, usually you don't get rewarded for this.
I dropped the giantess manga around chapter 3 and I can't possibly imagine how what you anons are saying can even be the same story.
Guess I'll read it out of pure curiosity now, what the fuck
Oh she rayray.
>My Secret Girlfriend
It's peak
You have shit taste.
Read "dropped" as "stopped reading", I didn't dislike it, just never kept up with the updates
Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa ch24

Inscrutable are the Ways of Heaven ch13-15

Like, Share & Subscribe ch62

Vtuber Legend ch6

Clandestine Affair ch10
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So you're saying... the guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all?
Nadeshiko Doremisora ch9-10

One-Sided ch63
*canned laugh track*
She didn't really try anything tangible until Junko broke up with her, whereupon her immediate instinct was murder suicide.

The cat is Wendy's imouto.
>Inscrutable are the Ways of Heaven ch13-15
God I love this shit

Peak yuri
>Inscrutable are the Ways of Heaven
So that's the end of it? Kinda sad. It had potential for way more
Was fine until tomboy-chan decided to fuck her childhood friend for unclear reasons "I want to break her" but she keeps giving her love idgi. low tier but at least it's yuri.
>hair models have in real life.
Back in 2006 maybe and it was quirky back then too. Japs have no taste in hairstyles, unlike koreans
I don't like that manga but I recognize it's appeal.
Miyagi is trash and Sendai is mostly just horny anyways, she should go with that cute freshman
Not an achievement
>Inscrutable are the Ways of Heaven
There's a chapter 16 on pixiv.
Absolutely. She hard carries the manga.
I want absolutely everyone in this manga to suffer, but at least Fuuko is entertaining
>the character that blackmails, has obvious mental problems, is a loser that loved her own aunt and got mad she act like a sane adult and reject her, that sometimes act like a rapist and keep putting pressure on another girl all the time wanting to ruin her relationship, is the best character!!!
nah sisters get better taste
I am proud to say that I’m finally almost caught up with the latest chapters of Buying Sendai-san. My hatred towards Miyagi have significantly decreased,I still think that she’s a horrible person for treating Sendai-san like shit most of the time but I guess Sendai-san almost deserves it for being too passive for hundreds of chapters.

It became boring and obviously repetitive after around 200 chapters with the home dates or aquarium dates, it almost felt like I was just reading and waiting for the next sex chapters. It got interesting again when Miyagi got her part time job, her motivation for doing it is almost making me want to apologize to her for the things I’ve said in the previous threads but I’ll hold off for now, I sure hope she’ll continue to be open and nicer even when Sendai-san isn’t sick or lonely. Seriously, Miyagi has been a rollercoaster but yeah, at least there’s an improvement.

Also, I’m loving the side characters. I hope Sendai-san’s friends from HS will come back too.
Oh I forgot to say

> Sendai is mostly just horny anyways, she should go with that cute freshman

It’s refreshing to see a horny side added to Sendai-san’s characters. Her type of character is just your typical beauty with brains but the horniness makes her so interesting. I do hope that someone else will seriously go after Sendai-san (like that cute freshman) to mess Miyagi up and force her to finally put a label on their relationship. Seriously, we need more drama in this story to get things moving.
"Best character" does not necessarily mean "best girl"
Fuuko is by far the better written character in that manga.
I haven't read the last 30 or so chapters. Can I just jump back in here or is there a lead-up?
Just catch up with it, it's going to take you 10 minutes.
It’s not exactly a lot to read through
A Love Yet To Bloom ch20
So Meguru not only wants to fuck her onee-chan, but she also wants to stay guiltless.
Return to yuri, all is forgiven
Story About My Classmate Out Of The Blue Getting Curious About My Birthday.
The Dynasty comments are so predictable lmao.
Why are you changing the title?
Where's mycropen? Shall we throw him a funeral just in case?
I wish he would finish Okiku before he died.
Miyagi is adorable.
Sendai-san you better wear it every day at school.
I find it adorable how behind her adorableness there are almost only non-adorable reasons.
Makigami no Pandora vol1 extras

The Two Sides of Seiyuu Radio ch20

YuruYuri ch214

UzaMaid ch29

My Stepmother Made Me Fall For Her ch12
Wanting to leave a permanent visible mark on your not gf is adorable.
>Or maybe it was just me she didn’t want a gift from. She’d probably accept a return gift from someone else—like Utsunomiya, for instance.

>Was seething over how happy Miyagi was with her friends in the festival
>Now seething over imaginary interactions
Kyori Bug NinaSubug (Girls Band Cry, NinaSuba)
>The Two Sides of Seiyuu Radio ch20
Probably the stupidest chapter of the whole series, the first thing would happen would be them getting a call from the agency's laywers telling them to shut it down since announcing in the program they would be doing the path of shame GOT style (same thing really, probably even more screams of whore here) is basically the same as saying it's a company project, anything happening to the girls would put in libel and in a PR hell, even worse when you consider they created a scenario where the public ended mass fighting. The only thing the dumb mothers did was calling all schizos to stab their daughters, putting a target behind her backs and really making a point as to why they couldn't be in public anymore, instead of you know, just renting a place for both of them to live and paying someone to pick them up at school and drive them home.
She was also seething when she saw Miyagi hang out with her friends during summer break.
For Okiku-san I will make some free time when a new volume is out. Not only will the quality be readable, but they also have uncensored tiddies. The redraws for HoshiTele take a bit more motivation and free time, but I'm actually working on it again. Not dead yet. If I ever do drop anything, I will definitely announce it.
Miyagi hanging with her friends? I don't want that! I want her to stay alone inside her room for at least 10 years!
>YuruYuri ch214
I can't believe Namori turned a porn plot into a children's game
Do you have a dead-man switch to tell us everything is dropped if you die?
I would definitely forget about it and accidentally trigger it
>excited Ookuma Rasuko noises
>The Two Sides of Seiyuu Radio ch20
Voice acting Adashima?
According to google
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I thought the ex had some chance, yeah it's not happening, I hope the author give her a nice girlfriend.
so the MC is horny for highschooler pussy because she looks exactly like her ex did in highschool?
Long, straight, black hair is a rare type to find in Japan
Ex ruined her own chances by changing her hair, how sad.
She is too good for her now
You mean it's not because she asked to break up?
>ask for break up
>still likes her anyway
>have to act like a good friend when the one your like yappes about loving jk pussy
Yes. But she always was.
Why did she break up with Kasane again?
She saw her walking around blushing with two other girls hanging on her arms.
That's it?! How dumb. She deserves to lose. Meguru is much more tenacious.
Kasane is as dumb as a goldfish with the personality of a puppy that will never grow up.

I really don't feel like I have a good grasp what Meguru's character is yet.
Why does she need to grow up?
Sendai-san cannot even say "thank you"…
Immature people are annoying and terrible to be in a relationship with.
One-Sided ch64

The Plain Girl Sitting Next to Me ch51

That Time Only Akari Reincarnated as a Slime ch18.1
Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume Reburn ch10-1
>Attacking the Girls' Dormitory of the Demon King ch81
Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa ch25
who doesnt love jk pussy?
Itou Hachi.
Trying to act like it didn't start as a prostitution story
All the best stories do.
A story about a tired woman being beaten by an erotic woman.
Everyone in this manga deserves better than the MC.
Those shuukura titles are getting creative
Well, let's just say next chapter will make your opinion of MC far worse
spoil me sis
MC catches both of them ans gets so shocked she does the eren cuck fall, not making this up.
I’m already rooting for her to end up alone how much worse can it get?
What you on. Sounds great.
I am not talking about the chapter, just about her, she becomes even more pathetic.
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Meguru and Kasane will end up together
That's not a happy ending for either of them
Neither of them deserve one.
Catches them doing what?
Average Dynasty users detected.
Personally I just think they have zero chemistry and there isn't a hint of actual romance between them.
There is definitely some small romance going on, but ultimately they don't love each other, ex girlfriend is absolute right about MC, she will eventually get tired of the new toy while Meguru is obviously just using her to cope. Not to say when all cards are in the table they couldn't start trying to learn how to properly love each other.
The lasts chapters show a change in both characters. But I have no idea where the manga is going. Maybe this week's chapter will advance the plot if they finally manage to go to those vacation. English version is months late though.
Kimi Hoe ch4
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Aquarium date foreshadowing.
Dazzling (Love Live, HonoNico)

LiaoLiao ch47

Jahy-sama ch90

Miss Wolf and Her Fox Sister ch36

Bocchi the Rock Anthology ch13

UzaMaid vol5 extras
KimiHoe is so fun to say. I can't stop.
>Don Hinako
Nice but it's sad that the author shows all the potential sex scenes now for no reason other than fanservice, it's like there's nothing else to see or something. Why would a prude like MC be imagining lesbian porn, it's just too obviously done to compensate with the rather slow development and the autistic problem of mc
>Why would a prude like MC be imagining lesbian porn
What a mistery what could possible be the explanation for a lesbian to imagine lesbian porn
i cant find any info other than the name of the artist of bocchi the rock anthology ch13, can anyone help me? i want to see if they have any other works, i like the art.
>just think they have zero chemistry
>ultimately they don't love each other, ex girlfriend is absolute right about MC, she will eventually get tired of the new toy while Meguru is obviously just using her to cope.

This, and also I just don't particularity like either of them as people and I don't find them very interesting or compelling in any other way. It's not a bad manga or anything, just not one that has made me care about it much.
Who let Hijiki cook??
Is there any promising side hoe?
Yes your mom
Making Progress on Yuri Before the Deadline ch20-3

One-Sided ch65

Tokubetsu na Chuutohanpa ch26

Like, Share & Subscribe ch63
>Like, Share & Subscribe ch63
between this and nemesis the chinese lesbians are being dense beyond belief
They probably have IRL censorship. Like a literal black bar that covers another woman's lips or a bleep when they say "I love you" to another woman. When they touch hands the dimensions around them shifts or the air particles vibrate in such a way that their hands get blurry.
Lol, China isn't japan, you see dykes and fags everywhere IRL, they are even doing homosexual arranged marriages.
>Like, Share & Subscribe ch63
I expected more bad reaction but everything is kinda normal and tame? Where's the ccp breaking into her house?
Yes, the blonde chick
and what >>4297175 said
There are public gay chinese celebrities, it's not a big deal outside of doing some damage to the business.
Damn, I identify as Chinese now.
what other series has ureshino done, please help a yurifag out
There are yuri authors with this (pen)name, the Witch Guild Fantasia author for example, but he also has a surname which isn't present here, so I am not sure if it's the same person.
Yuri Love Slave ch.17
>I can't even complain if it's MTL because the previous translator was Squiggles.
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Wow did I NOT care about the Yaya getting the other girl in the friend group on the rebound. Nobody read this manga for them.
Lesbian Awakening: Succubus vs Kunoichi! ~Don't Use My Body to Fight your Sexy Lesbian Battle~
Wrong, VN and LN readers actually asked for an extra chapter with them having sex, which is the last volume bonus.
Good thing I specified the manga.
The LN and VN already were over, so they made it happen in the manga.
It has the same energy as Shiho and Aki from Whispering You a Love Song where it's obviously a rebound but the author desperately tries to convince you that it isn't
fuck, thanks anyway
Life defining question
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Actual peak yuri
new to epubs. are there any good epub readers for pc? thanks in advance.
There's nothing ever saying she's a lesbian except these porn stuff.
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>homosexual arranged marriages.
Why lol? Hilarious if true

But yeah china is ironically more based and progressive than korea/japan, and both countries think they're superior to chinese (wrong).
>no argument
Take your L and call it a day
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+3000 social credit in your account.
Asian countries never gave much of a shit to blood relations, adult adoptions are the most common type there, just so they can have someone younger to keep the family business going, so arranged gay marriages (which are likely adoptions ) serve the same purpose.
Yes, it's just a coincidence she is very knowledgeable of lesbian porn, very common nowadays.
Ok I need adult adoption yuri now.
No one wants to read that
I do.
I swear to god I've read at least one. Can not remember which right now, but I'm sure I read it.
Should have been Angel vs Demon. and where's chapter 3 of the yuri hypnosis app, Tachi?
It's never mentions she reads porn or mangas.... Forget it it's a stupid comedic story that makes no sense and that's it
Yes anon, she knows very specific porn terminology because the author doesn't want you to think she watches or read porn
>Insecure Herami Sisters

I wonder how far the author is willing to take this NTR arc, this series has a very weird tone so it's hard to tell
Damn, that was deliciously brutal. I do like poking the yandere but that girl has clearly overstayed her welcome. Hopefully, we end her with a strangulation live on stream. A girl can dream.
Web Gakka Yuusei 2 MakoAmi Book (Sailor Moon, MakoAmi)

Your Palm (Touhou)

GochiUsa ch167

Oshiegoto ch4
Whispering You a Love Song ch52
Where the Light Lives
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Eku, please please at least give Miki a pity sex with Aki. Suprise us with something
>when you're into both girls with light hair and girls with dark hair, and don't want to play by the yuri goddess's rules about opposites
>Insecure Herami Sisters
I can't believe how well thlse three fit into that menhera article that waa posted ln the 3k posts thread. Sera is the depressed one, Kira the yandere and Kyapi the cute one.
Miki's story feels less like a "story arc" and more like a weird introduction to the HajiMomo one to be honest.
Bad idea, Miki isn't in the mental state to endure something like that also we would need for YoriHima to do it first.
Setting up the next ship already, I see.
This manga is basically a lesbians coping about their doomed love collection. Did Eku got rejected by a girl she loved and still couldn't get over it even now?
>sex with the one you love
>bad idea
It's making a parallel betwern Miki and Aki, both forcing themselves to be with people they don't love, though it's very likely Aki is learning how to love and desire Shiho while Miki will probably never be able to.
Story About Buying My Classmate Once A Week ~ 5000 Yen For An Excuse To Spend Time Together ~ [Part 80] What I Want to Do With Miyagi and What Miyagi Wants to Do (Sendai Point of View) (IV)
If she fucks Serapii she definitely will get murdered
That was dark. After this and the yandere robot oneshot I wonder if YH has a "slot" for dark gori-ish stories like these right now.
>Oshiegoto ch4
I kinda expected this one to turn into a genuine art teaching manga where the sensei works with the prodigy to overcome her inability of drawing from imagination. It's going to be a bit disappointing if the entire thing is about family drama with some doujing creation sprinkled in.
My inherent perversion wants to see Kira mentally break and go on a rampage live on stage at that event. But I guess, the author hopefully will just go for a switch and put those sisters together which will heal my heart. Sera deserves a deep kiss from Kira and Kira deserves to stab big chunks out of anyone getting close to Sera. It's perfect.
It's going to be both, for the best or worse, not sure what the sister even wants by literally hostilizing her little sister every single time they are together.
It's toxic, very very toxic. She's giving her a necklace as a proxy for a collar.
>claiming ownership
>dont let anyone else see it
It's easier in Sendai's head to accept a collar than a normal gift.
Miyagi is so possessive yet doesn't want to commit. Such a toxic partner.
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>dooming humanity for the pussy
>doesn't even get a chu~ on the cheek or smexy time
A tale as old as time.
We hate miyagi so much
Sendai wish she would, it would give her some peace of mind because she would have some security.
Miyagi is kinda scary tho, like a psychopath kind of scary. The way she stayed quiet while looking and kissing the pendant (which was a sign of ownership) is such a Dahmer behavior.
>「What if I told you I’d let you kiss me if you let me undo one more button?」
Stop the manipulation and just have sex already
Miyagi is nice and cute this chapter. Buttonning the blouse all the way back up was perfect.
You sounds like victim of domestic abuse.
There are a bunch of dead faggots who wish Dahmer would only kiss them
I thought this will be another Adachi to Shimamura but looks like Not!Shimamura is just an extra for the first page.
Keep reading.
It doesn't matter, Miyagi is a girl Dahmer confirmed.
It's just mentally ill adachi to shimamura
Take your meds and fuck off.
that's normal Adachi to Shimamura
It's another Adachi to Shimamura afterall lmao
Adachi becomes a well paid office worker who does not bring her toys to work and then have fights with Shimamura over who will fuck the doll
Oni Ure Idol vol1 extras

Adachi to Shimamura Anthology ch9
Could Miyagi be hoping Sendai-san would snap and push her down again.
Deep down yes, but they are both cowards.
it's amazing how the most terminally online one is the least mentally ill
I guess it depends what you consider to be online
Any wild guesses on the schoolfriend fetish?
She makes psycho faces and types on her phone.
Last chapter she was obviously doing something with her phone below the table, either recording the conversation or taking pics.
>Oni Ure Idol vol1 extras
Wait, when was it released?
>digital only
Let'se see the positive side, I don't have to pay for the chapter where MC is all over some actor guy.
>types on her phone
Does she? The first time she went "uh oh i got a message" but then the phone screen was explicitly shown to be off, it looks like she pretends to use it whenever Remu talks about her coworker and puts it down when the topic changes
I like how this is segueing into HajiMomo. I've been enjoying this arc, but I do hope we get some more AkiShiho soon. I've been very curious how they act around each other at school now.

Aki seems to love Shiho much more than she realizes based on the volume 10 booklet. After chapter 47.5 I thought that they had a ways to go before being a real couple but now it feels like Aki just needs a little push.
pics + voice
They already were very close before and it also helps Aki had s long time getting over Yori, Miki didn't even want to accept her feelings were romantic until a dew chapters ago.
>Tarumi gets her own chapter
>it's heartbreaking
Of course. When will she get her own girlfriend? Sayaka got one, it's unfair that Tarumi is still single.
She is not single, she has a different OL every night at the brothel
That may satisfy her body, but not her heart.
How are Sendai-san and Miyagi toxic when the relationship helps them both.
>Posting multiple males
Can't she just get with the whore from the spinoff, or is Tarumi too tall and flat to satisfy Chiki-san?
Only old ugly smelly women want Tarumi
gross kinda hot tho
Was it explicitly mentioned that Tarumi is ROMANTICALLY interested with Shimamura? She’s too weak to be considered as a rival for Adachi.
No, but Tarumi desperately asking Shimamura questions about Adachi like if she was an older woman and then suddenly starting crying uncontrollably (and Shimamura said nothing, she just watched the pathetic creature) when she realized there was no specific reasons for why Shimamura was dating Adachi other than the fact she just liked her more made very obvious she was just trying to find reasons to cope. I think you could make an argument if Tarumi was in love with Shimamura, but she definitely had romantic interest in her.
There’s a thin line between love and friendship.
The author is too biased towards Adachi so no one but her is allowed to have a happy ending
I guess she was happy when she died, at least she didn't went insane and started talking with imaginary people like Shimamura did.
Kanaria wa Kiraboshi no Yume wo Miru ch5
Blackmailed by the Green Tea Bitch ch37.1

This was NOT on my bingo card. I'm excited to see it get a season 2. "My Dearest Nemesis" was nowhere near as good as this was. Even though it'll focus on their mothers, I hope there's still some 2Tong/Luxi shenanigans mixed in
Shouraiteki ni Shindekure ch29

Osoto Gohan ch6

One-Sided ch66

Yandere Heroine ch49
Can /u/ save this one too?
>Shouraiteki ni Shindekure ch29
Lmao this girlship shit is still getting translated hilarious
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>Shimamura’s expression
Huge blow for Tarumi
>Kanaria wa Kiraboshi no Yume wo Miru ch5
What a strange way to reveal the secret so early, guess this will move faster than it seemed
It's a new manga so the author most likely has a plan to end it in volume 2 or volume 3 if the manga gets axed.
Its her first series I think?
Take a shower
It didn't "end" due to lack of support. The author rushed the ending because they wanted to work on new stuff
>Kanaria wa Kiraboshi no Yume wo Miru ch5
Is every women other than the main couple going to be a seething bitch?
Well every other girl is basically a slave who only lives for their husbands, so yeah both MCs are going to annoy them
Didn't the author said he was too unconfortable where the story was heading or something
>Attacking the Girls' Dormitory of the Demon King 86

>Gabriel Dropout 111

>Kono Ai wo Owarasete kurenai ka 19

>Like, Share & Subscribe 64
>Like, Share & Subscribe 64
What's with this depiction of a violent, homophobic backlash? Surely this is just made up and not based on any real world events, since there was someone in here just the other day claiming China was "more based and progressive than Japan".
Tongtong is such a dumb name
Anyway, glad it's getting a new season, while I loved my dear nemesis, I still liked this one more.
I don't think using schizos is a good metric if you are comparing with Japan or the US anon, there is a reason why celebrities need security.
Yes, I guess it's about their moms
>Kono Ai wo Owarasete kurenai ka 19
fucking finally some backstory
What real world event was it referring to?
I only remember some webnovel author that made a fanfic about a BL TV Drama and got fujos upset because he portrayed one of the guys as a fag.
>Shouraiteki ni Shindekure ch29
I remember this. Could've been really good if it actually committed to the yuri.

>Fujo watches Fags on screen having fag relationships

>Gets upset when said fags are interpreted as being in fag relationships

Straight women are wild
It was less about them being in a faggy relationship but one of them being portrayed more like a stereotypical faggot, fujos hate feminization shit.
Gabriel DropOut ch 112

btw does anyone know how many chs behind is the curretn tl?
4 chapters, some very gays ones coming.
Summer Trend ch10

This is really good, mc reminds me when Adachi was a good character instead of "I'm more shimamura than shimamura" nonsense.
This made me finally go and read it, can't remember the last time I read a story with such a fucking whimper of an ending, at least one that wasn't either kinda mid or showed signs of the wheels falling off previously. It managed to somehow both interrupt its story to suddenly end while also not really feeling like an ending at all, the main conflict of the last third of the story was literally just ignored for 400 fucking days, I am honestly mad. Not sure there's much to be excited about if the author is gonna treat season 2 with the same kind of careless whimsy.
It seems the author just didn't want to touch the whole mom plot, it got too real for him, I guess ignoring her and then moving on with their lives is also a solution.
>They can be fags, as long as they aren't high fem fags

Straight women are wild
To be fair, straight men don't like it when lesbians go all in on butch either.
The yuri and characters are too good for me to be overly critical of that ending
So does half of this board
It's just one anon who was outed as male homosexual
I guess writing a tad more toxic relationship with My Dearest Nemesis's side pair also helped prepare him to return to this topic.
NTR arc then
I dont think full on gay men worry too much about butch lesbians

But if I post the Mc from she loves to eat she loves to cook, there will be a bunch of "posting male" posts

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