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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous: >>4287185
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>western shit
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all the popular het romcoms couples not only getting together without having to wait until the last page of the manga and even banging had me thinking, the only ones who had achieved that afaik were Touko and Yuu, what's up with that?
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Theres plenty of yuri couples like that, and touko and yuu didnt even get together till after the anime
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The heck are you even talking about het romcoms are like epitome of stalling
Nearly every series literally wait until the last page of the manga lol

On the other hand, yuri romcom not only did not care about 1 girl winner rule but also didn't wait for more than 5 vols
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>even banging... ...the only ones who had achieved that afaik were Touko and Yuu
Shimeji Simulation had the MCs trying to have sex. Turns out it's not a good idea during a mass Instrumentality.
Why do canon girl x girl pairings, no matter the build up, have people say "it came out of nowhere"
What the actual fuck. I understood Madoka and GGZ, but MyGo?
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maybe i need either reccs or read other yuri because most serializations move at molasses pace when it comes to tying the main girls together
Because the people saying it are either doing in bad faith or so dumb they can't see romantic tropes.
het haremslop got people too accustomed to girl on girl skinship that are play off as running gags with no payoff
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Its just people who hate yuri for whatever reason.
Which pairings are you referring to?
Basically any and all western girl x girl canon couples of the last 15 years.
Heteronormative conditioning, unironically. There are probably other factors at play as well, but most societies have been this way. Hard to break away from that way of thinking.
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Exactly, that's why this board has never had regular threads about western stuff for years now.
Oh wait.
Onimai is yuri then.
offtopic /u/ posting in nothing new, but that says more about the mods than anything
>a lot of yuri series that are accused of being male gaze are popular
>most of the time they're also objectively good
I say bring on more male gaze yuri. It's gonna make yuri conquer the earth.
women do male gaze the best
Anime promo art has nothing to do with the original author.
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original male gaze this issue
Though I am pretty sure Citrus has far more erotic manga art
The cats always make me laugh.
we are going through another OL yuri manga drought, Yui-san is carrying the entire sub-genre
I wonder if the author will reveal what are the cats stand power
It's likely ending next chapter
shut the fuck up
They're like Hey Ya except instead of giving motivational talks they gossip about all the girls that piss her off.
『Josie and the Pussycats』 - inflict saphhistry AOE with radius of 100 feet
Read more. I only really started reading lots of non entry level yuri manga this year and can think of plenty example where this happens.
It’s honestly her tamest series.
I'm a bit sad there's no cat on Volume 1 cover.
I never understood the 'male gaze yuri' issue because it's implying that either:
Girls should be ugly or wearing burkas to avoid it
Actual lesbians or het girls don't enjoy seeing two hot women in skimpy clothes fondling each other all over
>Actual lesbians or het girls don't enjoy seeing two hot women
You can't talk about male gaze on 4chan, you're only arguing with straight males in bad faith and not women.
>Girls should be ugly or wearing burkas to avoid it
it's this one, they hate beauty and celebrate ugliness
fuck off schizo
Is this yuri?
It's just people who hate it when others are having fun, pure and simple.
Please, for the love of all-watching Maria-sama, stop replying to the bait.
Male gaze is a "problem" made up by western women. Most Japanese yuri mangaka, who are also women themselves, don't care about it.
>scripts by Teren Mikami
>all-female main cast
All signs point to yes.
I don't like this trend of anime made in Koikatsu.
Portraying women in media as nothing but sex objects=not good
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I'd watch something animated on MS paint as long as the plot is yuri
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Hers aren't too big, but bigger than mine.
When they eventually get married, which last name do they take.
>the author plans to continue until the parliament passes the constitutional amendment and another 400 chapters beyond that, which would be required for Sendai to muster courage and outright say she wants to marry Miyagi, and for Miyagi to accept it and agree
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I just read the first volume of Yuri Espoir and think it's fairly unique, intriguing even. Why is there no interest in this series?
Because it finished years ago, IIRC?
I think it's on hiatus because its platform shut down or something. No one talked about it when it was published regularly either.
Sendai-san will pass the gay mariage bill herself.
You know Miyagi would want to be the one proposing.
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didnt realize till just now it was readable for free on the publishers site. i read volume 1 like 2 years ago but didnt want to buy another volume
You're talking about those shows where literally everything other than the beginning and the end is filler that can be ignored because there's no real character development in between?

The problem with these series is not that the couple doesn't end up together in the end, but that the series itself is garbage.
But isn't that the way it works in the West? Not just with girl x girl, but even with het, that's why you have people making fun of Disney princesses or action movies for years.
>all-female main cast
There's clearly a male character there.

They could at least increase the frame rate. 3D moving at 12 FPS is just jarring.
I can't imagine what would this place be like if SonoHana came out today
Do you know what a main cast is?
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ZenKowa volume 2 is being reprinted and volume 1 is being reprinted for a second time.
I find it hilarious that a relatively unknown mangaka that mostly did oneshots prior to this managed to have their first major work blow up the way it has. The same thing to a lesser extent happened with KyouKano, where prior to it, the author struggled not to get hit with an early axe.
You find hilarious how the industry works for 99% of authors? You must be laughing a lot then.
It's a norm for many authors. Just as, unfortunately, it's a norm for many authors not to write anything worthy after a breakthrough debut.
It's what you get around your neck after thighs play goes wrong?
That's the issue. If a series goes on for long enough, the author can end up using up all their best ideas and character designs. Then the next work feels boring with seemingly reused characters.
Miyagi buying two mugs just to test which one Snedai likes more. Cute.
>many authors not to write anything worthy after a breakthrough
Miyagi is so nice in the recent chapters, one can't help but think that she's going to pull something outrageous soon. Like confessing first at the festival, or getting wasted on her 20th birthday and start licking Sendai-san's feet.
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How common is western style organized cheerleader in Japanese middle/high schools? I see them at professional athletic events and in mango and anime characters will don the outfit and pompoms as a quick gag.
But I feel like more often there's some school event/sports day or something and they just grab some random characters to do cheerleading, either western or Japanese style, for that day rather than there being an organized cheerleading team or something. So manga just has gyarus the same way high school movies from the late 1900s liked to use cheerleaders. Even in yuri manga if one of the main girls isn't athletic she'll just be the manager, doing menial stuff and paperwork, to be closer to her girlfriend.

Or maybe a bunch of media drawn by a bunch of withdrawn nerds don't have any meaningful experience with that.

Still, feels like there'd be yuri potential even outside whatever particular fetishes you'd have for the outfit.
Mikami Teren is doing literally anything but writing his own series.
stange that the watanare anime is happening even though it seems he's super busy with other stuff.
Judging by Black Lotus, mysteries are not this writer's strong suit.
He's not the original writer, he's just the scriptwriter.
>How common is western style organized cheerleader in Japanese middle/high schools

Extremely uncommon. It's just tossed into a lot of manga because the outfits are cute and flashy and it's fun to see the girls dress up. Plus there's gotta be an exotic factor since it's a western style outfit.
damn you're literally describing Manio.
Honestly I can't remember any yuri author that has made more than 1 good series
>Honestly I can't remember any yuri author
You don't need to remind us of how ignorant you are
Manio's only problem is motivation.
Kodama is right there though?
Would be nice if something happened at festival.
>yuri author that has made more than 1 good series
Does those making mostly hentai count?
>more than 1 good series
shio usui
Itou Hachi
Just because you don't like the post doesn't mean its bait, sis.
YURI author
Yeah. One of if not THE best to ever do it.
It's a little obscure, but known enough to get a localization, so I would argue there is quite enough interest. The biggest problem is that it is, indeed, on hiatus, and has been for a while (but, importantly, not cancelled, and there have been a few small updates every now and then).
It's on hiatus for what's likely to do with the author's own circumstances, as the platform is very much alive and kicking. They did a major overhaul, which is why the old links don't work, but everything's still there.
>her most known work is one where two girls have boyfriends
One of the above statements is false.
The only false statement is the third one.
The second isn't even a statement, it's a single word.
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There are four girls in this picture.
I'll die mad knowing how hard they fumbled such an easy concept
To be fair, MC breaks off after cucking and never doing anything with him.
She has two finished series and both turned mediocre half way through.
They didn't though?
>main couple is the weakest and only because Mamori is annoyingly oblivious toward's Mirei's feelings
>unnecessary third wheel drama with the reverse trap
>Momoka's involvement was rushed
>teased a bunch of things that will never get resolved like Mirei's past
>shoehorned het and tentacles
nah fuck that
And the other girl has regular sex with a male character, even after meeting the feMC.
Doesn't he like beat her at one point for NOT having sex? It's been a while since I read it.
Hey /u/ help me to remember about this manga, is a 4koma with a girl with glasses who self harm with a scissor and she had a girl she likes but also a stalker
Saji-chan no Yami Nikki?
Random yuri question of the day time!!!
Are their any lesbeans with rocket arms that have rocket punched anyone? Thank you for your time!
Yes! thanks
The closest thing I can think of is one girl from Nanoha Vivid who had a golem do that for her.
Maybe, but when you love a serie for real you come accept all its faults.
That depends if you consider the female human version of Mazinger Z a lesbian.
Homura does this in the new Madoka movie
This happened to my buddy Erica.
Board health check:
Which one between these two types of post is more likely to be deleted by the jannies/mods?
a. Posting "yuri is dead"(reference to Assault Lily)
b. Posting a picture of two "girls" from a gender bender series
Wasn't Yuri revived in the gacha?
Did you just realize now 4chan mods are all following the same agenda?
imagine if we lived in an alternate timeline where assault lily was well written. show was all over the place, and progressed a mile a minute
It was cute and gay and I wouldn't trade it for plot
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I personally enjoyed it the first time, the second time even more, and the third time even more, Kaede is the best Yaya, she has real possibilities.

Just like the other gacha, it's a different continuity, not many are sequels or connected.

>b. Posting a picture of two "girls" from a gender bender series
The real problem is that a GB series only has one "girl" per series, because in the end it's basically a self-sertion or specific fetish.
Different anon but that's the thing, I'd trade its attempts at plot for more cute and gay.
Oh wow anons, someone may start talking about "board culture" which is code for non yuri content which is anti lesbianism or anti women they love to post here because it makes their dickhole hard.
We've had series that have both so it's not compromise. Also, all of the characters sucked.
You are just a bad person.
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Whats this about
Is it actually yuri
Love Bullet, Maintext yuri.
Is there even anything worth watching next season?
the ship sank as it went maintext, the rest of the girl x girl is mind controlled
i dont know
There's actually nothing. Not even a basic CGDCT series.
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Time to work on that backlog, anonette
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>everyone forgetting about the SAO spin-off made by 3Hz which removed a lot of heterosexual stuff from the first few novels
The same staff is even working on it even after they got absorbed in A-1.
Oh no we are not forgetting about this non yuri shit, I understand this concept may be hard for someone like you, but just because there is a mud pool, you don't need to jump and take a bath on it.
The anime has a different canon from the novels and is more yuri.
Can you repeat the question?
Oh boy here we go again
Don't reply to spergs.
>>That was announced 5 years ago
Frankly that seems like the normal time for these projects, although I would have liked something longer and I don't know how to feel about them trying to imitate the manga style so closely, it's even in black and white.

I made my schedule 3 weeks ago and the outlook looks ridiculously terrible, everything looks so bad that the third season of LL Superstar and the second season of Im@s Shiny Colors seem like genuinely good options in comparison, it's going to be one of those seasons where the top 10 is going to be full of mediocre garbage at best.
It's sad and funny at the same time that this is the only decent project SAO has, similar to Prisma Illya for Fate, I guess they can't really be yuri for that very reason, these franchises already have an idiotic fanbase that can't stand the mere existence of yuri as something serious.

It reminds me of how Kale x Caulifla is over the heads of most of the Dragon Ball fandom, the other part are idiots who still don't accept that that's yuri and continue to be salty that Cabba is not the romantic interest of either of them 2 (because he isn't)
The closest thing to a CGDCT next season is Tonbo
Yuriphonium releases in 3 days!
They won't be yuri because none of those things were planned to be yuri to begin with, part because of the target audience, part because the authors themselves are not interested in yuri besides fanservice. Anything can be yuri when you don't have any standards.
>I guess they can't really be yuri for that very reason
None of the girls in GGO are in love with the male MC of SAO though, unlike shows like Railgun or Prisma

>in yuri besides fanservice
Yuri being only fanservice is only a downside if the girls are in love with guys, which isn't the case for the GGO spin-off anime.
i dont care what SAO is doing, im not watching it for crumbs of yuri, this isnt 2007 anymore
They didn't remove M being Elsa's fucktoy or Elsa being a massive bislut who wants Karen as another plaything while she keeps fucking men (and women, but men is the problem here). This will go nowhere because Karen has standards and doesn't want that kind of relationship, M may be a cuck, but not Karen
Elsa being a bislut nympho and M being one of her boytoys is still canon to the anime.
Elsa fucks guys in the GGO spin-off anime. M makes it clear he's one orf many. Rewatch the show
Yuri teaching me English once again.
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Wait I read this as "gliding" all this time.
is this even good?
theres boy in the title but not even on the cover
Same, I thought it was a weird word to use. Didn't realize it was an expression lol.
>there's boy in the title
Never forget Candy Boy. Where there's no boy. Just lesbian twincest
Even when there are boys in yuri it's always designated losers, barely secondary characters.
ive literally never heard this expression used in my life
Do these people speak english? "Gilding the Lily" means embellishing something unnecessarily.
But its still referring to adding ornaments, so the title is asking if "boys who enhance yuri should die" which is not only completly nonsensical considering what the story is about about, but also means the almost opposite of what the actual title is.
>despite the title its a real yuri work that properly shows yuri
Spoilers, no it isn't and no it doesn't.
Its exactly as shit as the title implies.
>>its a real yuri work that properly shows yuri
>Spoilers, no it isn't and no it doesn't.
So I was scrolling the author's twitter profile and saw these
How can these be not yuri. Any source reader that actually finished the series care to explain?
The series isn't finished. But I will tell you right now that the blonde girl is gonna be in a relationship with a guy for the entire first volume if you consider buying it and they don't even start on any actual yuri until later.
He basically exists so the main character can see the girl she likes kiss him once a chapter and be mad about it (but not for romantic reasons).
>The series isn't finished
I heard it's axed, is that a fake news?
>actual yuri until later.
You first say it's not yuri and now you say there's yuri later. I'm just confused now lol
>cherrypicking pages
That shit is full of hetshit, girls are literally dating and kissing boys on screen. It's not yuri and will never be. The author has a very clear fetish and he made it clear with the title alone. If you support that shit you're clearly a retarded hetfag and if you post it here you're nothing but a troll.
Yuniko's favorite manga btw.
>I heard it's axed, is that a fake news?
I don't follow it, but just reading their twitter makes it pretty clear its not.
>I'm confused
It later becomes yuri, if you care enough to read through page on page about some bislut making out with her boyfriend until she decides she likes music more. I would not call that "real" yuri, no matter how it ends, if you make people go through reading that shit just for the sake of having it in the story since it doesn't actually add anything. The guy isn't even getting in the way of the yuri in the first place, since the blonde girl wanted to date him.
Thanks, bislut really isn't a turn off for me so I'll be checking it out.
More reason for me to read it then.
The boyfriend thing wouldn't even be the worst part, if the story besides thst was any good. But its the most generic shit ever.
Boyfriends. Its about a whole bunch of girls you get to read dating guys.
>generic shit
if it's the generic shit yuniko likes it's a generic shit i like
They should have released the first two volumes at the same time, because everyone is gonna drop this if they only see the first one.
>I don't follow it, but just reading their twitter makes it pretty clear its not.
It actually finished a few months ago.
well it was axed but it's also continuing under a new title and platform
And, hopefully, no males.
Yeah. Hopefully Love Bullet gets rid of males too considering we saved the series.
Thus far, both of the relationships setup by the cupids have been F/F, as well as the main character's relationship-that-wasn't.

>mind controlled
It's established right in the pilot that the cupid bullets don't work if there isn't something there to begin with. They increase existing feelings, not create them out of nothing.
Don’t jinx it
she's a cupid not a girl only cupid. It would be weird if she only creates lesbian couples
There was the one couple Koharu setup before becoming a cupid in chapter 1 that was het. And on the one hand, I agree, unless your setting is established as some women-only paradise like Love Live or Love Bakudan, I feel it makes the yuri pairings stronger if there's not an obvious bias with a premise like Love Bullet's (That is 3 "Love ____" titles in a row). That it at least presents yuri pairings as viable (if not preferable) is already a win in my book. Hell, wouldn't mind if it threw in them doing some yaoi pairings for variety/equality.

That said, I certainly wouldn't object if any het (or yaoi) setups were just done off-screen or only in passing, with those the narrative actually focuses on always being yuri.
Don't reply to bait.
I just realized that the MCs of A Monster Wants to Eat Me, The Summer You Were There, and Moon in Rainy Night are basically variations of the same character.
So I just started reading "Kase-san" for the first time, and can someone PLEASE tell me that Yamada cuts it out with the, "I can't date Kase, she's a girl too! But I guess she is kinda boyish..." bit sooner rather than later?
One of them is not like the others
And who they all belong to?
They turn into full blown lesbians pretty fast iirc. Theres also the sequel manga, which i havent gotten around to catching up on
Yeah, you will spend most of the manga being mad at Kase instead. Especially the sequel.
If she doesn't cut it out when they actually start dating, I will legitimately strangle this girl. But sooner than later would be preferable.

Its still cute and fluffy, I do love them. But I want to slap her sometimes.
Yamada went into overdrive the moment she saw Kase's boobs.
You're right. One of them is married.
Eh, I think it fits. There are many guys who see two girls making out and think that their dick would make the situation even better, surely you've seen countless such comments on the internet. This might actually become a stock translation for the "yuri ni hasamaru otoko" concept in general.
Except thats not even close to what the original title is referring to, nor to what happening in the manga. If this was a story about a guy trying to insert himself for a threesome, that would make sense. But thats not the case.
There wasn't a LN sequel to a manga that everyone ended up hating for that very reason?
Not to mention the thing being added in that expression is still gold, a very odd implication from the perspective of a yuri manga.
The only people who would use that phrase are "yuri fans" who want to glorify their desire to fuck them. You can fuck off with that shit.
>There are many guys who see two girls making out and think that their dick would make the situation even better
As far as I can tell, the guy in the manga isn't doing anything like that. He's just some random guy she asked to date her for a limited time (for reasons not elaborated on in the 6 chapters I could find on mangadex), who's getting his heart broken. And "gilding the lily" made me first think of one of these godawful "male yurifag turns the lesbians into his harem by accident" stories. Its an incredibly unfortunate choice for a title.
For the record, the author has posted several times on twitter that they hate the title but were forced to use it to try to get attention for the series.
From what you're describing, the original title doesn't make sense either then. The phrase does commonly and almost explicitly refer to men who want to turn a yuri couple into a het threesome.
>one of these godawful "male yurifag turns the lesbians into his harem by accident" stories
>One of
Is that really so common a thing? I know there's that one that recently got picked up for English localization that everyone was (rightfully) dogpiling on, but I struggle to think of other instances.
The original title, I take it? because I saw the post exchange where the english title was suggested by someone else on twitter, so its clearly not that.
And the japanese title is kinda dumb too, but a lot less so than the english one.
I only read the first 6 chapters and at least in that, nothing even suggests thats happening. And I've seen the phrase used for guys getting inbetween in the sense of getting in the way, but I wouldn't claim expertise on it. If the manga actually does go in that direction, my sympathy for the author being stuck with that unfortunate title they probably don't understand entirely evaporates.
In the second season of Chaser game W there is a korean girl going to Japan to hit on the japanese girl who's in love with the chinese girl. This is the twitter meme, did they copy it and record the drama in just two weeks or is it a crazy coincidence?
All in the same episode? Dang.
It was the second to last episode, they're trying to show a bit of the ennding of all characters. The gyaru didn't have her moment, I hope they're keeping the gayest shit for the last episode when she'll meet her senpai.
no one going to mention the dragon maid movie announcement?
You just did.
And now we have talked about this we can move on
City is getting an adaptation!
By Kyanus!
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This had potential
is an adaption of a table game, yep, table game

If only it didn't look so hideous.
This "Koikatsu's greatest hits" early 2000s 3D stuff doesn't fly. Not in the era of MyGO and GBC
What's it gonna cover?
What is the chance that the Asumi mangaka actually hires a lesbian escort to do research for the manga?
Didn't she joke that it would be a business expense or was that some other mangaka?
well it's fun to read
at least until the third girl appears
looks bad, ill let /u/ watch it in my place. only way im watching it is if it goes maintext
still waiting for the next yuri battle shonen
what was the last yuri battle shounen
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CDJapan is taking preorders for Love Bullet v1. It already sold out.
In ten minutes it looks like. I wonder if the publisher has been just clearing out previously unsold stock or if they've been doing small reprints. It's also become available again on other websites that previously sold out, but it's been going out of stock again very quickly.
its so weird seeing my twitter feed be flooded with random western yuri fans whove never mentioned this series before become die-hard fans overnight, and start making a bunch of fanart.
its a good series, but i hope it doesnt just become a fad and support dries up by volume 2
Attention from who?
It kept the yurifans away.
Given its "hook" is getting to see one of the girls make out with her BF ever single chapter, I don't think yuri fans were the target audience. This is for shoujo fans who don't mind either way and I guess for them its attention catching because there is boy in the title. If it was aimed at yuri fans, it would be a ! not a ?!
the boy is not even on the covers
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Is this yuri?
This is how you get ticks.
yes, but it's also gross.
It would be a good occasion for them to thoroughly examine each other's bodies when they got home.
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oh no miyagi is grumpy again
Maybe her teeth hurt.
Chances of the ln being published in english?
There's at least one dork, so yes.
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Just give me some more agricultural yuri. I'll be willing to save this series even without the author online whimpering.
The arc about Kanna and her dad. People speculated S2 skipped it so it could be a movie and they were right
The boy isn't even on the cover for most het harem manga, I don't see this as much of an argument.
This is not a het harem what are you talking about.
That boy not being on the cover has nothing to do with the target audience.
>Given its "hook" is getting to see one of the girls make out with her BF
Speak for yourself, prehaps it's a great hook for you since it left such a strong impression. But for me the strange personality and dynamic of the leads is the hook.
>Speak for yourself
Sis, its literally what the manga is named for. That is the weirdest and weakest cope you could have come up with.
Why aren't there any enemies to lovers yuri?
Sendai checked her teeth a bit too hard
It's very popular, unfortunately I don't know how English publishers pick their titles
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Diana was too mellow in the TV series, by episode 3 it was already clear she didn't actually hold ill will against Akko.
the boy is barely there
Youre really blowing this out of proportion.
that title is at best a clickbait, hook refers to attention-grabbing elements from the very early chapters. there's no rule saying there can only be one hook for a series. for you the hook might be the het make out sessions but don't be surprised if /u/ readers actually find the dynamics between the female leads more intriguing.
Series, not a ship.
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Diakko's cousin then
>inb4 western
your loss
Onee-sama and the Giant?
So that's how crop circles are made
There seems to be genuine readership so it'll be fine for a while. I'm more worried about the possibility of the writing taking a hit now that it's subject to this specific western audience. At least it's not in the 4-page webcomic format
what the fuck
They don't have any chemistry, at least not in the first volume. There is zero romantic tension between them.
>that title is at best a clickbait, hook refers to attention-grabbing elements
>the title is clickbait
>hook refers to attention-grabbing elements
This is getting genuinly silly, I don't even particularly care about this random 2000s era yuri ragebait being trodded out, but you're just saying random shit at this point.
Of course getting mad about the "guy being in the way" is the "hook", thats why its in the title. You can feel about their character and relationship however you want (I didn't see anything interesting in either of them, since both is pretty bland) but the hook is clearly getting you mad at the guy being in the way, thats why its in the title.
Nevermind that its poorly executed, because the guy doesn't seem to matter and isn't actually getting in the way of anything but thats poor execution not intent.
Considering the "defense" of it was "bisluts are fine", you don't need to come with some passive aggressive yuri culture shit either, you're reading bislut slop for straight girls, enjoy it but don't try to grandstand about it.
Nanoha. Symphogear (Tsubasa/Maria)
>the hook is clearly getting you mad at the guy being in the way
At least from the first volume, it doesn't even do that. It tries more to make you feel bad for him, if anything. Since he's just being ditched anyway, so the only thing his existence adds is getting to draw them making out. He doesn't do anything else and isn't necessary for the actual point of tension, black-hair girl thinking blonde-hair girl should choose music, either.

Because it apparently has some rabid fangirl here, don't bother to reply. I don't hate the manga. I just thought it was boring and the boyfriend thing certainly isn't there to get yurifans to read it.
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useless princess
I Want to Make Black-Knight Fall In Love With Me!
My Yuri Started With Slavery
A Vampire of Obedience
Sorry, but I’m Not into Yuri (side couples + main couple depending on who winds the harem war)
honey crush
My dearest nemesis
rock it girl
A witches love at the end of the world
5 seconds before a witch falls in love
Well Done(,) Pervert
Nomura Nao to Kyougoku Hina wa
Mahoako (imitatio x berserga [were enemies off-screen]
Mygo!!! (depending on who you ship)
swap swap
superwomen in love (their enemies for like half a chapter)
citrus (kinda?)
Executioner and her way of life (side-couple)
madoka (side-couple)
blue drop

Thats all i could think of, although a lot of them are a bit of a stretch, unless you count one-sided enemies (tsunderes) yuri like 'hana to hoshi', 'gunbured x sisters', or 'tovarisch'
meant to reply to >>4295991
the first volumes shows she chose him on a whim and is a designated loser
hes barely in the way of the yuri
this did not get me mad at all
More like "why bother adding a dude??" when you clearly want to write about two girls and the music
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we just had one
they carry the series
>this did not get me mad at all
I did say the execution was shit yeah. He does nothing, and might as well not exist which raises to me the question why she bothered to give him a kissing panel in seemingly every single chapter if she wanted to appeal to people who like yuri?
Thats the closest thing to a "problem" I had with the manga. If it had been just about the two girls and music, I probably would have kept reading it.
T-thanks, anon. But I want 2 girls who are actually wanted to kill each other, however fall for each other later.
Sorry, enemies to lovers is still BL territory.
Maybe one day we’ll see hard boiled lesbians.
Both of you are retards who can't even get a basic word right. It's about plot points that makes you want to read more not whatever the fuck you two are using.
Find one single person who read more of this because they wanted to see more of the het.
And her boyfriend is not a plot point that is supposed to make you want to read more to, as the title suggest, see him fuck off?
How is that different from what they are talking about?
Even in the cases I can think of, the killing intent is always one-sided at best.
>isn't actually getting in the way of anything
I don't read this manga but if this is true, why do anons keep talking about it like it's the most hetshit manga ever written?
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For me, it's enemies to lovers (still enemies).
The real question is, why is the het there in the first place if the author didn't want people to read it because of it? No one forced the author to give her a boyfriend.
"I'm More Dangerous Than You" is the most BL style yuri ive read. they dont start off as enemies, but theres torture, kidnapping, and unconsentual sex by the obsessed stalker, and stockholme syndrome.
Because the author decided to not only give the love interest a boyfriend, but also dedicate panels to them kissing regularly, despite the fact that it actually adds nothing to the manga. Not even drama.
>why do anons keep talking about it like it's the most hetshit manga ever written?
No one does this outside of your head. Its a manga written for a shoujo audience that doesn't care about yuri or not yuri. It is yuri, just bad yuri.
I only read one volume, there are a few het makeout pannels. Its literally pointless, its not relevant enough to get anyone mad and want the boy to die.
>No one does this outside of your head
This is wrong. I've seen several posts in the past saying it's hetshit and anti-yuri.
I only see one post ITT saying its full of hetshit, which is true even if the person seemed to be baiting anyway. As I understand it, the yuri wins (naturally) and the author on twitter seems very defensive of it being yuri despite all appearances, so there is that.
But given the entire first volumes content having no romantic tension between the leads at all and the boyfriend being there 'despite' being entirely irrelevant except to let the author draw them making out, I certainly can say with confidence its not written for a yuri audience.
the yuri audience is not a hivemind
I didn't say that though.
>a few
At least once per chapter. That's a lot more than what most het manga get.
I think a demographic segment that enjoys seeing girls make out with guys can rightly be called "not the yuri audience". You can enjoy het and yuri at the same time, but they are still different things.
The manga is 99% the girls and music and 1% het making out
Guess what, I am interested in reading more than one volume. Now wonder if the 99 or 1 grabbed my attention.
NTA but that anon isn't wrong, this feels like a gimmick to make shoujofags read some musical yuri, mostly now that the girls band genre is in its peak. You can enjoy it but in the end it's a mediocre yuri for newcomers and not everyone will want to read something like that.
Lots of people enjoy things that aren't written for a yuri demographic for the yuri in it. Thats totally fine, but if the author adds a guy that does nothing for the story except make out with the love interest, not even really for drama purposes, then its not written for a yuri audience. There is no discussion here unless you want to make an argument on how that made the manga more appealing to people who like yuri?
>I am interested in reading more than one volume
Did you? Then mind telling us how long that shit keeps going? Because I see it finished on 6 volumes.
Stop entertaining hetfags.
So you really didn't read this one
Anon, I cannot read japanese.
Sorry, I thought you were saying "I don't care about the het in vol1, because I was interested in reading more music+girls anyway".
Well, I'm definitely not gonna buy the first one since its all het anyway, but maybe someone can tell us in a few months/years if its worth slogging through for yuri later.
Yeah boo them
The last het kiss is in the third volume, there were none in the second volume. The web has enough material for 13 to 14 volumes. We don't know if the physical publication will survive or get axed too though.
And the first yuri kiss was in never
Looks like you can pre-order Love bullet now while it's out of stock.
Well... That was a thing, though I'm not sure what exactly.
There are girls and they are gay, each with their own partner. What more do you want?
If only you put this much effort for some real yuri series that got axed.
Did we learn what happened during that onseen scene?
No and the two of them had no significant interactions for the entire second half of the show.
>some real yuri series
Like Love Bullet?
They had sex. And they are still gay with each other for the entire second half of the show.
Good thing that's what we're doing.
This is one of those series where im 10 episodes in, and not even sunk-cost is convincing me to finish it. such a nothing show, despite being labeled a character drama
nta but damn....
It was begging to be followed up on, and it was the main reason i was sticking with the show
Crap is what I'm calling it, both yuri-wise and story-wise. The rushed "drama" with Mari-chan made me yawn.
so in the end, was this the show the scriptwriter told us not to lose hope in anime original yuri for?
Nah, that wouldn't make any sense.
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It was yuri.
main off-screen sub-text yuri
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It's DEEP.
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This is the best sub-text
Should I read this? Will the author die again?
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Being Nodoka is suffering.
Yes. It's her job like all the staff to shill the show and shill she did.Cope and seethe. Otherwise you will keep going at every original she works on thinking "this is the one. This is where she delivers" and be dissapointed every time
You fucks took shit out of context and hyped yourselves and this is what happens
What the fuck was this, seriously?
Did the chinese make a graphic for it like they did with YoruKura? With a little peak in episode 1 because of the kisses and in episode 3 because of the small Obunai voicing her thoughts, a huge peak in episode 6 and the rest being a flat line, with a downfall in the last two episodes.
Leaving because she wants to become an idol out of nowhere? No yurish end for any of the couples? Fucking Shadowverse did a better job. >>4295545

It definitely can't be this when she didn't even promote it on her twitter.
This whole show felt written by A.I.
So as usual, you've been talking shit about a series for hours when you have not even read it?
It only has 21ch so might as well check it, one day like everyone else.
Someone at Shounen Jump really thought that they wanted Kirara/Cune audience.
It definitely is this. Deal with it instead of coming here to overhype every original she makes after this like you people did this show because of the goddamn tweets. You'll forever think "this is where she delivers. This is the one she was talking about" and forever dissapointed yourselves and the rest of the board when her shows keep not delivering
Just watch the shows and wait for some actual yuri before overehyping based on vague tweets
>episode 3 because of the small Obunai voicing her thoughts
really surprised they didnt bring this back up again. was genuinely the most personality a characters had, but it was just a fun trait used for a single episode
>Fucking Shadowverse did a better job
that hits hard...
>really surprised they didnt bring this back up again. was genuinely the most personality a characters had, but it was just a fun trait used for a single episode
Three different writers randomly alternating between episodes who didn't bother to make their writing styles feel cohesive. Granted, I'm sure they were strangled by the complete mess that was the overall plot.
Shut the fuck up, "dissapointed" retard. We're fucking tired of your trolling.
>muh AI
Adding this to "pointless complaints that means retard-kun didn't like show" Definitely not bad that we'll have a "boy who cried wolf" moment with AI and no one will care when actual AI writing happens because the overuse of "written by AI" will lead people to assume "oh so another show people don't like. Probably another false alarm" and not care when it actually happens
The real trolls are the ones who will keep shilling her originals as "the savior of yuri. G-witch killer" based on these vague tweets because they decided this show wasn't "it". "It" will never come because this show was "it" and you gotta deal with it. I just want people to start praising show because they actually like them instead of because they invented a different show in their heads based on vague tweets
ive been meaning to read this for a while. is there any prominent male characters or potential het, or is it like pension life vampire where its practically a yuri but they cant make it official
Have a plan to shamelessly shill and hype up every new original show just to make the graphic plotting crowd's asses burn. They're certainly managing quite well enough even without my help, but it's always better to be sure. Wish me luck.
And she didn't see the Anna/Brazilian Miku pics.
Did Anna break her leg?
>male characters
>prominent or potential het
Not really, they're just regular classmates. The only one who will maybe gain some prominence is the teacher but that's because he seems to know a bit too much about dragons, not because he has romantic tension with a student.
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These two have been such a treat so far.
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They are so dumb, I love them.
It's AI.
Whats fuukos canon hair color? It keeps changing.
>muh AI
Kill yourself
This needs a second season so we can watch the girls starting to get together.
I'm sorry but having a Kirara jump while the wheelchair character just has to sit there is peak comedy
Another series that hasn't been saved and, even worse, remains incomplete for us poor idiots who bought the first two volumes.
Should have a ramp in there so she could join them
Oh, and another one. More and more incomplete series on our shelves. Good job!
Not sure what you are saying, none of those series will be incomplete.
If the author really goes in this direction I will buy enough to make sure it won't get axed like the other trash did
I can't make sense of this post, isn't the issue with AI writing that it would supposedly be bad?
So in this cry wolf scenario where people don't believe it's written by AI even though it is, they'll still see that it's bad so it doesn't make any difference?
And if instead it's good then being made with AI isn't actually a problem, so who cares?
You mean Mesuwaka?
Seems like it's doing fine, just needs translating.
>a brazilian who didn´t score
>volume doesn't go on sale
>it's not incomplete
You understand very well what it's saying. A bunch of bytes is not a volume, you know they're going digital only because the volumes didn't sell enough. People bought the first two volumes and now they're left without the continuation, Fuck them.
Reported to PETP for cruelty to plants.
This manga is criminally underrated. Not only does it have cute and sexy characters and good chemistry between them, it's also a heartfelt depiction of the henshin genre that is very rarely seen in manga, not to mention one of the couples has a science daughter.
Both of them had science daughters, hard to understand how sometime fucked the next one
It's either this or full axe.
Their rivalry also lasts too little before Amity becomes butter in front of Luz.
Ladies and gentlewomen, we did it.
You're saying this in a board that has mangled the word subtext beyond repair.
A full axe with all the volumes getting printed gives you the possibility to buy and read the story until the end, unlike this shit that's a big fuck you to all the people who supported the series by buying the volumes. This is how you get people to buy even less because nobody wants to waste money on stories they don't know they'll be able to read until the end.
>kuroko and ruiko
Would rather it not, much prefer monogamy. The way the whole group dynamic kinda blurs the line is cute, but I like that they make it clear the distinction in how Minami and Yuzu feel for each other, or how Tsubasa feels for Kosame (who I'm sure will come around eventually).

And I dunno, maybe a love interest will come along for Hinori. Or she'll just perpetually be a fifth wheel.
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I'd be shocked if the same didn't happen to My Friend's Abnormally Cute Sister. Honestly, none of the newer Storia Dash yuri series look like they are selling all that well, which is a shame because I really like most of them.
Hello, my name is Stupid, why is this important?
Thank you for your time.
A thread reached 3000 posts, which has never happened before and will probably never happen again.
You are not going to die from reading it digitally anon.
I call them agegap reveree hair color adashima
Wow, that is mildly neat!
Thank you!
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I see you're a big expert. What do you tell about these two?
Any Yuri of a mafia boss's daughter preying on a helpless older woman?
Especially notable because it happened for no particular reason. Most other high post threads are because of new developments in popular shows like Gundam.
"Shitposters trolling and samefagging" is not "no particular reason" so please fuck off.
>"Shitposters trolling and samefagging"
Common place on /u/, nothing notable about it.
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Momo has canonically rubbed her vagunja on Shamiko's horns, did you know?
two kids loving each other? yes why not?
Why is yuri so unpopular? I feel like there are so much more hetshit art even for a yuri or yuri adjacent franchise in pixiv, especially when you look at R18 works. On western twitter, yuri is more popular I guess, but yeah, every yuri NSFW artist usually has also drawn a ton of hetshit and futa. Maybe I'm too much of a purityfag for noticing this?
It's misogyny basically. Stories about women are inherently seen as boring to so many people.
Of the people who would never watch yuri, it's because most people aren't interested in reading about homosexual romance.

Of the people who are open to reading yuri series, but seldom pick up one up, it's because a lot of the tropes/settings/characters that hardcore yuri fans like are off-putting to these types of fans.
There are several series with female protagonists that have sold well in Japan though.
Yeah, but those are the exception. Realistically speaking the ratio of male-lead to female-lead stories should be about 50/50. Instead it's like 90/10.
Write some better posts.
4/10 of the ten best selling anime have female protagonists and all-female main casts (Uma, LL, PMMM, and GuP). Clearly these shows did something right to overcome that.
Yuri really held itself back by trying to be a romance genre about the purest form of love. People want sex and violence, not artsy shit.

The reason R18 yuri isn't more popular is because it's harder to properly draw two people at once.
>Why is yuri so unpopular?
Because the industry has existed for around 80 years and yuri was basically starting 20ish years ago and it has to face conundrums like the stigma around homosexuality or even basic industry issues like the fact female protagonists usually are unlikeable for most audiences if they are not portrayed as anything but existing for a man, you can easily see this with Frieren or The Apothecary Diaries.

>I feel like there are so much more hetshit art even for a yuri or yuri adjacent franchise in pixiv, especially when you look at R18 works. On western twitter, yuri is more popular I guess, but yeah, every yuri NSFW artist usually has also drawn a ton of hetshit and futa. Maybe I'm too much of a purityfag for noticing this?
Turn off AI and it will be mostly gone, meaning there is barely any actual effort for it, I will let you look at the profiles of the ones doing it and you can guess which group they are mostly part of.
>people want sex and violence
Rather than people, I would say that one specific type of audience wants yuri mixed with other plot elements and yuri relationships they don't have to take too seriously. And it's not the only audience that can make yuri popular either.
Not only most popular yuri series are romances, there always was sex and violence series and most of them were niche. R18 yuri just isn't popular because porn is inherently self inserting for most of the porn audience.
maybe women should start supporting women instead of pouring all their money into yaoi series
that's because female fans love male protags. Honestly Jump maybe the biggest magazine for female at this point. Look at stuff Haikyu!! that's basically funded by women.
Of course men love CGDCD but that's nothing compared to women's love for BL and BL adjacent series like JJK, Blue Lock, Bungo Stray Dogs,...
>most popular yuri series are romances
You have works like Yuru Yuri, MahoAko, and Dragon Maid which are incredibly popular despite not focusing on the romance aspects too much.
I can agree in spirit, but all of those except Madoka are in the cute girls doing cute things category with an implicit director role that makes it popular for men to self insert into.
Only Uma has a male trainer and he's treated as a joke. GuP/LL barely have any guy characters present.
>This manga is criminally underrated.
coz it's only good for three volumes
Mahoako manga sales are still far below the other two and more in line with how the romances sell, it's below green manga for example.

Dragon Maid is more of an series with yuri rather than being the central theme though, which is besides what anon said, he said yuri hold itself by trying to only be pure romances, yuri can also be less yuri is not really the answer for this question, it's like arguing fantasy is more popular with isekai elements, sure but it's not the same profile of work anymore.
We don't know how much of the sales for the manga were increased by the anime because they haven't been released yet.

>he said yuri hold itself by trying to only be pure romances
I think the other anon said "purest form of love" not necessarily being pure romance. Citrus is pure romance and it sells.
>Dragon Maid
it's definitely not popular because of the yuri. 90% of this board doesn't even think it's yuri anyway.
I would imagine if it broke some metric we would know by now, Citrus is like 99% pure type of romance, stuff like Watayuri and Sasakoi are also selling well. It shouldn't be surprisingn all of those have great artwork too.

I wouldn't call it a yuri series but it has legit yuri developments.
>it's definitely not popular because of the yuri. 90% of the (non-yuri fanbase) doesn't even think it's yuri anyway.
I would fit MahoAko and Yuru Yuri into that as well. In fact, it seems like in order to get your yuri to sell, you need to trick non-yuri fans into thinking it's not yuri.
>Citrus is like 99% pure type of romance
The opening chapter has Mai getting kissed by her male teacher, so it's not exactly "purest form of love" type of yuri.
This is why I said 99%, you never see the dynamics from the first chapter again
Which is something Yuru Yuri never did.
Most retarded post in this thread.
There's a male love interest in the most recent arc of Citrus though. And dynamics in the first chapter are important because they are what convince people to pick up a series. Having a guy in the first few chapters helps avoid the bias against all-female casts in yuri among certain types of fans.

There's a thread up on /a/ right now where someone is convinced that YY is not yuri.
Do Frieren and MaoMao exist for a man? Never seen either one of their shows.
>all female cast
>mountains of hetshit porn
I don't understand japan.
Anon, I don't think you understand what a male love interest is, first he isn't in love with anyone, second he isn't seen as a plausible romantic candidate either.

You mean the bias which didn't stop YY from getting popular or more recently didn't help the series with a reference to guysbin the title from getting axed and the author immediately making a new series without it?

Frieren whole thing is that she is in love with a dead guy and her whole journey is just a cope, Maomao is literally property of a guy.
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It clearly had some amount of popularity to last as long as it did. It even had 16k+ fans in Next Manga Awards. The problem with its implementation was that she was too involved with the guy, which turned off hardcore yuri fans. It's a delicate balancing act.
But it wasn't close to the popular yuri series, if turning off the hardcore yuri fans (which may not even be true) only gets you this far, then it's evident whatever audience you are talking about is too negligible to even be considered in a discussion.
Straight people prefer straight romance and 95+% of people are straight.
There's nothing you can do about it, the only reason yaoi is popular as it is because yaoi is a fetish for straight women.
No, yaoi is popular because most popular Samurai tales were full of faggotry and they have existed for centuries.
All I'm saying is that there are certain elements that make a series more attractive to certain crowds of yuri fans. To be a popular yuri series, one must appeal to several different types of yuri fans.

No fujo is thinking about "muh gay samurai" when she picks up a BL manga.
>straight romance
Are you talking about the genre that is siowly dying all over the world? From Hollywood romcoms to mexican and turkish soap operas that are more about crime than romance yiu can see that het romance don't sell anymore and romance anime is no exception.
And what I am saying to you is that appealing to a small niche audience will get you small niche sales.

>No fujo is thinking about "muh gay samurai" when she picks up a BL manga.
Use your fucking brain, yaoi is big because it's rooted on popular lore that existed for centuries, their whole theater scene has always been faggy as fuck, when manga became a thing and later so did the doujin culture, the foundation for yaoi communities already existed.
To be fair, this has far more to do with the low quality of those which keep pandering to fat 40 losers instead of going for a more relatable approach
Look at AO3, this is not a phenomena that happens only in Japan.
That has nothing to do with my statement. The popularity of the romance genre may fluctuate but people will still prefer straight romance. And I'm not talking about romance as a genre but romance as an element, so that includes romance sub plot as well.
And I don't know about the things you're talking about but YA fiction is still going strong and straight romance absolutely dominated that genre.
Sure, but only japan and asian countries have a whole industry dedictated to yaoi (and yuri in a smaller scale).
>romance sub plot
That it's ignored most of the time in favour of shitty headcanons and the main reason is that most of them are as bad as the romantic subplots of Naruto.
Are you talking about porn? It'a weird but I haven't heard of any modern YA since the Twilight fanfic and my most recent reference are people complaining that modern YA is just porn.
Having girls romantically reciprocate with guys in yuri is niche, yes.

>yaoi is big because it's rooted on popular lore that existed for centuries
Modern BL is as related to old samurai stuff as yuri is to Class-S. The modern yuri fan has not read most Class-S works and has no interest in doing so. BL is popular with women simply because it contains tropes that a lot of them want to see. Yuri is less popular because it contains tropes that less people want to see. That's it.
>concern troll is back at it
>we coming up on the 20th kannazuki since kannazuki no miko aired
>getting ready to blast Agony and Re Sublimity nonstop like it's summer in the 2000s
>tfw gonna pull up to work with MAWARI TSUZUKETE IRU OMOI NI YASURAGI MICHITA OWARI WA KURU NO echoing into the parking complex

So? Yaoi is popular because BL is popular, not the other way around. Top 5 AO3 ships were all M/M and none of them comes from Japanese works.
I think the live-action side of the industry will have more consistent success compare to the anime side despite having the quarter of budget tv ainme shows. The last 3 live action show this year basically pander, market to lesbian and girls audiences while ignoring men audiences. In anime, that basically a marketing suicide. Well it may be recency bias case.
>Another anon with a very small brain unable to understand a whole industry as big as the rest of the industry wasn't born in a second but because it was ingrained in japanese fiction for centuries.
I think you are confusing things here, they are pandering to the live action crowd, which has a bigger female audience, but they are not doing anything to ignore male audiences.
>it was ingrained in japanese fiction for centuries.
And the reason it was so ingrained is because people wanted to see it. If they didn't, it would have died off, just like Class-S did between the 40's and 90's.
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Also just going through my oldest yuri folders, the ones as old as that anime and indeed, /u/ itself. The ED embrace was the "cool S" of the early 21st century yurifag. Like crack in 80s black neighborhoods but for people that like anime lesbians.
It's just not comparable, it's like comparing fanfics to books.
>they are not doing anything to ignore male audiences.
Being a drama with a female MC tends to be unpopular with male audiences, it's not rocket science.
It was funded and popularized by the local elites, that's the main reason for both things. Class S didn't die like the western from lack of popularity but because there was a fucking world war that they lost.
Sure, but the point is that it's first a cultural thing, yuri in that era would just be impossible, as women were not much better than slaves and even class S wasn't that much better. It's no coincidence yuri only started becoming a thing when women's role in society started changing from only housewives.
While some may not really care about it, i doubt you're usual general live action crowd, women at that, will tuned to a show that market and plastered it's script writer as lesbian, as much same as they market it's main lead. AyaHiro's main team(director,producer, script writer and SalJiang) literally went to a lesbian only event.
The ban on both Class-S and heterosexual shoujo romance was lifted after WWII. The fact that the later survived shows that more girls were simply interested in it.

Sure, but escapist literature exists too.
the original post literally complained about the lack of yuri fan arts.
Anyways, the point is there's nothing weird about yuri being unpopular as most people are straight
>Being a drama with a female MC tends to be unpopular with male audiences, it's not rocket science
Again, you are confusing demographics with intent, 20 years ago yuri demographics were mostly female, but turns out those works were in fact attracting a growing male demographic, they didn't wake up one day and realized they liked yuri all along, they were exposed to it at somr extent.
Was a little before my time if I'm being honest. I was like 2 when it first aired.
Fanfiction only exists because there is a whole industry creating and promoting content to begin with, yuri is not more popular because it's very recent to japanese culture.
BL is bigger than Japan.
There's some literature on fujoshi and most agree that fujos like BL because they want to escape the female role. And some women get jealous seeing other women being portrayed as more beautiful and desired than them.
Men don't have anything like that so that's why most of them don't care about yuri.
Shoujo survived because Japan was ocuppied by the US army of the 40's and 50's and they tried to "americanize" Japan.
With "drama" I'm talking about a J-drama or a live-action japanese show with drama.
a lot of the fanfiction authors/readers don't even watch/read anything Japanese. Even if Japan didn't exist, they would still create Supernatural BL fanfics
>they tried to "americanize" Japan.
I'm going to need a citation here. The Class-S genre was inspired by western literature to begin with.
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>Supernatural BL fanfics
I remember seeing that AO3 list of female/female couples and seeing Supergirl/Lena Luthor with an enormous powergap over everything and just thinking "damn there's a whole ass world out there I just have zero contact with despite ostensibly being in similar orbits"
I understand what you are talking about, what I am telling you is the same point you are making now you could have made about yuri manga 20 years ago, at some point the male demographic got interest in manga that was supposed to be for girls.
>they want to escape the female role.
And here we have the real problem. All female casts tend to be unpopular because irl we have very few female dominated fields, this also explains why LL or Uma Musume are so popular, LL extirpated any form of male domination from its setting, no producers, no shady companies and no toxic male fans are portrayed there, something similar happens with Uma Musume because the role of the trainers is the role of a staff member and not a owner, also helps that the girls are kinda like reincarnations of male horses
>some women get jealous seeing other women being portrayed as more beautiful and desired than them
Until they are desired by that type of woman, I'm surprised it isn't a yuri trope yet.
Just read about the US occupation of Japan also the US=/=the West, the WASP society of the US wasn't the same as the french, german or british societies of the 20's and 30's.
Not the same thing. How much boys have you seen in any form of japanese media talking about the latest episode of a popular drama? But that's almost a trope when girls talk among themselves in japanese media that's because japanese society still thinks that J-drama aren't for men and that watching them is unmanly and shit like that.
Is homosexual fiction and fanfiction a japanese only phenomena? No. Is the question why yuri isn't more popular inherently about japan? Yes.

But you need supernatural to exist, this is what my point is about, because in the end of the dsy even fanfiction is just a popularity contest.
You could make the exame same argument over women reading shonen 30 years ago, nowadays they are more than half of the audience of popular shonen jump manga. Culture changes and so does demographics.
They are popular because they feature cute girls in a decent package with a gigantic marketing budget airing on popular time slots.
>Uma Musume S1
>Gigantic marketing budget
Uma Musume had the advantages of the codes inside the BDs but nobody expected its massive popularity and LL became popular only after S1. Now that I think about it something similar happened with Bandori.
the desire for BL fiction among women doesn't depend on pre existence of BL works. It depends on what I laid out here
>>4296496. If BL is popular because of some ancient BL stories then it would also be popular with men.
>LL became popular only after S1
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>it's not rocket science
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This got me looking and I found that the page for Valkyrie Drive Mermaid has been on "emergency maintenance" for two weeks


But the page for the vita game is up and running as always


And the page of the mobage that closed nearly a *decade ago* is up and running somehow


What the hell
>the WASP society
Haven't heard about Himenospia in ages. Is it over? How did it end?
Downer ending.
I am not discussing why they like yaoi, but arguing the foundation for BL to be a big industry of it'a own was already set in motion in japanese culture a long time ago, which is to answer yuri isn't more popular because only a few decades ago japanese male centric culture just would reject something like it and so the culture around yuri is relatively new.
Anon, LL was a multimedia project including involving IRL seyuus playing the role of idols, it had massive campaign and it was everywhere when it started, it wasn't some unexpected viral success.
Fics represent the majority of my GL consumption the past couple years. It's like a swamp within the swamp.
>foundation for BL to be a big industry of it'a own was already set in motion in japanese culture a long time ago
the foundation is the role of women in society, it has nothing to do with some old gay samurai stories
When you listen to older generations BL authors they will tell you with BL you can do anything, but with girls you are very limited. Even in fiction women are limited to a lesser role and inferior to males.
Still lately you have women refuse to read shojo manga and basically anything with female protagonists for the same reason. Stereotypes about girls being "emotional, generous, loving" is seen as a weakness and inferior to males.
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I'll just say:
Mahoako gets the "female tentacles" excuse, and so that also applies to Valkyrie Drive. The tentacles were Mamori, so female
It also had the male mud golems. Pretty gratuitous, it feels like they didn't really think that one through.
Notice how I only defended the tentacles and not the mud men. One can be defended without defending the other
Downer as in not yuri or what? Be more specific.
But it was just so weird to add it at the last second, at least Mahoako showed the octopus earlier and later on they switched to Octogirls whereas I'd like it more if a bunch of slime Mamoris molested the girls instead
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They weren't. They didn't expect the series to get such a big following from women and Yuri fans so they were just putting as much fetishistic stuff they could at first. When they realized the actual audience it was too late to change the anime or the mobage but they tried to cater to them as much as they could with the promo stuff and merch released after the fact.
You have to consider none of the staff have done actual yuri or worked on anything for yuri fans. They were targetting their usual ecchi audience from their previous work like Senran Kagura, bunch of het hentai, Seikon no Qwaser, Maken-Ki S2, etc.
It was still a weirdly careless inclusion since everything in the anime is otherwise focused purely on yuri fanservice. Making up a cross-media franchise where different parts cater to different audiences, while itself often myopic, is at least understandable in a "the greedy suits think we can grab multiple audiences at once" kind of way, but it's strange to see a rogue example in a single part of the work.
Gone once again.
TLR didn't have yuri but director of the anime managed to make MahoAko even gayer
That''s because he was already working with a yuri source. So he couldn't insert random het scenes like that. Meanwhile, with an original like VD all creative decisions were in the hands of people who had never done yuri and were working for their usual ecchi audience and didn't know what the yuri audience want. The manga for MahoAko being a lot more in tune with yuri and yuri fans make it harder for the director to slip up in the same way
>Meanwhile, with an original like VD all creative decisions were in the hands of people who had never done yuri and were working for their usual ecchi audience and didn't know what the yuri audience want.
Is it really that hard to figure out the audience that gets really pissed when even a guy is talking to the heroines wouldn't like when you flashbang them with those scenes?
Also iirc the manga also had the golem rape so no that's something they thought would sit well with their target audience
>lesbians complaining that other women aren't as gay as they are and consume BL instead of GL
lesbian are open to nl and bl
straighties are retarded close minded
>the anime is otherwise focused purely on yuri fanservice
The scenes of the girls kissing or fondling each other are definitely the minority compared to solo fanservice scenes and shots of like, one girl bouncing her giant tits.
Dont they make out to transform every single episode?
I bet all the het complainers in this thread are straight dudes
I wanna see them be little troublemakers now. Accept your new life of crime, Ruri.
I wasnt talking about dudes. I dont give a single fuck about males. Its all retarded purityfags.
>its the anti-purity schizo again
>its the purity schizo again
>its the anti-anti-purity schizo again
Because it was there specifically to generate "drama"+fanservice. They understood their audience as "girl on girl is hot" and not people who reject het entirely.
And at the time they weren't even entirely wrong btw. People clearly managed to tolerate that single fuckup quite easily when VD aired, because it was clearly something the girls didn't like. As opposed to the mobile game.
>MayoPan also ended without yuri
PA Works fooled everyone again.
I just cannot develop any emotional connection with anything Western. People keep trying to get me into Yellowjackets but it's just like, eh.
>Because it was there specifically to generate "drama"+fanservice. They understood their audience as "girl on girl is hot" and not people who reject het entirely.

I don't think rapey mud "men" are the best argument for this though, if there was an actual guy fucking the girls you could make this point, even if their audience was the "I want to see girls fucking each other" audience, they still wanted to make a legit lesbian anime, which is inherently male exclusionary.
at least it got some DV in
Because unlike japanese stuff where there is subtext or at least some level of pandering, western shit is 99% of the cases pure headcanon of girls who are clearly interested in guys.
partly, but what this anon says is true too: >>4296509

In the beginning these series did not have the popularity they have today, I started with the anime of those 3 (Uma, LL and Bandori) and I remember the little traction or discussion in general that they had, even Doujins and fanart were few, especially compared to today.

but even back then the 3 had something in common, yuri people were the ones who really gave a shit about these series.

Don't put them in the same category as a harem/het/romcom, in those series the girls are deliberately displayed as objects of desire and the protagonists are so simple, that they can be interchanged with other boys from similar series.
>people still expect maintext anime originals
that was the worst ending yuri-wise even by Japanese standards unless they already have a sequel planned this is gotta be the biggest dissapointment this year they made the entire climax a joke and the relationship barely changed from the beginning
ave mujica will have maintext yuri
>In the beginning these series did not have the popularity they have today, I started with the anime of those 3 (Uma, LL and Bandori) and I remember the little traction or discussion in general that they had, even Doujins and fanart were few, especially compared to today.

Nothing does, even the biggest japanese success of all times, which is Kimitsu no Yaiba, only got popular when the anime was announced and they started promoting it everywhere, the progression which LL went was expected by their planning, though it's unlikely they thought it would get that big.

>Don't put them in the same category as a harem/het/romcom, in those series the girls are deliberately displayed as objects of desire and the protagonists are so simple, that they can be interchanged with other boys from similar series.
I am not, I am simple stating there are obvious reasons those series managed to be so popular and they go down to basic business practices.
Maybe because it's not a romance series and it's pretty clear that it was a comedy from the beginning?

The problem isn't the series itself, but having unrealistic nerd expectations, as I said in the dead PA thread, no matter what happened in the end, people were going to complain stupidly.
Between who? The girls are too autistic to get together.
It had the standard subtext PA finale. Unless they market it as yuri since the beginning it's better to not expect anything more yuri than Aquatope from that studio.
That’s why we need a hayacoco anime.
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Here's the list from last year. MHA, AoT, LWA, and Haikyuu are the only Japanese media that made it on.
It's always funny to me that there's a random soccer RPF in the top 100, but I looked it up and both women are actually lesbian and actually dating
>Kimitsu no Yaiba
Even I remember that people only gave importance to Nezuko's legs and I only started to see people raving about the anime when the pillars appeared, after that I mysteriously found out about the death of the Sun Pillar through fanarts (I'm not a fan of this, that's what I looked at on the main page of danbooru when I entered)

Still, you ignore that it was the gacha in the 3 series that shot up the popularity, but what I always noticed in the first seasons of those 3, is that yuri was always a more important part of what many want to recognize, it seems that it is the "fans" who want to take away merits from yuri in general.

>>I am not, I am simple stating there are obvious reasons those series managed to be so popular and they go down to basic business practices.

You also have to consider the large amount of series focused on only or mostly female characters that end up failing, even if you consider that the character designs are not at all different from the ones that became popular, Puraore! Pride of Orange had the same character design as Bandori and they looked like LL characters.
From that studio or any, really. Just watch adaptations
Weird, my comment looked like it was posted and wasn't. Sorry if it's repeated.
Yuri-wise Masaki at least showed jealousy over who this Ai person is, since she was pouting when asking Live.
But I agree subtext is too underwhelming and studios should just stop doing it.
>studios should stop doing it
>maintext adaptations keep being failures, meanwhile Lyco and GBC keep selling shittons
I also wish for maintext, but I'm not delusional about reality. Maybe we'll get another VD style fanservice yuri original as a response to MahoAko's success
These aren't good either because they don't get to the good part and have low budget. It's rare to have something worth it.
Personally I'd prefer just audios of good seiyuus reading and acting out the material since the visual aspect is normally badly done. So, something like an audiobook but done by several pro's.
>Just watch adaptations
Worked great for Sasakoi.
Fair enough. What we need then is something like yuri sharia. Is it maintext? Spend money. Is it not? No money. But to get there we need a prophet who's willing to radicalize the Japanese herbivore base.
No, there is a graph showing the evolution of the manga sales, when the anime started being promoted it started to grown exponentially. Love Live was already a gigantic franchise before gatcha was even a thing, it just made it last for one more generation. I wouldn't say "yuri" but the character dynamics, they actually tried to play it up on sunshine but turns out messing with shipping is a mess of itself.

>You also have to consider the large amount of series focused on only or mostly female characters that end up failing, even if you consider that the character designs are not at all different from the ones that became popular, Puraore! Pride of Orange had the same character design as Bandori and they looked like LL characters.
This is part of how business works, not everyone can be popular, rather the popularity of one will directly affect how popular the others can be.
The reason for subtext success is that it appeals beyond the yuri fanbase. Even if that happened, it's still rules non-yuri fans (bigger group than yuri fans) wouldn't follow, and thus we don't guarantee failure for subtext
You speak of the JP herbivore base. But the western side also has people happy to support subtext and non-canon shipping and telling them to only support canon and that it doesn't count if not canon will get you yelled at (even Jelly had shippers supporting it after the end on the english speaking side. Saw a lot of divide on Twitter instead of a unified dislike of the show.). The only place where most yuri fans are dedicated like that is China. JP has herbivores problem and anglo fans have shipper/coding problem where they're happy to support subtext if "coded" enough and they'll even say you're homophobic if you point out their fav subtext pairing is not canon and doesn't count
Of all the problems that had, lack of romance/being limited to subtext is not one of them
It still was clearly maintext explicit romance even with the tragedy of what was skipped
I wish you would stop saying ignorant stuff, adaptations are low budget, low marketing operations, most of them are doing what they were projected to do if not better, you retards have to stop treating everything as if they had the same level of expectation, show me a single yuri adaptation with the same budget and marketing as lycoreco or GBC, we know Lycoreco went far beyond what they expected of it, but we don't know if internally GBC wasn't expected to become a bigger franchise rather than just flavor of the month.

A single episode of Sasakoi was better than some well animated "subtext" series because the contents actually had some deep to it instead of just being random fanservice that went nowhere.
Any maintext had more marketing than Lyco, really. And for GBC, that's the usual marketing for musical stuff because they want to promote the seiyuus as a real life band instead of just a show. Lots of subtext hits like Symphogear weren't expected to ever get that big. If your cope of maintext actually succeeding is right: asnwer me this: why have we never gotten a non-ecchi maintext original until Gundam Witch? And even Witch had the suits afraid of yuri and limiting the episodes to half a normal Gundam show and doing the "open to interpretation" and interview censoring shit, which really shows how little faith JP suits in charge of letting stuff air and be made have in original yuri
In the end, Masaki and Live are still the main pair and a strong one at that so it's still a win.
>why have we never gotten a non-ecchi maintext original until Gundam Witch?
Because Gundam as a franchise is too big to fail. The suits know they can take a risk because there are multiple side projects that can keep the cash flow while they prepare a safer new big entry.
Also, if I recall, no maintext original, het or otherwise, ever made it big. Every success is an adaptation of something and off the top of my head I don't remember any series or franchises that disproves this.
It had a pretty good bonding scene between Masakichi and Live, and an oneeloli scene, so it can't be called anything than a win.
>>4296704 (Me)
>Every success is an adaptation of something and off the top of my head I don't remember any series or franchises that disproves this.
Besides Madoka, that is.
>Saw a lot of divide on Twitter instead of a unified dislike of the show
There's no need for a unified dislike of something. Not even a majority. If the yuri shia rigorously wait until confirmation to spend money, the subtext market will take a small but important loss in revenue. Not all of them are lucky like LR or GBC, and it'll hurt.
Madoka succeeded as subtext first (TV show) before it went maintext with Rebellion
>Any maintext had more marketing than Lyco, really.
Nope, most maintext stuff barely has any outside of twitter.
>And for GBC, that's the usual marketing for musical stuff because they want to promote the seiyuus as a real life band instead of just a show.
Which is hundreds of times bigger, literally.
>Lots of subtext hits like Symphogear weren't expected to ever get that big.
Nothing gets bigger without a marketing budget, it's what marketing is for, to potentialize success, even Symphogear did not have a small budget like maintext yuri series do.

>asnwer me this:
I am not sure what you are talking about since we had maintext originals before, unless you are specifically talking about romance focused anime. The expectations of maintext adaptations are relative to how much money they are investing on them and how much new costumers they bring to the source material, it's also the reason why you almost never see more seasons, there is no point in promoting it further since the target audience is small and you likely already got all the costumers you would have by now. If they are making original anime they have a different set of expectations since their main focus is not to promote a source content. Ultimately even Bandai recognized how silly it was to make that argument to begin with, the director got the approval to put and end to this discussion and with each iteration subtext anime is becoming less subtle, most likely because there are several ones doing the same thing every year and they need something to attract this audience too, because they are money spending one.

It really depends what is the definition of big here, even Madoka is a drop in the ocean compared to shonen jump stuff.
>A single episode of Sasakoi was better than some well animated "subtext" series because the contents actually had some deep to it instead of just being random fanservice that went nowhere.
Not really because the couples in most subtext shows are way more interesting than the boring couples from Sasakoi.
No, if they were female mud golems you'd have a point but no, even MahoAko knew the assignment
Also the whole subplot of Mamori and the governor
I don't think you understood what I said at all, the narrative is not "the girls are just messing around because there are no guys around", in the end the governor was (shocking) a woman after all.
>we had maintext originals before,
Like what? Akanesasu or HinaLogi? People here will tell you they don't count because not enough confirmation
Other than that, we have ecchi stuff like Valkyrie Drive and Seven Mortal Sins (this one https://anidb.net/anime/12324) that have scenes people here don't like of monsters/mudmen/tentacles molesting the girls
>Like what? Akanesasu or HinaLogi? People here will tell you they don't count because not enough confirmation
I don't really care about the arguments of dumb subhumans, the fucking words maintext and subtext are not a subject of how people feel about them but are cut clear definitions. Do the girls in those series express their feelings by words or actions in unambiguous ways? If we those are maintext.

If people want to talk about uncommited couples, then fucking use words that describe this instead of using the words subtext and maintext in the wrong way.
NTA but Hina Logi has a kiss between two girls even if it was behind a curtain of sorts.
Very few subtext couples are as interesting as AkiShiho or AkiMiki
I think that anon was saying that we didn't have a very popular anime original, in general even outside yuri, since Madoka.
>Like what?
Yuri Bear Storm is a clear example of a maintext original
Symphogear was very popular in Japan as was Yuuki Yuuna, if we're talking about big anime originals in general. You don't get several seasons (both) and all the side LNs Yuuki Yuuna has without making it big. Just because something is unkwown outside of JP, it doesn't mean it's a failure
I always forget about that. Probably because it's hidden behind 7000 walls of weird symbolism. I know it more as weird Ikuhara symbolism stuff than as actual yuri somehow
That one was a recipe for success until we realized Ikuhara was the chef. Not even Akiko Morishima doing the art could save it.
>I always forget about that
Yeah I can't fault you, it almost never comes up on /u/ nowadays
So there wasn't even blood sucking sene?
What a ripoff.
There was Masaki feeding Live as a loli and saving her life.
I wonder whether there will be a continuation like manga or something. I just hope it's not gachashit. Please not gachashit.
They didn't reach one million subs so the promise is still unfulfilled.
>I looked it up and both women are actually lesbian and actually dating
Okay RPF is weird as fuck no matter what, but I can't quite quantify if it's marginally more or less weird that the thing they're all fantasizing about is a real romantic relationship as compared to just coworkers or some shit.
Although leaving aside the Ikuhara symbolism (Sarazanmai sucks by the way) for me the problem with Yuri Kuma Arashi, is the lack of chemistry of the main couple, not even with the backstory explained the couple worked and even with them together at the end, it still didn't work honestly.

If you're only interested in saying it's yuri text, this is your series, but if what you're looking for is a good yuri couple, look elsewhere.
I don't know what to tell you, it's my favorite yuri anime by far
>in the end the governor was (shocking) a woman after all.
Yes and it took until the second to last episode for everyone to figure it out, Mamori's forced drama was product of that shitty twist the audience saw from the first second
nta but is it worth finishing if i didnt care for the first ~5 episodes? the show is incredibly repetitive with the first 4-ish episodes following the exact same formula, then the kuma flashback is just the same gag repeated for most of it. i tried watching it on three separate occasions now
Sure, but ultimately she is used to reinforce Mamori's feelings, as shitty as it was done, you can't have high standard for what is basically porn after all.
As I said, my problem is not the anime itself (you could even say that it is among the best that Ikuhara has to offer), the plot itself is coherent, but the main couple, which is something important considering that this is a yuri series, just doesn't work.

When was the last time you saw someone without any irony consider that main couple as good or someone's favorite?
>which is inherently male exclusionary.
To us. But even for many (no longer most, I hope but I can't be certain) authors of actual yuri their protagonists aren't "lesbians" they are girl x who is in love with person y (who is a girl). Now imagine how much less some girl on girl ecchi writer thinks of them as "lesbians" i.e. excluding men rather than happening to be with a girl because it maximises the naked girl flesh on-screen.
This is how all the "yuri" ecchi stuff worked, Queen's Blade, Seikon no Qwaser (with Katja), SDS, Bikini Warriors and also Valkyrie Drive. The existence of a male exclusionary non-shoujo audience isn't something that registered with the industry until fairly recently, until then these had no guys because there was no need for them and because in their mind girl on girl isn't real sex, for the purityfags.
>Seikon no Qwaser (with Katja),
in the manga shes a lesbian its explicitly writen
You may note I didn't say "yuri anime", I said "lesbian anime", the director actually talked about this once, Valkyrie Drive has lesbianism as an actual theme, the girls getting arrested and thrown in an island being excluded from society was meant to be very in the face about it. Though yes, most yuri protagonists probably don't identify as anything and only care about the person they are in love with.
Degenerates proving once again to be yuris only true ally. Though Hana is also explicitly a lesbian in the anime, but I think my point got across regardless.
>When was the last time you saw someone without any irony consider that main couple as good or someone's favorite?
Literally the person you're replying to considers them their favourite. I dunno what to tell you, quality is subjective and I dunno why you think someone needs to seek validation/approval from others before stating a certain couple/show is their favourite
This is the problem with objectivity cultism. You circlejerk your idea of "objective consensus" and when someone with opposite views comes you act like it's the worst thing ever because they dared speak against "objective consensus" instead of being a robot and mindlessly agreeing.
Of they wanted to make a lesbian anime, they wouldn't have had the mud men nor the mobile game. The conclusion here is that they maybe intended to use lesbianism as a "theme" (and I also remember that discussion around the statement back then, especially because the vita game was a lot more true to it), that matters, in the anime at best.
lol when manga have explicit lesbian characters thay are accused of being "too preachy"
>most yuri protagonists probably don't identify as anything and only care about the person they are in love with.
There was a reson for that speech in WataOshi by Rae. You can say it's forced or clumsily handled but there was a point made of shutting the "she happened to fall in love for a girl" narrative to make it clear that Rae can only ever love girls and she fell for a girl because she's lesbian
Probably MagiRevo's author had the same idea when he wrote that flashback of Anis declaring herself a lesbian who doesn't want to marry a man ever
The amount of "it's because you're my special person. It's OK if it's you" narratives that seem to make it like MC's love interest is an exception or something
NTA but using lesbianism as a theme or motive, isn't the same as making a lesbian anime.
I will also say, that the mud men were supposed to be a vile threat, so the characters weren't supposed to like it, just the audience. Which anon is right, was not meant to be yuri purists.
The mudmen can be seen as a rejection of heterosexuality by Miriei and her tormentor. The idea was to torment Mirei and then Mirei not giving in to the disgusting sensations and torment
Het framed as disgusting to the characters. Even if they wanted to have their cake and eat it by fetishizing the scene and that made it miss the intention. The gacha has no defense yeah
>The amount of "it's because you're my special person. It's OK if it's you" narratives that seem to make it like MC's love interest is an exception or something
To be entirely fair, yuri is strongly rooted in that schoolgirl/first love romantic, where girls need to figure out that feeling they have no name for. Its somewhat difficult to convey they are interested in girls in general, while exploring that "gay awakening" between two girls.
There is definitely less emphasis on "its okay if its you", which is good though.
>So there wasn't even blood sucking sene?
We got a brutal punch to add to the chart
>The mudmen can be seen as a rejection of heterosexuality by Miriei and her tormentor. The idea was to torment Mirei and then Mirei not giving in to the disgusting sensations and torment
That is almost certainly true.
No, I was referring to the main couple and that I had no problem with the anime and yes, the couple can be judged objectively and without resorting to personal tastes, because I am talking about an integral element for a yuri series, a yuri couple.
>the couple can be judged objectively
What are the objective paramters a yuri couple needs to be "good"?
>the couple can be judged objectively and without resorting to personal tastes, because I am talking about an integral element for a yuri series, a yuri couple.
The first half of that statement has nothing to do with the second half. A yuri couple being integral to the yuri work doesn't make it something that can be "objectively" judged. That would require there to be a correct way to make a yuri couple, when in reality different people can have wildly different tastes in what makes a couples chemistry good or not.
Mud men were treated as a bad thing rejected by the MC, the fact the scene is sexualized does not chance what it is about, it's still just a porn anime after all, it's not the most refined work of art.

At this point we are just discussing semantics, the characters are supposed to be lesbians.
>if what you're looking for is a good yuri couple, look elsewhere.
Yeah, like in subtextkino.
The whole narrative falls apart if this isn't the case with both series, Rei would not be the same character and Annisn would have been forced married to a guy if she didn't have a strong rejection to them.

Yes, most stories are about young characters experiecing first and likely only love, so there isn't much of a reason for the author to touch those themes either, though the wording some authors have used is also annoying nips
the manga maybe? people seem to say good things about the yuri in the Yuri Kuma Arashi manga at least.

So the main yuri couple is not important in a yuri series, the couple doesn't need to have chemistry or really work together, the important thing is to exist and be text.
No, he is saying your interpretation of the couple in the series is retarded
with teens ok
but even adults do this crap
And you fall into the "objective consensus" bullshit
Just because lots of people and yourself think they don't work, that doesn't make it an "objective statement". Here's someone who loves the show and the couple and think they're great. Because even the quality of yuri coupels and their romance is subjective, despite what you and others might believe. It's fine for you to think the anime fails and the couple is shit, just like it's fine for the other anon to think the anime and the couple is great
There's no objectivity to this.
A good example is sasakoi: Some find Yori and Himari to be too vanilla, basic and boring and thus don't mind the anime skipping their stuff in favour of the more dramatic and dynamic Shiho and Aki pairing. Others don't find Shiho and Aki so great or simply love Himari/Yori and thus are sad when the anime skipped the festival and kiss
Adults wirtten like teens is a problem that happens outside of yuri. To not go far, last season's super marketed shonen: Kaiju 8. One of the main complaints is that Kafka is written in many ways like your typical teen shonen MC despite being 30 and that his age doesn't make much difference to the writing. I've seen other adult non-yuri shows face this complaint. There are some people who due to influence or whatever, can only write behavior that is more suited for teenagers and thus fail when they try adults
Usually when adults do this the story is not particulary well written, see.pink candy kiss for example that traded characters development for MC remembering she is also into girls and realizing this is why her attemps of relationships with guys failed
I was ready for yet another absolute trash end after reading the comments here but I didn't see anything wrong with it. I mean, it didn't go full yuri but that was to be expected, at least it kept it coherent and ended it with an emotional moment between the main pair, that's already infinitely better than all the original anime we had in the last few years that went full retarded in the last episode(s).
In romcom and harem women are usually not written beyond the mindset of 11yr, there is no difference between teasing master girl and Nagatoro for example, despise the age gap.
I really wanted to like it but who the fuck simply forgets their highshool sweetheart to go ride cocks? For like 20 years.
>Anis declaring herself a lesbian who doesn't want to marry a man ever
Why didn't she tell the old council guys that when they started talking about her (and in front of her) as if she was livestock?
At least Masaki admitted that Live is "the vampire who knows her best" and seemed relieved that Ai and the tragic story of 20 years before are false. She didn't sneak out of town to die on an island, didn't decide to move away to be an idol, didn't disappear after muh golf, and we were given them together continuing their antics while still having the goal to accomplish instead of a calendar and no interaction in the finale. For subtext, it's above all the others. I'd also add that the way the other vampires look at them is quite meaningful. And even Mother and Yuki gave them their approval pretty much.
In this point of the story she was willing to take responsability as the queen because of the guilty over her brother and the fear she may have erased the real Anis, she does have a strong reaction to them talking and starts vomiting.
>she is used to reinforce Mamori's feelings
Was it? She never confessed to Mirei, let alone apologized for ignoring her feelings
Another gay ending this season.
>het fanservice in yuri is ok if the girl does hate it afterwards
>in yuri
its not
I think having sex with her was enough anon.

It's not, but it's not really enforcing the idea they are not lesbians either.
It was a great show, they even revealed they already made their promise when Masaki was a little girl.
>it's above all the others
Not when one had a love confession
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>secondary shit characters with 0 relevance
>it's clearly friendship
Yeah no. Stop trying to shill that mediocrity. I regret watching it and don't even want to watch the last episode
I did say that wanting to have their cake and eating it by also fetishizing the scene for the viewer made them miss their intentions. There was an idea there, but they got to greedy and horny and fucked up
Why do they give so much importance to a scene that lasts a few seconds, is irrelevant in the end and even the girl who caused it is completely ignored afterwards?

It also can't be put on the same level as real het moments, since those earth golems weren't even real, in contrast to other series where the het moment actually happened, similarly ignored but it's real (and silly).
>>I was ready for yet another absolute trash end after reading the comments here but I didn't see anything wrong with it.

because you don't have to take seriously the silly complaints of people who don't value something for what it is, but for what they want it to be.

Many complaints are not based on whether a series did something wrong or used its elements poorly, but rather people complaining that the series is not as smart as they are and did what they wanted.
Frankly, I wish the author would realize the potential they have with these two and if he is smart (or mean) then we would have a strong basis to make fun of BHA and its fans.
>Thanks Shy for protecting my smile
>No problem ma'am, i am a Kamen Rider after all...
Masakichi owes Live sex
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!!!handholding alert!!!

!!!handholding alert!!!

!!!handholding alert!!!
Is it wrong to ship Abby and Ellie?
To answer this question we must first understand the Aristotelian distinction between ethical wrongness and aesthetic wrongness. Start with the Nicomachean Ethics and then move to Poetics.
Reginetta san no bouken is a Yuri H
But is kind of dumb, include slime girl
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cucumber going menhera
Simoun, weird as it is, is one of the few things that has pretty much all the categories on the right
For me it's Raana x Nyamu. They have to tie Raana to Ave Mujica somehow after all.
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Is there a term for these premium jp manga volumes? the ones that are slightly bigger than average, and cost ~900 yen instead of ~600? They feel infinitely better and higher quality, it feels so nice to flip through, its really hard to go back to the shitty cheaper ones, and even harder to go back to the godawful western volumes.

Also i couldnt find this Yui-san volume bonus scanlated anywhere, so i scanned it.
It's called Kirara manga.
i have a few that arent kirara manga that are like that though
i think the mayonaka punch finale was really good, easily the best show of the season. People saying it wasnt yuri are on copium, kissfags need not apply
I think the nanare finale was really good, easily the best show of the season. People saying it wasnt yuri are on copium, kissfags need not apply
I think
P*rity sisters on the left.
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I generally see them referred to by the paper size. The larger ones you are referring to are A5, and the more common smaller ones are B6.
I thought she was already nuts. Or are we talking something like kidnapping?
despite the art being a bit ugly at times, i still find myself coming back and reading 'Fuwari' every few months. its pretty comforting
>is the best currently on-going yuri
how did they do it?
Watching episode 2. Holy shit, the sexual tension between these chicks is insane.
Have they done something in the source?
Is this a Danganronpa spinoff?
I didn't really like the first chapter, but it grew on me. Shame it is definitely going to be axed.
Maybe the author shouldn't have pallete swapped bocchi.
You say that to every new yuri manga. Are you aware that your "predictions" have no value even if you got them right since you just bruteforce it?
He is right though, this series is definitely getting axed early on, it's funny how you can tell just by looking at the cover at 90% of the time, I guess the first impression does matter a lot.
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Ajisai had the skill to get a Shimaidon with Renako and Haruna!
I'm always a bit disappointed when I open a manga and there's no author's note at the end of the volume.
I expect my yuri to be filled with paratexts, learnéd commentaries, and marginal glosses
Just wait until you get to the boob groping.
They kiss for the first time at volume 7, though it's not directly stated they did.
lol no, it is known as wasted potential the series for a reason
"renako"schizo is off his meds again huh
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On her birthday, say something nice to the cutest girl with the most adorable smile.
>Here for you sendai, a gift
>But it's your birthday... I also got you a gift
>I don't want it
>Don't do anything unecessary
>It's not fair
>There is no rule saying we have to be fair
Drunk birthday sex!
Was SHY the only show this season with a yuri kiss? Can't say I expected that at the beginning of this season.
Anna kissed multiple girls though?
Dead Dead Demons DeDeDeDeDeDestruction had one on the lips.
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Happy anniversary of the event that defined a generation. The average Shizuma fangirl's probably researching iPS cells, while the Tamao concubines are probably complaining why character.ai doesn't allow NSFW chat.
>the event that was briefly a meme in a very small subsection of a niche internet community
>that part where Shizuma dies after explaining her medical condition of spontaneously combusting
I cri every tiem ;_;
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Whats written on Sendai's shirt? MILK?
It wasn't rape. She wanted it.
Why were all the bitches so gay at this school anyway
Why not?
it was the etoile influence
I dunno, like I get it's a yuri setup but even as a kid I was perplexed at how many couples there were.
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This axe isn't just getting stopped, it's getting shattered into a million pieces.
wish we got a princess of the sylph bonus chapter about how theyre about to be axed now
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>Yayas then did the rape
>Yayas now get raped
What went wrong?
I wouldn't have expected The Boss would be popular in Japan.
18 years
My anger is now an adult.
>posting males
>Hourly ranking
that rule is fucking stupid when used to shutdown yuri discussion
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You don't need to post here if you don't want to, please take the image spammer with you in the way out

From what I can see, it was in the weekly top ten for last week despite only becoming available on the 22nd and was first in the daily ranking yesterday.
that rule serves no one when applied to sfw images that's relevant to yuri discussion
Cutest roommates.
It's hotter that way.
Lol no, mega milk is just for hetsluts.
It's more like completely average milk.
Not too big, but bigger than Miyagi's.
Don't reply to concern trolls.
>tall Shimamura
Shimamura if she grew in height instead of width.
You sure?
>Dragon Maid
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Boring asexual couple, i sleep
Rules are meant to stop slippery slops, like the posting of guys because they look like girls like it's happening on several threads on this board.
Fuck i thought it was adachi to Shimamura shit*
Still a shit couple though
They have more sex in one week than what you will have your whole life (which to be fair could be any number above zero).
Also have more sex in one week than you will ever have, which again is more than zero.
>Bruce Springsteen
I guess these days even grandmas order online
I know. Surprisingly ZenKowa's first 2 volumes have none. Maybe Kuwabara's worried about giving too much about the story away.
Love Bullet is being rescued by actual boomers.
I've never read authors' notes, interviews, tweets or anything.
I mean, young people aren't buying physical releases (unless they are some kind of collector freaks).
It can be both good and bad. On the one hand, you can read some interesting background lore on how the story came to be its current interation, like Yuri Is My Job and KyouKano. But at the same time some authors go so far as to basically spoil their own future plot points, like Kuwabara did with ZenKowa on several occasions. Also, some authors you find out had a completely different interpretation of their own story than you did. Which can help you dodge some bullets and know when to drop a series, or can help some things you apparently read differently suddenly make sense.
It's sold out again now.
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Kita singing Won (*3*) Chu Kiss Me!
Is this the character singing or the VA?
The character.
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ZenKowa's third volume acrylic stand is Halloween themed and has Kurumi as a vampire and Naoi as a black cat girl. Some blood on them in the image with it implied Kurumi sucked Naoi's blood due to the fang marks on Naoi's neck. Volume drops in October.
I wanted to suggest making a class of 09 thread a few days ago but I guess not anymore...
>class of 09
What is this? Your elementary school class?
I like the ones that are completely insane.
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no, its a western vn
And I'm out.
Wich oneeloli manga has this?
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Itou-sensei, is this yours?
>Thereupon the people agreed upon a woman for their ruler. Her name was Himiko. She occupied herself with magic and sorcery, bewitching the people. Though mature in age, she remained unmarried. She had a younger brother who assisted her in ruling the country. After she became the ruler, there were few who saw her. She had one thousand women as attendants, but only one man. He served her food and drink and acted as a medium of communication.
Was she the first yuri?
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I didn't expect that the final episode of the braindead drunken vtuber show would make me so emotional.
>Rewatch MagiRevo
>Want more
>Decide to check out the manga instead of going right to the LNs
>Read manga
>It hasn't even made it as far as the anime did
Errors have been made.
The manga is an adaptation of the anime. We don't even know if it will continue past it.
I don't think it is, given the manga started 3 years before the anime aired? It just has a very inconsistent schedule. Like I think it's gone on hiatus twice in the past year alone? New chapter due out at the end of October though so yay for that, I guess.
The manga has been a thing far before the anime and is a different adaptation in tone for a lot of scenes.
I'd say they're tonally pretty similar, only real difference is that the manga has a couple more scenes that the anime cut for time, mostly based around the political side of the story. Normally I tend to be pretty critical of cuts like that, but here I find that the anime maintains a better pace, especially with regards to the core relationship. In the manga I felt like it gets sidelined at times, and I found myself questioning why exactly Euphie developed feelings for Anis, an issue I never had with the anime, which I felt communicated that very well. Also like how the anime gives Ilia and especially Tilty larger roles.

Though there are a couple scenes I wish had made it into the anime, like Tilty strangling her dad or Anis saying Euphie was hers when interrogating the general's son.
It already covered the most important part.

Do they end up getting together?
The manga has a lot more comedy that wasn't like this in the original, while the relationship is still sidelined like it was, the anime had filler that added to their relationship.
Given that they have a sex scene extra in the novels, yes.
I think the 'I'm not interested in men. If I have to marry someone, let it be a girl!' scene or the scene where she imagines herself sitting on a throne surrounded by girls didn't make it to the anime either.
Nice. Which one?
What the anime didn't have (mostly because it's a manga thing) was Euphie imagining Annis with a harem.
Meant the web novel
Password 1484679
Sorry if this is a dumb question, i'm glossing over whether to read Urasekai Picnic (Manga)

though I'm usually fine with series centering on other genres rather than yuri, i can tell just from CH-1 that UraPi is going to be a mixture of a lot of genres. In that case question arises if it's worth reading just for the yuri (i'm sure it does stuff other than yuri a lot better). If it's too much of a slow burn, i might put it off only for now.
The yuri is great, but it is slow burn. The manga adaptation is 13 volumes in and has just started to get to the part where it becomes fully explicit, which is the fourth out of nine novels currently out.
Do it. The mystery spooky parts still develop the Sorawo+Toriko relationship. It's not like it's a monster of the week thing where the relationship is just a background element.
I'd say it's definitely worth it for the yuri alone.
LMAO. Never trust westeren irony shit.
IMHO yes, it's a slow burn but feels very rewarding when it starts getting more explicit. All the horrific shit they went through together adds a lot to it.
>mixture of a lot of genres
1 part /an/ /ck/ /diy/ /his/ /g/ /n/ /vt/ /sci/
4 parts /k/
5 parts /out/ /u/ /x/

The correct thing to do is read the novels right now. Based on your question though I would reluctantly say wait ~5 years and then read the manga.
its just going to be an art exhibit or something isnt it?
I don't know why you'd expect anything huge.
S2 of the anime
Manga adaptation of the Sayaka novels
Spinoff novels about the teacher and her gf written by Iruma
Stage play goes international
Hollywood movie adaptation where Touko is black
because i want to
if enough people want it very much we can will it into existence
Read the books instead.
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We already used up all of our meme magic getting Bocchi her anime a few years ago.
If it was an anime it would've been leaked by Sugoi.
actually, read both.
watch the anime, its better
I see some nee-sans just want to watch the world burn.
Please God Sayaka adaptation or novel continuation please oh please pretty please!
Based anon of faith.
I didn't since I don't care much for that one, I've got lots of it saved up.
I liked the anime and will never understand the hate it gets.
Production aside, the pacing was terrible and they even fucked with basic shit like the order of episodes creating continuity errors and even added filler. The ost and the seyuus did well though
Remind me when Nio starts writing yuri again.
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how much will the anime cover
The usual is 3 LN volumes, it may however rush volume 4 and cut most Kaho stuff to give it a more proper ending.
They adapted it like it was something like Kino's Journey or Majo Tabi where the order is more flexible and there's room for original content, failing to understand the VNs and how the order is important. They mistook a continous narrative for an episodic narrative
>cut most Kaho stuff
>I don't care much for that one
Finally, what everyone has been waiting for, a pachinko.
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The best part about the Urasekai Picnic anime was how all the male characters became extremely handsome. At least someone on the production staff was having fun.
All...how many of them?
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There was fan favorite Greg
She is just being retarded as usual and crying for attention since she is unable to get published, I am pretty sure none of those people are following her account as she constantly spergs like this, rather it's her own followers with this type of characteristics who are constantly raging at accounts who constantly talk about this shit. You know why you never see Japanese Only Speakers talking about this shit? It's because it's bordeline inexistent in japan. Just like Muromaki herself.
I used to be very excited for a YagaKimi s2 but now I don't even know if I'm gonna watch it
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If that gets s2 adashima also gets s2
Komugi Azuki...
Is three a third wheel/triangle shit in shuukura?
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Miyagi is not safe.
She must be protected.
Protected from having consensual sex with her roommate in the dark?
>"Watashi wo Tabetai, Hitodenashi" Manga will reveal a 'BIG ANNOUNCEMENT' and also getting Cover of Dengeki Maoh magazine issue #12/2024 released on October 27.

>Renako bang a buttler
Oh my golf, yes
>A Monster Wants to Eat Me
What other stuff did Sugoi leak? I think there were like two more series next year
1st leak was Watanare
2nd leak is Monster wants to Eat Me (this is the one that he planned to leak much earlier, but it was delayed and so was the leak)
3rd leak is still unknown, all we know is that like Watanare and Monster, it's a first season rather any kind of sequel or reboot
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probably something from YH
Time for KyouKano
>Dragon Maid
Only Kanna's spinoff is worth talking about, and even then it's a stretch. Not sure why Sugoi includes it
Sugoi didn't include it. He never said it was a yuri leak or included it in any kind of list. This is anon making his own list from all the leaked stuff that anon considers yuri, including stuff Sugoi doesn't call yuri
>main characters are a yuri couple
2025 is looking dry
I made this list, it's just upcoming stuff, I wouldn't call Dragon Maid a yuri series, but it does however has yuri content.
Looks like another season to clear out the backlog.
I mean, not all of them are 2025. Depending on when MahoAko S2 got greenlit and started production, we might likely be looking at a 2026 release
This isn't all in the same season. Just the future stuff we know. There might be announcements Sugoi couldn't leak. Also, a lot of these will be in different seasons. And Dragon Maid is a movie, so we won't be seeing it until 2026 when it has it's disc release. This list also forgets the Madoka movie (which is also coming late to anyone outside Japan)
Middle one?
Why do you fags hate yuri?
Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi
Disingenuous post
Just by title alone the middle one sounds interesting, like a modern Kill Me Baby. Then again that other yuri assassin school anime was meh
Any chance for a second season of Nokotan?
I've been reading it, it's very fun and the relationship between the leads is precious even though it's not fully explicit yet.
I hear from source readers that the anime burned through a lot of the manga, apparently. That and god knows WIT have a backlog of stuff to get through:
One Piece reboot
Ascendance of Bookworm S4
Yaiba (adaptation of an old battle shonen manga from the creator of Detective Conan)
One Piece and Yaiba look like demanding projects as both should be quite lengthy in episodes
So little chance
god i wish bookworm was yuri
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Then it looks like for more deer on girl action I'll have to play Reverse 1999. A 20th Century Time-Travel Strategic RPG with a diverse cast of homosexual characters including arcanists, humans, french girls, and even animals. If you are hungry for more yuri bestiality play it now for free. Schneider back soon
Just read oneesho if you want to see a 7yr with an adult
Ah so it's safe
Are you familiar with Roadside Picnic and the Stalker culture it created? Urasekai Picnic is basically that but with japanese folklore and lesbians. The romance is slow and takes time to develop but it's well written. The series as a whole is well written (and weird at times). It is horror and mystery done right.
>but it's well written
I wouldn't consider them becoming fuck buddies instead of entering into a real romantic relationship to be well-written. Yes, I am still bitter about how that volume ended.
>Wanna have a legit relationship as girlfriends after all the horrible shit we went through together?
>No thanks, let's just have sex but not be romantic with each other at all because I'm an unlikable cowardly bitch.
Fair points, I'm not pleased with some of the developments either but It's honestly realistic. I'd say just give it some more time.
IMO it felt more like the author was too worried in justifying why they didn't got together until then instead of making a better argument as to why Sorawo would want to, in the endnthe answer was just autism.
That's not what happened at all.
More autistic than Sorawo.
We are on 4chan what do you expect

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