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Previous: >>4263254
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Boob-transfer ritual
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>We don’t have any blood, so let’s replenish ourselves together!

>Eh... But that's basically cannibalism...

>We have no choice! Yukari isn’t being flexible!

>Even if she is, this is still weird.

>We vampires are a bizarre bunch.

>Nn...This hurts... (This atmosphere...)
>This is like that scene from the ero manga Flan bought out of curiosity...!!
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that's a big 'mu.
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Miku really gets around these days, she even got a Gensokyo version!
Rare MarisaxSanae
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Seems more like she's just a horndog getting aroused by a naked woman. That artist has also drawn her getting a nosebleed when she lifted Reimu's skirt while the latter was sleeping.
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wow, haven't seen a danshi kokousei reference in ages.
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I don't understand this meme.
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Oh I get it.
She happy when boobs but not happy when no boobs.
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I missed Aoshima
Enchanted aphrodisiac ring
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>In the Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum, Seiga Kaku was seeking for a way to celebrate Halloween with her beloved pet jiāngshī named Yoshika Miyako, and desired to get much more intimate with her. As Seiga traveled around Gensokyo at her leisure (while avoiding Suiki’s plans to end her life), she heard about the bondage related incidents that had taken place in Gensokyo. Seiga recalled that some of the Taoist disciples got into an incident regarding Nazrin and Byakuren Hijiri, so she approached them after their studies to ask about what they had done at the time as well as how they obtained the equipment to restrain them, and they disclosed that they got everything from Nitori. As Seiga traveled towards the Youkai Mountain to meet with Nitori, she was devising a plan on what she can do with the equipment on Yoshika. Once she arrived, Seiga asked Nitori if she could make something for Yoshika, and they made a deal to have everything crafted by Halloween. Once Seiga got back to the mausoleum, she wrote on a charm to act as a to-do list ‘to have bondage sex’ on Yoshika, and placed it on her head so Seiga can get reminded on what she plans to do with her pet.
>After several weeks, on Halloween Seiga heard back from Nitori that everything was finished. Seiga noticed throughout the weeks that Yoshika was getting sexually frustrated because she was unable to fulfill the task written on the charm she had to follow as a jiāngshī, so Seiga went off to pick up the equipment to relieve her precious pets sexual desires. When Seiga returned, she immediately went to work to turn Yoshika into a bondage slave. Throughout the weeks of preparation for the day, Seiga put in a bit of ‘elbow grease’ (and magic) into making Yoshika’s stiff arms bendable enough to be put in an armbinder. After a bit of a while, Seiga was able to tie up Yoshika and restrain her so that the task could finally be fulfilled. Seiga ran her fingers over her bound servants body, and stuck her fingers inside both holes of Yoshika’s body as foreplay to make her ‘wet’ before accomplishing what Seiga desired to do with her!
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Rare Medicine yuri
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