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Keep posting your Girls Band Cry stuff here.

Last thread >>4276453
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still can't draw for shit but that won't stop me
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Remember this?
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Here is video of why they drew >>4300251
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Why would Nina hit her for this now? Maybe if they were in public but otherwise?
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She doesn't like her stench of alcohol.
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considering neither of them are wearing shoes, they're definitely home so it's probably just Ninners being Ninners and getting annoyed
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>t7s staff retweeting GBC
Guess we really are sisters now.

And I should order a new comm soon.
So Ninners is the abusive one in the relationship. Not allowed to have yuri without DV.
Abuse is love
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Momoka only threatened to punch her once
Nina went all in for a slap with zero regrets

anyways, finally new MomoNana piece to give me a reason to live for a bit longer
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cardboard angel vs devil in disguise.
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The next live will be streamed due to the venue already being a sell out and having to have a lottery for the remaining tickets.
surely they'll realize this means they gotta go for bigger venues, right?
at the same time, I'll enjoy the VOD later once it's out
MyGO!! Has to get their game on and sell out a event like this.
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Todays podcast, Rina let out that she is finally going to turn 17 in November. She is just now turning 17. She was in jr high when she auditioned for this. I find that amazing. Is this that 'natural talent' thing people talk about?
If you heard the MyGo cover of Wrong world (I think it was this one) you can see that their song seems quite hard to sing.
Momoka takes over the X channel to say I love you to Nina
TogeToge right now has only two members not sick or injured as Rina caught the Japanese Cold. Then Shuri did this this morning https://x.com/shuri_togetoge/status/1842044852688519542
and ate wieners two weeks past expiration date. Will there soon be only one healthy Toge?
Of course the wieners got that way because she is never home to eat them. Spending so much time traveling you get exposed to a lot of viruses too so you get sick more often.
They need to be put on a more regular working schedule. Aren't they famous enough yet?
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Uploaded a new GBC doujin
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i think momo and nina both deserve wholesome love and i dont like abusive art of them
The little detail of the rings on this kills me.
That would imply they got married as soon as Nina came of age.
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Sauce? All methods of reverse search have failed me.
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I apologize, you can enjoy girls band and Jellyfish as much you can

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