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Hello anons from /u/
so recently my les sister has been really into /u/ manga, she knows i read manga and wanted some recommendations, i dont really know what kind of yuri manga that a les like her would like, any recc?
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but i dont want to ask on /a/ for obvious reasons.
Pic rel is something she is currently really into and cant stop talking about.
Tldr: what kind of yuri manga that a les would like?
Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii
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>Those tags
Now thats a strong one.
Kinjou no yasashii onee-san
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Guys... I dont think i can recommend her to read any of this stuff.....
Where the fuck did my reply go ?
Anyway once again goes for other usui Shio works since she's the author of your pic
Thanks anon
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This is wild bro.
i like it
Generally asking for recommendations gets you crazy answers, you know?

I'd start with Bloom Into You.
Serious answers
Moon in A Rainy Night
Whispered World
The Blue Star in That Day
How Do You Relationship?
Whisper Me A Love Song
Ise-san and Shima-sa
Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It.
Can't Defy The Lonely Girl
Throw Away the Suit Together
Wonderful Days
and Bloom Into You, of course.
I have no clues what lesbians like, but these are all fairly compelling works that can be recommended to pretty much anyone interested in Yuri. Like Doughnut, they're relatively grounded with a mix of wholesomeness and drama.
"I Love Amy"
Tell her not to get scared by the yandere tag, it's genuinely one of the best romances I've read
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Your recommendations seems to be working! Thanks anontachi!
She read some of those already but i think she would love the rest of them
Heres a gif from /a/ as a thank you gift!
Girl Friends by Morinaga Milk is a nice romance if your sister doesn't mind schoolgirls.
Hana and Hina After School is much more recent and my favorite from her, but yeah, Girl Friends ia a classic of the yuri genre from the early days
- Strawberry Panic (absolute classic must read to understand many memes)
- Kisses and white lily for my dearest girl (10 volumes full of cute lesbos)
- Does it count if you loose your virginity to an Android? (not finished but i recommend it)
- Asumi-chan (lighthearted cute girls doing cute things)
- NTR Netsouzo Trap (fan favorite held in high regards around here)
Android is so plain I don't know why anyone would particularly care for it.
Asumi is awesome, but I don't think OP is going to be recommending a prostitution manga to his sister.
>fan favorite held in high regards around here
uh sure whatever you say
What? It's obvious anon is jesting. In every entry. Only tourists or newfags would take that bait. Strawberry manga was so shitshow it was cancelled. NTR is hated by every sane person, prostitution manga is not something you recommend to get people into yuri and so on.
The manga may not be great but Strawberry Panic the anime or LN is pretty fucking entertaining, and AnoKiss is legit ten volumes of gay couples.

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