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without lolicon please
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What is negom up to these days?
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>without lolicon
is that not against board rules? i just dont want "them" to delete my thread
The mods on /u/ are a bit more relaxed than on other boards
If it is just kissing or skinship it's okay, if the loli is the one doing the fucking it's okay. Basically don't show too much of a loli pussy and you should be fine.
Of course, it doesn't hurt to still be careful
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ok then scratch what i said in op, i dont give a fuck
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and thats all i have
>age difference
Are there any good doujins to read? These are my favorites.
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There is however one annoying Anon who reports loli and gets it deleted sometimes.
But the thread will be fine.
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elf da
I need more oneeloli.
All the good ones ended.

A pity Ayane didn't continue Tsuzureori. Though I guess it would have been for the best because Ayane didn't want to have to test if Maggie/Meg will outlive Elizabeth.
Yashiro no Maou is ongoing as long as you don't mind that the loli is actually a demon
Was this one deleted?
no, I can see it just fine
Huh. Doesn't work for me
but you can see the other exhentai links from that post? Weird
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>no age gap tag on panda
I think its a case of you need to make an account since even if you get past the panda it will prevent you from seeing certain tags
I wish I had three arms like Miho...
Completely false.
If you want your threads alive, make sure you don't get b&, because all your threads you created gets rekt.
That only happens if you get banned for ban evasion, regular bans don't wipe your IP.
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I have no idea in which thread to post them sometimes. But they need more cloud so a translator picks them up.

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