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Welcome to the /u incest thread!
We're here for art, stories, discussions, anything you want to bring to the thread!

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Love Live:

Owl House Eda x Lilith
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Platypi art

TDF Sailor Moon comic

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Grandmothers lusting after their own adult daughter
Are their other pairs like this?
A few of the more recent things I've written, in case anyone's desperate for more:

Ah dang I think I missed the newest one, I'll check it out!
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As far as I’m aware, there isn’t any other than Pharah and Ana Amari
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this artist is so fucking goated. Great stuff.
the artist is literally the one who posted that lol
Nobody's making them like you
I’ve been wanting to draw some prostitute mother/virgin loser daughter. In class yesterday we watched part of some Netflix show called “Blue Eye Samurai” and it was a random episode so I really didn’t know what was going on. But there was a moment where the mother propositioned her daughter (disguised as male) for sex, but quickly realized it was her daughter and backed off. I’m not sure how I would present that scenario, I think it’s hot if at least one of them knows they’re related. Could be discovered in the middle of sex with a petname the other is familiar with, or afterward with a deeper conversation. I’m a fan of one-sided/lopsided dynamics so one of them being disgusted with themself while the other is secretly eager to continue the relationship is also good. It’s just a scenario with a lot of potential. Also, any fics like this? I really like mommyslittlepricess’ stuff so I don’t really care about the characters if it’s fanfic I just wonder if there’s fics of any fandom/OCs with that kind of scenario.
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there is this short hentai about such a scenario. The mother gave up the daughter for adoption. After meeting this young girl, she wonders if it could be her, and it is left ambiguous whether the daughter realizes it. Both the original narrative and the translation are pretty bad unfortunately.
Personally it's not my cup of tea, I prefer it if is a regular mother daughter pair
Maybe I'm stupid but I'm not seeing where the prostitute angle comes into play in your post. Like the daughter hiring one and it's her mom, but mom uses an alias and a domino mask or something and the daughter has no idea?
Pretty much not recognizing each other because it’s been a long time since they’ve seen each other and both have changed and yeah with the mom in something that slightly obscures her identity. The way they did it in that show I mentioned was the mom in geisha makeup seeing her adult daughter in a male disguise after having not seen her since she was a child and both didn’t recognize each other at first. And yeah the way I’m thinking of it is a daughter either going to a nightclub and meeting her in a dark room (hence not recognizing each other) or hiring from a MILF service (because mommy fetish) and fucking until realization. Not the most realistic scenario but it’s porn
Doesn't quite check all the boxes but in this story two friends swap costumes before being chaperoned to a school dance by their moms.

It was kind of comical how Jenni was repeatedly insisting she was Sylvia’s real daughter while her mom kept pretending that was part of the roleplay.
I think at one point she just completely forgets they are "roleplaying"
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The artist of the pic I posted goes by CabronPR. And I'm pretty sure they are not the same aritst of the image I was complimenting. Both are good though.
I have actually had the idea for a while to do a story about a loser NEET daughter whose mother's a very successful lesbian escort, and the daughter's toxically jealous of how much pussy her mom gets. I haven't fleshed out much past that, but if it's an idea that people would want to read it I can move it up in the WIP queue.
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if you remove the NEET stuff, it sounds like one of pink-noise stories.
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One-sided possessiveness is pretty based and I think having that come from the daughter is a little less common so that sounds really good to me. Redirecting that jealousy into dominance over her mother also has potential to be hot, but I think that’s mostly because I enjoy moms being dommed by their daughters.
Nice, I must have missed that one!
ow my childhood.
Gets us all eventually
>during her childhood she wasn't fantasizing about the older women in her favorite cartoons and self-inserting as the protagonists
it's like you're not even a mother/daughter fan
Still annoying how little of their work is translated
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One with similar themes would probably be this https://bato.to/chapter/1739187
That strap is kinda way too gigantic isn't it...
I wouldn't recommend it but cartoons be cartooning
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Mothers and daughters showing off their love for each other in public
Mothers and daughters being staunchly against incest publicly but going absolutely insane for each other behind closed doors...
Not to be a mommyslittleprincess shill or anything, but their fics are seriously the best. They have their flaws but it’s some of the most soulful and sexy mother/daughter I’ve ever read. I try to read some of the other things I get recommended and it’s just not the same.
I like mother/daughter and all but sisters are literally made for each other.
it's pure luck if a sister ever has another sister, but a daughter will always have a mother
If you like sis/sis then maybe you can solve this riddle.

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