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Remake started airing today.

Previous thread: >>4241344
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>genderbend shit
whats wrong with gender-bent? There is one episode/chapter where Ranma totally behaves like a girl
he's a man
If you mean the one where Ranma gets hit on the head and starts insisting she's a girl, that's an anime original, as is the scene where she eats parfait in girl mode.

I wonder how they'll adapt Ranma. A full adaptation is obviously unworkable, but even doing some kind of a greatest hits thing would probably feel rushed at ~48 episodes, since there's quite a few more serious, plot-relevant arcs later on. Plus it looks like the first cour won't make it past Shampoo's first appearance, which is just four volumes out of 38. Of course you need to introduce the core cast properly, but that's still a quarter of the running time, assuming they follow Urusei Yatsura's model. Also, I hope the subs decide to call her Shan Pu instead of Shampoo. Surely the joke is that the Amazons have Chinese names that sound like hygiene products instead of just having the names of hygiene products?

Anyway, someone asked for fanfic recs in the previous thread and I liked this Ukyo/Shampoo (alas) fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11549865 . It's just a little over 1k words, but I really like the idea.
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>I wonder how they'll adapt Ranma. A full adaptation is obviously unworkable
...you relize they DID adapt it before, right?
The first anime adapted little over half the manga, and was also mostly filler and original content.
The manga is 400 chapters long, which would require around 80-100 episodes to fully adapt. That demands a long-term commitment that is rarely seen nowadays, hence the question of whether the adaptation will be faithful or more compressed.
Most of them are literally just fillers
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>every week
Much better
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hi there, newfag
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Please be mad more
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You're still here?
Weird replies.
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Damn, we're dealing with a badass here.
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Ranma's behavior this episode is pretty interesting. She's In no rush to turn into a boy, really happy about being potential girl besties with Akane and then finally resigned about having to reveal her boy form.
It contains zero yuri. Anyone who disagrees is a hetshitter troll or a delusional idiot.
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Somedays I wish IP counter could be back, then we would see literally one anon posting in this thread. One way to fuck up a very slow board like /u/ with non-yuri GB shit.
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>whats wrong with gender-bent?
Nothing, it's just not yuri.
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I really like this artist.
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When Ranma is in the female form its yuri
You're talking with the underage, let them mad.
its a man in a woman costume, so its not yuri
>its a man in a woman costume
That's not how the cursed springs works
That's literally how it works though. Some springs (like the Spring of Drowned Pious Man) changes the personality of the person as well, but most don't. Ryoga doesn't became a piglet that wants to roll around in mud, he is a man stuck in an animal body.
Girl Ranma acts pretty different from boy Ranma, though. She likes wearing fancy clothes, flirting and coming up with schemes, while boy Ranma wears old clothes they picked up in China, is kind of prudish and mostly solves things by fighting.
That's like 90% anime invention. In the manga Ranma rarely pretends he is a girl, and when he does he despises every second of it.
And he wears boys clothes regardless of whether the curse is active or not.
And in Ranma's form it's is still a girl.
>In the manga Ranma rarely pretends he is a girl, and when he does he despises every second of it.
That just isn't true. Going into girl mode is Ranma's solution to pretty much every situation and she doesn't show any discomfort doing it after the early volumes. For instance, there's a late chapter where Ukyo is sick and is about to close her restaurant for a few days, but Ranma offers to help run it instead. Almost the first thing she does is put on a miniskirt and start flashing her legs to attract customers. She gets so into it Akane starts using slurs.

That's one of the clearest examples of Ranma liking being in the girl form because there's no real reason to use it, but she does that kind of stuff all the time. She pretends to be Ryoga's girlfriend or sister on multiple occasions and goes on dates with lots of different guys, only showing disgust when they get handsy. The most charming example is her always getting a new, usually very cute swimsuit whenever they go to the beach.
You are massively misrepresenting what the manga is like. Those moments are always played for laughs or fanservice, it's a comedy after all, in no way should you take them seriously. The manga has serious moments, but those are not it.
And regardless, Ranma still uses his curse only if it gets him something (or if it's a situation where he would be too embarrassed to be seen as a guy). He is a sneaky trickster regardless of whether the curse is active or not.
>Those moments are always played for laughs or fanservice, it's a comedy after all, in no way should you take them seriously
Sure, the stuff that happens in the manga is generally meant to be funny, and "Ranma sure takes a lot of opportunities to be a cute girl" is a joke, but it's also consistent characterization. This is notable, because Herb, the other character with the same curse, actually does hate his girl.

>Ranma still uses his curse only if it gets him something
Right, but boy Ranma is similarly good-looking, and there must be straight female food vendors in Nerima too. Why doesn't he use that form to scam food? Is it embarrassing to do as a man? Most men would find becoming a girl and flirting with guys for food much more embarrassing.

The people in Ranma's life have made it pretty clear that her openly enjoying girlhood would not be received well, and the there's internalized attitudes. Out of universe, making Ranma canonically some flavor of queer would have taken the story in a wild direction for a massively popular shounen manga.

Still, Takahashi clearly didn't see the girl form as just a burden or a gimmick. There's that interview where she says she'd have been sad if girl Ranma disappeared and wanted to imagine Akane and both Ranmas continuing their lives together.
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I love how there's literally some physical contact with eachother.

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