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Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.9 Trailer
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)

>full res op image
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POV: You are 37
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quick yuri level ranking for the upcoming characters
Anjo Nala > Kakania > Lopera > Tuesday > Argus = Mercuria
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They're really not being subtle about it anymore.
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These are amazing, fit their characters so well.

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I really wanted to like this game but the translations are shit and there's something really weird about sonneto's neck
Translation improves a lot in chapter 3
Maybe I'll give it another try then
I could hardly understand what was happening unfortunately. But very clearly one of the most gay games I've seen and I wanted to continue but the story is important to me
If you played a long time ago, some of the earlier chapters have been retouched.
They weren't really subtle about Matilda either
If we end up getting Schneider back, do you think they'll let her claim Lady Vertin?
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They longer they take, the more competition she'll have. It's not just Sonetto who will get in her way.
I'm assuming she's in the CN and not in the global yet

I don't think Miss Sonetto has made a pass yet

And Matilda keeps attracting milfs for her to make a pass at Miss Sonetto
I think they've only done the prologue for now
There's more competition now, but I think Schneider still has the best chances out of everyone. If she returns, that is.
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I really like Marcus and Hoffman, a shame there's not that many art of them together compared to everything else. If you have any, feel free to post it!
where is this from?
Kakania's story in her bio
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thanks, so there's even more isokania crumbs I didn't notice yet
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Not understanding what's happening in the first chapters is normal and not really fault of the translation from what I remember. The story opens with chaos and things gradually come into perspective as it progresses.
I was more speaking about their use of language
And I remember people saying "oh it's just old English"
No it wasn't. I could really not comprehend what they were saying on a language basis. It's whatever since it's fixed apparently but it really wasn't about the story at all
What more can be said than
>They attac
>We teleport
>Someone is strong
>She your friend

Most of it was self explanatory until they started trying to explain details in an unknown English dialect, was definitely the translators fault
Is this a good time to start over? Also, any dykes since Blossica?
It's the anniversary so it's a pretty damn good time. Lots of freebies
As for dykes, there's Isolde/kakania in the main story and Windsong/Vila in one of the side stories, but it'll be a while before it reruns
Thanks, anon
Worth keeping an eye on Anjo Nala as well, she'll be released by the time Isolde is available again.
I'm in the process of rerolling for Kakania and it doesn't look good so far
Scratch that. I just had to complain and the gacha gave her in the first 10-pull
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Is this the gayest gacha in the history of gacha?
This is up there with the one where Matilda hid the umbrella her and Sonetto used on a rainy day or buying pictures of her from click
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Matilda is downright an out of control dyke...wherever she goes gay sex ensues.
I can't wait for more Matilda centric content.
>pic Matilda unrelated but cute
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Doesn't she orbit another milf in 2.0?
Mercuria is 16 (17?)
Both Kanjira and Mercuria are 16, same age as Sonetto. Make of that what you will.
Then I've been misinformed, wack

Does anything happen at least?
In the new event? Not really. Matilda is hard focused on Sonetto so her interactions with other characters will never really lead to anything.
This event DOES however introduce a character who is yuri relevant for Vertin.
>37 ost and Sophia ost actually combine into one ost
>by layering Sofia's and 37's individual tracks, you can create a full song
extremely gay
Damn that is quite cool
I wonder how they figured that out
Chinks figured it out when they realized that both osts are just the two saying each other names, and a bunch of other things
It was apprarently pretty easy to see that the two osts are like one half of a complete ost if you listen to them
Vertin is for chaotic evil girls only.
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Anjo Nala/Kimberly
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Can somebody post the pic of multiple Semmelweis and Lorelei in the study room
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Honestly I've really like a lot of the fan art this game produces, it's a nice bonus that a lot of the characters are dykes, but I love the art direction and the character designer really has a nice idea of what everyone looks like and probably wouldn't be nearly as popular to a wider audience if it floundered in that department
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>The end of chapter 2 was pretty devastating
>Oh Chapter 3 has such a cute cover
>Surely nothing bad is going to happen in Chapter 3...
More yuri needs to have police riots
I love that Matilda entire reason to be in there is that she saw a cute ginger, Sonetto, and transfered.
Born gay or she had the hots for Miss Sonetto the moment she saw her

Super in line with miss "I'll keep the umbrella that my crush touched while we huddled to keep dry, hidden in my closet" or "I hope she doesn't see the outfit I'm wearing to India"
Don't worry, it's only going to get worse
Less meanspirited though.
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Apparently, every older sibling of the same sex increases the probability of the next child being gay by 30%.
Schneider has 12 older sisters.
360% lesbian
Why do all the girls fall for Vertin?
Husky voiced British girl dressed to the 9s would probably attract a lot of women
She is cool
cool hat

She can pull bitches without a sweat
Oneeloli pair when?
>Anjou gets into Vertin's room, and probably bed, while Sonetty sticks to cringy and cute flirting lines
That was a little meanspirited too.
>tfw Matilda
Idk what's worse Matilda getting caught like that or TTT using that info to get a fucking Beatles LP
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I really hope that Isolde and Kakania fix their relationship somewhere down the line.
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I read an entire breakdown of this, and I'm kind of amazed. The story this two tracks tell us just compliments and elevates their relationship a lot more for me.
Sophia's song calling out 37, then Sophia can't keep up with 37, so 37 slows down...
It's beautiful...
i lost count of how many women want to crawl into Vertin's bed.
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What's going on in the suitcase this month?
Wow, did she really
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They are putting chemicals in the water that turn the fricking ghosts gay
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>fucks your wife
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Started playing the other day and I'm glad I don't need to reroll. Anyways, I tried this out for Windsong and Vila cause they've been showing up a lot on my feed, when will those two get a rerun?
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The earliest they'll be available again is 2.1...we're currently at the end of 1.9/beginning of 2.0. So like a month and a half or so.
Pray they won't be in a scam banner they will
Do the character stories not get saved in the Atlas? Should I Kakania & Lucy's now before they're gone?
play Kakania & Lucy's stories*
they dont get saved yet
either play them now or watch the stories on youtube
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I hope you new and oldKeepers are ready for another episode of Matilda's Bizarre Adventures and the hags that fall for her during vacations.
I think I'll play them now then just watch it again on yt after catching up with the story, thanks.
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Mercuria doesn't seem to be very popular, at least going off how much fanart she gets. At least what she does have is with Matilda, Kaalaa Baunaa, and sometimes Argus.
Wherever Matilda goes lesbian sex ensues...except with Sonetto.
The temporary re-runs don't include the character stories.
They eventually get added permanently to the recollection, but it took a whole year for the first event (Theft of the Rimet Cup) to be added.
How gay is the Argus/Tuesday story?
I dont like Matilda
Mods ban this sick filth
Tuesday is a really teasing and dare I say erotic character, but Argus doesn't exactly like her. There's some ship art of them floating around based on the one-sided dynamic but nowhere near as much as other pairings.
The most relevant part of that story is that it laid the groundwork for Anjo Nala x Vertin.
>laid the groundwork for Anjo Nala x Vertin
How so? Spoilers pls
Argus and Vertin are investigating the death of a Zeno officer in Tuesday's motel, and Argus is heavily suspecting and questioning Kimberly (Anjo Nala). Argus was really itching to shoot her but Vertin extends mercy and strikes a deal where Kimberly sells out her Manus Vindictae partner and dips. In the following 2.3 story, Kimberly encounters Vertin again and saves her from drowning. She insists in a tsundere matter that she was just repaying a favor, but does an extremely poor job of hiding her interest in Vertin.
There's more to it but then I'd have to explain all of 2.3 so you can just wait and see for that.
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Woops, meant 2.2. The 2.3 event is the new london one.
Cute. Is she better fit for Vertin than Schneider?
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For the time being I'd say Nala is more fleshed out than Schneider, since she got to appear 3 patches in a row whereas Schneider's content was stuffed into one short chapter. Nala is a good fit but I don't know if they plan to integrate her into Vertin's team just yet. There's also the issue of neo-Schneider which should be getting addressed in the next few chapters...
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On a completely unrelated note, I hate Schneider and I hope she's never coming back
Mods ban this orange hater
Can someone explain to me how China can just dish gacha were half, or more, female characters are dykes and theres even a slew of confirmed ones and Nihon basically always backs down or is alergic to mainstream games with gay stuff?
And lets now even bring le west being basically homophobic and pandering at the same time.
They like different things and the People's Republic of China has a greater share of women playing these games.
I completely missed that theres huge chinaYuri and chinaYaoi fandoms.
Is like how Thailand now is doing gay and lesbian tv shows non-stop.
The answer is it's complicated. Think of the Chinese yuri scene as like a divergent evolution of the Japanese one. Same roots, but entirely different directions.
What direction you think the Chinese went?
The based one
>Matilda//Kaalaa Baunaa

Who i'm missing?
Lady Z/Tooth Fairy
Lady Z has a ship!
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If Schneider comes back as a loli street urchin would Vertin go for it?
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37 and Sophia is a big one.
Semmelweis x Lorelei, Semmelweis x Valentina, and Semmelweis x herself have a good amount of support. You can't go wrong with vampire yuri.
Regulus and Sotheby also have some shippers.
Kinda crazy regeulus and Mrs. sotheby aren't really shippable with anyone considering how early in the story you meet them

Nor is it really confirmed that they are dykes
Chapter 4 and 7 epilogues planted some seeds for Matilda x Sotheby
God Matilda needs to keep her legs closed

She's manged to attract her own group of yayas but not the one Yaya she pines for
We are about to go down only to resurface as Matilda's Wild Vacation vol2: These 'Murrkkkans live like a 90s beat'em up!
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Ok Blonney/Jessicafags A Nightmare At Green Lake is back!

Also, i just got Mercuria and then 5 fucking 5 stars in the same pull...shit was insane.
New ship just dropped (from 2.3)
Hags!!! in my teen lesbian simulator?!
Speaking of them, I heard Blonney will get an anecdote, does Jessica make an appearance in it?
I assume yes, Green Lake was insanely gay...its basically a girl accepting she is a big homo and loving a girlDeer!!
I want Isolde. Is this double banner with 6 a scam or worth it?
They are referred to as scam banners by players for a reason, the most loathed banners in the game. No one wants them but they keep putting them in the game.
If you're willing to spend it's not as much of an issue, but for f2p they're brutal. Better off waiting.
K, thanks!
Are you fine with Vertin be polygamic?
Of course!
Vertin belongs to older evil women
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Explain to me how Mesmer Jr can resist Vertin's rizz?
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NPC gays.
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Anything with Mercuria?
Nope, too many venereal diseases
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Are character stories (ones with the surveys) different from anecdotes? Do all playable characters get both?
They’re different yeah. All new 6*s get a character story, and there are usually 2 anecdotes per patch about random characters. Mercuria might be the only one so far to have gotten both a character story and an anecdote, unless I’m forgetting someone.
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Sigh, would there be something to actually munch on next patch?
So she's a het character?
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These two really blew up after the livestream
She's a dirty meth head hippie "spiritual healer". They don't say who she fucks, but I'm sure you can imagine. She used to do it for free, too.
I was not expecting Sotheby and Cristallo to be a thing but they actually make for a really good pairing. I want, no NEED more of them. It would be a massive waste if they only interacted in Sotheby's anecdote. On a different note though the NPCs that gave Sotheby shit needed to die a painful death. I hated them more than some of the actual important villains.
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She likely spent days plucking the courage to invite Sonetto. Awful.
Is Matilda the most cucked Yaya to ever exist?
Sonetto HATE
Matilda is just born to be cucked I'm afraid.
Knowing her that took a week to pull herself together to ask

>Matilda in her adventures
>Is a battle beast
>Bitches are all over her
>Cool guys become her adoptive siblings
>Matilda in the Foundation
>Gets Yayaed by gingers
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what livestream?
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1st anniversary livestream, it featured this animation
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You're not alone.
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good ending

A yuri version of Taxi driver.
Wait... what kind of movie did Matilda want to watch exactly
Just started the game today. Not really sure what to think yet, but I'm enjoying it. Especially TTT.
I love poisonous girls so I'm excited to get my hands on them as well.
The dialogue feels... Off though. Is the English translation machine translated or something? The way sentences are structured feels like the translators don't have a firm grasp of the language.
The first few chapters infamously have kind of clunky dialog. It gets better.
Who are we looking forward to pull? Aside from Anjo Nala.
>English translation machine translated or something
The game is fully voiced in English even for the Chinese server. I guess at first they thought a machine translation was good enough for global server as well. It gets a lot better in chapter 3
her >>4321455
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Mainly saving for Anjo Nala, then praying that I can use what's left from those pulls to get Willow.
Argus, Tuesday, Barbara and maybe Willow.
No plans to pull for Anjo but I'm wondering if there will be a unit under her banner/in the limited shop that I'll want (like how I had to roll for Jiu so I could get Yenisei).
Anjo is the single most yuri character in that list
Willow and Tuesday.
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>China can just dish gacha were half, or more, female characters are dykes and theres even a slew of confirmed ones
Not a single one is confirmed and that's exactly why they can get away with it. It's all vague and implied through subtext, otherwise Winnie the Pooh might get angry. It's a miracle that PtN can feature a technically-lesbian kiss.
>Nihon basically always backs down or is alergic to mainstream games with gay stuff
Straight will always be more popular, but D4DJ is a not-superniche gacha with a canon lesbian couple. Not to mention much more common yuribaiting throughout all media.
Nigro shut the fuck up and come back to the /general/ thread, i fucking know who you are.
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I have no idea what you're talking about. Please take your meds.
That's true, it's very very upfront about Matilda and her love of Miss Sonetto, but at no time has she ever said that she's in love with her even though the straightest straight dude can see that she is

Just the slightest bit of plausible deniabilty
Why does no one ever mention HBR?
No English release, R1999 and D4DJ don't have that issue
As much as /u/ is home to many less dekinais and as much as I am aware of HBR's existence and themes, personally I just never really bothered with it. Maybe the global release will change that. For all I can say the character designs aren't that appealing to me, but maybe the story would convince me.
I don't want to derail the thread, though.
HBR doesn't have any confirmed couples either other than very thick subtext and girls flirting with each other.
It’s coming out in Global in like 2 days so it being a dekinai filter should end soon
No confirmed couples sure (in the sense no one is explicitly dating like HayaKoko) but to call it subtext is wrong; everything is stated explicitly without any beating around the bush
Don't forget assault Lilly
wouldn't global be like literrally TWO YEARS behind JP though?
Yea but it's got yostar money backing it, it'll last

Can't wait to go to the next AX and buy merch
From what I’ve heard they’re following an accelerated schedule (like the CN server(?)), but if being behind a concern then there’s nothing better than grabbing an OCR and playing on JP
I don't know that yet.
I have my head in the ground regarding spoilers/future content, with one eye occasionally peeking above ground.
Just try to not empty your savings before she drops
Always the plan.
I keep a stash and try not to fall below 70.
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(Kiss your sister)
Can I have list of r1999 yuri xitter artists?
I'm gonna cry tears of joy once Isolde takes Dr. Kakania's first time. They deserve their happily ever after.
Isolde wouldn't even be her fifth. See >>4316648
those were just medical procedures, and it wasn't Kakania taking it
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I really love these daily blurbs, you never know what you're gonna get.
Who, Hoffmann? I haven't seen Marcus' anecdote
Yes, there's no other woman who fits that description.
I normally advise against watching game content on YouTube instead of experiencing it firsthand but consider Marcus' story an exception since I don't know when it will return.
Considering they did nothing for 1.4 but re-ran 1.5 (in CN), side events for main story patches are probably never getting re-run.
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Today's was pretty cute
Only a few days after she turned down Matilda...
Holy shit that's brutal.
Awww I didn't even think of that :(

Matilda noooooo
How did Bluepoch manage to create the drippiest and cutest gacha mc in Vertin
She has to be handsome or else she couldn't catch all those women from all over the world
I want another cool older woman like Hoffman. Preferably someone who's very into Vertin.
Only a cool girl like Vertin could charm a bookworm good girl like Sonetto
Bestiality yuri pairs get the happiest endings. Fares well for Anjo.
As an NTR fan who enjoys seeing girls getting clucked, I'm overjoyed. The next step is her being a surrogate for Vertin and Sonoetto's baby.
I want to hear the dev's thoughts about EVERYTHING regarding the concept of Vertin.

That would be great.
I'm semi certain they did a dev roundtable for one of the streams
Girl what the fuck?
The CN streams that are probably still untranslated?
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I put off Mercuria's story til the last minute but her and Bianca make a cute couple.
I miss Schneider...
Neo-Schneider is a MILF which Matilda will inevitably pull
and thus the yaya circle will be complete
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Why are gay people are so dramatic
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Does any generous oneesama have any fic suggestions? I suspect some good stuff is chinese/korean but I'm ready to MTL
Vertin/Schneider, Windsong/Vila or Sophia/37 would be preferable
Here, comrade. 27k words of fish/woman romance
Excellent, thank you
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If any of you has more Hoffman x Marcus stuff, please feel free to post it, I'm going into a drought and even a single drop will satisfy me...
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canon yuri science baby
Mercuria should have had a nice girlfriend
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Flood of Kakania x Isolde art is imminent
I'm finishing up the event tonight. I just got to the part with Eternity. I really like J. He seems like a cool guy. I'm not a big fan of Mercuria though. Her voice and Eternity's voice aren't that good to me so I can barely stand to hear them talk.
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Isolde and Kakania will have their happily ever after.

>seems like a cool guy
Nobody cares.
I thought his siblings bond with Matilda was good so I agree that he's cool. The story wasn't the best though. I felt like the ending had a lot of asspulls.
EN? They both sound great in JP

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