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Previous Thread: >>4237024

Upcoming English Releases
Majo no Tabitabi 14 - October 22
Hikikomari 8 - October 29
Slime300 15 - November 19
MagiRevo 8 - November 26
Slime300 16 - March 18
Majo no Tabitabi 15 - March 18
Watanare 5 - February 11

Recent English Releases
Making Magic 8
MagiRevo 7
Shoukei Shoujo 8
Watanare 5
VTuber Legend 7

Upcoming Japanese Releases (via Tsuzuri: Releases for October https://x.com/TsuzuriYuri/status/1829896934510694549)

Recent Japanese Releases (via Tsuzuri)
List of light novels with official translation and ongoing fan translation (out of date)

Sneikkimies (AdaShima, Lesbian Elf and a Curse Princess, Scarlet Lily Bond)

Omae Gotoki PDFs
Vol 1 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtlb99v5urdn2yv/Omae%20Gotoki%20ga%20Maou%20ni%20Kateru%20to%20Omou%20na%20Volume%2001.pdf?dl=0
Vol 1 extra - https://archive.is/CqI8E
Vol 2 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ljhp3dy2d85ica/Omae%20Gotoki%20ga%20Maou%20ni%20Kateru%20to%20Omou%20na%20Volume%2002.pdf?dl=0
Vol 2 extra - https://archive.is/qEIWF
Vol 3 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yfbxtksjsph2wdc/Omae%20Gotoki%20ga%20Maou%20ni%20Kateru%20to%20Omou%20na%20Volume%2003.pdf?dl=0
Vol 3 extra - https://archive.is/Qh3l1

Completed unofficial English translations:
Clash of Hexennacht : https://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Clash_of_Hexennacht
Puppetmaster : https://web.archive.org/web/20220924202406/https://www.oolongmochi.ca/puppetmaster/ (illustrations: https://mega.nz/folder/8EpUgIpZ#E4YaCRi4O6JPIUzfm8fceA)
Second season of Slime 300 airs in April

Watanare anime not yet confirmed
They had me at "tampons".
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Can't believe they buffed the sex instead of nerfing it.
smut is a major selling point of the series, ofc they are not going to betray the readership
sendai is way too rape-y
>Releases for October
Only ShuuKura this month, but I still have September's volumes to read.
TCR4 will be the final volume of Twinstar Cyclone Runaway, the author just finished the first draft.
>manga starts
>novel ends
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Read the 14th volume of Tabitabi. Two chapters stand out from the yuri side of things:

Chapter 3:
>But here, in this city, Elaina had made just one friend—someone she liked so much that she went out to dinner with her almost every night.
>“Ah, I love you,” said the other girl. “Keep stroking my hair; it’s so nice. Want to get married?”
>The friend in question was sitting across from Elaina at a slightly pricey restaurant, her eyes half-lidded. “You’re so cute,” she continued. “Really cute. I could just eat you up.” On second thought, perhaps she was gazing at Elaina like a beast looks at its prey.
>Elaina seemed unconcerned.
This one had a sweet ending with Elaina stroking the other girl's hair and will only stop if Sena gives her money.

Chapter 7:
>“Let’s go, Elaina.” She turned around and flashed me a bold smile.
>My goodness. We may both be women, but I must say she looked quite dashing just now.
Maybe Elaina has a soft spot for tomboys? Come to think of it, Saya/Amnesia are pretty boyish as well.
Can anyone tell me the exact volume and chapter in Adashima where Adachi left home and her mom?
>the final volume
I'll need the source on that, don't frighten me like this... All I can see that has any resemblance to the word "final" is the tweet where Ogawa says 完成度を上げていく(~= I'll be polishing it up, in reference to the finished draft).
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Sisterly Adashima…
>Hmn... should I get Adachi part too?
Why is she like this?
Mugi no!
Miyagi is stacked
Damn I wish there's more...
vol10, p17, mom pov volSS, p203
Thank you!
Double damn, really.
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You just know
when do they have sex?
the end of v5
was it awkward?
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I finished reading it today. Karoline was really cool, and I loved how she said that she would wake up if Elaina kissed her. Elaina really needs to start taking advantage of girls who throw themselves at her feet like that.
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Doesn't anybody else miss a simple story where two girls meet, fall in love and start dating?
I feel like recent series all have some crazy/absurd gimmick to draw attention.
Buying your classmate, twotiming the school's idols, hating your childhood friend, substituting the girl you love with her little sister...
I've finished Suki na ko no imouto and it could simply be the story of Yuika and Mimi. Nagisa barely did anything until the very end of the volume which is very, very forced. At the beginning MC says that even if they're sisters they're different but in the end all it takes is a pair of contact lens and a tie of a different colour? Turning down the girl you love because you have to study is also incredibly forced and so is the incest kiss at the end though there won't be anyone against it (very based).
Not really a complaint since as long as it's yuri anything goes and more yuri we have the better it is, but I crave more simple stories like AdaShima. We've got a lot of them in manga but not in LN, LN always go for crazy settings.
It would just be the same story every time then
>simple story where two girls meet, fall in love and start dating?
Isn't classmate exactly that? It's just in slooow motion.
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>Maybe Elaina has a soft spot for tomboys
Jougi likes for his leads to have their own tomboy
>Doesn't anybody else miss a simple story where two girls meet, fall in love and start dating?
Not really since I've already read so many of those for the last 25 years. I somewhat get what you mean, but most of the time those gimmicks exist to skip to the "good" part and create a dramatic arc. They're not all hits, naturally but I prefer this variety we have right now.
It would depend on the writing skill of the author.
OsaKano, Koi yori aoku, Shy... all the same but all different and all good and gay.

ShuuKura is great but the situation that led to their relationship will always be absurd and unrealistic af.

>I prefer this variety
I'm not saying they shouldn't exist, having normal romance alongside those exaggerated romcom would bring even more variety.
>having normal romance alongside those exaggerated romcom would bring even more variety.
But they still exist?
I started reading the manga and I love how boyish the artist made Saya, it's great. Also rereading the part where Fran trains Elaina has such a bigger emotional impact knowing their relationship from the novels.
List them.
What are some older yuri LNs no one talks about that are worth reading? Or some with secret yuri? I'm on the hunt, I need something good to read!
I read Gokumon Nadeshiko 3, still no kisses if you were wondering. She does have to put Amane as her 'treasure' in a game though.
Try みすてぃっく・あい, nobody talks about it but it's pretty unique.
November JP Releases
Yuritama Vol 5 confirmed
watanare 7 when
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Is there a new english tl of this? The one I was reading disappeared
It really is a Christmas miracle.
Not that I know of.
kiki responding to an artist who drew some neat Flum and Milkit art.
"The manga is still ongoing, and please wait I think I'll be able to show you the rest of the book eventually!"
Not just getting a fan's hopes up... right?
He's been saying the same thing for what feels like 5 years already.


『カルネアデス 3.空白の聖女と林檎の片割れ』
Beautiful art
Is this actually yuri?
There are literally two girls kissing in the tweet, anon.
It’s a fake kiss to bait anon into buying the LN, they still have a molecule of air left before they actually kiss
You can never be sure, could be just to activate the magic that's required for them to survive. Like a CPR, you wouldn't call that yuri.
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>wait months for a new volume
>read it all immediately in one go
>now have to wait months again for the next one
I need it now. It's so fucking good.
But I wanted to see them calling each other by name during the sex. Miyagi cleaning Sendai's finger before of running away was adorable though.
The author likes yuri, so I think it's safe. At the very least it probably won't be bait, don't take my words for it tho.
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so grumpy
LNs don't get axed in the same sense manga does, so it's possible for Kiki to eventually return to it like others have done.
>like others
Like Usa Naraharu.
Yeah, for instance Volume 12 of Haruhi came out like 9 years after Volume 11.
But I sort of always figured that was an exception rather than the rule.
I need this thread but for manga, my lizard brain can't comprehend paragraph
Either way it's best to forget about it, I mean it's been years people, time to move on, there are so many other interesting LN/WN out there to explore with yuri at their cores.
yoooo, I hope this LN gets translated into english in the future.
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I saw some people talking about the Eternal Filena OVA today and it turns out someone started translating the novels last month. I'm only familiar with the game so it'd be interesting to finally compare them.
>just another isekai/fantasy boring setting
>suddenly goes full ShuuKura
>"haha, just kidding, let's be TOMODACHI™"
What a disappointing roller coaster.

I'm still waiting for the voice drama of the new novel of Hikikomari's author to see how it is, it isn't even on bilibili.
発売予定日 2025年1月22日
So it's confirmed after all. Well, it had a good run, but I really wished that it would reach the point where it could get at least a shoddy anime adaptation.
It’s gonna be a super high quality 3d space action anime #believe
It got a manga adaptation at least
Will it go on after the second volume? I wish it will be a full adaption since the story is already over but it depends on the sales of the first volume. I haven't heard anything about a reprint so I'm afraid the axe is awaiting.
>>4325106 (me)
Oh, I've seen only now that the second volume is already scheduled for December, so it'll be at least three volumes and I don't know if only one more volume is enough to cover the whole first volume of the novel so maybe it'll be at least 4 volumes like Wasureenu majo.
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Stumbled upon a FutayoxMasazumi fanart in pixiv. Did these two ever become a couple in the novel?
I think they got married or something?
But then again marriage in the universe means the same as getting married to your tabletop bro, lmao
They married and had a kid, she makes a small cameo in Horizon movie
I can't find this movie. And the novel too is still on volume 9, I'll hibernate again I guess.
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Shokei Shoujo will end March 2025 and will release the last two volumes at the same time.
How many chances it will end with a proper yuri end with the two leads dating?
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Any summary for volume 12?
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This is now on the top of my list.
Adachi still act like a retard kid and Shimamura still act like her mom instead of her lover.
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Looks like Miyagi and two Shimamuras
Sendai-san's dream came true and Miyagi began to eat well.
I avoided Iruma's teacher-student bishit like the plague and read Yukiko's teacher-student one (放課後の教室に、恋はつもる。) instead but I ended up getting the same shit.
One third of the volume is the teacher being miserably in love with her old straight teacher, even after she got married and got pregnant.
The second third is about how the student had one hundred boyfriends (and her hetslut mother had one thousand men) but don't worry because she never liked them, because people can normally date, flirt, touch, being touched and kiss people they're not attracted to, that's perfectly normal.
And then the last part of the volume is the student being blackmailed by one of her ex-boyfriends into dating again or he will expose the teacher gave her a ride on her car. And a few pages from the end you have the student risking to be raped by him.
Then it ends like it started, because the whole story was a flashback, with the two of them that don't have any kind of relationship other than being teacher and student. Because the student says she's in love with the teacher after she saved her from being raped, but the teacher won't consider her. She acts like a proper teacher... except the moments when she goes full retard and brings a student to her home.
Also the student that goes from being annoyed by her ex-boyfriend who keeps insisting to get back together and that he will make her fall in love with him despite he's been rejected everytime, to doing the exact same thing herself with the teacher, like using the very same words.
What a bad writing and what a bad story. I would have appreciated a warning, at least Iruma is honest since he tells you already from the title.
Meanwhile the guy in Iruma sama work is so irrelevant some people theorize he isn't real.
So basically I should make sure to not buy this. Thanks.
Sounds like you should be reading
>Iruma's teacher-student bishit
instead lol
Watanare editor counting down to something.
Then I saw this.

I guess they could still announce anime at the same time.
Iruma's teacher-student kino v2 releases on January 2025
renako christmas gift
the website started being worked on recently
This really reads like garbage but it's your own fault for not reading the better student-teacher story.
Thoughts on this?
Author is Uesu Tetsuto (Testament of Sister New Devil)
Illustrator is Chigusa Minori (Convenient Semi-Friend)

I assume that just because Chigusa is involved with it doesn't guarantee it's yuri
The summary seems to indicate it's a yuri romance, the author a long time ago did do a yurish novel but I would rather wait for reviews to be sure.
I may actually read it if the story is Takasora getting the JK and the bislut remaining unhappy alone. I mean, unhappy with the man she decided to marry. But seeing their height I'm afraid she will go for the bislut instead.
Seriously though, don't get Takasora involved with this shit, poor girl suffered enough already.
>touching your oshi's brain with your bare hands
>man-eating spiders
>space travel
>creating new universes
Well. Last and First Idol was a strange trip. Weird that it started off as a NicoMaki fic. I assume that Maori licked Mika's brain before dunking it in the liquid nitrogen and that was the part that got damaged.
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Why posting this without a link?
They better include it in the volume release.
In just 3 days.
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can anybody speak for this? Worth the time?
She will never find happiness if she keeps trying to get in the way of couples that are already established, but I guess that this is exactly how she is supposed to be like. No chances that she’ll get anywhere, she’s the designated queen of Yayas.
>gets all the girls she wants
>can live doing a ridiculous job like the one she's doing
She's fine. Definitely better than someone who has to deal with a bislut married to a man.
They can do the body burying part together.

Confirmed yuri in the 'strict sense' (love and sex) by author.
More author should do this.
More authors/publisers should do this.
Though I don't know what 狭義の百合 is supposed to mean. And they should reveal the presence of men and/or their involvement with the yuri couple.
It fulfills all the necessary and sufficient conditions for yuri to occur. The proof is left as an exercise to the reader.
>Though I don't know what 狭義の百合
basically GL
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>AdaShima 12
>AdaShima SS2
Sure purchases.

This one >>4330103 too, I guess.

I keep buying カルネアデス but I haven't read anything yet, I hope it's not wasted money. This month there is also the first volume of the manga, I'll read that to finally see how yuri it is.

I'm still not sure about this one. The voice audio seems to imply something is going on but it may also simply treat it as a joke. The fact they're going to save the hero doesn't sound very promising either.

>male childhood friend
No, thanks.

I don't remember why I'm not buying this, was it because there's het?

I understood absolutely nothing from the description.
Is this good?
3000 copies for a yuri LN in 3 days sounds good to me. Taking two spots in top 10 up to the 4th place sounds very good. Though it depends on the week. There are weeks where you need at least 4000/5000 copies just to take the 10th place, this was a calm week so they could rank with only 3000 copies. In the past both AdaShima and Urasekai ranked with 4000/4500 copies too. It depends also on the day they are released. This is the rank for the week from the 4th to the 10th of November and AdaShima was released on the 8th, if it was released on the 4th it would have ranked higher with more copies.
> The voice audio seems to imply something is going on but it may also simply treat it as a joke.
There's a kiss at the end and they definitely like each other. End of vol.1 leads into a continuation so there's room for development. There's also a second voice drama that covers the chapter with the kiss in a QR code on the obi with a physical copy.

> The fact they're going to save the hero doesn't sound very promising either.
The hero is female so nothing to worry about. One member of the hero's party is male but there's not enough focus on them to imply anything and I doubt they'll get in the way of the main pair's relationship.
>There's also a second voice drama that covers the chapter with the kiss in a QR code on the obi with a physical copy.
Can anyone please kindly yt-dlp that.

>QR code
What if I don't have a QR code reader?
You don't have a phone?
Sure, a 17 years old Nokia.
Enough to make Iruma backtrack on his decision to finish the series at vol 12.
Hate it when this happens
I assume they might be compiled in a book years from now (assuming it's successful) like AdaShima?
For a lot of series they don't have enough SS in total to compile into a book.
Watanare V7
Peak is back.

If the anime rumors are true then I'm guessing it'll be revealed on the obi.
Nee-san I... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lvu_32xPHY
Post the image duh
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wait is it the same studio that fucked the other one?
I hope Renako becomes long hair again after she gets over her issues
Thank you so much anon! Do you also know if the LN of Shuukura is selling? Like how it's performing compared to other yuri LNs.
ShuuKura's volume 5 sold 1900 copies in two days. Not bad at all for a yuri series without an anime.
This isn't the Sasakoi studio or staff.
ITS OVER, anime is dead.
The blood reign of Renako is nigh!
I hatehatehate this
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They're finally going on a picnic.
Wait for the release of the volume ShuuKura SS. And I'm with you.
Never thought I would read a book where a girl launches a biologically-produced nuclear bomb out of her anus, but I guess the yuri genre is full of surprises. It was nice that Youko's reward for getting killed and reincarnating umpteenth times was to get a JK girlfriend, seems like a good exchange to me. It was sweet to see Dyaus and Ganapati get together, too.
Roll Over and Die and Qualia the Purple are getting the audiobook treatment

Japanese audiobook when?
Qualia the Purple (Audiobook) will be released on November 28, 2024.
ROLL OVER AND DIE: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword! (Audiobook) Vol. 1 will be released for the first time in the English language on December 5, 2024
Pretty sure they've had picnics before.
In that rotating observation tower with the space suit sitting on a bench.
That was it. And also on top of the frame building(?) when they were trying to make a hole through the roof IIRC.
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From the synopsis it sounds like a normal yuri.
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So hot.
There's a vampire in Renako's harem now?
wtfwtfwtf who even is that?
Is this one of the girls from the group they played against in basketball?
Is it really that surprising? She already has a werewolf.
Thank shuukura for this.
No, it's the detective-chan, the professional homewrecker
Wait, this is the must have bath scenes.
not fair, Mai and Ajisai were robbed
Renako owes them sex
Ajisai and Mai should ditch Renako
She's very unremarkable and disgraceful
Shut up Hanatori, you couldn't keep your hands of her either.
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Well at the very least it means this will soon be over. Adding random girls to the mix is always a sign of haremshit in its death throes.
It's always non readers that are seething and delusional kek
Youko sure works fast, I still fully expect her plan to backfire hard though
Also how would Satsuki deals with it now? She is clearly a step behind now
Why is Haruna fighting for the best girl position this hard, she isn't even in the race
Nee-chans RIGHTFULLY belong to their imoutos. Renako admitted it herself whennshe used Ajisai as outlet for her imouto thirst.
Who knows. Teren might take a page from his illustrator's current manga.
Renako needs to bath with Mai's mom. That would solve all the problems
Everyone should follow Satsuki's example and see Renako as the tool she is
A tool for what?
To overpower Mai
No one can resist that sinful body and peak bottom energy she automatically produces
Sexual relief
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Love, cuddles, and kisses.
Renako and Ajisai are so in love. And Mai is there too.
Do AjiMai love each other though?
Ajisai thinks the triangle thing is weird if they wont kiss themself.
Ajisai is trying very hard, Mai haven't yet, so far in v5 at least
Renako's love is fraudulent
Ajisan's love is pure
Mai's love is love at its purest form
Amazon has changed the release date for Female General and Eldest Princess from December 20 to "We will email you as soon as we have a delivery date." which I guess means "dunno lol". I'm a little annoyed because I have time off for Christmas after December 20th so I was looking forward to reading it and I even adjusted my reading schedule to ensure that I wouldn't be in the middle of a big book when it arrived so I could read it immediately.
Does anyone have Hikikomari 8? Came out last month but it isn’t anywhere I looked
Given the track record or lack thereof, of this publisher, expect multiple delays that will maybe result in the book never getting released. Dig some digging on the BL side and they pulled the same stunts
Japansese LNs are cheap af just buy it yourself.
I already have it in JP but nothing will make me pay for the translated version.
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Welp, looks like FGAEP and Clear Muddy aren't going to be happening any time soon. WTF happened?!
The publisher is suing the translator, it seems like the translator didn't secure the rights to the original work properly so the publishing company is kind of screwed unless it can secure the rights for the book themselves. When it was first announced I thought it would be as easy as cleaning up and publishing the fan translation, I guess not. My preorder now has a date of January 24, but I'm assuming that's just a guess on amazon's part until the mess gets sorted out or the books get canceled.
Bet you someone got scammed.
I'm going to be honest, not sure how people actually thought the book would see light of day considering all the controversy surrounding most of the parties involved in this. When the two titles were announced on Twitter, even scrolling down to the comments or looking at the QRTs, a couple of people said similar things. Even in other communities too.
The one most likely to release atm is the one from Seven Seas.
I just want my girl Tilty to get her own girlfriend already. She's obviously so miserable because she's still a virgin surrounded by horny lesbians and even the het girl got married so I think it would be in the queendom's best interests to find her a girlfriend before she goes nuts and kills people. The only pussy she ever sees is when she gives her medical examinations to the non-humans and whenever Anis comes back from Anusville the detached palace smells like such rancid pussy that they have to open up the windows to air the place out. Would Ilia be okay with Lainie taking Tilty as a concubine, or would she be too jealous? If not, Tilty could always take Lumi as a hag loli wife, or Anis could give Priscilla to Tilty to fuck Priscilla over and prevent her from ever being Euphie's maid, and Tilty can have a girlfriend that can match her snarkiness.
Reminder that Tilty has no redeeming qualities and is a weirdo
Just like us!
weirdos are adorable
AdaShima and Watanare audiobooks can't be too far off now. Seems like SS is giving every LN they have an audiobook.
>someone will have to voice Adachi's phone rant
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You know, on the bingo cards I had of this series where the main series starts a male MC, I wasn't expecting the spin-off to go full yuri. I mean it is only one volume and could just be yuribait but the male MC of the main series hasn't shown up in volume 1.
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And to think after the third one most assumed it had been abandoned.
I wonder what made the publisher change it's mind.
>I don't remember why I'm not buying this, was it because there's het?
FWIW I'm 2600 pages into it and there hasn't been any het. Someone here once said that it's yuri spread between hundreds of pages on military tactics, but it's more like yuri spread between military tactics spread between hundreds of pages on the thoughts, motivations, and backgrounds of people involved in the battles
From what I recall, the books were selling well, the author just wasn’t sure where to go with the story. Guess that was sorted out.
So, is it worth reading it for the yuri or not? Like, how much happens in a single volume?
No, he basically confirmed on twitter he got another chance
There's already a precedent with Hidan no Aria AA.
And it's not uncommon for harem series to get spinoffs that follow the heroines (see: Railgun) it's just more unusual for them to have an entirely new cast new plot and not feature the main series harem protagonist in a prominent role and to lean more into yuri teasing.

Not sure how Hidan no Aria AA ended but I seem to remember remember the side pairing (Raika and Kirin) ended up as an official couple.
Which series?
Junior High School DxD
Character designs look pretty good. Is it worth checking out?
Why did this shit have now fags constantly shilling it while seething at watanare?
Do you like boobs? Because there's a lot of them. Also, MC's main weapon is a sword that can cut their chest, shrinking said chest, and growing hers. She also hates boobs especially hers.
It’s up on nyaa now
Sounds like Manyuu Hikenchou
If you're trying to sell it you're doing an awful work. This is /u/ and the only thing we care about is yuri so tell us about it, not about boobs like this was /a/, if anything, MC hating boobs doesn't sound good at all.
We need more pettan supremacists. I guess I'll have to check it out.
>here on /u/ we don't care how girls feel about boobs
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What are they cooking?
Is that Chigusa Minori art?
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Nah, I think it's the Fatal Twelve/UsoNatsu (VN, not manga) artist. That eye shape is pretty distinctive.
What does it even mean?
I hope it's not a 問題作 for yurifags but only for "society" like incest.
>>What does it even mean?
jp xitt is as confused as you are
That sounds extremely awful, like it comes straight out of one of those "men writing women" posts
I don't think this word makes sense in the context of yuri you are thinking, I assume the girls are just problem children similar to Zankowa
It means it forced Iruma to recognize them as an enemy. I assume through undeniable quality.
But isn't this written by Iruma?
That would make this ad more incomprehensible than it already is
I mean what is even the purpose of using his name then?
What's so strange about a label using their big-name author to advertise for an upcoming work? Even if you find that strange it should still make more sense than 敵認定ing your own work.
I just don't think Iruma is big enough to justify this?
AdaShima is a genre defining work.
Sure, but supposedly this isn't a work by Iruma himself.
I wonder if Iruma said anything or they're just using his name, like that vtuber that was used to promote Kotozaki-san but she didn't even know it wasn't yuri and after all the backlash she had to say "be sure to read the plot before buying it".
Can someone give me the rundown on watanare? Is it any good? Saw it at a bookstore recently and thought I'd read it for practice.
Its a shoujo harem with female love interests, if that description doesn't turn you off it might be for you. The first volume is pretty bad, but it gets gradually better from the second volume onwards once it figures out what it wants to be beyond "Mass-market suitable Arioto".
The books can be pretty funny and Renako very charming once you get to know her.
Bocchi got a haircut, tried to become a normie, and joined the most popular group of girls
She succeeded too much. So instead of a group of girls being besties like she wants, they now want to fuck her
>Renako very charming once you get to know her
Dear god, Renako got anon... Sorry, you know the rules, gotta put you down before too late. Bring out the yuri thrower.
>Renako very charming once you get to know her.
>also has horrible social skills
>also is a poor performer in academics
>also afraid of commitment
>also a pervert
>also a very reckless person
>virtually no redeeming qualities
She's the opposite of charming
Her below average grades and inferiority complex which makes her easy to be around?
This is Yotsuba
Cute and funny series, focused on 5 girls, basically a shoujo/romcom harem but yuri, except not really because series set up things and attractions outside of MC-chan

Either way, you are better off reading it and forming your own opinion, it got too many schizos for it for some reason
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It's a bathing series
Is sneikk still alive? Any news for Adashima 12 TL?
Has anyone read the other translated Baihe novels by the guy that translated "The Dragon"? If so, do any of them have anything unsavory?
You mean other translated works from the writer of The Dragon? Jianghu Demolition Squad?

I read about 60 chapters before I stopped because I caught up with the translation back then and forgot to continue on.
There's a lot of threats of rape and violence toward the protagonist very early on. She never gets raped, but there's an instance she was close to. I didn't think it was graphic, just her clothes getting ripped off and then being saved in time. Outside of the protagonist, there's mentions of rape and one scene that's written more in detail involving the progtagonists mother that she sadly witnesses.

I just checked again and luckily the translator puts warnings at the start of the chapter. If you can get by the maybe the first 20 chapters, you're golden.
>You mean other translated works from the writer of The Dragon?
Yes, and the other novels the translator worked on
>If you can get by the maybe the first 20 chapters, you're golden.
Sounds good, thanks.
It's a pretty bog standard harem though, nothing different about it. Every female, be it sister, maid, fiancee, detective, they all end up being interested in MC one way or another, usually for ridiculously flimsy reasons. That's a staple harem trope.
The fact that a couple of the haremettes show some interest in each other is pretty minor, especially when it's never strong enough to rival their feelings for the MC.
All wrong
Recommend me some Baihe novels anons

Duh, he clearly hasn't read it
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Well, I actually did after people here kept banging on about how it's not a typical harem, trust me sis.
And guess what, it's just another haremslop.
At least now it's cleared up that it's not by Iruma.
It was clear from the first one. You don't 絶賛 nor 敵認定 your own work.
Is this what they call drip marketing?
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Yeah but people still doubted for some reason.
probably just eop mtl
Ran it through deepl…
NTR plot?
>My Guilty First Love With Another Girl's Girlfriend
You think?
Name anything similar to it. I will wait
Yup, you clearly haven't.
Now that I think about it these are very similar to western publisher's blurbs.
"I hated it, it's brilliant" -Iruma Hitoma, Author of Adashima
>obvious paid shilling
Is it common with LNs?
Not sure
From what I can discern from the synopsis, Yuki (MC) is staying with Tsukasa who is tutoring her. She’s actually annoyed by Tsukasa’s clinginess. Yuki catches Tsukasa kissing another girl in the park.
Yuki’s friend Yuri thinks that Yuki staying at Tsukasa’s house is cheating (maybe she knows Tsukasa has a girlfriend?)

I can only assume there’s some context missing from the MTL. I assume Tsukasa is the one who is two-timing and Yuki is just now finding out?
Pink is perfect
Blonde is garbage
Black is 2nd best
Light blue is misguided by blonde
Light brown is best

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