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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous: >>4306373
Is this series yuri?
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I'm absolutely dying to see more of these two animated.
Delete this shit right now!
Great yuris for the October season
>Kurau phantom memory

Any others I forgot?
does this count?
>Kurau phantom memory
are these actually yuri? i dont think ive heard them brought up here before
Yeah, in the end the girls either wind up together in the end or admit she's gay for the one girl, though they're both more open. I thought that they had sufficiently scratched the itch
Both are kinda supernatural as well
Urasekai Picnic is great for October too. If only it had an anime adaptation.
soul eater NOT
So far no, while there was some building for MC and her rival, they were even supposed to go on a (non romantic) date, when the rival joined the team their dynamic got really weak. It does not help the author suddenly revealed two of the girls on the team had offscreen boyfriends all along, aside from the manlet self insert the series has, and the other girl on the OP is going to have a fiance arc soon. The only explicit romantic interest in the series are girls interested in two guys of the team, while the boss who could be described by a word we can't say here is shipped with another guy, which is to be expected ot something from fujo jump.
Otherside Picnic anime just looks bad on this side, so it's prety much a skill issue
So all the girls are paired with boys. Guess that's yuri too
The MC and the rival are the only ones who don't, the blonde girl from OP has this offscreen fiance for an arranged marriage thing. It would be fine if they actually got closer when they started working together, but the (ex)rival is now basically just another cast member she interacts platonically. I wouldn't recommend it because it has a lot of silly and pathetic elements meant to pander to other audiences, the self insert manlet being the most blatant of all of them, the first chapters of the series were all basically him saving the day by programming magic for the girls to actually do the work.
>Trash Flower
I didn't know Gado was making another one

But will this one be as based as WAHNW? Dahye deserved only the best, which was why Yeonhwa was perfect for her
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Kissing? But they'll get pregnant.
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Anything can do that.
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>symphogear video game never ever
Sad. Missed opportunity.
what is this?
There's a Chinese HibiMiku artist on Twitter who's working on a Symphogear platformer.
>not mentioning Kannazuki no Miko
You forgot Mai Hime anon.
akebi v14 pv, very gay
A music project.
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>tfw meticulously tracking down your favorite yuri artists as they migrate to bluesky and when you find them just mainline their entire portfolio of yuri work at once as they repost all their art for the sake of verisimilitude and account congruity

Does anybody know what the ":orig" equivalent is for bsky images, to get the full original size? Or does it just give you it automatically when you open it? I don't want to be posting samples on /u/ like a chump.
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>reddit moron Elon buys Twitter
>one extremely obnoxious ideological anglophone group floods it while another migrates to Bluesky
>Japanese artists keep using Twitter like normal, despite the countless awful changes and the occasional idiot tourist English account getting angry over yuri art
>suddenly Elon's diseased tech bro brain makes him prevent artists from opting out of letting AI steal their drawings
>Japanese artists migrate to Bluesky where they will inevitably get a ton of "I love your work but please stop drawing this icky type of yuri" responses from English accounts if they draw incest or age gap or whatever, or straight up get psychotically harassed, except without the positivity to outweigh the backlash (which used to come with a huge website like Twitter)
>more artists than ever start deleting their stuff and/or become afraid of drawing certain things
I really, really want to be an obsessive paranoid dumbass making up doomsday scenarios in my head.
>Japanese artists migrate to Bluesky where they will inevitably get a ton of "I love your work but please stop drawing this icky type of yuri" responses from English accounts
Never happened.
Honestly, yeah, from my experience yuri is just too niche; social media might get mad at specific works when discussing them separately, but individual artist accounts rarely get targeted that way since they're not mainstream & prominent enough. Again, I want to be thinking crazy thoughts.
The attack of asumi will help us dont worry.
>Japanese artists migrate to bluesky
Is that an actual phenomenon?
A lot of them deleted old artworks on xitter, they probably won't post on xitter too unless the clause is reversed.
They also hate pixiv for allowing AI shit and making their art open source for AI dataset. The more Japanese artists moving to Bluesky, the better. They also use pawoo and similar things, but those have even fewer users than bluesky.
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Let's make a butt.
I wish Japan weren't so Irish so we could get more butt-focused yuri
You can use IMU to get the full size picture on most sites.
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thank you for that camera angle
i wouldnt have understood what she meant with text only!
Yes, the AI shit isn't being implemented until November so nip artists are packing their bags slowly. Many are asking how to mass delete their tweets before they move. This might be the actual turning point for artists on Japanese twitter. It might take more to get normal nips to drop the app.
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Homura Subaru makes good use of butts.
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Also a Katja x Hana classic.
What a fucking anime this was
if I ever randomly win loads of cash I'm funding a Katja anime about her & her harem where she also gets to cuck Sasha for good
You know who's the real audience of your show when in it's second season you have to turn the male MC into a girl
So not the yuri audience for sure.
i thought season 2 was gayer than the first
katja and hana were otp
No voiced vid for shuukura vol5?
Next time kill the guy and replace him with a girl, instead of just appealing to a non yuri fetish, maybe your series will be better know than for a few ecchi scenes
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Well, /u/?
With precision and patience
>reading comprehension
>new death end request game
>The MC of the first game is MIA (again)
Do they just hate arata or something? I'm glad they're handing everything over to this girls but this is the second he's been missing with the first being in 2 where he just got unceremoniously killed off
Google it
I have no idea.
I don't really like vampire yuri
I haven't looked at anything beyond pre-release material since I'm waiting for the western release, but from what I could tell he's just hiding while enacting some keikaku in this one, plus his doppelganger is an active villain. He can't fight so it's hard for him to be a main character unless they repeat the same setup as the first game again. Personally I'm happy Mai is still one of the main protagonists, she's great. Though I have no idea how big of a role Rottie has since she also seems to be missing at the beginning.
Ive been playing it and liking it so far but it does kinda make sense he's doing stuff behind the scenes this time around from what I'm seeing so far. Though if be lying if I said I didn't like how the first game had stuff split between game and RL set up but understand how that hasn't been possible from the second game onwards since everything has naturally escalated to being IRL over a shitty MMO containing the cult/interdimensional autism. Mai's interaction with the greater cast are cute tho. desu I'm more shocked that Lydia appeared in the story first before rottie
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I like how many fangirls picked it up for Sasha and ended up falling for the yuri-dom loli. Here's one who picked up the manga & drew fan art of the threesome Katja & Hana had with Miyuri.
In the beginning, Madokami made Ada and Eve
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i dont know what this says, but i hope its implying age gap yuri
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>Our goddess is such a cute magical girl... I really want to molest her.
>Sure, let's do it!
And that's how the first humans were banished from the garden of Eden.
17 37 is an insane age gap, what 17 year old is attracted to such a hag
what is the hoedown 'on re:cutie honey'?
why is this one yuri, while the others arent apparently?
is it a case of every iteration just being completely different from one another?
Go Nagai is one of my greatest heroes but not very yuri-friendly. Episode 1 of RE: is one of the best pieces of animation of all time (though the whole thing is worth watching & 3 is a great finale). Not sure how "canon" the yuri is given a guy from those late Gainax-Trigger circles also claimed Lio x Galo from Promare with their "forced life-saving kiss" was not canon but you had to be a lot less picky then.

Randomly remembered seeing Erica Friedman claim you need to "get used to the art style" in the 2000s & getting really pissed
Well this is just skinship gals being pals...
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KitaKimi is the Twilight of yuri.
wheres the supernatural elements and age gap?
This one is focused on Honey and Natsuko's relationship and them growing closer together. They get plenty of cute and sexy moments.
I haven't seen any other instalments, but I assume they aren't nearly as close in those.
The whole thing is about as long as a movie so you can watch it one evening.
No it's the Supernatural of yuri.
Your mom
Universe was also quite yuri.
I heard gun gale alternative is more gay compare to og sao how true is that?
Well any amount of gay is going to be more gay than zero gay I suppose?
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mc is a tall woman like 183 cm that manage to get a lot of little girls to follow her and gets kissed by a bisluts and kisses the avatar on the cheek of another middle schooler, the rest of the relationship is a bit of goggles with some DV if you enjoy that like this 2 killing each other and then meeting irl later
i dont know how desperate you have to be for yuri to look for crumbs in SAO of all places.
Who said anything about being desperate?

SAO had a lesbian. Who literally died of AIDS.
It's a story about a mutually toxic relationship with an obnoxious fanbase of underage retards, I say it's close enough.
That would be Kill La Kill.
is not being desperate anon ggo is made by the writer of kino no tabi since he hates og SAO, and he wanted to make his own story and mc got kissed by a bislut on the mouth on the final episode it was a surprise not even people looking for yuri
Damn that's gay.
reminder to watch teekyuu
>he hates OG SAO
>helped kawahara with GGO arc, which is why he writes this
You're a retard.
Do you know it?
Do you watch it?
Do you read it?
Do you do it?
Do you have it?
Do you adore it?
>bislut with an emphasis on 'slut' (and 'het') keeps doing dudes after kissing the MC
But enough the Succubus manga.
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3 days off work, what do i scratch off my backlog next
Watch Cazador and Granbelm right now.
Tell me more about this.
How Do We Relationship and Arcane ending. Itā€™s the end of online lesbian culture as we know it.
Time for Leodia content from Riot then. About damn time the OG LoL yuri got something proper.
This was one of the worst animes I've ever watched
Fucking garbo
Do we have a Happy Sugar Life that actually has a good ending? It was a shame cause i find JK x JS particularly interesting, i know we do have good JS x OL.
It's kino actually.
Opinion discarded
>Happy Sugar Life
That was a good ending.
Flip Flappers is a masterpiece.
Best 6-episode series I've ever watched.
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It's perfect
Honestly I stop watching the series after episode 6 too. Took me years to admit the second half kinda sucks.
Kurumi, Granbelm, and HaruKana
Mild take warning. GB can be yuri, but it's only yuri when the character is permanently female and embraces her female identity. Unfortunately most GB shit aren't like that.
Yeah but why do it in the first place?
It's just a fetish and not the good kind. Actually now that I think about it, it's good because it serves as a valuable red flag that the creator of a GB work cannot be trusted to make proper yuri and can be dropped without regret.
Why do anything but yuri in the first place? It's like asking why bisluts in yuri exist. There are worse cases like characters who've slept with a thousand men but settle with a girl throughout the series, and yet still considered yuri. Not all yuri are pure gold star yuri.
Fuck off, gb isnā€™t Yuri and you should go back
>There are worse cases like characters who've slept with a thousand men but settle with a girl throughout the series
>thinks trannie shit is better than bisluts
Yeah no , at least bisluts are women
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>The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess

Why did nobody tell me about this
Because it's unrelentingly bland.
So what manga is all the buzz lately? I need something new to obsess over
yeah sure anon but you will have to give her a gf with same circumstances otherwise it wont work
Hilariously cope, basically what you are saying
>If the series act like the GB never happened and we just forgot about it then it's just like every other yuri series! I wonder what not a single GB in existence is like this and they constantly bring it up, could it be the whole point of GB narratives? Oh no this couldn't possible be it!

Yuri are narrative about women, not narratives about men, much less about men living inside female corpses, they are different genres born with different purposes. GB authors find this western instance of trying to argue GB has a lower hierarchy than yuri or yaoi very disrespecful, it's basically shitting on the whole point of their works, they are not doing GB stories so you can ignore it and project whatever personal issues you have on it.

>First opportunity he has he uses to shit on women who doesn't fit his idea of a woman while claiming he would rather have men larping as women
Incels like you are not welcome here, please leave this site, take a bath, get a job and try to have sex at least once.
when does this get good its been pretty middling so far
Youjo senki is one I'd consider that
But truly and genuinely rare, I'd think 1/100 chance that it actually is like that
I meant new ones. Like what are you lot keeping up with lately?
I remember only youjo senki and onimai as series that are like this
Haven't heard of oninai but tanya is based and she should really marry viktoria, it's kinda like a katja hana lite in a way
Gakeppuchi Reijou wa Kurokishi-sama o Horesasetai
Ah the series where the protagonist constantly complains about being stuck in a female body, about how he hates everything about being a woman and even has begged some of the lesser gods he meets from time to time to turn him back into a guy. I will never understand how you can headcanon a whole series like this, maybe it's a degenerate thing.

Both series are not yuri, if you want to talk about it the best place is probably /a/ or maybe just post on /pol/ since they only talk about this specific topic
I think it's yuri
Watatabe anime official announcement on the 24th.
Yearning For A Night Full of You
Bokura no Ai wa Kimochi Warui
Akumade Amai Watashi no Kanojo
Not yuri.
wouldve been better without the het rape + forced het marriage + forced het impregnation
Anon, what series you are talking about, because for sure it's not happy sugar life
reincarnation is still gender bender
>Didn't like the answers he got, starting spamming images
Typical, while this is sad by itself, the most pathetic part is that the ship you are posting is 100% headcanon, so it's not only not yuri, but even if Tanya was a girl it would still not be yuri.
i cant remember if it was shown in the anime, but the little girls mother bumped into a dude on her way to her highschool debut and got raped then pressured into marriage
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You've given me too many options and now I don't know what to do.

Which of these should I read?
>Didn't like that people disagreed with him
>Sits around hating his life because of it
I don't think anyone ever cared about the mother backstory, she was a shitty broken person.
The anime skipped over Yuuna's backstory.

Brainlet take.
>she was a shitty broken person
because of the backstory...
Read Akumade Amai Watashi no Kanojo and choose a camp to join, it's the hottest activity on /u/ right now. Second only to hating Miyagi.
You realize most yuri is headcanon right? And that's ok. That's kind of the point of headcanon, because let's be honest here, most of the girls in any anime that like a dude would be better off together.
Imagine thinking that only canon relationships are yuri. Are you ok? Why don't you go blow up the Nintendo thread in that case?
You are not disagreeing with me at all, you are disagreeing with a whole industry that rejects your delusions, you can post a thousand pics here, GB or this series in specific will never be yuri.
You're really upset about this aren't you?
The best argument to make against it is that most genderbendering rarely ends in yuri or focuses on the romance between the characters. All the arguments about what makes a female character actually a girl are just retarded because all the people who argue for it have way too broad of a definition (and start including actual men) while those who argue against it almost always consider female robots to count as yuri even though they aren't physically or mentally.
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>the two responses to reading the forbidden manga
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>You realize most yuri is headcanon right?
No, I'm even going to help you, please circle all those series were the yuri is headcanon and show how most of them are headcanon.

And there is subtext yuri, Hoshikuzu is subtext, Liar Satsuki is subtext, Wataten is subtext, but Youjo Senki for everyone who actually ever spend 5 minutes reading can tell there is zero romantic subtext, aside from the protagonist also having very low opinions of homosexuality.

Posting artwork of two girls is acceptable as a yuri ship as long they are in fact showing affection for each other, posting a guy and a girl is not.
Damn... You're a newfag huh
Not going to argue since I don't care enough but whatever. Cope
>There's subtext yuri
Can't make up your mind
Wrong, you show your ignorance about the industry as a whole with you post trying to subtle claim there could be possible any GB work that could be yuri, stop being a pathetic coward little bitch.

Androids count as yuri because the concept of a female robot is a convention the industry has since the 60s with Astro's little sister, had you any knowledge about your hobby instead of spending the whole day masturbating maybe you could use you little brain to actually understand what makes a good or bad argument.

Yuri is a genre, yuri is a narrative, GB is another genre, another narrative, stop pushing your "opinions" on stuff that isn't an argument to begin with, show me the GB works here >>4313823
You can't argue because you are a moron who didn't even watch the series you are talking about since you are already made ridiculous wrong claims about the protagonist.

You are an imbecile who thinks shipping is the same thing as subtext, subtext is an interpretation of scenes of the series that imply the characters have romantic interest for each other, Hoshikuzu has those, the series you are talking about has ZERO, actually you can easily see by the protagonist monologues it's explicitly not romantic.
>Shocked at how peak it is / Happy and content
>the concept of a female robot is a convention the industry has since the 60s with Astro's little sister
So if the industry decided that GB counted as yuri since the 90's, you would consider it as such? It wouldn't change my opinion. Frankly, I don't really care if GB can be theoretically yuri or not because it doesn't inspire any strong emotions in me (positive or negative), but I would still ban it from /u/ because it leads to retarded arguments and opens too much of a door to undesirables.
And there are some GB series that are officially advertised as yuri on Comic Walker. But like I said, even if they are, it shouldn't really change your opinion regardless.
You're an imbecile who thinks that subtext equates canon content
You're arguing that things can not be canon if it's headcanon, canon being things that can aren't up for interpretation, in other words not subtext which by the way isn't only used for romantic relationships are are used alongside canon to make up headcanon

>Subtext is an interpretation of scenes
Exactly, so if you can possibly interpret it another way outside of canon, they it means it's probably not canon - gay subtext used to be pretty much all people got for yuri, the shit wasn't canon
are you really this retarded?

AKB0048 - Gay but no canon
Azumanga Daioh - Gay but no canon
Canaan - Gay but no canon
Ga Rei Zero - Gay but no canon
In all cases there was headcanon built off of subtext, so what the fuck are you talking about?

Come on newfag, maybe you should think a little harder, were we even watching the same series?
>You realize most yuri is headcanon right?
NTA but there are different kinds of headcanon based on whether it contradicts the canon of the show or not. A yuri headcanon of two girls who are in love with guys or are stated to be nothing more than friends contradicts what has been established. Whereas if the two girls' relationship is presented as ambiguous in-universe, conceiving of them as a couple doesn't contradict the premise of the series. That's a fundamental difference.
Yuri is nothing but a word which exists to describe and categorize works from a certain category, so if the market and colloquial usage of a certain word changes there is nothing I or anyone else can do about it. Though the alternative scenario you are talking about would require for (at least) Japan culture to be very different in the 90s from what is even today, after all like it was pointed out, like 99.5% of works of the GB genre are not trying to push characters of the same (current) sexuality together to begin with. And this isn't even a discussion exclusive to yuri or GB. The spin off from sci fi called hard sci fi was born out of discussions of where the line between fantasy and sci fi begins since knowledge of advanced science and space became more common, some old sci fi concepts started looking indistinguible from fantasy.

I have said this before, but personally the word yuri is ultimately not important to me, I don't really care what the works are called, I know I want to read or watch narratives about women who have romantic feelings for each other, not about men who are now into female bodies, this won't change. That said, this is the yuri board, for yuri content to be posted.
There are also het harem series, with no yuri must I say, with the yuri tag on comic walker as someone recently pointed out in the RAW threads, it's important not to confuse those with advertisement, since we don't even know how the tags are defined to begin with.
>there is nothing I or anyone else can do about it
The definition of yuri here doesn't have to agree with the definition of yuri in Japan or anywhere else. Just because Japan accepts it doesn't mean we have to.

The series I'm referring to both have ē™¾åˆ in their names' too.
GB never was and never will be yuri. Take your male fetishes out of this board.
b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but the /u/ sticky....
No you fucking retard. Subtext can be defined in two ways, from the author perspective it's something he knows it exists and wants the audience to interpreted in a certain way (if they will or not is not relevant), from the audience perspective it's the understanding the author is trying to imply more than he is explicitly stating with certain aspects of the work, however in the same way the audience has no way of knowing if the author is really trying to imply something or not, people just use something called common fucking sense to determine something that looks like a duck is probably a duck.

So subtext is inherently not canon, as I said above, we use common sense when applying the word subtext, in the specific case of romantic feelings or romance, if you are contradicting canon then there is no way to argue romantic subtext, you can pick the novel yourself and read Tanya's monologues or read the subordinate actions to see how there is no way anyone with common sense would think there is romantic subtext in this series.
Someone's upset that I educated them on matters of subtext and headcanon
Japan does not accept it, you had not so long ago that fake TS novel which promoted itself on twitter with the yuri tag and the TS tag, people were outraged, the author said he was sorry and removed the yuri tag, even though there was no actual TS in the story.

I know the series you are talking about, but the title itself already makes the distinction it's a situation the protagonist found himself in, there is also recently a very het novel which is getting a manga adaptation with yuri in the title, which is about the male protagonist suddenly teleporting to a yuri visual novel word and you can guess what happens yourself, it could even get a yuri tag on some online reader too, because again we don't understand how those are defined.

We don't have to agree with anything but at some point the word yuri stops losing meaning if we have no standard to follow, we can just call it something else and stop pretending we care.
Just want to thank you for making GBfags on this board look even worse.
How did you fags killed watanare schizo from here again? He moved his mentally ill ritual to /a/ for some reason
I have the suspicion the mod that did that isn't with us anymore... you can guess why!
He is probably posting on /a/ because it's very obvious the series will become the designed trashcan of the season and all shitposters will latch to it
Found the schizo
No problem, glad that you made yourself look like an ass too.
>the word yuri stops losing meaning if we have no standard to follow
I don't think we should have no standards. Rather our standards should be defined by us, not by what someone else like Japan says as they can always go full retard sometime in the future. That's why I don't like the "nips define it this way" argument.
You are still here huh, also very cute of you to just admit your schizo reason
I just don't see the point of calling it the yuri board, it's the same thing that happened with Narou, people started abusing the yuri tag and so they started using the girls' love tag to describe series focusing on romantic relationship between girls and not just two maybe subtext girls in some het harem series, which not every author is aware or even cares about it though. I am just saying the same thing I said first, yuri is just a word, we know what the works we care about are about and what they are not, we can call those whatever we want if yuri happens to one day not fit our interests anymore. Baihe is always open for grabs.
You donā€™t like that argument because the nips wisely disagree with your crusade of counting GB as yuri
I think changing your language because some retards misuse a term is worse, but that's just me.

Read the entire conversation. I'm okay with not allowing GB on /u/, regardless of whether Japan agreed it was yuri or not.
Wait, this is actually yuri?
Yeah it's gay as fuck.
Was that rock comfy?
you been living under a rock?
Well, the point of having tags is to help users find content, if users are not finding the content they want you either moderate every single work with the yuri tag one by one or you create a new tag and warn users that abuse will get them some sort of punishment.
>sora no method is 10 years ago
now you girls remember
>one of the main characters is a m*le
not watching
I will never understand the endless seething it generates from local schizos, both on /a/ and /u/

GL tag was based though, it pretty much killed the muh subtext muh headcanon muh this shit is totally yuri arguments there
Time to get out of my comfy rock and read it I guess
>I will never understand the endless seething it generates
nta but i know nothing about the series other than it supposedly being poly, which is enough to make me lose interest
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Is this yuri?
Yagakimi aired in fall also Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid
Any list of artists who have migrated to Bluesky?
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wish there was a site or something that gave a simple explanation of if and how yuri a series is.

Kind of like yuriempire or okazu, except with a rating that makes sense/is consistent, a rating that gets updated if a series gets confirmed as not yuri, and is made by someone whos yuri goggles arent on so tight that theyre causing permanent brain damage to the point where they give blatant het shows above average yuri scores.
just give it a "yuri-friendly, subtext, heavy-subtext, practically yuri, or explicit yuri" ranking or something. Could even have like a user poll to gauge what the masses think the yuri-level is.

swear theres like no reliable place to check, MAL will go full denial and even call yuru yuri 'not yuri', and then theres the yuri sites that will list literally anything with two girls in it as a 6/10 on the yuri scale. it doesnt have to be perfect, just be reasonable and consistent
No. It's from Hibike author but with 20 male characters.
Just start a google doc or something anon
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good luck with that
yuri = things i like
not yuri = things i don't like
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>MAL will go full denial and even call yuru yuri 'not yuri'
classic MAL
That's pretty much what Yuri Navi does in their reviews/articles but people still bitch about it. The genre has grown but the way that yurifags vs. casual yuri enjoyers vs. yuri-neutral readers consume and enjoy yuri causes inconsistent reception to different works. It would be difficult for an "authority" better than Yuri Navi to get approval in the first place.
just ask here
Has anyone watched Prisma iliya? is it possible to say that this is yuri? or are there only hints and bytes?
It'll probably be girlship at best.

The Hibike author regularly writes yuri now.
It has yuri elements but hard to call it complete yuri with Illya (and therefore Kuro) showing legitimate interest in stepbro Shiro at times. Fortunately it's confined to a small number of episodes.
But on the other hand Miyu has a genuine crush on Illya and Kuro kisses a lot of girls.
Nothing will ever beat asking here and searching archives.
But why does it make you seethe endlessly then?
>they aren't lesbians they are middle school girls
Ah yes, as we all know the gay virus always spares people under a certain age.
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I never finished it but to say there is only 'hints and bites' would be very odd
In my memory are distinctly three very intense make outs and I think I fell off it early in season 3
>Hoshikuzu is subtext

There have been a bunch of (japanese) sites like that, all of them are not updated anymore and they've never been consistent with their ratings of "level of yuri" of a series,
Do people go over the bs about "levels of BL" and "real BL"?
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Okay. Is this yuri?
She is invited and paid to work in an anthology, regardless you csn easily see the audience for this series is definitely not yuri fans.
Yes, especially since there are types of yaoi works fujos dislike
No, especially since they will accept anything, including females that pretend they're males as yaoi
Technically it's 1% yuri and 99% hetshit.
Including reverse trap/reverse trap couples?
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A set of books for fans of healthy, wholesome relationships
It's not wholesome when there's not a ton of sex scenes.
Just caught up with Pandora in the crimson shell manga. Why is it so fucking good and why is it so unknown?

Also Fucking GITS fans didn't even know basic shit about it despite being set in the same world. Half the time, they said it's not canon to their shit without even knowing anything about it. Meanwhile P2501 is literally there in the manga floating around and talking to Nene. God, I am so fucking mad at their ignorance
>why is it so unknown?
Because the art style is boring.
Has way better art style. The 1995 anime is the reason it's so popular.
If it calls itself a guy they accept it even with a vag and topscars
Wow you speaks like those complete retards that are GITSfags
So kys faggot
You are boring
>why is it so unknown?
Torrenting the official English release is too hard apparently, if it doesn't get scanlated it may as well not exist.
It's funny because the retard suddenly talks about why GITS is popular which I didn't even ask or care, I was just angry at its fans being stupid

I should probably talk to nips fans if I want to discuss that world, at least they seem to know their shit from my brief search since I saw a dude saying it's impossible to analyze the world of appleseed and gits without pandora
I don't know
What's the bara of yuri?
It's an old release so they do the weird random BOLD words in every fucking bubble.
They also somehow butchered Appleseed as Apollo Seed, but it's still better than lots of the scans we regularly read.
GrannyXGranny yuri.
You remember Hanamonogatari? The author is a Bara mangaka
What's the omegaverse of yuri?
omegaverse yuri
It's about 90% yuri
100% yuri unless you live in the past
It's still yuri
Just one of them gets pregnant from scissoring and or fingering
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Can you repeat the question?
Perfect examples
Women/girls calling each other "brat".
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>Eris no Seihai (The Holy Grail of Eris) fantasy mystery light novel gets anime
does the novel have yuri?
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Yuri between plump, busty milfs.
Office workers yuri.
No, there's a male character in there.
Even if it doesn't,. with the way they're looking at each other. They're gay, the male character will certainly be just a plot device designed to be used to make the other girl jealous. They're destined to be together.
Mesugaki yuri
It ends up with the MC having a living husband and that ghost woman nearby though so maybe you can call it bisexual max if yo uwant to streatch it, but there's zero yuri in it to be a bait or not sadly.
whats with the rape talk, miyagi is consenting
Miyagi couldn't consent since Sendai-san didn't ask for her consent, she asked for forgiveness in advance.
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Surprise yuri, and it's a legitimate surprise!
What does Erika mean by this?
Remember that /sp/ post about Yuu and Haruka from Sakura Trick? They can't be like that.
Sesbian Lex
Sauce, or you will...
Your mom!
365 Days to the Wedding episode 3
Laugh all the way anon, you will know when you get a new stepmom
>Sakura Trick
Isn't it always releases on winter comiket
Remove the yuri tag and spread the females only master race to prevent confusion
The issue is that you can have females only content without yuri
What? What does that mean?
The girls are not interacting with each other in ways you could interpret as having a romantic connotation to it, if they are not involved with guys offscreen.

On stuff like panda where this tag is used, you will get a lot of solo galleries.
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I'm sensing an anime...
why are the books wraped in extra plastic
too many wet ladies buying it, all for miyagi
What is the one on the left?
spy classroom
On the other hand, the author has showed himself as an HFfag and clearly ships Shirou with Sakura. He basically asspulled a way to resurrect and restore Miyuverse Sakura's sanity to Miyu's Shirou can be with her
And an extra chapter of the manga shows Sakura exists in the main timeline as well, so there are 2 options open for that Shirou:
1) Gay ending with Issei for gags
2) He gets with Sakura too
In the end we can't know until the manga ends
And? The girls will still be interested in him even if he gets together with Sakura.
The 20th best yuri manga right now.
I love this type of yuri couple.
He's not a serious threat if he gets with another girl. Meaning the Miyu/Illya ending can be possible. Of course, I won't bet on anything until it actually happens. I'm just saying the Shirou/Sakura and Illya/Miyu ending is a possibility
Spy Classroom will be full yuri soon.
What are the first 19?
Also is saying it's not yuri a meme or something? Really confused
This series screams status quo ending.
Like I wouldn't be surprised if the final pages of the manga (if they are ever even released) are Illya dreaming about getting a good morning kiss from Shiro, only to it end up being Miyu, again.
Its -33% het and 95 1/2% yuri. My dog works at japan.
It's 1% yuri, 5% het (or bislut shenanigans) and 94% boring shit that isn't funny because they alaways need to remind you that you're reading a bislut fantasy.
They definitely won't get together now they are waifufag content, regardless they still want to be with the guy but there is the possibility they may one day give up and get together is anything but yuri.

Though I have no idea how they are going to solve the current plot, Ilya is now thousands of years old and may not even return at all.
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What is it with people that hate it and being ESL?
>He still butthurt from yesterday
The sad thing is that you can't discret the possibility it's the same guy spamming this everywhere
I'd bet an anime announcement in the next 5 years top.
Holy shit! Those comments are fucking based!
It will air in the same season as
>Adashima S2
>Seyuu Radio S2
>Semi Friend
And we will call it the Adashima Wars
Cant wait for the Adashima season in 2030
Am I the only one who used to ship all 3 minami-ke sisters with each other interchangeably and at once?
I was phoneposting but that don't mean that the manga isn't boring.
It's literally 'yuri bait: the series'.
and their second attempt >>4314316 is technically wrong too
Kodansha picked up A Curtain Call for You
By Shiho Satou & Kiki Emoda.
Why? Wasn't this axed?
Most likely
>This series was just axed, it's just a few volumes and we can probably get the license for cheap
From the timing of this announcement, the deal most likely happened before it got axed.
So another Scarlet [/spoiler]and Chasing Spica[sooiler] situation.
Kodansha owns Ichijinsha, so I doubt it's licensing cost reasons
We had a SS employer explaining how their process works on /a/, he said the reason the yuri ecchi series were picked was because the licensing costs next to nothing compared to more popular stuff.
The company that licensed the series, Kodansha, owns the company that publishes the series, Ichijinsha. They are paying themselves.
The fuck are you 5? Say lesbian sex like a normal faggot
>like a normal faggot
Kodansha US is a subsidiarie anon, they don't own shit.
>A Curtain Call for You
more like a curtain fall for you
she agreed to it, she told sendai to do it
idk if youre joking, whats your angle with lying about that
If your manga has more hetsex than yurisex in its first volume, its not yuri.
Good thing it doesn't then.
Miyagi is retarded, she can't legally consent
>a SS employer
Indeed. It has zero yuri sex, and multiple references to het sex
But it also has a jealous dumb bitch who's trying to steal her friend back, and yeah she has a bf but this would be a toxic relationship and wake up call to her that she may be gay
It might happen, the manga's enough integrity. The characters and their relationships are sincere.
Miyagi is a pain in the ass, but she's not retarded nor autistic.
So sheā€™s better than Adachi
>but she's not retarded nor autistic.
Retarded and autistic girls are great though
I was not trying to slander other girls.
No one is better than Adachi.
>not autistic
I disagree
She had normal friends
>male fetish
like this? >>4314109
Bislut fetish =/= male fetish. That manga is shit but it isn't a male fetish manga.
As a matter of fact succumbus are in fact a male fetish, it was originally a jewish concept about demons who would seduce men in dreams, steal their semen and use it to impregnate other women, which I must add is exactly what I would expect of a jewish demon. But I digress, it was imported in japanese culture as a fetish.

That said there is nothing wrong with it, your bislut hate is just annoying and no one cares, you were a virgin last time you said all this and you still are virgin.
Succubus is by itself a fetish anon, no way around it, it's literally a sex demon.
It's not hate just a fact. Yes I dislike both but they're differents things.
I don't think so, or at least not in anime/manga because they're not as common as others and in 2024 it seems that they're just standard demon girls (also Machikado Mazoku changed my perception about succubus even if they never said that Shamiko was one of them)
Just because it's not as popular doesn't mean it's not a fetish
Look at how few people like diapers, yet it's still a fetish
We had diapers even in some yuri manga (and maybe anime? Idk because I always erase that shit from my mind ASAP) but I've never watched or read a story that treats them as seriously as other fetishes.
It doesn't matter how serious they treat it
It's still a fetish
Succubus is a fetish, though of course and narrative can turn things around and make a non fetishist story about a fetish, though I would not say this is exactly the case with Machikado, the concept of Succubus there is very toned down sure, but Shamiko is still a very sexualized character, it's a joke sure, but it's also definitely to get the reader's attention and not wrong with it.
The catch is that it's an isekai where a man dies in an accident or something and his soul is transferred to a princess in another world. I don't know why it couldn't be a woman who dies in an accident and has her soul transferred instead.
Why was AKB0048 not more popular?
It was pretty much love live and madoka mixed and had amazing otps
Love Live character design and character types are far more relatable to most audiences.
Yurifags aren't most audiences
It had a positive depiction of wotas as a group so I guess people find that too unrealistic.
One of the girls had obvious het subtext. Also >>4314506
>one of the girls
the one that no one liked, would ship with anyone, and is a secondary character

the rest had clear gay subtext, lets not kid ourselves here
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more kemono yuri soon
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Out of all of the girls here, only the one to the far right had any romantic relationship with a male. The rest had no interest and only thought about each other and idolized each other in the gayest of ways
I don't get how out of a cast of around 10, you decide it's het because one of the side characters liked a dude. It can have literal lesbian sex in it but as soon as some random character walks around, even just in the background holding hands with a guy it's het
What is going on with people these days? no common sense
Megu did nothing wrong
One is one too many. It's like having the best ice cream ever, but a rascal put a scoop of chocomint in it.
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Not in this case, she was kinda annoying so it's good to have her get the fuck away from the cute girls who deserve each other.
Shit take when there's much better ships in the show that don't involve the most annoying character.
Yurifags are not even 1% of idol anime audience
What does that have to do with anything.
If anything you're proving my point. I'm asking why the fuck yurifags aren't getting in on something with so much gay subtext.
No, you literally asked why it wasn't more popular.
I meant with yurifags. I have no interest in other audiences.
I think one is an extension of the other, it wasn't popular, so it didn't catch the attention of most yurifags either, meanwhile absolute non yuri series will get a lot of shipping because they are just popular enough to get the attention of everyone
That's surprising to me, you'd think yurifags would lock on to anything that could potentially turn out to be subtext considering most yuri series are only popular with yurifags anyway.
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Takamina was so cool...The best ship is her with Kanata though.
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Naturally, OTP
NTA but the anime had better competition on that front. Natsuiro Kiseki had no het and some subtext and even Jormmungand was more interesting and a openly lesbian character but also it wasn't even close to Saki Achiga-hen if we talk only about the yuri.
The second season had even bigger competition airing in the same season as Love Live, Yama no Susume, Vividred Operation and Doki Doki Precure, I think even fucking Tamako Market was more populat with the yuri fandom that season.
What a fucking entitled brat mentality.
I don't think so, I must have seen a thousand times some anon who didn't know some very well know series, people have so much time and the thing getting most attention will of course show up more often.
Do you have information about upcoming releases in the genre in 2025? I heard that Watanare is supposed to be filmed (by the way, has anyone read it yet? how do you rate this manga?) Are there any other film adaptations? Which manga would you like to film?
Guess thats true
For some of the anons who aren't as thirsty for it they probably wouldn't dig as deep
I don't want to film anything, that's hard work with a very meager pay.
>Bad girl (2025) anime
>Tai Ari Deshita (we know it's still a thing, no date) anime
>Watanare (2025) anime
>Yuru Yuri S4 (probably 2025) anime
>Ninja to Koroshiya (2025) anime
>Mahoako S2 (probably not 2025) anime
>A Monster Wants to eat me (2025) anime
>Dragon Maid (2025) movie
>just finished this
Was the MC meant to be a m*le?
why they wrote her like that?
is it just me? I feel like something was lost in translation
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Some people believe only men can be depressive outcasts.
The Venn diagram between ESL posters and retards is a circle.
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>Natsuiro Kiseki had no het
Wrong. The green haired girl was het.
Ummm, based???
Where was her boyfriend?
She had a thing for her cousin or some boy.
Uh huh.
Read Otherside Picnic.
That the spiritual successor lacks a lesbian goth loli dom is its greatest failing.
More bisluts, but that just compounds the disappointment.
The author said on twitter that the story's ending in Volume 3 unless sales suddenly increase. Unless people really show up to buy the Japanese volumes it's staying axed. Like >>4314341 said the US localizers probably made the decision before the axe notice and it's still probably worth it for them to move forward with the localization.
I can't speak for US publishers, but some publishers in my country specifically target short axed manga for licensing and sometimes release them as a box set first to fool casual customers into thinking it's intended to be that short and not give them the chance to realize it was axed.
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What made you think that? I guess the large height gap is not common for 2 girls the same age, but there was nothing in any of my rereads that ever made me think Shizuku was meant to be male.
I guess it could be argued that the story wouldn't change a lot if she was male, but the same argument could also be made in reverse for other media like kimi no suizou wo tabetai or koe no katachi.
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Studio helped Passione with WataYuri
the art is looking good, nice choice of colors and all
Please not another SasaKoi...
They have a gigantic list of support animation credits, but am I right believing this is their first main animation studio role?
Please, someone had the link of Mieruko manga pv with the tentacle girl? It was full voice
Closer to a 'pushing series with het subtext as yuri' mentality
Sugoi already said this was the series he was going to leak at the start of 2023 but got delayed because of production issues.
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Ueda Reina as Hinako.
Guess Nanoha is not yuri because Amy exists
Or Madoka given the whole plot with the violintard
Or Symphogear because Fine.
Can you solve all your production issues in a year
That's not true, it's a donut, because not all retards are ESL.
Depends on how severe they were and if they waited until when it was done or kept a strict deadline. If it really was delayed by a year and a half+, then it certainly bodes better than Sasakoi's three months.
LycoReco says yes
Symphogear does hint at romantic and sexual attraction between Hibiki and Miku, in Nanohas case you may have a point since a lot of post production material tried denying nanofate but it was another time
The point is that anon is bitching that a side character with het subtext means no yuri. So I listed shows that are seen as yuri even when side characters are het. Because it's the mains that matter and a single side character doesn't erase their relationship
This is why you keep getting booted out of your projects
No yuri means no yuri. The only attraction we see is from that girl and it was towards a male character.
what's with the recent jk x older women boom
Same I could say of the shows listed
Yuri subtext is still yuri, and a side character doesn't erase that
>side character
She's part of the main trio and it's the only explicit relationship the series has.
NTA but theres subtext and """subtext"""
Pysop from Yuri author getting old.
they present older woman as attractive so that JK flock to them.
We call that the Itou hachi maneuver
We need Itou Miku.
No we don't.
Itou Hachi is literally a pedo, and her targets are 10 years old or younger children. Nothing to do with some dumb OLxJK.
We actually do.
Personally I think when you have a situation where you have an explicit heterosexual relationship in parallel, it really devalues any subtext and if it's a weak one it really makes you wonder if there is anything going on at all. But even this aside, it's really a bad look, it's not as if romance is out of the scope, it's just them thinking homosexual relationships are too dirty to be show.
Again, same can apply to the shows I listed
Stop the bullshit
Also answer me. what do you think of LycoReco?
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>Miyagi and her silly orders
Personally I think you're a paranoid retard and should then go scream at all the madokafags here. As long as they remain, your argument is worthless
A show with explicit yaoi and no explicit yuri.
It's funny how you always out yourself, majimatard. Thus devaluing anything you have to say
I'm sure you must've called a dozen different people that by now.
No. Just the same obvious retard obsssesed with denying yuri
>a dozen different people
More like one person with 12 different IPs.
>it's just them thinking homosexual relationships are too dirty to be show.
It's good old homophobia.
Which would apply to many subtexts considered classics here
The double standards is disgusting
https://mangadex.org/title/123d63e6-a37a-4e2f-9bda-8b4321c2f510/koi-no-zetsubou-koushin-kyoku licensed by Yen Press.
Paranoid about what? I am literally saying to you looking at the parallel between subtext and explicit leaves a bad taste. Madoka's salvation by grace is the fact that Homura's obsession is too far unreasonable to be understood without love and this

Only you still didn't understand we have moved on from those even if we have nostalgia for them.
Breaking News
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He is milking it
Well yeah, it's how he makes money after all
That's why Utena is a timeless masterpiece.
If this is the infamous mystery yuri announcement, then I'm going to be really disappointed.
No, Sugoi especifically said it's something he never leaked before.
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This series has to be doing well
>We have moved on from them
You shouldn't be here. You don't like yuri.
And as was said previously, looks like even madoka isn't yuri since sayaka had het feelings and there was a het relationship, a father even
Unlike you I actually discuss yuri series here, I don't spend my whole day worried someone dared to say they don't interpret a subtext series the same way I do. If Madoka was only Sayaka and Kyouko everyone would immediately point out the elephant in the room.
I havent watched anime since girls band cry and jellyfish, what did I miss?
You don't though, you're retarded.
You do spend your whole day worrying about weather someone interpreted someone as not gay, as you've displayed by thinking that someone's not gay (even other characters) because someone else in the story at one point may have had a crush or a relationship with a male.
In the case of Sayaka, she's still gay for kyoko and everyone else is also gay
>we have moved on from those
Who's we? Because many haven't. Madoka still has a solid fanbase here and just a few posts before someone told me Symphogear count because something something HibiMiku hintsĀ“
> Madoka's salvation by grace is the fact that Homura's obsession is too far unreasonable to be understood without love
Moving goalposts, retard. Point is: you said it's bad if straight is explicit and yuri isn't. And yuri is only explicit in the Rebellion movie that came out several years after the TV show. Yet some people still conisder the show on it's own yuri and even claim the movie ruins it and is unncessary
Instead you spend the whole day worried someone calls the shows you don't like yuri and start seething about homophobia or whatever and being a hypocrite to defend shows you like that also commit the same sins you criticise
Nothing much
>Explicit only in the source material but very gay:
Vtuber Legend
>Shows with heavy subtext:
Mayonaka Punch
>Shows with subtext:
Nare Nare
Also they said that Dungeon Peopke also had subtext but I didn't watched that show.
Kuwabara recommends this yuri oneshot about adult women.

It still portrays Homura as having feelings beyond just platonic, I couldn't say the same about the other series in question especially when we know how romance is portrayed there. But yes, even Madoka has some disheartening aspects to it. Including interviews clearly walking around the gay
It reads like Kuwabara wrote it, honestly. Two seemingly incompatible people fall in love in an awkward, antagonistic way. A girl that's obsessed with one of the leads violently attacks her upon being rejected. Seeminlgy uptight love interest uses physical force to beat down the attacker. Oneshot ends up the leads together again in a romantic scene.
So do the other ones you absolute retard
Artists got older but still think JKs are cute.
Modoka isn't yuri because there's no yuri in it and Madoka's creators never wanted it to be yuri.
>It still portrays Homura as having feelings beyond just platonic
Feelings that still arenā€™t explicit while the het is. Stop the excuses: Madoka commits the sin that you consider so horrible in other shows that it invalidates all subtext. Youā€™re a hypocritical retard
Madoka movie 4 is going to be a nuke here. Like Rebuild of Eva 4 wad to /a/
You are just upset your series does not have an obsessive girl becoming the literal devil for another girl.
It was most shippers who got upset because the ships were all mixed up and there is only one single anon on /a/ who may go in a murder rampage if Homura x Sayaka turns canon.
i wish they stopped after the first series
any more milking is slop
If youā€™re talking about Madoka: the milking slop is wherw the most explicit yuri is.
In the TV show, MadoHomu is your standard subtext superfriends and according to anonā€™s rules: Sayaksā€™s explicit het drama invalidates said subtext and makes the show homophobic
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And the face drawing style is also somewhat similar. It's not surprising, as this mangaka seems to be a big fan of Kuwabara:
And that's great, the more authors that spread the word of violent love between women, the better.
Other mangaka are starting to emulate Kuwabara.

Oh dear...
Kuwabara foreshadowed this too? He can't keep getting away with it...
Planning to turn Kokoro into a yandere from the start doesn't mean it's a good plot development. And attempted rape is cheap drama.
Looking good so far, I just hope they don't cut too many things from the manga, looking forward to how they handle fish and fox's background stories.
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Absolutely, my sarcastic, sulking friend.
Can someone make a collage of these twitter posts? Like the one that said even friends will rape when it comes down to it.
My greatest fear when it comes to ZenKowa is if Kuwabara wastes too much time on the love triangle bullshit, and doesn't have time to properly resolve the family drama in a satisfactory way. Imagine if it merely ends with a "and they eventually moved away from home, the end" ending.
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We are almost there.
I for one wouldn't let Shimamura's mouth near my anything.
The her isn't explicit in this case then in comparison
One literally became a god so she could stalk her gf
I think you're actually a hetfag aren't you? Whatever. Gay is gay. Go watch your haremshits
The het is objectively explicit. The yuri is subtext
It commits the sin anon says is super homophobia that erases any subtext
I'm just calling out hypocrisy. Also, the movie that a part of the fanbase like >>4314866 considers slop doesn't count. My point is the show itself has no defense and Rebellion makes it better but still not enough
I see it as yuri, as is Sympho, Nanoha and AKB0048
I don't think het side pairings invalidate subtext. That's the retard I'm calling out. It's him who is a hetfag and should go back to haremshit, given how ultrafocused he is on any het
It's either too hot for TV, or too retarded for TV.
When will Konbu come back?
The guys an idiot
How does it erase it?
That's like saying having chocolate ice cream in the same store as vanilla ice cream is erasing the flavor.
As soon as aby het relationships pop up he considers it het, that's the difference between a yurifag and a hetfag. It's the opposite. As soon as a yuri relationship pops up we should consider it gay immediately. That's the path we walk.
>As soon as a yuri relationship pops up we should consider it gay immediately
Is Hibike yuri?
Not the lad youre arguing with btw.
Yes (I've never seen it)
So the definition of yuri now stretches to girls having male teachers, uninteresting male cardboard cutouts and green haired male Joker villains as love interests.
Yes. The side ship is surely, and there's subtext to suggest the main girls are too, even if it's not explicitly stated they might have bfs and decided to walk that path in this world but in an AU they're gay for sure
Yeah. Why not? If the girls seem like they might be crushing on each other then it's gay. Who cares about if they have a bf, it's just a cope. They're in denial.
So there's no het in it. It's pure yuri, and neither of the characters have male love interests.
You're retarded. There's no arguing with someone that's experiencing het psychosis.
Why even push het series as yuri as if this board of all places didn't know those series aren't yuri?
Lol no, it's sad to see how even to this day there is people trying to cope with this series. It's not gay, it was never gay, you are not it's audience, you are not important. Hibike is everything yuri has been running away from for the last two decades.
Because it's the only thing they care about, they don't give a shit about discussing something they read or watched, they just want to play the game of what is yuri or not
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What scenario do you think they'd fuck in?
Your parents never wanted you to be a loser shitposting on 4chan, yet that's exactly what you are.
It has 3 yuri couples, so yes.
>you are not it's audience, you are not important
Immediate /a/ shitposter tells.
Yuri subtext is in many cases what makes yuri great. Once again, even things that aren't explicitly stated can lead the mind to wander into magnificent places. Yurification can happen to anyone anywhere, people have become lazy and unwilling to strap on their goggles. It's an inferior way of thinking that simply because something is canon things couldn't be different. Yes, they might have boyfriends but look at how they look at each other. There's something underneath which can certainly enrich the potential relationship. Does no one think "It would be better this way." That's the source of fanfiction, it's because it could be different, improved , and overall it's just lacking what people wanted.
I'm so tired of the doomed hetfag mentality I see constantly.
Genuinely this is the major difference between yaoifags and yurifags, because yaoifags don't give a fuck what the canon says. Whereas yurifags get strapped down to sticking specifically canon. If the story ends perfectly and gives you everything you want it's a great feeling but there's not much chance to expand on it. From the beginning the very nature of yuri is forbidden love, so those who can't even consider the possibility that two girls with a bf can like each other don't care about yuri at all.
Messy rebound sex. Fucking sloppy style in the bathroom when they accidentally find themselves at the same party.
And the lack of het.
How is any of that false?
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That's all you have to say, shitposter?
You really do like het, it's all you think about isn't it.
Based take honestly. I'm mostly convinced the people throwing huge fits about canon are either acting in bad faith OR they've been a yuri fan for like one year and feel a misplaced need to be militant.
People refusing to call a series where the girls are in love with guys or in relationships with guys is not a doomed hetfag mentality, it's just objetively what the series is about and no amount of headcanon will change this.

You can make yuri fanfiction of a het series? Yes
You can make yuri doujins of a het series? Yes
You can make yuri artwork of a het series? Yes
Does this make the series yuri? No.

And stop being fucking retarded for fuck sakes, you are being fucking disrespectful to other genres and their readers, you can be pretty sure there is non smut yaoi about gay relationships which takes itself as seriously as any yuri story would and the reader would be outraged if the author suddenly decided to push a message their love for each other meant nothing and it was just a phase until they got their girlfriends.
This is the yuri board. You're pushing het series as yuri just because of headcanon.
>yuri doujins are fine but don't you DARE call it a yuri series that's disrespectful to the genre

Insane cognitive dissonance.
>the girls are in love with guys or in relationships with guys
when did that happen in eupho i have like 5 eps of S3
It's not about its veracity, it's about the attitude that such statements reflect about you. The use of second person and the thinly-veiled animosity betrays that you don't consider yourself to be from /u/, not to mention how many times you repeat it ad nauseam.
Being obsessed with being factually correct is another typical troll attitude.
Yuri is not defined by either the lack or presence of het.
Who do you think the 'you' in that post refers to? /u/ at large, or the retards posting het series and pretending they're yuri?

A series with explicit het cannot be yuri. Spinoffs of het series may be yuri (and there are a few examples of this)

The troll will now mention Madoka and Nanoha
>A series with explicit het cannot be yuri
Why not?
True, bad yuri is still yuri.
so all the "woman cheating on husband" series are not yuri now?
>Monster Eat Me anime

One good thing about this boring Monday
NTA but relationships have hierarchies, a friend will never be as important as a lover, unless the narrative is about breaking that relationship. Pic related is probably one of the best portrayals of this.
Majima is still not a love interest, majimatard
The narrative is about girls getting together, not about girls getting together with guys.
What's wrong with that even if it's true?
Once again, why can't I ship two girls that I simply like seeing together? Can you not imagine a scenario where two girls just seem to mesh well personality wise and you have imagined that they would work well in a relationship? You are simply a brainlet who can't even conceive of the fact that there are others out there who can get more out of it than you can, as you miserably pretend that this all isn't just ficiton anyway.
If it's all just fiction, why can't I have my own take on it? You really need to get a grip on your depression, man. Believe what you will, and I will believe what I will.
You're not the yuri police, no one is. People will enjoy yuri in their own way.
And it is in fact yuri when someone fantisizes that the hibikek girls are gay for each other. That's what it's all about. Why else would anyone care about yuri if not for the fact that they enjoy imagining the girls together?
>people have become lazy and unwilling to strap on
Fingers and tongue.
Yes anon, picking something a creator especifically wrote not as yuri and calling it yuri is both disrespectful to their vision and to the yuri genre.

Doujin is a japanese culture, which I also must say, not every author is okay with but they know it's a pandora box to meddle with copyright infringement
Side het characters doesn't erase yuri subtext with the main characters who have no het
Art is meant to be interpreted.
>I wish the two girls of this series would get together
is very different from
>This series is yuri

And no anon, your opinions are not yuri, this isn't a board to discuss your headcanon unless you turn it into art.
Good thing the narratives of shows with side het characters isn't about gilrs getting together with guys either
>a friend will never be as important as a lover,
Takeda disagrees. Friendship is more intimate and romantic than romance.
No, it isn't.
You must be truly sensitive to believe that someone imagining a scenario and drawing/writing about it is considered disrespectful. Or perhaps you're just dumb.
Sorry fags, no matter how much you keep shilling I am still not touching your so call "subtext" scraps
It is actually.
I think hibikek is gay, and it's my right as a yuri enthusiast to discuss it with fellow yurifags who feel the same way. Just because you're a sourpuss who wants no fun and is so keen on restricting himself in terms of imaginary characters doesn't mean everyone else is.
I don't see how this apply to Hibike.

You are not imagining a scenario, you are twisting elements of the series and claiming it's something it's not, you can say as much you want here how you wish Hibike was gay, but it will never be gay and there is nothing you can do about it.
>Why is a series where female characters lust after men not yuri?
A mystery for the ages.

Your denial is irrelevant
How a series with girls crushing on other girls not gay?
>you can say as much you want here how you wish Hibike was gay, but it will never be gay and there is nothing you can do about it.

Are you on the wrong board or something? Using yuri goggles is a classic tradition here and it's really weird you're so rabidly against the idea.
Why do you care? Why do always jump at every mention of Hibike like it's your job? You seem more obsessed with Hibike than people who like its yuri.
And series with het character don't make a series with no yuri yuri.
He's braindead, I don't think he actually likes yuri.
I think he's probably a troll from /a/ trying to psyop yurifags because he doesn't like how we imagine it. We've been getting a lot of this at this point and I think it must just be him.
When they don't crush on other girls and have male love interests.

No amount of goggles will make Hibike yuri.
They were both crushing on each other. Therefore it's GAY
>side het being explict while main yuri didn't get anything more than vague subtext
this retarded and coward move huh

Actually did this even happen in yuri manga? For example, Koukaku no Pandora manga got a few side het couples, but the main yuri pair isn't treated as lesser, they got to be as explict as any couples in the series

Pretty sure it only happen in those so call subtext anime/manga
>When they don't crush on other girls
They do though.
>and have male love interests.
Where? when?
Look 5 posts above yours, dude is an actual majimafag and is not shy about it.
This happens every single time we have this shitstorm about subtext, the anti-subtext dude always outs himself as a majimatard.
>>side het being explict while main yuri didn't get anything more than vague subtext
>this retarded and coward move huh
What do your delusions have to do with eupho?
I'd say no fan of yuri likes series where the girls have male love interests, nor likes it when someone pretends those series are yuri.

In Hibike, throughout the series
jesus hibikek fags has to be like the most pathetic yurifags around, it is like watching a bunch of battered wives
Because the topic was about a retard claiming side het girls ruin any subtext with the non-het main girls and then another retard mentioned Hibike when it's irrelevant because that is a show with the main girls being het, which is a completely different thing
Because the narrative already made clear the extension of their admiration for each other is not romantic or not romantic enough as they have romantic feelings for other people whose they choose instead. The yuri genre is not meant to describe what you could call just a passing feeling, there is a reason Class S is dead after all.

Uh huh, coming to /u/ to argue a series where the girls are in love with guys is as yuri as any other because of your headcanon is however not shitposting.
Good thing, all subtext shows defended here have actual subtext that isn't erased by some different girl being het
Anon, I didn't talk about that topic once, you can clearly see I was talking about Hibike the whole time.
The narrative of eupho is strong relationships between girls, also known as yuri.
You're replying to the retard in question, he just wants excuses to shitpĆ³st about Hibike because he's consumed by his obsession with it.
>didnt mention his retarded series
Ah yes I am totally talking about your trash series, not what anons were talking about earlier

Also so far you are the only one being delusional
Hibike was off-topic and you shouldn't be talking about it. It just derailed the conversation
It's not just about hibikek retard - it's about any series that has the potential to be yuri, hibikek was an example
No fan of any ship anywhere likes it when it doesn't adhere to what they want, that's not relevant to the conversation
and once again, who's pretending here, if there's gay subtext they're gay. Simple
Explicit het featuring side characters and no text with main characters.
Yes anon, this has nothing to do with someone claiming Hibike is yuri
It wasn't strong enough since their strongest feelings are directed at guys and not girls.
So you're mad at series that dont even exist, meds.
Thanks for once again proving that subtext fags are mentally ill
>if there's gay subtext they're gay
And no het
Why didn't we ever see that then?
Yuri is not defined by either the presence or absence of het.
Learn to read what other are talking about dumb schizo

>it doesn't exist
lol lmao, kek as if I need more proof that this is not a yurifag but a troll
What does that have to do with anything? Again, are you saying that beards don't exist?


Subtext is the lifeblood of shipping, yuri, and all romance idiot.
when did that happen in the anime
99% of screentime is girls together
A series with explicit het cannot be yuri. Spinoffs of het series may be yuri (and there are a few examples of this)

The troll will now mention Madoka and Nanoha
>A series with explicit het cannot be yuri
Why not?
>lol lmao, kek as if I need more proof that this is not a yurifag but a troll
So give names. You're barking at clouds.
>Why is a series where female characters lust after men not yuri?
A mystery for the ages.
Ah yes, clearly all those series anons talked about are made up
Man these anons sure have some amazing imagination
>A series with a happy moment can't be tragedy
>A series with a breakup can't be romance
>A series with a serious moment can't be comedy

Are you really this retarded?
Another day of this bullshit and mods still refuse to ban these shitposters.
>A series with explicit het cannot be yuri.
All "woman cheating on husband" series are not yuri now?
That's still not an answer.
Are you going to watch a tragedy for that happy moment, a romance for that breakup, or a comedy for that serious moment? Are you going to make others who don't want happy moments in their tragedy, breakups in their romance or serious moments in their comedy watch those?

Why did they marry their husbands?

It is. Yuri is not about girls lusting after males.
Those wife x jk series keep the girls non-explict?
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>Two girls kiss each other in the heat of the moment and then think about each other constantly until they're 30 and have a husband
>They eventually wind up cheating on each their husbands because they can't leave when they have a child
>It wasn't real tho because they have a husband
>Nothing to see here (according to hetfag)
Its always these two schizos
Just stop replying to the majimafag.
Doesn't matter why i'm watching it, retard.
The fact is that you're sitting there saying
>This het that is minor and irrelevant means that the entire series is het even when it's very clearly yuri

So then am I watching it for that one moment when there's a random girl that I don't give a fuck about being het? Or am I watching it for the 99% of other gay content within? You ok? Maybe you should read what you're writing since you're beginning to contradict yourself.
isnt that the plot of pink candy kiss?
Is it? Based. I'll get to reading that.
Subtext with main characters is enough. Regardless of what happens to side characters
Anything else is hypocritical, as seen when the retard tried defending Madoka when it commits the same sin
or run with me girl, if you like that

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