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>Is this girl Hougetsu?
If you said yes, you're wrong.
Hougetsu is a blonde Japanese girl.
This girl is Hortilla, a lesbian Mexican girl who is in love with Adachi!

Learn to differentiate them!
When do Adachi and Shimamura finally consumate their love?
Good morning, madams.
In the second season.
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did they fuck
I don't understand the descriptions
I thought shima was supposed to have dark blonde hair and adachi was supposed to have light brown hair
Or am I misunderstanding what was written? (before this point)
You gonna give some panic to the non-germanics eh?
Damn, this is really something to read
The things adachi asks of shima and that shima lets her do it
... Nowhere else could this make sense realistically
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I really liked Shimamura's hidden coldness towards other people. I'm tired of blunt ice princesses. No, I want people who are indifferent tosocial interaction but act friendly anyway. More realistic, if you ask me.
And Adachi's just... Adachi.
Shimamura and Sorawo are the two most relatable fictional characters I've ever seen in my life.
>At THAT PART of the novel
I can't even believe they managed to write 7 pages worth of Adachi autism in this way. That's real talent. Wow.
Makes me wonder what went through the editor's head when he got that manuscript.
>Either Iruma is insane or a genius, but either way, I don't get paid enough to deal with this, so off to the printer it goes
Is seven seas translating the novels faithfully?
I've heard various things about their track record and localizations
Adachi is the kind of pervert that would secretly play with Shimamura's used tampons.
Tell me /u/: What the fuck was Chiki doing with Hino?
When does Adachi rape Shima?
Shimamura is a cunt and I hate her.
Thats eldritch level autism.
>solo pic
>a fucking cropped screenshot
>retarded meme description written by a mental reprobate
There is a reason these threads were dead. People like you shouldn't be allowed to post, let alone type.
thanks for the downvote, kind anon!
This is just like rddit :)
Yes, you post like a redditor. Hence why this thread should be nuked.
Will volume 12 contain the explicit sex scene? Or allude to it at the very fucking least?
No, maybe but most likely not, Adashima is just not that type of story for Iruma.
Which story are you referring to? The one published on Iruma’s blog where Chiki visits Hino residence?
It’s also true that there is nothing much left to write about aside from their graduation.
When should I read the special novels? It looks like they're meant to go after vol 9 but then there's vol 99.9, I guess i could just read the extra chapters at the end that were added but then again should I just read them all after all of them or just after vol 9? Was that the intention?
Back in the day these threads used to be some of the most active threads on /u/
author is pulling nonsense what if's like Adachi being a teacher and Shimamura a schoolgirl, there's much left to write if he wants.
you can tell by how upset and pissy these little bitches get about anything at all that theyre newfags and probably grew up watching cocomelon
The timeline jumps all over the place so you can read them in any order. I just read them in the order they were published.
Yes, and they were full of this exact shitty meme garbage and retards just posting low quality nonsense instead of actually discussing AdaShima. It was just bored people without anything to talk about shitting up the thread all day.
It was a good thing they died and there is no reason to revive them, because idiots like you and OP will be in them. if some halfway intelligent people want to discuss AdaShima they would make a normal thread.
Not really.
Faggot take.
Go back.
What's the general consensus on Tarumi?
I feel immense pity for her, she did nothing wrong.
I also relate to the situation Shimamura has with her, accidentally running into a childhood friend that you haven't seen or thought of for years is awkward and embarrassing if you're an introvert who no longer wishes to make friends with people.
She’s better than Adachi, in the real world Tarumi would have won and Adachi would have been a friendless autistic loner living on benefits
But she didn't, she should just find her own gf
It's kinda unhinged to expect your childhood friend from elementary school to have feelings for you after so long. I mean damn, is Tarumi ok? They were like 5. How does Tarumi even think like that? I could understand if she really just wanted to be friends
Acoording to the Adashima multiverse there might be an intergalactic warlady version of Tarumi who still loses to Adachi. Woof woof.
>Adashima multiverse where Adachi always wins
Did you need any more proof that this LN is utter pandering to losers who self-insert into Adachi
It's not Tarumi's fault Shimamura has bad taste
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Adachi's an ungrateful kid, I self insert as her mom.
Adachi is love.
Shimamura's little sister already has the alien.
Adachi is anything but a loser, she works very hard and costantly puts in a lot of effort in order to improve her relationship with Shimamura.
Serious question, did Shimamura have depression?
Like, clinically? She's so young though man, but I dunno' what else you can diagnose her with.
>Detached from reality
>Literally cares about nothing
>No friends
>No interests
>Believes there's no point in anything
>All she wants to do is sleep
>Thinks about her old self as a different person

There's no other explaination.
I guess depression + autism is a perfect combination for a happy life
she is absolutely right/correct about all that shit though, sucks that she noticed it so early though, hopefully cunnilingus spiced up her life a lot
It woke her up inside
it's all jokes and all but really, the fact that Shimamura's personality and outlook on life makes her practically the only person that would put up with Adachi's bullshit and Adachi's obsessiveness and assertiveness at time being the thing that made Shimamura's life more interesting and her want to actually try maintaining a connection for once is a great element of the series
This series really ends with her never reconnecting with her mom again, holy shit that was depressing. Especially considering her mom isn't a bad person by any stretch
You say this as if Shimamura isn't the relatable one?
I didn't think it could be done really, intriguing
>Her mom isn't a bad person
Adachi isn't either, her mom didn't talk to her past the age of like 4 or something. She wasn't a particularly great mom
I love how Adachi and Shimamura were going through their awkward relationship bonding whatever and Hino and Nagafuji were being gayer than either of them on the sidelines without really trying
Does anyone think Adachi and Shimamura would adopt?
I think not. I think Shima would only do it if Adachi wanted to and she would get jealous of the child.
Nope, Shimamura already reject having a pet because of Adachi, let alone a kid, the shit alien girl is enough of a outsider in their life of two.
Adachi is both her child and pet
I've been rewatching it recently and just reached this episode, why is shimamura like this?
What's the worst AU iruma could possibly write for adashima?
Tarumi being happy with a girlfriend that looks like Adachi.
Adachi plays Halo 4 and likes it while Shimamura gets addicted to Destiny 2 and they loudly discuss how much fun they're having in public.
What if it is Adachi?
There's not a single multiverse where's Adachi is not with Shimamura, sorry but the alien god will always fix it.
I never said she wasn't with shimamura
That doesn’t exclude poly
>Cortana is Adachi
>John is Shimamura
At last I finally see.
How can Adachi being with Shimamura be qualified as "the worst AU"? Maybe you could do one with Shimamura being unhappy with Adachi but not the contrary.
Sure, there's some universe where Adachi has superpowers and she jump from multiverse collecting Shimamura's that had her own Adachi dying before her.
There’s a multiverse where Adachi is into cuckplay
Learn 2 read >>4321686
Shut the FUCK UP.
Future story needed where Yachii decides it's time to remodel herself based on the older version of whoever the girl is ahe did in the first place in order to match with Shou and she become gay alien.
How they gonna start out with a literal porn chapter for volume 11?
Is it worth watching anime? I partially spoilt the ending for myself, as I understand it, it ends with the most interesting thing, like Bloom into you? Is the manga still out? (Maybe I'm wrong about the anime, I only partially spoiled it)
The anime is only alright.
I'd suggest reading the novels. It's much better that way because the anime and manga leave a lot out. It's very introspective, they only do an ok job. I guess it doesn't matter where you start but still, the novels are a must.
I’d suggest against reading the novels, they’re not very well written for people who actually read a lot of books. The anime is really good and the perfect starting point.
I doubt/u/ reads all that often, especially outside of yuri shit. And since this is yuri shit /u/ would definitely be interested, it's more detailed than the anime and manga, it can't be argued. It's not that badly written.
>yuri shit
Go back.
> I doubt/u/ reads all that often
The fuck you think we have a /lit/ thread for
According to /u/ that's not yuri because it's not Japanese in origin.
Problem? Take it up with the apparent definition of yuri according to /u/.
And give a real argument here, because if you say it counts as yuri, then that means yuri expands to things outside of Japanese culture, to western culture. Which I think makes the most sense.
>Getting offended by nothing
Ok, have fun with that. Maybe you can go back to tumblr
This nigga is a 40 yo lmao
You can't backpedal once you've made the connection regarding a crazy blue girl losing her shit who lives rent free in the head of the emotionally stunted deadpan one.
Adachi has black hair, it's only drawn as blue due to anime artstyles.
Your point is now meaningless, checkmate, IDIOT.
>Cortana had black hair, it's only projected as blue due to hologram artstyles
And to precede your next point, young Halsey had black hair. Oh, look who else has a strained with her mother.
Okay but Halo 4 is shit and not canon!
Haha, I win!!!
How did their first time go?

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