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How is your SuleMio shrine coming along?

Previous thread: >>4309429

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

>Suletta & Miorine Japan Tour

>Light Novel
https://files.catbox.moe/kawi6k.zip (Vol1 Raw)
https://zeonic-republic.net/translation/[ZeonicScanlations]_Witch_from_Mercury[Vol01].pdf (Translated)
>Later installments and interviews:

>Doujinshi folder
>Doujin Anon's ko-fi

>All About Mercury ZIP
>Accompanying TL Notes

>Misc Translations (including the School Assembly Drama CD)
Translated MajoRaji snippets:

>Asticassia School Festival BD rips
>School Festival Drama CD (parent directory contains WfM-related scans, including non-/u/ doujins)
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>Collaboration with the American military-industrial complex

>/fa/ as hell
>CoD collab and this
I think there is a huge Sulemiofag in the EEUU military
>Pure SEXO: the yuri couple
Rate their drip /u/
For me it's
Mio 9/10
Suletta 7/10
>Yumes are mad that Suletta doesn't wear a skirt in here
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They're doing it again.
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Happy Halloween sis.
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Miorine looks like she's trying too hard. Like really, leaving a couple of strands of your hair loose and arranging them to cascade down your front? Striding with your hands in your pocket? Suletta looks far more natural and comfortable, and the enormous high-waist pants add a note of goofy charm.
>and the enormous high-waist pants add a note of goofy charm.
Until you realize that they are probably hiding braces, and then you just want to cry.
I like the brace theory, but there's no scars on her face here. This is pre-Calibarn.
When will this glorious SuleMio nip artist return to Twitter? I want to download her HQ fanarts again...
Miorine literally looks like a cool granny.
She moved to bluesky.
She won't, guelyumes bullied her for "disrespecting" the official group art.
SuleMio descendent?
There were already lesbians in Gundam before sulemio
Actually, it was mostly fellow sulemiofags who collectively shit on them for editing G*el out of Mogumo's fanart.
literally who?
and no the bisexuals from Iron Orphans don't count.
Suletta is obviously meant to be bisexual and claiming anything else is cope.
Wow, how stupid of them letting the Anti-Miorine kill Miorine and put Gu** in that place next to Suletta.
Meh, She's converted into lesbianism after their marriage.
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There's a tanuki named スレッタ. Animalsis, we won.


It's okay Lillique. What's next? The possibility of Miorine interested in the cuck?
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Have we talked yet about how the next Gundam has two girls as protags again? We won.
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>tfw no idol au update
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>TIL Idol fanfic goes by a different title now.
Ngl, I prefer the original one.
What if Miorine had good taste?
Looks like Char and Amuro are in it too. Wonder if Tohru Furuya is still voicing Amuro.
Furuya is still in, it's confirmed. Guess he's untouchable then.
Bandai is so retarded lol, I guess I will wait until he drops dead then
It's not like we're going to pay to see it anyway.
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>I've only seen the evening event and I thought she was being too emotional.
Same anon. Just watched the morning event version, I was wrong, Lynn did the same scene two times and they're so different.
It's worth watching Lynn's original approach to that scene, dic 1, timestamp 56:35.
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>only available on fucking Premium Bandai Japan and until the 11/11 in shops
FUCK. Will take a look in one of the shops later in november, but what the hell were they thinking, selling them for only one week.
The smaller sizes have already sold out, too.
Oh, well, rip. I hate that stupid habit Japan has to do super limited items. At least those ones didn't have a lottery system, but a good chunk of them still gonna end up on mercari for thrice the price.
I thought it was announced in the US Premium Bandai first? I think you can Buy them there
So what exactly is Solari thinking at the end of Requiem for Vengeance? She abandons her son because she feels the need to defend children from war so much that she... joins a bunch of fascist dead-enders in continuing the war? And will in a couple of years drop another colony on Earth? How does this make any sense, unless it's the head injuries speaking?
>Looks like Char and Amuro are in it too
Guess we'll get a great s1 and a downward spiral in s2.
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Now manifest these on US peebs pls.
Natu bought the jackets
And both are out of stocks
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So tiny, I bet Suletta just fell for her is because of their heights different.
Manifest the earlier set too dear god please. I'd take out a small loan for my ability to purchase them.

no restock? fuck off
also why not bring more S size when nips are so short
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No, if Suletta's type were womanlets, she would've been into Chuchu too.
Chuchu is too violent

Also, she not even that pretty.
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Be51 (this artist >>4321239) bought both jackets too.

Yet, she's still a womanlet. Also, speak for yourself and your spacian shittaste, Chuchu looks charming when she's doing the slav squat
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I still can't believe Sunrise chickened out on lesbianism in the lesbian golf Gundam show but delivered in actual Gundam.
>tax included
I'm not an amerilard, Premium Bandai in my country flatlined.
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Out of stock in the USA site too? Dos they even go live there?
you mean its not global? booo
Is there other yuri anime that sold their expensive jacket or t-shirt like this? Can't believe they only sold them within 2 days
There are other Gundam characters jackets. I wonder how well those did
If those fags made 500/1000 of each for Japan/USA, no wonder it sold out in less than 2 days.
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what's this?
They are premium products. They can't produce many
Dude, those jackets are too expensive, which is why there are only few of them.
Lol, not even one day after it went sold out. This one is for fatasses, though.
To be a little more clear, as usual, it's scalpers (aka chinks) who bought a good part of the stock, so most of the jackets will end up on the secondary market.
It was one per person
If you are so desperate to talk about him, make anything /a/ thread, fujo
Well, she Princess carry Nika before and let Sophie hug her so we all know that she's into cute girls.
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Three months ago bandai did a gundam event in Mexico, gunpla and figurines aside, they were selling a trench coat and a bomber jacket similar to the Sulemio ones.

Norea was about to crush Nika and Sophie hugged Suletta out of nowhere.
So now we're talking about cute girls, no womanlets.
Nika and Sophie are still womanlets for Suletta.
I can only think about Madoka Magica franchise. But you know, Shaft always delivers expensive merch about the megucas
Gundam Connectation hashtag finally reached 380k retweets thanks to G-witch fags' autism. That's why the official website released that SuleMio pic where Suletta is just saying her sweet lines from ep22 "I've come this far because I met Miorine-san"
IMO Bandai finally releasing many SuleMio-only merch/outfits and Arsenal Base cards about Jobturk and Felsi means they finally know what their official nip fanbase and westoids truly want about G-witch franchise
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Almost every girl from this show is a womanlet compared with Suletta, Sabina being the only exception.
Suletta's type is cute womanlets with fat asses. Ngl, their height difference does mess up with my brain chemistry.
Are they also 45000+ yen or lower?
I wish they'd made Suletta even taller or the guys shorter. It'd be cute if everyone had to look up to her.
When the show started I was hoping for a time skip where Suletta gets taller and buffier, similar to Karen
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She may not be amazonian tall, but she was tall enough they had to make male characters ridiculously tall.

Someone pointed out in Kobayashi's epilogue drawing that Suletta has to crouch to have the same height difference they had in Asticassia.
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>Make Suletta taller and buffier
>Make Mio gain some weight
Need to happen for a sequel or movie
Mio will gain plenty of weight when she's pregnant.
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I dont like how some artists draw Suletta's permet scars as body hair
That's not body hair. It's scarring.
I know, but some people draw them so simple they make them look like body hair
Pic unrelated?
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As a scarletta/crippleletta supremacist, I'm just happy when artists draw them at all on post time-skip pieces.
This fanartist surely predicted the handholding SuleMio figurines. Based
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The ichiban kuji ones? Those are just based off the Episode 24 end cards
even if this was true so what, we are mammals
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And now I just noticed that the post-timeskip version doesn't have permet scars. Fuck.
Where did they get that body permet scar reference anyway? All I remember is see through their faces.
The fucking OP2 sequence slowpoke-chan
There's non, show it to me.
Probably just inspired by that one scene in ED2
Oh, okay thanks. I wish they made a model sheet about that.
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Actually jjjokerr233 said they used ED2 as reference.

Silly nee-chan, it's the ED2.

There you go.
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Not the character sheet, but the whole sequence shows how permet flowed through Suletta's body.
Large one still have a stock

XL still have a stock

Just comparing their jackets who bought it from that store
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@dshsh007.bsky.social on bluesky
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huh, /a/ would be speechless if they found out that Miorine's jacket just sold out fast like a sky rocket, other than that hers is more expensive than Suletta
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Who cares about those /a/utists?
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Sexy college!MioMio
College? She's already a company boss at age like 20. There is no college.
Mio looks like a college student with that messy hairstyle and oversized jacket. C'mon sis it's not that hard to imagine
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Would Mio switch careers? We don't even know if she likes the CEO shit. She would make a nice doctor or lawyer
No, she does like it. She says so to Suletta as part of her confession in ep 11.
Well I hope she switches and gives the company to someone else but who? only Shaddiq and Prospera wouldn't screw up and they are crippled/in jail
Prospera is too dangerous to let her take it.
Why? Gundarm is based on Cardo's ideals. What is she gonna do?
Presumably one of the Earth House kids from the business side, probably Lilique.
>Not Till
Doesn't have the required communication skills.
Til can communicate too and he is the only smart guy in their group, he's the one who helped Chuchu to defeat Shaddiq.
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Imo Miorine doesn't seem to have the stomach for the disgusting medical shit, like melena, and law is a career of questionable morals and ethics.

Let her be a CEO, she looks happy and likes it. Also, apparently 'Shaddiq's Happiness' shows she is good at business.
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Isn't she the one who took care of her Dad in episode 12? She knows how to treat people well.
Reminds me of the old skinhead chick flight jacket style.
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I give you the point Miorine does keep calm and make choices in high stress situations (even life/death ones), but allegedly that's a quality found in CEOs too, lol.

Also, there's a huge difference between applying first aid to her shitdad to keep him alive and working as a doctor.

I think Miorine has an aversion to death, so I doubt she can or even wants to deal with THAT kind of responsibility, she was devastated knowing Quinnharbor + QZ deaths were her responsibility without even knowing the victims, now imagine a patient.

Though, if you want your Hospital!AU, Suletta would definitely be a nurse, and I'm aware they deal with the same disgusting crap doctors do, but worst.
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Don't think Suletta even want to be a Nurse, I can see her as a Police officer.
Or to be precise, she's more of a rescuer like when she was a kid.
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What did Mio mean by this?
How about firefighter?
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Someone liked that jacket ad.
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Foxrine hugging her FATnuki
Some time we talked about whether SuleMio were the first married yuri couple in anime. I have discovered a potential predecessor: Eien no Filena, a six-part OVA from the early 90s that adapts the first part of a nine-volume LN series.

It's set in a Greco-Roman world that unlocked their tech tree weird. There's no flight, but energy weapons are common. The hero Filena is the enslaved princess of a kingdom destroyed by the evil empire. She's been passed off as a boy so she can fight as a gladiator. Before her first match, a slave girl named Lila is sent to her room.

Filena doesn't sleep with her but they get along and Filena reveals her true gender to her. To protect her, Filena marries her, with the understanding that they'll divorce when they can find a decent citizen man for her. However, in a rather SuleMio-like development, they soon start treating their fake marriage as real.

So does it count? It's probably not a legally valid marriage in-universe, since Filena is pretending to be a man. However, the characters consider it a real bond. They don't go beyond hugging, but the language they use makes it obvious their feelings are romantic. I'd day yes.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much information about the series in English, so I don't know how their relationship is treated or how things end. Someone recently translated the first volume and is planning to do more, but we'll see. There's also a SNES JRPG adaptation of the story.
To Twitter?
Just join Bluesky already, grandma.
Too lazy to make a new account, auntie. She did nothing wrong so I don't know why she doesn't return to X, she has more fans who love her drawings over there
Yeah, but Bluesky's got way fewer assholes and a culture that discourages pileups like that. It's so much nicer to use.
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I'll be always amazed by 5kawa8gi's progress.
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The events of the final episode will definitely leave Miorine overprotective of Suletta. How is Suletta going to feel about it?
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I don't think Miorine would be overprotective per se, she was totally fine with Suletta being bullied by kids, walking a few baby steps without her crutches in the wheat field.
If anything, I'd say she finally became openly clingy with Suletta.
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I don't think the kids bullied Suletta, though. It's more like they're helping her.
Yeah, you can see the other kids cheering for Suletta. They're helping her practice.
Are there any good fanfics?
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>Sisters can't take a shitty joke.
The point is Miorine being totally fine with Suletta on her own, she was in an open field with Prospera and children.

Are you taking about recent fanfics or overall?
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Not that anon, but give me your recs for recent fics please.
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Unsurprisingly, the ao3 tag has become really slow, like these threads, kek , so it's pretty tough.

I really liked AdraCat's halloween oneshot "The Harvest Queen". Here's the link:

Honestly, I'm looking forward for Asakami's return, she has 3 ongoing fanfics and apparently she has planned a Commander!Suletta x Mistress!Miorine AU too. Say what you want about her, I don't care.
Overall, please. I read a bit back when the show was airing but I haven't looked atound in a while.
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These threads are still some of the most frequently updating on /u/, I think the board is just slower
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Rings when?
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>Miorine being totally fine with Suletta on her own, she was in an open field with Prospera and children.
I really want to know how she got to that point. Realizing that she needs to treat Suletta as an adult was a pretty big thing for her in S2, but how does that work with the guilt and worry she must have felt when Suletta was much worse off? I want a two hour drama film about the aftermath of QZ that doesn't have a single robot larger than a Haro.
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I think these two are neat, but their show is boring
If sulemio was made in the US, I'm sure we would've that kiss without any problem.
Until the court overturns the gay marriage decision
You’ve never seen any US cartoons have you
did you?
Yeah plenty where homosexual relationships are Heavily Implied but not shown
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>They literally showed their kiss in the cartoon series
>Not shown
humor me more, anon.
There's lesbian kisses in at least Arcane, Owl House, Adventure Time and She-Ra.
Steven universe too.
Korra, for one
Though I guess it’s a larger problem of lesbianism just being there for bait instead of focused on, some shows have that and a kiss too
Korra's finale was ten years ago, obaasama.
Yeah and Japan is culturally twenty years behind everyone else
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Korra kissed the dude afaik
And she was romancing him on and off for 99.9% of the run time. Where as the yuri ending was 0.1% of it.
They get together near the end of S1, are already fighting by the beginning of S2, spend most of it apart and break up near its end. The Korra/Asami undertones begin in episode one of S3 and were heavily discussed on /u/ during its run. Korra isn't a perfect f/f story, but let's not lie.
Still not that memorable.
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Not /u/ comparing west yuri with east yuri.

Got busy, nee-san. A good way for searching fics is by sorting by date.

Begoniaskies is a favourite, I highly recommend you all of her works. This one is "Sangfroid"

AdraCat is very good at writing, her series "Law of Casualty" is entertaining, here's the Sulemio one

There's asakami, reverie is her most popular work, it has a lot of sex. It has ONE chapter about Miorine's past in which she dated Shaddiq, you may find it as a turn off. Btw, don't bother and mention it, we had an argument a year ago and, to make things worst, some of /u/ harrased asakami. viator and sunny are very good fanfics, I'd pick sunny to begin with.

"Home is where your heart is".

"i have always known you"

"love comes quietly "

Coffee shop AU. The writer is good, so check out her other works too

And anonymous writer, I don't have links, any kind sis?

Idk sis, but I like to think Miorine doesn't let go of Suletta as soon as she's home.

We know, it's just a gunpla tv add featuring lesbians.
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Cute canon furries
Thanks anon, this'll make for a nice backlog of train ride material.
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There's this one anonymous author that's (imo) the best sulemio fanfic writer we have. I'm gonna link my personal favorite because it made me cry but it also has all their other works linked at the end.
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Personally I give that title to Begoniaskies, but I really like the QZ aftermath, thanks abofag.
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>Idk sis, but I like to think Miorine doesn't let go of Suletta as soon as she's home.
I like this. Miorine never letting go of Suletta's hand as they drive back home and hugging her with all her might when they get back. Knowing she and Suletta both have things they want to achieve but still hating every separation.
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Would Catorine give good back scratches?
Anonymous writer... I wish they kept writing Sulemio. I miss their works and many others.

Also just a question if this anon is here. But DJ-anon, did you get around to typesetting? Other TL-anon here, so I might try for another one. Just wanted to ask.
What do you think Suletta calls Miorine by the time of the epilogue? Has she dropped the -san? Did holding Suletta's seemingly dead body in the vacuum of space make Miorine relent on Miomio?
Miroine almost certainly gave in on miomio
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Oh yeah nee-san, you got me. Miorine sleeps AND wakes up hugging Suletta.

Miopussy definetly kneads Suletta's back, if that's what you're asking.

Summon Dj anon with some cash, college may be kicking her ass tho.

other-TL-anon, would you mind translating something for me? tl-nee hasn't been around here for two threads iirc.

Suletta dropped the -san, that's a given. Miomio is used when they're cuddling after a hot session of cripple sex.
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Moth AU.
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Suletta looking extra trendy.
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Can I post this? Artfag did it btw.

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