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Age-gap edition
Cont. from >>4302970

Season 2 confirmed
new manga chapter releasing along Half Life 3
Careful OP, if the chapter actually does release, you are going to make some Half Life fans very upset.
forgot the source
Randa looks like she fucks black women
Various signs are pointing to HL3 actually being in development, so new chapter when it's done.
checking in, is the artist dead yet or what
How would Michiko react to Randa getting a face tattoo with her name?
Yeah and the next Halo game won't be shit too, right?
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Yes and they're making season 2 in his honor.
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I can pretty much guarantee the art for fallen medic is going to explode once she's introduced
She'd be concerned about Randa's job prospects tanking
I don't have a lot of faith in the anime being able to make it look as good as it is in the manga. The pure black that's present in the manga isn't going to translate into the anime and I think that's half of what makes fallen medic look cool. And even if they did have fields of black color in the anime it'd still be at huge risk of looking janky.
True, but her design is so striking that artists, imo will gravitate towards it

Also if you're worried about the anime not living up to anything, it's probably gonna be Utena's flower of lust form
going by the art posted here they'll "forget" to make her tanned
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Fallen Medic would be in Season 3
Yea they will, not sure why it's so hard to do?

Unless they shift shit around again
They shifted around otherwise standalone chapters, but Fallen Medic is a whole arc that hasn't even been completed in the manga. It would be going into anime original territory if they did that.
nemo would never drink hard alcohol
She's more of a stoner
reminder that matama is the one that gets in trouble and nemo reluctantly follows her to keep her safe
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From what I've seen, some people just straight up didn't realize she was actually meant to be tanned in that form.
thinking about it I wonder why she wasn't tanned in the first place.
That's werid considering both times she's been used it's obviously tan skin, kinda hard to miss

But you also see this shit with like mihoyo characters so it's not that suprising
Stoners don't have to be troublemakers
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Here me out: Michiko and Utena arranged marriage AU.
Add age gap and it's a Platty prompt
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Momo pls.
I rabu these couples so much
Ehhh, I think there will be a new chapter but we'll probably read it around April next year in the best case scenario.
>Next Chapter drops when the Magenta figure is shipped out
>Chapter contains a delicious battle of Magenta and Alice with Roboko
>They announce a new figure
>It's Alice with Roboko
I- I can dream, yes?
new chapter when we get couple merch
There's this to pass the time icymi >>4322329
Platy, draw this.
HL3 will release eventually. Even if it has to be after gabe dies and valve goes public. It'll happen.
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Wew. I hope they go crazy with the hotel in S2.
I want more foreplay definitely
Is there any new news about the mangaka from the Leber Realm? Or is it more likely that we will complete the year without a new chapter?
On one hand, we saw the vomit tweets, we know he is still sick. On the other hand, he did draw a good picture of Utena recently. We still have four more months (This November, December, January, and February) before we hit a full year of no chapters. If we don't get a chapter in any of those four months, then things are probably in a bad shape for Mahoako.
It's... pretty weird to be sick this long right?

What the fuck is it? Some kind of cancer?
People do stress vomit.
Nothing is my guess. If that ends up being true the longer we go without a chapter the less likely we are to get one as the pressure to perform will build up the longer it takes.
Anon, he mentioned vomiting and weight gain. It's most likely diabetes. The diabetes probably gave him a health issue, which made him go MIA for a while. Then, after the doctors released him, he had to go regain his drawing skills, I would assume. Then now, even though he's still got it, he still has the other symptoms of diabates which makes it harder for him to work, the added stress of the anime probably didn't help.
>the added stress of the anime probably didn't help.
I will never understand this, was the author threatened that due to the success of the anime, if he doesn't complete at least another 10 volumes, he will be blacklisted from the manga industry and no magazine will hire him again?
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As a fan writer I have a Halloween special I'm gonna get around to completing promise having a fanfic blow up in popularity far beyond anything else I have published was both amazing, and anxiety inducing like nothing else. It brings a powerful feeling of "oh fuck I can't fuck this up and blow it and disappoint everyone." You can end up second guessing a lot and become far more critical of everything you make. And that's for just a hobby project not tied to income and or future actual success in industry.
Have you seen what happens when stuff blows in popularity like JJK, Oshi no Ko, or whatever? You always get people super critical who are ready to throw shit. For a healthy writer, this might not be a problem. But other writers can feel the stress, the need to not dissapoint, the fear of criticism. So, yeah
Let's look at Jun Maeda, criticism of Day I became a God got to him so bad he suddenly cut contacts for a while and apparently was suicidal.
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>UteKiwifags harassing a yuri artist
Why are UteKiwifags so hostile?
Toxuc fans are gonna be toxic fans. The hiatus probably doesn't help things. In other words, Someone should probably that person to switch over to Bluesky soon. Twitter's block function is gonna be fucked soon, meaning the harassment is probably not gonna stop. This person is one of our best Mahoako artists so I don't want anything bad happening to them cuz Twitter just had to enable angry people to get even more mad.
Yes sis, we're all free to dream in this godforsaken world.
I wish this actually happens too.
>MahoAko artist
>in CensorSky
>which has motre crazies than twitter and mods are also on their side
Misskey would be better. Even if it means filthy gaijins lose access to their work
Do they even censor artists? As far as I know they've only banned magashit influencers. And does misskey, a japanese site, even allow uncensored genitals?
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>more crazies
do you see the blacklists and assume those are follow lists or something? Bluesky is crazy good for curating your experience, if you're having a bad time it's probably your own fault. And NSFW isn't a problem at all there, the only thing it's missing now is locked accounts
All the ANN types that shit on MajoAko for pedo shit? CensorSky’s main audience.
NSFzW is only fine as long as those fucks accept it and they won’t accep MahoAko. Even fully dressed anime girls can be a problem.
Sorry, not trusting a site with such rep. Misskey better
I’ll take censor d genitals over the artist being banned even if girls are fully clothed because CensorSky mods and userbase are schizos
i just searched mahoako on bluesky and saw someone boasting about how they haven't been bothered for posting about it on there yet.you're the one kind of sounding like a schizo right now with all the buzzwords. If someone calls you gross for liking loli just block and move on
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>Utena/Kiwi fans being annoying directly to fanartists
Imagine my shock. They're the same way here
You don't need to keep replying to yourself.
Will you ever tire of trying to start pointless drama?
just late to the party. besides, when someone talks about Sayotena here it's spammed with "she is just le family dog" quips. Which isn't any better than the "Kiwi x Baiser is better!!" spammers on twitter
somehow, i returned
And just in time with the right stuff.
This but with kaoruko on the left.
And Haruka on the right.
I mean Sayo would love being the family dog
Platty finally finished her school work

Yeah, I'm always kind of mystified when people complain about UteKiwiSayo. It's literally perfect. Utena is only a dom, Kiwi switches, and Sayo only subs. It's perfectly in character for all 3 of them.
Utekiwisayo will save us all
Those people sound like twatter kids that haven't moved on from babby's first ship
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I looked at Azul and thought "catsuit."
Then I realized she needs an unzipped catsuit.
Is Utena technically a virgin?
She's done plenty of hand stuff but since she and Kiwi were interrupted at the hotel, what is her status?

Are Locoleber the only ones who actually reached home?
Yeah, it's only Loco and Leber. Utena and Kiwi were interrupted by Vena. The mascot even said it couldn't let them go that far.
Yes, yes. I know every character in this Manga is a female,even the demons. However, I will keep referring to Vena as an IT because it's absolute monster and I fucking hate its guts. Seriously, anyone who tells you to drop out of college is a soulless beast that deserves to be put down.
I wish Vena told me ME to drop out of college
Heads up, the Baiser figure from the first BD is now available for preorder separately in case you want it but didn't get it then.
Things are getting worse over there, even escalating to pixiv.
Stick to writing headcanon for fictional people.
People are so full of rage and misery that they'll smash anything in reach.
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It's Utena's birthday today, her VA received a commemorative drawing from Ononaka.
>.It's perfectly in character for all 3 of them.
I disagree. For the axis of Kiwi/Sayo has absolutely nothing holding it together aside from a mutual affection for Utena. Simultaneously shipping Utena/Kiwi and Utena/Sayo works but making them a throuple doesn't.
To be fair, that's why I said it's in character, not that it's fully supported by the text. Given their expressed kinks and preferences, I think they could work together, but a relationship would have to develop.
He can still draw well

Thank madokami
she's wearing the same shirt as that animator in Pop Team Eric
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Is Utena depraved enough to molest herself?
To me, Ononaka was ill at first but then got hit with the news that the anime adaptation he thought would fly under the radar became a worldwide success overnight and now has ten times the eyes on his work, that's why he schizoposts on his Twitter from time to time, he's just under pressure and doesn't want to disappoint the already and new fans of the series
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A magical girl is a magical girl wa ha ha!
According to insiders he was attacked by a Sayo fangirl in France.
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>Happy Birthday Utena Baby! Thank you for letting me voice your perversions

Is adorable how much she liked voicing Utena in the spic dub
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I assume there was no new chapter
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This artist's style is clearly inspired by Eku Takeshima so it almost feels like a crossover piece.
The fuck are you even on the yuri board if you don't like romance

Get that waifu shit out of here
>not a kimono
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they would cringe Ginyu Force pose
They have the freakiest sex.
They have the most normal lovey dovey sex imaginable, what are you on about?
Exhibitionism aside, they're the most normal couple in the franchise.
Its going to degenerate into the wildest stuff
That's how it starts it's always opposite the most outlandish couples are actually pure and the most pure looking ones are freaky
It's a good thing all we ever see them do is normal stuff, relative to everyone else, so far
>Its going to degenerate into the wildest stuff
Such as?
It is definitely dark in there
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Matama has her standards
Technically speaking, inside a vagina there is no light. So Nemo could technically go inside Matama. Would this also count as reverse vore if she picked the other hole and came back up top?
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shut the fuck up
sayo needs another sensual massage
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No hold on I want to hear where he's going with this
I see the hiatus is driving some anons insane
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First time?
If Sony actually does get Kadokawa, how fucked is Mahoako S2?
Sony isn't PlayStation.
I wouldn't consider getting an ESRB adult rated $90 million budget MahoAko RPG developed by Insomniac fucked.
brain damage
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>no Baiserbot in Astro Bot 2
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Does anyone know where this is from? I thought it would be chapter 22 but it wasn't
Will we see the development of Matama and Nemo's relationship in the second season? (please, no spoilers, I haven't read the manga yet)
Yes, there's a great chapter about them.
>please, no spoilers, I haven't read the manga yet
What are you waiting for?
it seems like it's from a bonus chapter, similar to when they were in the hotel.
I wish extras were more easily obtainable.
NTA but End of hiatus

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