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no one remade the only good thread on this board edition

Discuss, request, and recommend /u/-related /lit/ works!


ulit Archives 2020 torrent (10,058 books with release dates up till December 2020):

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Mobilism Search for Lesbian, FF, WLW, LGBT, and GLBT keywords:

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Previous thread: >>4230656

recommend me a book as good as Harrow the Ninth I am bereft
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New to /u/lit? Here's a small chart to get you started.

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Top /u/ fantasy list, newly updated to include Nevernight series

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mediafire link does not contain Nevernight series yet
>the only good thread on this board
tourist pls go
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Oversized Chart

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Fuck you I've been here before you were old enough to read probably and I stand by it, everything else is just one anon infinitely bumping their own thread with the same three poorly drawn deviantart images that have been posted ad nauseum since 2012 and no actual discussion.
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This released a few months ago. Might read it sometime in the next couple of weeks. Sounds cute.
recc me some angsty friends to lovers trash
Been here since 2005, not surprised you're the kind of anon to gloat over how bothered you are by the mere existence of image dumps on an image board despite there being plenty of discussions
Saw this on a lesfic review site and I just ran into some of the worst dialogue I've ever read.

>“Fire!” exclaimed Mardis Gras hair.

>“No cap!” added the young Black woman, who snatched the book out of her companion’s hand to read the blurb.

>I beamed, proud I could pull off such a tough assignment as that book had been. “Where are y’all from?” I asked.

>“Oh, I’m Demi, from N’awlins, and you’re my all-time favorite author. Hey, one of your MCs in this one is a POC like me!” Her effervesce spilled out as her feet did a rendition of the Snoopy dance.
>“Oh, I’m Demi, from N’awlins, and you’re my all-time favorite author. Hey, one of your MCs in this one is a POC like me!” Her effervesce spilled out as her feet did a rendition of the Snoopy dance.
You can't fool me into thinking this isn't a parody story anon.
How is "This is How You Lose the Time War"?
Might buy it tomorrow if it isn't shit.
Any novels where cute mormons/religious bishes get perverted?
Or even a sweet but sacrilegious romance?
Yeah, i just watched Heretic.
It's good.
Oh and i also watched You Can Live Forever, it was kino but the ending was...
Alright. If it turns out to be shit or have bisluts in it, I will track you down and personally beat your ass.
Oh dear
I liked In the Long Run by Haley Cass
It's good but it has a surprise het part. The sci-fi elements are weaker than the prose but it's still enjoyable just for the flowery language. It has one of the strongest opening paragraphs I've seen
Okay, thank you for actually giving valuable information, I know not to get it now.

Prepare for an ass beating in approximately 3 to 5 business days, motherfucker. Can't trust /u/ for shit too many freaks here have a bislut fetish.
Taking Flight by Siera Maley is kinda like that, but not really. LI is religious, repressed gay.
Will check, thanks anon.
This is not real.
>surprise het part
Did I miss this? I do not remember.
I mean, that's kind of disingenuous, but I guess it's not wrong.
Blue gets married and has a child as part of a spy mission iirc
They simply can't help themselves...can't Them?
Any half-sisters or even sisters novels running around?
If they have sexy stuff happening even better
into the forest by jean hegland.
it's a miserable read though. het rape and all. proceed at your own risk. there's also a movie adaptation but I heard it skipped the relationship between the sisters ; didn't watch it so idk.

also wtf is that fucking 15 minutes timer to post now ? I swear this shithole turns shittier every year
NTA. How good is the relationship in the book? I liked the movie for its post-apocalypse vibes but there was nothing going on between the sisters.

Buy a 4chan pass or wait 15 minutes. No idea what is going on. Let's hope it is temporary.
15 minute timer is a new anti-spam measure tourist san tachi. just wait the 15 minutes or verify your email if you want hiroshimoot to sell your information to recoup the losses on his horrible investment.
The 15 minutes wait is only if you're posting for the first time or if you cleared your cache and cookies. After you make your first post it doesn't apply anymore.
Give me lesbian punks
yeah I'm not surprised they didn't have the balls to put it in the movie.

I read it a few years ago so I can't recall precisely, but I do remember not expecting it. like, you see them bonding here and there over little things (like the ballerina shoes) and sometimes having a bit of a fight, but it feels natural for two sisters going through extreme shit. and then things ramp up pretty quickly : MC becomes kinda overprotective of her sister after the rape and they end up fucking. there's a bit of bs drama after that when the baby is born (like some parenting/jealousy thingy) and the book ends with the sisters leaving the house to live in the forest together with the baby..

I think most of it happens in the last third/last quarter of the book but again it's been a while. YMMV, I didn't really enjoy it because the story felt very miserable, but hey to each their own.
Thanks, for the info. That is good enough for me, I can't be picky when it comes to f/f post-apocalypse stories. I am looking for inspiration in this setting and I know the miserable parts from the movie already, so I will give the book a chance.
>That is good enough for me
The saddest post of the week
It is sad indeed, but what can I do? If you have something better, without het shit please share. I will gladly read it.
Sorry, I've got nothing
like I said, to each their own. the saddest thing is that we were already starving for quality content 10 years ago, and every time I come back to these threads I don't feel like much has changed. except for fucking captchas apparently.

well now that you mention f/f post-ap there's a book called hearing red in my backlog. apparently it's about two girls running away in a zombie apocalypse. haven't read it yet though so can't vouch for it.
I remember that fucking flick and remember the discourse of leaving the worst stuff of the novel but nixing the lesbian incest...
But seriously is that the only mainstream novel with sisterly incest?
Because you can't throw a stone at some parts of the mainstream book community without hiting some straight incest of any flavour...
Sharp Objects ALMOST goes there...its het and chicklitedge but i dug it.
Watch the show before to see if you can invest in it, that said the show ''obscures'' some really terrible rape that happened, which is kinda the point in way...obscuring it to show how the MC deals with trauma thou
>hearing red
from the reviews I've skimmed, it sounds like you'll like this book if you like The Walking Dead.
I liked The Burning Kingdom series
oh thanks this made me look it up again and i didn't realize the last book released recently, i'll read it now. i liked the first two as well so looking forward to it
How much Indian crap does this thing have? Like their clothes, gods, eating with dirty hands...
I desperately need a series as good as the locked tomb. Hoping someone here has some recs. I can tolerate het as long as it doesn't involve the mc otherwise I will avoid it like the plague
There's nothing that compares, I've been searching for years at this point. It's the pinnacle of the lesbian sff genre and nothing else comes close. I desperately want to like another book as much as Harrow but I haven't found it yet.
I read Traitor Baru cause nerds on here kept saying it's better and it was entertaining enough but the quality is not even in the same ballpark. The other big one is Priory which was decent but also kind of generic and with way too many uninteresting side storylines (the prequel was better but still not up to par).
I had to give up on the first book after one chapter because it wasn't very well written and all I could think about was SIRS
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don't read this, it's trash
I remember wanting to enjoy this but I found the main characters family dynamic so weird I ended up dropping it. The social climbing aspect was really offputting to me.
I figured as much from the cover.
Chloe Slate - Prey for Me
Short (kinda) erotic romance about a young woman who feels she doesn't deserve better, and a co-worker belittling her who is secretly a demon.

... given the "dark romance" tag and the fact that she's trying to date a demon I'd have expected something a bit more messed up, but it's very "modern" in that it's quite careful about demonic consent and such. Nonetheless, there's a bit of degradation play and such.

Could have been better. Too fluffy. But fun idea.

GB Baldassari - Amor Fati
I thought this was Brazilian, which would have been interesting, and it is, but only in the sense that's it written by a Brazilian couple. It's set in Canada. Meh.

Clunky romance about a young woman who had to give her child away. One day that child seeks her out, and now she's in contact with the girl's adoptive mother. Romance develops from there. Not too much else going on. Characters are nice enough; it's just very generic in lots of ways.

Writing is also notably translated. Not necessarily awful, but just not quite there.
Nyri Bakkalian - Confluence
You know when people go on about "show, don't tell" and you sorta roll your eyes because, obviously, and who doesn't know by now ... ?


Taking place in a post-catastrophe Japan, this is about a couple in which one has turned herself into a sorta "cybersoldier" (called "doll"/sword) and her "wielder" (and wife). The concept is allegedly a sorta D/s relationship between human and doll, and they do talk a lot about that.

Talk about it being the key thing here. Don't expect to actually encounter any instance in it being very relevant, or "shown". How a doll is actually different from a human, or why such an arrangement is preferable in that context ... who the fuck knows. It's not like the novel does anything with it.

What little plot there is is by extra characters showing up and just having mysteriously obtained necessary information. We don't know how, we certainly don't see how. It's just there. Then the scene is "cut" and ... everyone talks or thinks about it.

As an additional treat, every Japanese dialogue is first written in Japanese. And then in English. So have fun scrolling through 50% of the dialogues, or reading everything twice, whichever you prefer.

The idea is nice. But the entire thing is so bogged down it just achieves nothing. Read a Machine Mandate novel to see how it's done right.
High school book with poorly drawn cartoon woman on the cover is bad, shocking news.
As opposed to 'adult' smut books with a photo of a woman's lips on the cover.
>Machine Mandate novel
Hmm... Is it /u/?
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They're very /u/. A series of sci-fi novels with lesbian protags, some of the stories are related, some of them can be read without prior knowledge. I've only read pic related but it's excellent, like sci-fi Fate/Stay Night. Prose is very flashy but can be hard to get use to if you don't like flowery prose

The author is a piece of shit tho
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Anyone read this? Sounds interesting but it's the only thing this author has written.

Ruti is Markless. In a society where worth is determined by the mark on your palm and the magic it grants you, this also deems her worthless. Except she’s also a hardened survivor, a protector of the Markless…and the most powerful witch in Somanchi. With a single song, she can pray to the many gods for unimaginable powers.

Dekala’s Mark is strong, a Mark fit for the future queen of Somanchi, but it’s also unstable. She knows the only solution is to be bonded, but she also knows that this would mean relinquishing control over her throne and kingdom. So when she is witness to Ruti’s power, Dekala offers the witch a deal: She can be prosecuted for her crimes…or she can help Dekala ascend to the throne, unbonded.

Dekala is cold and brutal and cares only about getting her way. She is also determined, intelligent, and compassionate. Ruti is torn between wanting her to fail or to emerge victorious. But as the gods are defied, new alliances are forged, and unexpected feelings are unearthed, Ruti realizes the fate of the kingdom––and the survival of the Markless–– lies in her unmarked hands.
Sounds pretty good. Shame only the first book has an audiobook. I rarely buy books so I don't care if the author is a piece of shit.
I've had And Shall Machines Surrender downloaded on my kindle for a while just because the title sounded cool, I didn't know it has /u/. Maybe I'll actually read it finally.
sounds like one of those stories that are more interested in their anime magic system than building convincing character relations
Cassidy Crane - Writ of Love
Younger woman has a one-night stand with an older woman. And, surprise, turns out that older woman is her boss at her new job, who could have ever guessed ...

Well, it's a fun enough setup but that's also all it is. Neither of the characters have anything you could call a personality; not even some token generic ice-queen-ness by the older woman.
At first they don't want to be out at the law firm, but then they decide otherwise, and nobody really cares. Wow. Younger woman has some slightly complicated family things going on but then it turns out it's not so bad after all. Wow wow. And ... that's basically it.

Even for an A-meets-B romance this was crazy bland. I guess they got a bit of a BDSM-y thing in the bedroom going on, but that borderline feels misplaced in this otherwise milktoast romance.

They can be a bit hard to get into since they don't start with an easily digestible plot of some "here's evil guy, go defeat him" type; more like character studies almost. But very recommended if you want scifi that actually feels strange and futuristic and different and isn't just "Murricans in space".

I really need to finish her Pitiless Command series too.
The kind of character study where the events organically reveal new layers of the character's personality, or the aimless navel-gazing kind where nothing actually happens?
A Memory Called Empire they are not. Definitely more interwoven with actual forward momentum plot.

But who can tell these days; to some people anything that's deviating from the simplest adventure story format is already too tedious to bother with ... in the end, just grab one of them and give it a try, I guess.
I'll take your word for it. While some readers do have nonexistent attention span, the opposite is also true, and you often see reviewers painting such a glamorous image of the blandest drivel.
holy fuck, Lauren Groff and her prose. why isn't she more famous?
>no lesbian books in the goodreads award nominations
Dead genre
Would be great if they could fix the tag system at least, if you go to the lesbian tag most of the books in "new releases" are not even /u/ to begin with.
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Picrel counts right? Has anyone read it?
I've read it, it's cute. It's a split POV so /u/ is only in about half the content but I still thought the princess x knight was a good dynamic and the book felt pretty well-executed overall. It's obviously YA but didn't take itself too seriously, though the stakes do raise more and more towards the end
Good reads is fucking awful for finding new books. It's fucking awful in general. It's fucking crazy that there's still no site for finding books, a one with a detailed tag system and filters. I just might create one one day.
That would require the people in charge of the website to read every single book to completion, which is impossible.
On top of that the labels would be down to the employees' criteria and opinion rather than the book's objective content, making said labels worse than useless.
It's called library.
Rebecca K Jones - Steadying the Ark
Young girl runs away from abuse, gets found by the police, and the heroine - an assistant district attorney - is supposed to help build her case. With the main difficulty being that the girl isn't talking.

It's more a procedural than a mystery, but it still nagged at me that it felt like such a stupid case. When you find a naked girl ... surely first thing you check is the area she's found in? And surely, if that's near her home, you might go "ah, it's one of those cases". Especially as according to the parents she's been missing just for a day. But signs of old injuries and malnutrition hardly happen within a few hours ... so, you know, it's all sorts of obvious.

Instead they just hand her back to her dad (at the sight of whom she starts incoherently screaming which clearly doesn't mean anything).

But anyway; as I said, it's not a mystery; the dad is quickly found out. It's more about how you'd build a case from there ... but also not really, because it's also about a random stalker case nobody is doing anything much with ...

And it's all written in a "and then this thing happened and two weeks later the results where returned and then the other thing happened and then ..."

I honestly was a bit shocked that this was published by BellaBooks, with two sequels, and not some self-published thing. Just pretty bad all around.

Someone a long while ago on here wanted to do a yuridb. It was even actually kinda functional. But presumably they gave up on it for one reason or another.

I use this sometimes. Problem is that there are millions of books, creating a database for all of them is a massive task, let alone getting accurate tagging for all of them. At the end of the day the best way to get recommendations is from other readers who enjoy what you enjoy.
Thanks I might check it out. I have no problem with /y/ in my /u/ content. I just don't like het in my /u/ content.
There aren't that many books with lesbians that reading them is even a challenge to anyone who actually reads. And there's nothing subjective or useless about tags. Either the book includes the tagged content or it doesn't.
NTA but idk, I do feel it can be pretty subjective. sometimes the /u/ is implied or suggested at best and/or a matter of googles.

Take the locked tomb series for example. Some anon raved a few posts above that it's "the pinnacle of the lesbian sff genre". SFF no problems (is there even an other /u/ book in that category ?).
But lesbian ? well ok, the protag of the first book is a lesbian but... that's just it. there's absolutely no lesbian romance in the series, at least in the 900-ish pages of the first two books (haven't read the third tho so maybe we finally got something ?), just implied tension that goes nowhere. the only (implied) sex scene as far as I remember was a threesome between two guys and girl ?

so how would we tag it in our /u/ db ? "lgbt" I'll agree, but is it f/f ?
>so how would we tag it in our /u/ db ? "lgbt" I'll agree, but is it f/f ?
I haven't read the book, but based on your description, it's clearly not. Almost every fantasy/scifi novel has a lesbian character or two, it's become pretty much part of the genre since the 90s, but nobody would even think to call the majority of those work /u/. I think romance is needed for a book to be considered relevant.
One reason I dropped reading the tomb series, I read for 1/3 of first book and then read spoilers that there's no romance in it of lesbian nature, so hard to keep it reading for /u/ knowing fully there won't be any payoff also reading about author own mindset about the issue (like she is a lesbian but married a guy cause he is her soulmate bullshit rreasoning).
Hard to usupport such thing.
I'm kinda lacking books to read, I read everything from the recomendation chart (only tomb series wasn't worth the effort) and it's really hard to actually find books longer than 1 with some fantasy or sci-fi theme and a lesbian protag in it. Tags don't help cause no offense but majority of works tagged as eithr lgbt or even lesbian tag usage have zero actual lesbian content in them.
in case you want to know, the mc's are engaged and kiss once during the book in terms of het but it was pretty clearly a moment that didn't mean anything and was written more to show their 'solidarity'. but yes i'd still recommend it, i found it a fun break from other books
And still that anon who raves about those books would apply the "/u/" and "romance" tags to said book if they were the one working on Goodread or romance dot io or whatever platform classifies books.
Tags are worthless because at the end they're dependent on the person tagging the book's subjective opinions.
Doing anything is worthless because someone will probably do it wrong.
Just because they didn't fuck doesn't mean it's not f/f don't you remember a decade ago when most yuri series would take 5 volumes to get a single hand holding scene and would end with the confession? The series is very clearly centered around queer female characters and the obviously romantic relationships and tension between them. Gideon/Harrow, Harrow/Ianthe, Harrow/Alecto, etc. are the core of the books. There is an f/f sex scene its the bone arm scene. It's not gonna be one of those erotica romance novels, it's slow burn, but it's obviously very /u/ relevant and more so than half the things that have dedicated threads on here. This is conversation is two people who haven't even read the series apparently.

Despite all that it has no bearing on whether tags work or not. In fact it's the exact use case for tags. If you're looking for something with sex then only read books tagged with sex, if you're looking for a primarily romance focused story then read romance tags. But a lot of the most classic and popular /u/ relevant media aren't focused entirely on those and personally I prefer to read a story with more going on than just romance, the /u/ is a bonus on top of an already good book.
The way I picture it, it would be user-maintained. That's a no brainer. Users would be able to add new books to the database, assign various tags, descriptors and so on to them. The more detailed, the better. Of course there would be a fixed tag/decriptor list created by the admin team, regular users would not be able to create their own tags. There would be an option to suggest a tag though. Every book's page would have a report button that would be used to suggest tag changes, report inaccuratr tags etc to the admins. The number of reports would play a role too. This would hopefully minimize inaccuracies and potential errors.

I'm thinking of a fusion between RYM/Myanimelist/AO3 but for fiction.
That's not any better; just look at Steam tags (I know it's not /lit/ related): basically platform-approved trolling.
Not really well versed in Steam arcana, besides I don't think it's a valid comparison. Like I said, look instead at RYM for my main source of inspiration. I think it manages pretty well for a community-maintaned database.
>I prefer to read a story with more going on than just romance
So do I, but a book still needs to have at least some recognizable form of romance that isn't purely up to reader interpretation to be considered /u/ relevant. Yuri is about love between two females, not about "one female sometimes looking meaningfully in the general direction of another female, clearly implying". Personal preferences simply don't matter.
Youre both a newfag and clearly haven't read the books youre talking about
I wish there was more good poly yuri
I wish there was good yuri
No shit, I said upfront I haven't read the book. But I'm not talking about the book either, just replying to anon's comment.
I finished this. It was good. Really good. More middle grade kino. The soccer is a very small part of it, mostly it's junior high drama with friends fighting and some coming of age / coming out drama. It was nice. I've found my niche for sure and it's middle grade stuff.
Read The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz. A very nice little story that caught my attention with its interesting premise.

Clara is a traveling machine engineer. Sal is a robot running a tea shop left to her by her long-dead owner. Of course, since this is fiction, the "robot" is functionally just a pretty girl with wi-fi. And it's love at first sight.

The author doesn't seem to know the definitions of "robots" and "androids", which kind of hinders the narrative. But what bothers me most is that the story is very, very short and rushed. You can read it in under an hour. A premise this delicious would've deserved proper novel treatment, with more time to let things cook and explore the setting. Clara and Sal are really cute and you end up wishing you wouldn't have to leave them so soon. But, well, to borrow a line from Marvel, "a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts".
Isn't there an anime like this?
Yep...Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō kino slowburn pre10s yuri mango.
Time to call the lawyers.
There don't seem to be similarities beyond "a robot running a shop", which isn't exactly a unique concept. I'd gladly welcome more with yuri, though.
You mean Time of Eve maybe? It's about androids in a cafe i think. I don't think it had any yuri but I watched it like 15 years ago though so I might be wrong.
Gender is a biological concept so robots can't be lesbians.
Biology is a physical concept, so immaterial fictional characters can't be lesbians. Mods can delete this whole board
nah it was this >>4338319
Any /u/lit with lolis?
The entire middle grade genre

Finished reading the third book in the Jasmine Throne trilogy and I have a feeling that the series got worse as it progressed. The world building from this is amazing but towards the end I felt like the author didn't have a plan for a ending when she started it.

Overall it's a good enough series, mostly for the world building because all the rest is easily forgotten, including the characters.
>it's a good enough series
>mostly for the world building
>all the rest is easily forgotten, including the characters
Anon, that doesn't sound good at all.
The thing is, I've read (and dropped) so many shit /u/-lit that when I can finish a series its good enough for me.
Eating garbage so you don't die of starvation doesn't make that garbage good.
A few weeks ago I posted wondering if anybody remembered a book about a woman and the young girl hanging around her, eventually getting together at the end. I got some details wrong but I think it was Kate Genet's Don't Go There.

It has some old school lesfic tropes, older than a publishing date of 2013 would imply (only lesbians in town, frequent and occasionally violent homophobia), but someone asked that I mention it here if I ever did find it so here I am.

The younger girl is 17, which reviewers are definitely sideeyeing, but I guess age of consent in NZ is 16 so the book itself isn't some illicit porn.
I get it, but please don't lose hope that things could be better
there was some decent stuff on leslita. not sure if that site died though. looks like it.
uncertain magic by nuit du loup was one of my favorites from there (although it was more hebe than loli)
NTA but haven't things gotten worse, if anything? My standards are perhaps lower than some others' here and I liked the Burning Kingdom series (The Jasmine Throne) and Teixcalaan (Memory Called Empire) and remember a time when we had those ongoing and whatever was next in the Priory universe and of course The Locked Tomb.

What have we got like even those now, let alone better?
Has anyone found any good female MC, non-romance (obviously especially het) books recently (or not so recently)?
Had some luck with that question, getting some great (even gogglable) books through asking it.
TLT still hasn't been surpassed.
TLT was surpassed before it even came out (by Baru)
Baru is entertaining but it's very poorly written and the MC is a generational Mary Sue. It's just Code Geass if Lelouch was a closeted lesbian. The only thing is has going for it over TLT is the absolute brass balls of the author to go through with that book one ending.
>>4340530 (me)
there is something refreshing about reading a series where the protagonist is the worst person in the world though.
But so right, we had five fairly solid genuinely mainstream sff f/f series going on, hell, we can include The Unbroken, though I didn't like it myself, but I'm talking about legit books with legit publishers behind them. Do we have anything at all right now? They all finished their normal run, as series do, with nothing at all to replace them?
At the least, Hiyodori is done with the Clem and Wist stuff, right? I dunno if that needed more than a duology, the other one-shots were more fun
>At the least, Hiyodori is done with the Clem and Wist stuff, right?
Why? She can easily make mroe books regarding that couple adding new protags etc.
I'm kinda baffled what to read more, read Lotus Flower, waiting for final Baru book whenever that would show up, other fantasy series finished.
There's really no book left to read with lesbian/bi into females protag set in fantasy/sci-fi setting anymore. Or I can't find anything going by "lesbian" tag anymore.
Oh, I meant more in the sense that she's a productive author and I don't particularly like that series so I'm hoping one of the few f/f things we do get next year are other works from her
Baru and TLT are still ongoing. TOWEM ostensibly has a sequel in production (for the last 5yrs). I have hopes for another Priory novel. Jasmine Throne just wrapped up and I'll get to it eventually.

The Unbroken is hot garbage

It's been a long few years waiting for the last Baru book. No peep from Seth at all.
>Baru and TLT are still ongoing
yeah I went to check on that too.
Lo and behold, goodreads gives alecto the ninth an average 4.43/5 rating with 211 ratings and 114 reviews.

For a book that is not finished writing yet.

If anything that is low, it will be a 5 please Tamsyn
I wish there was some stuff like Reckless from Brubaker that while playing straight, lol, with pulp rules they are pretty on the money as modern action stories...but lesbionic.
But talking about the less action part of Pulp, Perfume and Pain is 100% a lesPulp but modern and L.A based.
I totally forgot TLT wasn't finished, lmao
Sup, /u/.
I need some books that read like 80s paperback bodice rippers but with lesbians. Unrealistic situations, romanticized abuse, literotica-worthy descriptions of sex, all of it. Doesn't have to be particularly well written as long as the spirit is there. No heterosexualism.
juicysecrets is where they post now
I'm about half way through. I just finished the first Gwen and Bridget kiss scene, it was so good. I was listening to it at work on audio and the lady I worked with asked why I had a huge smile on my face. I need more of this. Looks like this author has another book released this year I might have to check that out as well.
Glad to hear you're enjoying it. I actually had no idea the author had a new book but it looks good so i'll read it too. seems like similar vibes

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