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I love these knuckleheads so much
>didn't reach 1 million subs on screen
M-movie soon!
Did you watch the YouTube shorts?
who is this?
If you haven't watched Mayonaka Punch yet, you're doing yourself a massive disservice.
Live and Masaki from mayonaka punch you should watch it
Will kiss the girls in it in this one?
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I'm just supremely out of it but is this the yuri? Can we find it here?
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Just watch and enjoy I think you'll like it
Did this really need a thread?
If you're going to bump your own dead thread, at least have the decency to do it openly instead of really poorly samefagging.
When they will learn to go full yuri in a project that obviously will be forgotten anyway
The funny thing is that isn't me
Secondly kiss my ass
It's as good as full on Yuri not everything needs to be 10 episodes of will they won't they and 30 episodes of divorce drama Yuri subtext is perfectly valid
Now I'm kind of curious why you bump my thread
If it bothered you why not just let it fall off the catalog
And yes I wanted a thread so it was necessary why does it matter to you?
Was your post necessary? Are there not threads were you could be posting in about series you care for?
There's a troll from /a/ (and /vg/) who is known for bumping dozens of threads at once in order to push others down to page 10 so he can then spam his own.
Whenever you see a bunch of threads bumped with worthless posts, it's usually him, though I'm not quite sure in this instance.
This board is slow is that even an effective troll I made my thread ages ago
I had to read this comment like five times to realize it was actual coherent English with the punctuation left out
I don't use punctuation in informal settings
18 days ago is not "ages ago".

That's a violation of Global Rule 2.
>That's a violation of Global Rule 2.
Bullshit I'm not even going to check that sounds like complete bullshit
>Rule 2
I bet you think you're real funny
>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Also Global Rule 6

>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

It was already obvious you are a braindead newfag, but you could have pretended a bit instead of acting like a giant retard.
If quality was a prerequisite no threads would get made

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