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Yuri that covers mature themes and has more of a plot beyond the yuri. I'm requesting the topic, cause they seem pretty hard to find.
For some examples, here are the yuris I've liked the most so far, in order:
>futsuu to bakemono
>a lollypop or a bullet
>kimi to tsuzuru utakata
I'd also really like yuri with butch dykes, but that's an aside. Oh and my bad if this isn't how threads are done around here kek, tourist.
The only 2 manga I know that focus on butches is SHWD and She loves to cook, She loves to eat

Otherwise go read how do we relationship and while it's not serious because you dazzle me and girl in the birdcage are really good at handling relationships
I don't know what you mean by "have a plot" but I'm guessing you don't want just relationship stuff.
It doesn't have much of a plot but Collectors is my favorite adult Yuri.
Thanks for the reccomendations!
>don't want just relationship stuff
Yeah more or less. But I don't mind mostly relationships, as long as there's something more profound about their romance and its not just moeshit. Kimi to Tsuzuru Utakata is a good example of that. There's their relationship + the MC overcoming her crippling social anxiety and the love interest pushing her illness too far.
I guess It's a Detached Relationship would be mature with the age gap thing going on, but the plot completely falls apart in the final volume, so it's hard to completely recommend it.
Oh, well, if you're okay with schoolgirls there's a lot of good stuff. The currently ongoing The Moon on a Rainy Night is really good imo. It does a lot with the topic disability in ways that have impressed me.

Also, the author of Collectors did Tonari no Robot, which is one of my favorites for some really neat sci-fi philosophy. Silver Gymnasium is another one of my favorites if you can stand your heart getting torn to shreds. You might also try Cirque Arachne too? All of those are only half a dozen chapters or so but well worth reading.
Why are mature yuri with cute characters so rare? Do all lesbian adults carry whole bags of traumas and can't be cute?
Poor Poor Lips
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>that OP
>>>>>t. dyke
Why seinen instead of josei OP (also doesn't really indicate maturity either way it's just demographic targeting)
No one reads Josei manga.

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