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mother x daughter incest
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Can the daughter-in-law count?
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>>4343230 (OP)
There's already an all-purpose incest thread, use that one.
don't complain about somone posting on this dead board niggerfaggot
To be fair, that thread is past post limit and will be falling off in the next few days.

>>4343230 (OP)
I was going to make a new general incest thread but is it ok if we post here? Would include sister/sister too if that is ok.
Sure, incest in general is ok
Thanks OP, you're the best!
In that case you should have at least put the word incest in the title.

Boards have manners. Making a redundant thread or forgetting to put the name on the title aremajor faux pas.
aww man, I really appreciated having a sole mother daughter thread once again
What are some underappreciated mother daughter couples in your opinion?
>start reading this
>ends on the Mother saying "I love you" with a "I'm going to take a break"
"4 years ago"
why'd you do this to me man?
Given how popular the series is, there hasn't been much of these two.
considering her mom only appears in flashbacks, and in total only for like 3 minutes in the entirety of the series, it's no surprise
It really isn't but I like to pretend it is for some reason.
Figure I might as well share my most recent M/D story, it's slow-burn and extra cozy for the holiday season
You ever think about getting art commissions done for some these? Like the Halloween one would be great
>does she know?
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It's western but still Jaina and Katherine.
>>4343230 (OP)

Tayaki not making porn is a fucking crime against humanity
Taiyaki's work being paywalled without leaks is a crime against humanity
back to your thread
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>she doesn't know
She does pop up in the comics a fair bit, and has another daughter to boot.
any lore about it?
Well, I think that's remilia and her mother or something..
Remilia and Flandre are sisters, not mother and daughter.
why is sister incest so underrated here?
It's my vmfavorite personally
I personally think it's way too overrated
If two people look like they might as well be strangers, what is the point?
Because they want to compensate for the underrated depiction of mother-and-daughter incest.
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Too bad she switched to futa now. She didn't even created new characters, she took that mother/daughter couple of the page you posted and made a sequel where the daughter is futa.

She rebooted the series years ago but now she's releasing it at a glacial pace (volume 2 of the reboot has been released recently).
Until few months ago there used to be a official english translation on Fantia but then the site stopped accepting western credit cards so she had to close it, so now you can't get it even if you want to pay.
color version
On a somewhat related note, anyone knows anything good about girls and their dads' hot new trophy wives? I've got this specific idea today, but I can't think of anything with this dynamic.
She posted on bsky that she can't go through the localizer anymore (I assume because of the whole Fantia thing), but she put the remake volumes on DLsite instead with crowdsourced translation enabled. The existing translation can't be reused by either Taiyaki or the localizer/translator due to some legal crap neither of them is equipped to handle. So basically it'd have to be re-translated on DLsite, although knowing from personal experience just how bad the Mantra software is... I'd rather expect that the translation will revert to its /u/ project state, if anything at all.
>western payment processors
I want to burn them all alive, why can't we have nice things anywhere ever
>the site stopped accepting western credit cards so she had to close it, so now you can't get it even if you want to pay.

It says Visa/Master Card. Shouldn't American Express be working?
Maybe you can pay with a Diner's Club card while you're at it.
Amex is hit and miss with JP websites, and getting it in some places that are not America can be a bit of a challenge that most people won't bother going through. I did get one here in Europe for Melonbooks specifically, but haven't tried with other sites yet. I wish websites would just accept Amazon Pay (JP) like DMM, very convenient.
But yeah, with Visa and MC cut off, revenue from a Fantia targeted at foreigners would drop to approximately zero.
Merry Christmas /u
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Where's the link of that? I can't find it
I made assumptions in my post, so of course better to read the original. Basically she tried to do what would be best for the fans, but it is what it is.
I have some novels about it but needs MTL.
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I assume it's based on a meme comic
after a bit of searching, I was right: https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/17faiv6/middle_child_life/
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The mom wanted to put her rebellious daughter back into the womb, but the daughter had grown so only two fingers can be put into her mom.
Mom is the wife that given by Gods.
I've been thinking about a story of an ancient greek style queen and daughter, where the king gets killed by a rival king and the daughter gets sold off into slavery. Fast forward 10-15 years and the daughter has returned with short cropped hair and armor and overthrows the evil king and takes her mother as her prize.
Bonus points the gods bless her and she performs tribadism with her mother and impregnates her.
Not about that, I asked about the link of the chapters that she posts, I can't find it anywhere.
I mean if the sister is the wife given by the mother,then the mother is the wife given by the heaven.
Sauce on this one???
It's Ken Kurogane series. But just a heads up, the incest isn't the only focus. But the characterization that the mom has is great
Are they still swapping partners like hot potato?
it's horny kino.

i love how all the girls are fucking each other, it's incredibly hot.
This is not fucking reddit, you mongoloid, specially considering that your shitty aggregator site wiped out like half its content.
haha imagine if i was a pathetic enough of a FAGGOT to gatekeep porn LOL
holy shit i'd want to KILL MYSELF for being such a LOSER lol
>gatekeeping is le bad
Enjoy your AIDS, faggot.
Tae-chan and Jimiko-san (ch12 if you wanna skip straight to the incest)
My favorite manga series where the title characters get dropped and are never to be seen again
>Too bad she switched to futa now
She did? I mean I'm not against that purely because mother x daughter is so rare I'll take anything (bar genderswap, fuck that).
You should kill youself anyway for being a giant retarded cocksucker.
nhentai is lame but I agree otherwise. I like the idea of general partner-swapping and sexual openness resulting in sister x sister, mother x daughter incest just happening BUT I can't really think of any other manga example beyond this.
Did someone made a relationship chart about it?
More like trans than futa (that character from Zombieland Saga)
Not a single visible dong in those.
lol yea that shit was funny
they are out so fast, and then the author is like "oh yeah"
To clarify, it was just one r-18 thing with the couple from My Sweet Home (who are canonically aliens)
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proper sisterly behavior
The character is still that canonically tho
generalizing heavily here I know but:

male yuri-dedicated artists: purity-focused view heavily reflected in aesthetics & writing, leads to a lot of traits I don't find ideal

female artists: don't see any inherent angelic nature to women thus treat them more as people, generally better worldview represented in the actual works, but as a byproduct might also just randomly decide give them dicks

>I personally think it's way too overrated
No it isn’t, not any more than sister incest

Maybe m/d would be more appealing if the daughter was a magic daughter
Well yea, most men see women as entities rather than people, that's why you get weirdos who fetishize pure maiden yuri and hate any of the dramatic aspects that might come up
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Girl on Mom
That was my favorite gag. Like the neighborhood just tolerates these two horn dogs
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Not enough grandmothers being handsy with their adult daughters
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A brief yuri moment of a granddaughter with her furry grandmother.
That looks more like a bird.
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>”they hit it off”
That sounds good for me. Let them marry!
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Just looks like a human with a beak mask.
My kingdom for the rest of their pure yuri works to get English translations.

Just found pic related on rule34. No idea if its a work in progress but sadly the source is a futa sequel.
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Still wishing that someone decides to translate two of their work, even if they’re both like novels.
Fuck off AI scum.
What mother daughter couple types would you like to see? For example: bratty princess daughter who can’t keep her hands off her regal queen mother
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Domineering brat constantly teasing her mom who in return is secretly yandere level of obsessed with her daughter and can't get enough of the attention but conceals it by playing ignorant. Any setting is fine.
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This kind of stuff is the best!
Kissing? Clothed groping?
I'm gonna be thinking about this for a long time
There are less retarded things to use your brainpower on.
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Uncanny how accurate the first part is
>t. Moid yuri dedicated artfag.
AI shit, please die.
>the /a/ crossboarder that only draws porn
>purity-focused aesthetics and writing
You what?
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War is peace, freedom is slavery, raunchy sex is purity
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You got that completely backwards.
Go and make more mother x daughter yuri then.
Be so fucking for real. You know that's not even close to true
NTA but neither is the original argument. Most yuri artists of either sex just draw either unrealistic soap opera drama bullshit, or unrealistic CGDCT. Both male and female shitters draw futa trash.
Why are a lot of mother/daughter art kinda lame and ugly?
I think because it's pretty niche even among yuri artists (or artists in general) so a lot of them are fairly amateur and not great at anatomy, lighting, etc.
Even sister/sister tends to be more mainstream in my opinion, so you get a lot of more professional artists doing Anna x Elsa or Satsuki x Ryoko.
I guess that's the curse of being so rare.
Maybe because many of them are Western cartoons
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Wild how almost no one else draws these two other than Philipthe2 and Omiiverso.
I like Sarada's new look
Can't believe we got non-futa incest from KinkyJimmy
Just remembered, is Platty still alive? Don't think I've seen her in the thread yet
AI, die.
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How much did you give taiyaki for that?
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Supposedly this implies mother/daughter, but I don't know enough about the series.
>norza switched to making futa/beast shit
such a sad loss
Norza's always done that.
they weren't exclusive to it before though, now pretty much everything they post is some futashit, not sure if I saw a single thing in 2024 from them that wasn't
Even years ago it was still like 70% of what she drew. And even then a lot of her popular yuri works were waist-up or otherwise posed so you couldn't see the girls' naughty bits. It's a shame but lets not act like it's some huge betrayal.
eh I'm not going to argue about it, I just wish they'd draw some actual yuri again, their earlier stuff was gold
It's Soyo and her mother-wife.
Is aunt × niece considered incest?
Its like mother × daughter, but with another layer of sister × sister, as in my sister's daughter × my mother's sister
>Is aunt × niece considered incest?
absolutely, go nuts posting it
Any blood relation is incest.
Relation through marriage or adoption is also incest but a less fun version.
Absolutely. Especially the blessed mother/aunt/daughter three way.
Since Psudonym seems to be dabbling in rique' art again, what're the odds we can get them to do more W.I.T.C.H?
Got excited for some artwork tagged as mother/daughter it looked like some oc's. But after digging around a bit I figured out the mother/daughter tag was applying to a family photo in the background and the characters weren't related...
Woahhh… oops!
not sure what you're trying to say here is.
This isn't reddit, and I didn't use reddit to find one source for the original image. I used google and then posted a link to it, because posting it here would be offtopic and reuploading it somewhere else would just be pointless time waste. The fact the original source happened to be on reddit is just pure coincidence, and anyone who isn't from reddit would recognize this fact
Don't bother, it's just some retard typing random shit. See: his other posts immediately before that one that were deleted.
yeah, I see it, you're right
I normally don't use an archive or extension to see deleted post so I didn't know
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Rarepair detected! These two definitely had crazy wild sex as teenagers (well teenager x young adult) and then later as adults...
>implying eva didn't molest rosa when she was a loli, as a prank
True true true. It's easy to forget sometimes there's like a 15 year difference.
No, Hamtaro.
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aw hell nah she's bringing out the clitquake 9000
Sister sandwich
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Are these sisters?
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They're THE sisters.
There are still anonettes that have no seen Candy Boy. Go watch it right now.
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god I miss the early 2000s animation style so much
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We need more like this.
protip: Don't read this comic, there are a LOT of penises
I agree with the message of anon though
new onee-loli doujin, not sure if it's mother/daughter though, hope it gets ripped
I don't think it's mother and daughter. Little girls seems to be at the nee-sans place because she just needs to pee. But I also hope that someone translates it for real.
More older characters or more declarations of love and lust before sex?
Motherxolder mother
What we need is a motherxdaughter story that chronicles their whole lives, since the times when the daughter was a loli up to the mother being on her deathbed.
These two need a sandwhich ASAP.
>looking at the 4th wall
You know it gives you a strong implication that it's not gonna be just the two of them. If it's another woman, then that's better, but even so, I prefer a monogamous couple between female close relatives like mother/daughter and sisters (especially twins).
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Is the mom the smaller one? Is this a time travel thing? I think I'm parsing the text correctly but also I'm dumb
Tbh, I was thinking the same and I just awed in sheer wonder.
I wish there was more Ryuko X Satsuki art of them being cutesy and loving. So many of the art of this shit evolves around them trying to one up each other on sex and being the dominant one. I want cute, domestic and loving sister incest
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This is the mother/daughter incest thread so it's irrelevant anyways, should be Ryūko or Satsuki x Ragyō
Does anyone have the first half of this comic?
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here you go
New general yuri incest thread is up!
>>4389394 →
>>4389394 →

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