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mother x daughter incest
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Can the daughter-in-law count?
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There's already an all-purpose incest thread, use that one.
don't complain about somone posting on this dead board niggerfaggot
To be fair, that thread is past post limit and will be falling off in the next few days.

I was going to make a new general incest thread but is it ok if we post here? Would include sister/sister too if that is ok.
Sure, incest in general is ok
Thanks OP, you're the best!
In that case you should have at least put the word incest in the title.

Boards have manners. Making a redundant thread or forgetting to put the name on the title aremajor faux pas.
aww man, I really appreciated having a sole mother daughter thread once again
What are some underappreciated mother daughter couples in your opinion?
>start reading this
>ends on the Mother saying "I love you" with a "I'm going to take a break"
"4 years ago"
why'd you do this to me man?
Given how popular the series is, there hasn't been much of these two.
considering her mom only appears in flashbacks, and in total only for like 3 minutes in the entirety of the series, it's no surprise
It really isn't but I like to pretend it is for some reason.
Figure I might as well share my most recent M/D story, it's slow-burn and extra cozy for the holiday season
You ever think about getting art commissions done for some these? Like the Halloween one would be great
>does she know?
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It's western but still Jaina and Katherine.

Tayaki not making porn is a fucking crime against humanity
Taiyaki's work being paywalled without leaks is a crime against humanity
back to your thread
>almost all art is 3D and futa
The embodiment of this board
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>she doesn't know
She does pop up in the comics a fair bit, and has another daughter to boot.
any lore about it?
Well, I think that's remilia and her mother or something..
Remilia and Flandre are sisters, not mother and daughter.
why is sister incest so underrated here?
It's my vmfavorite personally
I personally think it's way too overrated
If two people look like they might as well be strangers, what is the point?
Because they want to compensate for the underrated depiction of mother-and-daughter incest.
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Too bad she switched to futa now. She didn't even created new characters, she took that mother/daughter couple of the page you posted and made a sequel where the daughter is futa.

She rebooted the series years ago but now she's releasing it at a glacial pace (volume 2 of the reboot has been released recently).
Until few months ago there used to be a official english translation on Fantia but then the site stopped accepting western credit cards so she had to close it, so now you can't get it even if you want to pay.
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