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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread

Previous thread: >>4338132
There's nothing to discuss.
This. Yuri is felt, not spoken.
Who's the bottom in picrel?>>4345559
want cuddle gf
Statistically speaking, the bigger girl.
It's funny how people say that when it comes to yuri "anime isn't important" especially on the board, but this season showed the complete opposite, it's even funnier when you realize how ridiculously mediocre the season has been overall as well.
The last two episodes of Sasakoi will save /u/.
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vol 7 will be submitted to the kindle store before 28th
Anime isn't unimportant but it's watered down. There's most mainstream adaptations that either play the yuri safe or reserve the better moments for season 2 material that aren't getting animated. Or originals that while fun crash and burn 4/5 times. Can't imagine a yurifag that isn't neck deep in manga+LNs. The problem with talking about those here though is, outside a few big soap operas and their rerun arguments, most manga update too slow, are simple fluff, or niche enough instead of finding likeminded anons you'll just get told it's objectively bad and mocking yuri.
There is not much to save when most people here are already doomed.

although Sasakoi being honest is the most interesting thing that could come out of this season and that's even funnier.
The problem is that the current season showed that this is a way of thinking of a few people, especially not those who keep yuri alive and relevant, there is no point in having a group of elitists complaining about everything when in reality they are the ones who are not as relevant as they might think.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, less yuri just translates to less yuri.
Yet people have fun talking about yuri on /a/
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You are saying nothing of value, people don't control how much yuri is out there, they are just a reflection of the industry.
People who don't post AI slop.
It helps that there are more than five people there.
You didn't answer the question.
You don't deserve a proper answer.
That's very rude and uncalled for.
>people don't control how much yuri is out there
Not even people who make or produce yuri, either as a hobby or as their job?

Unless you're talking specifically about fans and fan-made content, which still has its own value and can be seen as a way to appreciate yuri, plus this season shows that there's not much interest in making up what doesn't exist or pretending something is yuri to gain dumb fans (the Ranma thread is about as pathetic as you'd expect).
Rather have five people in a board than a hundred morons.
Posting shitty AI is rude and uncalled for.
Now kindly fuck off and re-evaluate your life choices, you can be better than this.
>sendai rape discourse
fun? it's dumb
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I am talking about people here, they are just reacting to releases and news, even seasonal anime usually ends with the discussion focused on a single thread, Everything else is just someone making image threads and bumping them once every week so they don't die, the fact they can get away with non yuri threads with male characters is just further evidence the board is too big for the amount of users we have here and this likely one of the factors why the board is dead.
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Why does Ai mindbreaks people this much?
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Baby characters are always bad.
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>Thanks to all of you, we received enough survey responses to reach serialization standards, and we also received better-than-expected positive feedback on social media, especially about the illustrations...However, we were unable to dispel concerns such as the discrepancy with the direction the magazine was aiming for, and the difficulty of marketing the work as a work, so the results were disappointing
>As a result of my persistence, I was able to get my editor to agree to "change the setting of the work and redraw it for serialization." However, I predicted that changing the setting would cause it to deviate significantly from what I wanted to do with the story, so I was forced to come to the conclusion that "this is it."

My guess is that Sometime wanted more of an plot series and Kirara wanted more of a CGDCT.
Curse as fug!
It just isn't that very good to be honest.
What a shame.
I really wonder what kind of "changing of the setting" they wanted. I mean, it's a basic highschool mahou shoujo story. What can you even change from that?
The art was good, but sometime is not very good at this type of parody comedy, it was the same thing with the isekai series.
I saw a post directed at Kuwabara on X from a gaijin who spoke rough Japanese, telling Kuruwbara to change how speech bubbles are done, because the gaijin is bad at telling who's talking.
> it was the same thing with the isekai series.
My only complaint about that it they just slapped female head on Jojo Part 3 male character bodies. They look like first Mario movie goombas with those wacky proportions.
I've talked about this before but this is one of the reasons manga is often more difficult to understand in Japanese than actual novels. I've seen some artists who don't even clearly distinguish speech bubbles from thought bubbles
>Jojo Part 3 male character bodies
What those are normal japanese teenager bodies
I'm inclined to agree, something about the characterization and general atmosphere seems to lack sincerity. Somehow Former Evil General managed to avoid that pitfall.
>marketing the work as a work
Post the link instead of this retarded google translate shit that doesn't make any sense.
The series was within Kirara's standards and if it was successful enough to reach the numbers for a serialization why the hell didn't they do it?
It sounds like the typical idiot editor that doesn't personally like it so wants to change it and the author rightfully doesn't agree.
I don't want to think it's because sometime wanted it to be yuri and the editor wanted to keep it CGDGT for waifufags since Kirara saw clearly the popolarity of Semifriend.
Anyway axing this and not the one in Yuri Hime, even if it's from a different author, is bullshit.
Probably lack of experience/exposure to the genre. Where as Rabbit Rabbit's book very much felt like it was made by someone who watched a lot of kamen rider.




Yes, Former general is more like a fan trying to create a yuri version of his favorite work.
If you look at the other titles Kirara Max is currently serializing you will see they have zero issues with yuri, rather the very opposite they would be asking Sometime to make it gayer. I doubt Kirara really thinks about "waifufags". I just find more plausible they wanted more SOL and Sometime wanted more of a plot series that would have fit better on forward (and Sometime was on forward before).
4koma Kirara wouldn't have any issue with mahou shoujo either. If sometime didn't want to make a 4koma they could move it to forward if they wanted, after all it reached the numbers they wanted >>4345742 so it feels even more unfair.
I'm betting on editor fuckery wanting to shoehorn their fanfic in.
There was not a single thing that was unfitting for Kirara on it.
I don't think the issue is mahou shoujo itself, but even Machikado is basically a SOL series with a few plot chapters, while it seems to me Sometime wanted to do more of an action series like the previous kirara serialization was.
what's this?
It's not a series, they are mascots for the Dengeki recently created GLine for their yuri novels
But it's just basic motw stuff. And it's plushies too.
Do they think it's gonna become Dragon Ball or what?
I'm sure there are more details left out, like the type of tone and developments the story would have and those may create big disagreements, magazines can be very autistic about stuff like this, did you know Attack on Titan was rejected on shonen jump because they said it "wasn't very shonen" so the author pitched it to another shonen magazine and it became a million seller franchise.
>It's not a series
Aw that's sad.
They're kinda gay
To be fair, SJ is famously autistic about this with ridiculous standards and expects you to be a million seller three chapters in and if you aren't then they axe you no fucks given.
Even now that they're desperate for a new big hit now that they've only got wan piss to milk they continue being like this not giving anyone or anything a change to develop and grow. It's all or nothing for them.
Toriyama could get get Uranai Bana to revive him for one day, take him back to SJ, give them the manuscripts of a ten years long-running series, have Uranai Baba show the the suits the future where after two years of a moderate success serialization it would become even bigger than Dr Slump and Dragon Ball combined worldwide, and they'd still axe it because it took too long to become popular and they want it NOW like a bunch of spoiled children.
They have a lot of mid tier titles in the magazine, Black Clover lasted for a long time with lowish sales, the fact is they have more exposition than anyone else and it would be dumb for them to waste it with titles that are not showing they may be popular immediately.
This is a good cover. Shou has become bolder.
It's nice to have a manga about two girls dating without turbo drama.
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>when you're out of pads
Why did she do it though.
>they didn't do the 4 hands 2 gloves handholding
There's a miniseries, 1 chapter is out now.
Because AI is garbage and encourages more garbage to the benefit of no one who deserves it.
>Let's have mascots for the yuri line
>So we pay the artist to just draw them flirting and kissing right?
>Nah, let's just write a mini novel we won't post on X
Real smart
Because posting your own lesbian fanfiction made when you were in high school has more heart than AI
no one actually does this, no matter how horny they are
There are people who eat shit, and you think menses are a step too far?
Menstruation jokes are bit too far
Play Bloodborne and you will know that menstrual blood fetish is very real.
Stop talking about period, that's awful
What did . ever do to you?
Period shot him family dead
period vampires
They clearly have a crush on each other, will this series continue to just do ads or will there actually be a plot?
Why are the vast majority of submissions on exhentai hetshit? And why is there no hetero tag just like there are yuri and yaoi tags so I could exclude those gross trash from my search results?
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Didnt they explain this in the movie? So does it take place before the movie or are they different universes
Wold you say that they're bloody awful?
We'll find out in Secret Wars.
It's common for movies to be based on scripts authors write but not be canon to the source, so either some version of the movie already happened or maybe the author will make his own version of that script.

Just set your filters for the watched tab anon. Put females only with a value of 0 and yuri with a value of 99. Put everything below with a value of -1 to cover most of your bases

m:gender change
m:sole male
f:double penetration
f:fft threesome
f:penis enlargement
f:sole female
x:ffm threesome

Just be aware rarely new uploads have bugged tags and take like a day for them to properly be filtered out.
youre missing out on some good yuri anal scenes
>f:double penetration
All of these can be yuri.
Losing a few titles is inevitable if you want only to have yuri titles to show up in the watched tab because the issue is how the tags are used in an unreliable inconsistent way to start with, I suppose for this situation you can set the "f:females only" tag to have a value of 20 (assuming a threshould of 99 and yuri tag with value of 99), just make sure everything that is definitely not yuri like nakadashi, gender change and so on gets at least a value of -21

Sure anon, enjoy your yuri with a group of female furries shitting on each other while getting double penetrated by tentacles as they get tortured with wholesome footjobs.
Of course this assumes the females only tag is used at all, which is not always the case.
>Why are the vast majority of submissions on exhentai hetshit?
I'm having trouble understanding why you expected the porn on a porn website marketed towards lonely pornheads would be anything but 99% het.
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>Sure anon, enjoy your yuri with a group of female furries shitting on each other while getting double penetrated by tentacles as they get tortured with wholesome footjobs.
Well, if you say so
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>group of female furries shitting on each other while getting double penetrated by tentacles as they get tortured with wholesome footjobs.
A worthy successor to KitaKawa.
Why do porn addicts love het and yaoi so much? Artists who exclusively draw lewd yuri are a bit rare.

Too late for exploring the world
Too early for exploring the university
Just in time for doing what you have known

Fucking google board
It's a job for most of them.
It's the same thing in fanfiction. On AO3 there are 1.6 million yaoi smut stories, 730k het, and 240k yuri
And only a small % of those 240k is not "yuri".
Anybody know that feeling when the yuri hits just right? Feels like doing drugs almost. Gotta pause reading and calm down for a bit
There's a part in one of the Oz books where Ozma starts flirting with Dorothy that made me put the book down and go drink a cold glass of water because I was blushing so hard.

Also reading Otherside Picnic and seeing the two doofuses interacting with each makes me happy and warm too.
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This, it's like the Dragon Quest problem from the other thread.
Nobody watches magical girl series or has meaningful experience with them outside of maybe Madoka(and jesus that came out in 2011 so we're getting farther and farther from it being a creative/cultural touchstone). A lot of these feel like they got directed to do a magical girl series, and a week before the deadline decided to look up magical girl on wikipedia and watch some Precure videos on youtube. And maybe work in some shit they might know from toku shows.
>uh yeah there's a mascot who recruits them to be a magical girl and they say silly things and fight generic evil
Or alternatively the post-Madoka
>what if magical girls but it was violent and traumatizing

The ironic thing is that, as mentioned, sometime actually seems familiar with toku/superhero media and that probably could've primed themm to make a decent mahou shoujo because the most noteworthy magical girl series all are some kind of genre-adjacent.
>Cutey Honey is just Rainbowman if it was horny
>Sailor Moon was basically just Naoko Takeuchi combining her love of astronomy with Super Sentai
>Nanoha is basically Gundam as cute girls, bringing latent scifi elements to the fore

Yeah you had the more conventional stuff that had been going on since Japan had become obsessed with Bewitched in 60s as a separate line of magical girl pedigree that gets us to Cardcaptor Sakura but even by the mid 00s even the first Precure was willing to take an ironic self-aware bent to a lot of the conventions of the genre, not to mention how fucking physical the leads got as far as fighting went. A lot of these "ironic magical girl" series are basically trying to make gags out of stuff that was already relatively tongue-in-cheek for decades.
MahoAko at least had the decency to spice it up with sexual assault.

One day we'll see a magical girl parody manga make a skibidi toilet reference and we'll know we're through the looking glass.
>read Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri
>rapey chapters
>chuuni butthole
>more rapey chapters
>MC now willingly sleep with different girls
WTF why is Itsumi such a slut?
She played herself and managed to drug girls into grooming her into a whore
So what got canned? It wasn't sometime's black knight manga, was it? I actually like that one.
Actually it wasn't even canned, his magical girl series parody wasn't picked for serialization, well actually it would be picked for serialization if he made the changes requested by the editors, or so sometime's claims.
This page of the gyaru isekai manga did that for me, when the villainess got a peek of the gyaru's cleavage and got all hot and bothered.
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>years of build up finally starts to pay off
>then it's backtracked next chapter

Talk about a rollercoaster
>what if magical girls but it was violent and traumatizing
There was plenty of that in Sailor Moon too, and presumably before that.
Those were not genre parodies though, Sailor Moon was basically magical girls but shonen
Whats the passage in the Oz book?
Is Kuzushiro's Your Fault the only real NTR yuri doujin?
Too lazy to go find it but Dorothy is asking Ozma if it's okay for another girl to come live in Oz with them so she can have a new playmate. Then Ozma pulls her in close, kisses her and asks her if she's not enough while Dorothy blushes.

Gay as fuck. Also Ozma is a full head taller than Dorothy, perfect for kabadons.
Frank Baum was truly ahead of his time and it was only buried in his child fantasy series
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That's how you deal with a slutty girlfriend, Mai.
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To me, the most perfect moment in yuri is angst.

Not just any angst mind you, but specifically when the beautiful, cool character is going through angst. Think about it. Everyone loves this character. Everyone desires her and thinks she just has it all. But nay! For underneath the unparalleled beauty, there too is a maiden in love and experiencing all the emotional turmoils that love can bring. I fucking love this shit so much.
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bisexual on panda is always used for stories where the girl fucks a guy and girl, usually together.
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How do we feel about CLNW (Clothed Loli Nude Woman)? Since only the adult women are sexualized, it should be allowed right?
How Do We Relationship has a pretty big subreddit for a single yuri manga with no anime, right? 2.5k people
Yes it's very popular in the west. I wish we had more yuri stories about cute lesbians in a toxic relationship sleeping around with other women.
Not just the west, it tops the chart in the jp app it’s serialized on too
It's a fucking bislut shit.
Lying for the sake of lying
It's a daily chart, all releases top it anon
You got a gold star and comp het, the fuck you on about?
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Iruma does it again!
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Milky holmes yuri. yes or no
How does he keep doing it

Another figure line from Kotobukiya gets an anime
This is the same company that gave us FAGirl

Also has a 4koma
I recall it being yuri-friendly with some goggleable stuff?
I am surprised his previous series didn't got a manga adaptation.
100% yes.
The Arsène-Sherlock scenes in the final episode of each season are very yuri, and it's fun nonsense overall
This work has a previous work and talks about something about sugar daddy
Link/image or it didn’t happen
My fault, I got the English translation name wrong. But this thing you are talking about has an ex-boyfriend, and it is also bislut.
That reminds me of a dream I had a while ago, it was basically Arsene and Cordelia fighting over Sheryl (Sherlock) it wasn't very long so I don't have many details.
ive never had any yuri dreams before...
FAG has been on my watchlist for years. is it worth watching?
My dreams are usually me reading yuri stuff that do not exist but in a context where it could have happened and getting frustrated those are fake memories
It's fine. The sisters are constantly kissing and fondling each other, and the dolls are owned by a girl so there's size stuff too if you're into that.
It's not that rare for me, although I would like it to be more frequent but it is appreciated, like one with Haifuri the same day I watched the last episode and it was quite romantic, there have been others that I'm forgetting at the moment, there are also the typical nonsense like a crossover of Toji no Miko with The Last of Us and another where it was discovered that Fumi's father (Assault Lily) was Tony Stark.
I'll be keeping an eye on this. I don't expect FAG levels of gay though.
FAG was underappreciated, mostly due to the jarring CG. Otherwise it was an enjoyable series.
Aside from the explicit yuri, one of the biggest selling points of this show is that the "master" (the owner of the little robot girls) had an actual personality. Busou Shinki, which was another similar anime that came out years before, had the most unimaginably generic male master to the point where it became a meme.
Make sure the read the prequel/spinoff manga titled Lab Days as well. Like the main FAG anime, the masters are all female. Honestly it feels like the FAG franchise was ahead of its time, if it came out today with proper full 2D animation I think it'd be a hit.
>mostly due to the jarring CG
although the CG made some sense when you consider that they are basically robot dolls.
I have a yuri dream few times, one I remember well is Hanayamata where Yaya wins.
So I've been playing Marvel Rivals the past week or so because my friends kept bugging me to and that made me realise that I never really considered looking for yuri in comics.
I thought of checking the comics thread but it's just an image dump so I feel like I should ask here instead.
Is there even any stuff worth reading?
Only thing I know is Ivy x Harley from that one animated show that I saw a compilation on youtube before, but I'd rather read something instead of watching.
I've never actually read the comics but I love Cassandra Cain/Stephanie Brown and have had Batgirls on my list for ages
Not really, western stuff isn't yuri to start with, but leaving this aside, in capeshit you have a dozen lesbian and bisexual characters that barely show up or are some variation of a character in some shit alternate universe story that last a few issues before getting cancelled, on the regular continuity you get some forced retcons like Mistique and Destiny and characters being written in dubious ways due to showing up in different stories and writers constantly changing, Harley and Ivy being very obvious examples of this. You will have better luck searching for comics outside capeshit.
Me neither, what >>4346858 said being one of the main reasons.
It's just that playing that shitty game made me think that maybe, just maybe, I was missing some hidden gem or something.
Afaik even in the show where they kiss they're bi or something aren't they?
Guess I'll continue to ignore the medium as a whole as I have always done.
Ivy whole character is that she is a massive whore who uses her powers to seduce men, while Harley is a mentally ill woman who was or still is depending the writer in love with the obvious homosexual clown prince of crime. Not so long ago harley was helping the Joker put bombs on presents they delivered on xmas which ended mass killing children, but sure she is a hero just like supergay and bathomo now and also a ninja for some reason.
There are comics with lesbians, but I don't consider it yuri anyway. Looking for it in capeshit is a lost cause, because they just spin the diversity wheel.
/u/ meets /lit/ tries to convince people that one Avatar:TLA prequel comic is gay, maybe try your luck there? They have a higher tolerance for western shit than most of us I think.
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You'll never guess the context behind this
It's not that I particularly want to read western shit, hell, I even avoid chinese and korean manhwa like the plague.
Playing Marvel Rivals just got me wondering is all.
>and korean manhwa
I love Amy is really good though
That is one of the few I've actually read funnily enough.
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It's been ten years since the Sakura Trick anime aired.
Impossible physics
Is that what turned Kita into a lesbian?
In 2011 I dreamed about a crack pair from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, and it changed my life forever.
Magia blazer seiyuu is making her moves, wink, wink
You're right, I won't.
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What turns kids gay these days?
If you are legit interested then disregard the /co/ faggots seething:
If you want to read Harley/Ivy stuff pick up the two minis based on the show...one is Legion of Bats and the other one the Eat. Bang! Kill Tour, i think you are supposed to read them between seasons...
The big issue with getting into comics is that the continuity is a mess, more so for DC than for Marvel...but not really if you think about it, but don't think about it.
Every couple of years they reboot, or soft reboot and entire canons are throw away or resurrected.
Like the bit about Harley killing a bunch of kids...that was the nu52 and thats not canon anymore, and was actually kinda walked back when Harley got even more popular during the nu52 lmao
Personally, i would start with Batwoman after you get done with the Harley minis.
The only thing you need to know is that Batman 'died' and Dick Grayson is Batman now...
Start with Elegy and then follow to the two series, one by JH Williams with god tier art but...okish writing and then you can pick Detective Comics by Tynion, that is a Batfamily team book, he wrote her second series.
You could also jump into the deep end and read 52...but you are gonna be lost af but you might like it, that is gonna put you in the path of The Question, who is another 'big' lesbian character from the Batverse...she even has a new mini now.
On the Marvel side it gets a little more complicated because a ton of their lesbian chars are usually afixed to ongoing storylines and they usually say byebye after the writer is done with them.
Personally you might want to get into Runaways, the old stuff or even you could start with the Rainbow Rowell run, the last one, that made the lesbian couple canon.
Good luck and you might want to try to get info from another site but this one, if you really want to get into comics...that said continuity and you level of autism is usually the biggest enemy of newfags trying to get into western shit.
Oh and i think this would help if you just want to pick something on the go: Gotham Central if you like crime stuff...thats a good jumping point to Renee Montoya as a prelude for the whole Batwoman/Question thing.
And the series is fucking amazing.
And from Marvel if you liked the Deadpool movies a couple of years ago they reworked Teenage Negasonic Warhead into her movie personality and looks and she hangs with Deadpool in several series...but i don't really fuck with Deadpool, or at least not yet.
Your mom!
The main thing you have to understand about western superhero comics is that they imploded in the 90s cause of oversaturation and collector speculation(this is why Disney owns Marvel now and why Sony owns a bunch of Spider-Man characters) and because while back in the olden days it was a cheap form of entertainment now kids/teenagers/etc. have shitloads of alternatives like video games and the internet.
So this means that whatever comics still exist in the "main line" of DC/Marvel basically only exist to try to sell to an increasingly older cohort of comic fans and you get random moments of lots of different superhero series all linking together before they collapse under their own weight, back to the big two just selling their biggest flagships like Spider-Man, Batman, Superman et al.
So superhero comics have shrunk while manga which is much cheaper(due to no coloring and cheaper paper) and simpler to get into(you start at chapter 1), has become the dominant comic medium of the market, with over half of all annual sales by volume. That isn't to say western comics are dead, it's just that the strongest western publishers aren't doing superhero stuff.

This also means that because DC/Marvel basically gotta play the hits nonstop you're not really gonna see a lot of actively running lesbian superhero comics, or at least ones that run for any significant amount of time. And you have to deal with the absolute fucked up insanity >>4346935 outlines of decades of comics continuity.

Honestly if you just want lesbian superheroes doing shit without trying to figure out where to start you could do DC Bombshells
>limited series set during WW2 so you just start with volume 1
>Batwoman/Maggie Sawyer and Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy are prominent couples
>due to most male superheroes/standard canon love interests not existing you have even more lesbian pairings like Supergirl/Lois Lane
tldr it's basically Golden Age WW2 superhero comics but with lesbians
Oh i fucking forgot Bombshells aka DC's lesbianWW2verse!
My best line to throw to someone wanting to get into western comics is: don't think to hard about it and just pick something with a cool cover with a num1...
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>mfw this is what Teenage Negasonic Warhead used to look back in the day
>don't think to hard about it and just pick something with a cool cover with a num1
>do so, with a Spiderman #1
"Oh hey, remember that time you got cloned? The several times you were cloned, in fact. And the time you wore a black suit that turned out to be a symbiote. Yeah, we wacked the symbiote god and his acolyte recently, don't you remember? Oh wait, you're not even Spiderman, you're Miles Morales!"
Ah yes, thank you, Spiderman #1. How could I forget all those things that happened before Spiderman #1.

tl;dr to get into comics, start in the 1930s.
Thats the bit you need to not care about, i started to read comics with Infinity Crisis and Civil War...and i'm a completely normal and well adjusted individual...everything is perfectly fine with me...everything...
This isn't /homosexual/ to talk about marvel and dc
No one cares about your boring ass ship, faggot.
Can Baiser beat Captain Marvel?
In spite of the board's description western stuff has been accepted on /u/ for well over a decade. Here's a /western/ general from 2012 where people are discussing Marvel and DC:
Are you fom Suimasen Scans? Is that why that group is a yuri scanlation group nowadays?
Chemicals in the water, I believe.
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I had a dream about buying a yuri manga and then a huge ass dog chased me out of the store so I essentially got the manga for free. Does that count?
Kill yourself, alicefag/hagfag.
I was reading a western Godzilla comic a few months ago, and the very last page of the series was the main character (female) getting married to a punk side girl. It surprised me, because it came out of left field. Its not like there was a lot of chemistry or screen time with the two, and romance was never really a thing they were building too, it just got to a timeskip where theyre married all of a sudden
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Cope, zero taste subhuman.
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Chairman Mao, you're looking the wrong way!
I have no issues with you discussing it in the homosexuality containment thread
There are no limits to her power of perversion.
/u/ has indeed had exceptionally bad moderation for well over a decade. To the detriment of the board.
The only homosexual here is you, you prancing lala fairy
How do we get rid of the adashima design curse?
Walmart Rising will inspire another few years of black hair x pink hair unless the movie is one big hoax.
Yuri is life.
Hello, based department?
>If you want to read Harley/Ivy stuff pick up the two minis based on the show
Atrocious fucking advice. Everything about that series is ass; the art, the story, and it's unbelievably preachy in the most tumblr way.

If you want Harlivy, you read like... Everyone Loves Ivy > Heroes in Crisis > Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy > Fear State (I guess, for the context of Ivy) > Batman Secret Files: The Gardener > Gotham City Villains (just the Ivy part is important) > and then some simultaneous combination of Harley Quinn Vol 4 + Poison Ivy Vol 1 (both ongoing).
>prancing lala fairy
Stop talking about gay shit like batman, it's not yuri.
My ass.
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I just picked it up today but "The Strange Case of Harleen and Harley" is just focused on Pam and Harleen in an alternate retelling of both of their origins and is completely self contained.
>girls picking up other girls
That's new.
An inevitablity really
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She can't keep getting away with this.
whats the pinky represent?
very nice
What's with this randomass image spamming/flooding?
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>Explicit Yuri, filled with kisses and on-screen lesbian sex
>no room for plausible deniability, or open-endedness
>No males, not even background characters, so no room for shitposts
>Decent budget
>Adaptation was somehow less censored than the source material
>gets a season 2
>Popular even amongst non-yuri fans
>multiple side couples, including genuine pure romance
>no token 'forced drama' or 'am i gay' subplots
>action scenes
>/u/ hates it
i dont get it, it literally checks every box on the list
>backyardigans wiki
all I know is that those guys are waging war against lostmedia fans or something
How new
>/u/ hates it
Source: your ass
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This series keeps delivering.
Apparently there's rampant vandalism or something? Some pages are weird and clearly vandalised because of some discord drama.
>Takasora didn't get a manga but this bislut did
Fuck this straight earth.
Anti-het ntr is based, and not bislut.
You didn't read it.
"fuck you"
Was the other series as popular as lewd teacher when it was publishing?
Who is Takasora?
Does anyone have The Saintess has a showdown (本圣女摊牌了) raw chapters 410 - 413? Tried purchasing chapters on manga.bilibili but nothing worked
One of the girls groomed by Chiki, Shimamura's first crush
Wait, Shima had a first crush?
A weird young lady in a kimono who only likes high school girls. Shimamura was in middle school at the time so she didn't go for her.
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not enough lewd Korisu moments
Found this in my folders.
Also this one.
2025 will be a year of shitposting you can guess what is the reason
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I wouldn't say worst ever, but it was pretty bad.
This is a really weird form of shitposting I've noticed in the last year or so (claiming a board hates something that it either has no opinion on or loves)
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I found this.
I'd have to agree, I tried thinking about which was the best anime of the year, and couldn't really come up with any viable candidates on the spot.
MahoAko and Sasakoi got shit adaptations, GBC and Jelly were disappointments, Vtuber had like 1 good episode, Seiyuu Radio was just passable, Narenare/Mayonaka/Shuumatsu Train were forgettable, LL and Yuru Camp were pointless.
The only one that really gave me wholesome vibes all throughout would be Dungeon People, but it was just subtext in the end, so it's a bit sad as a yuri AOTY pick.
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>>Popular even amongst non-yuri fans
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>finally got to symphogear S4
>it's literally lesbians vs hetshits and the 'T' word with the exception of saint-Germain.
Kino, also tsubasa x Maria is best couple.
>finally got to symphogear S4
The correct viewing order is S1 -> S2 -> last scene of S5.
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I choose to believe she will draw a new yuri manga soon.
Manga about a female mangaka discovering the fellow female mangaka she's in love with is about to marry a man and going off the deep end.
But with a manga-original ending where she killed her crush and carried her dead body to a park.
Manga about a female mangaka kidnapping her fellow female mangaka and going on the run.
In unrelated news Yuama's new manga will be going on a sudden indefinite hiatus without explanation.
MahoAko was huge among non-yuri fans, I think it's the one series since Yuru Yuri that all the non-fans I know have seen. By comparison if I mentioned something like WataOshi or WataYuri they'd have no idea what I was talking about
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Mahoako ranked 6th among all hot topics in Japan this year. Its success has been truly unpredictable: https://x.com/nico_nico_pedia/status/1869359272255250848
>MahoAko got shit adaptations
Opinion discarded
Have many times have you "reached" season 4 so you can make this shitpost?
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>the 'T' word
You just had to mention them, didn't yOH SHIT THERE'S ONE RUN YOU IMBECILE!
Maybe the weirdest psychological detail in old lesbian fiction is a lesbian hating herself so much that they commit self-harm not by cutting herself but by having sex with men as an act of degradation. This is somehow a widespread thing among real depressed lesbians. It's the most uncomfortable trope in yuri and I don't want to see it in newer fiction.
Is full on non-consentual stuffm even the kiss was forced by Utena orders to the point they don´t repeat it without cohesion
also a bunch of stupid shots
Even asumi chan who is about yuri segs is all consentual and has not dumb shots
reminder that most if not all of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are girls.
Wasn't there some gender bender stuff happening by the end?
I don't think it belongs here.

Ren always looking sexo. Never got why chigusa keep drawing those ugly nails tho
It gets weird, which is interesting...by the end of the last movie, the new bad ones...the velociraptors basically can breed via parthenogenesis.
Unless you have dinosaur yuri, then it's for gays to search the body parts of jesus christ
>Unless you have dinosaur yuri
Go study pantheologist geneticist and don´t comeback until you clone your first raptor!
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She can't see you if you don't get horny.
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Cute and canon.
This is lliterally the first time I'm watching symphogear wtf are you talking about?
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Hello /u/ we got the poll results up
Heaven Burns Red rep as OI TAMA
Returning from dead
Machikado Mazoku rep as Darkness Peach
Best ongoing manga wheel will happen tomorrow.
No medal chances

Links for the results
Wich woman can bed Aya Hirano?
As long she is not a bassist
Itou Miku
I'm sure no human being is curious about that but just in case there's a sentient pile of dog vomit mold out there wondering if there's any yuri in GGO S3 I can confirm that there is none. Also, both magical girl shows this season sucked. Kabushikigaisha Magi in particular was offensive to all the senses but is getting a second season for some insane reason. Superstar was the only show I enjoyed watching at all this season. That's all.
This season as a whole was extremely barren. Lots of stuff to look to forward to in 2025, at least
The action was bad.
>>Superstar was the only show I enjoyed watching at all this season.

That's sad when you think about it, but it was what I predicted before the season, SS S3 would be among the best of the season, basically because everything else sucks for the most part.

>>GGO S3
S3? On the other hand there was never any real yuri there, just a girl with a stupid complex of being pretty and small.

>both magical girl shows this season sucked.
>Kabushikigaisha Magi in particular
what was the other one?

>>Kabushikigaisha Magi in particular was offensive to all the senses but is getting a second season for some insane reason.

It was announced too quickly, this is clearly a 24+ episode anime split into 2 parts (as usual) so don't think it's a symbol of success or anything.

>>This season as a whole was extremely barren.
Tell me about it, I looked at my list of 28 series and it's worse than you can imagine (Go Rush sucks by the way) this is the first time that falling asleep didn't matter much to me.
Next season won't be much better unless original anime helps, though for the rest of the year we will have content plus anything original that shows up. In a way I like this way more, having a "yuri season" rather than titles diluted over the year
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>MahoAko saved yuri
>most yuri fans hate it because the characters are underage and rapey
So unfortunate.
>most yuri fans hate it because the characters are underage and rapey
Oh no a dozen yuri watchers from the west don't like a series they pirated
>two untrue statements
oh no half of leddit disliked it
>Hating on Yukari
Lmao, imagine hating the cutest
You will never be young again, Maribel.
Did you forget about pic related?
Congratulations, you didn't prove anything and you gave him complete reason, I also watched that anime, let's not prefer what doesn't exist, GGO is the best SAO has to offer, but SAO is a piece of shit.
>gave him complete reason
For fuck's sake, learn English, you retarded monkey.
Westerners being stupid over nonsense is nothing new, it's just complaints that have no real sense, about a problem that doesn't exist and that only generates more stupid things when the real problems still exist (and these same people are incapable of even proposing solutions to those real problems)

A true yuri fan doesn't see "rape" or "minors" they see different types and combinations of couples or possible couples, if you see beyond that, you are an anime poser.
Why do you like het so much?
Why do you want people here to get into het too?
The time to enjoy christmas and new year's yuri is finally here again. I have Candy Boy queued up to start in a couple days and can't wait. Il throw in some holiday oneshots as well. Then I'll start HinaLogi to get the finale kiss in time for new years. What's your yuri of choice while celebrating the holidays?
Why did you even save literally one schizo being mentally ill? It was not like it was a common opinion to be proven wrong or some shit
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It's easy to find times when people on /u/ were wrong, but what about times when people on /u/ were correct?
Where is this doujin??
The Watanare anime is the /u/ equivalent of /tv/ crashing a plane or /co/ getting the Joker raped.
Underwater has been defunct for a long time now. They didn't even finish Rinne no Lagrange S2.

What sort of announcement will it be?
There were that one male gaze shitposter, and there was a good number of posts (probably the same person) concern trolling that it would open the floodgates to fake-yuri fans or whatever. Not sure if those count
You been living under a rock?
Official Christmas album, where they sing western christmas music fully in Engrish
Bislut like this shit.
I just want a series we can all be proud of and enjoy together as a board

Closest things we had were

1. early chapter Citrus
2. Korra post finale
3. Fire emblem 3H
4. Witch of Mercury
I never liked any of those
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Would /u/ ever have holiday streams like /a/ does
I have no idea because I will never leave /u/.
>Manio announcing an announcement
It's happening!

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Tamilo disrespecters keep walking

(even if the 2nd season sucked due to trying to speedrun the plot)
Too late. See >>4347563
You just lost your privilege as a Manio fan.
>no link
It's clearly a fake, doctored image.
Was wondering if someone made an "Absolute Cinema" meme with Panda from Virgin Road.

Also I wish mangadex could make it more obvious when a manga gets licensed.
>doctored image that came true in the future
Manio fans are too strong...
>What's your yuri of choice while celebrating the holidays?
Annual Candy Boy watching.
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>GBC and Jelly were disappointments
GBC was great and a lot more yuri than i was expecting coming in. It also didnt have a massive dip in writing quality like jelly
>Narenare/Mayonaka/Shuumatsu Train were forgettable
Mayonaka was great, fuck you. the others were shit though, especially Narenare which is probably my least favorite 'yuri' of the year
>MahoAko and Sasakoi got shit adaptations
Putting Mahoako anywhere near Sasakois adaptation is pure delusion
Light novels of Kiki
Sasakoi isn't even finished yet...
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I was recommended this on twitter. I hate this world
Anon. You can’t defend GBC. You must accept the narrative about this new backpedal buzzword and act like it’s the worst insult ever
Saying your english sucks and hurts to read isn’t defending het
You’re in a page of english speakers. Natives are gonna shit on broken ESL MTL english
>I follow garbage on twitter, how come it keeps showing me garbage???
This has to be one of the most disgusting things I see this year.
Volume 3 most likely.
Too much males characters.
Too much het plots.
No canon Yuri ending.
I am just thinking it would be fun. I could do it maybe stream Candy boy or HinaLogi at least one episode a day until New years
Delete this right now.
Asking for DV
>two girls married each other
>No canon Yuri ending.
You're insane.
Bandai deny the marriage ending.
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It didn't.
Then they rewrite it.

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