aka "Sorry, but I'm Not Into Yuri". Discuss the latest volume and thrilling conclusion of the Dodgeball Arc.
>>4348289harem infighting incoming
>>4348289Why haven't they changed the title?
I think the upcoming arc might be the last one. We have a lot of couples cued up. Itsumi/Rin, Yomotsuka/Banryuu, Yanagi and… whoever the blonde girl is I forget her name, Fusuma/Kamen (mask girl), Ookado/Nurse-sensei. I guess Itsumi will have to reject Yanagi, Ruruka and Kurohime once and for all and ride off into the sunset with Rin.
I just had to re-read chapter 25 again. Rin is so special.
>>4348311When I first read this manga last year I read that chapter over and over again. It has to be one of the best "consummation of relationship" chapters in yuri, it's so sweet.
>>4348311The middle school gf with the most
>>4348316>>4348325And when she accidentally eats love potion in the little sister chapter she immediately has to call Rin and have the sweetest heart to heart.
>>4348365Then the follow up in the park while Rin tries to convince her idiot gf to put effort in the dodgeball game so they can actually go on a datePeak really
>>4348301It's not infighting if Rin will literally murder them all
Did this slut forget she is part of the harem?
>>4348413Litterally before the dodgeball game she said she didn't feel that way towards itsumi and instead started getting horny about all women instead. Sensei fingered her once and boom new gf when she graduates
>>4348424>can't date a student, that would be immoral>making her cum hard just once to turn her gay is ok thoughthe nurse is the ultimate groomer
>>4348365The phonecall scene was so well-executed. Her response to Rin's question wasn't put off until some bullshit "perfect moment" 3 volumes later during the hokkaidou shuugakuryokou or whatever trope. It was just a regular day for Rin, walking home with friends, and suddenly Itsumi is so full of love that she has to pour her heart out to here there and then, even if it's over the phone. It's such an otherwise mundane setting, but that ironically makes it feel so much more special and real. Absolute masterpiece of yuri and romance in general. This manga has all the payoffs that you wait for in other romcoms but never get.
>>4348439She was already pretty gay to keep thinking about women sexually
>>4348442Which chapter was this again? Seeing this just makes me want to reread the chapter.
>>4348439I take it as the nurse opened (lol) her to feelings she had, but didn't understand herself.
>>4348305>YanagiIt sucks but nothing that can be done>RurukaA rejection won't be enough, I want her head to explode on-screen>KurohimeRin will have to learn Itsumi can have more than one wife
>>4348637>It sucks but nothing that can be doneIt does not yanagi and the student council girl will be exclusive >A rejection won't be enough, I want her head to explode on-screenRuruka is kind of based but I understand your sentiment>Rin will have to learn Itsumi can have more than one wifeNo, kys. Itsumi and Rin are special and will be soul mates forever, Kurohime will be fine
>>4348640Fuck you Kurohime is precious and Itsumi never declined her offers
>>4348646I know she's precious bro but Rin's connection with Itsumi is leaps and bounds more precious than anything else in this story, and Rin deserves exclusivity with Itsumi. I know it's hard Kurohime needs to move on. If this manga actually goes down a harem route I might actually rope.
>>4348651>inb4 we get the School Days of yuri
>>4348637>Yanagi suckson Itsumi's rock hard nips.
>>4348679That chapter actually isn't canon
>>4348671Itsumi would deserve it if she pulled that on rin
>>4348679If Rin ever finds out the extent of what happened. I think Rin will just commit jihad on probably the entire school
>>4348692And that's a good thing!
Why does Rin like shower sex so much?
>>4348784She likes to keep it clean
I will sacrifice half of /u/'s population to make Mochi continue Kasumi and Acchanhttps://dynasty-scans.com/series/kasumi_and_acchan
>>4348815Didn't all of her other series stop just so she can focus on this one? When ever she decides to end it, she'll probably pick these up again
>>4348815MaL's art changed a lot when they stopped drawing everyone with beady black eyes. Also why did they draw Kurohime so friggin huge in this picture
>>4348839She's a big girl
>>4348839Seriously, when she brought back the Kaguya inn girls I went "I know them but those eyes make it hard to remember" then I checked the manga and she has normal looking eyes, the hell?
>>4348305We're going to have at minimum two more arcs. We've already done a bunch of setup for the summer festival (happening next) and the resort trip (happening after that)
>>4348848Rin and Itsumi will have their first date at the festival. And after the resort I suspect a wrap up arc to tie the many loose ends and then an ending. So 3 more
So are they ever going to adress how Itsumi's sister basically manipulated everyone, including gaslighting their parents, to ostracize her just so she can indulge in her siscon fantasies?
>>4348861its played for laughs its ok
>>4348861>>4348862The fact that her fantasies failed so spectacularly, is a cherry on top. The antithesis of the normal mochi reading experience
>>4348289Why did she give her virginity away so easily /u/? Twice
>>4348863if anything, it showed Itsumi could've come out way worse
>>4348865It what happens when hot girls come on to you >>4348866Both a gift and a punishment that her girlfriend has the leash on her tight
>>4348861Honestly I think it's more likely that Itsumi's parents were already treating her like crap and Arare convinced herself that she was making them do that in order to feel like she had control of the situation. I think it's way more likely that she's overstating her own agency than that a middle schooler is legitimately controlling two grown adults
>>4348867I know she's attention starved but she's acting like a loose woman
>>4348869She was very much a loose woman. She let a woman suck on her tits to as an alternative to smoking
>>4348868Probably but it's a comedy manga so I don't think it'll be brought up again in any meaningful fashion. If anything, if Rin introduces herself as her girlfriend things might get better at home
>>4348871>Arare goes into full cope when she sees itI want it and I want it NOW
>>4348872The fact that Rin is specifically one of Arare's classmates rather than one of Itsumi's is the perfect twist of the knife here. She's going to lose her mind
>>4348871>>4348872>>4348873>Arare starts to dig up dirt on what happened with Itsumi's current and former harem members just to drive her and Rin apart so she has no other choice but to be with her
is it ok for school nurses to wear tight bodysuits to work? holy fuck she's sexy
>>4348872>>4348873>>4348875I didn't even consider this when I brought it up. That is totally gonna happen in the manga. There's too much potential
>>4348908How else will she groom horny high school girls? Taking the hello, melencholic route
I want to see more Ruruka
Wow, nice to see the best ongoing manga get a thread. I was so disappointed that there was no new chapter this month.
>>4348947How far ahead are the raws?
>>4348956chapter 41 came out a month agoIn terms of story mainly toudou helping to set up a band for the festival and fucking yet another girl
>>4348992>SpoilerItsumi is litterally asking for death. It's one thing to be a loose woman when you're single, but she's got a wonderful girl at her old middle school
>>4348992Not reading that spoiler since I like to wait until full volumes come out but based on this reply >>4348996 I really hope itsumi didn't do anything she shouldn't have
>>4348996 long story short at the end of the most recent chapter she accidently blurts out to someone about the love potion, they don't believe her, which obviously means she gives it to them and gets taken advantage of again. My original description of her fucking someone wasn't very good, she does tell them to stop and that she has a girlfriend.
I feel like it's hard to recommend this manga to people cause of the schoolgirl date rape drug groping but it genuinely has better romantic payoff than a ton of serious yuri manga.
>>4349046reddit concern
>>4349065True yuriheads will understand, I agree. There was even a 69k likes post on Xitter about the infamous tit sucking vape addiction treatment panel
>>4349046Itsumi is such a pillow princess.
>>4349046I reccomend it regardless, I tell them it gets dropped pretty quickly (2.5 volumes is quick right?). Rin's arc and the entirety of cops and robbers is too good to be ignored
>>4349084I remember being sad when she didn't go for the insane bdsm rich girl, Rin was the better call anyhow. But more importantly, why did Mocchi pretend that she wasn't into bdsm and a massive dyke at first?
>>4349006>follow upI'm trusting you Nee-san. Mostly cause if Itsumi doesn't pull through everyone at her school has a high chance of dying
I don't think there's any Christmas art for this series so here's another Mocchi au Lait girl in a Santa suit
>>4348311>>4348316I still re-read chapter 25 once a month at least, it's my most re-read chapter at this point. It's just too perfect.
she is pretty smooth
Why Itsumi—someone with that typa personality, decided to wear a cape?she wear it everyday at school, also at home during her sleepover with RinAny explanation for that? Is it just... gap moe?
>>4350155Because ~~she thinks that~~ capes are cool!
>>4350155it looks cool
only saying Itsumi's name when she's having sex with her is a powerful move from Rin
New chapter!https://mangadex.org/chapter/9824637b-9471-432e-95d0-e19785c45c30
>>4350961Kurohime, Itsumi is not worth dying over!!
>>4350961>Kurohime chapter Based
>>4350961>Kurohime chapterSkipped
>>4350268And she's right!
>>4350961Itsumi is such a little perverted gremlin. Truly relatable
>>4350961Itsumi has done so much perverted stuff that she considers thinks of it as normal stuff done between girls and not being unfaithful.>>4351050A funny chapter could be Kurohime and Itsumi shopping for erotic lingerie together.
>>4351929We know Kurohime gets her lolita outfits by sewing them herself so I'd bet she sews her own underwear too. Maybe we could get a chapter where she offers to make some for Itsumi
>>4351974While she's making them, Kurohime is excited to see Itsumi in them. Meanwhile Itsumi is excited to wear them next time Rin stays over.
Can somebody kindly make, I don't know, a name chart of the characters
>>4354161ChatGPT:Itsumi Toudou: Initially interested in her homeroom teacher, she inadvertently becomes the object of affection for several female classmates after using a love potion.Makoto Yomotsuka: The stern student committee president who, after being subjected to the love potion, develops strong feelings for Itsumi.Himari Kamisada: A classmate who becomes involved in the unfolding romantic dynamics.Ruruka Kanou: Another student whose interactions add to the complex web of relationships.Tsubasa Ookado: A character contributing to the expanding set of yuri situations.Hanei Rin: Part of the group experiencing various romantic entanglements.Yanagi Yayoi: A student who plays a role in the evolving relationships.
>>4354161That is a great idea, I might have to do it as a good excuse to read it all again.I guess it would need to include a few character traits and whether they have had the love potion and other potential relationships. >>4354189Did you really think it was necessary to share this slop after it stopped saying specific after Makoto?
>>4354189>chatGPT recognizes Ruruka but not Kurohime The bullying needs to stop
>>4354196I love the MCU (Mochi Cinematic Universe)
Chapter 39!https://mangadex.org/chapter/d51b6f07-170f-43da-a6e7-431c334455d4
How does the art look both amateurish and pro at the same time?>>4355335Scared-sensei and Black Lingerie-sensei definitely fuck.
>>4355443I think it's charming. It's much more polished than Kaguya inn or I met my sister on a dating site but it's still obviously her art. It makes mochi instantly recognizable compared to most moe artists as a result I think
The simple faces make it seem amateurish, but the author knows what they're doing.
>>4348387lol that's funny is that little sister
>>4348413>falls in love with the first person that fingers herNaive child.
>>4355526She'll have the marriage papers ready after the first oral sex.
>>4355335Itsumi is collecting girls like they were pokemon
>>4355488This is the little sister.
>>4355723I don't know if I interpreted that line the same way the translator did. She said "sonna ni suki ja nai kara" which does literally mean "I don't like you that much" but I took that more as "I don't like you THAT much" or "I don't like you in a romantic way." I'm under the impression that if she wanted to simply say "I don't like you that much" she'd say "amari suki ja nai kara." The translation sounds a little harsher than it actually was IMO but I'm not a native jap speaker so someone please correct me if they want to.
>>4355335Itsumi's a real one, she's like the very opposite of uselessbian.I have so much respect for her.All yuri harem protagonists should aspire to be like her.
>>4356087I wouldn't classify this as a harem anymore, it's something like an anti-harem, where every girl who fell for or had intercourse with the MC eventually finds her own girlfriend instead, and so did the MC herself.
>>4356099Harem deconstruction.
>>4356099>I wouldn't classify this as a harem anymoreThat's why it's worthwhile, but the character bloat is getting worse and worse, so I'm not sure how much longer that will apply.
>>4355723I thought the mcs younger sister was fucking the mcs kouhai who was in the first image I replied to
Itsumi is so powerful that she turned her entire school gay by proxy
>>4355335Bit of a boring chapter. I need a little more lesbian action. I really liked this part though, it shows off how Toudou is cowardly and selfish but also kind and empathetic.>>4355443>>4355478>>4355482It's actually a really big leap from the earlier black dot eye style, but you can clearly see how it developed from there. It's pretty cool>>4356165I think Rin and Arare are friends but idk how you got that they were lovers
>>4356051Yeah I agree
>>4356483>think Rin and Arare are friends but idk how you got that they were loversI just couldn't remember I haven't read this in a while and I don't want to have to skim through to find the answer
>>4356723How could you forget chapter 25?
the "Hey! Don't tell pointless lies" always makes me laugh
Wait the author are two people?
>>4348301Rin the top wifeKurohime the concubineRuruka the dog/unpaid labor
>>4357267Yea man and woman team (when I first heard about). Not sure who does what tho
Why is Itsumi such a whore? She was used goods by the time she got to Rin
>>4355335Oikawa should replace Ruruka as Itsumi's best friend
>>4357942No can do. Kurohime already got the position
>>4357955I forgot why did Itsumi tolerate Ruruka? Because at the beginning she was the only person to tolerate Itsumi?
>>4357960Pretty much
>>4357960They were outcasts together in middle school. Hopefully Itsumi eventually ditches her. Ruruka is even scummier than her and shows no signs of improving.
this cunt aint no friend
>>4358008>Kurohime tries to kill Itsumi >lolno I'm not getting involved>Yanagi tries to mug her>lolno good luckIf there's justice, at the end of the manga, Ruruka will get killed by one of Banryuu's goons
>>4358008This was back when Itsumi was also a piece of shit though. They were both garbage together, Itsumi didn't become a good person until the last few volumes.
>>4358071Who knew getting a tard wrangling gf would keep you on the straight and narrow?
>>4358071>Itsumi didn't become a good person until the last few volumes.Revisionism, she started becoming a better person once she quit her plans to drug her teacher
>>4358145Was that not three or four volumes ago? It was really Rin that made her a better person. She had no issue toying with people and embarrassing them, leading them on and ruining their reputations until the Rin events. She was objectively shittier than Ruruka, really. Ruruka is just a low-grade scumbag that isn't really evil, while itsumi was an unironic villain who turned a new leaf and became a really good person.I would like to see a Ruruka redemption arc, though. She needs her own gf.
>>4358166Ruruka needs to get stabbed and left to die in a ditch
>>4358205That's pretty mean anon
>>4358209Ruruka is scum, scummier than Itsumi ever was
>>4358210How? The worst Ruruka ever did not be willing to die for another scumbag and fap to/molest her friend. Not great things but not particularly evil.
>>4358213Itsumi never molested anyone and she's a loyal friend, that already puts her above Ruruka
>>4358216>Itsumi never molested anyoneYeah she just spiked the drinks of a bunch of innocent people to mind control them and then manipulated them when they were in love with her and had sex with them>she's a loyal friendShe hung out with and fawns over Yanagi even after she falls in love with Rin. She also drags Ruruka into multiple ridiculous situations and gets her in trouble. Again, Ruruka is just kind of a sleazy creep but she's not really evil or irredeemable.
>>4358217>Yeah she just spiked the drinks of a bunch of innocent people to mind control themliterally accidents, her target was her teacher, not her fault the rest of her classmates are as retarded as she is>She hung out with and fawns over Yanagi even after she falls in love with Rin.Yanagi is the one who escalates things> She also drags Ruruka into multiple ridiculous situations and gets her in trouble.And Ruruka follows along just for the chance of being tossed a crumb of the Itsussy
>>4358220t. RinIt's okay you won already calm down
>>4358145>giving up on hetshit made her a better personnow I can behind this lesson
>>4357960Strangely Itsumi's only friend at the beginning seems to have been Ruruka but *Ruruka* was already friends with Hana. In the chapter that introduces her Hana even tries to wingman for Ruruka by coming up with a bullshit reason to make Itsumi kiss her. I'd bet they get along because Hana is an equally huge creep just one who likes spying on and conning people instead of sexually harassing them directly
>>4358300Ruruka was more of a repeat customer than friend.
I'm disappointed that even though Ruruka says she doesn't fit into her cosplays anymore because she got fat, in the latest chapters when you see her in swimsuits etc. she's not drawn particularly fat
>>4358356See I think that's pretty realistic honestly. Teen girls tend to have lots of neurotic anxieties about their body that aren't really based on anything and it's pretty easy for a girl with the very slightly chubby build shown here and not a lot of self-esteem to end up thinking of herself as fat especially if she's been bullied about it before
>>4358090>>4358166gf mode Ruruka is lowkey somewhat kinda cutemay some girl be able to fix her
>>4358409Ruruka drawn just slightly chubbier here, I like it though.>>4358356Well, glad to hear I'm not the only Rurukafag here.
>>4358446I'm pretty sure every girl in the series has a fan here
>>4358452Not really sure about Ruruka
I want Ruruka to win.
>>4358507we can wish, anon.
I'm rereading from the beggining and I just realized Rin is a mesugaki, wtf
>>4358993Bit older, but yes. Though she's much nicer mesugaki.
>>4358993Rin isn't bratty at all.
>>4359637Her first chapter she was a bully but that's before mochi decided what to do with her, since that was dropped in her 2nd appearance
>>4359638Yes but that's not being a brat.
Itsumi had hard life. Has so many middle school bully.
>>4363632She pissed herself. Pretty embarrassing to be doing that at her age
>>4365761On the contrary, that's a fantastic way to bait all the onee-samas nearby.
>>4365761She was just letting all the females in the area know she's available via scent marking
>>4358993She's not. Mesugakis in yuri are so rare.
Whens Itsumi gonna sex Oikawa?
>>4365761Do none of the girls have a piss kink?
>>4366425Surely Ruruka doed
Itsumi doesn't follow a bros before hoes philosophy. it's more like all her bros are her hoes
Prez correcting Itsumi to not disrespect Banryuu was a nice small moment.
>>4372537Rin... your gf being unfaithful again...
I'm glad the 3rd year's are back hope we see more of them.
It has been awhile since the love potion been relevant up until now.
>>4372537>>4372539this is why a harem ending or Itsumi getting killed by one of her haremettes is the most likely ending
>>4372640It will litterally be Rin having to tard wrangle her forever
>but I'm not into yuri
>>4372655Or Rin breaks up with her and Itsumi learns love is more satisfying than lust and stops being a slut.
>>4372703and then marries Kurohime
>>4372537This is truly a panel of all time
>>4372794Yea but this one is better
>>4372794It's not cheating if you're just being polite.
leg grinding is the best. Itsuki's tights are gonna get soaked though
>>4348289Man I really hope we get a new longer sex scene soon
>>4377590The festival arc seems like it will continue for a while, since it is still in the preparations, but I like to believe that a Rin chapter can come at any time
>>4377743>Rin chapter can come at any timeWhen the reader and Itsumi least expects it
I liked cops and robbers better than dodgeball. More cool stuff happening and R fanservice
>>4377867I hope we get to see truck-chan again
I love the tagline on the back of volume 4 so much
>>4377867I miss her. Best delinquent.
>>4377867This panel reminds me of Majima busting through Shangri-la