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Previous Thread

>Main places to read fics:

>An ancient archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very large archive of works)

Post links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, it's all good as long as it's yuri.
I reread a fluff fic that I wrote almost a year ago and I forgot that I had one girl threaten to pee on another girl. Sometimes I wonder what my past self was thinking.
I often write when I'm half asleep, I've had pages of nonsensical dialogue appear overnight.
Your past self is cooler than your present self.
holy fuck writing is so hard i always end up rewriting the same paragraph a billion times before moving onto the next one FUCK
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Yeah I fell into the exact same pattern at first. Actually I still catch myself falling into it from time to time. I dunno if you're just venting or asking for advice but either way here's three major tips that helped me:

-Doing a clumsy first draft to begin with and then going back and altering it tends to help the process go smoother. It's easier to edit than it is to write wholesale, and having the entire scene written out (albeit clumsily) can help you shape the events when you go back to edit. You just gotta ignore the part of your brain that tells you you're writing cringe.

-Generally, steady progress over a few days/weeks/whatever will always be more consistent than trying to blast out the whole story in one or two sittings. If you're just starting out, try to go for just a few hundred words a day. If you get past it then great, if you fall a little short that's okay too. Just getting in the habit of regularly putting something out there helps a bunch. And always always write it down if it's good. A fun idea floating around your head you haven't committed to paper might as well not exist.

-The internet era makes this more difficult than ever, but it's always helpful to remember that basically everyone who's good at something started out being very bad at that thing. It's easy to look at authors with 100 fics and go holy shit they're so good at writing, but they had to struggle every step of the way too. Nobody sits down and starts writing peak right away.

Anyway. good luck and my bad for the sperging if you were just doing a drive by vent.
When I first started writing fanfics and posted a sample of my first work here many years ago, I was told that I must read a lot since my first work was somewhat decent.
So my advice to you to write better is to read lots of books. The good grammar, pacing and characters will seep into your brain and teach you how to do it.
Also if you're writing smut, write while horny.
>Also if you're writing smut, write while horny.
I've always been torn on this one. Writing while horny allows you to channel exactly what a horny reader wants to see, but writing while clear-headed allows you to write sex that might also mean something to a reader that doesn't have one hand under the table
>Also if you're writing smut, write while horny.

Oh man people always say this but it never really works for me. Distraction factor aside, writing isn't terribly exciting and it's not like you can stay horny the entire time. But yea jotting down ideas for later works well.
>be far along into the writing
>have an idea that could've made things flow better 20 chapters ago

>be near the end
>writing got better as the fic went
>go back to the beginning
>be disgusted at how rough writing was
Any recs for pic related? I need more fics focusing on the teacher/student aspect of their relationship
I had a weird opposite experience, where I liked my early stuff a lot more than what I write now. I think the fresh novelty of capturing my ideas got drowned out by the process, and maybe the concern of how my work will be received. Sucks
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I'm drawing a blank sadly. I lowkey haven't kept up with edeleth stuff in like two years. There definitely do need to be more fics emphasizing the teacher student dynamic for real though.
An anon in the last thread asked for feedback on their fics, I read one of them and wrote down my thoughts:
You're fucking awesome anon, I really appreciate it.
There is something really soul-crushing about finding an author you like and then you go to read more of their stuff and everything else is 2-3k word fics.
>everything else is 2-3k word fics.
That's literally all I write.
I will salt your fields.
Not as soul-crushing as seeing the tag 'Girl Penis' used on their new fic.
2-3k words is at least long enough to get into. It's sub 1k fics that suck. I just filter out "drabbles" of any kind as those can barely be called fanfics
I agree 2-3k is often annoyingly short, but fics one notch above at the 5k-7k words mark are usually fine for me. It's just the difference of one or two scenes but it means a lot.
He's right, tron shit doesn't belong in yuri
>want to write strap sucking
>run out of gas after like 3 sentences

Jeez this is tricky
Same, except I also do it when drunk. My big problem is that I end up with docs full of random lines that I thought would be cool to use in a fiction some day and I usually can't remember the context behind them so it ends up feeling utterly bizarre and random.
Though some day I WILL expand
>this is it boys, toe to toe with the omegaverse in nuclear combat
into a full fic, probably with lesbian fighter or mech pilots or something
this is me any time I try to write smut. It seems I want to read romance and only to live smut.

damn, I really want to read whatever you put that in
Just lean into it and have them be like
>wew, this is weird, innit?
>wanna go back to the good stuff?
>you know it, guv!
and then have the good stuff be whichever kink comes naturally to you. Ez gyatt-claps!
first time posting, probably not up to snuff but i will throw my hat in the ring

incest smut, in that near 2-3k range, spoilers for the aitsf games, can be read separately. bleh
>literally starting a nuclear war at the gay bar
>I'd read it
Please recommend some good Otherside Picnic fics I'm obsessed and very sad that I'm out of books to read for now.
I remember getting into romantic fanfiction via a Buffyverse femslash site in 2013 that I don't think even exists anymore, I wonder how much yuri fanfic from the 2000s is just lost media now because nobody ever migrated it to major sites like AO3
I was reading a vampire AU and I thought the line
>savoring the fine wine of a mortal vineyard
was pretty good. One of those things that just sticks in my head.
Any good time travel redo fics? It's a guilty pleasure of mine.
i swear to god i'll still write a fic with ritsuko and misato
>>4366040 (OP)
I like this image who are these people
oh I just realized it's supposed to be xena and her friend lol I thought it's from some manga
they would be a lot happier together instead they died alone and depressed
do it!
>they would be a lot happier together
i think they would be catty and fight a lot but would always end up fucking. which would make eva a lot more interesting. but i digress, i really want to write something about hate sex/jealousy/possessiveness/whatever but im really slow and lazy
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The Seduction Of Kirie Kojima
If anyone remembers Kirie and Kosame from "Girls Bravo", then this is a must read.
>One-shot. Hijiri causes trouble again by kidnapping Yukinari and Miharu and taking them to Seiren. Desperate to rescue her friends, Kirie enlists Kosame's help to save them. Kosame agrees to help, but only on one condition, she wants to have Kirie in her bed for the night as her lover. Unsure if she can save her friends on her own, Kirie reluctantly agrees. When the time comes to fulfill her end of the bargain, she finds herself in Kosame's bed like they agreed. But Kosame doesn't want just a single night with her, she wants forever. Now that she finally has the opportunity, she's determine to seduce Kirie once and for all into having a real relationship with her. And as Kirie quickly learns, being with another girl may not be as bad as she initially thought. Will she finally give in to Kosame's seduction?
So is there an actual good Morrigan/Lilith fanfiction out there? There's a bunch of fanart, but
Ah shit, posted too early.

What I was going to say was "but Darkstalkers gets fuck all fanfiction. I do think that you could write a genuinely interesting story if you took the coupling seriously. I would do it myself if I had any confidence in my ability to write romance."
Looking for moderate to severe suffering, preferably poly/love triangle with some degree of insecurity/angst/(requited) unrequited love. Not too picky on fandom as long as it's self contained enough to make sense.
Some offerings as examples in no specific order or preference:
A/B/O oc fiction - Omega only established polycule adopts a severely repressed businesswoman. No mention of penises (or genitals in general really). Pretty decent but felt a bit rushed.
Edelthealeth, dorothea doesn't want to live anymore and does something about it. Author has a couple others of similar vein and varying quality.
EiMikoSara - Sara gets hanahaki and is crushed by her self perceived failures so she runs away to get surgery. Has some nice moments and supportive friends.

More EiMikoSara this time adding a baal. Sara is depressed about her failures, tries to off herself, and questionable medical practices ensue. Very drabble-y but it gets the job done.
EiMikoSara - lumine and paimon try to get the trio together by making Ei and Miko jealous. I didn't really like this one, hard to pin down a specific reason why - I think the characterization may have just not quite hit with my expectations. Still, it's 40k words so that counts for something.
Hina/Tsugumi & Sayo/Tsugumi, some light Hina/Sayo - twins share tsugumi but communication issues get in the way. Significantly lighter than other entries here, some suffering but not too angsty.
>!!!!trans alert!!!
I don't want to be rude but this is a big no here, you can do a thread in /b/ if you really want to share it.
Pretty sure you'll like this https://archiveofourown.org/works/50806108/chapters/128346823
Time travel suffering. The author takes months to update but it's really good. So, so much angst. It's not fully poly yet but it's getting there.
My deepest secret is that I kinda like the heat/mating season trope, but I absolutely loathe how omegaverse portrays it. Besides all the retarded power dynamics that just mimic het people, it just feels less magical when most of the global population goes through it. I prefer it when it's restricted to a certain species of supernatural creature and her human gf doesn't even know about it at first. I'm writing something that will never see the light of day and I just threw the possibility of parthenogenesis in there too, in case I need more drama in the future. The magical being is an oni
It's definitely one of those things that's hot when it's this rare and exotic and uncertain deal yeah. It really isn't special at all when half the human population experiences it on a regular basis.
Same sis. Heat/mating season is a top tier trope but omegaverse just doesn't work for me, even when it doesn't have dicks in it
I've always liked this one:
Sorawo's doppleganger is criminally underused in fics. I haven't written for urapi in forever so I'd have to look through the fandom tag to see which ones I remember liking, it's crazy that there's over 300 fics so far.
Thank you for the recommendation but I hate the idea of Toriko and Sorawo doing it with anyone else, even if it is Sorawo's doppelganger so I won't read it, sorry.
Now that's autism
Really? The desire for a canon couple to be faithful to each other and not fuck anyone else is autism?
You people really need to come up with a new insult.
Toriko is not fucking anyone else. She's fucking Sorawo and Sorawo
Yeah I don't like the idea that Toriko is fucking an alien entity from another dimension, just cus she looks like Sorawo doesn't mean she is.
I should add that doppelganger Sorawo and mujina Toriko being together would be cute though, I just don't want them fucking the real girls.
You are retarded.
I spent hours of my life writing a few thousand words of a new fic, and I think it's really good so far.

Then the new episode of the show comes out, completely upends everything I thought I understood about the character, and my fic is now unpublishably OOC.

How does one deal with this? It's been 2 days and I'm still pissed off.
Write between seasons/during hiatus rather than between episodes. Or just write AU. Not sure why you'd try to be predictive if you're the sort of person who gets annoyed when those predictions are wrong.
That used to happen all the time, with long weekly shows, it was called getting Jossed, Buffy writers originating it.

It also used to be common to have canon fics that would offshoot from a particular time or event, it was just an alternate reality, it didn't mean the writer had to stop.

Now, I think in your case it's more than just events making your fic obsolete, but actual characterization. That is tough, but unless you're completely media illiterate, you clearly had reasons for your interpretation before this ep. I'd still publish it, with a note about it being written before this ep, if you want, and maybe you can do a follow up taking into account the new reveals and see how that changes your story.
Writing fics of ongoing work is like tap dancing on a mined field.
add a note: this was written before episode x came out and ruined everything
>tfw the Yellowjackets fandom literally got two new ships in a just two eps...
Is it me or does it feels like ALL the small fandoms that were feed more or less before okish? before the US pulled a hard right just jumped into the Yellowjackets show?
I usually wait for exactly this reason. But the one single time I don't, I get fucked by the writers going a sudden unexpected swerve and making the mysterious, emotionally repressed, emotionally unavailable, clearly deeply jealous and angry cool girl actually a huge loser dork who isn't traumatized, just awkward.

I might try to rework it into something when the series is over. But I've learned my lesson and am gonna work on a different WIP instead until then.
People love 'what if this character was traumatized way harder than in canon' type stories though. I say just poast it with a disclaimer.
Something similar happened to me when I was reading a novel series where a character who forms a major part of the villainess's backstory is already dead when the series starts, and whose demise was the reason why the villainess breaks bad. Only the character's nickname was ever mentioned and nothing about her characterization was ever expounded upon in the books but I thought her relationship with the villainess was pretty interesting, so I wrote a prequel fic where I created a personality for her out of whole cloth. I figured the author would never write anything else about her in the books but he actually did, and it turned out that my made-up characterization of her being an overly friendly, leather-jacket-wearing delinquent was completely antithetical to her canon portrayal of being a mistrustful loner. I was happy that the author did expand a little bit on her backstory at all but I'm too proud of the fic to ever rewrite it or delete it. I just slapped the Jossed tag on it and moved on.
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>get recommended fic
>pairing I enjoy
>like 30k words
>promising tags
>hell yea
>look inside
>it's written in that dreadful style where there's no paragraphs ever and the entire work consists of a series of one or two sentences followed by a line break

My god I hate this fucking shit. Any of you have writing pet peeves that instantly turn you off a work?
Saw a fic once that had paragraphs with 20~ lines and no line breaks between paragraphs. Individually those are already pretty awful, together they made me want to kill the author
Oh yeah the inverse is probably even worse. Word soup.
This is one use case where I could see AI being useful. Someone pls make a service that lets you upload long texts to fix formatting without messing with the story. I tried to run it locally, but it needs to be split in small chunks and it's super annoying.
You people are such little bitches...

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