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A western version of the JAV threads. Post faves, ask for recommendations and all that good stuff. Please try to keep things at least somewhat tasteful and artistic.
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Starting off with a few slayed covers for the culture. Lena and Olivia are both over 6' which is kind of wild.
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And a random amateur clip because why not.
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Forgot how well Eve Angel and Peaches were together
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It's always cute when there's obviously onscreen chemistry. Jia Lissa and Liya Silver have smooched so many times you could probably put together an hour long compilation.
>>4393787 (OP)
Wtf is that supposed to mean, like the "yas queen" way?
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I dunno, maybe. I'm pretty sure they just went with something that sounded catchy and unique.
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Peaches specifically seemed to have a lot of chemistry with whoever she’s paired up with
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It's just the angle of the shot but Kira looks like twice Angel's size here. Warning: spitting.
How much over 6' are they? An inch or are they attracting basketball player girlfriends cause of their height?
Lena is 6'1, Olivia is 6'4. In a lot of Olivia's scenes they have her sitting down to start because otherwise she just towers over the other girl.
Any flatties
anyone here a fan of the Kissmegirl productions? the video with Mia Malkova is my favourite
I don’t watch much live action porn, and most of what I do is JAV, so I’m super out of touch, but my favorite western model is Malena Morgan. Just anything she did back in the We Live Together days was pretty much gold.
Malena will always be iconic for that one lifted and pressed against the wall scene honestly
Thank you for a good thread, anon. I remeber watching quite a lot of quality content from Czech girls - It was as hot as fuck. Has anybody idea where I can find more /u/ content from slavic countries, mainly Poland, Czech, Slovakia? Maybe you have some personal favorites? It can be amateur or professional.
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Still the best to ever do it, in my opinion
>>4394168Loved Kissmegirl. Just a damn shame they stopped updating. Bobbi Starr and Natasha Nice were my favorites, plus they did my favorite scene together.
We've had JAV threads here for years. They're eastern sure but otherwise it's the same thing.
Can this thread be like the JAV one mostly about vids with storylines?
Otherwise this fag >>4394387 is right.
Okay start. What are some good storyline to hunt down?
Bitch i dunno?
Probably some Girlsway shit, i'm just saying you faggots better put some work on this or we are gonna fucking ran you out to /gif/ and /hc/ where the same threads are a mainstay.
Samefagging used to require more work
What are good places to find western porn nowadays? I used to know this shit way back before the Pornhub purge but since then I've made no effort to keep up and primarily stuck with JAV and 2D/text porn.

The various typical porn video sites still have some good vids but are also super annoying to use. First they have way too shitty tagging/filtering, most of them will show you a ton of het if you search anything even slightly rare not helped by the fact that many uploaders will just throw every term into titles/descriptions like some dogshit SEO optimization thing. Second is they rarely actually have full videos for professional stuff, probably to play nice with the production companies. Finally it's so hard to find decent amateur porn now because most of it is locked behind onlyfans or similar (not even gonna mention actual candid/truly amateur stuff which feels extinct). Some stuff still on phub/xhamster but it's getting scarcer and IMO less hot.
Porntrex is fine, videos that are wrongfully flagged lesbian get downvoted very quickly, so if you see a clip with 2 girls in the thumbnail and 3% approval: it's het.

freepornsexDOTnet (I know, dubious name) has all clips from the Metfilm Cinematic Universe (VivThomas, Sexart, Metart etc.)

On SxyprnDOTnet there is a single guy named cloyd who uploads lesbian content daily and you can find a lot of videos if you know the name (don't bother with the lesbian tag there, it's full of het)

FreepornvideosDOTxxx (Again very sus name) but they have a lot of siterips there, if you know what you are looking for. For example new Girlsway Clips are already there in 4k (the search engine is absolute ass though if you just search for "lesbian" it doesn't filter anything and it's literally pointless, like 21 in 24 clips will NOT be lesbian if you search lesbian - You have to know the scene or studio you are trying to find and type the name in.)

For all those sites I don't know how they look with Ads, they might be unwatchable, but no one should visit pornsites without ADblocker anyway.

The best source is the original contributor: Torrent (just kidding), but the talent is long gone and I'd say mainstream porn is on it's dying bed. The only sites worth it are Slayed, SensualLove and maybe VivThomas (they too have seen better days) - the rest has become mid to lowtier or even Trashtier (a shame what happened to WeLiveTogether).
You know you can just google these things right gramps? To "slay" someone is to greatly impress or amuse them, this isn't new, "slayed" in modern context also means this but with girlboss energy.

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