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>doesn't even own at least ONE (1) NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4090
Explain yourself
im broke
I don't have shit. A streak of bad luck has left me practically living outside. Why would I care about some jewpu when I can't even afford reasonably priced hurricane joists and lumber where I live lmao
>3080 was $700
>4080 is $1200
The absolute state of PC Gayming.
Its gonna be obsolete in months. The King is dying... Tick tock
I do paid like 2200€ (european dollars)
i dont pay inflated prices for the latest hardware, only people who are bad with money do that (aka poorfags)
ill have a 4090 in a couple of years at a fraction of the cost
I have a modchipped switch, a steam deck, and a hacked 3ds, and a dedicated emulation mini PC. I’m good.
>open source imagegen is imploding while corporate models keep moving up
I guess I saved 1200 dollars.
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I have a 6900XT and have been putting my money towards firearms instead
My 3090 works fine still
because I still have my 2080ti that has not failed me. I can run any game i own in 2-4k with 60fps just fine.
until that dies I'll buy a new one.
I don't need to consume the newest product every time.
5090 is balling with 512bit bus
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Buy 4060 and save electricity.
The 4060 is awful though. Who exactly looked at the 3060 and said "boy if only this card had 10% better performance and 33% less VRAM on a narrower bus..."?
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all of that power to play what, latest western goyslop with faggots ? no thanks and fuck off
Jews did, wasn’t sure if this was a rhetorical question or not
PC gaming is dead, its june already and there isnt a single GOTY contender.
Assassin's Creed Shadows
But PC games that I personally enjoy came out this year so it's fine by me.
I'm still quite happy with my 3080 Ti.
what an absolute retard
don't really feel like owning it.
I'm a virgin brownoid who lives with mommy
Not relevant to the thread but I just wanted it off my chest
u feel better?
I also needed a 1600W PSU for 500€
to be future proof hopefully maybe...
The 5090 is coming this year and it's smaller, more powerful, and more power efficient.
bitch I play runescape
Kek no. Leaked specs say it will need 600W, thats 150W higher than a 4090.
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But I do.

Path tracing is glorious, by the way. It'll take another few generations for AMD-lettes to experience it, though.
How do you run 20 rs windows without a 4090?
I own a 4090 and dragons dogma 2 runs like shit on it, this card is not the hot shit you think it is
Show leaked specs. The specs I've seen show that the card is more efficient.
PS6 will be on par with a 6070 so path tracing is only 3 years away for console
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i make over 200k a year and even i'm not stupid enough to buy an overpriced video card

>2k into well diversified index fund will be worth 6k in 20 years
>that same video card will be worth $20
Also 2000 MSRP.
A small price to pay
Won't be actually out until 2025.
I have a 1080ti though, basically the same thing.
I make 1.25M per year as a plastic surgeon. 2K for a card isn't much.
That's a 71% price increase between generations btw

Absolutely insane. The 3080 was already ridiculous at $700
ok if you make an obscene amount of money you can piss it away on a video card. don't lose your license lol
>plastic surgeon
lol gay
Don't forget that MSRP meant very little for the Ampere generation due to the supply crisis and scalping. How many people actually got a 3080 for the MSRP, and especially not the cucked 10gb VRAMlet version?
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Not if it's using an AMD GPU. For whatever reason AMD fans think RT is a meme, so AMD refuses to make any meaningful performance gains. (Ironically, thus proving to AMD-lettes that RT is a meme).

2-3 gens, minimum, for AMD to match 4090 RT performance, if they don't drop hardware RT altogether.
give me one good reason why i should have one ?
Why do people even continue to work when they reach such an income, literally just save a bunch fora a year or two, invest and live off the returns.
Why would I buy a 40 if my 970 still works?
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I bought a 4090 just to play Crysis remastered and Cyberpunk 2077
Money well spent
Why would you quit if you earned that much? Life is boring without anything to do.
Fuck off Huang
Watching slideshows got boring 20 years ago.
that is the QRD
That's cool
Is your mom hot?
you wouldn't
Hello PC nerds. What should I store on my HDD and what should I store on my SSD?
To spend the rest of my life at home jerking off and playing 20 year old games on extremely overpowered hardware, obviously.
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>buy a xx60 to play 5 year old games
I have a 2060ti and there is literally no reason to upgrade, ever.
If it dies then I have a 5700XT I will swap to.
I bought them both at the same time for this exact reason. I knew shit was going to get insane after the pandemic.
everything you can on ssd, what doesnt fit on hdd
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I pay for Geforce Now, and it's awesome. Try it if you're near a server.
I have a 4070ti, am I gmi?
because all good pc games can run on integrated graphics
Make sure you have the Operating System on the SSD.
Install software on the SSD and store files and backups on the HDD.
The non-ti version? An $800 12gb VRAMlet card? Ouchie. I mean it is a GPU and it works, just shit value.
Stuff that doesn't require fast access (movies, music, etc) goes on the HDD. OS, games, ROMs (for later systems. Oldies don't matter) etc should all be on SSD.
games on your ssd, anything you don't mind waiting for on the hdd
as long term storage they're actually pretty good even today and you can get some pretty big hard drives nowadays, like 24 tb, but the main difference between the two is how quickly it can read/write data, and games are pretty much the only thing that relies on that being fast
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I have better things to do with my money than spend two and a half thousand dollars on something to render the absolute slop that is gayming in 2024
my Lenovo go will do just fine
I simply don't play 300gb with texture streaming, always online, frame generated 60fps in 1440p slops that would require it
it also uses like 600w and their special cable had multiple cases of catching on fire so I'd rather not risk setting my house on fire
if anything I'd rather buy amd card since they are similar in games but cheaper
>Life is boring without anything to do.
You don't have hobbies or passions that you only get to spend a fraction of your "free" time pursuing? Living off mailbox money is the dream. I can fuck off and do shit I actually enjoy all day.
Yeah but you need money to do fun stuff
There's no current AMD GPU offering close to 4090 performance.
I live in Brazil
nah Its the ti, with 16GB
I upgraded from GTX 970 to 4070ti Super. It's good enough at least until PS6 comes out and games need more than 16gb VRAM. Honestly, I have no idea what the point of making graphics look better is. I played Alan Wake 2 and Hellblade 2 and didn't think either looked all that great despite being the most demanding games. I had more "Holy shit this game looks cool as hell" in Armored Core 6 and Elden Ring despite those games running on a potato. It is time to start focusing on art style over fidelity.
not really. there is lots you can do for fun that is free. all my hobbies and interests cost nearly nothing. unless your "fun stuff" is traveling all the time or mindless consumerism. most creative pursuits are free. most physical pursuits are free. fucking gaming is free basically with piracy.
Do any of you still buy disc drives for your PC?

Maybe I'm just a boomer but I don't consider the build done unless I have a nice disc drive in it. Just bought a 4K bluray read/write drive.
No thanks i still have 1060 6GB
the moment i save up enough i buying Ayymd gpu because fuck niggervidia
oh fuk, its the not "super" ti, so 12 GB.

Its over.
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But i do
disk drives are for the rich now
poors aren't allowed to own their music or movies anymore
I have a USB drive that I barely ever plug in, but I don't really use discs anymore when cloud storage is cheaper and more redundant.
3070 just werks
goy of the year award candidate
Oof, sorry for your loss, could have gotten the 4070 Super which is like 95% as good for $200 less.
Which 4090 is the best?

I checked the NVIDIA site and there's a lot of options for the same card.
I went ASUS for the extra HDMI.
stay poor
Is that the most powerful?
Any non-ASUS and non-MSI.
you dont get rich by spending 5 grand on a screenshot
My SAPPHIRE NITRO+ RX 5700 XT still does what I need it to.
They might have different clocks out of the box, but pretty much all of them can clock the same with tweaking. The 2xHDMI was the deciding factor for me.
because I’ll buy a 5090 and talk down on you 4090 peasants ASAP
Why would you want to own a $2000 fire hazard?
>t. kopite7kimi
I'm broke, and if I had the money I'd look for a used 3090. Fuck Jensen and fuck his 12VHPWR connector.
To play games. I know that seems alien to you, José, but some of us in the first world do that.
1060 works fine for me
theres no games i want to play that my 1080 cant play
The funny part is nV didn't even design that house-fire connector. 3090s also use it.
Blame PCI-SIG.
I can game just fine on my 3090ti gringo without needing to keep a fire extinguisher near my computer at all times.
Cope and sneed white boy.
what am i gonna play? the new dragon age??
Sounds like jealousy. My 4090 has been running great for over a year (got it early March 2023). It also has close to double the performance of your 3090Ti.
>3090s also use it
Except partner models had 6+2 connectors, but with the 40 series the 12VHPWR got enforced on all models, presumably by Nvidia and it's possible it's one of the reasons EVGA noped the fuck out of the business. Unless they rectify this and they allow board partners to use 6+2 connectors on the 50 series and they won't castrate the lower SKU's (never gonna happen lol) Jensen can jerk off into his leather jacket.
At this point wait for 5090.
nobody is jealous of your financial irresponsibility
Oh shit.
Samefagging here. The 3090Ti uses the same power connector and draws the same power, so you clearly don't have one and are a faggot LARPer. I didn't think about that.
I have it. I'm playing Factorio right now.
They won't go back to old connectors they will simply use two for high end cards.
Also low end 40xx still come with 8pins.
Not him but the 3090ti is much worse value than the 4090. Fucking $2000 card that's only 15% faster than a 3080ti. The 4090 is at least 23% faster than the 4080 Super.
I guess the only hope is that either a) they figure out how to balance the load so that the new connectors won't melt or b) people will file a class action lawsuit if the connectors keep burning. The new connector wouldn't be an issue if they didn't try to push the same amount of voltage and amperage into smaller 10 pins where before you needed like 16-24 of beefier pins. Hell, it wouldn't have been an issue if they kept the same fucking pin size instead of trying to cram those 10 pins into the footprint of a 6 pin connector.
anon why are you using an HDD in 2024? SSDs are so cheap now.
Sticking to HDDs in 2024 is honestly insane.
SEX with Nep
Used market 3090's are hell of a bargain though. 750$ for 24GB of RAM and plenty of power for 1080p/1440p gaming, assuming you're not chasing the newest slop that can't keep up on a 4090.
My 3060ti is still doing great
It's good for AIslop with all that VRAM but for gaymen you can get the same performance with a 4070 Super for $600 and have actual warranty.
I'm not paying 2000€ for a single component when I can buy a whole laptop with that much money.
VRAM only matters if you're ERPing with it
granted, that's the only reason to get a high end GPU in the first place
i'm not fucking retarded and pay over 1500€ for one stupid gpu.
Not an AMD fan. RT is in fact a meme. You are just a dumbass consumer, that's all.
>I bought a 4090 just to play a remaster and woke tranny propaganda 2077 from ESG Projekt Red
Can you at least kill yourself before you kill the industry?
ANUS also came up with another solution.
Motherboard can provide the power.
Server/enterprise GPUs often use EPS12V 8Pin instead of PCI-E connectors, those are rated slightly higher at around 230W depending on the gauge of the wires. EPS12V 8Pin doesn't have sense pins just 4 12V and 4 ground pins.
No I will contribute to the industry just to spite your clear seething right now
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1070/1080 chads ww@
>3 (THREE) generations of RTX
>1 (ONE) fucking game actually manages to do anything actually interesting with RT, which is Cyberpunk
>but turning it on makes it the worst performing game imaginable
T-totally not a meme.
No displayport 2.1.
5000 series coming out anyways.
And ANUS can go fuck itself with their warranty fiasco. I don't remember if they made this an open standard or not though.

I'm a 1060 chud and I feel the age of it. It's still a brave little GPU.
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Anyone that is not a coonsumer actually
Just use HDMI...
APUs and old games/indie games/emulation is the white mans future
no thanks my Pentium IV still works fine
>And ANUS can go fuck itself with their warranty fiasco. I don't remember if they made this an open standard or not though.
No, ANUS didn't come up with this connector but it's the only company that's using it on desktop.
You mean Fortnite. Cyberpunk is just shiny.
t. 4090chad

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