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>Play game that came out before you were born
>Cut it some slack cause it's likely dated
>Find myself fighting the camera ledge grabbing mechanics more than the actual enemies
I'm sorry but I hate this. You're nostalgia blinded.
then don't play it and stfu
This, game just doesn't hold up. I say anything older than the PS2era just isn't worth playing anymore today. The performance, and controls are just so bad it seriously harms the gameplay.
if you're fighting the camera then I'm sorry but you're retarded with poor spatial understanding and your ability to judge the quality of anything is compromised
>camera ledge grabbing mechanics
can you clarify what you mean by this
Yeah the game is outdated but you should try one of the pc ports of it. I heard one of them has twin stick camera controls.
i havent played the n64 version since i was a kid but i played the 3ds version recently and it was perfect
>be zoomer
>play with controller
>struggle and fail
>play with phone
>unironically enjoy touch screen controls
Lol zoomers are fucking retarded.
The camera really isn't hard to use. It re-adjusts to front view everytime you press z, and focuses on the enemy/NPC when you're close to one of them. I'd hate to see you work out Mario 64.
>Lists legitmate flaw
>dUmB zOoMeRs lmao
How much lead is in your body right now to discount a real issue that's been critqued for decades now because it's a zoomer. The N64 version of this game the worst way to play by far.
>Grew up playing ocarina of time
>It was always my least favorite
>Play it in today years
>surprised how good the camera system is
Too stupid to appreciate the work into making it work as well as it did and make the game feel the way it did for it
>>Lists legitmate flaw
Where did you list that?
It has an inferior camera to Mario 64 because the C-buttons are occupied with items so you can't rotate the camera without pressing Z, which requires turning Link himself. Mostly this is a non issue if you orient yourself at the start of a platforming segment and learn the angles of platforms, but I could see how that qualifies as "fighting the camera." Now if you claim Mario 64 has a bad camera too then you're actually retarded.
Thank you for giving it a shot.

You must understand this was very revolutionary and novel for its time. Of course we have come a long way since. I still hold this game very close to my heart because of everything it meant to me when it came out.

But I am not retarded enough to deny it's aged like milk. And it's ok, we should worry if no one was able to top a game from 30 years ago when developers where still trying to figure out 3D out.

I haven't played it in a while, but given that I grew up with it it makes sense I should be able to get used to it again and it would be unreasonable to expect that from you.

Thank you ZoomerAnon
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>Millennials will 100% unironically play this while it chugs along at choppy and uneven 15~20 fps as they circle around a braindead enemy that has a 0% chance of actually killing them, hammer the attack button mindlessly until it dies, then solve a "puzzle" consisting of lighting a couple torches and then exclaim how 'thrilling' and 'satisfying' it is to play and how this is one of, if not THE, best games of all time, and that totally 'holds up' because modern games are "too casual".
I have no idea how fans of retroslop are able to maintain this level of cognitive dissonance when modern games are so much better.
What about Super Mario World though
There is very little difference between OoT's camera and modern Zelda's camera, you can pan it around freely but z-targeting is exactly the same.
He would hate Mario 64's camera, what he wants is for the camera to pan around freely like an Ubisoft dweeb.
OOTsnoys are hilarious
>posts the same copy and pasted soulslop
Don't even know which one this is from they are so goddamn generic and btw Majora's mask is proto soulslop
That game looks like complete shit btw
Do you lack the ability to use your brain to adjust your thumbsticks if the camera isn't directly behind your character at all times? Sounds like some mentally underdeveloped zoomer shit.
>The millennial can't even comprehend the fast paced action of a souls game.
Pretty sad state.
You know it's fine if you don't like it, I think you're a dipshit personally, but then you had to top it off by being a sanctimonious cunt at the end so really I think you're just a complete retard.
gr7 b7 m7
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>fighting the camera
OoT literally has one of the best camera systems ever programmed. Modern games don't bother programming any kind of automatic camera and let the player do all of the work. All of webm related is without ever touching any camera button
I'm glad my brain developed before the world got filled with microplastics
Do you mean 3D games or just any games?
This, too. Saying you fight the camera in n64 Zelda is a fucking joke.
Nah I can comprehend that. Souls is a shit series for soimale virgins who can't cut it in actual competitive multiplayer. Peace.
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>I can comprehend that.
It is flawed which is forgivable because the game was gamechanger. Look at 3d games from a generation prior. Oot is a great game.
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Nah, MML came out first and was better.
>press button
>camera snaps forward

real difficult stuff
i was the target demo for this game. it sucks. the the two seasons games and windwaker were kino, though. play those.
Oh boy here we go again.
Ive been replaying the port on PC can someone tell me how the fuck Ninty made a Zelda game (originally a 2d top down game) and get the 3D transition right on the first try for that ip and make what is regarded as one of the best games ever? how the fuck
It's blound, esl
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>Fire Emblem plagued by some of the worst schizos the board has seen
>Mother has its own dedicated schizo that shuts down all discussion
>Metroid plagued by some tranny constantly complaining about Zero Suit Samus
>Animal Crossing not allowed due to furfaggotry
>Zelda BotW/TotK subject to constant shitposting, consolewarring, cuckold fetish spam
>nobody cares about Mario games
>can't talk about old games either because modern fans are militantly anti-emulation, and also anti-'nostalgia'
While OoT (and MM) are both improved with the decompilations allowing you to move the camera at will, you have to be mentally deficient to struggle that much with the default camera.
Sick tranime pic
Thanks bro.
This is just generic 90s tank game #391 with jumping
I replay OOT somewhat often and have zero issues. This is just a zoomer skill issue, which is fine. Among Us might be more your speed buddy, or whatever slop you little broccoli heads play these days.
Nintendo being the suckiest video game company of all time is the problem, not the level of technology.
For me, its the unskipable dialogue and the boring intro. Played it for a bit and was bored out of mind. I borrowed it from a friend and a day later tried to give it back, he insisted to give it another try.
>Find myself fighting the camera ledge grabbing mechanics more than the actual enemies
Same, but for some reason I can tolerate it, unlike-
>DUDE lets press start to change equipment instead of using the Dpad
The fuck is it with N64 and its allergic reaction to using the Dpad?
OOT is the best game ever made. The best game in recent years is arguably Elden Ring and in half of the fights you can’t see anything. With any big enemy you are basically just staring at a leg for 2 minutes
It was never good that's the thing and I'm super glad people have stopped sucking the game's cock for no reason.
You've been saying this for like a decade
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OP was a huge faggot, same as every day.
Must suck to be this retarded
Performance is a serious hamper on the enjoyment of old 3D titles, there's a few good solid performers here and there but N64 and Saturn especially choked on almost everything. Still, there's some great modern experiences to be had in Gen 5, myself for PS1. Do a little library digging, it's fun. And their 2D games are of course much less technologically flawed on the whole so there's lots to explore there too. Emulation can clear up performance & loading issues if you're into that scene, but they can't change the fundamental core of the game.
Zelda 64 is rough, both of them. I enjoy speeding through them but I have to admit that they treat Z-strafing angles very weird and the camera really does fuck you over a lot. People who have only ever played modern games have had it too good to put on the nostalgia goggles. Maybe if you play a truly horrid 3D game from the 90s it'll cleanse your palette and give you more appreciation, but outside of that there's not really a way to enjoy these Zeldas without having grown up with their era... Unless you like breaking games. If you love glitches then do some research, it's fascinating and hilarious.
Must suck more to be retarded as you are:
There's more anime characters in MML's lobby than OoT has in its whole game.
Zoom zoom

>The performance
Vast majority of games in 3rd and 4th gen were 60fps
5th gen was rough but not so bad on CRT and there were still many 60fps games on PSX and Saturn at least
You can get the recompilations for the N64 Zeldas

The controls depend on the game
Tomb Raider 1 and this shit are the perfect games to play to give you context for why OoT was such a big deal at the time. OoT still feels natural like a modern game, earlier games from this era like MML and Tomb Raider 1 had those awkward tank controls.
>>679539510 >>679539691 >>679539724 >>679539745
Nintendo will never not suck more than Sony.
Unlike modern ''game'' developers that like to pretend their the next Orson Welles of gaming, Nintendo actually made the effort to make good games.
And they did. Revolutionary ones even.
Zoomers like to shit on it, but the fact is 98% of what they like about action and adventure games came from OoT.
It proved that all-in-one large scale, open world, 3rd person action games CAN work if you just make the fucking effort.
What really funny is that the N64 had about half a fuck all of RAM.
Not only that, but they also managed to release a finished product.
On time, even.
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You know, this post was about tank controls but I think it really applies to spatial awareness in video games in general. The lack of spatial awareness is the reason that some people need full control of cameras at all times or easier to navigate environments
OoT is overrated as fuck in that respect
Mario 64 was the same shit 2 years earlier
Guilty Gear being Sony is bigger than your tiny brain.
>It has an inferior camera to Mario 64
oook we have a retard in the house
A camera that follows the player is literally as basic as you can get anon. Youre being disingenuous by saying a camera that follows you while you run across some flat ground isn't bad, while that same camera will spazz around and clip into the walls the moment you enter a dungeon. OP is right, your nostalgia goggles are blinding you.
How old even are you?
What legitimate flaws? Being too dumb to get used to the controls? They just work. I've played games with significantly worse cameras. Nintendo games of that era had pretty good "auto" cameras, you just have to let go of the free camera autism.
It's like fuckers complaining about tank controls. A friend recently made me play a bunch of PS1 games since I never owned it as a kid and practically all games had tank controls. I hated it at first but once you get used to them it's second nature and shit just works. Of course if you go in with a "oooh the clunk, so clunky junky, hurts my hands shit fuck" mindset you will just end up suffering.
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Pretty much. They're like mindless jellyfish people who have lost all sense of ingenuity and awareness. Having a conversation with one is like talking to a robot who impatiently wants to get back to swiping on Tock-Ticks.
z targeting was a big deal zoomie
And you will never be a woman.
>that follows the player
You're retarded if you're not noticing every little thing the camera does. It doesn't just follow the player, it turns to face where the player is probably heading to, it aims up if the ground in front of the player is higher, it aims down if the player is facing a ledge with low ground after it
Your zoomer shackles are preventing you from gitting gud
Ah, the snoy unveils himself.
My brother played this when he was 10 years old back in 2007 and he had no problems 100% it.
I legit don't get why people pretend the controls were this bad while praising bullshit like MGS. Well, besides the hole
>lmoa low effort critique means many replies in /v/ xp
zoomer here
I played and finished Ocarina of Time on the 3DS
Game is comfy desu, was a bit janky but the atmosphere is still unmatched
I agree that it's better than people give it credit for, but playing SoH with the free camera still feels better in my opinion. I played the game since release day but I found it nice to be able to look wherever while playing for the first time. Really, once you're in combat, all the camera work shit is thrown out the window anyway, it's just aiming toward the enemy.
If the game was more precise platformy, it would fuck you up too. After playing SoH, it made me realize that the run for the megaton hammer chest in the Fire Temple is artificial difficulty. It was always the directed camera that made the controls hard.
>literally cries about lack of fighting foes and "m-muh camera!!"
Instantly into the trash it goes.
Everyone else gets over such childish complaints within minutes.
>98% of what they like about action and adventure games came from OoT.
Actually it’s from Mario 64
Zelda is overrated normie shit for ’’le mature gamer’’ faggots who are too embarrassed to play ’’kiddy games’’ like Mario
>Overrated normie shit
Yes, finally somebody acknowledges the obscure hidden gem that is Mario 64.
Go watch skibidi toilet again, zoomoid.
The amount of ass hurt replies you got means you are right. Embarrassing display.
That game is so well crafted that it can be beaten blind though due to sound design alone.
Mariofags are real gamers
Zeldafags are women or fake ’’le mature’’ gamers
>Not only that, but they also managed to release a finished product.
>On time, even.
Come on anon the game was like a year late
Just play it the ship of Harkinian version, you stupid zoomer faggots. Quit complaining when there is a solution
>Find myself fighting the camera ledge grabbing mechanics more than the actual enemies
Have you tried centering the camera again with Z?
OOT is actually a shit game. People pretend to love it because it was literally one of the 5 worthwhile game for the N64 and they were kinda stuck playing it as kids
>she doesnt play and enjoy games from all years
fucking casuals, man
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tendies are mentally ill.
That's just how it is.
This is like when people complained about having to press the shift key in Hotline Miami in that you're proving to anyone who actually plays video games how incompetent you are by posting your opinion
>Noooooo I have to spend .5 seconds to press a button!
T. A zoomer btw so don't give me that nostalgia crap. You just suck at games bro
>can't talk about old games either because modern fans are militantly anti-emulation, and also anti-'nostalgia'
There is /vr/ for that though
>fast paced action
This is b8
Kingdom Hearts 2FM destroys this shit
Thank god we're in an OoT thread so that makes us all OoTsnoys to Tendies.
>A camera that follows the player is literally as basic as you can get anon.
Shut up, just shut the fuck up
And stop sticking ’’anon’’ at the end of sentences.
You are not a woman and you will never ever be one you stupid tranny.
All 3D Zelda games up until BOTW had horrible controls and were very annoying because of it.
It still plays terribly. Its just not possible to fix it. I'm sure its a great game otherwise, just too annoying. Maybe a remake could help? How hard could that be?
We had remakes on 3DS
It’s not the games, you just suck ass
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I care about Mario...
>older than the PS2era
2D games before that era rival today's 2D games. I'm a zoomer and had fun playing SMB3 and World.
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I was fan of zeldoid clones in childhood. PS1 Harry Potter 1, 2, Hobbit. We hadn't Nintendo. Only chinese famicom cline or sega.
But when I played OG, I was kinda disapoint. Clone was more linear and its so much better for gameplay. Dungeons are too easy after fantastic LttP. OoT is good. But it was revolution. Its mean some mechanic are weak.
After it I played Maximo and this 11 of 10, all I wanted.
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Literally the only times I ever had a problem with the OOT camera were when I was locked on to and enemy and backed into a wall and the camera sometimes didn't quite know how to handle that. Otherwise it was fine, I legitimately have no fucking clue what you're talking about with "camera ledge grabbing mechanics".
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How zoomers look at you when you tell them that you need to learn how to play the game before you play it
Why is Thom Yorke on the right
thank you Prikshit, very cool!
>the first Soulslike
The physics are very slippery. That game never was good.

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