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>be America
>Christian nation
>Censors Christian symbolism in video games

The USA hasn't been a Christian country for 70+ years now.
The USA was never a Christian country
>be America
>Christian nation
America was founded on Freemasonry
says the shart in mart who worships the negro
your country's founding was literally a jewish plot, and lincoln died because he wouldn't play ball
Freemasonry is Christian-adjacent
>this was likely
aka made up.
Jesus was white, cretin.
satanism is also christian-adjacent
You don't know what Freemasonry is.
>maximize liberty for the individual
>break down moral structures
>undermine catholic church
It's Satanism according to its original meaning
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I wish they wore cool cloaks/robes rather than the dinner suit with apron. Looks shit.
American evangelicals are weird about these things and used to be even weirder. Christian imagery can't co-exist with magic presented positively. Plenty of them accused Lord of the Rings of being satanic back in the day despite it's symbolism and Tolkien himself being a Christian, though him being a Catholic might have just further convinced them of him being a satan worshiper.
Yes it was always a White country first and foremost
>undermine catholic church

>>maximize liberty for the individual
>>break down moral structures
>>undermine catholic church
These are all very good things provided your country is white as the founding father intended.
They were value-free statements. Entirely descriptive not prescriptive.
Ok pedo
Christians got triggered whenever some commercial thing used their religion in any way.
Protestant pastors do that shit just as much as Catholic priests
Yeah, but the Pope is the head of the gay mafia
Why do you lie?

Did a priest rape you?
Satanism is just Christianity but cheering for the other guy who is objectively less evil when you think about it
Christianity is THE white religion
The reasonable answer to this schizo thread is that NoA used to be extremely averse to any mention of religion, so they made sure to purge anything they brought over of it.
Yes, gay men snuck in to get ordained post sexual revolution. This is not a Catholic or protestant problem, it is a hokosexual problem.
>provided your country is white as the founding father intended.

then why did they bring in all those black people?
Christians are anti-gaming retarded faggots don't pretend to be a Christsissy on my Internet
Christians have no one but themselves to blame for the current state of America. You could be praising God as a Christian and some other Christian dummy will claim that you are worshipping Satan for praising him "the wrong way". The infighting so ridiculous that celebrating Christmas or having a crucifex is considered demonic.

You don't get this nonsense from Buddhists, Satanists, atheists, and Pagans. They go, "hahaha, they represent it funny" or "WOW! Cool representation."
Satanism, as in actual "structured" Satanism, is just edgy smirking atheism (secular humanism) with even more intent to piss off your grandparents.
It was a Christian country until boomers sold out to the chinese.
>celebrating Christmas or having a crucifex is considered demonic.

It is


You just don't understand how the omnipotent, omniscient BENEVOLENT god tortures a guy and takes everything from him to win a bet with satan the bad guy that the innocent dude being torture won't stop believing.
I think it's much easier to cope with a FLAMING WHEEL OF PURE MALICE AND HATRED rolling out of hell and raping and eating your children because you made the mistake of looking at it instead of hiding in a corner rather than have a judeo-roman schizophrenic episode that's not reconcilable because one group worships victors and conquerors and the other the wretched and desitute rape victims
>You'll get your comeuppance onthe Judgement day™, just you wait goy!
They were supposed to be genocided when unnecessary
I fucking hate gay people
>oy vey, why did white people run a slave trade to import niggers from africa for europe and america? so many questions!
Satanism is a larp. Every religion has a "we and thee" paradigm where they call pagans the evil ones.
You aren't supposed to worship the religions evil god, its a strawman for other faiths.
This wasn't sincere depiction of Christian faith though, it was just Japanese devs using Christian iconography because they thought it looked cool. It was disrespectful if not outright blasphemous.
Why are you pretending Satanists and Pagans exist and have a possibility to in-fight? Fuck off this website you goofy Christroon
I'm getting deja vu we've probably pretended to be Christcucks word for word in a duplicate thread months ago
Because its offensive to Christianity
Of course, actual Christians are cut off from the world. isolated. It's basically the dark ages again for Christians since they've doubled down against secularism.
>>be America
>>Christian nation
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why do weebs hate christianity?
They didn't want to offend christians. I remember my christian parents got offended by zelda
Because they want to kill god
they like anime which is made by the godless japanese. most anime have anti christian themes. they are groomed to hate god and turn into easy to control porn addicted zombies.
Religious folowers are notoriously tribal and will love to find reasons to criticise "other" groups, even amongst their own religion. So even if one can spin Link's association with christianity into a wholly positive note, it's better to avoid the topic altogether to avoid even the slightest backlash from outspoken critics.
>most anime have anti christian themes
Thats bullshit, at most they use christian themes because they think the imagery looks cool. What anti-christian anime are you even referencing
weebs tend to hate everything western, including western religions
anime brainrot probably. japan has like 1% christians I dont think they teach about christianity in their anime
Nips consistently misrepresent christian beliefs, I don't blame them.
yugioh is the most blatant
We have a memory greater than a goldfish and remember when Christcucks called Pokemon Satanic.
a lot of weebs enjoy the gnostic themes not realising japan don't really understand christanity beyond imagery and like gnosticism because it fits into their buddhist world view
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I thought the average "the church/religion is actually evil" shit was based more on catholicism, not christianity
I thought it was based on all those crazy cult religions they have.
Nintendo of America is full of troons
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Because they got pissy if their shit is used incorrectly
They have a no religious imagery rule incase its offensive. The Japanese don't really know Christianity so they might include something that is offensive. Back then Christians thought video games in general were Satanic and so it would have lead to controversy
And yet religion isn't really different from any "non-religious" set of beliefs in this.
Ultimate state of the muricunt "Noooo! We could OFFEND someone, somewhere!" condition.
Got to keep in mind there are some turbo fundies that will type it g*d everytime, because of the "not taking his name in vain" crap.
Mildly amusing, seeing which other brain-washed freaks usually type some words this way nowadays.
christians don't cut their penises though
but guess who does
I never got to play Ocarina of Time as a kid because my parents seen that cutscene of the Gods creating the world and they got offended and went on a rant on how there was only one true God.
American Christians do
Because it reminds faggots, groomers, trannies and heathens they're going to Hell.
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the funny thing is weebs who worship animated cartoons and plastic figures have the audacity of looking down christians
They weren't raised Christian so to them its just an exotic fascination. Its like how we think of Shinto or Buddhism
it is though, same as yugioh >>679647748 also zelda games and nintendo/japanesd games in general have alot of satanic imagery
>christians don't cut their penises though
mentally, they do
they did it to me
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probably because they dont like the idea that watching their favorite big titty anime, playing their favorite weeb games or gooning to the degenerate porn will get them a ticket straight to hell
"tranime website" isnt a meme and troons sure as fuck hate christians lol
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Not interested in dead kikes in my Japanese games.
anime is essentially their religion
Israel did this!!
> t. kike
I wouldn't call it deliberate anti-christianity myself, more like copy-pasting themes between authors. Basically if a story has a fantasy church appear for more than a single mention, it's almost guaranteed to be all sorts of corrupt, be it for comedy or serious drama. And Nips don't know much about western faith in the first place, so make up a lot of baffling inaccuracies about what churches actually do, and their readers likely don't know any better.
No, judaism. Baphomet is their god, jewish god
Jewe are not Christian
Being an american you worship jews one way or the other.
Christianity is a jewish fan fic of a jewish book. You worship the sam god as well as mudslimes ffs.
Word you are looking for is LARP, Americans LARP as Christians.
No, it doesn't.
Showing lights shaped like the cross =/= following the word of Christ
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It was founded by freemasons you historically illiterate dumb faggots. The only reason they won the revolutionary war was because they borrowed a fuck ton of money from Haym Salomon when the state literally went bankrupt and the soldiers were close to mutiny. The whole reason for the separation of religion and state was specifically in order to put Judaism on the same level as Christianity. The united states was at no point in its history Christian, and you'd have to be a complete and utter down's syndrome retard to think otherwise.
le /pol/estinian has arrived
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>because they thought it looked cool
It may seem weird to us, but to them it was just as weird to see westerners go crazy about ninjas, which to them is just boring old history crap. It's about liking strange and exotic things.
Does this mean the religion of Hylia overtook and destroyed christianity in the series?
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It isn't Christian since Liberty sank
Now it's "judeo-christian" which means anti-christian
>jewish prophecy
ezekiel was from the tribe of levi, not judah
Jews hate Christian symbols.
>le freemasons=jews meme
not so. There are also many Catholic and Mormon freemasons.
Catholics and Mormons aren't Christian.
never said they were
it's moloch worshio all the way down
>why did they bring in all those black people?
christian tolerance of jews,
whenever jews christians went, they brought jews with them
Who are the real Christians then? Those mega church pastors and redneck evangelicals?
>Who are the real Christians then?
Those who walk the narrow road.
>It's basically the dark ages again for Christians
when has it not been a dark age for christians mentally,
a popular sentinent worldwide both in protestants and catholics is that Renaissance was literally satan's age, orthodox boast about never leaving it and living mordor conditions
Conservatives then used to be triggered by random stuff just as much as liberals are today, and both are pro-censorship
Nope only after 9/11.
>Who are the real Christians then?

>Those mega church pastors and redneck evangelicals?
the specific single protestant church with it's own interpretation of the bible,
everyone else is going to hell to most painful circle of it
>why do weebs hate christianity?

Gee anon, I don't know, why would anyone hate people who support jews in their quest to eradicate us? Surely because of muh anime
Maybe it's the friends we made along the way?
if you’re still religious after turning 25 then you’re mentally defunct, and this doesn’t just go for Christianity
the USA is a jewish golem
they even sacrifice their kid's foreskins to them
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>Christian nation
Heretic nation that now is openly satanic
>Christians have no one but themselves to blame for the current state of America. You could be praising God as a Christian and some other Christian dummy will claim that you are worshipping Satan for praising him "the wrong way". The infighting so ridiculous that celebrating Christmas or having a crucifex is considered demonic.
>You don't get this nonsense from Buddhists, Satanists, atheists, and Pagans. They go, "hahaha, they represent it funny" or "WOW! Cool representation."
>why do weebs hate christianity?
Because they're want banned sexualization of women too
You can't be Christian aka Catholic and Judeomason
fuck off jehova witness nigger
Looking at the timeline It's implied that Christianity only took hold in the Fallen branch. Meaning Link dying in OoT is what caused people to lose faith in Hylianism and accept Christ
Murrica was never Christian it's a Satanic country you have so many pentagrams, reversed crosses and owls (moloch worship) all around the Washington
>"Christian" nation
The average Christmas & Easter fair weather American Christian knows Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, and David vs Goliath. The rest of the Bible may as well not exist.

Do they even have a concept of the 7 feasts of Yahweh? The feasts he commands his followers to celebrate?

I don't even like religion and I know way fucking more than the average idiot that pledges imaginary love to a rabbi's ghost for afterlife brownie points.

USA is hardly what comes to my mind when I think of a pious Christian country. Barely anyone goes to church, especially the new generations and the culture is degenerate and broken as hell.
lol, good one
Churches are evil. There isnt a place to worship son of god(jew) anywhere. You just have to pray and live according to his teachings.
>not jewish fanfic
Kek rumao
low quality bait, have a (you)
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>we wuz jews
America is a satanic freak that need to be nuked by God personaly.
>the chinese
ok rabbi
i hate religion specifically for circumcision, in a just world, religifags should be all executed for for mutilating newborn babies
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kike is king
>jehovah's witnesses
a pyramid scheme that makes a mockery of God, they are truly satanic
But just world exist only in Christ. Before Christ it was a shit show with all kinds of clowns.
And its founder, Charles Taze Russell, was a literal Freemason.
America wants full control over its people. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior is in direct opposition to that. They want to abolish any sort of religion so they can replace it with their own. They fail to realize that Jesus overcame death and that he will come back. Repent before it is too late. Read the Bible.

27 Adultery.[a]“You have heard that it was said of old: ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that anyone who looks with lust at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is preferable for you to lose one part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna.
Probably because freedom of expression tends to be restricted under Christianity or just religion in general?
> they are groomed
Meaningless buzzword. You could have just said influenced
Weebs and PC gamers (99.99% atheists) reject Christ because they want to masturbate or have sex outside of marriage. Jesus brings order to chaos and strengthens the soul. Everything he taught was beautiful and correct, but humans are selfish and greedy. Repent.

39 But I say to you: Offer no resistance to someone who is wicked. If someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn and offer him the other cheek as well. 40 If anyone wishes to sue you to gain possession of your tunic, give him your cloak as well. 41 If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him for a second mile.
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>Rome was a shitshow with all kinds of clowns
look up holy trinity v united states 1892. supreme court officially declared it was.
>what about the treaty of tripoli?!
that was a letter sent to appease some gay muslim pirates to have them stop stealing our shit, not some officially binding document or ratification.
Jesus was not a racist. Christians' goal is to be perfect, to be Christ-like as our Lord. Jesus treated everyone with kindness and loved them. But he does not love sin. You are going to cherry pick a video of the Pope? Show a video of him blessing all kinds of people and washing the feet of female prisoners. Read the Bible and repent. Start in the New Testament and carry your cross, no matter how hard it is. Your Father already knows what you need. Racists will face the judgement of God.
There were all of them: Vikings, Japanese, Chinese, tribal degens, Aztecs, jungle freaks. Only Christians were the good guys. I mean, just look at the faces of such freaks, full of inbreeding, no wonder Christians always beat the freaks of the rest of the world, like in Castevania.
You should be happy our Lord is merciful. I sin too, and I am not proud. However, we should not be content with sin. In fact, we should avoid it at all costs. When you start to carry your cross, and oh it is heavy, Satan attacks you in full force. A person putting out the light and closing their ears on the Gospel is the devil's favorite subject.
based. obvious and in-your-face kind of christianity doesn't belong in a zelda game. it works way better when there are some religious iconography and subtle undertones and hints of religion in the game, but nothing too overt. zelda is about the experience, the ride, not you fucking christ-fags.
he literally said that race-mixing was a sin.
>Racists will face the judgement of God.
those who are arrogant enough and dare to speak for god will face a hard truth after death.
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only reason niggers are accepted is because of jesus
My knowledge is still small and growing, can you point me to the source of His statement about this? Thank you, brother.
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why are you worried anywa, 40% of the world will be subaharan in 50 years
you'll get a bucketload of catholics, not that you have a shortage of the mexicans anyway
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Amerca's not a Christian nation. Go suck off the body of Christ and swallow his holy cum you flaming faggot.
Is that what you call luciferianism?
Read the Bible.
It's because it's all larpers who just love Christian aesthetics without actually believing in it
After all, they only use Christianity as a way to further their amerimutt culture war
Read the 1st Amendment.
no, americans and french normalized niggers in western society, not jesus.
>amerimutt culture war
are those christians anti immigration? why do they hate their fellow christians coming from el salvador? they even have the cross tattooed on their forehead and neck
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How about get flooded and nuked, by God. Huh, how about that?
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That pic is fan art though. And it's Jewish (king of the Jews)
Meanwhile in the actual games:
They just hate browns and nigs
Simply put
Don't take anything these 4cuck lapers say seriously about their "faith"
Just ignore them like you would any amerimutt
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christianity was used as the main justification in all these civil rights movements
""all men are created equal"" is a christian foundation
Allah is indeed merciful, praise be his name.
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They will be judged by God when their time comes, but do not wish a flood upon them! What would Jesus do?

2 The Golden Rule of Love.[a]“In everything, deal with others as you would like them to deal with you. This is the Law and the Prophets.
don't feel like digging it up, but it's there, somewhere.
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Sonic chads stay winning
The founders were Deists.
That is all.
Muhammad raped, expanded his territory and was a pedophile. Aisha was left a widow. Do you lick the fingers of your fellow Muslims for blessings? Do you wash your nose in the morning to get rid of Satan? Are you okay with your mom being legally raped if she ever becomes a captive? I pray you leave your Satanic, demonic and violent cult. God bless you and may you see the light.
>What would Jesus do?
Second coming. Total annihilation? Judgement day?
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nobody cares about muslims
Christianity in the US was taken over by money-hungry grifters and pissed off racists long before anyone ITT was born. Wealth gospel and self-help seminar tactics and shit.
reddit lied to you
>Did Reddit tell you that
Collegiate American History, actually
You should consider going go school yourself
You left out the kike worshipping part. They suck Jew cock harder than the Mega Churches.
uh nuh
allahu is good so everything you mentioned is good
the only reason you pretend to think otherwise is because you're corrupt
don't trust your lying eyes

religiontard logic
>Christian nation
amuttrica is a judaic nation
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>Christian nation
I am so fucking glad christianity is dying in america. good fuck you guys are annoying
Shhhh not interested.
What is that strange monolith in Washington I wonder...
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and which part of christianity was subverted? seems like they just went ahead and actually implemented it
why do you have issues with the dude on the right living next to you
That's a crucifix. Most Christians in the US are not catholic, and would see it as offensive. Non catholics (most christians) use crosses. Not crucifix.
>go to college
>learn men who cut their wiener off are women
>learn all the founding fathers were Christ-denying deists and not just Christians with some deistic leanings (for the most part)
i believe it.
The Lord who speaks face to face with Moses is the Son of God, He appears even in VISIBLE form throughout the OT, just as He did with Abraham.
And leprousy was a type of punishment and sin in the old testament.
She bacame leprous because of her contentious and bitter spirit, which is a sin that eats away at the soul.
And you can read in Matthew where Jesus heals a leper, showing again He is God and has power over these things.
Pray there's nothing after death, buddy. Because you're in real trouble.
In america you can't use christian terms like maiden, martyr anymore. They are censored over every game.
>thread about Christianity
>jews and redditors immediately flock to it
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:^) You first pal
It was probably because of the crucifix.
Fire lake buddy.
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*is not real :^)
No, seriously, it's not. None of it is. If you're religious past the age of like 19 you honestly should see a therapist, or do some serious self-reflection and wonder why you let Jewish ghost stories get so involved in your life.

How'd this happen to you? How'd a jew transplant his ideas and beliefs onto you, white western man?


He is the exact opposite, there are no ethnic boundaries. Read the Bible and understand it before you blatantly lie, which is a sin. Out of my Christian spirit, thank the Father, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you simply lack knowledge.

In Matthew 8:11, 12 Jesus nullifies any ideas of ethnic superiority.
*schizo circumcised jew
literally everything you need to know about this nut
US is a jewish colony (more of a slaughterhouse) with americans living in it
>Which part of Christianity was subverted
Primarily the "love thy neighbor" and "don't be greedy" parts. A large motivation behind the money that flooded into churches during the takeover was replacing socially liberal pastors with ones towing specific policy lines - it's why churches in the US went from largely apolitical to crusading for things they used to genuinely not care about like abortion and contraception.
It's also where the wealth gospel came from - this idea that accumulating wealth is actually a sign that you're godly, the literal opposite of Christ's teachings.
Watch news, and say it again. Do you feel lucky...
We haven't been a colony for nearly four hundred years.
like the rabbi you worship?
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Every day a 20-something stops going to church for good. And there's more every day :^) it makes me SO fucking happy to know that in a few decades we WILL have no more churches, empty congregations, wasted communion bread and wine, homeless priests, etc. Seriously, you people deserve it. You worship jews.
>I hate education!
It shows
Say all you want, but if you deny Jesus was the most perfect man to walk the earth you are a liar. He did exist, and he rose. However, if you do not believe this, there is still great merit in following the teachings of the man that laid the foundation of ethics and morality. Based on the language used in your post, I think you can greatly benefit from trying to be Christ-like. God bless you, brother or sister.
Pastors and Priests rape kids. Both professions are notorious for it. Go put some shaving cream on your knees and make kids lick it up, Pastor Larper
by the foireskin of yashua I refuse to both read and particpate in jewishness.
>be America
>“Christian” nation
>needs to drop some nukes in japan to “stop the war”
>“Where to drop them?”
>“I know, why not in the two most christian cities in all of Japan!"
The nukes in japan were a satanic sacrifice to demons!
The star and crescent only became a "symbol" of Islam in the last century and only because the Turks decided to put it in the flag in the 19th century. It doesnt have any relation to Islam beyond that and it used to be a symbol of Constantinople where it saw one of its earliest usage in way back in classical antiquity.
>>“I know, why not in the two most christian cities in all of Japan!"
GOOD kek I had no idea
If someone plays the violin badly, do you blame the person that made the violin? All priests in the world can be pedophiles, but it will never take away the light nor the beauty from Jesus Christ.
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Forgot pic
Any logical and rational historian agrees that Jesus existed.
>You should go form a cult and beat the piss out of some bankers
Will do, Peter.
Based kurds boosting up Iraq's number
nintendo of america telling japan to remove all religious references from games was overall a good thing for legend of zelda.
Violinists aren't crazy child rapers who pretend magic is real and srs business they just play an instrument well. Never ever compare stupid lying larpers to people who play music you evil, gay pussy.
why do you fucking care about this shit, focus on mexicans
none of them will ever answer this question
That's simply not true
There is no physical evidence jesus existed and every attempt to tie a jesus son of Joseph to Nazareth has failed despite finding pretty extensive death records for the area

Evidence of his existence is purely circumstancial and in many cases directly conflicting. The good money is on stories of several different cult leaders and personalities being fused into one character.
Christian / Groyper pussies are the ones who want us to like Mexicans. Holy fuck hahahahaha you're fucking pathetic.
it's also blasphemy to think yourself more righteous than your neighbor when all fall short of the glory of God yet I see every self professed Christian do this publicly and incessantly every day of my life.
>christ larper preaching about moral values goes full crusade mode the instance another religion gets involved
>thinly veiled christianity thread on /v/ nearly every single day
my fucking god go back to /his/ already you insufferable retards
All I am saying is that someone doing a certain act does not diminish the teachings of the Bible. It is horrible and they will face fire, but the Bible is still true and beautiful. I do not know how to answer the question aside from what I have already said, do you think they are pedophiles because of the Bible? Jesus only taught kindness, compassion, love, mercy and grace, and how to avoid sin.
It is true. It is universally agreed that He did exist. Every single Biblical archaeological discovery works alongside the Bible, and has never contradicted its verses. Honestly, you are a troll if you say Jesus did not exist. There is more proof for him than Alexander the Great. This is simply objective truth - He did exist.
yes groypers are all like that
if you see a catholic online it's almost always a beaner
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I need a based christian to explain to me why there should be a border between mexico and texas. Mexicans are more christian than any of you
Being christian doesn't entitle you to invade another country illegally. Trump once said, back In 2016 when he was ok, "They are not sending their best"
this shit right here is why we hate christianity, you deliberately dress yourself up in us vs literally everyone else right from your founding religious text only you're much less up front about it, at least muslims just fucking kill you for not obeying laws, they don't passive aggressively seethe at you for centuries while they work to undermine and change your nations laws to take away rights you don't agree with
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>They are not sending their best
Jesus hung out with prostitutes and thieves just like mexicans, not MIT grads
""country"" did not exist until 1700s, you are fucking retarded, christians willingly want to make your democracy more christian against the LGBT agends you should be celebrating it
Invade? There should be no countries anyway, right? It's all God's property anyway.
>All I am saying is that someone doing a certain act does not diminish the teachings of the Bible.
Correct, Bible is erroneous all on its own. Actions of their believers do not influence that status, but "garbage in, garbage out" is in effect.
>It is horrible
Is it? It's just le temporal irrelevant existence according to you, why care?
>do you think they are pedophiles because of the Bible
If you introduce infinite rewards and punishments into the equation then everything finite becomes irrelevant.
LGBTQIA+ is sin. Pride is a cardinal sin. They all should repent, and everyone needs to stop supporting mental illness. I pray Jesus heals them.
my not-meme take on this is "real" Christians are people who generally do good works of their own volition, love their neighbors like their own family with no prejudice or hatred for people who don't share their beliefs, and probably don't spend all their time on a degenerate imageboard arguing with retards and the absolute worst humanity has to offer.
the government is letting them pass and giving them amnesty
they are legal in your government's eyes
why do you only want upper class engineer christians? all men are created equal, jesus was literally an anti racist and protected all sort of deranged criminals
go read your bible, there's no such thing as a ""legal"" immigrant, you came to USA and took the land
>Is it? It's just le temporal irrelevant existence according to you, why care?
My faith is new, but I would say it is absolute degenerate and horrific acts done by a non-believer. A true Christian fears the Lord, and the faith will bring good works with it. No one that fears the Lord and loves Him will do such acts. They are evil. I care because I want everyone to spend eternity with our Lord. It is a blessing. We should help people get on the path of light so they do not gnash their teeth, separated from Christ. Heaven is for everyone.
>Correct, Bible is erroneous all on its own. Actions of their believers do not influence that status, but "garbage in, garbage out" is in effect.
Unfortunately, that is how it goes. True Christians show an example to others on how to act, and will compel them to read the Bible and follow the Lord.
>If you introduce infinite rewards and punishments into the equation then everything finite becomes irrelevant.
Our "reward" is heaven with God, but only if we believe Jesus died for our sins. I do not believe a pedophile priest believes that wholeheartedly, but if he does he will receive mercy and forgiveness. But a priest's faith is built on sand, if he does such acts.
I guess anyone who regrets their sinful acts and doesn't have hate in their heart. True Christianity is probably not so much a collective, but a state of being. Any Tom, Dick and Harry can literally go to church every Sunday and preach the word of god to others, but then go and sin left and right because they think worship and spreading the good word is all that's needed to get into heaven.
>jesus was literally an anti racist and protected all sort of deranged criminals
He loves them all, but hates their sin. I love my uncle, but I do not love his drinking problem. Sin is sin.
It is but that's only because Protestants can be loosely defined as Christian even given their complete lack of morality or faith. They're just superstitious atheists.
Protestants are heretics.
>laid the foundation of ethics and morality
what, because the only book you've ever read is the bible suddenly that makes Jesus the father of morality? Why do you people insist we follow your magic sky man to learn morals when humans have been contemplating morality since before the man was even born. while we're on the subject of the bible, how are you convinced it's the gospel truth? is it not written, printed, translated by humans? how are you so absolutely sure the message hasn't been perverted and polluted over the centuries? why do none of you possess critical thinking skills or common sense?
>no prejudice or hatred for people who don't share their beliefs
That is wrong
Jesus wasn't some "live laugh love" meme
>spend all their time on a degenerate imageboard arguing with retards and the absolute worst humanity has to offer
...is something an original Christian would do

Jesus condemned what we now know as "jews" and wanted to hang out with the Greeks
>jesus helped the scum of the earth
and now it's your turn to help christians from el salvador
take up your cross, you will not find "you should only live with sinless people" in the bible or you would've cut your uncle off or deported him if you could
>why do none of you possess critical thinking skills or common sense?
These people still look up to the sky to pray even though we know with 100% certainty nobody is living up there. You expect too much from these people.
Depends what you mean by Christian nation. If you mean the majority of the population are Christian, yes. If you mean the state-religion is Christianity, no.
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>how are you so absolutely sure the message hasn't been perverted and polluted over the centuries?
>why do none of you possess critical thinking skills or common sense?
we've all had these questions and then found answers to them.
>jewish man
>condemn other jews
this is bait but also based
>directly gives me the definition for transmission
>explicitly tells me that the works had to be copied by hand
>does not comprehend that this process is exactly where humans corrupt and pervert knowledge in ways that suit them and their agenda
again, I ask, do NONE of you actually have a brain capable of coming to logical conclusions without some molester in a collar breathing down your neck coaching your response?
>There are no contradictions in the Bible
whats with that story that's told twice where first it's god doing bad thing and later it's satan doing bad thing
so no logical fact whatsoever, just constant and consistent appeals to emotion, got it
Orthodox Christians
Don't @ me
If you do not believe, why are you at least not following Jesus' examples on how to live? What is there to disagree with?
who do you think put in god we trust in all of our fucking money
It's logically impossible for the Christian God to not exist, and your worldview is incoherent. Look up the transcendental argument for the existence of God. That's if you aren't emotional yourself.
Probably because Christians don’t stop at “Do unto others”, they say you need to accept all the superstitious baggage like him being Son of God and if you don’t believe you’ll be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
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lol this faggot just watched some chud on YouTube shorts and now thinks he’s discovered the meaning of life lmao
That's fucking demon mamon, dammit. Why mutts did this, they are literaly sold themselfs like a cheap hoes to satan. Bad mutts, bad.
Reminder one of the reasons America rebelled was because Britain allowed the newly acquired Quebec to remain Christian.
Okay, but you can still follow Jesus and learn from His word. What Christians do does not diminish the work He did. I get it, sometimes I look at "Christians" and feel like they are poorly representing Christ. Maybe you can read the Bible, start in the New Testament and show them how a real Christian is supposed to act?
So what is your argument?
Yes, the USA has been a jewish country since its founding. Thank you for pointing it out
I would set the Notre Dame cathedral on fire again if I could. It tricks people into giving away good videogames for free it's good for gaming if I burn down that old meme larpfaggot building.
Not cool.
I'm not a weeb or a Christian, I was born in America and I am an American citizen. Seethe Christcuck
Pride is the sin lol
okay just so i understand, as far as the new testament goes, you're saying it went something like this
>there was a guy named Jesus (backed by extra-biblical hostile sources)
>he had a bunch of disciples who thought he was God and were willing to suffer persecution and torture for this belief without recanting (backed by extra-biblical hostile sources)
>the gospels were and epistles were written by some of them
>copyists changed and corrupted the text for nefarious purposes a few decades later and that's the text we have today
Miriam is not his wife. Read the Bible before spreading lies.His wife is Zipporah.
american christianism is a joke, they clap and shout "oh happy day, save the lawd", while dunking their heads in water. They fucknig stupid
>copyists changed and corrupted the text for nefarious purposes a few decades later and that's the text we have today
Can you show me the texts used for nefarious purposes?
no, i'm on the opposite side of the argument, i think that's retarded. the gospels satisfy the criteria of dissimilarity, embarrassment, and multiple attestation needed for historical reliability.
>Christian nation
Never has been
Genuinely never seen a thread where the first three posts get progressively more intelligent.
USA is a jewish nation, not christian
name a christian nation btw
Haiti seems to be the most devoted christian nation
No one gives a shit about your fanfiction headcanon
>Pride is the sin
Conservatives will literally cut their own dicks off before admitting this
I think Christian salvation is evil because it teaches that essentially a pedo child murderer could confess his sins on his death bed and go to Heaven. I think in any moral system someone has to be punished for third wrongdoings according to their severity. Teaching that you can just pile all your sins onto Christ and not pay for them is not moral.

Also the idea of Communion and Eucharist is downright deranged, getting eternal life by eating the flesh of God, that is Dark Souls tier.
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Christianity has been taken over by uneducated rural redneck faggots so who cares?
that shit in the OP will be ignored and given the pass by mexico, spain, brazil, most european nations, russia etc
mostly because they dont have a gigantic elite jewish population being triggered by christian symbolism
>There are no contradictions in the Bible,
Do retards actually believe this? Can they not read? What's the explanation?
Old testament magic is considered non-christian
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so brazil fits your christian nation definition ? am I getting this right?
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Nope, you need full faith that Jesus died for your sins. A faith that takes a long time to build. Do you think someone that does such acts to a child wholeheartedly believes that Jesus died for their sins? Good works comes alongside that belief. Muslims have it easier they just need to say a verse before dying lmao
Show me a contradiction
Just read it, dude.
idk, humans are sinners and she got jealous and questioned Moses and the Lord, and didnt have the fear of the Lord in doing so. I think.
She sinned though and that was the result of her sin
makes sense right? Do you understand it?
>copyists changed and corrupted the text for nefarious purposes a few decades later and that's the text we have today
no they didn't
see the dead sea scrolls
what did happen is that people took Paul and Augustine of hippo seriously
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in the early years of the US, there were sermons taking place in the capitol building
>she got jealous
Miriam did not want to fuck Moses, you faggots have lost your mind
there's this website that reconciles in depth all the hundreds of alleged contradictions put forth by your sam harris and shabir ally
So Miriam became leprous because she was racist? Based God
America is a jewish nation.
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Miriam is his older sister for context, you should really watch prince of egypt it's really good
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america has a higher jewish population than israel
I have never met a very religious person who lived even a fraction of the tenents of their faith. If I believed a book was genuinely passed down by god I would be super autistic about following the rules, but most of you just use it a la carte.

I'm not religious but if I was I'd be better at it than any of you.
no lmao it was founded by puritans
Christians who were so fucking annoying they got kicked out of England because they thought dancing and laughing was a sin
>who lived even a fraction of the tenents of their faith
If you actually knew Christianity you would know that we are born in sin and nobody is perfect, and that by seeking salvation in Christ and living up to his exmaple we can be forgiven. Your average true Christian (those confirmed by the Catholic church and who have been baptised and actually read the bible) certainly lives up to their principles more than gaythiests like you.
Egyptian rite in Europe has robes for everyone. Black for men and white for women.
in Haiti and Rwanda
They practice voodoo so obviously they aren't real Christians
>why do [people with taste] not care about [the literal worst religion ever conceived]
hmmm good question, maybe stop sending missionaries to random countries and consider for a moment why people don't like you
they don't exist because Christianity isn't a real religion it's always been diet judaism for people too lazy to abide jewish law and a veneer right wingers use to push their own personal political agenda
This right here.
The "god" on our currency isn't God the Father who sent Jesus Christ. It's their god, the devil.
They came here for religious freedom to spread freemasonry not Christianity.
I live up to all my principals. I just don't claim to have a bunch that I don't ever actually follow through on.

I know plenty about Christianity I went to catholic school because they have better funding. Religion class is just free marks as well.
sounds like someone got their sacred tree chopped down by those christians and Wotan or Zeus didn't strike him down with lighting :-(
>and wanted to hang out with the Greeks
outside paul's reengineering he literally did not consider them human or any non-jew for that matter
what about el salvador and congolombia?

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