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>gamers in 2005 really thought this unfunny edgy manchild with a design from of a high schooler’s notebook was a cool character
they were right
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We need more like that
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Why do zoomers hate fun?
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Still is
now it’s just faggots like OP who obsess over having as many niggers in their game as possible
dmc3 made him intentionally act like a manchild because it's a late coming-of-age story
they lost their one good writer though which is why he's even more retarded in 4
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you ok Tameem?
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you're a zoomer.
Prettiest capcom's man
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I Hope they sexulize him more in dmc6
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>Young, energetic, arrogant, and cocky teen personality
>Actual character arc about growing up and becoming a responsible protector of the world like his father
>Handsome face inspired by Axl Rose from Guns N’ Roses and Hideto Takarai from L’Arc En Ciel
>Stylish and sleek modern shounen hero bowl cut hairstyle also inspired by 60s British The Rolling Stones members
>Cool Bosozoku style rockstar jacket combined with bold shirtless style taken from Punk Rock starts like Sid Vicious
DMC3 Dante is pure perfection
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dmc4 and Dmc5 Dantes are the best
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I hate lady and her fanboys/girls
2024, still do
>dante is becoming increasingly more schizophrenic, depressed and fragile
>hides it underneath his laid-back arrogant attitude
Still was, still is.
>Nu-gamers in 2008 thought this gay cowboy was the same character
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Forgot pic
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guys im playing DMC for the first time
1 was cool as fuck the whole way through
2 seems alright so far but some of the enemies seem kinda bugged out
like the infested tanks, are they supposed to just sit there?
don't mind anything in dmc2, it's a miracle it's even playable at all. skip it or endure it, the latter will make you appreciate the entries that come afterwards more i guess.
oh, is 2 like the bastard child entry in the series?
They actually do have attack patterns that function properly, but they're very simple and easy to avoid. Challenge in DMC2 Combat isn't necessarily the enemies themselves or getting to "show time" it's keeping your style at "show time" by managing your rolls, positioning, guns, and when you place your heavy blows.
It's different than the first game, but it actually is pretty well designed if you actually learn it instead of prematurely shitting on the game because the internet told you to.
yes, it's a terrible game hated even by the people that worked on it, it's not a "contrarian" game of the series like dark souls 2 or fallout 3 where you can get why someone might like them, dmc2 is just a bad game that no one fucking likes
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Not true, I genuinely like it for reasons >>679809449, the artstyle and music, having three characters that each can be used in a total of 20 levels. Still the best Dante design to date, and the characterization and story are leagues better than DMC4 or 5, which is why it's probably my third most played game in the series after DMC1 and 2.
not even that, it's just a bad game. there are some cool elements (customizable dt for example) and despair embodied is a really cool boss, but it's blatantly obvious that it is merely a husk of a game.
I can still remember my big sister masturbating to Dante when she was playing DMC
how do you feel about that?
Did you show her which video game girls you fap to?
is your sister hot
while I agree that the artstyle and the music are great, they aren't enough to carry this game, the level design is extremely lazy and boring, the movement is slow and clunky, same with the attacks, enemies just stand still for you, and it's just a complete drag to play
>Literal peak
>Why do zoomers hate fun?
Showing that you enjoy something leaves you open to ridicule and zoomers are so riddled with anxiety that it always the safest decision so be a unthinking unfeeling stoic mass of rock
It's your fault for harboring "cringe culture"
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Genuine unironic cringe japanese marvel starlord prototype character assassination.
His dick is made for brown women
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That would be DMC4. People forget how dryly sarcastic Dante was in 3. Everything his says has a cynical bite to it. When DMC3 Dante says something it's to cut to the bone of the monster he's fighting. When DMC4 Dante says something he sounds like a genuine retard who believes the shit coming out of his mouth sounds cool. Dante's cynical immaturity is also a main leitmotif for the game's story and themes.
>Steel a soul for a second chance
>But you'll never become a man
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>that would be abloo bloo
stfu 3 sucks
flock off, featherface
They still do. DMC is commonly accepted as cool and nothing you can do will ever change that.
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>Implying the brave and the bold sucks
Into he trash your dogshit opinion goes. Rope yourself.
Daredevil >>>>>>>>>>> batham
I remember thinking DMC was cool when I was 15 years old
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This is how I imagine all Dante haters.
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Good night
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I bought pic related off of Ebay for $10 brand new and went through it recently. All of the tweaks Itsuno made to it actually made it fun, I ended up having a lot of fun with how they remixed everything and softened my heart to it a little. It helps that it indisputably has the best level design in the series. If you go in acting like it's just another subseries like Megaman has, it's not too bad.

Considering all we got out of destroying it is DMC5, sometimes I question if it was worth it. DMC5 ended being drab and colorless as fuck and the level design is shit. Yeah, we get DMC4's combat system untouched, but like, we already have DMC4 for that. And V is only a kind of cool gimmick, not really worth it as a whole character to play.

That's just my two cents. I've been playing these since the 2000s.
>of the tweaks Itsuno made to it
What? Most of the tweaks were just applying PC mods to consoles.
He helped basically rebalance the entire game and there's a lot of toggleable options too.
Why does Lady look terrible in every incarnation except DMC3? Same for Trish with DMC1. What happened?
That's why Lucia is better

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