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I really hate final fantasy xiii. And lightning. What a stupid unlikeable cunt.
FF13 is the worst Final Fantasy game
Can't disrespect the queen like that.
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I love Claire.
I like her armpits
Counterpoint: I liked it
She is only a good character in Lighting Returns.
One of the best Final Fantasy protagonists even, and the best one in the past 20 years.
It is okay to say you liked her. It’s okay to say she’s your favorite. It’s not okay to say she’s the best protagonist or in the best game. It’s your opinion and it isn’t correct.
ok man, name a better FF protagonist from 2004 onwards than she was in LR
>the spammer is a butthurt FF15fag
Wish I could say I was surprised.
Its better than 12 at least, but that's really not saying much.
I still masturbate regularly to vanillle
Clive is a better protagonist and his game is kinda bad too
I don't understand how anybody could say XIII was worse than XV. I didn't play much of XVI but it seemed like shit as well.

XIII at the very least is beautiful with amazing music. The battle system is great too, even if it's easy for a majority of the game. It's a solid game and gets too much hate.

However, XIII-2 and LR are maybe two of the best FF games ever made. Definitely since X.
15 was bad because it was an unfinished mess with a 10 year production schedule. 13 had the benefit of being a “complete” game that told its story so incomprehensibly, and badly, it leaps over 15 to claim the shittiest of all time award.
The first 10 hours of “gameplay” with 13s battle system doesn’t even reward you with XP. It’s better to skip all the fucking battles. Then there’s the lack of loot being fun to collect, the shitty equipment where you can only use one item and it’s a waste to upgrade others. The game is a case study in bad ideas for satisfying gameplay. Everything you want in a game, seeing numbers go up and improving, is stymied and pathetic in 13.
I also hate 15 too. Some days I think it’s worse, but I today I think 13 is.
I like FF13 and Lighting is the most beautiful woman in video games
>stiches together random posts from different days
I've seen people spam anti-15 shit on 4chan pretty much daily for half a decade now. Why don't you screencap those
The production schedule bullshit doesn't matter at the end of the day. The 13 story isn't great and a lot of it is in the compendium but it's still better told than XV which requires an anime and movie and bullshit to get it. But much more important than story is the gameplay.
XV's battle system is nonexistant. Hold O. Nothing fun about it. Who cares about being rewarded XP for a Hold O battle system?
XV world is fucking huge with nothing interesting in it. No landmarks, just a big midwestern America landscape. The sidequests are atrocious and might as well not exist. And there's little memorable music, in fact it literally gives you a soundtrack to other games. And the summon random shit is awful, I had summons show up TWICE ever.
XV is worse, idc what you say
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>Clive is a better protagonist
Clive is fucking dogshit.
You’re making an apples to oranges comparison. Nothing is redeemable in either of the games, 13 is linear as 15 is open world. Both have equally bad storytelling and nothing to do.
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Fuck I'm gonna have to contradict myself.
I forgot about Jack.
Pathetic. But I admire your ability to call yourself wrong on the internet it’s a rare talent
All final fantasy women are boring as fuck. It needs to be said.
I was just about to post about how lightning and Jack are almost the same character, Light's just a bit nicer
"I think of you when from the sea the shimmer
Of sunlight streams;
I think of you when on the brook the dimmer
Moon casts her beams.
I see your face when on the distant highway
Dust whirls and flakes,
In deepest night when on the mountain byway
The traveller quakes.
I hear your voice when, dully roaring, yonder
Waves rise and spill;
Listening, in silent woods I often wander
When all is still.
I walk with you, though miles from you divide me;
Yet you are near!
The sun goes down, soon stars will shine to guide me.
Would you were here!"
"Ich denke dein, wenn mir der Sonne Schimmer
Vom Meere strahlt;
Ich denke dein, wenn sich des Mondes Flimmer
In Quellen mahlt.
Ich sehe dich, wenn auf dem fernen Wege
Der Staub sich hebt;
In tiefer Nacht, wenn auf dem schmalen Stege
Der Wandrer bebt.
Ich höre dich, wenn dort mit dumpfem Rauschen
Die Welle steigt.
Im stillen Haine geh’ ich oft zu lauschen,
Wenn alles schweigt.
Ich bin bei dir, du seyst auch noch so ferne,
Du bist mir nah!
Die Sonne sinkt, bald leuchten mir die Sterne.
O wärst du da!"
same. this dyke needs to get shrekt
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You almost forgot because of the CHAOS in your head, anon. Respect his power and MAYBE he'll limit your punishment to verbal attacks as opposed to crushing you into dust.

Either way, you're done.
>beautiful and amazing music
If you say so...
Saying that with a straight face when 15 and 16 exist is wild.
lightning, serah, lumina and vanille fivesome
>XIII-2 and LR
XIII-2 is so far ahead of LR it's not even funny. XIII-2 is like a top 5 game in the franchise, LR is barely worth finishing.
Lightning is great and has huge character delevopment......did you finish the game?
V the best
enix should get on that instead of IX
no bias
>5, 9, 13
the holy trinity of boring forgettable protags
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>starts off the game surely and punching people
>at the end of the game she smiles
Wow, what a great character.
based on what? 13-2 is the weakest of the 3. the combat is mostly braindead since they let you easily overlevel or get god monsters that the game can't keep up with. the story is 90% non-existent and the parts that do matter are mostly about caius poochie and actively shit on anything interesting from 13. noel sucks, hope becoming god king of the universe sucks hard, not having 3 real party members sucks.
>worst game
>best girl
What did Square Enix mean by that?
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hardly anyone ever acknowledges or even makes mention of the character development or arcs/themes despite complaining about the game being too character-focused
It's funny how Lightning never got me hard even though she was deliberately designed to be a female Cloud. Meanwhile, Cloud immediately activated something inside me when I saw him in the honeybee inn Remake scene.
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