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>concept art is better than final product
Every damn time.
wrong picture I guess
It's the right picture. I chose it on purpose. But nice try, troll
>Female Spartan '''''warrior'''' is okay
>Black Samurai isn't
They are equally ahistorical.
Are you acting like people weren't throwing a shitfit about it?
Yasuke is historical. There was a black dude wearing samurai armor and bearing swords. Now obviously he was following orders, he wasn't running around the countryside having adventures but it's a video game so...
Nowhere near on the level of Yasuke, people cried more about Roshan than they did about Kassandra. Roshan is whatever compared to Kassandra because Hidden Ones/Assassins are hidden, they don't exist in conventional history books and that's why it makes sense in in-game lore.
Yasuke was in Japan only for a year or so. It doesn't make sense for him to fight like a Japanese samurai, his fighting style should've been very different. Most Samurai were trained for 20 years to learn those combat skills.
She's just a mercenary from a remote region in greece. Not a spartan warrior. Even though her real parents were spartan, she was raised by a retarded merchant who found her washed up on sea shore.
Nigger, ubisoft seethed because they wanted this bitch to be the canon protagonist but no one wanted to play as her.
she looks good in both pics
you faggots will really seethe about anything
>but no one wanted to play as her.
This is not true.
Her father wouldn't have trained her to be a warrior. Spartan women only learned some basic self defence skills when their father/husband allowed it, he was raising her daughter to be a spartan warrior commander.
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>how do you want your vikings, bro
>Just fuck my shit up
Left: Butterface
Right: Manface
Stats say it is.
>no one wanted to play as her.
Basically all the screenshots I've ever seen shared from this game has people playing as her. Almost no one played as the dude.
>Her father wouldn't have trained her to be a warrior.
He trained her basic shit tho
I don't remember him saying he trained her to be a spartan commander
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I blame the history channel and Skyrim for making a generation of pagan larpers who think Vikings looked this way
Holy fuck that concept is so fucking cute is insane.
Her proportions also seems way more realistic also taking into account what the armor does to the shoulders/arms.
Why are tranny modelers so shit at their job. But I think they butchered her so they could scan some actress or model or whatever, fucking cancer of an industry.
Right is too masculine
I hate amermutts so fucking much for ruining medieval aesthetics forever.
Mostly Blizzard tranny shitters, warcraft and wow art were always fucking garbage.
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>Female Spartan '''''warrior'''' is okay
people have been seething about kassandra and about ubisoft making her canon since day 1
Cringe. Make it more fantasy if you want to use a woman like that.
Asterigos did it right. Also artstyle that looks actally good
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women in ancient greece were not allowed to carry weapons or wear men's clothing. She would have been apprehended and stoned to death.
Before that she would have probably been captured and raped by a strong man to be a submissive sex slave but thats besides the point
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It's bad !
Too masculine and too much "realism"
the DEI fade
The average person looks at this cartoon shit and thinks 'what a cool Viking'

History nerds lost
This, if she was in arms reach of any of ancient Greece's ebony kings she would be mindbroken in ten seconds flat.
She got such a nice butt
why are ubishit characters always such manlets? Look at the size of those heads on those bodies. Heads are huge. Like teenager body proportions.
>Basically all the screenshots I've ever seen shared from this game has people playing as her. Almost no one played as the dude.
People who play as female characters take more pics. Heterosexual men never take pictures of themselves. I haven't taken a picture of myself in over 20 years, basically never. I can't remember the last time i oriented a device at my mug and took a picture of myself. I have mirrors if i want to not look like shit before going out.
If you're het, search your feelings, you know this to be true. The point of playing as female is to look at her ass and take pics. The point of playing as a male is to not care about the character at all.
Can't believe an AAA game official art has such a botched anatomy. His torso is long as fuck, it's inhuman.
Her face is nice but holy shit that body is an abomination.
If you're feeling daring look up a nude mod to see just how horrifying it is.
>2D still in a flattering pose from a flattering angle with tailored lighting is better than 3D model that can be examined from any angle, in various lighting environments, has to be animated, rendered in real time and be seen in any frame of animation that is itself subject to further constraints
you don't say
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Where do you people get ideas like this from? They had a female god of war and strategy and a female huntress god, both of which were some of the most widely worshipped and are really well historically preserved in comparison to some minor gods. There were multiple female conquerers the world over, not just in ancient Greece, but also before it. Women weren't often soldiers, and yeah most of the time many of them probably would have been nowhere near combat of any kind, but they wouldn't have been "not allowed" to carry weapons. Most people didn't even have "weapons" in the first place for most of history that were not also practical implements for hunting like bows, axes, spears, and knives. There are several ancient female corpses that have been dug up buried with those kinds of tools.
Any mods that fix her game or is she going to be stuck in a shitty game forever?
>tfw people will call you a contrarian for saying you prefer bottom
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This is literally the closest you can get to a historical Viking in-game. Every other armor is fantasy Skyrim shit... Including every single NPC and enemy, who you can't dressup.
The sad thing is that you know Ubislop knows better but they purposefully went with the Vikangz tv show aesthetic anyway
Weird how they took the "realism" angle with making the Asian woman weak and unable to fight
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I love when '''history nerds''' stay losing
>Braveheart face paint
I hate this shit.
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They do know better. They hired historical illustrators to do more practical designs then changed them into history channel tv slop. They also bragged about how their game wouldn't have those silly inaccurate vikings with horned helmets, only to end up having half the Vikings and enemies wear animal skulls and horns anyway
Is the joke that this is so easy to debunk that taking the effort would mean you got baited?
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Left actually looks like a girl I could see on the train or the bus (I am Norwegian). Right does not look Norwegian at all...
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I don't blame Blizzard. I blame all the historycels, AIcels, and deus vultcels
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Wouldn't however still be considered history since literature is still very much part of history and the original texts depicted the characters as white (or at least not niggers)?
Assassin's creed becomes much more kino when you pretend it's part of the Yakub cinematic universe
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Here's how you enjoy AC Odyssey and Kassandra in one simple step
Pretend it's a Xena game
Any mods to change dmg? Hate the enemy sponges
Works on my machine
She's got nice breasts, neck, tummy, ass, thighs, legs, feet, lower back, arms, hands, lips, ears, and vagina
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I'll pretend it's a Xena game when she'll look like Xena and her training will be magic like whateve Xena had
Otherwise I won't play
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Kass does resemble her concept art thobeit. They just made her hair more tidy. A mistake, but she's still cute.
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I felt the broken spear was a boring special weapon
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now post the version with the pp
>Ancient Greece game
>Can't wield a shield
>Have to DUAL WIELD a little dagger like some kingdom hearts bullshit
Okay so why did you post an edited pic
Not feeling that Greek today
To show cass resembles her concept art more closely if you just give her bangs.
Should be more feminine, especially the body
>artistic rendering is better than a 3 model

This is the case for nearly every character with concept art in a 3d game
kass' face is plenty feminine. Her body is pretty fridge tier but ubisoft is always a crapshoot between beauty and "realism".
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It's sad
Bethesda made an entire career out of it
>black dude wearing samurai armor
No, he was dressed as a eunuch and totally unarmored.
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How's it feel to be retarded?
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What the FUCK bros
How did they ruin her so badly?
She happens to be "ethnically" Spartan, that is, she descends from someone who is Spartan, but she's not a Spartan warrior, she's just a misthios, a mercenary. Such female fighters weren't as uncommon in classical antiquity as you'd think.
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Thats the common misconception. What i mentioned is from ancient sources who lived at that time and historical/archeological research.
Women gods of war were cultural symbols than what your average woman should have aspired to be. Athena is the daughter of zeus, that doesnt mean your daughter can be a strategist. The queen of england might have "conquered" nations but never personally on the battlefield. There are some exceptions but thats what they are, oddities.
All ancient cultures are extremely sexist and male centric. Women must be feminine and men must be masculine, otherwise it can literally bring on the end of their society (as they believed).
For example in viking societies it is illegal for women to be witnesses in trials because theyre inherently untrustworthy (according to their culture).
Historians dont research and dedicate their life to history just because they hate women. Real history is messy and anything but a democratic multicultural feminist utopia as it is depicted to be in our culture.
Check out great courses plus, they have some lectures on ancient/medieval societies.
A) People have complained about Kassandra's canonicity and her participating and winning the Olympics five minutes after meeting Kallipateira of Rhodes since the game came out
B) Kassandra is a made up character and is Greek, not a real life figure alone in the country his game takes place in that breaks 17 years of dev rule like Niggasuke
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Today I will remind them
>66% of people who started the game chose Alexios
>33% of people who started the game chose Kassandra

>66% of people who started the game did not finish the main quest
>33% of people who started the game finished the main quest

I just think that's a pretty interesting coincidence.
Whyd they turn her into a tranny
>There was a black dude wearing samurai armor and bearing swords
The sad and terrible irony of this is that the concept artist, Even Amundsen, got all of his designs modeled in game...BUT ONLY ON GENERIC NPCS
The player character, and most of the major named characters, all have that cringy larping nonsense and they can't wear any of the armor models they see in game, they have a special set of dildo hat collectibles that look retarded. I genuinely can't believe there are retards out there who prefer this instead of Odyssey's loot system where you could steal anyone's look.
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>You want to put WHAT in my butt? MALAKA
I picked Kassandra and finished the ubislop game
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Do you have a single fact to back up the correlation?
>Alexiosfags are a bunch of malakas
Not surprising
What a shame
Why is everything so overdesigned now? art directors all seem to think the more random shit you pile on to a design the cooler it looks
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Why didn't Alexios just "adopt" Phoibe?
Yes, that is the point I'm making. The mirrored relationship of character choice vis-a-vis game completion on achievement tracking statistics suggests that the people who played Alexios got bored and stopped playing while the people who picked Kassandra continued through the majority of the game's content.
>people that played as the woman enjoy Ubisoft slop
I would play a game with vikings that look like bottom pic
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>chad Alexios saves his imouto and gets the ultimate happy ending
>wimp canon Kassandra spends the entire game wanting to suck Deimos' cock then kills him and gets impregnated by Darius' ugly ass simp son
Will never not be funny
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This is the achievement you get for completing the main quest - resolving the Cult of Kosmos and family questlines, and then visiting the entryway to Atlantis in Thera.
...so no correlation between the numbers? Got it
>kills Deimos
I'm sorry you got a shit ending, in my playthrough Kassandra saved Deimos and reunited her family.
go back tourist
Anon, if you translate 33.8% (i.e. 0.338) into fractions, what number do you get?
>canon Kassandra spends the entire game wanting to suck Deimos' cock then kills him
Is this mentioned in the Valhalla DLC or something?
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>Screenshot (519).png

You realize your playthrough is objectively not canon then, right? Sorry, Ubisoft said so
Not really, most people just don't finish games
Odyssey's director stated the canon events for Odyssey are explained in the game's novelization. In it, Kassandra promises her mom she'll try and save her brother then kills him, and also spares Aspasia.
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>Ubisoft said brother-sister incest is canon
Holy based wtf I love ubisoft now?
Can you, or can you not read? I am asking where's the proof behind the correlation that the number of people that finish the game are Kassandra players. Can you or can you not post that?
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Honestly at this point anyone who says they like vikings or pegan/norse bullshit always seem to be the gayest, dumest, and basedest people on the planet. It's gotten to the point where I honestly fucking despise this shit so much that I start to disassociate from anyone who says they think vikings are cool. It all feels like that one guy from that horrible show Parks and Rec that Nick Offerman plays, where he's like "I'm a REAL manly man! Vegans are dumb! Lumber! If you don't have facial hair you aren't a man!" and then shortly after something happens and they go. "No dude! Respecting women is MANILY! so are LGBT rights! You're not a real man unless you know how to bottom correctly! Yes QUEEN, not KING!"
Does the novel say Myrrine is killed by Alexios? Because Kassandra can't save her mom in-game without also saving Alexios. Her death is a prerequisite to the boss-fight.
Given how many more people played Alexios, you do realize if anything it only makes sense for that 33% that finished the game to be comprised of *both* Alexios and Kassandra players, right? Meaning, in comparison given the original numbers, even less people reached the end with Kass?
This was done intentionally btw, a similar takeover campaign happened to New Vegas and Warhammer. Twitter and Discord have ruined internet, culture, and humanity.
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Take it easy, varg
Myrrine can survive with Deimos dead, after that depending on whether you told her you'd try and bring Deimos back she accepts it and you get the scene at the house with her or she's mad you broke your word and banishes you from Sparta
I honostily think skyrim and the vikings tv series is the reason there are so many ''pegan'' larpers
You're asking for proof, not correlation. The numbers themselves are the correlation, meaning can only be inferred from them. Remember that correlation does not equal causation. I never claimed that my inference was hard fact, I merely pointed out the suggestive nature of the numbers and what they imply, not that the numbers necessarily MUST mean what I imply. That's what the word "coincidence" means.
>still nothing
Concession accepted
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You ever wonder why people didn't mind Yasuke appearing in Nioh? Nioh is historical fantasy, Ass Creed was historical fiction. Used to be, when the franchise mattered and people that cared were behind it, the universe of AC was supposed to be exactly the same as ours just with the truths of the Assassins and the Precurors obscured by Abstergo. It's the same reason why having you fight a Minotaur in Odyssey is retarded no matter how many excuses to the tone of "ackshually they're not le real they're Apples of Eden!" one reads, as if you could imagine Altaïr in AC1 suddenly start fighting a living breathing dragon from the Saint George legend.
This is simply yet another rule broken, that were the protagonist of the game was always a made-up character *not* a historical figure. You played as Altaïr, not Richard the Lionheart. You played as Ezio, not Leonardo da Vinci. You played as Connor, not George Washington. You played as Edward, not Blackbeard. You played as Arno, not Napoleon. You played as Jacob and Evie, not Charles Dickens. You played as Bayek, not Julius Caesar. You played as the Eagle Bearer, not Sokrates. You played as Eivor, not Aelfred the Great. Shadows will now have you playing as a historical figure for the first time ever. Can you guess why? Why, in setting a game in a Japanese country, they break a 17 year norm as said by >>679990116 to have you playing as the one black man in the country? Try and guess. The answer might surprise you.
>then kills him and gets impregnated by Darius' ugly ass simp son
Should have been a minotaur
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>Screenshot (519).png
Clean your desktop, simp
Yes, but I can't masturbate to Yasuke.
>breaking pattern by leaving off the A at the end
this mans retarded, fuck him in the back of his head till his eyes shoot out of his skull from the jizz pressure buildup
Into the bog ye go
both are garbage
the whole concept of female warrior is dumb
I hate sony so much
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The most goblinesuque 5/10 I've seen.
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its okay, i have a homely girl fetish
>female fighters
stopped reading there
lmao euronymous posting from the afterlife.
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Why did bronze age warriors wear so little armor? I've always wondered why Greek, Persian, and Macedonian armies in this time period only wore a helmet, a cuirass, greaves, and a gauntlet. Their necks, arms, thighs, calves, and face are all completely exposed. So even though the soldiers were "armored", they'd still be insanely easy to kill in battle.
It wasn’t, most of the player base chose Alexios and Ubishit seethed about it.
Agility and cooling. You're protecting your vital organs while still being relatively light/mobile and won't get exhausted
Isn't that particular Assassin Creed game mostly fantasy?
How many confirmed shield maidens existed in history? 100 tops?
>women of your race (or the same race as the protagonist) ok
>blacks not ok
Correct, you fucking niggerworshipper.
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More than there are confirmed black samurai, that's for sure
I forgot that /v/ has gotten so fucking casual that now we have unironic Ass Creed threads.
>a very small percentage of people did something
>this is now part of the norm

exception, man. Where are the warrior maidens fighting in Ukraine, Gaza, Africa or Mexico?

Women can fight? a very few, and they can be sadistic as fuck, like that vietcon female sniper who liked to castrate prisoners of war. But saying that all women can be a "vietcon female sniper who likes to castrate man"? that's pushing it.
its minmaxed, earlier in history you had faggots going about decked out like this but if you fight in a phalanx, you don't need this cringe bulky shit (bronze is much heavier than steel)
So you have a breastplate for vitals, thighs are under your shield most of the time, same with arms
then 1?
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That fictional women is supposedly from Sparta.
I don't know about you, but something tells me that the samurai in question isn't japanese.
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I wish human females were ____
kek what a retard
by "shield-maiden" I assume you mean "Germanic woman who fought in battle during the middle ages" and not "any woman who fought in battle during the middle ages" of which the latter has a much larger crop to choose from
Aethelflaed of Mercia, daughter of King Aelfred the Great
Sikelgaita, wife of Robert Guiscard
Freydis Eriksdottir, sister of Leif Erikson
At the siege of Dorostolon 971, the Byzantines found armed women among the slain bodies of the Viking Rus'.
While clearly an exceptional phenomenon, it was not so rare as to be unheard of or considered even improbable amongst medieval writers, whether those of history or those of poetry.
She's a literal demigod, its not quite the same as some random 90lb girl
yeah, she looks exactly like wonder women on the left. pretty nifty.
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>it can literally bring on the end of their society (as they believed).
and they were right
>I don't blame the people actually making stuff, I blame internet shitposters
Americans, everyone, always doing their best to maintain the corporate cock deep down their throat.
less is more sometimes.
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His seethe is eternal
When will they make a modern day AC ala James Bond?
>it was not so rare as to be unheard of or considered even improbable amongst medieval writers

do you have a source to back that up? Which medieval writers?
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Internet shitposters make shit up. You have no idea how much influence these retards actually have. Nice unprompted dick sucking analogy by the way.
> You have no idea how much influence these retards actually have
They don't, you americans tell yourselves that because admitting the truth would also be admitting you spent the past 10 years fighting on the internet over politics for nothing.
It's well-attested in medieval chronicles. There are also very few chansons de geste which do not feature (fictitious or legendary) female warriors, such as the Byzantine tale of Digenis Akritas, the love-song of Aucassin and Nicollette, and the famous Orlando Innamorato of Ludovico Ariosto.
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I want left Kassy to choke me out with her thighs
>entire culture hijacked by a B-tier tv channel and bethesdaslop
>fictional character from the culture the game is set in
>historical character not from the culture the game is set in
we know you prefer bottom, anon
>that art
what book is that?
>no medieval historian
I'm glad someone took photographic evidence of these women in the middle ages and renaissance.
show some proof then
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BTW Alexios was the obviously main character before they made it be Kassandra as a tantrum.
Funny how both is wrong.

Fuck Valhalla and its Vikings series fanfic.
I dunno. I think his over the top voice tries way too hard which makes sense if you see it as them extending the villain's role to a PC.
Too bad they made him look like a scruffy hobo.. you need mods to make him look proper Spartan
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The Medieval Soldier: 15th Century Campaign Life Recreated in Colour Photographs (1995) by Gerry Embleton. It's one of those military history books for autismos like those you get from Osprey Publishing.
>all these inconsistent answers
fake outrage is so 2010.
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Nothing about Kassandra being the mc makes sense. The most blatant evidence is the olympics quest. And I personally liked his voice, it went well with the laid back tone of 90% of the story.
He is more handsome than Ezio, no homo.
>assassins creed fan pretends to have standards
Because he is a scruffy hobo, he fled from Sparta aa an kid and lived on Kephallonia.
>And I personally liked his voice, it went well with the laid back tone of 90% of the story.
Wtf are you talking about, Alexios has no chill, he's always screaming his head off at the top of his lungs like he's Kratos angry at Ares except he always raises his inflection at the end of his sentences like he's asking a question?
>discordfags still going with that angle
lmao please tell how much better femshep is
Sheploo is the best voice because he's a total normalfag. Femshep is the tryhard bitch.
Dude's a greek caricature the same as Ezio in his first game. This amaze me and I found it fun. So what's your point?
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Femshep has the same problem as Alexios. Trying way too hard to sound badass. Meer is king.
>So what's your point?
my point is that his voice is so grating I had to change to Kassandra whose voice is the exact opposite
this so much this
us discord sisters have so much better taste
Why are you obsessed with discord? I don't use social media because I'm not a transsexual.
>He is more handsome than Ezio
>I'm not a transsexual
>plays kassandra
ok xir
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>not a transsexual
>plays female characters
Damn right.

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