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The Dark Souls fatigue is real.
nah, give me more. fuck the whiners, dont play it if you dont like it
I’m bored as fuck 4 hours in. I have souls fatigue too. And get ready for another decade minimum of soulslikes, most normies didn’t even know the genre existed until 2 years ago
Discord troons lost. How about you play some games instead of get mad at Elden Ring
I can't do it man. I can't do another boss winding up hits while I'm doing Demons Souls animations.

You surpassed the combat with Sekiro and Bloodborne From, why are we going back to Demons Souls? Whatever man, Elden Ring is a 10/10.
The next Souls game will be a catastrophic failure.
From is too big too fail now, their games have become the GTA of ARPGs.
Normalfags can't get enough.
If that's true I would guess it has less to do with Fromsoft and more to do with the billion fucking awful clones being shat out every year.
I just want a proper Demon's Souls port on PC man
They were too lazy to build upon Bloodborne's effort in combat and lore that they went the opposite direction and dropped the ball after. Miyazaki is too afraid to take risks and there are already better souls clones since then that mog Elden Ring.
I actually felt this, never played through DSIII, BB or any of the other souls-ish games.

Just started up a new Elden Ring playthrough the other day. Hopefully going to finish it this time.

Feeling the fun come back though after a big long break.
It's just another CoD/FIFA
Its not a dark souls game however
Bloodborne is the magnum opus and Sekiro is the combat peak and instead we get Dark Souls 4.5.

And don't you dare shit talk it either. Everyone knows that Dark Souls' design works flawlessly in an open world. Don't you dare say anything.
you are a worthless retard tranny shill
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I played them all. Demon's, DaS1-3, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring.
Demon's remains the best, and I played it AFTER Dark Souls 1.
DaS2 and 3 are pretty bad
Bloodborne and Sekiro are mediocre action game with great art direction and presentation. (+ atmosphere in case of Bloodborne)
ER feels like a remix of DaS1-3. I don't get how you could seriously think it's a masterpiece if you played Dark Souls games. Elden Ring is an okay game.
Let's not lie to ourselves here, it's Dark Souls IV.
Once you realise that you don't actually *do* much in the game, and that every "build" reduces to the same thing, the magic sort of disappears
>Normalfags can't get enough.
well there is also nothing else
>most normies didn’t even know the genre existed until 2 years ago
Elden Ring might have the most total sales, but Dark Souls was absolutely mainstream, especially by the point 3 came out.
>I actually felt this, never played through DSIII, BB or any of the other souls-ish games
>I got fatigue without the prerequisites for fatigue
Easily >5000 hours in all the other souls games combined. Binge played all of them multiple times

Haven't even finished Elden Ring base game yet
Mainstream today means something very different than what it did 10 years ago. Gaming today is a fucking 3rd world slum
Radahn + Mohg, if you missed one, the npc won't spawn. If you unlocked the ring emote, you have the dlc enabled.
true, demons souls and the first half of DS1 are the only games that did something different, every other souls game after those got rid of what made them special in exchange for making a mediocre combat system slightly less garbage
im literally at the end just before radagon, of course i beat both
i fucking swear
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I thought I was fatigued with Souls too after not being able to enjoy a 2nd Elden Ring playthrough, but then I played Lies of P 3 times and went back and beat DaS remastered 2 times and DeS original + remake once each.

I just don't like Elden Ring, it turns out.
it's not, you're seething and coping
What the fuck is this, a separate game? Or an "add-on"?
I can't be the only one who had absolutely zero interest in this DLC.
Elden Ring was already a genuine 100+ hour game. Why a game of that size needs DLC of this size without expecting people to feel burnt out, I don't know.

Let's be honest, what's really going to be in this DLC that they couldn't have done in the base game?
With the all the hype I thought they will be adding something worthy to the game, seems like just more of the same shit. Couldn't even finish the base game since it got boring too fast.
>what's really going to be in this DLC that they couldn't have done in the base game?
more profits
No, it's not. Fuck off to another franchise, retards like you won't be missed.
>Demon's remains the best
Don't say that, the webm faggot might show up
I can't kill the first tree sentinel out the gate and it's driving me fucking insane
>Beat DsR yesterday for the first time also first soulslike with sorcerer build
>waiting for summer sale to get the next fromsoft titles
>urge to continue playing gets to me
>fire up a new character and go strength build, only dying a handful of times and just tearing apart the first quarter of the game with acquired game knowledge
>make it to blighttown in one sitting compared to first playthrough taking multiple sessions to reach with less gear
I can see the appeal now
It's also because Sony devs were heavily involved in Bloodborne. People tend to forget that.
You're not part of the franchise autisto
I played all of them except Sekiro, and I agree with you for the most part. I think Demon's Souls and DaS1 remain the best. Bloodborne is almost as good as DeS and DaS1 but only when you factor in the DLC, Bloodborne base game is good but feels incomplete and is hugely lacking in boss quality. Elden Ring is ok, but sometimes it just feels like the design doc said "Dark Souls 3 but bigger" and I already thought 3 wasn't all that great.
pretty much
envious of people who can enjoy the formula so much now
There is no fatigue. It just sucks. Like dark souls 2.
fromsoft does exactly that though
we need another bloodborne/sekiro
Why 3 wasnt that great?
what did xhe mean by this?
I didn't buy it. $50 USD is fucking outrageous
it's $40, brokie.
Lol a troon game is mario or some retarded indie 2d platformer. Elden Ring is a Chud's game
I didn't like the heightened emphasis on action, the bosses all play the same for the most part, I didn't enjoy most of the levels in the game, and the nostalgia-pandering was annoying to me. I still enjoyed some of my time with it, but not nearly as much as Demon's or Dark Souls 1.
anything more than $15 is too much
Reminder that sony killed japan studio
Why's it sound like everyone knows every facet of the DLC when it's not even out yet

Did it leak?
Linear world, felt like the reheated leftovers of bloodborne.
it came out 7 hours ago
yeah, if chud suddenly means everybody who was hyped for RDR2 then sure, Elden Ring is for chuds alright
So? People beat the DLC in 7 hours? How did they already beat every level and every boss that quick? And if they did then why did they spend so much money on something you can beat in 1 night
oh shit its out? lol
I have it preordered too

Shows how much I actually give a damn
There is only so many times you can roll and have fun with it. It's okay. Play some other games.
This has been said forever anon but has yet to happen. You can't meme it into existence like Marvel.
I can hear the head smacking and dry wall punching from this post.
content creators have had the DLC for review purposes for a few days. there are youtubers who have already played 50+ hours.
I skipped out on it because by the end of ER I just wanted it over. I saw that lion and it looked like the same spastic nonsense of the ulcerated tree spirits. And in general they just really are doubling down on the hyper 'anime' of enemies - doesn't matter if you're a knight or a big guy (4u) or a giant monster, they all do the same thing: hyper frenetically jumping around with massive AOEs.

Dancer of the Boreal valley moves like I expect her to.
Abyss Watchers move like I expect them to
Lorian is slow, there's magic but he's still clearly a big knight.

Rellana? A mage knight who jumps around like a hyper dex ninja.
Putrescent knight (or Radahn in vanilla)? Giant guy on a tiny horse who is able to multi track drift at hyper speed and I'm watching Putrescent knight even do barrel roll flying spins through the air.
margit the fell omen? Jumps around like a JRPG character despite being a big guy (4u). You show him and you think he's a wizard? Nah, he's got a big sword. So he's a knight? Nah, he leaps around in the air.
Ulcerated tree spirits? Lmao, more nimble than a fly despite being as big as a house.

I think Loux and Mogh are the only fucking guy who moves like he fucking should. Everyone else just blurs together so there's no flavor to them, they're all just ninja-knight-samurai-spellswords.
Because that's when the true fatigue set in. It was a more polished Dark Souls, but it builds on the memetic value of the series, same way 2 did.
what's with the desperate doomposting push? what do you gain from this? lol
>I saw that lion and it looked like the same spastic nonsense of the ulcerated tree spirits

It really is tiring to watch. Having the, "Oh, it's another 3 hour boss gauntlet because of 1 hit kills" in the back of your mind strips the game's hype right down.

Those Tree Spirits in Elden Ring were some of the laziest fights in the whole series.
I mean people in these threads. They’ve already beaten like 3 main bosses including Messmer
Actually, that's you.
ACfags still seething as always
Please understand mecha retards are very autistic and don't understand that Fromsoft is maknig what they want.
I didn't find the world of 3 that interesting. Linearity coupled with fast travel really kind of kills the sense of exploration for me. It's a series of themed levels instead of a world to explore. Did the game have a single meaningful shortcut? And then every single boss feels like the exact same dodge and punish affair which at this point I don't find rewarding. The only things that I do remember are generally negative like the utterly botched Storm Ruler callback. Dark Souls 3 honestly felt like they were running out of ideas.

Honestly I think I'd put Dark Souls 2 over 3. Because as bad as 2 was, it at least had new ideas, even if those ideas were generally bad and poorly implemented. But it's at least more memorable.
AI post.
Lil bit obsessed there, tarnished
What the fuck are you talking about
God. I was so checked out by the giant snow area place and then there's an entire fucking awful dungeon after you burn the tree for no reason. Jesus, looking at the love Elden Ring gets makes me feel like I'm insane.
Name every kickable ladder
>kill gay lion
>filtered by this fucking knight in castle ensis
Goddamn nigger keeps one shotting me
>there are already better souls clones since then that mog Elden Ring
Which one is that?
So don't buy it retard. Go plunge your head in the sand and play something else without droning on about MUH SOULS FATIGUE
>Once you realise that you don't actually *do* much in the game, and that every "build" reduces to the same thing
No shit, that's every games. Even in CRPG with a charming build you end up boong boong enemy heads anyway
If you play Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 3 and think the biggest difference in their design is whether or not you can kick a ladder you are an actual fucking retard and should shoot yourself immediately
>There is only so many times you can roll and have fun with it
Many newbies to the series think the point is rolling but the truth is that rolling is the emergency option for when you make a positioning mistake. If you learn how to position you will find yourself hitting more oftend and dodging less often.
this but unironically

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