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Is /v/ gonna run clans that kill all primaris zoomers?
Sounds gay so probably
nah i don't play tranny pedo games
>devs turned to Heresy-era designs for CSM

I will run a primaris Iron Hands, for maximum leaving humanity behind.
they are 40k chaos marines they arent heresy era designs
you mean el halo
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Yes, but stuff like the AL armor is especially more reminiscent of 30k-era design than how they're typically depicted in 40k otherwise.
Ave dominus nox my man
The concept art teases the other nightlord just gets more human flesh on them lol
all the space marines in game are actually primaris. cope.
Tranny dev = no buy, marketer kun. We told you several times.
not the Chaos ones
I hope at some point they allow for bigger player lobbies since 6v6 is boring by this point
the loyal marines in the multiplayer probably aren't. if it's a 6v6 of primaris vs CSM, primaris would basically be always at an advantage.
40k eternal crusade did that and it clearly didn't work.
I want them to expand the co-op mission game mode to 4 players instead of 3. I get why they did it for the campaign since the first game had 3 characters but for the co-op mission game mode, they should have made it 4 players.
Huh? CSM and Primaris have the exact same statline from 9th edition onward.
I think that was more due to the devs overpromising shit
that is to balance the TT. they are slightly better lore wise.
doesn't matter. I hope it is better than darktide in content, so much so that it forces fatshark to add actual content to darktide.
Better than firstborn but CSM are hopped up on chaos sauce. And with every new publishing that compares the two the gap narrows every time because Primaris being the Spaciest Marines to ever Marine in Space turned out to not be the most popular move.
while that would be nice, fatshark would probably still be to lazy to bother actually making shit for darktide
i’ll make my space soldier pink, white and blue
Is the corvus pattern helmet in there?
>game speaks about customization
>can't customize body type
where are the body type 1 and 2 options? where are the boob and dick sliders?
why are there so many trannies in /v/?
they didn't show off a beakie so I assume its certainly a future season pass thing which while unfortunate was probably to be expected
I'm surprised they haven't bothered with a Battlefield style game with 40k stuff.

They already went out of their way to add Dreadnoughts, Drop Pods and IG tanks.
what are the specs? the swarm tech looks like it will kill my CPU and GPU simultaneously.
because videogames are the main route of escapism in the modern world and trannies are in the most dire need of that at all times, lest they an hero themselves
they want people to still purchase their plastic shit toys
if they do a bf style game and its good, nobody is playing the tabletop again except dumb hobbists
>videogames are the main route of escapism in the modern world
understandable but I thought that anime is way worse and attracts more tranny dregs than vidya.
there are female primaris in chudhammer now. trannies won. cope.
They did, it was called Eternal Crusade and it was awful.
Many trannies used to be nerd autists, who were genuinely invested in 40k or videogames before transitioning, after they were brainwashed and performed the cutting ritual, it was only matter of time before they go insane and start gaslighting everyone that nerd hobbies belongs to them and should pander them only.
I will not play pvp
I'm battling against my murderous anti-primaris rage. I really want to enjoy the multiplayer since I missed it last time and its on Gamepass, but just seeing a Redemptor in the newest trailer made me black out for several hours.
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Pick one to buy at a local farmer's market, sold by a crazy man that claims to be from the future:

>Bolt Pistol; + 1 full magazine of 10, wax seal with an ]|[ symbol, magazine marked "HELLFIRE"
>Power Sword; No way to measure charge, power cord is weird, still an awesome sword!
>Bionic Arm; Installation instructions missing, red fabric scraps for fashion, good quality probably!
>Battered Laspistol; + 3 power cells of dubious condition, rattles when shaken, slightly dented.
>Chainsword; Runs on any combustible liquid, results may vary but never disappoint, Very Sharp!
>Combat Knife; Cadian standard STC patterned, brand new, zee-no-skin(?) sheath included!
>Plasma Gun; Only fired once! Charred and blackened anyway, full magazine minus just one shot.
>Power Fist; Power field is fried, works as normal else-wise, a 2-ton handshake! Powerful High-fives!
>Servo Skull; A totally normal flying skull, has a megaphone and laser pointer, programmable in binary
>Tan Helmet; Super sturdy Asian bike helmet. Very light! Has two cameras around the nose to see with.
>Meditation Crystal; Talks to you in your sleep, calls you Monkey(?), sounds cute and a little sassy.
>Spiky Skateboard; Originally used to hover, rider never loses balance, looks like black-metal motif.
>A pet dog; Named Squiggly, Has a lot of teeth and no arms, is a very good boy and barely sheds!

>Captcha; Fresh and relevant to thread. Mildly humorous. Might send secret messages.
It really sucks. It looks like it'll be a good time but I'm with you. The primaris stuff is so deflating.
meditation crystal sounds like it would hold my interest throughout the rest of my life
the other options I would get bored of quickly, or get killed because of them
That just seems boring. The best parts of WH40K is either the strategic sight of huge armies clashing (i.e not FPS), or being THE Space Marine in the middle of rabble (i.e not BF)
I pick squiggly, who is most certainly not going to lead to issues down the line
In days of yore it was supposed to be about the story of your dudes
Holy fuck the nightlord looks exactly like what I wanted
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>No Fulgrim chosen
Meh I'll pass on this one
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eh it's safe grimdarky. they need to have human leather capes, cloaks made of flayed faces, etc. the chaos marines these days look extremely sterilized with no visceral ornamentation. the rumors that they going to kill off slaneesh to make the franchise more safe for a wider audience is bleak.
The actual 40k is just dead, anon. It'll never return. Even fantasy is getting diluted.
BF =/= the tabletop
I still haven't seen if i can make Raven Guard set
>geedubz kills off the tranny god
it would be cringe because it serves jew shareholders but also giga based because of the real world tranny seethe it would cause
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Raptorchads where we at?
Gonna try to recreate my Spesh Muhreen 1 Raptor build in Spesh Muhreen 2.
fuck off /poltroon
The fuck is tactical? Assault but gayer?
Tactical marines are the most common ones, they're the ones who went through all roles and did everything
/v/ doesnt play games
that rumor is over 10 years old now anon
Tactical is generic mid-range shooty
Assault is CQC with melee preference
Vanguard is light with mobility tricks
Bulwark is chunky melee w/ storm shield
Sniper is self explanatory plus a cloak
Heavy is heavy weapons guy
aren't there literal troons developing this game? why is /v/ going to play it?
>ah shit here we go again
there was a single troon in the position of writer that got ''booted'' long time ago though
everything else is done by Rusaryans
Will it have Exterminatus?
>can play as alpharius himself
holy shit I'm in
I'll have the chainsword. Got some logs to cut.
Plasma gun might be unreliable, but it's still a fucking plasma gun.
Patent that shit, reveal it to the world, and have a bunch of bodyguards when big energy companies try to assassinate me.
Eventually, we're going to have plasma-powered cars, plasma-powered houses, plasma-powered pets, and plasma-powered plasma.
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In coop with carcharodons.
Bro the "they're gonna kill Slaanesh" is absolutely ancient shit that has been pretty conclusively proven wrong by the continued support it has gotten in all the games, especially AoS.
with primaris proportions?
I hope there is more Raven Guard custom options than this but at least its something.
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>this hood and short cloak will help disguise my 10 foot tall armour clad frame
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Being RG is suffering
uoohh (true)
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You'd think if any game would bring back 40k discussion to /v/ it would be this but I guess it's over.
Love the old raptor designs
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>space marines have entire identity and aesthetics overwritten by discount Halo
>Chaos marines get to stay (mostly) the same
It's so unfair
you guys talk about them constantly its probably the obsession
even fantasy had more disturbing imagery than present day 40k. the gore and body horror is limited purely to the BL books now.
>continued support it has gotten in all the games, especially AoS.
they shifted the focus of slaneesh from sexual pleasure centeric excesses to excesses in general like greed, gluttony etc in AoS. It's really not the same
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I'll wait till /v/ goes through every line of code in this game with a fine tooth comb and clear it of faggotry before even pirating it
>senior writer
it really doesn't mean anything. there are like atleast 10 to 20 writers for every AAA game now unlike in the 2000s when 1 or 2 guys used to write everything. unless the entire bunch is composed of trannies and woke retards like that it will be alright.
>xir writing still would be miles better than whatever modern 40k 'novelists' shit out in BL
Absolute state
>tranny writer
How did The Emperor not notice that there were chaos cultists in his Legions during The Great Crusade?
How did he not notice Kor Phaeron and Erebus being chaos cultists?
Even if The Emperor had just the faintest suspicions, Malcador's vast spy network would have uncovered their chaos indulgences.
And even if The Emperor wouldn't tell Malcador his suspicions (doubtful), both The Emperor and Malcador have met both Erebus and Kor Phaeron in person on Monarchia and probably at other times, surely Malcador could've sensed their chaos allegiance himself.
Also Lorgar started being very open about his pursuit to find real gods in the Imperium's 2nd largest Legion after Monarchia, surely Malcador and The Emperor would've immediately been alerted to this by spies and figured out that Lorgar was going to discover the Chaos Gods.
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>that soulless UI again...
also WH is trooned
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Choose your fighter
this word has lost all meaning in here huh
UI looks nice, definitely better than your average game and still fits in with 1's design
Bulwark desu
Eliminators are the best thing to come out of the whole Primaris lineup.
Meditation Crystal. The plasma gun and pistol would make me rich but I'm gonna bet on immaterial. Someone else might invent that battery technology anyway but the crystal really is a one off
Is the fucker in the right an heresy era Dusk Raider?
Sniper Scouts were already a thing.
damn, i already liked those too
I have to mentally remove the meta aspects, because in a pure vacuum, none of the primaris designs (Redemptor aside I fucking HATE REDEMPTORS SO MUCH) are THAT bad necessarily, especially in the context of a game and not the tabletop. But it's still niggling at me.
If it's anything like the first game, Assault.
that night lord looks sick as fuck, can't wait to kill him
heavy or tac, likely latter. loved stomping hammer shitters with melta or plasma gun
this, I fucking hate the new plague marine units for this exact reason, they look too clean, with no guts hanging out and no tube emerging from their split jaw with festering maggots or some shit, they look like green thousand sons now
the necron books are nice, the explanation for why the flayer virus happens was bretty gud
I can't be a librarian?
So why Flayer virus is a thing?
I can't find the Chaos equivalent for all those Primaris classes
obviously a simple Legionnary
No Chaos unit has a grappling hook to my knowledge
Chaos has no stormshields. Can they just say 'blessed by Nurge so more resilient, no need for a shield'? Or have a bloaty mutation serve as a shield maybe?
Pre-Heresy Alpha Legion had some snipers, but again no unit fits that description in 40k I think

The game is being made by based Chad saviors, Russian programmers. 99% of the bulk work.
You don't buy this game = you automatically a NAFO troon
S I m p l e a s
apparently some necrons (at least from the ithakas dinasty) pretty much have phantom pain from their original bodies to the point they will have a meltdown, it's "you are now breathing manually" but up to 11 and they start shoving meat into their faces as if to feel "alive"
funnily enough, the condition is called dysphorakh
stfu faggets
you won, congrats
I can't get over how cool the lictor in the latest trailer is. It's freaky fast and slippery, and I hope it's a bossfight rather than just a regular enemy. It looked like a cutscene introduction, probably early in the game.
Fuck, lictors are cool.
>see thread
>look it up
>click on most recent clip
>not even 1 minute in and picrel
I see a s*ymaris I shoot
Simple as
>/polnigger casually embarrassing xirself
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this. CSM are supposed to be metal and terrifying. don't give me any of those tame limpdick shit designs in the trailer.
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This is the future Blackrock chose
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you guys are 30 years old and still act like grimderpers but your skin capes in the game fucking nightlord losers
>early concepts
let's see if it gets into the game.
>Tranny game
>Late access
I mean the models on the left got into the game
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So far those basic styles are one to one with what the've shown
>40k is too tame
>what do you mean have tortured pregnant woman is unfeasible on a miniature????
Gurofags are mentally ill.
/v/ are barely good at mutiplayer games now the primaris zoomers will dab on your chaos teams all day and then youll cry 40k is le dead!!!!
where is the dildo-blades? the stronk wommens telling the space marines to step aside that they will take care of the enemy?
no strong women? no buy
this is a good explanation
the celestial lions needed to go somewhere after being mogged by the inquisition
You two are why chaos marines look like marvel shit now utter slop we should have gatekept you
>All the russians seething in this thread

I know your russian only a Zigger gets this worked up over this shit.
lmao thatll be easily unspent money i can use on something more enjoyable
thanks for the warning, anon
>/polschizoniggers having melty again
now i understand why this game gets rarely discussed in here along with KCD II
based. the new gen 40k players can't even stomach the slightest gore on an evil faction.
>6 classes to level with perk trees
>possibly can upgrade weapons too
I already don't care. I'm done with multiplayer games where I can't choose what I want from the start.
gore is now guro? Its always the next step with you guys first we skin, organs, dead babies, now we need Sisters of battle guro on designs

think for a minute
Night Lords just don't feel the same unless the thunders on the armor look airbrushed like a 90s Harley
Gore and guro are two different things, retard.
Soft nu40k fans detected faggots
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>that plague marine
I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it
>gore is now guro?
are you retarded? "guro" literally is derived from the "grotesque" which encompasses everything that chaos does. you expect boundaries on the terrible shit that chaos influences their thralls to do? jeez 40k is going to shit with söylent consumers like you being it's core fanbase now.
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why is 40k like this now especially on here just people saying they were cooler and then crying about made up grievances with 40k now?
night lords are canonically rapists
Emperor knew and let it happen.
He also sees Typhus on Barbaros when he goes to pickup Mortarion, and Typhus feels like "he's being seen through" and feels the urge to leave. So Emperor knew shit was weird.

Warhammer server to talk about anything Warhammer fantasy, 40k, or shit in general without 40k shills on 4chan ruining threads
We go from torture to rape?

You guys are acting like trannies inserting your weird fetishes to night lords.
I think 40k grogs would be more than welcome there why bother with this thread? itll just be arguments of no agreement.
the night lords were literally recruited from thugs, gangsters and basically all criminal scum in their shithole planet. you don't know shit about the night lords, son.
Why do you want an echo chamber on Discord?
fuck off
The Horus Heresy lore is retarded and written by 25 different writers, none of which cooperated together, and some of which hated the subject of their own books. There is good stuff in the Horus Heresy books, but there is also a whole lot of retarded, and no character is more massacred than the Emprah (Malcador being a close second), who appears schizo, either omniscient or an utter moron depending on the writer, scene, or second.

So the answers is that the Emprah didn't know, but if he did it was his plan, and he did know it all along, except he didn't. He probably harbored doubts except he obviously didn't, and what he did know, which was nothing, was all part of his masterplan.
iron warriros and night lords can be oddly amicable to each other
Warhammer fans embracing AI sloppa becasue they are anti woke is so dumb
>The Emperor could have ascended to become the fifth Chaos God, The Dark King, at any moment but was convinced by another Perpetual to take the long and arduous road to ascension instead
this threads an echo chamber
Clearly not since people are arguing.
No what happened is that the Maynarkh dynasty actually killed a C'tan that with his last breath cursed them with a virus that forces an endless, unquenchable, all-consuming hunger for flesh.
I know that they got it from killing llandu'gor, but it's nice to see a more in-depth explanation and view of the virus
its the same opinions I see time and time again

>waaaah the new death guard suck
>waaaaaah chaos is not edgy anymore
>We needed to gatekeep warhammer its woke now!!

Now we are the horus heresy complaining as one anon is not typing a paragraph about how the heresy should have been a myth.
The very concept of perpetual is a Sensei level adition to w40k lore.

>Look, you know what would REALLY add something to w40k where tech and warp fuckery means you've got millennia old immortal people casually strolling around?
>Millennia old immortal people! But THIS time, they've got a name! It's a whole thing!

And then it was used to push some incredibly tardy Mary Sue or to rape the lore.
I despise the Perpetual lore so much.
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Mark X Phobos Armour is so good looking its insane, I always found the bottom half of the regular armors kinda goofy
Its crazy I can predict posts now either you guys use 40kg or your 40k rejects on 4chan
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when is GW going to gib more chaos vs xenos or some unexpected battles? I'm tiring of reading books revolving around the imperium.
they want you post pictures of your actual warhammer models to join, it is so over fellas
Agree on this. New Nurgle where the replaced all the intestines with Warcraft teeth is just sad.
then read xenos books, except eldar
again, the necron books are pretty good
They just had Vashtorr and Magnus show up at the Pariah Nexus to shit on the Necrons, but honestly I'm pretty sure that conflict is going to turn into Imperium v Chaos since Necrons already got their codex release.
The death guard remake was headed by a French faggot btw
>they shifted the focus of slaneesh from sexual pleasure centeric excesses to excesses in general like greed, gluttony etc in AoS
That's how Slaanesh has always been even way before AoS.
Read Horus Heresy: Fulgrim, that book covers far more than just slaanesh corruption being sex related and that book came before AoS was even conceived.
>typing a paragraph about how the heresy should have been a myth.
Oh, the concept of writing about the Horus Heresy is fine. It's just that the actual product we got is tardy.

And it's not an opinion, it's the Truth. It is probably repeated because it's a verifiable truth anyone having read those books will eventually reach in time. It's not an echo chamber if the words "the sky is blue" are repeated every time someone ask about the colour of the sky.
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me being comfy with the white scar books actually giving the scars more lore than the last 30 years did

I used to try fitting in on 4chan id agree about primarch slop and blah blah but I was at my lowest a couple years ago and decided to listen to the white scar books and it changed my opinion on primarchs entirely.
The Primarchs say: Trans *clap* Rights *clap* are *clap* Human *clap* Rights *clap*.
its an echo chamber because you guys have developed a chip on your shoulder against specific authors are useless reasons.

The 40k chuds just now found out about Mike Brooks when hes been writing at GW for nearly 10 years now.
I can't imagine putting your faith in the Africans of Europe.
how is a normal SM expected to kill a Primaris?
really? Thats kinda based
I've already read some from necrons, orks and hell even the recent shadowsun one. I hope they add some xenos content. I'm tired for space marine wank.

vashtorr will never ascend to godhood. he'll just be another belakor. It's so fucking boring and predictable.
With a gun. Or knife. Or sword or axe or fist.
Primaris aren't that much of an upgrade. It essentially took Cawl 10,000 years to make a more modular Mark of armor and to mass produce sidegrade weapons. The actual internal Primaris upgrades don't make as much of a difference.
What's the point? Literally everyone (even the ones that kit out as Chaos) will be primaris anyway. I don't see them bothering to do the simplest distinguishing thing between a primaris and a regular astartes aka the height difference.
what happened to the leagues of votann? they still don't have a BL book yet.
They've been featured in short stories and blurbs, getting absolutely dunked on by both Necrons and Eldar.
Auppksedly Gav Thorpe is writing a book for them.
>I'm tired for space marine wank.
Then find a new setting. 40k isn't for you.
shut up ivan
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This is how someone trying to make better marines was meant to be.
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I guess they couldn't use 'devastator' because zoomers won't know what means
Primaris are cool though.

all space marines are transhuman that go through enormous amounts of hormone therapy. you're just a tourist who doesn't know anything about 40k
>Gav Thorpe
lol. let me guess he hates them and wants them all to die like how he writes the aeldari.
Nope. Gav apparently loves Dwarfs, which may explain his disdain for Elves and Eldar.
IW Havoc, here I come
The classes are generic and also used for Chaos I think.
>comic sans
really, nigga?
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I hope the Dradnought mode is in.
>Africans of Europe
but ukros exist anon
Yes retard that's why tactical and assault are there. And anyway, 'sniper' and 'bulwark' are my favorite Primaris marine types! You enormous faggot you.
>death guard with stomach teeth
>>680394779 is correct though. It's now being made for marvel fans.
zoomers don't care about 40k for the most part tard
there were few shots of a Dreadnought in the new video from yesterday but i am not 100% if it was campaign related ( likely ) or the Dreadnought mode ( unlikely )
wh40k is already infiltrated by woke virus. It is slowly being sterilized and made politically correct.
Since when do tactical primaris marines exist?
I feel like Assault and Vanguard should be two different kits in the same class
if you use marvel as an insult you are a bot
NTA but gore for entertainment value =/= gore for jerkoff value (AKA mental illness)
If you didn't know, >>680409621 is made by an artists that draws guro.
Wise post
dan abnett you know THAT Dan Abnett the guy who wrote all your favorite books? Hes a marvel writer
>Can't even say nigger
>Dan Abnett the guy who wrote all your favorite books?
Nah, mr waste 3/4 of a book on nothing side stories and having to speedrun an ending in the last 50 pages hasn't written any of my favourites
>if it isn't /pol troons having melty about one asian and one nigger its some retards who keep crying and pissing about muh gore
this game really can't catch a break huh
besides its not the devs's fault for no gore on the Chaos Marines, blame your countries's laws that would restrict their game for sale, though its funny seeing the hypocrisy since its totally fine if you dismember a tyranid and shit but its too much if a Chaos Space Marine has hanging guts from his chest.
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nah /40kg/ retards camp out on /v/ and come here posting the same opinions

look how dead /tg/ is now its the same posters everytime
ok shill now let me know how much they are paying you for this post.
I get paid to shitpost on the internet? great where the FUCK is my payment you useless shitskin nigger
I dont read black library
whatever you say, shill. I'll let you know that you are doing an A-OK job of bootlicking them.
4chan is GWs best shill city
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>playing games workshop games
imagine giving this company money after what they have become
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Idk about you, but i'd defineitly fuck modern Slaanesh infantry over whatever the fuck was happening 20 years ago
might be for the better, 40k threads are like shounen threads there
It's really funny to me that Slaanesh is supposed to be imprisoned in AoS and free in 40k, but still has a massively larger presence in the former over the latter. I really don't think Emperor's Children are going to be better than Hedonites, especially after the World Eaters shit rhe bed last edition.
you post this in every fucking thread
>setting where Slaanesh is a major plotpoint has better focus on him then the one where he's just there not standing out in any way.
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>Slaanesh gets a plot in 40k
>Halfway through they can it and just say Slaanesh won off-screen before even really getting involved
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These jobbers lost to the ILLUSION of a keeper of secrets in their own book
it looks great
40k isn't allowed to comit to plot threads
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Damn, had a good nap since 2017 bro?
if I can't have a beak helmet then what's the point
>complaining about niggers in 40k of all places
There might be one they haven't shown everything yet
You say that like 40k hasn't been 99% white until very recently and the only niggers were Predator references
It was a white game by white people for white people and no amount of gaslighting will change that
For me, its the Lamenters and Thousand Sons.
he's just SEA is all, must be something in the water
Makes sense for the Ultramarines.
whats wrong with it
I'm hoping. I don't know why they just do something to me like lever-action guns
Game would be better if it was about playing as Guardsmen
Why shouldn't he complain? 40k rarely had any niggers in the past.
I can remember a few from Eisenhorn and the one Magpie Librarian but that's about it.
If it's anything like the 1st the multiplayer will be good for
>checks notes
18 hours of gameplay. Granted that was over a week or two but man multiplayer numbers fell off a fucking cliff.
You fags are utterly annoying.
The game would be better if it was about his time in the Deathwatch.
can I be a noise marine tho
>Peer to Peer
>DLC maps
That's why.
no slaneesh marines.
>death guard against the aliens with no nose
It would be the same game except now the black guy is a space wolf
it's either that or go full live service
modern gaming doesn't seem to have the patience for the kind of old school multiplayer releases where you just release a game and people play it for years without updates
Infinitely better then.
The optimal choice would be for players to customize all three since they're a part of the Deathwatch.
I wish there were some book centred on kroots or some obscure xenos faction.
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You misunderstand. He's still black.
you had it and darktide flopped maybe you guard trannys need to fuck off already
Imagine blaming the million issues of darktide on one class having a guard background
>He's still black.
Why and how are the space vikings black?
Pays the bills thanks to a certain generous man.
Go back to arch warhammers discord
why do /tg/ troons hate him? Hes based and makes GW drones seethe
The Inquisition mass relocated them to Fenris after the Thousand Sons slaughtered most of their populace.
Reconnaissance Squads did this and somehow it worked.
wtf? I love thousand sons now.
might be good DLC idea
>Death Guard looking more like in the eldest editions
FUCK Y...!
>It has teeth instead of guts
...yyyyyyyyeah no. There goes my enthusiasm. At least the rest in it doesn't look like the current horrible designs.
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>black skinned barbarians procreate
>space furfags take their sons to undergo trials
>implant them with all the necessary organs if they pass
>geneseed mutates and their black skin gets turned white
Yeah, I'm thinking based.
I don't think Wolves have a skin mutation in their geneseed.
Some might turn ginger though.
They did it to every nurgle unity in total war warhammer too. Sanitizing Nurgle of all factions...
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the full image shows his fucked up flesh tendril sword. It reminds me of prototype. I wonder why flesh kino isn't popular anymore.
just making a casual observation based on the cover of that book that i'm never going to read
>whites at the top
>niggers on the bottom
as above, so below
Does chaos even get primaris marines or just regular spacelets?
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40k orks need more love. I love the AoS greenskins.
What’s with all the death guard hate? I liked the 8th edition models….
its from russian chuds and the discord that was posted here
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>Buying games
elves are truly hopeless
>I love the AoS greenskins.
That's unfortunate because Age of Smegmar effectively killed Fantasy so it's doubtful we're going to get anything resembling good from that side.

A battlefront game with Orks would definitely sell like hotcakes, though.
Which is utterly BS.
I mean there are units in TWW that have exposed guts (Mournguls being the biggest examples here), but exposed guts for Nurgle is too much!?
Or is it that they were lazy adding gutty spaghetti to each unit that is supposed to have exposed guts?
Seriously the EC deserve a better special character than fraggin Lucius. I hope someone pulls him into the webway and kills him there resulting in his soul being absorbed by the walls of that place while Slaanesh can't save him nor his bodyjacking power won't do jack due to the nature of the place.
Too sanitized and clean.
Needless tentacles.
Too clean.
Not enough exposed guts, rust and puss-filled blisters.
Not enough shit and grit.
so there is one more nigger now, how tragic
They've been tied to a specific legion from the looks of it, Tactical is black legion, Assault is night lords, Heavy is Iron warrior, Vanguard is the Khorne berzerker so presumably an equivalant will be he berzerks and runs sanic fast at a target, Bulwark is Deathguard and they've already been shown with a shield, Sniper is Alpha legion
Whether they let us use different legions for each class is still unknown.
>the EC deserve a better special character than fraggin Lucius.
well they still have Fabius
Yeah, but he's not into Slaaneshi worship.
More like Lucius, but is an actually good fighter that doesn't get himself killed.
>Or is it that they were lazy adding gutty spaghetti to each unit that is supposed to have exposed guts?
They reuse a lot of their assets so nurglite troops are simple palette swaps and recolors. There are exceptions of course.
too clean
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>lucius the eternal douchebag
I'm glad my favorite character is a dead one. I don't need to fear GW dragging him in the mud in future storylines.
ah the father of racism.
Wow the guy crying about modern Warhammer being a black Templar jeeez
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>They tried to make AoS DOW
>They gave the game to devs who make park sims and the newer Jurassic Park games
>Then made it a console RTS focused on competitive play and heroes
>And went even further to only include factions people don't really care about
It astounds me how fucking stupid some dev decisions can be.
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You mad about actual 40k, zoomie?
back when sisters of battle weren't ryona fuel
hes been garbage for all that time, but he hid in the pile of other mediocre writers, now hes going full troon and ruining lore with his incompetence and slaneshi cultist ideology.

Fuck off trannyshill we know you dont actually care about 40k and are just arguing off of a bullet-point list from your groomercord. You dont belong here.
Thats warhammer games in general.
Theres a dozen games a year that come out and theres a reason no one talks about them
Complaining about black SM is the most reliable way to spot a culture war tourist
I like black templars because they have such cool tabards. they're always stylin on other loyal chapters and CSM.
cry me a river you pathetic fruit. Ultraviolence is already depraved as fuck, I don't see how adding a sexual element to it tips it over the edge. Either way it's demented fantasy so if you're going to virtue signal against one, you should also do it against the other.
Reminds me of the retard in total war threads complaining about them "forcing you to buy black models" while apparently not knowing that shits unpainted so if your models are black its because you painted them black
>It astounds me how fucking stupid some dev decisions can be.
Now imagine if THQ didn't decide to venture into the realm of hardware and stuck to what made them a powerhouse. Perhaps the eventual success of DoW3 would have been the catalyst necessary for them to create a Warhammer Fantasy RTS.

Alas the closest we'll ever get is Mark of Chaos. I still go back and watch that opening cinematic for it. That and this video.
the definitive
Your a fake frog barely out your 20s
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2014 victoria Nuland up phone leak :)
#all colours for all chapters
In the first SM game, the real pros use the Plasma Cannon or the Melta Gun.

Melee was hilariously weak.
Tactical ultramarine
I will only use bolt guns, bolt pistols and chainswords
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>and chainswords
Vroom vroom
primaris marines were fine, janet wokeshop just fucked up by trying to force all SM users to buy the new ones by outdating the old. Which was fucking stupid and turned alot of neckbeards against the entire concept.

Lore-wise its a solid suggestion to progress the setting. That being said, fanfiction is superior to GWs plot choices, LordLucans works shape of the nightmare to come and Age of Dusk was vastly more interesting to read overall. They should have hired him, curated his work, and gone with his ideas.
Loyalist: Raven Guard
Traitor: Alpha Legion
It should have been a 2 part thing
>Were making truescale marines
Then a year later
>We made primaris marines with different weird weapons and shit
Can’t wait for them to make superscale marines at a 40mm scale and then retcon the entire primaries lineup
either the JO crystal or the power sword
>primaris marines were fine
Fly completely in the face of the setting, "Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding,"
But here's this guy who invented a bunch of new marines,weapons, armour and vehicles by himself just for when we needed them wink wink.
>can't patent Space Marines, Imperial Guard, High Elves, The Empire, etc.
>come up with stupid shit that you can patent instead
Meditation Crystal, easy.
GW needs to sell plastic crack anon, you just dont understand
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for a second time mind you, they did the same shit like 7k years ago. Talk about rehashing an old idea to insert pozz, is unimaginative, low iq, low effort asspulls all these woke writers can do? pathetic.
this, im guessing that (((Cawl)))'s primaris marines are very compatible with all sorts of subhumans so the Chapters dont have to be picky about where they get their recruits from.
You guys wanna join a good discord we hate GW and 3d print.

>lions : sons of the forest - nu-pronouns and gay space marines
I knew it! I knew that the dark angels were the gayest chapter!
>so the Chapters dont have to be picky about where they get their recruits from.
Race was never a factor involved with Marine recruitment
Did arch and Sargons army invade this thread? Fuck off
i can understand outplaying and cucking slannesh to ensure lore can progress for aeldari ala the Crone Sword inside slannesh's palace, but outright killing her is lore desecration that makes femstodes look like nothing at all.

Im guessing one of the key reasons they may want to do away with slannesh is the fact that tranny cultists behaviour and the really degenerate freaks are pretty much irl slannesh cultists and the parallels are triggering serious dissonance in the spineless, bottom feeding, marxist rats working inside GW right now.
>transgender drukhari
isnt the whole drukhari shtick that they are complete deviants?
The Russians have entered the thread
i've heard this a couple of times, never with a source, is he still on the credits or what?
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You stupid fucks, Slaanesh getting killed off was a rumor due to the previous management, the one which got ousted for numerous terrible decisions both in lore and on the table.
Slaanesh is more than safe, 40k Chaos is just all about jacking off Abaddon as LE EBIN SUPER CHAOS GOD ANTI-HERO instead of actually utilizing Chaos properly.
These 40k threads are the same shit
>it doesnt matter if the Head Writer for a AAA game is a tranny
oh fuck off with your shitty cope faggot.

he hasnt really got an excuse other than "we need the plot to progress", but bear in mind erebus is extremely mentally disciplined and can hide his intent, and Kor Phaeron did his best to stay as far away as possible from emps.

Also keep in mind, the entire time he was crusading, he was also keeping a portable astronomicon powered from a distance, for the entire galaxy. Im sure he got tired and missed key things at various times.

>Also Lorgar started being very open about his pursuit to find real gods in the Imperium's 2nd largest Legion after Monarchia, surely Malcador and The Emperor would've immediately been alerted to this by spies and figured out that Lorgar was going to discover the Chaos Gods.
Just read The First Heretic, its been retconned by wokeness but its still a valid explanation of all that.

i used to find the "deal with the devil" fan theory for emps compelling, but then i realised the last thing he would want is to be strapped into the golden throne as a cripple for eternity, he would not have chosen this path prior to the outbreak of the HH in a billion years if he could help it.
You know why it was done
On one hand IJ and KB being split is exactly what people asked for, but i'm sad Bonespliterz will get the squat instead of an update
sensei were removed and perpetuals were put in their place, and were tied up and removed from the setting by the end of the HH.

They are not a problem and i have no idea why anons sperg soo hard about why they hate them, they were the most interesting characters that werent astartes in the story.
>hmm how can i shoehorn trannys into my book, oh right let me make one of the most disgusting sexually deviant being into one of them
Honestly dont see a reason to be upset, they kinda slapped themselves in the face
trough all the shitty decisions GW has made, we can all agree that the necron retcon was okay, right? besides the pariahs, pariahs were cool and I want them back, one of the best part of the cain books
This is why you're an useful idiot and why they own everything now.
>i have no idea why anons sperg soo hard
They made Ollanius Pius into a perpetual. You know? The guy who was supposed to be a regular dude?
It cheapened his sacrifice. But then again they retconned that too.
Kill this nigger

No more retcons are good and nucrons started it
Yes, Necrons are basically the skaven of 40k at this point. Nothing but reddit memes.
he was a regular dude, just an immortal one. He also, you know, DIED permanently via horus clawing him into pieces. How is any of that a retcon? i was under the impression he was always a perpetual even in Visions of Heresy.

>t. retired lorefag bitter about femstodes and tranny shit infecting 40k.
Pius has been like 3 people, once a marine, one a regular joe, and another a custodian. Meme lore has tricked people into thinking he was always a guardsman, he wasnt.
>Black Templars have tabards
>Dark Angels have hoods
>Both are awesome
>even in Visions of Heresy
What a mong
So you retired…a month ago?
agreed, necron changes were good objectively, but they should bring back pariahs just a little. Or at least use them as a stepping stone for necrons wanting to become human.
oldcrons being metal nids wasn't very thrilling
greenskins have crossbows now?
they have whatever the fuck they mash together
Hi /40kg/
>introduce Intercessors and Reivers for the Primaris line
>don't use them
I'm surprised
> Meme lore has tricked people into thinking he was always a guardsman
Regular in the sense that his only achievement was to be the catalyst for The Emprah's smiting Horus. The whole point of his death was to showcase how far Horus had fallen and to highlight the heroic actions of someone clearly outclassed but forever unyielding.

He didn't need a special backstory.
i retired from giving a shit and making an effort to continue to accumulate more lore and add to my 2 bookshelves of BL novels.
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They're right there though
>he whole point of his death was to showcase how far Horus had fallen
which is frankly stupid, cause the dude literally killed sang right there, it wasnt really that great of a lore additive. Just makes it seem like the emperor doesnt give a fuck about sang
Isn’t Warhammer a dead fandom? It looks so gay and lame these days
>Just makes it seem like the emperor doesnt give a fuck about sang
Yes? He was a space wizard barbarian autist. He didn't give a fuck about any of them.
visions of heresy is well over a decade old why are you sperging, it was official lore and was fine. I didnt like the final HH book outside of the fight between emps and horus, that was the only part i feel was done well frankly. Soo many loose ends.

Anyone else remember the multiple short stories covering the rogue AI on mars and its creator fighting against the dark mechanicum? they just left that hanging with zero closure.
Yeah the same guys from a discord are raiding us in every /v/ thread for earham
I mean the naming convention. They're using Tactical and Vanguard instead. Aren't vanguard tend to be a whole line of advance/infiltration specialist marines.

I can't recall if there was primaris equivalent for Devastators since Hellblasters, Aggressors and that weird nerf launcher marines.
You're thinking of Star Wars.
AoS Greenskins come in mainly two flavors, Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, meant to show a dimorphism between Gork and Mork.
Ironjawz are typical Orcs. They're big and smashy, more brtual than cunning. They don't use tactics or do much thinking beyond adding more slabs of armor onto themselves to look bigger and be tougher.
Kruleboyz are swamp Orcs. They're lean and stabby, more cunning than brutal. They sneak around looking to take slaves in ambushes and with tricky tactics. Often they'll take the slaves off to the Chaos Dwarfs in order to barter for scraps of war machines, or they'll just eat whatever they capture.
Anon if your frame of reference is the HH slop series our discussion is done here. In fact you seem to think Olanius was a HH BL character and the objection is that they retconned that character.
You are a silly man.
Nigga fuck you no life who stalks every fucking 40k thread on /v/
warhammer is bigger then ever, the fuck are you goin on about, its almost entered normie sphere
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what in the actual
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He's right, all horus heresy shitters not only have garbage taste in books because they are written like incoherent shit, they are also mentally retarded and don't know anything about the real lore of 40k.
>eye of horus
I hope there's enough 30k armour to make sons of horus
Go back to discord weirdos
I still desire an Eldar game.
k now post a niggermarine from the 90s TT instead of a game made by canadian cucks in the late 2000s.
just play any elf rape hentai game
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For some reason AoS gets to have more species variation on 8 plants than 40k on 10000000 planets
inb4 he posts a salamander
aos minis look so cool, shame about the setting
yes i remember that page from the book, i still dont see or care about your point you fucking tryhard pseud, im very tired so im not interested in piercing your false aura of media literacy.

Make a real point or stop tryharding its pathetic.

>Ollanius Pious was actualllly a normal dude who somehow survived being on the vengeful spirit full of mega-daemons that killed every other custodes and SM on the ship that wasnt a primarch and Valdor himself, only to get rekt by horus after waltzing in on him buttfucking the emperor
>this convinces the emperor that horus cannot be saved, not him mauling sanguinius
>this is lore that should be preserved and perpetuals are bad mkay

jesus christ you oldest-fags who refuse to accept anything written sooner than 20+ years ago are almost as cringe as the troons infesting 40k literally trying to ruin it on purpose while gaslighting the fans at an industrial level. Its a concept called "grim derp" for a reason.

I bet you think the grey knights bathing in SoB blood for "purity" and ecclesiarchs hunting down very nice and good hearted people, to sacrifice them to create a single anti-daemonic round is good lore too, and not extremely cringy and over the top grimderp.
The meditation crystal is the only one on the list that gives you access to some sort of science-fantasy stuff forever with no drawbacks. Power fist comes second, assuming you can recharge it.
>Ultramarines recruit from over 500 different worlds
>a black ultramarine is impossible according to /v/
>That Megaboss is the size of an old Boxnaught
>tryhard calling others tryhard
didn't read
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Canonically too. Brute is the size of a boss, Megaboss is a boss to an army of bosses
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That's way more lame than people-turned-robots being driven insane by the desire to be living creatures of flesh and blood again.
plasma gun first for selling it for big bucks, after using it to do some fun stuff....
Meditation crystal for wholesome goodness.
>from the future
>my future is warhammer 40k
Bad ending.
Ummm reivers are simply one of the specialized roles that phobos pattern armor wearing marines fill sweetie. There's also incursors and infiltrators. Vanguard is a battlefield role all three fit into. Please watch your tone when you speak.
>Battlefront 40k
Never ever
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Eternal Crusade
>the captcha knows
Those guys went on to make Dead by Daylight.
And nothing of value was lost.
my last kickstarter game ever, what a collossal failure.
never played it, looked shit, whats it like?
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The setting isn't even THAT bad when you get into it and understand it, it just had the worst possible first impression with 1st edition. And the fact that 40k has 20+ years of kino behind it before it degraded to pure slop so people generally think of the old good stuff before the current bad while AoS doesn't have such a storied history to draw on.
Nah it's bad.
Like factions and snippets are alright in a vacuum, it's when you look at the setting as a whole it's just a complete dumpsterfire.
>killing Sanguinius didn't prove Horus was unsalvageable
>because the Emperor doesn't care about any of his Primarchs
>so he needed a regular Guardsman to show him that Horus was unsalvageable
>the Horus who he... doesn't give a fuck about because he doesn't care about the Primarchs?
dont expect oldestfags 40k fans to make any kind of coherent sense when they defend their long-dead canon lore. They only like it because they hate change. Change was fine until basically covid, now its changing into pure shit at mac speed.
no, man, they killed fantasy to release a worse product, now they're licking their wounds with old world
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It's improved massively since launch but unfortunately it's built on rotten foundations. The initial vision that AoS was built on was the culmination of the retardation of the Tom Kirby era where everything that wasn't directly related to selling more models was progressively thrown in the bin; everything about it was a terrible slapped-together mess with hardly any thought put into it because by that point there was basically zero thought put into anything that wasn't marketing or sales.

You'd have to change so much about the setting to make it truly 'good' that by the time you've finished you've essentially just rebooted it again, which obviously isn't going to happen.
Old World is another cash-grab to monetize nostalgia which is extremely obvious with how they refuse to have any range overlap with AoS, even with kits that are originally from late Fantasy in the first place. And they employ the same nu-writers over there now, Brettonian knights now openly have females in their units instead of having a few Mulan-types.
its called NATO
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>now they're licking their wounds with old world
>He doesn't know
Only thing they established for old world is literal homosexuality and PEDOPHILIA
Well Bretonnians ARE based on the French.
Probably Assault and Heavy, but Bulwark looks fun as fuck.
Played it for a few dozen hours with a friend, I can't believe so many people fell for the obvious developer lies.

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