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/v/ - Video Games

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reimus pit dew
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glory to the CCP
Stardew sucks because I can't marry Krobus.
Stardew Valley is boring shit doe, you see everything the game has to offer on the first 2 seasons.
Easier to follow a trend than put out something worth a shit.
>stardew valley is now synonymous to farm games instead of harvest moon
man getting old sucks
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Goverment psy-ops to create the next generation of exploited retards.
>government wants to return us to feudalism
Uhhhh, based?
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Not Video Games.
who wants to be stardew?
we want more rune factory
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All the shitdevs who tried to chase the money stardew made have now finished their games and are releasing. Just like with Slay the Spire a few years back, they'll all fail and only those who actually do their own thing with the concept will get any attention. Except, there's much less wiggle room with Farming Game for uniqueness, so there'll be an even bigger ratio of failures to "any amount of money was made". And the only real viable twist was done years ago
harvest moon > runefactory > stardew valley
tfw making a SDV clone set in 2hu land where you can marry and have kids with your youkai wife
Farming Simulator is older than Stardew Valley, retarf

FS22 is the best farming game ever
rune factory 3 is better
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Farming is unironically the most stable way of getting cash in eratohoTW. Don't trust the stock market.
Eh I prefered just going to Old Hell, stopping time and spamming the forage button over and over again. Then selling the goods to Eirin. Netted me about 1mill per trip.

TW inspired me to make the game.
stardew valley is gay tho. It’s like they designed everything in the game to make you not focus on the farming
Wrong. It has to be the only farming game in existence where you can actively ignore socialization if you wish, and mods allow you to take that one step further by allowing you to acquire seeds in ways other than buying them and so on.
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That's very nice to hear. TW is a very comfy game. Farming and selling crops when heaven favour you are peak comfy.
>make a cozy farming game where you easily get acquainted with everyone in town
>game throws in crouching, rolling, hiding in tall grass and such for a quest where you try to catch lost cattle or something
>you now play as a different character whose job it is to rob the farms of the previous MC
>you get bonuses from stealing from your previous MC
>art style shifts to emphasize this
I'm here, yet again, to ask that someone post >>679934380 please.
It's been years since I played that game so I could be forgetting stuff, but I really don't think you could compare it to Stardew Valley at all. It's just a roguelite with a farming twist, and the farming part of it is more like a puzzle game than actual farming.
My main goal is to make the combat better than it is in SDV.
I believe the first step in that is making 8-dir movement. (Yes I know 8-dir is a thing in SDV but your character only has animations for NESW)
Not sure how I should handle the way the protag fights.
1. Make him magical and shoot bullet style like in the original games.
or 2. No magic, give him a sword and a bow. Which he can upgrade to shot beams (see full health master sword) and stuff.
I dunno, input appreciated.

Basically I want to make it so after Protag-kun gets spirited away to Gensokyo:
He can actually make a decent living doing farming, fishing, mining or youkai extermination.
Rather than the typical: Farm until you acquire sprinklers > do the rest.
Sprinklers are annoying.
1. Because they completely fuck the farming aspect.
2. People expect them now because they're so prevalent in SDV.
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how many threads do you guys plan to have?
I don't need no stinking farming games to get my gardening fix.
Gardenchads WW@? My yield this year is going to be ludicrous, this heatwave is kicking my peppers into overdrive.
Don't be too ambitious. You want to make a farming game so focus on farming first. You can copy TW combat because it isn't the main aspect of the farming game. Comfy is the main point of farming game.
Oh the farming part is already done, it's pretty easy making crops grow.
Just wondering how to make it more "fun".

My main gripe is sprinklers, I dunno whether to have sprinklers in the game. Have them but limit them... Make them breakable over time? Etc.
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Stardew is dog shit I just want farmtorio
You can make farming more fun by copying TW open the stall. Make it so that the shipping bin will only give you 25% profit compare to 200% profit when selling it your self and having heaven favour you that day.
>Just wondering how to make it more "fun".
Plant eugenics. Crossbreeding plants. Singing to plants in order to make them grow faster.
Yuuka, get out of this thread
Personally I'd prefer Magic through artifacts. The Protag has low magical potential but he can scrape enough magical materials together to fight on higher tiers. Kind of like Marisa's Mini-Hakkero.

Maybe just not have watering not required every day and remove sprinklers? Don't have a binary watered vs dry soil state. Could be that the time for plants to become dry and pause their growth varies based on the season and weather. Something like a fully watered tile is level 10 wet. Sunny spring day subtracts 2. Cloudy only one. Summer makes things dry faster. Rain irrigates the land but doesn't necessarily set it to the max. Maybe some kind of heat wave event dries out plants in one day. Let the farmer test a tile by feeling it and return something inexact like soaked/moist/dry/bone dry.
End result being that short cycle crops probably only get watered when you plant them, and longer or regrowing crops might need it a few times. Once people put seeds in the ground in most farming games they end up tied to watering them every day. Pumpkins on Stardew are a prime example only having one day of leeway in the season if you want to get a second harvest. I have overplanted those and lost half my first fall to watering every day.
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/v/hu posters need to be banned, or at least banished to /jp/ where they belong, like the old days. You faggots think you're cute, you'll make a thread with a topic that appears to be generically vidya related with a 2hu character as the op image. Then you read the thread, and it's entirely 2hu shitposting, 99% of which isn't even about the games, 50% of which isn't even about the actual characters or setting or lore it's just overused memes, hornyposters and schizo spammers posting the same shit day after day. Almost none of the discussion will even be about the disingenuous thread topic either, so kami forbid you actually thought the CLICKBAIT op had an interesting premise and wanted to talk about whatever it is, nope sorry meira balls! Hahaha meira balls so funny joke! I'm sick of it and I'm sick of you. All of you, not just the meira fag. Just fuck off to /vg/ and post in a general if you're going to make these dogshit 2hu generals disguised as actual threads. You even shit up existing threads too, one person posts a 2hu or 2hu adjacent image and inevitably some FAGGOT is like
>is this the thread?!
I hope the jannies continue to move and close your threads but the mods really need to start banning your asses. I wish there was a ban beyond rangeban, some esoteric shit like a soul ban so that no matter your device or to hell with dynamic IPs, you could be banned from posting this trash because the system recognizes and shuns your very immortal soul (which shall surely burn in hell for this faggotry). Write this permaban into the Akashic records and go screaming into the abyss you worthless trash.
Yes, I mad.

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