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>what if we took all the fun parts out of Halo and added more backtracking
I remember enjoying this game as a kid. Now looking back it, it's an okay game
yeah, I do get filtered by bad games
you don't need to backtrack in Halo because every room is the same LMAO.
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Xbrony cope thread.
"Backtracking is a part of Metroidvanias" is perhaps the biggest misconception in gaming. A well-designed Metroidvania has relatively minimal backtracking, or at least the player can almost entirely avoid significant backtracking if they know what they're doing. A good map will contain several shortcuts and loops, or if a player is forced to go back through a certain area the experience will be radically different due to their new upgrades or an environmental change. Prime 1 doesn't really have major backtracking until the artefact hunt at the very end (which is widely accepted as the worst part of the game). And Prime 2 gets criticism for having even more egrigious backtracking than Prime 1. Even a lot of other Metroidvania developers fail to grasp this, which is why so many of them are mediocre.
Indie "Metroidvanias" suck.
That joke sounded coherent in your head, I'm sure
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>What if OP stopped sucking clocks?
No point in bringing up impossible hypotheticals.
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If anything Metroid Prime has more in common with the N64 Turok games than Halo.
Tbh even most Metroid-style Castlevania games suck from a map design perspective.
>what if we took Seamus’s fast paced combat from super and made her control like a tank, relying on slow clunky side dashes to dodge and a “glitch” to give her anything close to a good firing speed

God dammit retro
halo's campaign is an afterthoughtso metroid 4 must have great PVP for people to reference both halo and metroid
Good Metroidvanias don't minimize backtracking, they make it fun. In Prime, the combat is a chore and the speed of traversal remains slow throughout the game making the backtracking not fun.
>halo's campaign is an afterthought
Maybe after 343 got a hold of it. The bungie campaigns are pure kino and far better than the multiplayer. Only 3 has a multiplayer to rival the campaign.
Backtracking is good in both games
Shit the worst level in Halo CE is the one with technically no backtracking at all
Were the Turok games good? I missed out on those growing up.
They were. But they were also First Person shooters on the N64, so adjust your expectations accordingly.
Turok 1 is great. The sequels? Not so much.
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>First person perspective? This is LITERALLY just like Halo! Fuck Retro!
>There is an action set piece as the intro of the game, unlike Super? THIS IS FUCKING HALO
>I-Is that another living thing in MY Metroid? This is like LITERALLY HALO...
>Luminoth? WHY can't I kill it, WHY IS IT TALKING TO ME?
Anti-Prime fags are the biggest cancer of the planet.
Both Metroid and Halo are good, but they are just completely different genres be it their FPS, sidescroller, or even RTS perspectives.
The faster you notice the sooner you will reach enlightment
i was disappointed with how linear this game was, i don't think i found any sequence breaks. are the sequels the same way?
it's not a shooter. it's a first person exploration game, you retard.
>game is first person
>has shooting
Sounds like a first person shooter to me
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It's both.
I know it is memed to death to have games with a billion genres, survival crafting battle royale autism etc.
Metroidvania was just made for those two games, so 2D Metroid has always been a hybrid of a platformer with an action adventure game.
Prime is simply a first person shooter, that's also an action adventure game.
If there were relevant 3D Castlevanias we could call them Castletroids, or Prime-vanias, but Prime kind of is unique in its genre, proves why we haven't had a Prime in almost two decades, no one can't handle it.
Meanwhile Halo:
>lets take Metroid and make the game not fun and also aimed towards brainless military lovers
>Samus’s fast paced combat from super
>fast paced combat from super
I started playing this game fairly recently. There's a lot I like, the atmosphere is peak and I like things like the visor mechanic, but the shooting controls are kinda garbage, at least as someone used to post-Halo console FPS controls.
This game box… this SMELLS like HALO. Yes, this TASTES like HALO…
you're in complete denial. Both IP star an almost faceless protagonist in a giant suit of armour that are treated as a demon by their enemies, both are sci-fi series inspired primarily by alien, both are FPS games that are similar enough in presentation they even share radar types and UI elements, both were developed and released at exactly the same time.

The difference is prime plays like a bad fps from before dual stick aiming was invented while halo pioneered FPS on console, Metroid never evolved beyond that point combat wise so remained shitty and antiquated. The one major difference is prime was focused on puzzles which are an acquired taste as some people just view it as endless backtracking.

I like prime but if you aren't into the puzzles then it is true that its halo without the fun part (combat) and a bunch of puzzles.
>why does this first person puzzle game play like a first person puzzle game
Prime has better controls than Halo. Halo has autoaim out the ass, Prime just lets you lock on manually.
>a metroidvania game

holy shit you solved the riddle anon. your prize is being fucking retarded.
These arguments are so stupid and disproportionate. your tendie cards are fucking flying all over the floor and the cope is so strong you would defend anything prime did just because it was a gamecube game. I am 100% sure you never owned an xbox nor halo because an argument that dumb can only come from sour grapes.

Prime is good, the combat and controls were not.
The controls and combat are superior though. Console aiming sucks, making the game about dodging attacks instead was a genius move.
Halo is absolute garbage and I don't understand why people pretend it's not just other fps western slop
>subtle auto aim is the devil while 100% auto aim is good

There isn't a single enemy in prime that truly took advantage of your ability to focus on dodging over aiming. a halo kid jumping over an incoming vehicle trying to run them over is about the same level of dodging past a stupid 1 note charging enemy in prime. why wont you just admit you never played halo instead of coping in this embarrassing manner.

if you play new doom you'd be doing a thousand times more dodging even with free aim when prime is supposedly a game all about dodging shit because for some reason you're too disabled to aim and dodge at the same time.
>subtle auto aim
Are Halofags retarded?
t.tendie with no friends growing up
sad. most halo fans like prime but recognise what it does well and what it doesnt, Metroid fans are determined to shit over anything any game does differently because of sour grapes.
You wouldn't be here if you had friends.
ok so you're mad at partial auto aim but completely ripping aiming out of your hands is somehow better? your priorities are so dumb. Its fucking obvious everything you know about halo came from /v/ threads of pc players whining about auto aim 20 years after it released.
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Just because they are helmeted sci-fi dudes in surprisingly bright colors due to being based on mechas doesn't mean they are the same.
First off going by them being the same by "Themes/Settings" makes 0 sense because Metroid is in a retro futuristic space, down to her spaceship being a literal UFO with her face on it and standard soldiers having arm cannons, while Halo is a grounded, more modern-futuristic kind where it says "Well MAYBE in 500 we MAY have FTL drives, but we are still using NATO tho", so that first is a reach heh.

Second and what matters most, is that I meant gameplay
>plays like a bad fps from be-
Completely subjective, and gameplay is VASTLY different, while in Halo you are exploring/driving 20%, and in combat 80%, you are exploring/on puzzles 50% of the time in Metroid and at very most 50% of the time in combat.
And without going to puzzles, which sure shows how much of a retard you are to say "If you aren't into puzzles" (Who cares about what retards that can't figure out 2 + 2 is 4 in the basic Metroid puzzles, they don't count), their combat differ greatly, not just by the dual sticks, but their "loop"
In Metroid, combat goes from short, to medium, to long term, be it small enemies that present tiny obstacles, medium term challenges be it when space pirates attack, or bosses, which Halo tried, but never executed well.

Prime combat encounters are more based in your evasion skills or resource management, which differ from Halo because outside of Prime 2, your resource is your health itself and how good you can preserve it while evading the predictable enemy attack patterns as much as possible, and you don't really ever need to take cover but to continiously use many of your abilities to try and not take damage, be it sidestepping, strafing, occational morph ball use like with Metroid encounters, using your different beams, visors, and many tools to end the encoutner as fast as possible...
man its sad you immediately confess to it. I'm sorry but there's a huge audience on here who is nostalgic for halo lan parties.
Obfuscated "soft" mechanics are always inferior to actual player initiated mechanics.
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This thread remminds on why i used to hate Gayloaggots. Thank god GAylo is fucking dead nowdays
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>no denial
Cling to that nostalgia, memories are all you have now.
both IP are primarily inspired by alien, both are about a rampant alien infection going out of control, you can try an nit-pick over minutiae but they are from the same source and aiming at the same goal.

Every opinion is subjective, this is not a meaningful statement. Most people who weren't stuck on GameCube prefer the FPS combat in other games, it is an objective statement to say Metroid's solution to fps aiming was before the dualstick revolution which they never adopted because the wii shifted their focus to IR aiming, the fact that they still haven't moved past it in prime 4 is a massive mistake because they are afraid to move beyond nostalgia.

there isn't a single enemy in prime that necessitates lock on in order to dodge to the degree that is requested of you, you could easily do both simultaneously. It purely exists as an antiquated solution from either Japanese producers who didn't understand FPS or Americans afraid of upsetting an old formula.
you just admitted to having no friends and blaming that for why you are here. I'm telling you I used to attend halo lan parties with my friends. This isn't a competition over who was more popular its just an explanation why you cope and shit on halo because its sour grapes at not being able to experience it.

It was easy for me to see where you are coming from because the arguments you are making are petty and defensive.
I'm so glad Metroid Prime 4 plays like a good game instead of the latest Call of Halo Battlefield whatever.
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Halo combat loops arent exactly based on a duration depending on the type of enemy due to the way the game handles resources, but with what their devs stablished as their "30 seconds of fun" rule which rarely deviates even for thougher enemies, rarely they exceed this time unless you yourself die.
In Halo your resource is your ammo and weapons, since you will recover most HP, knowing when to hit matters, and unlike Metroid, common Halo enemies are as strong as you (Just not as smart), so a single Elite could kill you at times while if anything a 3-5 minutes boss is the only thing that has a chance solo against Sams
Due to each enemy being different, within the weapons of the sandbox you need to figure out with what you have and your surroundings what can you do, take out the Grunt first to remove any suport, or the Elite to scare the grunts away, and with those 10 Halo enemies and a few vehicles and weapons you get hundreds of different combat scenarios, while on Prime you get hundreds of different enemies to create your unique combat scenarios

You are a faggot console warrior with no taste
t. at least 10k hours in CE, 2, 3, ODST and Reach
Metroid, or Prime as a whole is a superior package to anything Halo has to offer single player, it is a proper adventure that can last 10, 12, or up to 24 hours, if not months if you are a kid without a guide with how engaging their worlds are and how easy you can get lost on them, which is why I cant wait for MP4

This by no means implies Halo campaigns are bad, but simply they can't be compared as Halo even in your average run cant last over 6 to 10 hours, it is journey through a nice story rather than a fully fledge adventure, it is as if in Super and/or Prime Samus meant business and went up to Ridley, Mother or Prime and killed them right away, rather than uncovering the world
Only way Id rate Halo higher than Prime is as a whole package, because their multiplayers exceed even PC games at times
When you say ignorant shit like that you just highlight the fact that you were a Gamecube kid with no friends. Its not an argument its screaming about yourself and your lack of experience with other shit.

COD4 was revolutionary and fun in its era, bad company 2 was fun and still is one of the best multiplayer fps games of all time, halo 3 was amazing for its era and so was prime 1 and 2. you didn't experience the others so you're full of sour grapes.
>COD4 was revolutionary and fun in its era
Yaaas I love scripted setpieces. It's like a movie dude. Thank god this shit is slowly going away.
ACfag please go.
He admitted to having no friends, its not my fault I'm right. so you played halo for tens of thousands of hours but a game you only played for 10-20 is better because it can last you for months if you're a kid? what fucking upside down argument are you even trying to make here?

I never said the halo campaigns are better than prime, I said the combat is better. and you obviously agree that its better because it was good enough to support 10000 hours for you while prime combat could not support that level of engagement. The reason the argument so often comes from friendless tendies is they either didn't play halo or assume the single player portion of halo was the main part.
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>primarily inspired by alien,
>again with muh "THEMES"
nigger that's like saying doom and halo are the same because they are FPS with a green helmet dude that shoots, THE GAMEPLAY IS WHAT MATTERS FAGGOT and they are COMPELTELY different.

>it is an objective statement
Games don't need to have the same way to play just because they are under the same genre.

They have different aproaches to console FPS, because Halo is a slower methodical shooter in combat, while Metroid/Prime is more fast paced in which if there aren't 20 to 30 enemies in a row or a boss the encounter will finish within seconds, unless the enemies themselves require a puzzle to be beaten.

A lock on with an ease access evade and sidestep acommodated this action focus, so you focus on movement rather than aiming, because in Halo too, you can't really do both at the same time as it is more focused on shooting than movement.
They are exact opposites.

>Gamecube kid with no friends.
Not an argument, way to out yourself as an underage fanboy nigger.
holy shit he IS underage.

If anything the COD kid could be ACfag. Nothing he said was wrong, COD4 is the Other M of FPS games, its just a fucking movie with shit linear gameplay, but it caught the right audience of retards so they can shit them out yearly for 60 dollars.
You know this year's COD is actually COD21? And that's not counting spin offs and remakes.
>Prime 1 doesn't really have major backtracking until the artefact hunt at the very end (
Big liar
Prime 1 has some of the worst backtracking in the series. Magmoor connects a ton of the game in numerous boring ways. 2D Metroid games have things that make traversal fast and rewarding. Prime does not.
you dont need to spend every post whining over not being able to play with other people. I get it, you had no friends and only like single player games.
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any idea why primehack keeps shitting itself for me? Ive seemed to fix it by switching to/from scan visor but sometimes it doesnt work

Im using vulkan and a rx590
>used to
lmao no friends
There's a reason why people joke about doom being red halo. bringing it up isn't helping your case.

your entire defence of prime combat hinges around lock on being necessary to accommodate its "high speed" dodging action. You have never seen a second of doom eternal gameplay then, it moves at 10x the speed, has free aim and a thousand times more dodging. I dont even agree halo is slower than Metroid but that's besides the point.

people who played cod 4 are in their 30s so unless you're a fucking 45+ year old man you aren't in a position to be calling anyone underage, you belong in a retirement home.
>no u
Regretting revealing you had no friends immediately after being called out on it? it leaks out in your criticisms of games.

yeah, missing out on all those halo lan parties happening in 2024 with married parents in their 30s.
Metroid Prime plays nothing like Halo, literally the only thing they have in common is being first person and aliens, only a fucktarded incel thinks Halo was the first or even only shooter to feature those things.
why do people have ADHD? backtracking is just exploring. if you don't like to explore old areas to find new details, you suck.
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help me to understand WHY prime needs a lock-on to accommodate its dodge focused, supposedly high speed combat

how can you look at the speed and level of dodging required in doom and come to the conclusion prime, which runs in slow motion comparatively would NEED lock-on? Its obvious, primes solution is purely antiquated and the combat sucks.

I will also ned to pre-empt the 10 iq morons who will take this as an argument for making prime a doom clone and not a simple question of what purpose lock on serves other than to accommodate children and disabled people.
bros help
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>You have never seen a second of doom eternal gameplay then
Doom is a PC games, M&KB is tailor made for both movement and aiming, and then again, you claim of never "seeing" a second of Doom or even Quake, but unlike you, not only I can say I've both played Doom, and that there is ALSO autoaim in Doom, and let's not even talk about nu-Doom forcing cutscenes for fucking health.
>x10 speed
With a wider FOV maybe, and even for PC FPS games they themselves have methods to compensate movement + aiming like console does even beyond auto aim, hell, Halo uses this too but you are too retarded to know.
>people who played cod 4 are in their 30s
yeah and people in their 30s can be retarded too, at any age, your point?
So unless you are implying to somewhat be in your 30s yourself with your infantile way of adressing the other anon saying "Y-You don't have friends!!...", then maybe you are not underage, but a newfag, so maybe you should fuck off back to whatever shithole you came for, or lurk more nigger.
If you wouldn't be a newfag you would've noticed you are talking to at least 4 different anons.
Can't even say a single insult besides "Bet you were fun at parties", go back to red*it nigger.
for me the 2d metroids were a complete package. They had good run n gun action, good platforming, and of course the obvious exploration and environmental puzzle solving. Playing the prime games I only really enjoy 1/3rd of that trio, the shooting and platforming are at best functional and often tedious(the lackluster combat is compounded by the lack of platforming ability to skillfully circumvent it). The morphball minigame is fine but simply isn't enough to carry everything that's been stripped from platforming.
>Metroid Prime
>First person adventure game with focus on exploration and arcade combat
>Gaylo: My first baby shooter Evolved
>Generic shitty spesh murine shooter with slow ass cod type of movement and weapons but in space
They are nothing alike. Metroid Prime is the rightful spiritual sequel Unreal never got.
You have a screenshot of the Space Pirates trying to replicate the morph ball but instead just break their bones?
This and OoT were terrible forays into 3D for series that had fantastic 2D SNES games.
Get this man into game development NOW
Any Halo game on Legendary takes more braincells than any of the Prime games on their hardest difficulties
I say this as a fan of both series
In Halo, the enemy AI can be legitimately unpredictable and you have to adjust your tactics on the fly to survive and overcome them
In Prime, the enemy AI is braindead or practically non-existent - Pirates run around randomly shooting and bosses just do the usual Nintendo thing of cycling though a bunch of predictable attacks in a certain sequence with big gaps in-between so the player can get their bearings and/or hit them
Every enemy in Prime is either beaten by shooting it brainlessly or using the weapon they're weak / vulnerable to brainlessly
Beating the bosses is just a matter of learning how to make the enemy vulnerable Zelda-style and then hit them three or more times, or you just shoot with whatever beam they're weak to / does the most damage until they die
Hypermode just makes the process takes longer and more tedious, whereas in Halo, Legendary makes the game legitimately more challenging
Prime makes its gameplay seem more complex than it really is with all the beam and visor switching, but most of that stuff is just complexity for the sake of immersing you and making you feel like Samus moreso than providing challenging gameplay
Again, I like both series, but Prime is carried hard by its environments, music, and atmosphere
Take those out and you're not left with much, whereas with Halo, you'd still be left with a decent shooter
>new details
more like go to those places you knew you needed an item but couldn't access because fuck you, walk more.
>call people ACfag when they attack Nintendo games
>call people ACfag when they attack non-nintendo games

wtf do you want
doom eternal is also a console game, stop trying to shift this to be about 90s pc gaming to side step the point, I dont care if you like it or not, the fact is new doom runs at 10x the speed of prime while having both free aim and more dodging. Lockon is not a requirement for prime, its a choice to either uphold antiquated tradition or accommodate casual gamers.

you didn't call me retarded, you called me underage which you could only have done if you weren't aware of how old cod 4 was, which ironically makes me doubt your age.

There's no point even arguing with you anymore because you are no longer responding to my points and are inventing strawmen to avoid dealing with retarded shit you have said.
Metroid Prime and Halo put together is like comparing a ribeye with a fucking burger and fries meal. Not even the same intended playerbase. Halo is for the people who populate CoD lobbies back then and today.
I called it Backtrack Prime back in the day. I don't remember the game much but what I do remember is it being the worst backtracking in any game ever that I've played. I can't even think of any other games specifically since the nes days when I started having notable horrible backtracking. Just Prime.
COD players famously hate halo for having too high a TTK and therefore too high a skill floor + ceiling.
he wants a hug box and he'll make an infinite number of barrys till he gets it, instead of fucking off to reddit where it already exists.
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>posts nu-doom
>first 10 seconds are a forced clamber animation ala nu-halo, with a cringy forced "GLORY KILL" shit
>to then a simple single button grapple that swings him around with 0 movement input

Also, what I was refering in my other post was that PC also uses some methods to help with aim.
Notice how both Prime and Halo primeraly use automatic weapons, but most PC shooters use single fire weapons, like shotguns or rocket launchers firstly?

This is because tracking with a mouse is nearly impossible, let alone consistently, so even in PC rather than having auto aim you rely on flick shots, in which unlike the other two, you just need to be presize once or twice a second to make sure your non-auto weapons can let you be accuarate.
So yeah, even PC doesn't let you fully "move while shooting", there is a reason why when Halo got ported to PC it was dominated by controller players, they can move and shoot while PC players flick, if anything the DMR is a design like PC shooters use, with the BR being the midpoint, and weapons like the Carbine or AR being 90/10 matchups in favor of controller users.

Think that's all I got, sadly even with SR and Dread my Metroid folder hasn't gotten a lot of images in forever.
I'd still dump whatever I got, even TUBES. Wouldn't mind expanding my own Metroid folder too.

Makes me wonder, there has been this mystery for the longest time of what engine was Prime developed on, I've heard it is their own branch of unreal many times but no confirmation, dunno if its an inhouse Nintendo engine with some super fuckery advanced version of Nintendo 3D engine which would make it maybe over OOT/SF64/MM's engine but highly upgraded, or maybe even Retro's own unique engine, which reminds me that somehow, DKCR and DKCTF are actually using the same engine.
CoD and Halo babies are the same console baby trash who couldn't get into CS or Quake. Halo is possibly one of the most dude bro, normalfag shit out there. Metroid is incredibly niche compared to it so i really don't get the retarded ass comparison with Halo and Prime.
That’s because 3 is the worst of the trilogy
>baby first fps
>complaining about anything
yeah I'm not looking for brain dead buzzwords about how much you hate doom, I'm asking an objective question about why prime needs lock-on to accommodate its gameplay when other games have shown a much higher speed free aim combat solution that requires more dodging, your initial defence of primes combat doesnt hold up in the face of modern FPS games and you know it.

you're still whining about aim assist while jerking off to prime auto aim. your position is completely retarded and nonsensical.

> PC doesn't let you fully "move while shooting"
what are you even saying here? of course it does, you're again side stepping the point because doom eternal is also a console game and plays the same.

all these mental gymnastics just to avoid admitting that the prime combat solution is old as fuck and did not move an inch past pre dual stick aiming days.
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>doom eternal is also a console game
And it plays with auto aim on a pad, faggot.
And like I said here >>680449094 even said "suuuuper fast scawy pc games" have their own ways to compensate for accuaracy by making weapons single shot.
You can't just strafe like you do with sidesteps in Prime with a controller stick without having either a lock on, or Halo's/Nudoom autoaim, and that way you can use your enemies for your movement, unlike Halo/Nudoom where you can only use them for movement for the auto aim dedicated melee button, which is worse in nudoom because it plays some faggot animation for redditors like you that think that shit is cool and not annoying.

>you called me underage
yeah and i am doing it again fag

holy shit TWO MEALS?
I know you haven't played Halo nor know the audience but Halo fans hate CODniggers.
COD is what ASSFAGGOTS is to FPS, you just mindlessly run around and empty flat arena in which whoever sees someone first wins.
There is no map elements nor any way to outplay someone who shot you first because you die in 2 or 3 shots.
Oh shit, here comes the quakefags.
It's been 20 years will you ever let go quakefag?
You forgot your image, looks like you posted it before but forgot your comment quakenigger.
I like both games, and rejoiced when the MCC (particularly Halo 3) was ported to PC, and am rejoicing now that Prime 4 is coming out to the Switch. How do you like that, faggot?
>what if we took OP, but he's a filtered tranny
Yeah, and also excellent ones, like Metroid Prime.
Stupid tranny.
Except it literally IS coherent, illiterate faggot.
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Halo is focused on being "muh competitive" standard fps and Metroid Prime is a fully arcade game focused on exploration and boss fights. Whoever thinks they are the same type of game just because the first person perspective needs to off himself asap.
ok so the conclusion is aim assist is gay and shit and auto aim is amazing and based? that aim assist cranked up to 1000000 actually wraps around and becomes amazing? cool argument, not coping at all.

all that slow ass dodging in prime 1 is totally so fucking fast paced it would be impossible to do without Nintendo taking the second stick out of your disabled hands?

This argument is boring, its moving in retarded circles.
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Damn yeah, those words that are completely fabricated sure prove your argument while you ignored the whole part about PC games having single shot guns rather than automatic ones like Halo/Prime do, nigger.
>Prime's combat solution
It's its own, I don't want your faggot slow moving auto aim shit in prime, if I want to play an FPS with the standard FPS controls, I'd play them, I play Prime the way I like to play it with movement over aiming for a controller pad.
>suuuuper fast scawy pc games
god you're so fucking gay. the insecurity is dripping off you, nobody said anything about pc games being complicated.
again again again again, ignoring that doom eternal is a console game, that it has faster paced movement than prime and free aim. again your retarded argument comes down to meme hatred of aim assist while sucking of aim assist cranked to MAX.
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So why is Prime so beloved? I consider Super to be one of the best games ever made and I have never gotten any of the love for the Prime series. Even at the time there are so many other FPS games that blow it out of the water.
>arcade game focused on exploration
rolling on the floor laughing
When the fuck has an adventure game like Prime been about muh skillshotz or muh 000000000.7 reaction times? Fuck off with your console xbawx MLG faggotry to a CoD thread, you wouldn't last a second in an actual competitive fps, retarded gaylo babies.
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This question can be asked of every single major Nintendo IP from the last 30 years. The answer is almost always nostalgia and/or lack of experience outside the Nintendo bubble.

you should be able to understand it though because the same reason people rank super metroid as a GOAT applies to prime. Most modern indie metroidvanias play better than super metroid.
>What if Halo was a transgirl?
prime has also never been about fun combat, which is a shame.
That’s why Metroid prime 3 and 4 are more action oriented
>backtracking is always bad in video games
When will this shit opinion finally be challenged?
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Oh here we go again.
Yes, the combat in Prime is fully arcade. Not trying to be a shitty milshooter wannabe in spesh like Gaylo and neither a Doom or Quake inspired shooter with a multitude of weapons available at all times. It's just you and your arm cannon, not my fault retards can't tell a different game from other just because both are on first person perspective, Metroid Prime has bigger focus on exploration and movement than shooting even so those who call it a FPS are clueless as well.
Kys piratroon
>fun parts out of Halo
you mean the multiplayer? which was just
>what if we took all the fun parts out of Quake
Metroid Prime is the best Zelda game on GameCube.
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yes Metroid has always been more about exploration than anything else.
You like FPS games. Prime is only FPS in it's presentation, but hardly an FPS elsewhere. People love metroid prime for its non FPS attributes whereas you don't care for those qualities. Pretty simple.
kek and mariokart is a driving simulator
I don't play Prime for any of the FPS parts, combat like that is one of the least compelling parts of it, vital to complete the gameplay but secondary to the actual overworld exploration, upgrades and even small puzzles, I would argue I prioritize scanning over the combat on my own tastes even.
He(You) is adding PC FPS games/Doom that he has never played in order to justify why Prime a pad game doesn't just uses another control scheme.
He is trying to imply Prime should be faster on a pad and without its control scheme because Doom exists, on a M&KB.
He thinks M&KB, or Doom itself adds complexity by making it fast and with cutscenes in nu-doom with this, when it is a completely different situation.
>ignoring that doom eternal is a console game
Again again again, console doom uses auto aim like Halo does you disingenious nigger.
Show me a 3D Metroidvania.
No, not some linear corridor shooter like the generic guys with guns enemies you posted, an FPS like Prime with proper exploration/adventure.
seems a waste to not take advantage of the opportunities FPS gameplay presents. I wouldn't give a shit if combat didn't feature so heavily in prime games, if they want it to be so shit just remove it entirely and increase the amount of movement mechanics and put more focus on platforming, exploration and puzzle solving.
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why do you keep dodging the point? how is auto aim bad when auto aim at maximum output is good?
both are completely shit games for different reasons although prime is still much better
>have large world to explore
>Dude why do why have to go around to places I've already been?!?!
Zoomers ladies and gentlemen, just enjoy your gacha slop and culture wars I guess
Prime is a good game, but it has an abysmal story just for the reason of starring a human character with feelings and emotions, like a filthy visual novel. If it's done for comedic effect, I'd understand, but video games can never get me to sympathize with humans.
doom eternal is a fucking console game, do you have brain damage? nothing in prime needs an auto aim button, nothing in prime is too complicated for a dash button on RB + free aim to cover all its needs. nothing excuses primes shitty combat,
that doesnt help at all
I've never seen an average Halo fan ever trying a Metroid game, hell, besides GDQ and other speedrunning marathon events I've never seen an average Nintendo fan ever playing a Metroid game, and that includes all the gooners who play as Zero Suit Samus in Smash
correction, aim assist, not auto aim
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Super is definitely clunkier than newer games, but it's so goddamn clever that it holds its own. The map is brilliant at guiding players to secrets because you can just intuit the secrets by its design alone. The only other times I've really had that sense that the developer really had such a handle on what they were doing was in Tunic, Thief, and Raya Lucaria Academy in Elden Ring.

So it's not so much how it plays but the fact that there's nothing else really like it?
Yes but most people who love prime didn't play PREY which does most of what prime does well but better.
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>the fun parts... of Halo
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>why do you keep dodging the point?
nigger are you baiting or retarded, i said it already is that it focuses on movement rather than aim, dodging rather than mostly tanking, and for the other >680452406
(You), again faggot, doom eternal on console uses auto aim you braindead nigger.
Even in Halo when you get into a vehicle, or use one of the abilities in Reach, you need time to adjust your aim because of how limited a stick is, Prime cuts that to make it more combat focused wherever you dodge, go into 3rd person morphball or screw attack.

I like the way it plays, its jsut this one faggot that wants it to have COD controllers without thinking what it might imply for its unique gameplay.
I was thinking of a few games like Prime in regards of being FPS adventure/exploration focused, or even 3D.
Unironically the only game I can think of is Zombi U, very underated actually.
Soul games also seem to have that exploration focus, but in 3rd person and as an RPG, if you want to extend it that far.
How did they manage to shit out a game in 2002 that looks good to this very day?
yes and doom eternal has more focus on dodging and movement than prime, so according to you it should be impossible for it to exist on a controller without hard lock Z-target auto aim. why have you dodged this point a million times and instead try to make a meme argument about how aim assist is for babies and not pc chads while defending the most severe manifestation of aim assist in prime?

your argument is completely disingenuous
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Or in short, a group of passionate nerds that actually like games.
Same breed that went on to make Halo 3 look ageless too.
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Based official manga understands that Samus is supposed to be TALL.
Hardship breeds excellence.

The founder of Retro was blowing Nintendo money on cocain and hookers before he got ousted.

Nintendo decided to give them a chance to deliver a game and not shut them down. Prime 1 was a miracle of game design in such a short dev time.
The combat is fine as is. Refining combat and spending time takes dev time as well as other gameplay changes that need to make sure the game as a whole is as cohesive as possible.
The game isn’t for you. Just play Halo.
Metroid prime remastered has some of the most aggressive aim assist (in addition to lock on) on any FPS in recent memory. this will likely carry over to prime 4, this is a strange feature to be this autistic about.
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I'll put it as simple terms as possible because you can't find understand anything you dumb nigger.
Every game does something to compensate for player inaccuaracy, and that isn't bad.
Doom and many PC shooters give you single shot weapons to make aiming easy.
Halo and many console shooters make you slow so you can aim easier.
Prime gives you auto aim so you can move faster dodging more.

They all utilize resources in a different way you stupid nigger.

The fact that you don't like one does not mean any of them is bad you CODbaby.
nah, id rather they remove combat entirely if its going to remain shit. put the effort into movement mechanics and platforming instead.
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that box is missing this
your argument is so full of wrong assumptions and stupid conclusions.
1) all fps console games use the same methods to compensate for player inaccuracy, Metroid prime has BOTH aim assist and lock on, halo and doom only have aim assist
2)Doom is not a PC game it is on THE FUCKING CONSOLE
3)doom has just as many rapid fire weapons as prime
4)halo has just as many rapid fire weapons as single shot
5) doom eternal does not move slow on console and certainly isn't anywhere near as slow as prime

Every single point you are making is wrong. In order to come to a stupid point about prime being too fast and dodge focused to accommodate free aim when, like I said a million fucking times, doom eternal ON CONSOLE requires more dodging, more platforming during combat and faster movement than prime.

this argument is dumb and disingenuous because you wont fucking admit that the only reason you defend prime combat is because that's how it always was. cool, just fucking say that and I can stop combating your shit arguments.
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>So it's not so much how it plays but the fact that there's nothing else really like it?
No, I don't want to give that impression. I like how it plays, Samus controls nicely, I find strafing fun to do and locking on I think is beneficial (I'm so glad Prime 4 kept it), these little bits can even add to movement, also the morph ball really makes gameplay more enjoyable as well with how seamless it is on moving around alongside the Boost Ball speeding things up or in Prime 2's case how you can boost off those spider ball spheres to get around. The screw attack I think is also worth mentioning on the gameplay part.
It's just the actual shooting parts of it all are just not my focus, I like wiping things out with the Plasma Beam or freezing things and then using a missile on them with the Ice/Dark Beams for examples but it simply compliments the rest of the gameplay and isn't my focus. I think a good idea of what I mean is, old 2D Metroid has shooting of course but you're never using it non-stop in a actiony way like with Contra for example, it's vital to those old games but people usually talk about the movement or exploration in those games over it and late-game you're so OP that enemies are basically not apart of the level design (similar to how the Plasma Beam in Prime destroys all or the Screw Attack can tear through foes in Prime 2). I think this aspect was successfully transitioned to the Prime games with how the FPS/combat aspect is not as much of a focus as the other gameplay aspects. I feel this would be a lot more apparent to others (and better in genera) if they were able to successfully add the Speed Booster like Prime 1 tried doing at a point.
Prime 1 is literally designed to where you can get each artifact as soon as you have the appropriate upgrades, with the exception of the Phazon Suit
Prime 2 and 3 is where it gets bullshit because you need nearly all the endgame gear
Hey guys, just beat Prime Hunters this morning and im playing Prime 2 right now, cant believe what they could do in a tiny handheld like the Ds, the only thing that i didn't like were the copy paste bosses
I wish I had a Ds as a kid.
2, yes. 3 no. You can get several power cells as soon as you have the required upgrades for them and use them in the Valhalla. Just like 1.
And as if that weren't enough, you don't even need to get EVERY power cell.
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>1) all fps console games use the same methods to compensate for player inaccuracy, Metroid prime has BOTH aim assist and lock on, halo and doom only have aim assist
It's a good thing those games compensate by letting your basic movement be enough to evade any fire unlike in Prime NIGGER
>2)Doom is not a PC game it is on THE FUCKING CONSOLE
First off, Doom was PC first faggot, second, like I said before, console Doom HAS Halo auto aim you STUPID NIGGER
>3)doom has just as many rapid fire weapons as prime
Outside of the plasma gun, the machinegun does and it only does chip damage, your pistol, shotgun, super, rockets, and BFG are all single shot, even in 2016 only the chaingun again, plasma rifle and ARs are auto.
>4)halo has just as many rapid fire weapons as single shot
Halo is designed in a way where you mostly carry a few weapons, so power weapons are rare be it in SP or MP, and usually you are given an AR, with plenty of PRs everywhere, and in later games the SMG, Spiker, and even the BR and the Carbines as semi autos become your primary weapons, with exceptions of the DMR.
>5) doom eternal does not move slow on console and certainly isn't anywhere near as slow as prime
See 2 you faggot

Maybe you should admit you are just a tasteless nigger that unironically likes linear shooters like COD so you can't take anything that slightly inconviniences you by being different, fag?
I have a feeling your faggot ass probably likes shit like TLOU or nu-gow as well.
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i'd say it just needs some representation from valve now
god just stop so I can stop reading your stupid bullshit.
1)doom constantly requires you to dodge using a dedicated dodge button.
2)doom has aim assist as does halo, and what? so does Metroid prime, you aren't fucking making a point here.
3)every single game you are mentioning, including prime has an almost equal balance between single shot and rapid fire, you are saying nothing beyond console games having easier to aim weapons than 90s PC shit, no shit sherlock every game I am discussing here is a console game.
4)the most powerful weapon in multiple halo games is a pistol, there has always been emphasis on both DMR/BRs and rapid fire assault weapons in the basic loadout, power weapons are irrelevant.
5)irrelevant, I'm not arguing about the history of doom you fucking moron, I'm arguing about what is possible on a console FPS.

you are so fucking dumb, do you get off on being shit on for having stupid arguments?
>I think this aspect was successfully transitioned to the Prime games with how the FPS/combat aspect is not as much of a focus as the other gameplay aspects
I strongly disagree. In the 2d metroids you generally can circumvent most threats quickly on return trips. that's not really the way it works in prime once you get into the meat of the game, partly because of third dimension, partly because of nerfed movement. you're going to need to suck up that z targeting combat, over and over and over.
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>no funky mode
worthless port
It's probably much better with the emulator that adds mouse aim.
On the inverse for me it's why I mentioned strafing. If the enemy in the left/right sides of me I can lock on and quickly get around them with strafing and it'd be even quicker than if they weren't around since I would have nothing to lock onto. If they're right in front of me I can just charge and destroy with a Plasma Beam, or use the screw attack if it's Prime 2. It's not ideal, 2D Metroid is a lot more speedier in general movement and is why I wish the speed booster could be implemented, it would make it a lot better.
I grew up with them and loved the N64 but I would still say listen to the anon >>680438764
The FPS genre for consoles was in its infancy at this point and its more likely than not someone like you wouldn't appreciate nor have fun with them today if you played the N64 versions. However I can totally see them as not holding up too well today where as once upon a time it was perfectly acceptable and even seen as great since we had nothing else for consoles but shittier Doom-Clones at best which also function better on a PC obviously.

The remasters look solid to me. I never played them but I am still going to say play them since anyone who played and liked the originals seems to universally agree that the remasters are great and the way to go. Plus you are playing the games how they probably should have been in the first place. Very fast pace something the N64 controller and hardware itself would have never been able to provide.

Turok 1 is what I remember being best but Turok 2 was also definitely great. Rage Wars I remember having fun with that. I can't remember 3 much if I even ever played it.

Yep highly recommend just go play the remasters.
Backtrackings is fine. Stop being fags about it. It feels good to go back to an area to unlock something you couldn't before.
Two betrayals THOUGH
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Is tanky Varia suit Samus firmly a thing of the past? Her dread suit being lightweight and form fitting made sense due to her losing her the outer layer after fusion. Now we have the old Varia suit but it looks less bulky, with smaller shoulder boulders and changes to her proportions. Is it because Samus being androgynous in the suit doesn't have the same impact as it used to when everyone knows it's a woman under the armor?
why the fuck did they not add fast travel too the remake? i don't get it
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Hey did you know that Samus is trans?
You are actually freaking retarded.
How? The creators said so way back in the 90s.
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>it’s harder therefore it’s not brain dead
Admittedly Magmoor caverns is supposed to the games attempt at a shortcut tunnel but I remember having to backtrackon at least three major occasions.

>Having to return to Chozo Ruins to get to the Hall of Heroes
>Like three seperate trips to Phendrana Drifts
>I believe you have to leave Phazon Mines halfway through but that might of been because I had the stupids and forgot something
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Halo and Prime are both very good and if you disagree you’re a faggot. Prime and Halo are alike in one regard: the third game was the worst
>Prime and Halo are alike in one regard: the third game was the worst
You're trying too hard

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