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If you're underage, or stupid, or easily emotional, you're going to side with Paarthurnax, since your view of the world is by proximity.
> Paarthurnax was nice to me while Delphine didn't simp for me ruining my incel powerfantasy! so i hate her!
If you're mature enough, you would know Delphine is a bitch hag, like all women are, but Paarthurnax is a manipulative piece of shit who literally ends as king of all Dragons after you kill Alduin.

You're getting manipulated so easily, i love how Skyrim fans try to pretend they are smart because "Uhh i don't know the difference of Agent vs Asset so uhh i take the Ulfric dossier as proof!" but then you have a literal evil dragon who switched sides to the winning guys at last minute after having enslaved and killed millions and you don't think that's odd.

Paarthurnax ALWAYS wanted to take Alduin's place and by not killing him and killing Alduin you gave him exactly what he wanted.
i side with paarthurnax because i hate women. simple as.

Dragons have no gender you stupid fuck.
why does paarthurnax have a massive cock then
i can kill paarthunax but alduin is another story
It's simple I install some mods that make Paarthurnax cumflate Delphine with his giant dragon cock
>Paarthurnax is a manipulative piece
How is he manipulative? He gives you all the info you need and never tries to black mail or hold anything over your head, he especially doesn’t give retarded ultimatums that make no sense and go against his principles.

You think it's not manipulative to side with the guys who were winning and wait patiently while allying with the grey beards and dragonborn to make sure he's not killed, to the point he tries to brush off his past crimes (which to him happened yesterday since Dragons are immortal so this is not some sort of "i spent a lifetime in prison") and convince you he's superior to you and everyone else "because i fought against my evil nature"?

And all of this while the end result of siding with him is him becoming the leader of all remaining dragons?

How stupid are you that you don't see when you're being manipulated?
What does parthnx eat?
>You're getting manipulated so easily
Yes. Take the "what's better, to be born good or overcome evil nature" speech. OF COURSE it's fucking better to be born good and NEVER DO EVIL
>teehee i did some mass murder in my younger evil times, but i'm totally not that dragon anymore
Taste my warhammer, dick cheese
>Bitch from a faction that exists to serve you tells you what to do
>Or else
Is there a bigger cuckery in Skyrim than killing Paarthernax? Installing fuck porn mods doesn't seem so humiliating

See this shows how mentally ill Skyrim players are. It's the same reason they hate Nazeem so much.
Skyrim players are literal nobody losers in real life so in a game they to pretend they are literal gods who should be worshipped.
And the second a character like Nazeem or Delphine doesn't worship them they DESPITE THE CHARACTER, quick save to kill them, etc.


So pathetic.
I don't even remember what Skyrim's story was about. Entirely trivial, uninteresting and irrelevant lmao
I don't give a shit, the entire story in skyrim is so boring I could of not cared less.
I think it's just a forced meme, I barely even noticed the guy during my playthroughs
Thin skinned and autistic dragonborns lol
I get your point. But Bethesda never thought about it deeper than "good dragon lmao" and you know it.
My guy she literally exists to serve the dragonborn. She is not obliged to worship, but she still must obey. That's how millitary and paramilitary organisations work. You don't get to tell "uhm akchually fuck off I don't like that" to your superior.
It's real odd to start caring about the wellbeing of a dragon after callously murdering hundreds of them without asking if they maybe wanted redemption. Like that one who gets revived by Alduin in the main quest, damn what if he wanted to chill on a mountain forever? Too bad for you
>That's how millitary and paramilitary organisations work.

It's a dead organization she and an old man are trying to revive alone.
They don't have to obey you shit if you're literally going against what the organization stands for.

> We're antifa. Our leader has a nazi BFF
> Go kill your nazi BFF
> Well we won't serve you if you befriend nazis so we're gonna wait here until you decide to killl nazis
I was there was a mod where Delphine offers to fuck you if you kill Paarthurnax.
Ok, simp. Keep it in mind next time Delphine orders you around, despite the fact she's meant to be your minion.
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I side with Paarthurnax because humans are no special, and if they have a chance of redeeming themselves so dragons should too. Plus without Paarthurnax humans wouldnd't even had a chance against Alduin. Not being able to empathize with other than a human shows your 3rd world tier IQ and if you don't take leh ebin underage im leh dragin slayeR xd route, Paarthurnax is shown to have remained loyal to his word, so you're a fucking retard in every stance.
>You think it's not manipulative to side with the guys who were winning
lmao, the dragons were winning so hard that they would never have lost at all without him betraying them in the first place.
>It's a dead organization she and an old man are trying to revive alone.
It is an organisation that serves the dragonborn. That's what they stand for, servitude to dragonborn. If she doesnt want to serve dragonborn, she can fuck off to a different organisation, nobody is keeping her.
>But Bethesda never thought about it deeper than "good dragon lmao" and you know it
They did, you're just a retard and didn't notice the obvious. A fucking dragon comes and tells you it won't submit to paarthurnax's TYRANNY
So the moral thing is to do the opposite of what someone else wants? That's your argument?
>and if they have a chance of redeeming themselves so dragons should too.

Are you stupid?
Dragons are not humans, they are literal magical creatures created to kill, conquer and enslave. It's literally their nature. It's the whole Scorpion and the Frog dilemma.
You're acting like Dragons have human anatomy or human brains.

>Plus without Paarthurnax humans wouldnd't even had a chance against Alduin.

Bullshit the humans were literally winning against Anduin when Paarthurnax switched sides. The divines bless humans every monday to save them. Paarthurnax helped, at last minute. He basically put his name in the essay to get a good grade.

>Paarthurnax is shown to have remained loyal to his word

Are you stupid? HE'S IMMORTAL. Time is meaningless to dragons, him playing the long game and waiting for the last dragonborn to kill ALduin so now Paarthurnax himself is leader of all dragons is 4D chess playing.

The fact that you fell for it shows your low iq.
>You think it's not manipulative to side with the guys who were winning
So he actively abandoned the winning side to join and help the losing side, that doesn’t sound manipulative
>and wait patiently while allying with the grey beards and dragonborn
That was after the war and Alduin’s banishment, he was literally training them in the way of the voice.
>to make sure he's not killed
Why would they kill their ally?
>the point he tries to brush off his past crimes
He never does this, he acknowledges what he did and it was the Dragonborn who decided to spare him.
>which to him happened yesterday since Dragons are immortal
That’s not how that works, time gets skewed but he’s still aware of things as well as the passage of time itself and the fact he hasn’t done anything shows he’s not what Delphine makes him out to be.
>convince you he's superior to you and everyone else "because i fought against my evil nature"?
Your inferiority complex is showing, he was demonstrating that he can fight his nature through will not bragging.
>And all of this while the end result of siding with him is him becoming the leader of all remaining dragons
They need a tard wrangler and he is the only one that has shown himself to not be an asshole
>How stupid are you that you don't see when you're being manipulated?
You haven’t explained how it’s manipulation, he doesn’t lie to you or tries to fuck you over, he literally again gives you everything you need and provides you with information. He even helps you learn Dragonrend which would be not just a threat to Alduin but all dragons including him, why would he do that if he was just manipulating you? Unlike Delphine who literally hampers your path and lures you into a bunch of bullshit only to not follow the oath that she swore.
>listening to br*tons
paathurnax was sent by kyne and gifted man with the voice, all true nords know this
The level of projection is actually hilarious.
Based. Total shiton death
>Bullshit the humans were literally winning against Anduin when Paarthurnax switched sides
Not really, and it's shown even with the shouts he taught them the three heroes got bodied hard.
>who literally ends as king of all Dragons after you kill Alduin
why is that bad

Check your lore, Kynareth was literally blessing humans to fight back
fuck dragons, they get what they deserve with the tyrannical Paarthurnaax preventing them from conquering
>Can't stop himself from using the word Literally because he lacks vocabulary
>Calls others retarded
kek ok mate
Alduin isn't even dead, he just got shoved into the future
>That's what they stand for, servitude to dragonborn. If she doesnt want to serve dragonborn, she can fuck off to a different organisation, nobody is keeping her.

You can't kick her out of an organization she's reviving you stupid fuck.
And again if you betray the organization's values nobody owes you loyalty.
By sending Paarth to them so they could learn Dragon Rend. No Paarth, no Dragon Rend. And even with Dragon Rend, they lost to Alduin and needed to hope the scroll worked. Without Dragon Rend and Paarth, they would have completely lost and accomplished nothing.
Nords could shout before Kynareth's "blessing." Only the dragon cult knew how though because their masters taught them.
All Kynareth did was task Paarthurnax with teaching the enslaved Nords how to shout, and he agreed to do it.
Alduin's lieutenant is Ohdaviing so technically he would become king of the dragons and he's also the Dovahkin's bitch so really you become king of the dragons

Paarthurnax just wants to chill, if he actually wanted to be king of the dragons he would have made his move when Alduin was defeated the first time
What does he get from being king of dragons?
>Dragonborn is stronger than him and can btfo any moment
>There will be new dragonborns so he can't expect to wait for this one to die to do something
>He is weaker than alduin and alduin was sealed by some random not so special nords that knew how to shout
>He is surrounded by an organisation that masters the shouts
He literally either chills at the top of the mountain or dies
That just makes him look even better, the LDB had no knowledge of it and Paarthurnax didn’t need to tell him about it at all let alone teach him how to do it and allow him to do it. Acting smug won’t hide that you have no argument, go be a sperg somewhere else.
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>Kill Paarthurnax
>You can't kick her out of an organization she's reviving you stupid fuck.
As a leader of organization you get to choose who stays.
>And again if you betray the organization's values nobody owes you loyalty.
She does that by disobeying the dragonborn. The organization's main value is to serve the dragonborn, not to kill dragons.
Odahviing just fucks off to do whatever while Paarthurnax spreads "the tyranny of his 'Way of the Voice.'"
That dragon is a visionary. He's fully aware of his mistakes and he admitted it. Delphine is an old delusional hag serving an organization that is no longer mattered
If you invest to bladescoin you're a retard who fell into the same hole twice (the blades failed in protecting the empire). Besides, what could the blades do in a metaphysical situation anyway
>So he actively abandoned the winning side to join and help the losing side

Humans won. Alduin lost.
Check your lore.

>That was after the war and Alduin’s banishment, he was literally training them in the way of the voice.

Yes, humans won, Paarthurnax got to live, be respected and soon would become ruler of all dragons.

>Why would they kill their ally?

Because he's an evil dragon who did horrible shit and plans to do worse in the future?

>He never does this

Anon if you raped and killed people a few years ago don't you think you should go to jail?

>but he’s still aware of things as well as the passage of time itself and the fact he hasn’t done anything shows he’s not what Delphine makes him out to be.

Ok, you're trolling hard. I care not for your fanfictions. You clearly don't understand how time functions for immortal beings, it's like you never read any lore on any immortal race in any fantasy world ever.
the organization's values are to protect and serve the dragonborn because the akatosh pact and the amulet of kings and shit
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>Bethesdrone lacks basic reading comprehension: The Thread: The Movie: The Game
> Why is it bad the evil genocidal maniac second in command to ALduin who was resentful and wanted to be king switched sides to the good guys and after he got them to kill Alduin now HE'S in Anudin's position

Gee, i don't know! ;)
>Because he's an evil dragon who did horrible shit and plans to do worse in the future?
literal fanfic + thought crime
dude's following his nature to a T, he's being a tyrannical ruler to dragons by forcing them to follow the way of the voice instead of letting them conquer like they're supposed to
the guy's evil and cruel to dragons, not everything else
>when Alduin was defeated the first time

Are you dumb? Everyone knew Alduin would return. Why would Paarthurnax make his move when there are people who can kill him?

He needed to play the long game.
>>There will be new dragonborns so he can't expect to wait for this one to die to do something

Use your little brain.
Please think of a second.

What is the title of your Dragonborn?
Think, think for a second. Go on, think.
Are you the first dragonborn? No. You're not.
Are you the middle dragonborn? No. Are you dragonbon n°373281? No

You're THE LAST dragonborn.
>Humans won. Alduin lost.
After Paarthurnax abandoned the dragons who were winning because Kyne asked, check your lore retard.
>Yes, humans won
With his help
>Because he's an evil dragon who did horrible shit and plans to do worse in the future?
He was literally doing nothing for centuries, there weren’t even any Dragonborn for multiple centuries, he could have started fucking shit up at anytime with no one to stop him and he didn’t.
>Anon if you raped and killed people a few years ago don't you think you should go to jail
Nice non-sequitur but he still doesn’t brush off what he does.
>Ok, you're trolling hard
Nice cope sperg, if you can’t argue don’t make excuses.
Considering that there will always be people that can kill him, your reasoning doesn't make sense. According to your logic he will never make a move until all people die out, at which point who cares what he does with an empty world
last can also mean most recent, dumbass
OP does the same thing, lol
But what if he has a baby, anon?
>As a leader of organization you get to choose who stays.

You're not leader of shit. The organization is dead and the two people trying to revive it don't want you in it. Whatcha gonna do? Gonna cry?
Anon this is bait thread. You could post literal proof and they'd deny it.
>If you invest to bladescoin you're a retard who fell into the same hole twice

Making an organization of trained soldiers who can kill dragons better than normal people or city guards is a massive and extremely good investment, idiot.

Letting an insane powerhungry dragon who did horrible shit become the leader of dragons is a shit choice.
Nice psyop, but I don't side with the faggot emperor's little troop of samurai larping retards. Go back to your knife ear dominated kingdom.
You would be surprised how autistic people are.
>organization that is no longer mattered
The knowledge Esbern kept was instrumental in saving the world
But I don't want to fuck Delphine which isn't the case with Partysnax.
>But what if he has a baby
With a dragon?
the blades are made to serve the dragonborn, that's their whole goal
it's nothing to do with "being the best dragonslayer", it's because of the entire plot of oblivion happening if the dragonborns die out
This. My wife Mjoll will bear dozens of my offsprings, and all will be dragonborns. Then I will bed my daughters a d make even more dragonborns.
Checkmate OP
Kill all dragons.
Kill all Nords.
Kill all Bretons.
Kill all Imperials.
Total Mer victory.
with anyone, what do you think the septim dynasty was all about?
They made a fucking spaceborn in shitfield, you are most definitely not the last dragonborn. Also, the point still stands, even anduin was btfod by two guys and a fuck hole, Paarthernax will be dealt with the same way if he ever decides to stop chilling on the top of the mountain.
>what do you think the septim dynasty was all about?
Sexing dragons?
By Azura, the lobes on this true believer.
Cut them in half and forget about it, it's not like they have any value
no, it's all about having as many bastard children as possible
>Paarthernax will be dealt with the same way if he ever decides to stop chilling on the top of the mountain.
Except the last dragonborn is the only one who knows dragonrend shout and he's an illiterate nord who can't pass down the knowledge. Even Miraak is out of the picture.

Paarthurnax is all set
This guy has the right idea.
>which to him happened yesterday since Dragons are immortal so this is not some sort of "i spent a lifetime in prison")
Time wouldn't change if you were immortal. When you're 30 years old stuff you did 10 or more years ago feels like a long time. Now imagine that is hundreds of years. You wouldn't degrade, but that wouldn't mean that it felt like yesterday. Does your childhood feel like yesterday? People will say where did the time go, but it doesn't actually feel that recent because there's a span of time in between that event and your present.
>The Delphine vs Paarthurnax choice

If you know what this is you're already a retard.
>almost made a point
>couldn't make it out in time before his hamfisted thing about incel bait revealed what the thread was really about
-1/10 , i hate 4chan. This is the part where you say;
>snarky snide projection which makes me an incel for disagreeing with you.
Do you get paid or do you do it for free.
Mate, 10 years out of 30 is a lot, a third of your life. 100 years out of hundreds of thousands is the same as a minute for you. Perspective matters, immortal beings can't judge time the same way we do.
well they can since they can still hold a conversation and dragons are fast and can conquer a lot in a short time
Delphine wants you to kill paarthurnax as retributive justice, not as a cautionary measure.

If you can kill alduin then paarthurnax should be no issue to if he ever decides to turn evil again. But until then I accept his repentance.
The repentant villain is a very powerful theme that I think reflects on the place dragons themselves have occupied in folklore. Dragons were (nearly) always evil beings in ancient and medieval legend but they're just too cool to hate. We have redeemed the dragon.
OP is the biggest faggot I have seen in years. Absolute turbo gay.
>he took the OP serious when he said that after making barely 2 sentences in before projecting that anyone who disagreed with him is an incel
It's a poorly veiled bait thread, anon. Christ this place is full of retarded zoomers now.
How do you know it works like that. What about tortoises that live a long time. If they were like humans, would 10 years feel different?
Delphine is pissy that the Vlades got wiped out by the Thalmor and wants to use (You) to do the proverbial dickwaving to show the Blades are back and strong enough to exterminate all dragons.
She can fuck right off.
>We have redeemed the dragon.
Dude just trust the snake in the garden
But waiting doesn't mean the same than it does. If you live eternally with no end to your life coming, and you've lived for so long you remember the planet being born, what is waiting a couple centuries to get what you want? Probably the blink of an eye for them.
Yes time flows at the same speed for them as us, they can hold a conversation and they don't move in slow motion. But the idea/concept of time is meaningless.

No, anon. An organization is not forced to serve you if you're a traitor to the cause
The Blades being retarded in Skyrim and putting an ultimatum over the Dragonborn in a bitchy way didn’t help their case much.
>Except the last dragonborn is the only one who knows dragonrend shout
You do realize that:
1. There is a fuckton of greybeards sitting just under the rock while you summon and fight anduin for the first time
2. You can always just visit the "last" dragonborn in Valhalla and ask him
3. This is a shout created by people. Not by dragons. They can figure it out again if needed.
>Paarthurnax is all set
all set to be the tyrant of dragons and spread the way of the voice through force and cruelty
reminder that Paarthurnax's name means "Ambition-Overlord-Cruelty" and he was named that by *dragons*, not men
>still projecting the muh incel power fantasy
You came here to stir up anons by finding reasons to call them incel over and over again. Wow anon great job, epic troll. Same time tomorrow right? Stellar job you did, we're all incels. You should make another 10 threads about but make it sound more whiny with a lot of caps and question marks.
were was paarthurnax during 9/11?
He was the planes.
>he's throwing antifa and nazis into the mix now as well
Amazing trollmanship, many lulz were had. So do you have a team in shifts or do you do all the marvelous work on the board here yourself?

Why being reminded of you being a sad, pathetic and lonely involuntary celibate bothers you so much?

Are you trying to say in a very poor way that "it's not an argument and you shouldn't insult us it makes us feel bad :("?

I'm sorry if i hurt your feelings anon, but pointing out THE REASON as to why you feel certain way towards a game's character is important.

If you saw someone hating black men because they are a white incel mad blacks are stealing his women, you would call him a racist incel, you don't need to make an essay on pros and cons of hating black people.
You can easily call out people for the actual reasons they hate something you know.
The cause is to serve the dragonborn though and you are the dragonborn, so I fail to see how you, as a dragonborn, can be a traitor to the cause of serving you.
getting his dragon bussy pounded by BIG NORDIC COCK
gold and jewels
the cause is keeping Oblivion from seeping into Tamriel, if the Dragonborn was working for Mehrunes Dagon to open Oblivion Gates only then would the Dragonborn be a traitor
I side with Paarthurnax and then kill him
Took absolute no time for you to reply and just hamfist layer upon layer of the same shit. Pathetic. Get a life and a real job, getting paid to make 4chan uninhabitable is not "part-time".
No, he eats Paarthursnacks
>can be a traitor to the cause of serving you.

Same as guards are supposed to protect citizens, or royal guards/thanes are supposed to protect the jarls, and such, etc.

But if you're a scumbag doing horrible shit that can get everyone killed or going against everyone's safety and future then you're not entitled to having people protect you.

If you were royal guard to a king and the king started to order everyone to support jews, wouldn't you refuse to serve him?
1. 3 greybeards dying of old age before they master a new shout they're too pussy pacifist to use
2. You mean die and go to sovngarde, or to get a dragon to take you to a portal and then maybe get access to sovngarde?
3."they can figure it out" hmm

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i side with dragons because humans needs something to unite them against the greater evil white bitches
>install sex mods
>have sex
>loading geometries 64%...

anon go outside and have sex for fuck sake.
Dragons can do a lot in very little time, they're subject to time flies when you're having fun the most
Paarthurnax has been doing a lot of nothing for quite a while
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>siding with a woman
>being told what to do by a woman
>retarded simp (for his own henchwoman lmao) dooms the world
He has helped the mortal races not once but twice, everything else, especially what he might do in the future, is schizophrenic nonsense.
> Delphine: KIll paarthurnax


> Serana: KIll my father

Yes ma'am, anything you say ma'am, i'm nothing but your humble servant my young 9999 years old lady.
you don't even need to learn dragonrend through meditation or anything, you just need to hear the words because its meaning is intrinsically tied with being mortal
The real IQ test is whether or not you give a fuck about any aspect of Skyrim's shitty story.
>okay my dragon underlings, today we will meditate on the nuke-human-cities shout
>come on paarthurnax, isn't it the time to put our voices to use? this is boring
>not yet..
This but unironically
Dragon pussy
The DRAGONBORN himself had to find a fucking elder scroll to peek into the past to absorb it

Otherwise why didn't paarthurnax teach it?
as a rule of thumb
i'll side with the one i know for a fact i can just bend over and fuck if she misbehaves
can't do that to a fucking dragon, but i sure can do that to a puny human
autists have such poor emotional intelligence that they think people can't identify when they're projecting their personal feelings onto others
people side with paarthunax because he was nice to them
that's the depth of their logic
this absolute dork is revealing his cards
The true high IQ choice is not playing shitty Bugthesda games.
>why didn't paarthurnax teach it?
because dragons can't understand the concepts behind it, it's a purely man-made shout
did you even play the game?
Serana's dad drops loot at least
>If you were royal guard to a king and the king started to order everyone to support jews, wouldn't you refuse to serve him?
If you kill the king for whatever reason, I don't think you belong to that king's royal guard anymore, because you are no longer guarding the king. Same here, she can not follow the dragonborn, but that doesn't mean she gets to stay in the blades. That means she is out, because the blades serve the dragonborn. Moreover, let's not move the goalposts here. You are implying that if dragonborn refuses to kill Paarthernax he is a traitor to the cause of blades. But blades cause is not killing the dragons, it is serving the dragonborn. Dragonborn cannot logically commit treason, because blades do whatever he wishes, as in serve him. Taking your example with the royal guard, if you refuse to serve the king that orders everyone to support jews, YOU are the traitor to the cause of serving the king, not the king, even though in such situation a treason would probably be justified.
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>he said running the same rage bait shtick for the 101929485589219939559th time where no one can breathe and not be an evil cis whkte het nazis chudcel scrote
>he will then genuinely pretend to have no idea what I'm talking about and call everyone who points it put crazy psych qanon lunatics
>he will then say okay so yeah I am a poster in the shitpost campaign, but like why do you care chuddy? Uhh [labels] much lololol?
You and every tranny like you can get the fuck off my board and then prompty habg yourselves, thanks.
>you just need to hear the words
Paarthurnax, what did your dragon ears hear?
>can't do that to a fucking dragon
You are a weakling, you should be ashamed to admit this.
as a human or human adjacent character, I cant allow an all powerful dragon to live
Who cares what the stupid ugly hag thinks, parthy is a bro and she is another npc that dies. I only care what goth gf has to say
I don't need the bitch or the pussy ass blades' help.
If I can kill Alduin, I can kill Parthunax if he ever decides to become evil.
>siding with feds and glowies
You're white, aren't you OP?
the dragon does not understand the words and can't repeat the shout
The Ulfric doussier is absolute and objectively proves that the Stormcloaks are convenient idiots.
I'll accept Paarthunax vs Delphine as being a worthwhile point of discussion, though. Ultimately, I do not kill Paarthunax because, ultimately, he did his part in stopping the end of the world. He just wants to sit in his mountain and chill, so I'm inclined to let him.
How many times are you going to say this?
You retarded or smth? The concept is pretty straightforward
Write it
the dragon does not understand the words and can't write the shout
lol you didn't play the game
>did evil before
>is unrepentent, instead like a child saying "OHMYGOD THAT WAS A LONG TIME AGO GET OVER IT"
His mood will change like the seasons and he will go rogue
Skyrim sucks anyway. The real IQ test is if you're a Bethesda slop eater or not.
> Avatarfags as chink woman

Of course the incel is obsessed with anime and japan and underage school girls.

Jesus christ, do not have sex with children.
Joor Zah Frul
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ok bye whore
you're mortal, you don't count
you'd have a point if Paarthurnax betrayed you after killing Alduin, but he doesn't, and it's never hinted that he would
it's quite ironic how you consider the blades to be the rational side when their entire premise is to hold a perpetual grudge against the entire dragon race because the dragons had an evil tyrant leader, who was then betrayed and slain by other good dragons
>dragons have evil leader who commits atrocities
>dragons rebel and kill leader
>blades refuse to forgive dragons
>even though the dragons themselves destroyed the one evil leader who was causing the atrocities
>dragons then give humans magic knowledge to protect themselves from dragons in the future
forgiveness is progression
the dragons are superior
you are either a contrarian edgelord or a dogshit ragebaiter
grow up
The ldb isn't supposed to give a fuck about humanity lmao. what part you are an inheretly evil dragon do you not understand???

Also, the blades are incompetent backstabby bucks that betrayed reman and let dagon kill the septims so only a retard would want them around.
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You need to think back to the dialogue at the end. Alduin is so much more powerful than humanity and it was basically fated that the world should have ended then and there, so a new one could begin.
Paarthunax may have had his own interests in mind, and probably did. Ultimately, he is a character that did things to benefit himself at all times. But it was only because of him that the world of humans gets to exist in the first place, he definitely earned any and all redemption.

Paarthunax is not Alduin and can be dealt with at any time.
Dragons can't use it, but they can still hear it, and write it on a word wall
the funny thing is that Paarthurnax is the evil tyrant leader but it's against dragons who conquer everything they can and act like total dicks
PARTYSNAX lives DIRECTLY BECAUSE Delphine is an old bitch. Uninstalled. Deal with it bitch.
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the dragon fails to understand, the shout gets memoryholed
yeah but in the end hes still "Fighting his evil nature"(his words). You have a vested interest in the continued survival of pseudohumanity based upon you giving a shit about the end of the world, so you may as well bite the bullet and send him to dragon hell where he belongs before it becomes a problem and the less retarded Super Dragonio Bro unionizes all the dragons at once
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I killed Paarthurnax because I hate filthy liggers in all shapes an sizes, simple as.
I cant help but notice you left out a race of humans. I wonder what you are insinuating.
>are convenient idiots.

Yeah anon, don't fight against the tyrannical, opressive, stupid and incompetent empire and their puppets, taxation and sabotage of your own nation. Instead, you should support them and side against the Thalmor... again... even though the great war was lost not long ago...

> Hey anon jews are bad, but don't you think palestinians are worse? we should join WITH jews against palestinians!
>> Can't i join against both?
I trust someone actively fighting his evil nature than someone who pretends to be good.
>oh sorry humans, i totally can't remember the gibberish shout you used to eliminate my kind
>what a shame..
the dragonborn should be able to beheaded her on the spot for suggestions such a betrayal. not to mention that she doesn't even try to secretly kill Paarthunax, after everything he did to aid the dragonborn. no, instead she unceremoniously tells the dragonborn to do it. the magnitude of disrespect is incomprehensible. I bet a woman wrote this quest
They can't and it is emphasized in the game. Dragons are immortal, as in live forever, as in permanently. The shout is literally composed of Mortal Finite Temporary words. Making a dragon learn the shout or write it in any form is like making a blind man explain colors.
>They can hear it
The shout forces them to land and stagger, they can't hear it, they are affected by it.
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if the dragonborn can't use a shout without understanding its meaning then neither can a dragon
>I trust someone actively fighting his evil nature
t. a woman in an abusive relationship
Bad analogy. The reason why the Thalmor secretly hope the civil war keeps going is because they don't want the Empire to recover it's full strength.
The Empire is not happy about taking the knee to the Thalmor, they will no doubt rise against it. And the Stormcloak rebellion is on the way of that.
I don't care if it's a mouthful: "Born Hunter of Dragonkind" is a much cooler title than just plain old "Dragonborn".
>Paarthurnax betrayed you after killing Alduin

There's no continuation to the Alduin story anon. That's where the game ends.

>and it's never hinted that he would

Are you serious? I explained to you several times thorugh the thread how is it hinted at, hell, not even hinted at, you're outright told before he switched sides he wanted to be leader rather than second in command to Alduin, and he ends up as fucking king of all dragons after you kill Anduin.
Anyone can copy the written down shouts
If i could i would simply kill both of them.
And then what
>You're getting manipulated so easily
But I'm not listening to your drivel.
the greybeards teach you words by shouting them on the ground and it gets carved there, you can't teach a shout without understanding its meaning

Someone fighting their evil nature IS someone pretending to be good anon.

The alternative is someone who was born good and never had to fight any evil urges.

The equivalent would be
> Would you rather leave your child with someone who's NOT A PEDOPHILE, or a PEDOPHILE fighting his urge to rape children?
Paartrhurnax supporters choose to leave their kids with a pedo.
The empire are a bunch of staunch stuffy assholes but they at least have a standard they follow.
Stormcloaks are just racist retards who if successful will fuck everything up by way of being racist retards, like all the retarded gay politicians who run America now, they change a rule here and there and suddenly the house of cards we call civilization is collapsing, but at least theres no lizards or something
The scorpion never said it was fighting against its evil nature. It was just evil and made a half lie (he promised not to kill the frog in the middle of the river because he would drown as well, which technically was true as he killed it on the shore).
Before you repeat a story ad nauseum to prove a point, make sure you understand the story first.
Dragonborn learns by reading wordwalls
the point is never what the scorpion says, it is that you are deceived by the idea that you can fight what is in your nature.
Which were shouted on the walls
The Blades serve the dragonborn emperor, you're just the placeholder until Uriel V comes back with his dragon army, lol
>The Empire is not happy about taking the knee to the Thalmor, they will no doubt rise against it.

Pure fanfiction. The one and only and single NPC in the whole game who doesn't like the Thalmor and supports the imperials is Tullius, who constantly aids the Thalmor and keeps it secret information like how they kidnap men like THorlad to kidnap them and extract information.

The empire has no intentions of "fighting the thalmor" any time soon, in fact they are more than happy to let the thalmor patrol Skyrim killing all Talos worshipers, and Tullius himself agrees with killing Talos supporters, he spends the whole game shitting on Nords, nord culture and even gets mad when Rikke says a prayer to Talos.

You should stop making fanfics of the Empire actually hating the Thalmor, your dead emperor and bimbo pretty dresses Elisif are not gonna fight the Thalmor.
Op, could you go to any protest, get blasted by this and then write down what it says?
The Empire is not recovering its full strength whether the Civil War ends or not. It's been dying for three games and it barely avoided destruction in the massive war it lost that put it in this position to begin with.
>It's the same reason they hate Nazeem so much.
>enter whiterun
>enter whiterun
>leave house in whiterun
>go the jarl's castle to turn in a w
>on the way there:
>walk around in whiterun
>kill nazeem
>finally peace and quiet
>go to turn in quest at jarl's castle
mate you're siding with the comically inept organization that has failed at everything they have ever tried to do.

No, i'm not siding with the Empire.
Weren't you THE LAST dragonborn? They don't have anyone to serve but you
Parents who hurt their kids the most are parents who never expect to get angry/get violent. They don't know the lines not to cross because they think they're "good" and so have nothing to worry about. On the other hand, a parent who knows how they could get violent if they're not careful will take steps to avoid getting there, and notice when they're about to lose control.
"Good" is a fallacy that leads ordinary people to evil things. The mere concept of "I am good" renders you incapable of realizing that you are not. Knowing you are capable of evil prepares you to resist it when it comes. But since 7 people out of 10 fail milgram-like test and comply quite easily to murderous ideologies, odds are you can't understand that.
The alphabet is written like that because it was created by dragons carving the letters with their claws
Uriel V was born before you.
The blades were the most inept part of the empire lmao.
>unironic skyrim story arguing
Caius is very disappointed in you, anon.
>You're getting manipulated so easily
you were manipulated even easier, who was manipulated by a literal npc, who was manipulated by the dragon

you failed the iq test, sorry
thats some lovely poetry you just invented, but its not true.
When the neighbors say "He always seemed so normal and quiet" it isnt that theyre a model citizen and then they erupt, they are psychologically broken and give in to their evil desires/nature.
>There is no "Good"
atheist talking point
OP, are you here? Any updates on this? Picunrel.
>On the other hand, a parent who knows how they could get violent

For your equivalent to work, the parent would need to have his kids taken away before for beating them to death, and now he feels like "trying again and getting a chance of redemption".

There's NOTHING noble about a parent who beat up their kid and now feels like "pushing away" his urges to kill his child.

Meanwhile a parent who never wanted to hurt his children and has never done it before, is a million times better. You making fanfics about "GOOD PEOPLE DON'T EXIST, GOOD PARENTS WILL KILL THEIR CHILDREN EVENTUALLY" is very creepy.
Something you want to admit?
Caius was the biggest retard ever who accelerated the oblivion crisis by helping the nerevarine fuck the tribunal over.

Alduin's wall retroactively turning the only somewhat competent blades into retards will never not be funny.
Let him teach me everything he knows then kill pantysnax and then plap rape delphine to start off my reign as emperor. There i solved this gay riddle can we talk about morrowind instead?
>can we talk about morrowind instead?

Wow incel zoomer porn addict talking about raping fictional women is a morrowind fan? How unexpected!

Do you think Nirvana is the best band ever too? 13 year old much?
The tribunal was losing their power because they couldn't access the Heart of Lorkhan with Dagoth Ur in the chamber either way, moron. Nothing was accelerated, especially considering that the quests never demand you to kill Vivec at any point. He disappears regardless of what the Nerevarine does or doesn't do.
the last dragonborn emperor was uriel septim, who killed himself during rhe oblivion crisis, hudreds of years before the events of skyrim
>>There is no "Good"
>atheist talking point
There is an ovjective good, but I was talking about a person. There isn't a single human that can be considered good by nature, we only strive to be good. It's actually a christian talking point, to strive for the unattainable perfection that is Him.
Unless you believe there is someone alive that is purely good by default and is incapable of sin.
isn't it weird that people from those really neurodivergent minority households think they have a MORE worldly perspective than regular families?
it must have been a trying to find answers for what happened to themselves during their upbringing thing
they think that they figured something out, and it helps them cope with what happened
That was Uriel VII, I'm talking about Uriel V.
based fpbp /thread
yes, and him choosing to not use an elder scroll to time banish dagoth into the future makes him a dummy.

Emil always wins anon.
the more fitting name is "the latest dragonborn"
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no, think I've heard enough about Muatra, Almalexia getting dicked by a catman in full view of a pub and Azura getting humiliated repeatedly
Opinion of a woman that I do not consider sexually attractive has no value for me.
You are a moron. You do not need to actually hurt your kids to understand that if you are pushed enough you *could* hurt them. Thinking you are incapable of it is when it happens. This is about introspection and the capacity for evil. I hope you understand that before having kids.
and uriel V. is still alive or what?
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Op, how is it going? Just checking in for updates.
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>tfw even after 900 hours I never even got to this point
I kneel
I don't know if that would work, considering he has heartmagic and he's just a projection emanating from it. If you banished him to the future, the Heart would simply produce him again here, doubling your problem.
> He thinks every parent would beat the shit out of the kid if pushed enough

Anon, go to anger management sessions. This is not normal at all. Normal parents, even if pushed, are not gonna murder their child.

There's a reason white families end with ALIVE children while blacks are constantly murdering their 3 years old.

Some people are born good. Some people are born evil. Some people are neutral.
You being an evil scumbag that projects and thinks everyone else wants to murder children like you do is CREEPY.

I should genuinely tip the fbi on you.
what about orc nipples or fargoth's ring?
Yup. He invaded Akavir, and he's gonna come back with an army of dragons and reclaim the Empire.
actually it's "dragonborn exception by divine intervention"
based....... so fvcking zvsed.....
sidetracked chads win cause we have so much to do...
I never said anything about murder. And you obviously never had kids, or know anyone in close confidence who has.

I never understood what's supposed to be funny about this meme.
Wow you didn't finish a videogame... how are you cool exactly?
Are you an ADHD kid?

Or you merely saw the meme in reddit and want to repeat it looking for attention?
Paarthurnax told me what to get and how to get it. Delphine put me on a wild goose chase that ended up wasting more time. If Delphine didn't exist, the Dragonborn would be done with Alduin way faster. It's like if you were a mailman and your co-worker decided to take you to the main building and you're like "What the fuck are we doing at the main building?" and he's like "This might be where all the mail is coming from" and you're just forced to sit there wondering why this retard is here in the first place.
Uh, hello? Based department?
bend will
hes right though, and turning a blind eye to the evil you can accomplish is dangerous. Remember when people were fine with you starving to death and dying on the street for the high crime of "not trusting the science"
At first it goes awee boom boom then it goes zzzzziiiii.

My boyfriend and i have a baby boy. The fact that you insist all parents have the urge to beat up their child is very, very strange.

Take your meds.
You will never be a twink
>Faggot and/or tranny
Explains a lot. I pitty your child anon.
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you make your own victorys in life man, i dont have to tell you if or when you beat it you do brah.
>ask about work in arena / daggerfall
Just what RegionName needs, another vagrant PlayerRace.
>talk to any npc in an inn except the keeper
Some variant of "get lost loser"
NPC shit talk is a fun tradition
>I would never hurt my child
is some shit people say before they have a mental breakdown after yelling at them or spanking them a singular time
>and turning a blind eye to the evil you can accomplish is dangerous.

You're a literal predator projecting and accusing other people of being monsters.
You having to struggle every day with not killing or raping children doesn't mean everyoen else is. The rest of us are normal.

>starving to death and dying on the street for the high crime of "not trusting the science"

Those people have no morality. They are not good or bad, they are like lambs. A lamb is evil because a kid is drowning around and they don't know how to save it, lambs are retarded and do what they are told. If a barking dog pushes them towards a cliff they will fall without even understanding the situation.
literallt every person on earth struggles with evil. Its the basis of sin. Are you going to try and tell me youve never in your life one single time mistreated another person?

You literally didn't finish the main quest.
>Tranny believes in fairytales of good people vs monsters
Not surprising, you make a living out of playing make believe
it's been hundreds of years ago. he's long dead. if not killed, then from old age
this so much. Legitimately all of her quests could be taken out and the MQ wouldn't be as much of a slog as it is.
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I'd side with all the daedra in Oblivion before doing what a nagging wom*n orders me to
>wanted to do a technical pacifist playthrough
>just exploring and surviving in the world becomes a fun challenge, since enemies have to either be frightened away, escaped from, or - as a last resort - frenzied into attacking one another.
>try doing quests
>a bunch of NPCs are marked as being killable only by the player, so you can't use frenzy or environmental traps to do it
>a bunch of NPCs who don't have any reason to die to achieve the quest goals are marked as having to die to move the quest stage along anyway
fuck this game

Take. Your. Meds. Weirdo.

Your violent and psychopathical thoughts are not a reflection of other people, get it through your thick head that you're fucked up, there's something VERY wrong in your brain. KIlll yourself.
Nah he got altmer immortality honey.
lol ok, queer.
It's funny, because I just tried to replicate that, but for some reason pedestrian dont start falling down. Could you be more specific?
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Yeah, it's an IQ test.
Cool dragon bro or annoying cunt woman, if you pick the latter you're a fucking moron.
>b-b-but dragons are evil, Paarthurnax did war cri-
Bruh, my dude killed dragons by the dozens like it was nothing, you really think Paarthurnax poses a threat in this age? Oh no, he might go help Alduin, oh wait, I curbstomped that faggot in a couple hits.
>you're just powergaming, that's not accurate to the lore!
Bitch, cat people created reality with the moon lattice and one of them figured out he was in a video game and became a god, get CHIM'd on you no imagination loser.
You have to be a soundborn to use it.
So who raped you as a kid, btw? Was it your dad? An uncle?
brah what if my main quest was to kill nazeem?
I did it dude i beat the game.
But like half of the daedra ARE nagging women, anon
>If Delphine didn't exist
You wouldn't find the Dragonstone, get into contact with Esbern, wouldn't find Cloud Ruler and Alduin's wall and the Dragonrend shout, and wouldn't get a ride to Sovngarde.
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Me. And i am right behind you as you read this.
If you dont think you are capable of harming your child, you are at more risk of harming your child than someone who is well aware of the many ways, intentional or not, you can harm a child. You should be vigilant of all ways you could harm a child. When my daughter was born I was constantly afraid of falling down our stairs while holding her, I was afraid of wrestling her into the shopping cart when she was squirrely, I was afraid of pinching her little legs in the car seat. There are a thousand ways to hurt a kid, and you should know them
It's 4 missions but they feel like 12 with how much they take from the main story.
>Unironically simping for some stupid bitch
Bethdrones die 1000 deaths
>Doesn't know what a lifespan is
>The CHIM is le console meme

Literal retard hours in here.

No, anon, it's not normal to have the urge to hurt your child. Take. Your. Meds. I don't care for the voices telling you to kill things.
You're my wife asleep behind me? That's weird. What are you making tomorrow for diner btw?
Evil dragon wants to eat existence, youre the chosen one prophesized to defeat him. Also there's a civil war.
What you are describing is called an "accident" and it is very different from intentionally harming your child.
You are right, it is an IQ test. If you simp for the hole, you failed it.
>Side with a cool Dragon that teaches you Dragon philosophy or be a bootlicker
Hmm, decisions, decisions.
No i am sandwiched between you and your wife. Also i am just buying some frozen pizza since i get too tired to cook after rape.
>"Doesn't know what a lifespan is"
>the dragonborn cant become a vampire or a lich because......... he just CANT OKAY?
Leftists are fucking retarded I swear to God.
its not far off at all, and you should worry.
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>schizo tranny probably on meds keeps telling people to take meds while strawmaning them about the very simple christian notion of sin and the banality of evil.
first dungeon I cleared because it was right in front of me and lucien asked me to help him.

>get into contact with Esbern,
nigga I am THE guildmaster of the thieves guild and can do whatever I want in my sewers.

>wouldn't find Cloud Ruler and Alduin's wall and the Dragonrend shout, and wouldn't get a ride to Sovngarde.

Literally right next to the road leading into markarth. I would've cleared that shit anyway because of the Japanese shit. Also, I found the elder scroll all by myself.

Nah, you don't need special skills to join police
>putting words in my mouth
>thinking the actual fucking dragonborn with 100 in all stats after a couple months won't come up with some ridiculous long life potion or spell
Other people can use shouts, the dragonborn and his 100 wis/int/etc could definitely teach others the dragon n-word. There is actually, genuinely, literally, objectively no threat once the dragonborn finishes the main quest.
Yes anyone can join but only the last soundborn is capable of using a sonic weapon without years of training.
>Vampire or Lich
>STILL doesn't understand what a lifespan is

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Paarthurnax-chan sexo
> I don't have urges to kill children
> But i genuinely have no thoughts about killing children

Schizos are so wild bro.
WHy do they project their evil unto others?
Prince of the dragons is throwing a tantrum again after like 5000 years, so king dragon creates another son to go punch in the face.
No, it's used fairly often, you don't need special abilities to use it.
Are there any mods that make the combat not poopoo. I wanna get into the game but its quite boring
get out delphine im piss
what if you live literally forever
>but muh kalpa
kill that bitch alduin every time he pulls up into mundus, what now nigguh
Okay, I'll bet you that in the next TES game, it will be confirmed the Dragonborn disappeared mysteriously with no mention of immortality, life-altering magic, or even teaching the dragon n-word to anybody whatsoever.
retard you are literally immortal if you become a vampire. If you're a troll, you are very good.

10/10 this has been fun.
You tell me. You've been the only aggressive one in this entire exchange
>first dungeon I cleared because it was right in front of me and lucien asked me to help him.
You would have sold it if Delphine didn't tell Farengar about it
>nigga I am THE guildmaster of the thieves guild and can do whatever I want in my sewers.
Masturbate all you want there, but you wouldn't even know who Esbern is
>Literally right next to the road leading into markarth. I would've cleared that shit anyway
And wouldn't know the significance of the wall
>in the next TES game
Its not about wanting to kill your child, its about your ability to kill your child, and its real easy to do. Leave your sunglasses in the house after putting your kid in the car, go looking for them for just a little too long, its that easy, kids bounce back but they are fragile and cannot take care of themselves, you need to honor that as their parent
The same thing will happen with Paarthunax lol
Your asking for sensible reasons to explain people that lack sense, it is a fool's errand. They behave how they behave because they are broken and should be institutionalized, but that moron Reagan decided mental asylums were mean and closed them all, so now we have to deal with them in society.
>What if
>But I
>What about

What if you weren't such a faggot? What do YOU think Parthurnaax would do in such a situation, moron?
If you become an evil vampire, you aren't going to stop Parthurnaax when he turns evil, dumbass. What a retarded defense. You completely forgot what the point of the immortality was.
jack off
>your ability to kill your child, and its real easy to do

Anon human being fragile human beings, especially baby, so you have to be careful with them, doesn't mean you have the urge to kill them.

And the fact that you even came here to tell me killing kids is easy... wow...

> you need to honor that as their parent

Are you seriously comparing an incompetent and irresponsible parent getting their child killed accidentally, to a parent that savagely beats their kid to death?

And btw, what if i'm neither of those types of parents?
See you keep making thils wild fantasies while wishing kids died. You're genuinely sick dude. Normal people don't come to 4chan to talk about how easy it is to kill babies...

Come on man, if there's one thing we should both be able to agree on, it's that Bethesda is absolute dogshit at maintaining lore integrity. It doesn't mean anything but the writers continue to suck shit at their jobs if something isn't there that should be.
what if you kill him to remove him competition?
If you are a vampire who feeds on humans it would be a good idea to stop a threat to humanity since if they fuck too much with humanity your food source is gone.
OP here, just wanted to remind everyone I'm trans btw
>You would have sold it if Delphine didn't tell Farengar about it

can't its a quest item.

>Masturbate all you want there, but you wouldn't even know who Esbern is

He's right next door and again I am litterally his landlord

>And wouldn't know the significance of the wall

I can literally get bend will from Solstheim which is just better than dragonrend in every way and get the info that way.

Delphine is the biggest time waster ever and her retarded goose choice is annoying.
Well true, but if we're going to pull that card the Dragonborn is a retarded power fantasy supported by those writers being dogshit and all of you trying to exarcerbate it are being huge faggots who have no room to complain.
Im not the anon saying you want to kill your child, Im saying you have a capacity to do wrong, you are fully capable and plenty of people who thought they were incapable of it did. To deny your capacity to harm is to be unaware of your status as human
>start feeding on dragons
>find out their blood is like a delicacy
>end up with dragons chained up in your vampire dungeon
seems like a good deal
we are all gonna beat the game brah
Vampires don't have to be evil, and you can become one even if you side with the dawnguard.
He isn't any more of a threat to humanity than you are in that case.
i side with paathurnax because i can't be pursued by an aroused delphine and delphine can't fly down from the sky and rape me at random. simple as
Skyrim isn't interesting or appealing enough to warrant a thread about feigning to care about some contrived details, I fucking hate this normalnigger biard

Nord religion was much cooler before Bethesda decided to heavily Imperialize it in Skyrim. Not that showing how one culture exerts its influence on another isn’t interesting a concept, but they don’t really show just much it change or if it changed at all. In fact they had a great opportunity with the Civil War back drop to show the differences between a Skyrim under heavy Imperial influence versus one that is trying to maintain its old culture. Instead through they’re basically the same boring faction with only difference being “muh Talos” and one is slightly more racist than the other
>get slapped
>Get bitten
>Get disobeyed
>Get thrown hard af toys in your face
>Flushes down your car keys
>Throws your food in your face
>Will not shut up, ever
>Does tantrums in public places
I'm usually a cool stress free guy, but I'll admit I got angry more than once at my kids. Love the buggers but they can really get under your skin. I usually go for a drive when things get bad, cool my mind. Wife goes for a walk. It works but we need to know our limits. I agree with the anons talking about being careful.
Also fuck trannies.
>he doesn't get to the cloud district often
>To deny your capacity to harm

Nobody, and i repeat, nobody is saying you can't accidentally step on an ant and kill it.
We're saying people who are born good, unlike dragons, don't have EVIL URGES. We are not fantasizing about murder and stuff. We don't see a granny in the street and our mind shouts "PUSH HER IN FRONT OF A FUCKING CAAARRRR"
Delete dudes who have no game from the board
>what if
>what about
>How about

Hey retard, that defeats the premise of why siding with Parthuurnax is superior. If you're a fucking evil guy why not get him out of the way to begin with?
ok well, nigger.
*fucking kills you with nword*
Yeah but one thing is a vampire lord feeding on people every once in a while in Skyrim(Which does not even kill them), another thing is a dragon tyrant destroying and conquering the whole world
>We're saying people who are born good, unlike dragons, don't have EVIL URGES
Literal fan fiction. No person is above sin, that you even make this point makes you look mentally unwell.
Yes they do, retard. They're souless monsters.
Go home Isran you're drunk.
Then what is the thing that the dragonborn sucks out?
Half of you niggers go on about becoming the next Emperor, you'd be doing the same shit you retard.

I literally don't. If you do then you should be killed anon.

What you're doing is classic projection, it must bother you so mad how lonely you are in your evil mind that you try to pretend everyone else is a monster like you.

I hope you're killed soon before you hurt someone.
>will not shut up ever
fuck dude.
>trying to take my morning shit
>dad, uhmmm, did I tell you about [the entire story of Peter Pan]
>Thats awesome, thanks for sharing! Im poopin so just give me a sec
>okay great and also [tells her own "unique" story that is just Peter Pan but shes Tinkerbell]
>meanwhile my toes are curling while Im trying to shit
Molag Bal's occult semen.
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>he fantasizes about killing children or similar
What the fuck man, you are not normal, you're not even /v/ normal. Schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist ASAP before you actually act on your fucked urges.
Yeah but i am not half of our niggers, personally i would fuck off to some cave and build some library if i was an immortal vampire. I would always avoid conflict since if someone manages to kill me i would go to Molag's rape dimension.
>He's right next door and again I am litterally his landlord
So? You wouldn't know you need him, you idiot. Kek
>I don't have evil urges
>You should be killed
Kek, nice bait, tranny. This was fun. Now go dilate with your boyfriend
He hasn't been evil for thousands of years and even when dragons ruled skyrim they didn't exterminate their subjects.
They were just assholes.
You go drunk you're home snowback
Im curious what moral standard you even follow. You believe yourself incapable of evil, yet you have an idea of what evil is....Typically you need some sort of belief in a moral law giver to understand the betrayal of a moral law, but the most popular moral law givers understand that all men are imperfect and wrestle with evil. So whats your doctrine at work here?
Unfortunately you wouldn't, because your dragon nature drives you to dominate.
> HA! you're an hypocrite for wanting to kill me because i'm an evil monster talking about how i have urges to kill children in 4chan

I genuinely hope someone doxed and kills you, no kidding. You're genuinely a menace for society and i pray no kid is ever hurt by you. As soon as my kid gets older i'm gonna teach him how to use a gun to defend himself from mentally ill evil freaks like you.

Now that i think about it: Where dragons a localized threat of Skyrim or where they at rest of the continent too? I wonder what the Daedra thought about dragons. Imagine the oblivion crisis happening while they where still around.
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I don't side with either, I turn off the main quest and just go on cool sexy knight adventures where I save damsels and have sex with them.
>doubling down on the doxing and killing
welp, shows over I guess, at least were mask off now
>dragon nature drives you to dominate
I would pwn noobs in CoD
Honestly you don't now that I think about it.

Bend will makes needing him pointless because I can just ask a dragon to tell me everything I need to know, and I can just use my blood to open the door anyway if I want some weeb armor.
I do not think a vampire have a dragon nature.
/v/ is a pro-Imperial board.
Before or after you rape him? Just by curiosity.
Then the Dragonborn wouldn't be able to absorb souls after getting BAL'D
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>but the most popular moral law givers understand that all men are imperfect and wrestle with evil.

If you wrestle with evil then you genuinely should be put down. You're LITERALLY not different from a pedophile "resisting the urge to rape kids" or a violent psychopath.

You're this type of person. I am 100% you must be black too. The fact that you see a child and you think you should "wrestle with evil" against him is beyond disturbing.
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Who cares? The snow elves are gone, there is nothing moral left in the fantasy world of tamriel.
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Removing the active, admitted threat of someone wanting to abuse children is a morally good choice, in spite of his bellicose manner in relaying it, he is correct.
>killing is okay when [cope hyperbolic hypothetical]
this is exactly the kind of evil you are capable of that you should be afraid of.
.......just fucking kidding i meant Telvanni
I require images showing proof this is the case.
You can fantasize all you want, but what happens in the game is that Delphine sets things in motion.
Dude he's right you come off unhinged with this defense. I personally don't think you're evil tho, you just come off like one of those
"If I could take 2 million dollars or a book about how to make 2 million dollars real ones know" type idiots.
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> Some people are ugly, some people are attractive

Sure, i can understand that

> Some people are tall, some people are short

Why of course!

> Some people are black, some people are white


> Some people are smart, some people are dumb

Uhhh duh!?

> Some people are good, some people are evil

yes because they needed to pan out the run time. The point is that when you take the dlc's into consideration she becomes incredibly obsolete.
at the end of the day one person supports killing another person, and the other is worried about the evil they could commit. Ill side with the latter
Who are you even quoting?

There is no way that families of these kinds of victims don't immediately become racist against subhuman niggers.
But you've admitted to wanting to harm children. If a man approached you and told you he was going to murder you in your sleep tonight, would you not act on that information? Should he really be allowed no consequence because it is only a hypothetical act currently? I think not.
Why would you be afraid of killing people who are provably, objectively evil (read: active pedophiles)? Pacifism is one of the most evil ideologies in human history.
why does paarthurnax have fifteen children with me then
>Greasy manlets with hooked noses and a racial bonus to finding and acquiring propping up a corrupt one-world government

Lol, no.
>Some people are mortal, some people are immortal
>Some people are white, some are black, some are blue
>Some people are made of flesh and blood, some are toasters
Just because you can put two concepts beside each other doesn't make it an argument. Everyone is capable of evil, there is no purely good person. Educate yourself.
Yeah see I just don't trust anybody being that reductive of context trying to tell me they're the good guy lol
No I didnt, this is an anonymous image board, and if you cant parse out that different people are taking part in this conversation thats your fault.
calling someone a pedophile does not magically make them a pedophile, and you are coping to justify the evil act of killing someone behind a morally virtuous cope. The guy a few rungs up went from "Im incapable of any evil" to "I hope you are made to feel unsafe and killed" because of.....words on the internet.
Kek yeah you wouldn't need ANYONE if you had meta knowledge.

Just give a wedgie to the first dragon you meet and tell him to drive you to sovngarde so you can shout at Alduin with those ancient homies.
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>>There is no way that families of these kinds of victims don't immediately become racist against subhuman niggers.

There is. The father of the girl killed by her immigrant boyfriend literally went on rants about how people should stop being racist and blaming immigrants and had a meltdown talking about how he loved immigrants because they make tacos.
honestly now that I think about it you can neatly mix dawngaurd into the mq/dragonborn if you were to merge them all together.

Like move the vampires and danwguard conflict into black reach. Including the vampire castle and soul cairn portal so that you can easily go there to grab the other two elder scrolls after picking side.

Then move the snow elf stuff to Solstheim so you can get auri-el's bow while dealing with miraak too. Then deal with alduin at the end.
You can teach a someone what is good and what is bad, you can’t really teach someone how to be tall
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>pretending to not be the same person
Really? That's just sad. We were having a nice, civilized discussion on how you being exterminated is morally justified and you had to go and ruin it. Oh well.
>Everyone is capable of evil, there is no purely good person. Educate yourself.

Dragon lore literally tells you that they have to constantly resist the urge to kill people, enslave them and destroy the world.

It's akin to a pedophile having to resist the urge to rape a child when they see one.

When you see children do you want to murder them anon? And are you struggling against that vile thought of yours?
wtf was their armor made out of?
It's not even meta knowledge. Like you find out about miraak immediately after becoming dragonborn so the intuitive thing to do after dealing with him is to use bend well on dragons whenever you need answers.
Were you under the impression that the same one guy was replying to the same one post 3-4 times in a row?
>The guy a few rungs up went from "Im incapable of any evil" to "I hope you are made to feel unsafe and killed" because of.....words on the internet.

You accused me and everyone else in the world of wanting to murder children. You said everyone has those urges because we're all evil. You projected you resisting those urges on all of us.

Me telling you that someone as evil as you, who clearly admits wanting to murder children and even projects and says "it's normal, everyone wants to do it" is not unreasonable.

Evil people, like you, should be killed, for children to SURVIVE.
It's labeled as ivory whenever you try to make bodysides.
Oh are we back to dragons? Done with your good/evil people fantasy?
There's only been one person replying to mine. If you weren't the person I was having a discussion with, you should have stayed out of it.
Please link to the post that said anything about murder. Pretty sure you'll just find your own post, but please, link it.

No anon. Being good or evil is not taught.

Some people are evil and want to murder, hurt, rape, etc.
Some people are good and simply do not have those urges.

There are people who literally see whites in the street and they want to murder them, stab them, rob them, etc.
There are people who see blacks in the street and just keep walking or at best feel a bit of fear and intimidation.

Some people are evil.
Some races like Dragons and Blacks are evil.
Evil people should be killed so good races can survive.
You dont even have a moral framework that supports evil so your posturing is useless.
God defines evil and God says man wrestles with evil constantly.
If you dont agree to that statement you follow nothing more than subjective preference
The main character of skyrim is a dragon tho. Why the f would anyone side with a group that wants to kill all dragons?
dragons look kinda snakey, for that I vote KILL EM ALL
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>The main character of skyrim is a dragon tho.

Are you stupid?
Based monke
>born of a dragon
>not a dragon
are you?
It's been fun shitposting with you anon. Thank you for the funny bait.
What part of dragon born or dragon blooded did you not get?
All of His creation are capable of evil. Some embrace it, like those you quote and yourself for demanding the murder of others, and some try to strive for good despite their evil nature and try ti overcome it. The denial of the evil within yourself is all it takes for you to be comsumed by it.


You know, evil people should be killed, BUT STUPID PEOPLE should be killed too.
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>born of a woman
>not a woman
>have the soul of a dragon
>not a dragon
are you?
thanks, but came to see this but with tits
You have dragons blood anon so siding with delphine unironically makes you an uncle tom.
>"his" mom is a girl
Or maybe I believe in his ability to to overcome the domineering nature of dragons, and to lead what remains of his kind to do the same.
And if not I'll go find him and correct that.
>yourself for demanding the murder of others

Of course a literal incel who admits he wants to kill children tries to play moralist.
> Why yes i have no morals and i talk about killing children non chalantly but if you want to kill me YOU'RE EVIL! HA!
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>unironically makes you an uncle tom.

Yes anon and killing all your fellow dragons makes you another inner city statistic.
>niggerbrained dragons who attack you because they.....idk, saw you or something
>Still hasn't linked to the post he claims called for the murder of kids
>And never will because his arguments are as empty as the wound between his legs.
>tacitly admits he could be outmuscled by a toddler
I could suplex a toddler through a glass coffee table, I would never, but I know I can.
>older brother wanting to have fun with his newborn baby bro is le evil and shit
Worst case scenerio you just would've gone back to heaven and papa dragon would've given you a new body.

Fucking snowflakes can't handle bantz lmao
Chadblivion >>> Grayrim >>> Morroshit
Also, true.
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>I could suplex a toddler through a glass coffee table, I would never, but I know I can.
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>Paarthurnax ALWAYS wanted to take Alduin's place and by not killing him and killing Alduin you gave him exactly what he wanted.
Good fuck Alduin and the horse he rode in on, why do I care who's kang of the lizards as long as it's not some nigga called the world eater?
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> I never would but i'm constantly thikning about brutally smashing and killing toddlers
I just use a mod to kill Delphine and work with Esbern instead
Id fuck that baby up, Id nunjuk him into the stratosphere, if I HAD TO. but instead Id mash up some bananas and sweet potatoes and pretend my spoon is an airplane cuz I bet he likes that
Only Delphine I recognize is Belle brother
Based. Now imagine that toddler having disobeyed you every day for the past two years, has thrown shit in your face every day, thrown tantrums, haven't let you had a single SHIT in peace for years to a point where going to work feels like a vacation, and now the little shit just broke your dead fathercs watch and he's grinning in your face even though he knows you're mad.
Is it *impossible* that you might do something bad in that moment when you're seeing pure black?
ok ok joking aside are we all in agreement that the entire delphine/blades sub plot is total padding, and the game desperately needed an option to sell them out to the thalmor?
incels will side with an evil monster that will kill and enslaved all humanity because women won't fuck them
I dont think Im the guy you want. Ive had my son jam his fist into my mouth and punch me repeatedly, Ive definitely fought a demon or two, but hes just a little guy not yet oriented to the world, so I put him in his room for 5 minutes and drop a prayer for patience. Were on the same side here pretty sure. When Im on hour 5 of my kid screaming because he....wants snacks and not breakfast(see: now lunch) Ive been in the pit, I may not have responded in the ideal way a perfect parent would, but Ive never seriously hurt him. Itd be a lie to say Ive never hurt him, Im a spanker when it comes to direct defiance
Yes but mostly because joining the Thalmor would be based
for me it's because I don't like the blades.
What do serana fags have to do with parth?
>The Delphine vs Paarthurnax choice is an I-

How does this place manage to have the worst fucking takes on EVERYTHING all the time?

You think most players didn't already think of all the shit you're spewing the first time, fucker?

No, the simple truth of the matter is Delphine is a cunt, nothing more, nothing less.
yeah it is an IQ test
if you didn't quit skyrim in disgust before getting to that point you're fucking retarded
>My shit time management
>My lack of resources to compartmentalize care
>My inability to organize and secure the things I love

I'd have to be a substantially worse person than I am to even enter this situation with my kids to begin with. Good people don't out themselves in bad situations through laziness or indolence. They definitely don't take all of their shit out on some kid just because they aren't taking care of their lives properly.
>just had a whole game where the dragons are an existential threat
>the one who helps you admits that ADIDAS (all day I dream about Sfucking killing all humans)
>ehrmm I side with the dragons
>couldnt be me
>t. the guy lashing out at strangers on /v/
Nice strawman. Did you make it yourself?
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i'mma be real wit u
i never played this retarded story past the grey beard section LOL
sorry it was just so fucking boring, and being the dragon born is lame shit
Congratulations, you passed the IQ test!
>siding with your own kind is le smart thing to do
Honestly, I only beat to get the storm shout in the last dungeon. Lighting storms are cool.
I don't betray my allies, simple as that. Go back to the imperial city if you want to be an underhanded conniving little shit
Well you wouldn't even need the bend will shout, like I said. Just trap a dragon and make it spill the beans
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There is still one woman in the equation to side against.
I didn't lash out at anybody though?
>not muh heckin slaves, he murdered people who haven't existed in centuries he's a big meanie!
Who's acting on emotion?
>Delphine is a cunt, nothing more, nothing less.
>The Blades only continue to exist as some fringe warrior/spy cult awaiting the coming of the next dragonborn
>The next dragonborn comes
>Drag your heels and throw a shitfit every second you see him
This bitch has literally only ever existed for this moment. Ever since patrick stewart got got in the tutorial sewers of the imperial city, the Blades waited for either (A) a new dragonblooded chad to lead them or (B) new dragons to slay.
Bitch got both in her lifetime and had to steal a horn and force me into a filler dragon fight just because bethesda had to pad for time.
There's no guarantee they aren't lying without it, I guess.
I meant eyelashing,
I saw you bat those lashes at me
She's a woman. She's just pissed she didn't get to be the dragonborn herself, selfish bitch.
Funny how nobody ever brings up the bad shit the Blades used to do. Why not kill Delphine? Clearly she deserves it
>Dragonborn, you are obligated to trust me even though I refused to trust you at first
>We (you) must infiltrate the Thalmor embassy
>Go fetch me Esbern. It’s the least you can do after failing to find any irrefutable evidence that the Thalmor is behind this
>Sky Haven temple belongs to the Blades now. Despite the fact it’s literally your blood that opens the front door
>Go ask the Greybeards to teach you dragonrend. Just remember to ignore everything else they say because they are a cult
>Kill Paarthurnax. You are banned from Sky Haven and everything you stored here is ours until you do
Delphine is the manipulative one. Trying to groom the dragonborn automatically makes her the villain
Humans have done orders of magnitude more killing than Dragons over the years. Why should I care?
Well interrogate 10 dragons and see if their story matches
The Blades are supposed to be dragon slayers, Delphine shall slay Paarthurnax herself. She hasn't even proven she can kill a dragon, while I've killed at least two.
What good are the Blades to me if they can't do it?
Paarthurnax is the only possible way to continuously prevent the end of the world.
>oh but after XXX years, the Last Dragonborn dies and Pantyraid can rule the world!!!!!
Yeah, and guess what: Alduin is an inevitability. You don't eat his soul, it returns to Akatosh and will reform in the future to once again try to consume the world. There will ALWAYS be the threat of an apocalyptic Dragon Crisis happening again, as it can never truly be stopped, but even without a Dragonborn, Alduin can be temporarily slain, sealed, or exiled by anyone who knows the Voice and either learns or creates Dragonrend.

It makes sparing him the only logical choice. If he continues to side with humanity, then he's one of the few hopes they'd have to fight off Alduin once again, and so on and so forth until he eventually wins and eats the world. If he sides with the dragons, then there was basically no hope anyways, and it's the End that was always awaiting all things. The End exists without Pantyraid, and as such can't be prevented by killing him, so all it does is assure he can't provide one of the few chances for the mortal races to continue surviving.
Is it not manipulative to use him to obtain power before killing him?
The dragonstone played no importance whatsoever. It was just a fetch quest while you were waiting for a dragon to attack the watchtower. Esbern and Alduin’s wall was also not important, the Greybeards would eventually have sent you Paarthurnax
>he killed people
Bitch, I killed people
>he'll kill everyone
I am of his blood. I should be helping him rather than you sub-divine losers
Why would I help the people who are assholes to me? Why would I help the people who tried to kill me?
lmao why the fuck would i take orders from a post-menopausal woman?
belle delphine
>wake up, Paarthunax-chan
>I need your help to trap a human jarl in your castle
I killed Parthurnaax
But not because the Blades told me to

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