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This forgotten game is a flop
FF7 redditbirth is horseshit and it flopped
good, they deserve it for censoring Tifa.
Get woke go broke.
Still no official sales numbers?
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>Remake released on PS4, a system everyone has
>16 and Rebirth released on PS5, a system no one has
>having any expectations whatsoever for fucking Foamstars in the first place
Shouldn't have censored Tifa. No sympathy.
Expectations doesn't = Breaking even.
They could have expected FF7rebirth to do CoD numbers like Capcom expected their franchises to do back in the. Even though the games profited for Capcom it didn't reach their "expectations".
Whether or not the game flopped is up to whatever the fuck the the games actually development cost and money gained is. Not meeting "expectations" doesn't necessarily mean the game flopped. Until we have some actual numbers. It's all speculation.
FF7 Rebirth sucks
Deal with it
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"Did not meet expectations" isn't the same as "Flop"
Squinix is notorious for ridiculous, unreasonable expectations. It's a main reason why they had to completely reevaluate their release strategies and dumbass exclusivity deals just recently.
Rebirth actually did fair by other metrics, especially considering it's limited release. Once it's finally released on PC it'll probably get a big boost too.
Of course you're just here to spread negativity about a game you probably didn't even play, so I don't expect to change your mind. But the fewer people that believe your nonsense the less annoying these boards will be. If I can sway even one person away from your bullshit then I've already done my part.
Still no PC version. I remember they saying that the exclusivity was only for 3 months
My dude, Sony is desperate. They have no games.
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>a system no one has
50mi units. The problem is that the majority Sony players only play FIFA, COD and Fortnite. I remember reading a document that stated that Sony players buy less than 2 games A YEAR.
Foamstars released?
Only SquareEnix can take a game so highly regarded it still makes top 5, if not #1 in basically every "Best game ever" list and remake it so fucking bad that no one wants to play it.

>Chinky-san our franchise is dying because all our modern games have the most doghshit gameplay ever designed. What shall we do?
>Step aside Wasabi, I have a plan. We'll take one of our greatest successes ever and we will turn it into the dogshit gameplay no one likes!
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Sony's not the publisher and the contract time is up, they have no more control over the releases anymore. Granted Squinix can finagle a way to extended it again like they did for the first game for TWO FUCKING YEARS, but considering they're own troubles lately and refocusing to the point of announcing no more exclusive releases, they're probably not going to this time.
They delay is probably just delayed from that shift... or just mismanagement or incompetence, though I'm hoping just the former...
>tifa censored
>aerith still cannot be saved because square said no...even if you manage to save her...
>playstation exclusivity
>splitting one full price game into 3
Yeah cant think of why this hasnt sold more
That's what they get for being ps exclusive
it's also a shit game
>fall for censorship
>people refuse to buy it
>get fucked
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still getting a part 3 despite the schizos who seethe at it everyday of their lives.

Still not buying it no matter how hard you shill for censored shit :)
Definitely less than 3 million.
>call the game remake
>it isn't a faithful remake like everyone wanted
>no one cares for a bastardization of a classic and it fails
how could any company fuck up a layup this fucking easy is truly astounding
I didn't buy it because I heard everyone talking about dog multiverses and it gave me major Reddit vibes.
>same threads
>Same posts
>Over and over
Nintendo bots are so repetitive
>forgotten game
>lives rent free in /v/'s head
I haven't even bought any FF7 game, but I find this hilarious.
Ugly art = Ugly game = Do not buy
the audacity to take a beloved story and stretch it out into three meaninglessly bloated parts just to satisfy the desires of fucking coomers and waifu/husbando niggers is embarrassing
i dont care about your Korean Barbies and Kens doing le heckin wholesome japanese "character development", I want my fucking four niggas in a row gameplay, and I don't need a bunch of soulless "content" injected in and all the actual retro soul sucked out
tldr bad game for anime addict paypigs
FF7 was a technological leap from sprites to full 3d
Remake just looks pretty and didn't accomplish any technological milestone
FF7 was technological and culturally significant while the remake is just a failed cash grab... but a good source for porn
FF7 Rebirth is the biggest Final Fantasy flop for Square Enix to date
Something like 30 million of those are in cartel or triad garages and have never connected to PSN
They don't start working on a pc port until the game comes out, or possibly later
ESL thread
I'm playing the first one and everything is such a fucking slog man shit. How could they not make a proper character action game so poorly. They even got the guy from DMCV on 16 and I just couldn't force myself to schlep through it. I have a normie friend who absolutely loves every time wasting side mission of picking up 5 x to turn in for one phoenix down or hi ether or whatever the fuck it is but he's been on a yakuza binge so I guess it's right up his alley.

I really liked FF7 but everytime I get some fucking flavor text or can't proceed because they want me to see some garbage set piece I'm just thinking
>oh man remember that really cool JRPG yeah man sorta wish I was playing that right now
and the combat god fucking dammit nothing feels like a bigger waste of time than the combat I'm hoping once I level up some materia it will be a little more engaging than press square fill bar and use skill I know it wont
What? I had to google this shit lol
>spilt a jrpg into 3 games
>levels reset each time
game wasn't even dead on arrival, dead at conception
The story was too wacky and silly XD for me to enjoy.
Nobody has a PS5.
>be not turnbased
>be flopped and forgotten
the only reason im keeping my ps5 is til my brother comes back from deployment and can play god of war, hes a massive nerd about the series
other than that having a hacked handheld and pc is everything you need these days
The final blow will be this game losing GOTY to a DLC. An utter embarrassment for the entire franchise
>Undersold every FF
>Undersold one of the worst games on /v/, Itsuno's Flopma 2
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like a faggot 8 got raped by stellar blade while launching on 5 platforms lol
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I don't feel compelled to buy videogames right now.
I'd get Shadows of the Erdtree but I just don't feel like it.
Should have been turnBASED.
Final Faggottry 7 Redditbirth sucks
Yet it mogged every game released this year. Especially the shitty menu simulators.
This. Nintendo is better.
How am I suppose to forget this game when you make this thread every week?
good call
I doesn't get better. And it's way too easy. Then you fight the time jannies and it's over.
God of War sucks and your brother is retarded for risking his life for jews
No it didn't
You can get a ballpark figure from the investors conference call if you give a fuck. I didn't.

Their doing a MAJOR restructuring of their overseas units. This may affect who they have available to work on it.

Are you satisfied with the quality of the remake? not even trolling.
Look the schizo faggot that SPAM 15 ff7 thread every day
I mean, to the surprise of noone.
Nevermind even the game itself. Whoever decided to name it that should've been fired just for that decision alone.
Yeah, I bet they're feeling real confident about its prospects
Confident to have a objective flop with ff7 redditbirth
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For a PS5 exclusive that wasn't bundled with the console, it has actually sold really well considering.
I really wish they would pour their resources into creating new and exciting games instead of remakes of old final faggotry titles.
It's became it is a shit game
How can one post be so controversial yet so true?

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