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The Wayward Realms is a Daggerfall spiritual successor made by ~40 people led by 2 main Daggerfall devs with the same composer

>Dungeons/cities proc gen each wall/floor/item placement, no premade rooms/houses (except landmarks). Huge Labyrinth dungeons are rare
>Realistically scaled cities that grow/deteriorate and can be destroyed by wars you influence with factions
>Biomes: forests/mountains/swamps/marshes/plains/deserts. Landscapes change with seasons. 1:1 time scale
>Daggerfall was UK sized (209,331 km2), this is Spain sized (500,000 km2) and split into 100+ islands

>A Virtual Dungeon Master LLM wil proc gen 5 act quests based on how you play. No 1 act fetch/kill quests. Some handcrafted quests
>Every adult NPC can die, give quests, and become important characters. Romance is TBD but there are brothels/nudity
>You're not special. There's no main quest. World Events happen over time that you can influence/ignore

>You're an adventurer: No crafting weapons/armor, leading factions, or working jobs/gardening
>Race attribute bonus: strength/ogre, intelligence/cambion, speed/goblin, dexterity/dwarf, perception/elf, charisma/fey, endurance/ork, willpower/human
>Race mechanics example: Cambions can't wear helmets, but can climb at more angles, and have a charge attack
>Choose from ~30 skills, level skills by using them (which raises attribute levels), no character level, no enemy scaling
>Magic is rare: No buying spells, you get spell parts to craft spells by dungeon delving

>All devs have been unpaid since 2019. Core devs (programmers, 3d modelers, etc.) will be paid to work after the kickstarter
>The money funds 1 year of development for an Early Access build on a 140 km2 starter island coming late 2025. They'll then seek publishers
>If no stretch goals are met those features will still be in the full game. Meeting the goals puts them in the Early Access build
the virtual game master isn't an llm but the rest of that sounds right to me. the question is if they can do it or if they are just idea guys
it's all well and good to have a game sound good on paper but kickstarter has seen numerous projects like this come and go. its funded to the goal so best of luck but i'll believe it when i see it.
holy fuck stop spamming I want to like this game but you're making it increasingly difficult
now is the time to promote the game while the kickstarter is live. I want this game finished already and I'm sure you degens have some money to throw around
>I want this game finished already
its funded, now you wait a year. pumping more money into them will just make another valheim where you get 1/3rd of the game and the devs will just start blowing the money on bullshit and take ages to make the rest and make it badly. you have to keep any crowdfunded/ea devs at the brink or else they lose sight.
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No, this is a unique case because of how they are all currently unpaid volunteers. Pumping more money into the kickstarter means more people on the team are able to get paid to work.
>hire more people
>game gets worse
again, valheim. learn from it.
Take a look at what 500k actually funds. Hint: it's only 2 races, 1 tiny island, 1 world event, and so on and so on. it's a vertical slice of the game, not the full game.
Their 2 million stretch goal doesn't even get them close to all that stuff I wrote in the opening post. They will need to get ~10 mil from publishers to finish the full game.
And they wouldn't be hiring people from outside the team (a lot of them anyway), they'd just be paying the people already working in their free time on the game.
>There's no main quest
As if I didn't have a reason to donate, now I do.
Looks bad. Would play it if and only if it came out for a nintendo console. I do not care to give gayben money anymore but I also don't care to pirate the game. These are my terms. Otherwise buy an ad faggots
I get that I can play as an elf but will I have a shader to make me dark elf? And will everyone be a racist? I need this to be lore accurate.
The way elves work in this game is that they are all born as twins. One of them is a dark elf and the other is a light elf. They are split up when they are born to live with their own kind. and they have different racial abilities (I think light elves get better vision in the dark, don't know what dark elves get). also, you can come across your twin in the game if you play as an elf
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You probably notice that every building/dungeon wall has 90 degree angles in the pre-alpha footage.
Theirplan is to add in curved assets/slopes/other angles but they want to get the system working properly for basic 90 degree stuff first.

here's concept art of the kind of buildings they'll want to include later. it's in the golbin area of the map
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another, one of the capital cities. I imagine this will be a handcrafted landmark location and not proc gen
if theres 100% goblin gf then i would donate
let me fix this for you:

>procedurally generated bullshit
>huge empty fields
>repetitive barren cities

>procedurally generated bullshit
>can't kill kids or be racist
>no main quest because that would require actually making content for hte game

>no crafting, leading factions, or working because that would actually require making content for the game
>no leveling up because they can't be bothered balancing the game
>magic rare because they don't want to make a lot of spells

>literally says all you get is an early access from this
>literally says the amount of money they get won't change their plans for the game. no point to donate
That extra stuff is only for Early Access. They 100% should've communicated it better on their kickstarter, but in their Discord server multiple developers have stated that all of the content will be in the game when it's fully released. The extra stretch goals only get you the content sooner.
I know and agree it was communicated poorly, read last line of the opening thread post

you can start gooning now
you don't even like video games do you
>no enemy scaling
something people pretend to like but actually don't because it means most of the map becomes pointless to go to
Cool. Can't wait to play it in 2030.
me too
AI could have drawn properly proportioned humans, just saying
is your dick properly proportioned, just curious
pics or gtfo
that city will never be in the game and you know it
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yeah because those have a tendency of going well
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>500,000 km2
>Realistically scaled cities
>A Virtual Dungeon Master LLM will proc gen 5 act quests
>Landscapes change with seasons
how do people buy this load of horse shit. none of this is possible with today's tech
I'm glad it got funded, because it's an interesting project. Exciting to see how it turns out.
No wolf/fox girls no buy simple as.
It's possible but it won't be engaging.
good, no furries in this community. they won't make the same mistake again
If the add a race of Amazonian like Wolf women I'd help funding
cool art, but the game looks like a shit asset flip. what's the cope for that?
no way fag
literally no one cares
I personally hope they use AI to generate as many textures as possible instead of paying fags to make gay shit that ends up looking like avowed or something
they haven't been able to afford getting 3d modelers to work. also the game is pre-alpha so expecting it to look good at htis point is asking for too much
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surely the game will start to look good once they get a few million more dollars
>I personally hope they use AI to generate as many textures as possible
so these are the type of people looking forward to this game
Exacly, now consoleniggers can fuck off to their next AAA goyslop knowing they won't miss anything
>The Wayward Realms
it's so over Archipelabros...
I was gonna donate 40 bucks to this kickstarter but after reading this 4 year old article written by a distruntled youtube marketer I think I'll donate 90.
>boobs get smaller as the bodies get bigger, except for goblins
what did they mean by this?
Is this what happens when you learn to draw without a single anatomy lesson?
Got a demo?
The pathetic and hardcore Bugthesda fanboys are already trying to denigrate and downplay this game as they have done with so many others?
I hope it's really good, because I have zero hope that TES will ever be good again.
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>their writer who came up with most of the dwarf lore for the game died last year
>they are honoring his memory by turning him into mythical/legendary king of the dwarfs in the lore

post receipts
that would be $45,50+tip
Holy tribalism retard
It couldn't possibly be because they're a bunch of boomers with no experience making games for over 20 years and the project got exposed years ago? It couldn't also be that it's built around randomization and procedural generation like Daggerfall but people are entirely sick of that thanks to radiant quests?
Seriously, when I saw this guy in their vid I legitimately thought they were pulling a joke.
I'm still sceptical.
>shoes stolen
It means nigger
Buy an ad.
This sounds like a recipe for disaster.
that guy is white or hispanic bro
His character isn't
no shit, his character is a dwarf
You seem rather obsessed by this. You wouldn't happen to be a dev on this would you?
>proven wrong
>umm, you sound obsessed sweetie
lmao even
>multiplayer put in the final stretch goal tier
I sleep. Open world RPG sloppa just isn't interesting solo anymore, and co-op is a nightmare to implement after the fact--even if they say it's all intended to be in eventually, the fact that it's dumped into the bottom casts serious doubts on giving it the continued, conscious effort it needs to be. It's not too hard if you start with it in mind for how you design the underlying systems from the beginning, but doing so later on is nigh-impossible.
But enough of Bugthesda, sar.
>proven wrong
Looks like a black dude in that art. You've proven nothing.
And you're still seething about a joke.
you seem to think the stretch goals include everything planned for the game, as if co-op would be the last thing they have to do. but it's not, most of the game is not included in that list of goals
something isn't right. this game is going to suck, I can feel it. don't fall for the kickstarter scam.
co-op isn't what you have in mind. it's drop-in style. one person hosts and other people come in but don't save progress or take anything back with them to their own solo playthrough
co-op isn't meant to be balanced either. they are only balancing for single player
>you seem to think the stretch goals include everything planned for the game
Cuz that's what OP said ya dink. Take it up with him instead.
You don't know what I have in mind. Concerns about balance or quest design or anything else being affected by other players is secondary (and I've always been a proponent of "at least give a henchman system" like what you describe). The primary concern is just getting it properly networked and synced on a moment-to-moment level, and that's a bitch to implement after the fact.
>Cuz that's what OP said ya dink. Take it up with him instead.
I'm op, read what I said here >>680481834
I'm OP, read what I said here: 8=====================D
I'm op, would you mind sharing a picture of your penis with me?
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good job op! you got them -$735!!!
This game is never getting made. Glad the pre-alpha got funded or whatever so people finally are able to let go of their hopes.
go to bed todd
>we're making a revolutionary game
>we just need some crowdfunding
When will people learn?
they aren't just asking for crowdfunding. they're looking for publishers and think having an EA build makes them more attractive to publishers
>Romance is TBD
This is the most Reddit shit a game can have, even more so than crafting
I would expect better work from unpaid volunteers.
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apparently the romance system that might be in the game wasn't inspired by other games
y-you can be a goblin?
Buy an ad if you want to advertise. I'm being serious.
one thing this doesn't mention is that races are split into large/medium/small sizes for amor. armor for a goblin won't work for an ogre and vis versa
That's pretty cool
>don't talk about video games on the video game board
>no premade rooms/houses
So why would I ever play this ?
He's just being realistic. Daggerfall also sounds amazing in a pitch, but in practice is mostly a curiosity most people don't finish
if you ever played daggerfall you'd know that seeing the same house or dungeon room over and over again gets boring really fast
they did a video on how stuff generates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71dQ60Kg76M
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also keep this in mind when you watch
Daggerfall WAS amazing when it came out, but I say this as someone who actually likes video games. Still I admit that doesn't mean Wayward Isles will blow me away at age 43 the way Daggerfall did at 16. I'll just have to see.
Crowdfunding has always been just marketing for large projects. It's more worrying if they don't have a publisher lined up before the campaign. Since many publishers require you to run a successful KS if you're unproven just so they get proof you can run a project and handle basic pr
I doubt you were alive back then. It was a marketing gimmick that got press and people to think procgen was the next big thing for gaming, but morrowind exists because everyone agreed it was ultimately repetitive and not worth playing through after dicking in a few dungeons.
they said that the game has been in development for 5 years now and that it still isn't anywhere close to being at early access release state. this isn't very reassuring.
This looks like a scam
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because nobody has been paid to work on it yet. when the studio formed in 2019 it started off with just the original Daggerfall devs. they've built up a team of volunteers over the past 5 years and say they started making steady progress in 2022
>I doubt you were alive back then.
You'd best start believing in boomer boards, anon. You're on one.
Ultimately Morrowind is the better game, I agree, but the ambition of Daggerfall was impressive and I played the absolute shit out of it.
>he thinks it's ever going to be finished
You're being grifted by smoke and mirrors. They admit right in the Kickstarter that they just want enough funding to build the game to the point that a publisher will buy it.
What they have at the moment isn't even enough to attract a publisher.
I'd have loved to see a game that was basically more polished Daggerfall.
Todd loves cutting out what casuals don't like instead of designing a world around the skills given to players to fool around with.
Buy an ad
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more details on what the 5 act quest system is like
2 years of full development for whatever they presented isn't good. best case is that it releases 5 years down the line and worse case is it never releases.
it's hardly full development. again, nobody has gotten paid. they are working on the game in their free time when they want
So every bit of content is procgen? Got it, trash.
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more details on how the VGM tailors the quests to how you play
there are handcrafted world events, landmarks, and faction quests. but yes, the bulk of the content is proc gen, it is a daggerfall spiritual successor after all
Bro you can talk about whatever you want. But the OP of this thread is literally saying he's trying to promote this game which is functionally identical to advertising it.
having sex with someone is functionally identical to raping them
Fine then,
>don't promote games you like on the video game board
Is that more like what you're saying? It's still retarded.
this is the same exact approach kingdom come deliverance took and that was a success
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this thread needs some controversy
Kingdom Come didn't flop and flounder for 5 years with no progress.
There's no game. And the final product, if there ever is one, won't remotely resemble what you're being promised.
I don't think people will get upset with this unless all the trans characters are children which conveniently means players can't kill them
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I'll buy it if it comes out.
>not even close to hitting the stretch goals that would actually make the game deep and fun
read the last line of the post. that stuff will be coming in the form of updates no matter what
i'm going to need to actually see the VGM in action before I believe it's any good. No Man's Sky had a large amount of variables in how systems, planets and creatures were procedurally generated but it resulted in most people starting on dogshit ugly planets with Spore-like monstrosities spazzing about on the surface
That's been claimed quite often on vidya kickstarters and has never been true.
so this is a kickstarter for an early access game? I don't want to invest into this because I might not even alive by the time its 1.0 version actually releases.
I don't trust this. I won't back on a maybe and who knows what changes he publisher would mandate.
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they've already turned down publishers who wanted to change things. they don't seem like they want to sacrifice their vision at all
So it's literally nothing.
Anyone can generate a bunch of rectangular rooms procedurally. That takes no effort to make on ue5.
Doing the shit he listed is the actual effort you have to put it in so that it's fun and playable
I won't pay for your vision, make a good game and then and only then I will pirate it
it's almost like they need funding for that part
>kickstarter ends
>2 years go by
>sorry guys, we just couldn't find a publisher that sees what we see
>takes the money and runs
Didn't they already get like 6 million in funding somehow? Is that not enough for some shitty indie game?
Looks dope AF, OP. I just added it to my follows/wishlist on Steam.

no. the most they've mentioned is getting a grant from Epic due to contributing work to the Unreal engine. think those are like 25k
If I could make one request, please break boundaries. By that, I mean please don't subscribe to the rules of "horny safe" or the equivalent for violence. I want a game that is unpredictable, where anything could happen, that is as gruesome and horrific and as lustful as real life.
Sorry the last time I heard about project it was something about drama. Though it was before the gamepaly trailer. Because of ambitions and niche indie I don't have any hopes for such projects
>A Virtual Dungeon Master LLM wil proc gen 5 act quests based on how you play. No 1 act fetch/kill quests. Some handcrafted quests
>Every adult NPC can die, give quests, and become important characters. Romance is TBD but there are brothels/nudity
>You're not special. There's no main quest. World Events happen over time that you can influence/ignore
>You're an adventurer: No crafting weapons/armor, leading factions, or working jobs/gardening
>Choose from ~30 skills, level skills by using them (which raises attribute levels), no character level, no enemy scaling
Okay I'm interested. I'm still not going to donate because I have principles to uphold, but I'll keep tabs on this game.
Seems like a lot of autistic people are working on this, could be a good or bad thing.
We'll see. Publishers aren't the only ones I'm worried about. After Deadfire I'm very skeptical.
you can actually tell the devs this yourself. their steam forum has an ideas section where you can make suggestions and they claim to read it. also you can tell it to them directly in their discord ideas channel if you want but that can get lost in all the messages. if I had to guess, they'd turn down the ability to cut off limbs and have guts spils out for budget reasons
I feel this game will run like fucking shit, but yeah, looks cool.
>you can actually tell the devs this yourself.
I'm pretty sure he just did. Just admit you work for them already man we've been doing this song and dance for weeks now
Instead of generic 'romance' it'd be cool to have a whole ass player family faction system with relatives and whatnot.
This is the definition of 'fool me once'. How many times have 'legendary' developers showed up to Kickstart a totally legit callback to the good old days and produced garbage? From Underworld Ascension to Shroud of the Avatar to fucking Mighty Number 9 to Star Citizen. How are you still falling for this shit?
>You're an adventurer: No crafting weapons/armor, leading factions, or working jobs/gardening
Is this supposed to be a positive? One of my most fun modded skyrim playthroughs was roleplaying as a working blacksmith between adventures
They fooled me twice. It won't happen thrice. I'm done with that shit.
Hell, expanding on this: from the sounds of it the player won't have a significant presence in the world aside from being a murderhobo. That's a really weird route to take after people praised Daggerfall for it's sim elements.
Yes, it’s dumb how quickly you pick up trades in tes. And late game there’s no reason to go to blacksmiths because you’re better than them.
It's a weird trend I see people asking for.
>I just want to be a no name guy
>I don't want to be a hero just a stranger
I'll buy it on sale. On steam. If that matters. I'm a White wagie btw
the faction system is deeper and more apparent to the player in wayward realms. And act 5 to the vgm quests are about how the world reacts to your quest
Eh, it's part of gamifying it and I understand that. What'd be cool is if trades had special techniques you had to learn from masters around the world. Like imagine if you had to seek out someone to learn how to smelt steel. I think that'd be cool.
I think it's a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water in regards to Bethesda's decisions.
Is it dumb that you can lead every faction? Yeah, but if you're a warrior you should be able to rise in rank in the Fighter's Guild.
I don't know why people want to play a big ass immersive RPG and not have those kinds of ways to get involved with the world. That's half the fun of these games.
Also you can influence the world events
Okay, if they want to do that why do they have the weird dedication to life simulation elements for the player?

You'd think in a game with procedural randomization you could do a lot with that. Like if you're a tailor you could get a quest where someone keeps buying your armours to do more and more reckless things. Or there could be a rival blacksmith in whatever town you set up in and you have to compete with him.
You can rise up the ranks in factions. You just can’t lead them. They want you to explore, not lead. It’s retarded how after you become leader of factions in tes games that’s right when you leave and never interact with the guild again
>you aren't special
Why is this a selling point? Obviously the player is better and more capable than the rest of the NPCs why does it matter if the game acknowledges it?
It’s an old school rpg centered around dungeon delving, not a medieval life sim
What's weird is having that in combination with the player being forced to be a murderhobo.

You'd think if the idea is I'm not special I should have the option to be a merchant or something.
chosen one narratives suck
Yet people praise the shit out of the life sim stuff in Daggerfall.
But the sim elements are what people liked about Daggerfall and these guys are riding Daggerfall's coat tails pretty hard in their marketing. It just seems odd to back away from those elements instead of going deeper into them especially with an allegedly advanced proc gen quest system that could actually make those life sim elements great.
You have no idea what murderhobo means, you’re just using it as a synonym for adventurer
>I don't want to invest into this
That's good since it's not an investment and you would not be an investor, just a guy giving up his money for the promise of a product that is not there yet.
bloodstained even fucked up my physical order. I never even received it. fucking scammers.
>Not going to hit any of its stretch goals
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>literal pro is that you can kill anyone
>another pro is that you can't own land, have a job, farm or do anything else mundane

Seems to fit to me
What fucking sim stuff are you talking about in daggerfall
I'll support it for Doug, now his Morrowind mods I would happily pay for
correct. kickstarter explicitly states that the fundraiser has no obligations to fulfill his campaign and will not be held liable for not delivering on his promises. It is a platform which works on goodwill and grifters exploit gullible people all the time on it.
Banking system with loans, the option to own vehicles and houses, shit like that.
you’re just retarded then. The game heavily revolves around your involvement with factions and the NPCs you interact with
That’s all in wayward realms, why did you assume it wasn’t. I just said no crafting weapons and armor or working
And I said people like the option to craft shit and work, and would probably like to see that in a game that cares enough about simulation to have a dedicated fucking banking system.
sorry bro im not interested in funding your "game"
if it ever comes out ill give it a download then decide if its worth giving you a few bucks
And like I said, it's weird that they aren't doubling down on the sim shit and making it fun.
>It just seems odd to back away from those elements
If I can't work as an innkeeper or blacksmith, I'm not buying this game.
So you're not the chosen one you're just a random guy that just happens to able to dab on every person and monster around for no reason. How is that better? I understand not having "the chosen one" as the story but then why point it out?
Seems this game aims to be more of a dungeon crawler, which they really should advertise more.
Stick with Bethesda then. There’s other types of crafting in the game (spells, bandages, alchemy, traps) and that’s much better than allowing you to make going to blacksmiths useless
Not until they fix that shitty looking combat
Not for no reason. It’s because you’ve earned that capably after delving in many dungeons
>Stick with Bethesda then.
This approach and attitude is going to harm your game, my man.

As I said, it's throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Is the Bethesda life sim shit shallow and too easy? Yes, yes it is. But it's there because people like the idea of roleplaying as a character who does that stuff, instead of being just 'an adventurer'.

The solution should be to include that stuff but do it right, instead of just cutting it out and claiming people who want it "don't get it".
Yeah that's the other problem with making a game with a hyper focus on dungeon delving. You need good combat.
>also, you can come across your twin in the game if you play as an elf
That’s what daggerfall is. You’re retarded if you think working a job is more core to daggerfall than dungeon delving
That's just dishonest.
>You’re retarded if you think working a job is more core to daggerfall than dungeon delving
You seem to think that players want to choose one or the other.

They don't. Players want to delve a dungeon then come back to their house and do some mundane shit after a hard day's work of adventuring.
>Tell me you’ve never heard of feature creep before without saying so
If you want a hyperfocused game about dungeon crawling fucking advertise it as such instead of shit like
They can do that in wayward realms. Again, there are player houses. You just can’t work a job. Adventurers are outside the law in the lore anyway and are disliked by most people. They aren’t the type to work an inn. Just stick to modded skyrim
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>Bethesda games get shit talked to death for having the most basic casualised version of an rpg system that lack the options available in its predecessors
>huuuurduuuur this is not gonna b liek bethesda game
>huuurduuuur it's gonna have even less options in it
I really wish this thing makes release and turns out that it is indeed even less of a role playing game than a Bethesda title because i'll be laughing my ass off if this shit happens.
You’re the only one in the dark here about what Daggerfall spiritual successor means.
>They can do that in wayward realms.
false advertisement. the devs said you are an adventurer and so they won't be fleshing out any other jobs. it will just be a lame RPG like skyrim.
reading comprehension
I told you what people remembered and liked about daggerfall, and in this very thread you can see people want to see that life sim roleplaying shit expanded on. Because it's fun.

This seems like literally Daggerfall with new lore and a fresh coat of paint, instead of actually advancing the concept.
go play Skyrim, there’s weapons to be crafted
>devs talk up their cool quest gen system
>ask if they'll use it to make life sim stuff engaging and fun
>no because we don't have any of that stuff because no one wants it and if they do they should just play better games instead
>can't understand why people would want sim stuff in a game that brags about its massive world and engaging lore
>focus is solely on clubbing everything you see and selling it to randomly generated npcs and then move on to the next proc gen town
This is gonna be great
>they can do that
>but they can't
And this attitude will kill any interest in your game.
pacifist/diplomacy playthroughs are supported, shows how much you know.
reading comprehension
Yeah exactly, it's fucking schizophrenic. Either be Grimrock or Skyrim, don't pretend to be both.

Fuck it's extra stupid because misc life sim shit goes as far back as Ultima fucking 5.
>combat is the only way to interact with the world
>give dialogue options so you don't even have to do that
Nice procedurally generated walking simulator
Fuck I didn't even think of that part. Good point.
stop shilling retard.
will dei be involved? what about sweetbaby? has blavkrock chimed in on this matter?
>feature creep
All of the design in WR is done. Everything henceforth is implementation
>Just give me more and more life sim stuff!!!
>I don’t care about how it impacts the game design, I just want to do more mundane things!!!!
>please let me wash my balls in rivers and pick my own cotton!!!!
>Give the player a reason to talk to merchants? No! Let the player be the merchant!!!
>Life sim is when one person can do everything!!!!!
average Bethesda drone
He's not doing a very good job.
And now he's broken. It happens every thread I have no idea why he still bothers
Considering how you hyped it up I was expecting some revolutionary generation but this looks like ass. It's just random cubes with a roof, they don't look like something that people would build. And the dungeon generation is also disappointing.
>Can't get work as the jester for the local king while secretly fucking the queen and princess
What's even the point?
you can romance anyone. It's gay af.
It's a shame, because when I first heard about this game I was really excited for it. But as more keeps coming out it seems that either they were unable to fulfill these goals or they just plain don't care that much.

The lore is pretty interesting from what I've seen, but what's the point of a big ass open world with advanced procedural generation if the only way you can meaningfully engage with it is dungeon crawling? Very odd design choices and I want to know what the devs were thinking.
you guys are total schizos. thinking a dev for the game was posting here for 11 hours is just retardation
op is long gone
I don't think he's a dev. I do think he's a shill. Hence 'your game'.

God help him if it was Julian posting.
>Very odd design choices
hey, it has worked with every Bethesda game since skyrim.
>500,000 km2 of procedurally generated slop
Big no from me.
Game forces you to pick your pronouns and uses body types, its pozzed don't find it
Yeah, and part of why Bethesda games are stuck like that is they don't use any procedural generation beyond the dumb radiant quests, so stuff the players do are mostly window dressing. And even then they included shit like crafting, which is what people usually flesh out with mods.

Having a game with a focus on good procedural generation would be the perfect fit to mix life shit in and have it actually go somewhere.
look at all this concern trolling holy shit
>hey guys, I was really interested in this game until I found out I couldn't run my own inn.... you could do that in daggerfall, right? no? well, uhh, that just means they haven't improved....
>wow, I'm really disappointed that I can't make all of the blacksmiths in every city obsolete by crafting my own weapons and armor....
>say it ain't so.... they expect the player to be a murderhobo.... huh, what do I mean by that? well, uh... they have to go in dungeons and they can't run a bakery. that qualifies, right?
Whether you're a dev, shill, or diehard fan is irrelevant. It's embarassing for the game to see someone have a melty while defending dumb design choices and telling people to play better games instead. I'm still looking forward to WR and if it ever releases I might even buy it but I really hope the devs realize they need just a little more substance in the game by then, or at least better show off what they have. I'd hate to see a promising title end up being another No Mans Sky
Bethesda won
Todd doesn't even know this game exists and he's already crushed it. How does he keep doing it?
>skyrim but procedural generation
NGL that sounds boring. Creation kit was the only reason any nu-Bethesda game works. adding procedural generation to this equation without user friendly modding tools isn't going to fix anything.
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>dumb design choices
ok retard
Literal MMO gameplay loop.
I can tell you only read the first two sentences then shat out your post
About as long as Julian took to think out his game
>collect 20 bear assess via 'exploring'
>turn in quest to giver to get gear
>rinse and repeat with no variation
How is that not an MMO gameplay loop?
this actually makes sense. having blacksmith 100 in skyrim meant that nothing I found in dungeons would ever replace the things I could make myself. so it makes exploring dungeons less rewarding
>discord troon shill defends a non existent game just because the devs said they have "ideas"
you're just saying anything now huh? there's no fetch quests in the game
There are ways around this, however.
>give dungeon loot randomly generated effects
>give non randomly generated loot level scaling or allow the ability to upgrade it with unique abilities
>ITT: discord tranny copes after donating thousands to a scam
Just cut to the chase and ack already, this """"game"""" is never releasing xir
And the you have enchanting that prevents you from making anything better than what you can buy from a store.
>give dungeon loot randomly generated effects
this doesn't fix the problem in tes games though since you can make the best enchantments yourself
>give non randomly generated loot level scaling
could fix the problem but that seems like a very arbitrary decision. like it would never be done if not to fix this problem because it just doesn't make sense
can you even work any jobs in tes games? is this really something people expect from a daggerfall successor?
>this doesn't fix the problem in tes games though since you can make the best enchantments yourself
If you're at the point you've mastered both enchanting and blacksmithing then I'm pretty sure you're close to being finished with the game.
>could fix the problem but that seems like a very arbitrary decision
Not really? I mean if you want a weapon to be important/memorable then there's the incentive to make it consistently good.
smithing is one of the easiest trees to max out. you can just spam items to craft if you have the resources. forget how long enchanting takes to level
>can you even work any jobs in tes games?
You can chop wood, pick crops and work at the mill in Skyrim but that's about it. I imagine people wanted more stuff like that out of a game like this.

It's a fun little diversion for the down time between adventures so I really don't see why so many people REEE about the idea.
Hey, John! You seem to have missed the team's dm to you about your shift being over. Charlie will take over from here! We appreciate the work you did to promote our game on 4Chan. Enjoy your time off!
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it's over todd bros.... wayward sisters can pick cotton too...
Worse case is they prop up a 2nd kickstarter when the money runs out and all publishers say no for more funding.
Sometimes dead is better.
I don't appreciate these underhanded insults. I've spent much of my free time these past several years creating the systems for the best RPG I can muster with what little budget and time I have left. I understand your skepticism towards the project, but there is no need to get personal. Me and the other game designers on this project are trying our best to give you all the best experience possible. I hope you'll be receptive to it when launch day comes around.
>If you talk about or are looking forward to a video game on the video game board you're a shill
The question is will it have mod support?
That's what makes ir break these kinds of large, sprawlling games for me.
The game can have near infinite content, but being able to tune, change, control, and add to the game in a way that suits my own tastes is paramount.
Say, some of the features they said they won't add because "you are an adventurer", which is fair enough, are good candidates for user mods.
>skyrim but procedural generation
>NGL that sounds boring
this is what startfield was. and yes it was boring
It’s planned but not gonna be the priority until after full release because updates would keep breaking mods
Hey Julian when is the Russia Heat reunion and tour?
I would rather have premade dungeons and homes and cities and such, because it leads to a refined gaming experience and improved artistic direction.

This game looks surprisingly decent for what it is, but I fear that it would feel generic at the end of the day due to the overuse of random generation and that it would absolutely eat your time, because who would want to spend DAYS irl traveling for a video game? And I do like the art direction. So if they were to simply focus their resources and make a smaller more hand-crafted game, they could possibly make a better Elder Scrolls game.

Literally all I want is Elder Scrolls but actually good. I don't understand why people (and esp. Bethesda) are so incompetent.
And if you believe that then I've got a Mega Man spiritual successor I'm selling real cheap
bloodstained was a good game though, and I sai that as someone who didn't even back it
based, crafting sucks
>40 dollars for the base game.
>unproven developers
and no having 2 former employees from a studio that is still active does not make it a proven developer.
pass on that shit dawg.
My god I want to fuck that dwarf so bad. My wife is skinny but I love dwarf-proportioned chicks like that. I suffer.
Can you kill everybody in the game?

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