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We won, bros.
Discord is the reason i dont play online. I only joined twice just because and there was ALWAYS a tranny there
Actually this is genius.
Sony will automatically track and record pedos that use Discord through playstation
>troonstation gets trooncord support
child grooming skyrockets
Me personally I'm mad it killed steam groups, it's a giant pain in teh ass to collect some gamers.
xbox has been able to do this for so long i dont remember. And Microsoft owns Skype
>joined twice
Where? Just join to niche servers or make one yourself.
The fact Sony bought them back in 2021 and now they only just gained access to this is hysterical. The Piss 5 still lacks themes and bluetooth audio btw. Such an embarrassment step backward in software.
The Sony hate mentality on /v/ is so bizarre to me
Well if it helps you understand this is a gaming board and the ps5 has no games, so it makes sense that people here don't like it.
>still lacks bluetooth audio
I had to run the audio from my PS5 to my monitor via hdmi, then from monitor to PC via 3.5 input just to get around this bullshit.
Compared to the switch? Lmao
Man I just joined this huge 80k member Titanfall 2 Discord for some client and there's 3 very active fucking trannies permaonline 24/7 almost in the general. FUCKING TITANFALL 2. And to boot they're such faggot pussies they report people for saying "nigga". Not even just "nigger" but actually just saying nigga. On an FPS. Fucking hate my country genuinely thinking about becoming and East Orthodox monk and never coming back.
You realise you can just get a headphone jack extender to plug into the back of your TV right? Why even bother running it to your PC?
You just outed yourself as not an organic poster
Not even memeing, but everyone is telling the truth about discord being unusable because of troons. Even in niche game communities there is at least one and they're somehow always a mod. It sucks that it's the easiest way to find games, but I end up having to dm people 1 on 1 instead of simply posting in the servers for matches.
Well I already use my wireless headphones on my PC. So with this setup I get PS5 audio without having to switch device on my headphones or buy any adapters.
>trannies will soon be able to directly groom anyone playing on a ps5
California won
Plus the volume control directly from my TVs 3.5 is low as shit so I boost it in the PC.
I've been using discord for years and have never had this problem once

If I wasn't positive the "ree discord troons" thing was just one giant autistic contrarian /v/ meme I would be baffled at how inept so many retards are at joining a basic voice chat.
It's a direct consequence of snoyggers flooding the board with piss and shit during PS4's peak years.
Wake me up when PS5 adds DLNA support
>I've been using discord for years and have never had this problem once
My friends decided to move from Steam group chat to Discord maybe six years or so back and within a few months a "Politics" section appeared because the discussions about that were pervading every section, people started using pronouns in their names, and they started arguing about every manner of subject that was in vogue. It got so bad that people who were friends for years before the Discord got in a massive spat and split leading to two Discords of my friends, one of which is poisoned by the pronoun warriors while the other is by a guy who just doesn't want to lie to people or go along with their nonsense.

I'm also in the Ratatan, Taiko, and Demon's Souls community server Discords and the same applies to all of them. Unless you agree with the groupthink and agree to every single thing they're pushing you can't ask anything or voice your opinion because it's an instant ban, and some of these places are necessary for technical support or actually downloading stuff like the Taiko song one.
Blutooth audio is fucking awful and I applaud Sony for doing their bit to put it into the ground where it fucking belongs.
What a fucking joke.
>devs now have access to 1gb less RAM to make room for Discord running
Then you haven't actually gone outside of the bubble of whatever servers you've stuck with for years and never changed much. It is absolutely true.
I'm the guy that mentioned the Titanfall 2 however there's also Pokerogue's server I was in which is a literal tranny den. Then there's the largest Smash Bros character servers that almost all have some tranny they/them types as mods or changing server icons to have a rainbow flag behind the fucking character for pride month like the mewtwo one and the isabelle one. Even the fucking yugioh servers I'm in dedicated to individual archetypes have tranny mods and some active permaonline trannies too. They literally are everywhere.
Now you can lose your Snoy account if you get banned on discord.
Also this, why the fuck in this day and age would you want to link your accounts to anything when everywhere has "off site behavior" clauses.
Do you really think they have the ability to track shit like this or are even competent enough to? Nah

Sony is garbage this gen

I hate all the western movie game slop trash studios
Isn't Pokerogue also developed by a Christian and he hated what his Discord was?
I presume it's still voice-only and you can just view the voice channels, no text.
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>have question about shmup
>join discord
it's all so tiresome
Join to better servers
>Discord is the reason i dont play online. I only joined twice just because and there was ALWAYS a tranny there
anon you're supposed to only use it with your 2-5 drunk racist gamer friends you've known since highschool, just like everyone else does
>Like everyone does
>trying to pretend like the archetypal discord user is a myth
skill issue
Yeah your charisma is way too low for the skill check, thanks for noticing.
Sounds like discord isn't the problem, but the manufactured divide the rich have found to keep americans busy fighting over non-issues and destroy the occupy wallstreet movement is.

Personally I don't have issues at all because if I'm on an official game discord I just don't say "nigger" or "I think trannies should all die" or whatever it is you retards can't stop yourself from saying because of your mental illness. I only lurk or ask/answer questions about the game. I know actually talking about the game is hard for you nu-/v/ bots but still.
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>Then there's the largest Smash Bros character servers that almost all have some tranny they/them types as mods or changing server icons to have a rainbow flag behind the fucking character for pride month like the mewtwo one and the isabelle one.
Even the fucking Banjofags are getting on board. Which is fine by me, hate Banjo in Smash.
>I only lurk or ask/answer questions about the game.
That's good for you. I do the same and then the conversation pivots to you saying you didn't like something, or feel like something's forced in, or feel like it's worse than other games in the series and it immediately becomes a rabbit hole you can't dig your way out of because you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Some people want to have discussions with friends, but now the new people added because of the Discord change your friends and discussions so that you're walking on eggshells because you don't know who you're going to offend.

My friends in that same Discord I am talking about used to talk about everything. We'd joke about some banal stuff and maybe discuss minor things about politics like "Oh, this guy's probably not gonna be great going forward" or "Oh, I like this guy but not his policies" but it never got vitriolic and it never blew up from there. It was minor discussions about life. Hell, in our Steam chats I used to be able to discuss things with other people about our lives, about our beliefs, about what we agree and disagree with. I even had friends who had polar opposite beliefs from me and we still got along just fine.

As soon as we get to the Discord after a few months the new members are pushing pronouns (Which thankfully my friends don't force and leave them to stick it in their names manually), are heavily about "Pride", are constantly talking shit about everyone and dogpiling on people who dare to say they disagree with, and are constantly biting at the heads of anyone who is making even light jokes like "I bet so and so company decided to go along with something being bad to drum up interest so they can fix it and get praised for it". I got my head bitten off by one of these people because of such a thing because I dared not to be serious about it

I'm not going around saying things like you said, and yet I still have to walk around like everyone's going to cancel me
>That's good for you. I do the same and then the conversation pivots to you saying you didn't like something, or feel like something's forced in, or feel like it's worse than other games in the series and it immediately becomes a rabbit hole you can't dig your way out of because you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Well my issue with the game is never "there was a woman/gay/black in it" so that never poses me a problem either. Not that I play bad games so the only games that truly shoehorns shit in (usually ugly black women), big american AAAs, are unlikely to lead me to join the official discord server.

Sounds like your friends are growing up and leaving you behind. Has nothing to do with discord. Adults become more interested in politics and their boring jobs/family life as they age because they're pressured into thinking having hobbies is childish. Especially when the rich are shoveling shit like "trannies are evil and drag queens are all pedos" to keep everyone distracted from them pillaging the country, leading to an equally extreme response from other nutjobs and to the slow radicalization of everyone else who are being forced to pick "a side" by the nutjobs around them even though all of these are in fact non-issues and nobody would care if the rich didn't push them as problematic in media.

Discord didn't cause this. The internet has a whole working on phones did. You remember the internet being good because it was mostly populated by actual honest to god autists. Now neurotypicals all have access to it and do so all day, it was only a matter of time before it was ruined.
>Well my issue with the game is never "there was a woman/gay/black in it" so that never poses me a problem either.
This isn't the reason at all. Even basic stuff like "I don't particularly like this new game" can spiral into them arguing it's because you hate the devs, or because of something you didn't even consider, etc. Or you go to a discussion for your very first time to ask something and it spirals.
>Sounds like your friends are growing up and leaving you behind.
No, they still act the same as usual when we talk on Steam, it's just that the specific people who came in on the Discord changed a lot of the discourse of discussions because they make it all about specific things. You can't talk about stuff because it's wrongthink, you can't talk about stuff because you're the polar opposite of their opinions, your words are twisted in the same discussion for no reason. It's a losing battle and it leads to awful experiences.

Once again, this isn't just an isolated incident between my friends, I've joined multiple Discords specifically meant just to talk about games that have "No personal shit" rules and it's still got the pronoun warriors in the discussions enacting their will on the discussion. I've had friends outright message me to suddenly start calling them the correct pronouns when they had no issue for literally 5+ years. I've had random people transition an innocent discussion about Demon's Souls into completely nonsense.

Obviously the internet as a whole is objectively worse than even 10 years ago, but when it comes to Discord these are very common experiences felt by many people. I personally disagree with the whole "Pride" thing and vehemently disagree with transsexuality as a whole but I don't bring that into the discussions because it's either going to get me raked through the coals or it's going to get me stalkers. I just want to talk about video games and these people force these topics onto the discussion when it has no need to be there
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>friends you've known since highschool
Think fast /v/!
You just started up your ps5, since there is no games you decide to get on discord. Theres a middle aged man in your discord uwu'ing at you and it refuses to be groomed unless you BUY him a game.
what do you do
>now you can DDOS and extort people on ps5 with le discord

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