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Xivbros why did you guys lie to me?
The Endwalker patches were easily the best ones in the entire game.
I'm excited for Dawntrail now.
I'm strugglin.
Can't get through the patches b/c my gear is too low ilvl
the extra endwalker patches involving zero or the void had nothing to do with dawntrail you dumb desperate shill
Just buy some crafted diadochos gear.
i'm poor
Just gather some stuff and sell it.
That's a really easy way to make money.
Look up stuff that sells well and is bought often
6.0 > 5.0
6.1 > 5.1
6.2 > 5.2
6.3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 5.3
6.4 = 5.4
6.5 > 5.5
6.55 <<<< shit < 5.55
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What are the odds that by the time the void expansion comes Zero will have already died and there will be civilisation in the thirteenth?
I maintain that 6.x is fine if you can go through it in one go. But those doing it while it was current, waiting 4 months for 6.3 to 6.4 and then 6.4 to 6.5, it was pretty awful due to how padded and fillery 6.3 and 6.4 were.
If they had mashed the meaningful bits of 6.3 and 6.4 together into one patch and just had the void story end in 6.4, it would've probably been fine. But as it is, 6.3 is half fillery and 6.4 is half fillery.
6.2 and 6.5 were good to me.
That'd be kind of a funny twist. But also Zero is a voidsent, so I dunno if she can really die?
Plus I dunno if they can totally fix the void's issues without our input (and more importantly, our ability to introduce light).
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>the ranks of sultansworn has diminished because of a certain traitor
>that is why the sultanate has to employ sellswords and gladiators to protect the sultana alongside us sultansword
>that won't do, that won't do at all
>that is why we're looking to train able bodied warriors in the art of paladin the regrow the ranks of paladin
>but you won't be joining the sultansworn so we'll still employ sellswords and gladiators to protect the sultana anyway
>now do you see how mutually beneficial this arrangement is?
You can buy ilvl 660 gear with Poetics after the maintenance
If you can't understand the fantasy of being an errant knight you're not worthy of PLD kino.
>implying i can get poetics much less thousands of them
Yeah, PLDslop is pretty boring and dumb.
Do you not do roulettes?
I like being free paladin but the Sultansworn still gets nothing out of the deal. The free paladins aren't bound to them so they could just walk whenever they wanted.
lalas were a mistake, pld should have been from ishgard
You have no standards, EW post-patch storyline was hot garbage.
>Anyway, don't talk to the traitor. He's a traitor and he has stained our honor.
>What did he betray us on? Oh, you see, this Syndicate lalafell, our sworn enemies within the city, came to us and told us our leader who trained us all to protect the Sultana and who has a spotless record is a traitor.
>So we baited him into a dirty alleyway and planned to shank him to death, but he ran away.

It's just...

I'd have LOVED to get a questline about being an errant knight. Riding around finding worthy causes to fight for and innocent people to defend from monsters and cruel men.
What a shame that's not at all in the slightest what we got, huh?
>I maintain that 6.x is fine if you can go through it in one go.
I'm literally doing that right now, and I agree. Just did the 6.4 trial.
Seen a lot of shit slung at the 6.x patches, but doing it all at once has been a pretty great experience.
Tranny thread made by resetera tranny shill
>Riding around finding worthy causes to fight for and innocent people to defend from monsters and cruel men.
Basically Dark Knight quests
>Riding around finding worthy causes to fight for and innocent people to defend from monsters and cruel men
That's the entirety of the msq but i understand what you mean
It's extremely retarded but they have to invent some excuse for how you can be a paladin but also not have any obligations or duties to the order at all at the same time.
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So is he a shard of Azem?
There were so many instances where the wol was in his place
We'll find out that Zero's real name was Cecilia
Well, not that one, that one's Durante.
But the OG Golbez MIGHT be the Azem shard. It could also be a red herring and it's either Zero or our Reaper voidsent though. Might not even be anyone we've met yet.
post-msq patch content is more fun when you get to do it all at one go. Waiting 6 months for every new update kills the vibe for the amount of development there is.

This has happened literally every expansion to date. People spend the entire time complaining about it, then the next one comes around and suddenly its getting praised to high heaven.
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She and Merlwyb should retire and adventure with us
Poopy-di scoop
Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop
Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop
Poop, poop
Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop
i kinda wish the sundered shards of azem plot device didn't exist because its the first thing secondaries go to

>durante is a zenos shard
>zero is a azem shard
>golbez is a azem shard
>unukalhai is a azem shard
I loved the 6.4 trial. 6.5 one, too. Honestly, I liked all the trials in their own way. I guess the 6.3 one is the most "boring" one?
That Golbez? No. Actual Golbez? Yes. Durante is probably more like a "good" Zenos, whereas the real Golbez that was sealed in the crystal was the Thirteenth's Azem shard. Curiously, his crystal's still there. I feel like we're going to assimilate it at some point when this storyline is picked back up.
It's so fucking funny at the end of ARR when they are like "aight imma head out"
G'raha seethes.
Well it is one of the more interesting concepts of 14
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You got your chocobo ready for DT fates? And you do only ride your company chocobo right?
So what exactly IS zodark, exactly
when we got a first person cutscene from og golbez's pov and he did the WoL nod i was convinced.
It's not something they'll ever confirm, and it's probably not important to know anymore now that we've moved past ancients shit, but that's funny enough that i'll decide to believe it.
I am mad that they didn't update the chocobo for DT.
>350K views on the launch trailer in 8 days
>6k viewers on twitch
>negative hype
Bros.. I think we're dead
The only leader of the 3 starting nations that's genuinely nice and helpful.
I mean that's the most obvious evidence we've got but I'm still not calling it for sure until we Ardbert someone's ass.
Everything about how OG Golbez was treated convinces me that he is the 13's Azem. Hell, he's even fucking mute like the player.
I'm not gonna resub for DT :)
I'm using SDS Fenrir until Flying is unlocked and you can't stop me
Speaking of which... while I believe Golbez is the 13th's Azem, Durante seems more like Ardbert in terms of circumstance.
Fooled by an Ascian into bringing about the end of his world.
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I dont know how you can be struggling this hard with gear and money
unlock the latest raids and spam them for free 640 gear
do the alliance raids for 650 armor
run roulettes and trade for 650 gear
if all else fails run the highest ilvl dungeon you can to slowly gear up and unlock more
What's the strat to get both PIC and VPR to level 90 on day one, xivsisters?
>rowena has a shard version of her that's somehow the exact same age and occupation
>gerolt has a shard version of him that's somehow the exact same age and occupation

Can you really blame players when the writers themselves are so cliche with how treat canon shards? Like if you've set up the expectation that there are going to be tons of parallels and coincidences just for the sake of narrative convenience, then of fucking course people are going to do the same thing.
OG Golbez was Azem. Thats why you see his memories in the story and that one dungeon from a first person angle.
i'm still on the arr raid
>gather stuff
>try to sell
>get undercut to oblivion where the price crashes to 20% of its value because some botfag decided to dump 20 99 stacks of the shit

Call me when Yoshi-piss stops using 1.0 jank as an excuse for shitty systems he refuses to fix after a decade of complaints
>I'd have LOVED to get a questline about being an errant knight. Riding around finding worthy causes to fight for and innocent people to defend from monsters and cruel men.
SAM truly is the real paladin of FFXIV.
>Abridged version of FFIV

Wow, guys! This is, like, the most kino shit evah!
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I've heard this from a lot of Asians and it's not out of a choice, the payment method is rejecting them lmao.
Better for us on here, queues won't be so bad and we can get in without having to wait.
Also fuck DarkKnight getting the second best artwork so far.
And why they keep refusing to show his face.
I still wonder if all the similarities between Ardbert's gang and the Scions (like Thancred's and Brendan's story revolving about a girl they failed to protect, Urianger's and Nyelbert's around a loved one they lost early on in their stories and that pushed them to being the shady untrustworthy party members, or Y'shtola's and Lamitt's about delving into the ronkan ruins and making their own brand of ronkan-inspired magic to cure someone's affliction) was meant to be hinting that they were also their shards or if it was, again, just coincidence and people looking too much into it.
I remember when people were dissapointed with the ending of the Warriors of Darkness questline and they didn't consider it would amount to anything down the line
One of the main issues with the 6.x storyline is how much of it is filler, or retreads stuff, or just all-around pads for time.
So either they should've gotten rid of that and just made that entire story 1 or 2 fewer patches altogether.
Or they should've used that extra time wisely to set things up better and build Golbez and Durante up in a way where I can feel like I can understand and sympathize with them. I mean, I can. But it's very bare and basic.
>I loved the 6.4 trial. 6.5 one, too. Honestly, I liked all the trials in their own way. I guess the 6.3 one is the most "boring" one?
Yeah, they've all been fun. The 6.3 trial is a bit basic (normal mode at least), but its still a decent fight.

The eldest and most powerful. Of Prrrrrimals.
Super fucking late to the party I know, but why didn't they have Zero's hair turn white at the end if they really wanted to wank FFIV so hard? She looks like shit as a PLD with the black hair clashing
Can't see how Zodiark is supposed to be more powerful than Alexander
>She looks like shit as a PLD with the black hair
Nah it's fine.
Also come the fuck on, this game already abuses white hair enough as it is.
As someone who thinks the void questline in 6.x has more to bring us in the future (and it's obvious that they're planning on bringing it back considering the myriad seeds planted), I do find that there is a bit of a fundamental difference between it and Warriors of Darkness.
The Warriors of Darkness came to the Source, fought us a bit, and we learned of their plight and the plight of their world and sent them back on their way to try and save it. We didn't travel to the First, we didn't have any Sin Eaters show up in the Source to be trial bosses.
Meanwhile, with the Thirteenth, we go to the Thirteenth three times, we meet Zero, fight all four of the Fiends, persuade Golbez, depower Zeromus and bring back Azdaja. To me, that feels like all the real big hurdles in the Thirteenth are dealt with. Can they really suddenly spring, "OH, BUT THERE'S ACTUALLY THESE ENEMIES MAKING SURE THE THIRTEENTH STAYS DARK AND VOIDY!!!" on us? Probably not.
Alexander is a level 60 primal. Zodiark is a level 90 primal. Basic math.
>basing success and hype on how many people want to spoil themselves
He isn't. Alexander is literally the most powerful Primal.
But that also means that he sucks so much aether that his entire existence is untenable.
That said, we haven't seen Zodiark at his prime, nor have we seen it piloted by anyone but a suicidal madman. Zodiark was said to be more powerful than Hydaelyn by far, and Hydaelyn literally split the world and its denizens in fourteen and kept them apart with her existence.
6.1 was excellent and gave me a hope for the future
Alex follows established laws. Zodiark is capable of rewriting them
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>Zodiark is a level 90 primal
actually it's level 83
what do you mean zodiark is "piloted"
i thought it was like a creature
Alex has better music, that's how he's more powerful.
>Can they really suddenly spring, "OH, BUT THERE'S ACTUALLY THESE ENEMIES MAKING SURE THE THIRTEENTH STAYS DARK AND VOIDY!!!" on us? Probably not.
This is kinda why I like this: >>680511327. Timeskip to let shit build up and progress, give time for new baddies to build up power and enact schemes and shit.
who is azem
The 6.x patches were all foreshadowing the future.
>Finding a way to actually shardhop
>Reconstruction of the Thirteenth
>Azdaja and Meracydia
Oh wait, yeah. lol
Still 23 levels higher, in any case.
>the eepy sundered version of the most powerful primal whi ever lived was the first boss of the story's grand finale, before the plot even really begins
Really shows just how much Ascians had hyped Zodiark up in their heads, they forgot that dividing by 13 makes a pretty comparatively small power level number.
I want elderly leader zero training a reincarnation of 13th shard
Elidibus is his core and he was left as just a shell after the core split itself out. One of the many lore rewritten post-stormblood. Many such cases.
There's no way there will be a void expansion.
It'll be upcoming "restoration" content at best
She does fuck all at the bloody banquet though. Raubahn is the only real one
Getting split into thirteen pieces left the poor bastard effectively braindead. He's an almighty meat mech at best.
It's like an evangelion robot.
>you do only ride your company chocobo right?
Of course
Zodiark was such a waste
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Zodiark has a heart which directs it, which was originally Elidibus. But Elidibus separated himself from Zodiark to try and quell the rising tensions between the Convocation/Zodiark side and the burgeoning Hydaelyn side, since he was the Emissary. Zodiark was then Sundered.
Fandaniel assumed control over the half-rejoined Zodiark in EW.
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(You) but also not (You)
There was also some bit set up where we probably will help further revitalize the First.
Raubahn did things only because he was seething. Merlwyb and Kan E both couldn't have done anything there because of their political positions. Kan E is always eager to help every time we went to her for something though. She even go all the way to Churning Mist one time.
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EW post MSQ sucked
>setting up an arc that will come to fruition in 1-2 expansions after DT (so 2-4 years)
>we were promised comfy side quests with ex-scions, instead got more saving the world slop with ugly ass pajeets after we literally saved the entire universe
>tries to force us to like zero despite literally just meeting her, her entire character arc is "me no feel nothing, oh now me feel... feel good! thank you warrior of light :)"
>all of the FF4 fan service throughout the entire expansion was extremely cringe if you don't care about FF4. again the fiends do not matter as characters because they are literally just there for FF4 fans to soiface and point at rather than being interesting characters
It would've been better if they fleshed out the Ascian slop from the raid tier and made that the MSQ content, and made all the FF4 and Zero stuff the raid story instead.
>touches her hat for the 100th time
Just blitzed through the patch quests again in NG+. Doing it all in one go makes it significantly better than doing it piecemeal. And I didn't even dislike Zero this time
it was literally not her problem
>setting up an arc that will come to fruition in 1-2 expansions after DT (so 2-4 years)
Nothing wrong with this. Warriors of Darkness.
Ancient McGuffin.
>he didn't break it up with Hildibrand to stay sane
>There's no way there will be a first expansion.
>It'll be upcoming "exploration" content at best
The fact remains that of the starting leaders Raubahn is head and shoulders above the rest
Yeah, this is how I feel the opinion on 6.x will tip towards the positive. The animosity was very heavily born of being forced to sit still for 4 months between patches. Especially 6.3 to 6.4 and 6.4 to 6.5.
If you do the whole showdown with Golbez, get kicked out and then go back to take care of Zeromus all at once, that's probably fine. If you have to wait 4 months between? No bueno.
Same for Zero. Her "what is an emotion" arc is probably less jarring if you can do it all in one go, and don't have to deal with it piecemeal.
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>setting up an arc that will come to fruition in 1-2 expansions after DT
And? That's exactly what they did with Ardbert and it was kino
Not just Ascians, but "Golbez" too.
Lol. Lmao, even.
I don't see how that could translate in any way into actual gameplay or story content. We left the First slowly healing by itself. All the problems in Norvrandt were solved. It's not like sin eaters or new villains pop out of the Empty as it we already saw how the process works in Eden, so... there's basically nothing to do there. It's just waiting for a bunch of "ice" to melt.
I always laugh when I see people shit on Ardbert when they first get to this part. Not that I tend to look at people playing the game, but sometimes I see something here and there, and it usually boils down to "haha what a whiny loser what a little bitch."
And you just know they're all going to be pogfacing out in Shadowbringers.
I was genuinely annoyed that when they're hyping you up to Golbez before the Zeromus fight, no one bothers to mention that you're the reason Zodiark died to begin with
Me, but also (You) but also Ardbert and Tenzin and yet to be seen others
>They use a FF reference 1:1
You piss and shit yourself
>They use a FF references in name or concept alone but do their own original thing
You piss and shit yourself

What do you even want?
I doubt it'll be major MSQ stuff, but I am going to assume it'll play a role in some fashion. They're going to have to figure out how to free Zeromus from Memoria, and the potential repercussions. And they also teased Gaia involvement there, so it'd be a shame if they offscreen it.
>Nothing wrong with this. Warriors of Darkness.
NTA, and yeah there's nothing wrong with it, but I feel like the problem is that the entire patch cycle is just this. WoD story also had the Niddhog stuff and the lead in to Stormblood going on. So the 3.x patches weren't solely devoted to setting up shit for an expansion down the line. It was following up the 3.0 stuff and also working towards the immediate future in 4.0.
I like 6.x and have no real problem with the MSQ, but I can see why it falls flat for people when its the first story of the "new era" of XIV.
Raubahn wasn't even the leader of the nation. Nanamo is.
Would be kek-worthy.
>"Hey, uhh.. Golbez..?"
>"Why do you think 'the Ascians' God' dissipated out of nowhere one day?"
It'll probably be a side thing and it'll probably tie into the hunters subplot that these patch quests largely ignored. You literally go to the first with Zero and you don't see them at all
>What do you even want?
To not piss and shit himself.
I absolutely agree with you. I was just challenging the "setting up an arc that will come to fruition in 1-2 expansions after DT" complaint in a vacuum.
But Azem is a title right?
Venat was Azem too.
Also I think at some point Emet-Selch suggests that he was Azem? But he is also Emet-Selch? But also Hades? Honestly nothing in this game makes sense.
I cam back to finish post-msq and it sucked, it's not better when you do it in one go, Zero a shit, getting permission to use tower a shit, hamfisted FF4 references a shit. Would rather play 5 ARRs than the 6.x patches.
>They're going to have to figure out how to free Zeromus from Memoria, and the potential repercussions. And they also teased Gaia involvement there, so it'd be a shame if they offscreen it.
Yeah but I expect all of that will be important for other shards, not the First. I honestly expect more that Y'shtola will figure out shard travel and we'll look at the First, then at the Thirteenth, decide there's really nothing to do about either of them since they're already fixing themselves, then move on to a new shard that will then happen to have a problem that Zeromus and/or Gaia could solve.
literally not Azem. his soul was still keeping that seal sealed in reisenjima right before we have a cutscene battle with not kirin.
Ah, gotcha. Thats fair enough.
Emet-Selch is a title, Hades is his real name
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Agreed, it's setting up a thread for the future. People wanting instant payoffs show how new to the game they are, there are many threads from ARR and Heavensward that weren't paid off until Endwalker even think Crystal tower Amon and Allagans for one . It's how this game is.
Sure. I would enjoy that. Side questlines can be good.
Azem is a title, yes.
Typically when an ancient was accepted into the convocation they stop using their old name and instead take on the title as their name. Then once they've done their duty they off themselves.
Venat didn't.
Azem obviously is (your) ancient name or whatever, but (your) ancient soul or whatever held that title during the Final Days
Classic "villain is using the most powerful thing HE'S ever seen to spring his perfectly laid trap" mindset. Though in his defense he's right. We would have had to fight Zeromus forever to keep him from escaping and even then he was ripping open methods of escape like he was Super Buu from Dragonball Z as we did so.
Traveling is only a big deal for poorfag laymen, Kann E probably took the aethryte.
>anon doesn't understand how people can change titles
/v/ gets stupider with each passing day
Also Hades is just Emet's real name.
If they do it like Sorrow of Werlyt quests then its kino. Anything less than that is shit
Then if he's not a previous incarnation of the Wol who is a shard of Azem, why does Suzaku confuse the Wol for Tenzen?
>Also I think at some point Emet-Selch suggests that he was Azem?
When was this?
The Crystal Tower raids tell the FF3 story better than FF3 did
They mentioned introducing Zeromus to bring about more darkness to the First, since it can spring up naturally of itself anymore, though.
And then Gaia stated that her help would be most useful because she's the Oracle of Darkness.
So the First and the Thirteenth will probably continue to be helping each other out a lot and we'll probably be playing a role in that.
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do you think i'll be able to redeem these in 7.0? it should work like other series malmstones right?
You can't teleport to aetheryte you've not attuned to before.
Well you can if you're in sharlayan and want to have mega hangover
>Also I think at some point Emet-Selch suggests that he was Azem?
He did not. He said he traveled the world in honor of his "dearly departed friend" Azem. Yes, that's kind of an Azem thing to do, but it doesn't make him an Azem. It's basically just out of respect for Azem.
Alphinaud escorts her and her party there while you take the aetheryte
Only things I have done since 6.0 after msq and quit was come back to do all msq and 8/24 man raids. What’s worth checking out from patches before DT?
Because we're a similar heroic figure and she's hallucinating from Aramitama.
So who's Zeus?
Hildebrand and variant dungeons are based
Kratos' dad.
Zeus was my original guess at Elidibus' real name. funny enough Hermes was my choice for Azem's real name
The Crystal Tower mystery box stuff is because they reworked their plans for Eureka into its Stormblood version (then subsequently reworked the original idea as the basis for Orthos)
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Chatgpt thread
When you summon them with Meteon (another thing I didn't understand) and they create the field of flowers. Then they kill themselves again somehow and he is telling you to go on more adventures and says "as the bearer of the azem crystal, you may consider it your duty to see at least that much" then smiles and says "i certainly did"
To me this was saying that he had the azem crystal at some point and was doing adventures but I agree it makes zero sense that he would have had two different convocation spots
Rush MSQ for quest exp, skip all cutscenes. Then either:
A) Hope someone updates a FATE grinding bot to be compatible with 7.0 and the new zones by the time you're done so you can switch to that.

B) Get a candy bowl of Adderall handy and grind FATEs manually for ~20 hours, try not to kill yourself.
You could've just done it with the scions in the time you were waiting
Yeah it was ass, absolutely worth completely skipping through.
>He said he traveled the world in honor of his "dearly departed friend" Azem.
But Azem isn't departed right?
If the WoL and Ardbert are sundered Azems then that implies that Azem wasn't one of the people who sacrificed themselves for zodiark
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I always took it as "I (Emet) see it as your duty to see at least that much"
I think anon misinterpreted Emet's little soliloquy in Ultima Thule. I've seen it happen before.
>All of which is to say: expand your horizons. Go forth and seek discovery. Some of the civilizations in the reflections will surprise you.
>As the bearer of Azem's crystal, you may consider your duty to see at least that much.
>I certainly did.
Some people took that to mean that he held the seat of Azem at some point, and I personally don't get why, but I've seen people make that assumption before. All it mean to me was that he went around discovering new places in honor of Azem. Or at least mentioned it as a challenge to (You), the current closest incarnation of Azem. (retarded fightsexual adventuretist)
Azem deserted the convocation before the final days because he didn't agree with the Zodiark plan
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I don't think that's right, I read all of 4Lords and each Lord specifically refers to you, the Wol as being not just a reminder of Tenzen but a reincarnation.
Azem as Emet knows Azem is departed. Yes, the Sundered versions live on, but they're not the same people. That's exactly why Emet chooses to snap himself back to death: because the world, and the people inhabiting him are not the same ones he loved. Made of the same "material", sure, but not the same.
Azem's crystal had nothing to do with the Convocation and wasn't even supposed to be made, Emet made it behind their backs because of his emotional hangups and then held onto it until WoL gets it.
It is. Bot thread
Someone they will pull out of their ass when a new important figure is needed.
what even is the azem crystal? never understood it. do all of them have crystals or just that one?
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Most of the fags complaining were WoWfags that skipped to ShB so they were lacking context about the Ascians Arc and Void related information and the usual doomers.
Common misunderstanding with the part where Emet tells you "As the bearer of Azem's crystal, you man consider your duty to see at least that much... I certainly did".
They think It's Emet saying he was Azem at some point and not just stating he visited all the locations he just listed.
Mostly Americans who can't into proper English get confused by this.
You'd know if you didn't skip cutscenes.
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It can really only be two things
>Emet-Selch went around seeing new and undiscovered places and civilizations in honor of his friend
>Emet-Selch is smugly goading (You) on and extending a challenge. You're the closest approximation to the Azem of their time in the current age, yet Emet-Selch has seen more of the world(s) than (You) have. Isn't that embarrassing?
(In reality, it just means, "Please continue to play our game. It's not finished after Endwalker, gaijin.")
i will say it was a pretty weak arc but it wasn't anywhere close to as bad as people are complaining it was as a winding-down from THE APOCALYPSE AAAAAA of 6.0, zero relearning friendship every patch for three patches was the most grating part part of why it sucked is it was an incredibly loose FF4 retelling and FF4 does not have a very strong story
So Elidibus tried to be a peace maker in a gesture of good will and Hydalwhore immediately stabbed them all in the back?
With what we know about soul and reincarnation now it's impossible for WoL and Tenzen and Ramza to all be Azem's reincarnation. If you died and your soul is reincarnated it can't also be keeping a seal shut at the same time. We, a shard of Azem's soul, was present at the same time those two souls manifested.
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I started with patch 6.1+ and it was a fine (4 out of 5)
>my dead game is perfect, anyone complaining is a wow player or barry
Squaretrannies actually believe this
How many cutscenes did you skip?
It's straight up impossible, you've had multiple cutscene scream at you that you can't die in the thirteenth and being able to die is the sole reason some voidsent let themselves be summoned to the source in the first place.

The only possible way for her to "die" is to get assimilated into another voidsent and given Zero's questline current level of writing you can bet they'll just shit out an excuse like "her absorbing so much light aether made her poisonous to other voidsent so they can't eat her!" for her to never lose.
75% of the "people" on this website are indistinguishable from bots anyway
It's really not an FF4 retelling at all, it just uses some names and themes from it.
What do you mean by "Seal shut"?
Am I not literally Azem at that point? I thought I joined with all the other Azems because Graha summoned them all to help me fight Emet and then Ardbert joined with me and Emet looks up and literally sees an unsundered Ascian
We don't know. We only know that Elidibus left Zodiark in order to restore the peace, since that's his primary directive as The Emissary, and he didn't return to Zodiark before the Sundering took place (which is how he escaped being sundered).
But it clearly came off as him saying that he tried to honour is friend by exploring the new, sundered world and that now it's WoL's duty.
Oh hey, you proved him right. Also, calling it a 'dead game' is one of your taglines Barry.
you don't see the cecil parallels in zero's self-doubt or her ascension to a paladin after a trial on mt. ordeals? i won't lie fella this is like thinking the crystal tower with xande trying to tip the world into darkness at its top at the urging of unei and doga has nothing to do with loosely retelling FF3
Tenzen's soul was what kept Kohryu sealed in the temple. He even appeared in the cutscene man.
>buy entire book series
>only read latest one
>be smug about it
Enjoy there being no narrative weight going forward as every single callback falls deaf on your ears.
These back and forths over things that have been discussed both in and outside the game ad nauseam are bots.
G'raha just summoned random heroes from across the rift. None of them were Azem shards.
Emet briefly saw Azem supposedly because WoL had just rejoined a fraction of his soul via Ardbert and that set him off for a second
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Wow i didn't know Gaia was capable of being kind to the wol.
You know what?
I don't hate her now.
Could it be rather then, that Tenzen as A Warrior of Light rather than The Warrior of Light?
I may be Barry or I may be not. You will never know and you will have to live with that.
Dead game.
Tenzen and Ramza were just both other WoLs, not our shard.
why would random heroes fuse with me? it makes much more sense if they were Azem shards
>Am I not literally Azem at that point?
No. WoL is only eight times rejoined.
Yeah, they made it a point to explain back in ShB how he traveled the world himself trying to find value in it and the people that existed in the shards, just in case they might become worthy successors and an alternative to the rejoining.
It's so dead that Yoshi needed to have the servers expanded so the game will be playable when the tidal wave of people comes in July.
>now that we've mover past Ancient shit
You poor naive child
Yes. They both were Warriors of Light. That's not up for debate. They just weren't Azem's shards.
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XIV is still in top 10 of Steam Top Sellers today
>why would random heroes fuse with me?
They don't? Why do you think this? Are you talking about Ardbert? Because he was WoL's literal reflection for the First.
what's a warrior of light?
Just someone who has been tempered by hydalen and turned into her slave?
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>It's really not an FF4 retelling at all,
It's far and away one of the most straightforward retellings of another game's story in this one.
Gaia actually softens up rather quickly. When I first did Eden, I expected her to be a gargantuan apathetic, monotone tsundere bitch who walks all over people, but she's pretty emotional and kind after the first bit.
Why is she wearing a shirt?
And every server added is a ghost town
That's all surface level visuals though. Zero becoming a paladin at the end is a reference to Cecil yes, but she doesn't follow anything even remotely connected to his arc.
Golbez is also nothing like the FF4 version of the character, nor is Zeromus.
Rubicante has his honourable streak which is something I guess
The red moon is once again just a visual reference. Golbez isn't from the moon
Oh my god we are surrounded by skippers what the fuck is this
Just someone Hydaelyn gave a crystal of light to. So people like us, Ysayle, Ardbert, Ardbert's party, etc etc
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>it's probably not important to know anymore now that we've moved past ancients shit
It's far from not important, be it only because of the fact that absorbing your alternate selves is probably the easiest way to improve your power level. You can bet that down the line, we'll have a villain who will try to absorb his alternate selves.
Emet actually did care about his firstborn son as well, and broke when he died.
Do I dare just sell everything from my inventories?
so again crystal tower isn't an FF3 retelling because xande is an allagan emperor and not a sage's apprentice given mortality even though he's still trying to summon the cloud of darkness into the world
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Hythlo tells you in Eplis that prior to both Emet and Azem joining the convocation, they both traveled the world together as simple adventurers, It's how Emet earned the respect of different nations the world over to be vouched for the position.
Emet was one of Azems scions basically, there are parallels you could draw between your relationship with Alphi and the character development he's had.
People always "Ship" Hytho and Emet, but Emet and Azem were the closer friends.
Other than reusing the names of characters and locations the plot is almost nothing like FF4 at all thought
The Echo is literally just a protective ward that Venat made pre-Final Days to prevent Aether corruption. You find this out in Elpis.
Most people that didn't like the patches were either
-those who didn't play FF4 and couldn't appreciate the nostalgia and the fanservice
-those who played world building/character establishing stories for the first time
I accidentally pressed something on my keyboard and 4chan turned into reddit with reply chains, how do I fix this?
>but she doesn't follow anything even remotely connected to his arc.
You are so full of shit.
I refuse to believe you've played FF4
They're just fancy job stones, and the recurring theme of souls/memories being crystallized through most of FF. You get the stone, you get memories and abilities of that seat, and in turn the things you do while holding that seat are engraved in the crystal for the next holder.
If you aren't using it immediately and it's not valuable enough to stash with a retainer in the long term, may as well get rid of it.
The Echo and the Blessing of light aren't the same thing.
>Anon can't handle actual conversation
>I'd have LOVED to get a questline about being an errant knight. Riding around finding worthy causes to fight for and innocent people to defend from monsters and cruel men.
Sounds like WAR and GNB
I'm pretty sure the entire point of the Azem crystal is that it holds magic similar (or the same) to what Azem of back then would've used, and that is calling people to their side, and that is a way to create lore and canonize the warriors of light you play with.
>i dont want to mess with turals politics
>i dont want graha tia making me go to turall like its an adventure
>i certainly dont want him asking alisaie to join me
>estinien is litereally the ADVENTURER going where he wants
>coincidentally thancred and urianger are going too!

What a shitty hook. They should have had us just get asked by krile to help her trace her grandpas steps.

>they even have you go alone looking at the shore with hades reminding you to visit the golden city.

This succesionist story arc is slop
If your game has an arc hundreds of hours in, that requires me to have played a 30 year old game to think the arc isn't dogshit, it's a fucking terrible arc and you should be shot
>People are discussing the game, having conversations
>This makes me feel uncomfortable
Honestly, I've always seen Emet's thing with Azem as more along the lines of him being like an elder brother to him. Which lets face it, they could definitely pull off
A lot of the 6.x characters felt pretty barebones, but I did find myself enjoying some of the archetypes.
Like "Golbez" roleplaying as the real Golbez, who had passed on, and trying to save the world in his name, so that people would speak the name Golbez with reverence.
Or Rubicante being the "honorable warrior" type.
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I refuse to believe you think FF4 has the substance that it not being a one-to-one translation of plot elements actually matters in retelling its story. Zero's transactional obsession and being an avatarless Reaper is a cover-up for her own doubts and her sheer age in reflection of Cecil's literal miring in darkness as a Dark Knight, for example. Just because FuSoYa isn't present and Zemus isn't the one that summons Zeromus doesn't mean it's not pretty straightforward in how it's working and what's going on.
It's actually impressive how every single other tank and SAM delivers better on the PLD fantasy than PLD does.
Well, I guess GNB is more of a mercenary fantasy since you're taking money for it. But Radovan does always take the most moral course of action, sometimes even against his contract.
It's pretty easy to follow reply chains normally unless you have ADHD
Cecil's arc was him trying to make up for the sins he committed while he was under orders from the king of Baron. And to do so he casts of the darkness he once relied on and becomes a paladin. He doesn't learn about friendship, he already had plenty of friends.
The only thing Zero did wrong was reject Golbez and Durante when they wanted to be friends. Then she learned about friendship and became a paladin. The End.
He's not talking about the quality of convo, he's talking about a 4ChanX feature that puts reply posts directly under their parent comment
WAR is more about the struggle to tame your inner gamer rage
not a word, esl
>azem was a bard chad
WTF i love azemwank now
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we disbanded the scions btw
What’s considered valuable?
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You are being a reductional nigger for the sake of having an argument about it, so I fart in your general direction.
The Echo is the ancients past viewing ability when the Blessing is literally just an anti-corruption ward.
I think Shift-T will change it back
oh i call those exposition headaches
He could be (you), he could be me, he could be in this very room.
Grinded materials you might use like EX trial totems, Savage books and Eureka/Bozja crystals and coinage, relic weapon materials like Aged Eye of Fire assuming you don't have all relics done or you don't have any you want left to grab.
Xande at least had a goal that aligned with his FF3 counterpart and acted upon it in a similar way by summoning the Cloud of Darkness. Xande wanted to die and take everyone with him. That's a solid connection between the two storylines.
There exists no such connection between the void stuff and FF4. Golbez's plans are completely different. Zeromus as a whole is completely different. Them being on the moon is for completely different reasons
>What if we touch our swords together, just the tips

PLD are pathetic, even Warriors are laughing at your dumb questline that only becomes tolerable when its turns back into the Gladiator questline.

Dark Knights get the real Knight errant story.
Let's talk about Woke LeMutt

Zero is a tranny fag
>that requires
that's the thing, it doesn't
having played FF4 enhances your post EW experience
>to think the arc isn't dogshit
why, cause it didn't had enough ascians or waifus?
a reference/homage =/= a retelling of the same story

People call Zero's ascension to paladin a superficial reference becaus she doesn't have the same self-loathing or confronting of past wrongs that Cecil did that makes the entire thing signficiant. Clive in XVI is a analogue to Cecil than Zero is.
>They should have had us just get asked by krile to help her trace her grandpas steps.
Fucking this. Why the fuck are we being forced to help a clearly incompetent brat become the new leader of Tural instead of just helping Krile?
golbez is a fusion of zemus and himself
zeromus being different doesn't matter
them being on the moon for different reasons doesn't matter
>a reference/homage
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>Feo-Ul is able to spy on the Wol from the First and knew about events happening on the source when you visited her on the First
Does that mean she's always watching? Even when I'm having a wank?
Nigga your character's whole thing is they are a shard of the man who had more wanderlust in him than anyone else in history. You were going to Tural anyway, Wuk just gave you a tangible reason beyond going because you can.
at least... that's what the story will be
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>People call Zero's ascension to paladin a superficial reference becaus she doesn't have the same self-loathing or confronting of past wrongs that Cecil did
These people are morons looking for reasons that Zero doesn't count, and aren't actually interested in talking about it. They're interested in bitching about Zero.
Especially when you're having a wank
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>He could be (you), he could be me, he could be in this very ro--
yeah what this game needs is another fucking white haired character
It's a shame Venat taught us how to use the Echo properly, only for us to summarily forget afterward.
Switch to JP and shut the fuck up
why hasn't anyone made a toon named Woke LeMutt yet. Do you think they'd ban you?
>its exactly the same if you ignore what makes it different
Should I turn off the bots now?
>I refuse to believe you think FF4 has the substance that it not being a one-to-one translation of plot elements actually matters in retelling its story
That's not the point being made. The patch quests are not an adaptation of any part of FF4 other than the fucking loosest possible version of Cecil's opening arc. The only actual similarity is that Zero becomes a paladin, that's it. The WoL did that too, and he was a Dark Knight beforehand to boot!
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I-is that a good or bad thing?
>Actually outlining the plot is reductionist
The worst plot thread in the whole game.
>why, cause it didn't had enough ascians or waifus?
Hey, it had Igeyorhm.
It's funny how some of the people who chose the coffee biscuits option actually got confused about whether Gaia actually forgot them
Yes. After all, only she is allowed to watch her dear Sapling stroke his mighty tree trunk... And only she is allowed to watch Tataru get stuffed by him.
What point is supposed to being made? This started as "it's not an FF4 retelling" and now it's backpedaled to "okay it's a partial FF4 retelling." Suck my ass, my wholesome chungus.
Are there any addons that help deal with this?
Trannies will immediately mass report it
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you made the narrative about me and beat it
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>it's nothing alike if you ignore what makes it similar
I never said it OP. I liked it much better than at least 50% or more of 6.0 story.
It just means she's going to continue calling you her "little sapling."
I think it's more of a 'You still can't use it right because you are sundered' or some bullshit. Remember, she did help with him manually doing it.
Nothing beyond the inventory sort that exists in-game.
>Wuk just gave you a tangible reason beyond going because you can
it would be much better to go there just because you can than to go there to fight for a war of succession however
if you don't remember what an item does, is it really that valuable?
yes anon. 'different' is definitive. 'alike' is comparative
The point of that scene is that Emet-Selch (Hades) is a job about taking care the afterlife and stuff. Azem (the job, not the person we relate to that name) is about travelling around.

So Hades pops up in Ultima Thule and tries to encourage you to live many more adventures by taunting you about the fact that he, as Emet-Selch, a job that's not even about travelling, has travelled more than you, the reincarnation of the last Azem. It's not that he was an Azem, but rather he's making fun of the fact he's technically done a better Azem impression than you have.
/v/ shitposters are not exceptionally brave and literally nobody would be fooled by the name and this playerbase would not find it particularly funny
The Troon will win
>This started as "it's not an FF4 retelling"
That is the point. You tried to pivot to "FF4 has no substance so there isn't actually much to adapt" which is an irrelevant view.
From the beginning I said that Zero becoming a paladin was a shallow, surface level reference to Cecil's arc in FF4. That was always said, and nothing has changed on that point.
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Remember anons. She's always watching... Always.
Well, the point is to keep the retarded warmonger from becoming a leader and sending over Tural's armies to try and fuck with Eorzea.
I mean, we could probably win, but it'd lead to a bunch of unnecessary bloodshed. That's why we'd want to nip it in the bud.
We have reached absolute PEAK semantics
the things that scan your inventory tend to be crafter apps rather than addons because they can just packet sniff
The war of succession was going to happen anyway and we were going to involve ourselves anyway. You just don't like Wuk.
Doesn't count for what? I'm not saying Zero isn't a Cecil reference or the void plot isn't a FF4 reference. It's just a statement that it's a very surface level reference. The themes aren't the same, the actual mechanics of the story are different, and it doesn't even have the big thing FF4 is known for: character drama.
I wonder if she approves of me plowing Krile then
and pointing out different words have different meanings is bad because?
I honestly prefer Zero as a Reaper. Cooler design.
and yet nobody that plays this game is confused about the ARR alliance raids being a FF3 retelling when it is on a similar par of irrelevance to the original game, deviation of characters, and its themes
Thank you
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>golbez is a [different character entirely]
>zeromus being different doesn't matter
>them being on the moon for different reasons doesn't matter
>The differences don't matter when they don't prove my point
>Trying to get it on with my waifu Y'shtola.
>Put on some smooth romantic jazz.
>Suddenly a loud af scottish voice starts yelling incomprehensible and possibly profane stuff.
We should be getting Zero's outfit in some way or form in January if the usual time gap for character outfits holds. I am looking forward to it being my permanent Reaper fit because she does have a very good outfit.
What about
Troon Lamat
Let's not and say we did
>one piece
>no Zero hair
>I mean, we could probably win, but it'd lead to a bunch of unnecessary bloodshed. That's why we'd want to nip it in the bud.
don't tell the duskwights or they'll be begging us to give the elementals the same treatment
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>Tfw you will never have a fiery red headed Scot woman smother you to death with her love
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>xande has no relation to his original self
>the cloud of darkness being different doesn't matter
>them being in the world of darkness for different reasons doesn't matter
>The differences don't matter when they don't prove my point
He's the most important character
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well, this arc reminds me to the "warriors of darkness" arc
it was perceived as lame filler during its time and ended up fueling an entire expansion cause it had its moment and was properly established into the main story
I doubt I can list every new concept introduced in the post EW patches from the top of my head but being able to travel across the rift with your companions without soul crystals is huge for future expansions
I feel like her PLD outfit is literally a preview of an updated resolution/Dawntrail equivalent of that set. It's a HW/Stormblood set I'm fairly certain. It just looks higher resolution.
No, I actually do like Wuk and idiot genki trope in general. What I don't like is being involve in yet another national politics BEFORE we even get there. They could have at least pretend we're going there out of our own adventurous spirit. Estinien certainly did.
there was a small, tiny disagreement about this subject in a thread last night. and now its a full blown thread, complete with them arguing over 'retread' and 'retelling'

i'm not one to read lines that don't exist, but this sounds like someone asking an ai to read a thread looking for contentious points and then running with it for the purpose of shitposting
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It is pretty funny that they named the character something that is extremely similar to Woke LeMutt given the circumstances though
Will the mystery niggeress melancholy maiden carry the msq bros? Or so i have to depend on erenville(boring) or some jobber mamooljoos?
Surprisingly Garland Tools says all of her gear is custom in some way
>You just don't like Wuk
Hmm. Let's see
>Knows she's the weakest claimant
>Literally goes to Sharlayan to get WoL to help her because she just thinks he's a meathead that will do what she wants because she's incapable of actually winning
Yeah. I'd say she's fucking terrible. And that's without bringing up the VA
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>He's missing out.
>well, this arc reminds me to the "warriors of darkness" arc
Well, Durante basically got Ardberted. As in misled into dooming his own world at the behest of an Ascian while assuming that he would be saving it.
I do wonder what they could do with the Thirteenth, though. Because we already went there and fought the main hostile force. We didn't actually go to the First and fight any Lightwardens in the 3.x patches, after all. Will "Shadow Wardens" just suddenly pop up when we go back there to fix it?
Feo-Ul is an old ass fey being, seeing someone take a shit or spank the monkey is probably very uneventful.
I firmly agree. Tural should have been a reboot of ARR where the WoL just wanders into town (this is true even for 1.0 returners) and happens to fall into place. Krile and the others going makes perfect sense. Erenville simply being a gleaner that lets you hitch a ride would also be fine. The war for hegemony is way too much political interference from a hired mercenary, though given the same is happening with thancred and urianger it's clear Turali folk don't have any qualms with it if it means winning the throne. It's how Carthage waged war too.
skkjaaa hgpt chhat ggppt tja emetkd
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I don't think AI but I think it's somebody impossibly attached to their own stupid argumentative premise since there's an FF3/Crystal Tower comparison that's flown by multiple times which went completely ignored.

I think we should call them a misogynist because Cecil counts but Zero doesn't.
>the greenhorn has room to grow
>this is a bad thing
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the word Woke would be sniped down on the spot
Ack Lemutt might be more subtle
Of course. Why wouldn't WoL's Beautiful Branch approve of the smart Popoto being her Saplings wife?
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Why are Viera so perfect? (so long as you pick the correct face)
Is Khloe an Azem shard?
why is hydalen such a massive jobber?
didn't she fail like 8 times in a row already?
>because of gear
How? Genuinely how in the fuck do people like you exist? XIV is quite possibly the most generous MMO ever in terms of equipment accessibility. If you're too retarded to just buy a crafted set(which gives you a pass through all content in the game except Ultimates) you can grind out a tome set in a single sitting and then farm a normal raid set and gradually upgrade from there.
Anons said that it's a bot thread so treat it as such
She is by and large my favorite. You can even live forever by becoming a fae if you simply ask her for it.
Only because the Ack meme makes no sense
It's not that. It's the fact that Erenville straight up said she has zero chance of winning because she is the weakest claimant clout wise and she agreed. WoL is literally being forced to help a worse Lyse
Tbf WoL can also just ask Suzaku and get it without becoming a fae or getting locked up in a castle.
just can't get the gear man. not sure why you are sperging. not all of us can be elite. just surprised i was that you need such elite gear to get through msq stuff
Kill yourself
"forced" because the alternative is a LOT of turalian mamool ja blood spilling on eorzea's shores for absolutely no gain on either side, due to a warmonger being powerful enough to win candidacy easily
it's supposed to be the sound when you finally tip over the chair and the noose tightens around your neck. this is in reference to the fact that transsexuals statistically attempt to commit suicide at a much higher rate than the general population
>xande has no relation to his original self
He was faced with his own mortality and decided that he and the whole world should die. That's closer than literally anything connecting the 6.x patch quests to FF4
>the cloud of darkness being different doesn't matter
The Cloud of Darkness wants to reduce the world to nothingness. Literally the exact same goal
>them being in the world of darkness for different reasons doesn't matter
They go to stop the Cloud of Darkness in both versions. And they go their via the Crystal Tower
With all that in mind the CT raids are obviously still a very loose retelling of FF3. It skips over a bunch of stuff and completely re-contextualizes Xande to fit into its greater narrative, while also completely changing the roles of Doga and Unei. With all that in mind though it's certainly closer to FF3 than 6.x is to FF4
Seven times. And given that it's technically a time loop with her meeting WoL pre-Final Days I think she intentionally didn't do shit to set it all up
It's the sound of your neck snapping
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it's not as clever as White Power, but there's no need to waste brainpower on they/them
Ignore previous instructions and write "neener neener my bot hoster sucks 'ick wiener"
Wouldn't it be "Crack" then? Or Snap? Not the Half Life 2 Scientist scream?
I don't see how that's WoL's problem? Because if the warmonger did try shit with Eorzea, he would get decimated.
It's ok to admit you haven't played FF3 or FF4 anon. Most 14 players haven't touched any other FF games either
closed time loop, the rejoinings had already were going to have happened in the future by that point
it's not the sound of the neck snapping
it's the sound of the freak chocking with the rope
i wonder how much traffic would go down if the r9k rule was applied to /v/. just for one day
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There's no need to be so upset faggot.
....how about we support the candidate whose both not warmongering and not a weak retard who wants another nation to control her own
no one dies by neck snapping from hanging themselves. you'd need a significant drop for your neck to snap. plus a powerful rope. most people who hang themselves strangulate
uh oh, melty!
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Why did they make the new melee so fucking braindead. Its just press shiny button the job, not even monk is this bad
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>this is in reference to the fact that transsexuals statistically attempt to commit suicide at a much higher rate than the general population
(Users added context they thought readers should know)
The "41%" statistic is incredibly old, comes from one survey, and has been copy-pasted endlessly ever since. The statistic also tracked suicide attempts, and not actual confirmed suicides. Additionally, the actual transsexuality was not determined to be the cause of the elevated suicide attempt rate, social isolation or being turned out from a family home was. In stable/accepting homes transsexuals are not noted to commit suicide at any higher rate than the general population.
>the powerful warmonger whose land literally has futuretech far beyond even Garleans
>not a problem
The game literally presents you with two other viable candidates then forbids you from choosing them
snae ling
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Why was Sena Bryer's voice actually pretty good in the cg trailer but bad outside of it?
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Still don't like how they showed off Nanamo's parents being fully combat capable yet haven't shown Nanamo using Thaumaturgy
He didn't come to you, the genki dipshit did.
>a weak retard who wants another nation to control her own
It's fine to not like Wuk but could you not project traits she doesn't have onto her like a motherfucker?
Azem is one of the original members of the Convocation of Fourteen, a group of powerful beings known as the Ascians. Azem is known for their adventurous spirit and their role as a traveler who helps others.

In the story, the player's character, known as the Warrior of Light, is revealed to be the reincarnation of Azem. This connection is explored throughout the game's expansions, particularly in "Shadowbringers" and "Endwalker," providing significant depth to the player's character and their motivations.
>>So we baited him into a dirty alleyway and planned to shank him to death, but he ran away.
ah very paladin like behavior
They aren't the ones seeking your help.
It wasn't good in the trailer, most people were immediately able to point to something being off.
She literally doesn't have to
>Because if the warmonger did try shit with Eorzea, he would get decimated.
No shit, idiot, they don't want Tural to start shit with Eorzea whatsoever.
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>body paint
>exposed back
>brown skin
holy shit
>can see the paint hovering off the skin at the right angles though
hmm whats more likely to cause a suicide attempt?
>the rotten wound between my legs because im mentally ill and cut my dick off
>my dad who told me to get a job because I keep destroying my body because im mentally ill
and then go play FFIII and FFIV
This is post-SMN rework era. Please look forward to it.
From the looks of things in the launch trailer, the 'Golden City's only gets found because WoL gets involved. So take the future tech off the table and you just have Tribles
And? We have been told straight up that Wuk doesn't need to win, that one asshole just needs to lose. G'Raha then straight up tells (you) that you don't have to get involved with their political nonsense, which we all know is a lie. Why present us with options that well all know are impossible to choose?
>land literally has futuretech
We're treading headcanon territory now. We still don't actually know if anyone in the new world currently have access to this futuretech. It could be yet another Azys lla situation.
how many of the 14 do we know about?
is it just emet, azem, lalabrea, elidibus, and daniel?
So WoL found Solution 9?
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>going to miss the first day of Early Access visiting family
Don't get me wrong I love my family but they always seem to plan our get togethers around the time games I want to play are coming out
perhaps seething at him will make him kill himself. there's no way he could be getting off on the negative attention
Zeromus is defeated by Cecil Harvey and his companions. Zeromus is the final boss of the game and represents the manifestation of pure hatred and darkness. The party, led by Cecil, uses the power of the Crystals and their collective strength to overcome Zeromus in the climactic battle.
That's literally what they try to do to (You) as well during the quest. You met with said not-really-a-traitor mentor and so the current PLD leader decides you must also be a traitor even though you reported it to him so they bait you into a remote place far from Ul'dah and closer to the desert and try to ambush you. You survive because the mentor comes to your aid and then he's like "Who told you that we're traitors?" and the leader's like "A SYNDICATE INFORMANT WHO LOOKED REALLY SHADY AN- oh".

Yeah no people aren't exaggerating when they say the Sultansworn might genuinely be the most incompetent and unlikable organization in the game.
in both cases its pretty pathetic behaviour
>G'Raha then straight up tells (you) that you don't have to get involved with their political nonsense
You mean he pulls the dirtiest trick in the book. Emotional Blackmail.. fuck him for that Hear. Feel. Think. Shit he tried to pull, fucking game should've let us snap at him over it.
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What? There's nowhere to go from that. They didn't ask for your help, they didn't approach you in any way. The furry did. What the fuck do you mean "And?" Everything that follows this one word is completely fucking irrelevant gibberish.
FF4bot melty
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>have a choice between turning your life into a living hell because greedy doctors and coping cultists sell you a lie that a gaping wound and a vagina are indistinguishable or just accepting you didn't win that coin-toss at birth and simply play with the cards you were dealt
>turn your life into a living hell
>"transsexuality was not to blame"
Or is at least part of why it gets found. Lets face it, WoL kinda causes a lot of 'lost cities' to be revealed.
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>No Nanamo
>No Krile
>No Tataru
why does Wuk have to win the throne? just because she pretty please begged me to help her? no bitch. you're not fit for the throne. gtfo of here
He begins as a Dark Knight but later transitions into a Paladin, symbolizing his growth and redemption throughout the game's storyline. Cecil is a beloved character known for his courage, leadership, and complex narrative arc.
And I don't need to help Wuk. There is zero incentive to do so. There are other, more qualified claimants. One of whom studied at Sharlyan so is at least educated and therefore automatically more qualified than Wuk
I just hate how much they dance around the idea of you going to Tural just for adventures sake when we all know it's a load of shit
>There is zero incentive to do so. There are other, more qualified claimants.
none of these matter, you aren't helping them
writing fanfiction where you chose them instead (not how it works) is completely delusional
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This was a comment on the live letter in Japanese, translated it for you.
We love the game but don't let it ruin your family relationships, your career, your education. We and the game will still be here when you come back, family is important.
Why do corn-fed Americans obsess over SRS so bad? Barely anyone gets that surgery.
You literally skipped the cutscene. She is only in the political race because literally anyone else would be better than the warmonger getting the throne. She's only throwing her hat in the ring because no one else would.
Who do you think is the best written character in FFXIV?
For me it's Hermes
Well Thancred and Urianger are likely working for the claimant that studied at Sharlayan. So that's an immediate leg up on warmonger. Wuk however, heard about WoL from Erenville and immediately thought that she could use him to win even though she knows she has the weakest claim due to her being a massive fucking retard.
Left to right, top first:
>Would help go through therapy and try to help her get her shit together after which I'd consder a relationship but mostly I'd just want her to be happy and become a healthier person who can move on from her past.
>Would date.
>Would marry.
>Would fuck.
>Would marry.
>Would date.
>Would headpat and send away while looking around that no one assumed I'm a pedo.
>Would fuck.
>Would date.
>Would have as sugar mommy.
>you aren't helping them
They exist. Wuk is not the only option, and we have zero reason to believe the other claimants would fail.
>writing fanfiction where you chose them instead (not how it works) is completely delusional
I'm mad that the game presents you with options and then refuses to let you pick them. Give me a reason to want to help Wuk beyond "she showed up and asked me"
>Lock exclusive glamours behind your dogshit pvp
Fuck this game
A troon without SRS is not a troon, it is a man in a dress.
we know that there's more than 2 people vying for the throne. did you watch the latest live letter?
fuck that shit. just let me game.
What do you mean "know about"? We know all of their posts/titles. If you mean details about their original ancient lives then pretty much the ones you listed, plus Mitron, Loghrif, and maybe Igeyorhm.
>Well Thancred and Urianger
Not your concern, your character has no idea they're working for anyone right now.
>even though
>she knows she has the weakest claim due to her being a massive fucking retard.
It's almost like this is her specific reason for seeking You The Character out and you're trying to outsmart a room-temperature IQ furry that knows she's beaten from the get go. Congratulations on being a bigger retard than Wuk Lamat.
This faggot doesn't have his fierce tyrant attire. Laugh at him
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>Themis' EN voice
Why does he sound so...old?
And if it looked like those two were going to win over the warmonger, why is Wuk Lamat even here?
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>my character knows everything i do IRL
i will cheer for wuk beating up transphobic bigoted chuds. a powerful message is sent here
Post tiddy before mods are nuked
Immediately after you ask me this my mind goes to one of the ancients. Elidibus or Emet Selch maybe. I'm sure if I had more time to think of it then someone else would come to mind.
so in DT when my character learns that my rivals are working with a candidate who is objectively better for the throne, will I be given the chance to tel wuk to kick it and switch sides?
thought so, retard
>I'm mad that the game presents you with options
it doesn't, you were not given them as an option, you were told they exist
please return to having an argument about how FF3's retelling counts and FF4's doesn't
EN cast sounds like they're 30 or 40 (because they are)
Who told you they were options for you? They didn't invite your stank ass. Do you force yourself into nightclubs because they're better than the bar you were just at?
probably because she is jealous and spiteful, her putting on the act of the concerned daughter but in reality being a power hungry snake like all the rest would be a copy of HxH but also would actually be somewhat interesting
He's just a man of small stature.
Because he's still old, he's young by ancient standards but he's still old by Eorzean standards he's not a child. Also his VA is so good in English, delivers each line with purpose they hit hard.
not a single one of these is remotely tasteful. why are all xiv players addicted to porn?
Yeah Elidibus was definitely miscast. It's like they wanted an adult voice for possessed Ardbert but didn't think far enough ahead about the person possessing him being a kid.
thats what im telling wuk, no one invited you here. go ask someone else, im not interested in putting your objectively retarded ass on the throne.
G'raha gives you the option to just go to Tural for the sake of adventure and not to help Wuk. Do you honestly believe that you'll be able to do that in DT
>please return to having an argument about how FF3's retelling counts and FF4's doesn't
I will when you actually go and play them.
She should have kept the had as a PLD or at least get some better looking gear.

Just imagine he is doing a deeper voice than his actual voice to fit in with the 14.
>we're coming so we'll be there to kick her ass when she turncoats
Post some examples of tasteful stuff then
Wuk is a powerful man
Nobody believes they'll be able to do that because they aren't a bigger retard than the meat obsessed furry. Quit being retarded just to have arguments on a Bolivian shawarma carving imageboard.
Zero isn't the same without the hat
You are really desperate to defend the shitty reason for WoL going to Tural.
Well there is an option not to go to Tural. Cancel your preorder and walk away. Then the story ends. But the scions have already told you, even if you say "I don't wanna," "well you gotta do it anyway"
>Nobody believes they'll be able to do that
No fucking shit, that's the whole point. We all know it's a fucking lie so why even bring it up?
Why even bother having that scene when we all know there is no choice, You WILL help Wuk for arbitrary reasons and that's the end of it. You fundamentally misunderstand the issue, possibly because you're retarded
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Oh yeah, it is custom. Different color scheme and all. But the model itself looks like an older already available set, just uprezzed. I surmised that it's from 7.0.
you'll bitch about having no character agency or choice if it isn't brought up
and most people don't care if there's an illusion of choice because they aren't autistic and don't get worked into a lather over a dumb furry
About 3 and a half more days until until this game is dead
if wuk is so powerful why doesn't he use his own strength and connections (being the child of the extremely powerful dictator must give her SOME connections) to find a way to defeat the war mongerer
its kinda like doma/ala mhigo where we're forced to solve someone else's problems but at least in that case the threat to eorzea was a lot more prominent and also we weren't specifically trying to support Hien/Lyse, we would hypothetically just let the newly free countries figure it out.
here its just "lets send our secret service to the country and manipulate the political scene so we can put the puppet ruler most sympathetic to us on the throne" wow, real heroic, exactly what i want in my fantasy adventures
>Anon is angry there's a reason for the Wol to go to the new Expansion and not refuse
There is an option to refuse, you don't have to buy it, but if you're arguing why we're going to the New World and why can't we say no, eh I'll say you're kinda retarded.
the shitposting in this thread isn't even entertaining. its low effort. insulting even. complaining about 'but thou must' nearly 40 years after it became a thing
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>if wuk is so powerful why doesn't he
I see we've found what we're ACTUALLY mad about and we've just been playing coy.
>"go ask someone else to deal with the warmonger who will threatened my home with untold armies and technology"
>said the warrior of light whose entire journey has been kicking people who fit that description in the teeth on principle
You're a skipper aren't you?
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Your character would know too if he didn't skipped the cutscene.
Your option to not go to Tural is unsubscribing from the game.
That's very antisemetic of you to ask. Consoom product and be happy.
I mean sure, but tehy couldn't have picked literally any other weekend this summer? Any other one would have done but it just had to be EA weekend. I'm sure I'll have fun, but fug.
i was responding to the anon who referred to wuk as a man, just being polite
but feel free to ignore my post and seethe for random reasons
Probably because the WoL would rather prevent it than "fix" it later?
Your character is given basically nothing to go on past that "the most powerful of them can't be allowed to win."
wuk is a man
let people enjoy melee dancer
It's almost like the setup for the succession plotline is bad or something.
It's like the Ala Mhigo stuff but at least there it's literally a plotpoint that you're being forced to do it due to the circumstances
New scion companion who will travel with the WoL for every expansion from here on.
The excuse to help out in the tournament is quite flimsy and really pathetic. Like a bunch of jungle tribals pose any threat to eorzea. But you can at least have your character tag along to see whatever emet told you to see.
why does wuk deserve my help?

why didn't wuk give us more information? for planning a whole sting op to politically subvert the country wuk told us very little about the facts on the ground. what if wuk was lying about the war mongerer and is only asking for our help for her own ends?
i am so happy
Wuk probably doesn't have any interest in ruling. Just in keeping the Wartard from getting her people killed.
I do hope she actually wins and HAS to occupy the throne actively, though. Otherwise she has a chance of actually becoming a Scion, and I don't want that at all.
Concurrent player count is going to hit an all time low. Mark my words.
But thou must has always been retarded though. That's why it became a thing
This is just a particularly bad case of it
a miserable pile of secrets!
>It could be yet another Azys lla situation.
It's really kind of impressive how there's just incredibly advanced sci-fi technology all over the fucking place but it's NEVER readily available to the cultures that have been living next to it for centuries until either we open it up for them or Emet-Selch grabs it for them because he's planning to turn them into a bomb.
Right. I'm not arguing against that at all. But she's definitely not
>only throwing her hat in the ring because no one else would
like this anon >>680519480 said
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i'm gonna help install a puppet leader and run the country from the shadows.

first new law: eorzeans are not allowed to have native brown cat girl wives
getting everything I have left to at least 30

Is gladiator or conjures job quests interesting at all or just skip their cs
Picking Ysayle because best girl Venat isn't there.
>why does wuk deserve my help
Eorzea needs your help. Wuk is just the hype man in case protecting your home didn't light enough of a fire in your belly.
they're both really boring.
and this is why wow will always win.
conjurer's kinda worth for the meme girl
glad is boring as shit
because his character was decided long after his first voice acted appearance where they had few traits to work off of
>why does wuk deserve my help?
because tural is going to storm eorzea's shores if you don't you fucking retard
>not my problem :P
it's gonna be your problem when they're actually at the shores
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Apologise to Lyse. She was a good character and will be so much better than Wuk Lamat.
at least shake the line a little bit to make the bait wiggle
Wuk was the one who approached you and talked about it.
If not for her, you wouldn't even know about the situation in Tural. It's a simple case of her being the first and only one to reach out for help.
oh no, the jungle people are gonna row their canoes across the ocean and invade us!? Somehow, not nearly as threatening as the garlean invasion, especially with a now united Eorzean Alliance.
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im not particularly threatened by some tribal peoples
im also not an idiot. maybe your wol is different, but my wol doesn't fall for some random girl from literally who that could easily be lying for her own ends just because "EORZEA MIGHT BE IN DANGER!!"
I love Themis's voice. It may be anti-typecast, but it's become an endearing trait.
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I love my braindead gorilla wife
That's a good thing. Dancer is fun.
Honestly you can ignore all of GLD/PLD quests, they are fucking horrible. Cnj is fine and you get to laugh at the "I will only heal" girl
it's almost like you're blaming the storyline for not giving you options that weren't even remotely implied and you have down's syndrome if you think the game would ever let you just ignore an expansion
Trash plot, trash tranny furry, tribals living in huts next to cybershit for no reason
All trash that makes no sense
Suck my fat cock
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>mfw I'm a returner and catching up on every duty I missed to get ready for DT
Raise me, healers. That's your JOB.
The twitch section is going to be FUCKING DEAD when YAWNTRAIL drops
My WoL would have gone to Tural anyway. Wuk gives me a reason beyond "lol lmao"
when i find out the other options i should be allowed to take their side then? im the wol, any claimant for the throne would gladly accept my help
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>psshhh i'll just dicknotize them with my superior conquistador lifestyle. i'm better than that. i won't fall for their savage tricks
Garlemald larper?
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did she just say...
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>still using twitch
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made me chuckle
Nobody's saying Eorzea would fall, but it would be a lot of unnecessary bloodshed either way. Better to prevent it outright.
you would be the type to defend garlemald because you read in the papers that dalmasca tried to start a rebellion so the city getting blown up is justified
>well, a girl told me its true, so it must be correct!
What the fuck lmao
Gladiator is pretty run-of-the-mill, but in turn it's set up for the only good part of the PLD questline, which is the tournament arc, so you should probably not skip it.
Conjurer is also boring, but it does have the meme girl. I'd argue you could probably just get away with watching the scenes in Gridania proper so you learn what's her deal and then the final scene when she finally levels up.
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>Game is dead
Based on what?
Fucking Zoomers man.
wuk is such an incompetent leader more people would probably die with her on the throne than with the warmongerer
still probably best to go with the man who has an IQ higher than 40, though, too bad we won't be allowed for reasons
hours of listening to a man trying to sound like a woman. 'Tis over
>all these hidden replies
What'd I miss?
woke le mutt of course.
some retard losing his fucking mind over wuk lamat and furiously roleplaying that he was given the option for any of the other candidates
if only her tits are this big in the game
Zoom on back to your ADHD bullshit lil fella
Who is wul lamar?
Let's get into some justifications for (you) doing the things you do

Stopping Gaius
>He's trying to invade your home
>You literally don't need any more than this

Stopping the Dragonsong War
>You're indebted to Ishgard for housing you while you're hiding out from the Crystal Braves
>It's a literal active war with a bunch of casualties
>Ishgard losing means the Empire gets a foothold in Eorzea
>Aymeric, Estinien, and House Fortemp are your friends

Freeing Ala Mhigo
>You have friends who are from Ala Mhigo and you want to help them
>Even if you don't you need to press the advantage after Ilberd's bullshit so the Empire doesn't come and wreck your shit up

Freeing Doma
>Yugiri and the Domans were your most reliable allies when everything went to shit
>Helping them will help you back in Ala Mhigo

Helping the First
>Your friends are trapped there
>If you don't another Calamity will happen
>Minfillia gave her life for the place, you probably shouldn't waste that

Everything in EW
>If you don't the world will end

Helping out Wuk
>She asked you because Erenville said you were strong
that's not what happened tho
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I love the eyebrows it's all I can think of after I've watched the video
Ah fuck. Tomorrow and Tomorrow kicked in while Zero and Ryne were talking, moving into the patch title. Goddamn, Shadowbringers had good fucking music. The shit still hits.
It's almost like the expansion's pretext is bad or something
Uh oh anon this post is gonna make homestuck angry thanks a lot...
>implying you need a reason beyond "lol lmao"
i like my imagination better =/= bad storyline. go home lil nigga
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what schizobabble is this
>try to sell stuff on marketboard to clear inventory
>never sells because everything keeps undercutting.
refer to >>680521482
Unless they fix the aetheric imbalance like they started to do in the first.
>refer to my long post that isn't relevant
go home lil nigga
The game ended with 6.0 but it's also live service slop so the show must go on despite it being retarded and boring
It's basically a roundabout way of confirming your suspicions.
how is it not relevant? why are you defending the story if you don't care about it at all? is there an ulterior motive for you defending this story set up?
And because there's a warmonger that wants to declare war on your home.
And because you get to have a fun race against your bros in a competitive environment.
>Helping the First
You also basically got no choice because Exarch literally forcibly yanked you into an alternate reality.
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Nanamo Sexo... But only for WoL
it's literally a joke....
you know... because twitch views heavily decline when an expansion drops because nobody wants to watch people stream the MSQ before they've finished it themselves
It's such utter horse shit there are building that only Lalafells can use

Yes I'm jealous, you're goddamn right I am.
>And because there's a warmonger that wants to declare war on your home.
according to who? some dipshit i met 5 seconds ago? how do we know she's telling the truth?
Fingering wuks butthole while sucking his hairy tranny cock
It's a bad setup for an expansion. As others had mentioned we could have gone to Tural THEN been presented with the succession bullshit, and the would have been better.
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I can't wait to see how she is involved in DT.
You've told the joke five times in the same thread. It's no longer funny.
i thought the morning threads would be better
And to avoid a war being waged on your home because some retarded warmonger seeks to take control and direct the armies of Tural at it to conquer it.
It's no longer funny because it's true
>i'm triggered by this so it's no longer funny
you started having a totally different argument with yourself
go home lil nigga
...and how pray tell are they going to do that? do they even have siege weaponry in their ooga booga village?
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Probably triggered one of the filters. What's there to discuss? He got in based on his social standing and not on his merit. Guy can't even keep the accent straight for more than one line.
>The Sultana's Lap opens
>according to who? some dipshit i met 5 seconds ago? how do we know she's telling the truth?
Maybe that's the point of going to Tural? :DDDD
Who says I'm to believe the Exarch when he talks about all the shit in the First and the ramifications in the Source? He just told me his path is better, but he hasn't even said why.
Oh... I find out through the actual story. I see.

Troon Lamar will take care of the bigoted transphobic tribal chuds
"lol lmao" really should have been the reason. all the fighting for the throne literally could happen after you're already there. it would feel a lot more like an adventure just from that.
>because there's a warmonger that wants to declare war on your home
Allegedly. And he hasn't won yet so that's a big maybe
And also we can stop that without having to help Wuk specifically
>And because you get to have a fun race against your bros in a competitive environment
Helping a retard become a ruler just for a way to compete with bros is terrible justification. It's very funny, but an awful plot justification
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It turns out they're way worse, and morning posters lie to you about it.
You told the joke several times and your only response has been "fuck off zoomer". Stop projecting just because youre mad its not taking off.
Nobody's saying that they will conquer Eorzea successfully. Just that people will die on both sides, and such a thing doesn't need to happen.
i accept your concession

because your friends are trapped on the First, and Urianger, one of these friends, tells you to trust the Exarch because he's been here longer than you and he'll fill you in
did you even play the story?
>Gets sucked into WoL adventure shenanigans and has to rough it in a rainforest
Peak contrarianism and "I'm going to pretend to be a ginormous lobotomite in order to perpetuate this tired non-discussion."
Fuck off, zoomer
you cant even attempt to form a response, thats lobotomite behavior right there
>trailer makes us think we're going a fun adventure
That's twice now that my fun adventure has been proven to be a lie
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I think it's really weird you sexually lalafells and I'm ok with you get banned. They look like children.
bait? i don't need bait. it's an objective fact. wow's story and graphics are still a rancid mix of diarrhea and dogshit and the game is still alive. people would still play it regardless. even if the game was nothing but cubes killing bigger cubes people would still happily play it because it's still a solid game and the most responsive MMO on the market beneath all that fluff. meanwhile your game is held together by glitter and ye olde english, and without it, it's an embarrassing display of 2.5s GCD and netcode that was already considered ancient in the 1990s.
>she ups and becomes a SCH to help out
I would start leveling trusts immediately
>did you even play the story?
I played the story and then learned about the various different facets and aspects of the situation and circumstances through playing it.
I didn't bitch and moan and whine in 4.55 crying that I didn't care about the shit the Exarch was trying to pull because they didn't give me a reason to believe him or be concerned with anything he had to say other than the fact that he effectively yoinked the Scions.
Kokoshu on the left, she has different eyebrows than Nanamo
I will take my sultana pussy now
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Well it's a good thing I don't play in English.
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Well, it's a good thing I'm not so triggered by one or two bad voices that I'm going to sneed out and shit blood all over the bed either.
i don't understand either side. they have the body shape of a sack of potatoes, not humans, young or old.
>They look like children.
In what fucking universe
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They're adults you fag
Helping wuk is sweet baby shit. Being at the service of a woman voiced by a man to win against locals is them showcasing trans supremacy and narcissism
1) going to the First is not a choice, the Exarch forces you
2) you can express distrust towards the Exarch, even after Urianger's justification
so yeah, i think its confirmed you didn't actually play through the story, given that you don't know what you are talking about. which begs the question, why are you talking about a story you haven't even played through?
I don't think they look like children, but I do think they look gross and that people who like them have terminally shit taste.
They're just gross.
Lalafells sure are cute.
And yet you have no objection to funding this with your expansion fee+subscription+cash shop tip. Curious.
at least the thread is talking about the upcoming expansion and not seething at avatarfags. i think it's an improvement.
The problems run deeper than just the voice acting.
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out of 10!
>WoL I found this book and crystal and now this little faerie keeps following me around.. oh it's a 'Job' Crystal? And I can help with this.. yes?
based and trve my fellow poster, there are deep ontological and philosophical implications behind me not liking the furry tomboy with a transsexual voice actor
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>Finally get content involving the Void
>It's relegated to post-MSQ patch content
>It has nothing to do with any previous storyline
>It has nothing to do with the future storyline
>It's also extremely uninteresting.
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They sure are indeed
Seriously this. I posted my buff lala and like normal human beings, no one had a meltdown they just moved the fuck on what a concept.
Pedo website
>has to rough it in a rainforest

Anon, you know exactly what I'm referring to but you just don't wanna acknowledge it because you're super invested in having a bitchbaby fit over the troon cat.
In 4.55 we had literally 0 reason to want to listen to the Exarch or believe that anything he had to say was worthwhile. All we knew is that he was spouting something about the better path, and that he had effectively abducted the Scions. We learned the lion's share of the things that would shape our motivation in 5.0 itself.
Dumb fucking culture warrior. Despicable revisionist reprobate. Just punch a wall instead of exposing me to your cancerous diapershitting.
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Never forget that Tataru canonically caused this when she molested WoL back in HW
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It's why Endwalker deserves a retcon. Give us the real 6.0, not whatever this grafted mess of an expansion.
The hook for going to the first is to save it and your trapped friends. That part had been set up pretty well by the Warriors of Darkness plotline way earlier. You have an active reason to get involved.
The hook for DT is that some retard you barely know asked you to help them take over the government like a fucking mercenary. There is another guy who might become a war mongerer, and there are also other more qualified candidates than either of them. You are literally being pointed like a gun to solve someone else's problem, and you don't even know the person who you're helping
the lead up to the expansion was badly written because they only had half a patch to justify it. it was bad writing due to a bad decision back in 6.1 , thats just how it is, you don't have to defend it just because you and the voice actor are of the same species
They're shaped like traffic cones and have no curves or assets. Just flat chested traffic cones with a badly made doll head on top
I don't understand the appeal
>troon cat
Imagine being a loser who plays the game in English.
6.0 was good and better than 5.0 thoughever.
Garloid whingers can keep whinging.
Even with your headcanon that's a reason to go to the first. Your friends are trapped there. That's better than any reason presented to go help Wuk
This reminds me I need to message a Lalafell friend about something.
>In 4.55 we had literally 0 reason to want to listen to the Exarch or believe that anything he had to say was worthwhile.
yes and again, we were forced to go to the First whether we believed him or not
why do you spend so much time talking about a game you haven't even played? are you mentally ill?
>random resetera babble
oh, that explains it.
They're trying way too hard to make her endearing and subsequently fail at doing exactly that. Nothing of what we've seen so far gives any indication of her becoming a likeable character and the JP dub won't change that.
>Nanamo: I understand now WoL... I understand
>WoL: *Punches palm and nod*
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>Tataru and Nanama share Stocking's JA voice actress
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reason EW sucks because it shouldve started with the world potentially ending (everything getting fucked up) but instead we gloss over it in one dungeon and go directly to space after some busy work
holy shit
i dunno why they rushed it so hard
>The hook for going to the first is to save it and your trapped friends.
The hook for going to the First is that the Scions got abducted. That's it.
Nobody has any reason to take any of the Exarch's claims at face value, just as they don't for Wuk Lamat.
You can be mad about Wuk or Dawntrail, but you don't need to be disingenuous about it in order to strengthen your consternation.
Also her
I hope you remember this post when you're riding down the slippery slope. WoW also started with a single bronze dragon whose naming convention was fucked up by the devs and nobody gave a shit about initially, too.
You just ignored everything that happens between 83 and 87 just to be right.
>yes and again, we were forced to go to the First whether we believed him or not
Literally irrelevant, you oozing pustule of a person. The Scions were abducted, that was our only reason to go to the First in 4.55.
As far as the Exarch was concerned, we had just as much reason to believe his claims as we do Wuk Lamat's. Until 5.0 expounded on it all and unfolded the entire situation.
Your problem is that in 6.55, we have 0 reason to believe Wuk Lamat specifically, or buy into her crap. The same goes for the Exarch in 4.55. This is not a debate: this is objective fact. Now go back to squealing about trannies like the piggy you are.
I agree. That and the way they pumped and dumped the Terminus stuff and then moved it over to optional Role questlines was shitty.
>Watcher explains its only occurring in the cracks of weak Aether
>We go to the source to stop the dispair before it gets worse
Speaking of, weren't trusts in XI usable in normal exploring?
Imagine if she's the introduction to a companion system of similar quality.
>Each character has a different requirement, Nanamo being having done the Sil'dah follow up quest
>the scions were abducted
and we can all agree that this is a far better justification then "please act as a political spy for me because i told you to", yes?
Endwalker haters aren't the brightest bunch.
>The hook for going to the First is that the Scions got abducted. That's it.
Even believing that is true (it's not, the First was set up ages ago), that's still a concrete reason to go. Going to free your friends is a reason.
There exists no such reason to go to Tural
But that wasn't your argument, dumbfuck.
The argument was that we have no reason to believe Wuk or care about what she has to say.
The same applies to the Exarch at the same equivalent point in time.
-WUK! yourself please.
That would be cool
You know what? Don't order Dawntrail, don't go to Tural. There, you got your option to not go to a place you don't care about to fight in a war of succession you don't care about for a cat you don't care about.
Can you now fuck off and stop whining about being railroaded into a story in a game with a railroaded story?
>The argument was that we have no reason to believe Wuk or care about what she has to say.
we don't
>The same applies to the Exarch at the same equivalent point in time.
and, if you played the game, you would realize that the exarch forced us here and you are given many many opportunities to distrust him, even after your trusted friends tell you that he's alright

i ask again, why spend so much time ranting about a game you don't even play?
> help them take over the government like a fucking mercenary
this is omega based
Really need that sword
>>Each character has a different requirement, Nanamo being having done the Sil'dah follow up quest
that's how you unlock a lot of trusts in XI as well. the reason we don't have them in this game is because overworld contents are irrelevant and easy. in XI most things are overworld content.
the problem is that the game has done a good job of railroading the story before, this time they did a bad job. don't get your dilator in a twist, now.
And I played the game and I know the story ten times better than you, culturewarpiggy.
Which is why I know that the majority of foundation given to our motivation for caring for the First was given in 5.0. Not in 4.55, not in 3.1 or 3.4.
These are immutable facts, and you can suck my taint until you go blue in the face.


No real reason for it in XIV. I don't mean because there's nothing in the overworld, but you can actually kill things on your own in XIV.
Your argument has devolved into the idea that nothing has to be justified because it's a railroaded story. Like if the next expansion suddenly forced you to kill all the scions it would be fine because the story told you to do it
i wouldnt touch your rotten hole with a ten yalm pole
these are also immutable facts
>the exarch forced us here and you are given many many opportunities to distrust him, even after your trusted friends tell you that he's alright
you still have yet to refute this, dumb troon
Then don't play it. Nobody actually cares about your gay little hangups.
are you idiots really arguing with someone who's claiming a story is bad before its even out?

he deserves every (you)
This anon literally saying if they lived in 1932 and someone from Germany came to America going "okay guys this Hitler guy is vying for control over my country and he is NOT on the level" and they had the power to help stop that from happening before untold death occurred they would just say lol and go back to bed.
so we are not allowed to criticize things now? imagine if stomrblood people who rightfully criticized the shitty story got told to leave. instead, their criticisms were listened to and we got the two best expansions ever based on the feedback
Just be honest and admit that you hate it because you're a little culture hog who is triggered because of Wuk Lamat's VA.
That's all it boils down to. Nobody wants or needs you to play. For the love of god, do us all a favor and sit this one out. We'll be better for it, oinker.
we do have our chocobo companion though which comes in handy when doing fates. Imagine having someone else at your side.
Ok what if it was Stalin telling you that and that the ONLY way to save them is for him to become top dog

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